TCP Veno: TCP Enhancement for Transmission Over Wireless Access Networks

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TCP Veno: TCP Enhancement for Transmission Over Wireless Access Networks. IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS , VOL. 21, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2003. Speaker : Chen YoChuan. Outline. Introduction TCP Reno, TCP Vegas TCP Veno algorithm Performance Evaluation of TCP Veno - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of TCP Veno: TCP Enhancement for Transmission Over Wireless Access Networks

May 14, 2003 1

TCP Veno: TCP Enhancement foTCP Veno: TCP Enhancement for Transmission Overr Transmission Over

Wireless Access NetworksWireless Access Networks


VOL. 21, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2003

Speaker : Chen YoChuan

May 14, 2003 2


• Introduction– TCP Reno, TCP Vegas

• TCP Veno algorithm

• Performance Evaluation of TCP Veno

• Concluding Remarks and Future Works

May 14, 2003 3


• Wireless communication has been making significant progress– Usually using wired backbone networks– Many applications on the networks run TCP/IP

• Transmission control protocol (TCP)– a reliable connection-oriented protocol– Implement flow control (sliding window)

• TCP Reno is most popular in real network– Include SS, CA, Fast retransmission… algorithm

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• Reno treats the occurrence of packet loss as a manifestation of network congestion

• In wireless environment, packet loss is often induced by noise, link error…

• To tackle this problem, 2 parts of solution– How to distinguish between random loss and congesti

on loss?– How to make use of that information to refine the con

gestion-window adjustment process in Reno?

• TCP Veno (modify Vegas & Reno)

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Relative workRelative work

• TCP Reno

• TCP Vegas

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TCP RenoTCP Reno

• Sliding windows• Slow start and congestion avoidance algorithms• Fast retransmit and fast recovery

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TCP RenoTCP Reno

• AIMD (Additive Increase and Multiplicative Decrease) algorithm

• 2 adjustment phases– Traffic load is steady or decreasing

• The internal traffic increases linearly

– Congestion signal is received• When 3 duplicate acks or retransmit timer timeout• Algorithm decreases the window size by half

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TCP RenoTCP Reno

• The Rough Evolution of TCP Reno

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TCP RenoTCP Reno• Slow start

– initiated at the start of a TCP connection– initiated after a retransmission timeout

• Slow start threshold – If cwnd is larger than ssthresh, cwnd is linear growth

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TCP RenoTCP Reno

• Fast retransmit & fast recovery

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TCP Reno TCP Reno --end--end

• Round trip time (RTT)

• Retransmit Time Out (RTO)– Too small, TCP will retransmit segments unne

cessarily– Too large, actual throughput will be low

• SRTT = ( ALPHA * SRTT ) + ((1-ALPHA) * RTT)• RTO = min[UPBOUND, max[LBOUND,(BETA*SRTT)] ]

• Reno conclusion

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TCP VegasTCP Vegas

• Basic ideas– Before packet loss occurs, detect the early

stage of congestion in the routers between source and destination

– Additively decrease the sending rate when incipient congestion is detected

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TCP VegasTCP Vegas

• Expected = cwnd/BaseRTT

• Actual = cwnd/RTT

• DIFF = (Expected-Actual)BaseRTT :the minimum of all measured RTTif ( DIFF*BaseRTT < α )

cwnd = cwmd + 1else if ( DIFF*BaseRTT > β )

cwnd = cwnd – 1else cwnd = cwnd

RTT:the actual round-trip time of a tagged packet

α and β are constant values that be set by experimentation

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TCP VegasTCP Vegas

• Vegas main idea – Maintain the extra data (queue size) in the bot

tleneck router buffer to be between the lower threshold (α) and upper threshold (β)

– To reach high throughput– Avoid packet overflow

RTT = BaseRTT + N/μf

N = cwnd *( 1- BaseRTT/RTT) = DIFF*BaseRTT.μf *RTT = μf * BaseRTT + Ncwnd = BDP + N

μf = cwnd/RTT

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TCP VegasTCP Vegas

• New Retransmission Mechanism– decreases cwnd multiplicatively using a factor

of ¾ rather than Reno’s ½

• On receiving a duplicate ack– Vegas resends the corresponding segment if t

he segment timer has expired– Without having to wait for n (3) duplicate acks

as in Reno

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TCP VegasTCP Vegas

• Modified Slow Start– Try to find the correct window size without

incurring a loss– exponentially increasing its window every

other RTT and using the other RTT to calculate DIFF

– As soon as Vegas detects queue buildup during slow start, it transitions to congestion avoidance

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TCP VegasTCP Vegas

• Problem with TCP Vegas– Asymmetry– Rerouting problem – Persistent congestion

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithm

• Distinguishing between congestive & non-congestive (random) states

• Using N as an indication of whether the connection is in a congestive state

• N<β when packet loss is detected– Veno assume that loss is random

• N>=β when packet loss is detected– Veno assume that loss is congestion

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithm

• In Vegas, BaseRTT is continually updated throughout the TCP connection– with the min RTT collected so far

• In this paper, BaseRTT is reset whenever packet loss is detected– either due to time-out or duplicate ACKs

• To avoid BaseRTT change from time to time

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithm

• Congestion Control Based on Connection State

• Slow start algorithm (cwnd<sstresh)– Employ the same algorithm as Reno

• Additive increase algorithm (cwnd>sstresh)– Specifically, cwnd will be increased by 1 after

each RTT– cwnd is set to cwnd+1/cwnd

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithm

• Additive increase algorithm

• Goal : let connection can stay in operating region longer

if ( DIFF*BaseRTT < β ) // available bandwidth under-utilizedcwnd=cwnd+1/cwnd when every new ack received

else if (DIFF*BaseRTT ≥ β ) // available bandwidth fully utilizedcwnd=cwnd+1/cwnd when every other new ack received

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithm

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithm

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithm• Multiplicative decrease algorithm

1) Retransmit the missing packetset ssthresh = cwnd/2set cwnd= ssthresh+3

2) Each time another dup ACK arrives, increment cwnd by one packet.3) When the next ACK acknowledging new data arrives, set cwnd to ssthresh (value in step 1)

Reno Fast recoveryReno Fast recovery

if (DIFF*BaseRTT < β) //random loss due to bit errors is most //likely to have occurred

ssthresh = cwndloss * (4/5);else if

ssthresh = cwndloss /2 ; // congestive loss is most //likely to have occurred

Veno modify step (1) of Reno Veno modify step (1) of Reno

½~1More than ¾is better

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithmVeno reduce window by 1/5

Detail is later

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TCP Veno algorithmTCP Veno algorithmReno reduce window by 1/2

Detail is later

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TCP Veno algorithm TCP Veno algorithm --end--end

• In summary, veno only refines the additive increase , multiplicative decrease (AIMD)

• All other parts of Reno remain intack– Including slow start, fast retransmit, fast recov

ery, computation of retransmission timeout algorithm

May 14, 2003 28

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno1. Verification of packet loss distinguishing

scheme in Venoa. Experimental Network setupb. The verification of packet loss distinguishing


2. Single connection experiments3. Experiment involving multiple co-existing

connections4. Live internet measurements


May 14, 2003 29

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno• Two experiments

1. Packet loss artificially induced,

2. On real wireless network where random packet loss actually occurs

Network setupNetwork setup

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno

Src1,Src2 : TCP sendersthat run TCP Reno or Veno over NetBSD1.1Dst1,Dst2 : TCP receivers with Red Hat Linux installedRouter : drop-tail router with (FIFO) queues is set up using FreeBSD4.2Bf : forward buffer, Br : backward bufferμf : forward bandwidth, μr : reverse bandwidthτf : forward propagation delay, τr : reverse propagation delayDifferent random packet loss rates can also be artificially inducedusing the embedded system command in FreeBSD4.2

Random loss isartificially induced

in router

Network setupNetwork setup

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno

Random loss actually occurs

in the wireless link

WC1 : wireless clientSrc2 : Veno sourceTCP connection : Src2 WC1UDP connection : Src1Dst1( provide the background traffic)TCPsuit : Tool developed by author, to infer

1.packet loss due to buffer overflow2.packet loss due to wireless link

Network setupNetwork setup

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCPTCP1. Single TCP Veno connection without bac

kground traffic

2. Background traffic is provided by a UDP


forward buffer μf = μr = 1.6 MB/s backward buffer Bf = Br = 12

Round-trip time between WC1 and Src2 = 60 ms

12 MB file was transferred between WC1 and Src2

in each Veno’s test

Verification of Packet Loss Verification of Packet Loss Distinguishing SchemeDistinguishing Scheme

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCPTCP• First run experiment

– UDP sending rate is 500kb/s– 240 fast retransmits

• 84 non-congestive • 156 in congestive state

– Correct rate in non-congestive 83/84 = 99%– Correct rate in congestive 10/156 = 6.4%, 146 is

misinterpreting • Use Reno’s algorithm (worst case)• Misdiagnosis does not bring any throughput improvement

Verification of Packet Loss Verification of Packet Loss Distinguishing SchemeDistinguishing Scheme

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCPTCP

Verification of Packet Loss Verification of Packet Loss Distinguishing SchemeDistinguishing Scheme



Veno estimate in non-congestive state

Veno estimate in congestion state

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCPTCP• Window-halved reductions corresponding t

o these kinds of random loss may be right actions– Because the available bandwidth has been ful

ly utilized in these situations

Verification of Packet Loss Verification of Packet Loss Distinguishing SchemeDistinguishing Scheme

Really ?

May 14, 2003 36

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCPTCP• Only one of the source-destination pairs is turne

d on• The figure below shows the evolution of the aver

age sending rate– For loss probabilities ranging from 10-4 to 10-1

– buffer size at the router is set to be 12

– link speed μf = μr = 1.6 MB/s

– RTT = 120ms– Maximum segment size is 1460 Byte– Each data point of the sending rate divided by 160 ms

Single connection experimentsSingle connection experiments

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TCP Reno & Veno TCP Reno & Veno Average sending rate for loss probability ranging from 10-4 to 10-1

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCPTCP• When the packet loss rate is relatively small

er– The evolutions of Veno and Reno are similar

• But when the loss rate is close to 10-2 packets/s– Veno shows large improvements over Reno

Single connection experimentsSingle connection experiments

May 14, 2003 39

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno• One 32-MB file is transferred for each run• Other parameters are the same as the above ex

periment setting

Single connection experimentsSingle connection experiments

TCP Veno (146.5 kB/s) is 80%higher than that of TCP Reno (81.9 kB/s)

Multiplicative decrease algorithm that performs intelligent window adjustmentintelligent window adjustmentbased on the estimated connection state

Veno and Reno operate similarlyby falling back to the slow start algorithm

May 14, 2003 40

• RFC3002 shows that – wireless channel with IS-95 CDMA-based

data service has an error rate of 1%–2%.

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno Single connection experimentsSingle connection experiments

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno

• 4 connections consisting of a mixture of Veno and Reno to share a common bottleneck link of 4 Mb/s

• Maximum segment size is 1460 Bytes• Bf = Br = 28• Round-trip propagation time of 120 ms

Multiple Co-existing ConnectionsMultiple Co-existing Connections

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno Multiple Co-existing ConnectionsMultiple Co-existing Connections

• Veno connections exhibit higher throughput than coexisting Reno connections

• Evolution of two Reno connections in (d) is close to that of (c)• Veno does not achieve its superior throughput by aggressively grabbing ba

ndwidth away from Reno• Use the available bandwidth that will be otherwise left unused

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• Conclude : Veno is compatible with Reno

• (d) are roughly the same as those in (b)– Veno connections are not adversely affected

by the random loss rate of 0.01

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno Multiple Co-existing ConnectionsMultiple Co-existing Connections

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno Multiple Co-existing ConnectionsMultiple Co-existing Connections

• Throughput for a total of five connections– consisting of a mixture of Reno and Veno connections

• The horizontal axis is the number of Veno connections

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno• From these two graphs, three important observat

ions can be made– Fairness

• All the data points exhibit small standard deviations

– Curves are nearly horizontal• Veno will not starve the bandwidth used by Reno connection


– throughput improvement• Veno has somewhat higher throughput than Reno in nonloss

y environments

Multiple Co-existing ConnectionsMultiple Co-existing Connections

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno• The performance over WLAN and wide ar

ea network (WAN)

Live Internet MeasurementsLive Internet Measurements

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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno

• The base station and the laptop in different room, distance between them is about 8 m

• Use laptop as a client to download an 8-MB file from the data server

• 10/100 Ethernet switch, RTT=20 ms

Live Internet MeasurementsLive Internet Measurements


May 14, 2003 48

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno

• 10 throughput measurements over one day duration• Test over a period of five days• Veno connection is about 336 kb/s, 21% improvement over that of

a Reno connection (about 255 kb/s)• In our latest experiments on 802.11, Veno gets throughput improv

ement of up to 35%

Live Internet MeasurementsLive Internet Measurements


May 14, 2003 49

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno Live Internet MeasurementsLive Internet Measurements

in WAN

Veno & Reno

metropolitan WANscross-country WANs


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Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno Live Internet MeasurementsLive Internet Measurements

• RTT = 45 ms with 10 ms variation over different time slots• The general trends of the results among the five days are similar• Veno only obtains slightly higher throughput than Reno• Based on the reduced amount of timeouts, fast retransmits, and retr

ansmitted packets– Veno does not “steal” bandwidth from Reno and can coexist

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• RTT = 45 ms with 10 ms variation over different time slots• Veno obtains throughput improvement of up to 41% over Reno in dif

ferent time slots• The numbers of timeouts, fast retransmits triggered, and retransmitt

ed packets are much low in Veno

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno Live Internet MeasurementsLive Internet Measurements

May 14, 2003 52

Performance evaluation of Performance evaluation of TCP VenoTCP Veno

• RTT = 290 ms with 30 ms variation among different tests• over cross-country WANs• Generally Veno achieves a much higher throughput than Reno, parti

cularly in metropolitan WAN• But, the improvement is not consistent throughout the day

– perhaps due to variability of other factors in the live Internet itself

Live Internet MeasurementsLive Internet Measurements

May 14, 2003 53

Concluding Remarks and Future Concluding Remarks and Future WorksWorks• TCP Veno can achieve significant improvement

– without adversely affecting other concurrent TCP connections in the same network

• Veno is desirable from the following 3 standpoints1. Deployability2. Compatibility3. Flexibility

• This paper has not addressed the issue of bursty packet loss

– SACK option has been proposed and shown to be effective in dealing with multiple packet losses

– Veno and SACK can be combined easily

May 14, 2003 54

Concluding Remarks and Future Concluding Remarks and Future WorksWorks• Generally speaking, we can see TCP Veno

– borrows the idea of congestion detection scheme in Vegas

– intelligently integrates it into Reno’s additive increase phase

• Future Works– how to refine additive increase at the next step – how much the window is to be reduced once fast retra

nsmit is triggered.– we could also use other predictive congestion detectio


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Cheng Peng FuPh.D. degree in information engineeringChinese University of Hong Kong

He is from Shanghai