Teacher: Grade: Date(s): EALRS/GLES: EALR 1: The …17+SPI.pdf · Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s...

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Transcript of Teacher: Grade: Date(s): EALRS/GLES: EALR 1: The …17+SPI.pdf · Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s...

Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model

Teacher: Carrie Gibson Grade: 9-12

Subject: Spanish I Date(s): Jan 5-9, 2009

National Standards: In Chapter 5, students will communicate in spoken and written Spanish

on the following topics listed in the chapter objectives below. Students will provide and obtain

information, express opinions, and participate in conversations dealing with shopping for and

ordering food.

EALRS/GLES: EALR 1: The student uses listening and observation skills and strategies to gain

understanding. (The receptive aspect of the communication process: listening and observing)


1.1 — Uses listening and observation skills and strategies to focus attention and interpret


1.1.1--Applies a variety of listening strategies to accommodate the listening situation.

Uses listening strategies for: enjoyment listening, active listening (GLE 1.1.2),

empathetic listening, and critical listening (GLE 1.2.1) appropriate to the situation

1.2 — Understands, analyzes, synthesizes, or evaluates information from a variety of sources.

1.2.1--Evaluates effectiveness of and creates a personal response to visual and auditory


Compares literal and implicit meaning to respond to a statement.

Constructs personal meaning from visual and auditory information

Objectives: In Chapter 5, the student will

• order food or a beverage at a café.

• identify some food.

• shop for food.

• talk about activities.

• talk about differences between eating habits in the United States and in

the Spanish speaking world.

Recommended for Study: Palabras 1: http://www.quia.com/jg/56953.html

Palabras 2: http://www.quia.com/jg/56955.html

GRAMMAR REVIEW: http://www.studyspanish.com/lessons/regverb1.htm

And http://www.studyspanish.com/lessons/regverb2.htm and


VERB DRILLS: http://www.studyspanish.com/verbs/lessons/juster.htm and

http://www.studyspanish.com/verbs/lessons/justir.htm and



Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model

Monday: Handout: Practica Con Verbos, Verb Chart ER/IR Verbs due

tomorrow. Recommended for practice: http://www.spanish.bz/verbs.htm


Tuesday: WKBK, Act. A–G, pp. 53–55. WKBK, Mi autobiografía, p. 56. Due


Wednesday: Capítulo 5, (Proficiency Test); (Speaking Test).

Thursday: Situation Cards, Capítulo 5. Create a role play to present

Monday. Quiz tomorrow.

Friday: Class meets in the library to take online quizzes. Participation due.

Reminder: Chapter Test Tuesday.

Recommended for study:

GRAMMAR REVIEW: http://www.studyspanish.com/lessons/regverb1.htm



VERB DRILLS: http://www.studyspanish.com/verbs/lessons/juster.htm



Lesson Plans:

BRR: Bell Ringer Review

TWE: Teacher’s Wraparound Edition

CQ: Chapter Quizzes

STM: Student Tape Manual

WKBK: Workbook

Monday, el 5 de enero


____ Update agenda. BRR: Chapter 5 Magic Number Squares Verbs

____ Slap Game to review vocabulary.

____ Dice Game to review verbs.

____ TWE, Actividad escrita A, p. 155. (Cafetería o café)

____ Handout: Practica Con Verbos, Verb Chart ER/IR Verbs



____ Go over any homework assignments.

____ TWE, BRR. Dictado.

____ Use Communication Transparency C–5 to review the chapter.

____ Conversation.


____ TWE, Teaching Pronunciation, A–B, p. 147. Use STM, Actividad F, p. 56

(Cassette 4A/CD–3) and Pronunciation Transparency P–5 to practice

Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model


____ Review using STM Actividades. Finish and hand in.

____ TWE, Teaching the Reading, En un café en Madrid, pp. 148–149.

____ TWE, Después de leer A–B, p. 149.

____ Finish or review any activities from Culminación, TWE, pp. 154–155.

____ WKBK, Act. A–G, pp. 53–55. WKBK, Mi autobiografía, p. 56. Due


Wednesday, LATE START

____ TWE, Lectura opcional 1, p. 150. Hand in WKBK.

____ TWE, Conexiones, Las matemáticas, pp. 152–153 with partner.


____ Testing Program, Capítulo 5, (Proficiency Test); (Speaking Test).



____ Go over any homework assignments.

____ TWE, BRR, p. 148.

____ Speaking Test in groups of 3. Rotate the role of Interviewer,

Interviewer, and Evaluator.

____ TWE, Tecnotur, Video A–B, p. 157.


____ TWE, Learning from Photos, p. 148.

____ TWE, Learning From Photos, p. 150.

____ TWE, Lectura opcional 2, p. 151.

____ TWE, Informal Assessment, p. 151.

____ TWE, Learning From Photos, p. 151.


____ TWE, Juego, p. 154.

____ Situation Cards, Capítulo 5. Have students practice with a partner.

These situations may be practiced, then used as a part of formal

evaluation for the chapter test. Present Monday.



____ Practice with online quizzes for 10 minutes. Do not send. Take quizzes

for grade. Record and send.

____ www.conjuguemos.com, 1. PRESENT TENSE: regular verbs, 10 minutes, record

and send.

____ If time allows, take practice quiz online.

____ Participation Due

____ Reminder: Chapter Test Tuesday.

Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model


____ Summarize the formation of -er and -ir verbs.

____ Have team competitions using erasable slates or verb drill sheets to

conjugate the verbs. Reward winning team with pesos or other prizes.


____ Present Role Plays


____ TWE, Writing Strategy, p. 155.

Tuesday, el 16 de enero

____ Maratón mental Videoquiz.


____ Testing Program, Capítulo 5

Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model


Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model

La comida

Las frutas

las uvas el melón el durazno La pera la piña

la ananá

el limón

la sandía la manzana la banana,

el plátano

la cereza las fresas,

las frutillas

la naranja

Las verduras, los vegetales

los frijoles el aguacate la pimienta la zanahoría el apio el elote,

El choclo

Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model

el trigo El tomate la lechuga la aceituna la cebolla la papa

El coliflor

el ajo el cacahuete,

el maní

la calabaza los guisantes el champiñón

La carne y los mariscos (el atún = tuna, los camarones = shrimp, las almejas = clams)

el biftec

la carne de res

el cerdo el pollo el pescado la langosta el cangrejo

Las bebidas

el café el jugo de


El batido,

El liquado

la leche la gaseosa

el refresco

la limonada

Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model

el té el agua

purificada Los


el arroz el cereal el pan rallado

el pan el queso la mantequilla

la manteca

los huevos el yogur el cátsup

la pimiento, el


la mostaza Los dulces el helado las galletas la torta

el pastel

la ensalada la sopa la salchicha la pizza la hamburguesa las papas fritas

Adapted from Madelaine Hunter’s Teaching Model

los espaguetís El sándwich

El bocadillo Las


el desayuno el almuerzo la cena

Useful Verbs comer = to eat

beber = to drink leer = to read ver = to see

vender = to sell atender = to assist

vivir = to live escribir = to write

En el café el mesero/el camarero = the waiter

el menu = the menu la orden/la pedida = the order

la cuenta = the bill la propina = the tip

libre = free

Shopping for food el mercado = the market

el supermercado = the supermarket una lata = can

un paquete = a package una bolsa = bag

congelado = frozen