(Team 05) - cs.kent.edu

Post on 17-May-2022

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Transcript of (Team 05) - cs.kent.edu

web design and programming 1


Team Leader:

Arleen Winters (CS) sheek.geek@gmail.com


Joe Sprinzl (CS) jsprinzl@kent.edu

Zachary Williams (VCD) ztwillia@kent.edu

David Baffoni (VCD) dbaffoni@kent.edu

Steve Arrowood (CS) sarrowoo@kent.edu

Back to Earth Productions

Project Definition

Project Requirements

Team Organization and Task Division

Information and Site Architecture

Team Neek

(Team 05)


Milestone 1

web design and programming 1

Project Definition Our team is creating a web site for Back to Earth Productions (BTEP), a new up and coming music production company. BTEP is a company recently formed by a group of KSU graduates and undergraduates trying to make their mark in the music industry (including team members David Baffoni and Zachary Willams). BTEP’s mission is to promote live musical events while donating a percentage of the proceeds to local environmental organizations. The main goal of the site is to bring awareness and create an identity for BTEP. The secondary goal of the site is to help promote awareness of the local musicians, venues, events, and environmental organizations that we represent.

The users of the site will be music fans, venue owners, environmental organizations, record companies, etc. Maintenance of the web site will be the responsibility of BTEP. We will attract visitors to the site with printed promotional materials at various musical events. Visitors will also be drawn through online advertisements and links on associated musicians’ and venues’ web sites.

When visitors come to the web site we want them to get the impression that we are a professional music production company with an emphasis on environmental issues. Our web site will give visitors information about the company, its mission, the musicians represented, and the events being promoted. New visitors will be able to join our mailing list to keep up to date with news and upcoming events or contact BTEP with any questions. Returning visitors can explore new musicians, merchandise, and view updates through news posting on the home page . The merchandise page will offer some BTEP clothing items, CDs, and other artist merchandise.

The idea behind the company is environmentally conscious music production. This will be reflected in the theme of the web site through the color scheme and the imagery. The web site will have an overall clean and orangized feel. In order to achieve this, the background of the site will be white with the body copy being a black san serif typeface. The color scheme will be white, green, blue, and brown (earth tones). We will use a left and bottom navigation bar to ground the site within the window. This is how our ideas will be implemented in the BTEP web site.

web design and programming 1

1. Information should be easy to find and links should be easy to navigate.

�. Clear language will be used so information is easily understood.

�. The home page will contain news updates and a mailing list sign up as well as links to the contact page, company information page, media/musicians page, links page, and merchandise page.

4. Users will be able to sign up for the company mailing list on the home page.

5. A form for submitting questions will be on the contact page.

6. Media page will provide access to band information and events.

7. Samples of music will be available to listen to on the site.

8. Users will be able to view the company merchandise and should be able to place orders (simulated).

9. A shopping cart will be implemented to facilitate ordering (simulated).

10. A simple database will be created to keep track of user information and orders.

Project Requirements

Team Organization and Task Division

VCD team member will be solely responsible for all design, identity aspects, and copy for the site.

CS team member will be responsible for all programming.

Specific task distribution will be decided in the next milestone.

web design and programming 1


Information and Site Architecture

web design and programming 1


Logo Concepts

web design and programming 1


Design Thumbnails