TB and HIV: Coordinating Care (Philippe Clevenbergh)

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  • 8/7/2019 TB and HIV: Coordinating Care (Philippe Clevenbergh)


    TB and HIV: Coordinating Care

    The example of the Integrated HIVCare program in Myanmar

    41st Union World Conference on Lung Health, 11-15

    November 2010, Berlin, Germany

    P Clevenbergh, MD, PhD

    Head of The Unions Office in Myanmar

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    TB: incidence 400/100,000 population per year

    HIV: prevalence of 0.7% in adult population

    wide variation among groups (Most at risk groups: up to 30%)

    about 240,000 HIV infected people nationwide

    70% of HIV-infected patients will develop a TB during their


    often as the first serious opportunistic infection

    major cause of mortality and morbidity

    10% of newly diagnosed TB patients are co-infected with

    HIV with huge variations across locations (up to 30%)

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    HIV epidemics is contributing to an increase in TB casesfurther fueling the TB epidemics

    TB disease is the major cause of death of HIV infectedpatients

    However, usually two national programs with little




    TB/HIV deadly combination

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    WHO recommended TB/HIV collaborative


    3 Is Intensive case finding (both ways)

    HIV screening in TB patients

    HIV screening among family members of TB/HIV patients

    TB screening for family of TB patients TB screening for HIV-infected patients

    Isoniazid Preventive therapy

    To reduce the risk of TB disease in HIV patients

    Infection control procedures

    To stop the spread of TB among HIV patients

    Concerns about MDR/XDR TB

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    Program started in May 2005 with the agreement of the Ministry of

    Health, MoU signed with MoH in September 2007

    Collaboration between MoH, NAP, NTP, WHO and The Union

    Sponsored by 3 Diseases Fund (2011), YADANA consortium(2014), Global Fund (2015)

    Located in Mandalay, Lashio, Taunggyi, Pakokku (population 2.3

    million people)

    Expanded to all HIV-infected patients, suppression of geographiccriteria for enrolment

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    Objectives of the IHC program

    Provide comprehensive and integrated HIV care including

    antiretroviral therapy to TB-HIV co-infected patients and their families(spouses and children)

    Strengthen TB-HIV collaborative activities with NAP and NTPprograms by developing and implementing policies regarding the

    minimum package of care that should be available to TB, TB-HIV, andHIV-infected patients

    Field test TB-HIV collaborative activities implemented by bothTuberculosis and HIV/AIDS control programs

    Develop the capacity of the public health sectorto take care of itsHIV-infected patients

    Promote HIV, TB and TB-HIV awareness and prevention in the


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    Activities of stakeholders (1/4)

    National Tuberculosis Program (NTP)

    Manages TB diagnosis and treatment, including recording and reporting

    Entry point for diagnosis of HIV: counselling and testing (PICT) of TBpatients, HIV rapid tests

    Coordinates referral to HIV treatment and care services for TB/HIVpatients and family

    Assess TB disease in PLWH

    National AIDS Program (NAP) Coordinates the program by providing supervision, monitoring and


    Supports HIV VCCT in the NTP (provides HIV tests, training/qualitycontrol)

    Provides educational session for the general population

    Addresses stigma, increases advocacy

    Provides HIV VCCT and STD/STI screening and treatment in STD clinics

    Supports People Living With HIV (PLWH) network, advocacy and social

    mobilization Screen PLWH for TB symptoms and refer to TB OPD

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    Activities of stakeholders (2/4)

    Township Health Centres (TSHC)

    Delivery of TB diagnostic and treatment services, HIV counselling and testing for TB patients and spouses/children of

    HIV/TB patients

    Provision of CPT before IHC enrolment

    Provision of IPT

    Provision of information and educational material on HIV, and condoms topatients attending their centres

    Follow-up of chronic care for HIV-infected patients

    Recording and reporting of TB/HIV activities

    Tertiary Care District Hospital, Medical Units

    Provision of specialized HIV care (ARVs, OIs prevention and treatment,) for inpatients and outpatients

    Recording and reporting

    Linkage with township health centres for defaulters retrieval

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    Activities of stakeholders (3/4)

    Laboratories MGH/MTH/PHL/TBH/PGH

    Support biological follow-up of HIV-infected patients including CD4count

    Quality control of HIV test and CD4 count

    Culture ofMycobacterium tuberculosis of Smear negative TB/HIV andscreening PLWH

    Drug store/pharmacy

    Management of central and sub-stocks

    Recording and reporting

    Social Workers

    Adherence counselling sessions

    Home visit for defaulter retrieval

    Help for social problems

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    Activities of stakeholders (4/4)

    People living with HIV (PLWH) self-help groups

    Advocacy and educational campaigns Support of other PLWH for adherence counselling, education,

    Helping in HIV OPDs

    TB symptoms screening using WHO questionnaire, IPT screening

    Distribution of facial masks

    Link with social workers and township health centres for defaultersretrieval.

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    Description of the services

    Dark blue arrows and blue boxes: places where the patients can seektuberculosis

    diagnosis (NTP)

    Light blue boxes: place where the patients receive TB treatment (NTP) Red arrows and red boxes: places where the patients access HIV counselling and testing

    with same day test and result (NTP)

    Yellow box: place where the patients receive comprehensive HIV care and treatment

    including OI prevention and treatment, antiretroviral drugs, biological follow-up and CD4

    Brown arrows and boxes: places where PLWH are actively screened for TB symptoms

    and TB disease using questionnaires, sputum microscopy, chest X ray and culture (NTP)

    Pink boxes and arrows: defaulters'tracing activities by Basic Health Staff, Social

    Workers, and Peers

    Light green boxes: places where HIV prevention is available: health education materialand condoms (NTP)

    Orange boxes: places where Cotrimoxazole/Isoniazid Preventive Therapy is distributed


    Dark green box: places where the NAP is taking care ofpre-ARTHIV infected patients

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    Patients flow Mandalay



    STD clinic

    Pre-ART pts

    TB OPD

    TSHC (TB/HIV pts)

    Medical wards

    Admitted pts

    7 TSHC HIV





    Entry point Care and



    in, by, andwith the public sector

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    Methods: HIV testing register

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    Number of adult TB patientsregistered

    Number of TB patients offeredHIV test

    Number of TB patientsHIV tested

    Number ofHIV co-infectedpatients

    Number ofspouses/children ofTB/HIV patients offered HIV


    Number of spouses/children ofTB/HIV patients HIV tested

    Number ofHIV infectedspouses/children

    Recording of TB/HIV activities at township

    health centres

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    Methods: HIV positive register at township level

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    Facial mask for patients

    Help us to stop transmission of TB from a patient to

    another by wearing a facial mask

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  • 8/7/2019 TB and HIV: Coordinating Care (Philippe Clevenbergh)


  • 8/7/2019 TB and HIV: Coordinating Care (Philippe Clevenbergh)


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    Summary sheet

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    LTF/d f lt t i f f TB k PLWH

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    LTF/defaulters tracing form for TB key person, PLWH

    network, Social workers

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    Care and treatment

    HIV OPDs: capacity approximately 7500 patients in MDY

    GOV clinicians MO, AS, HS: 1 GOV MO responsible for

    each OPD, usually + 1-2 AS. OPD starts with the GOV MO

    IHC facilitators: 1-3 facilitators per OPD

    GOV nurses/pharmacists: 2-3 nurses per OPD

    (1 pharmacist) for drug delivery

    PLWH network: 1-3 volunteers/ OPD

    in, by, andwith the public sector

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    TB/HIV activity at Township level

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    TB/HIV activity at Township level

    2009 Report for IHC program

    total percentageTotal TB Patients registered

    Adult 2991

    Children 768

    Patient Offered for Testing 2830 95%

    Patient tested for HIV 2610 87%

    Patient with positive result 803 31%

    Relative offered for testing 499 62%

    Relative tested For HIV 430 86%

    Relative with positive result 263 61%

    TOTAL HIV infected 1066

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    TB/HIV activity at Township level

    2009 Report for IHC enrollment

    Before Enrollment

    Total percentage

    Total HIV positive patients 1066

    Patients enrolled 832 78%

    Patients expired before enrollment 34 4%

    patients not enrolled 159 15%

    No residential form 10 102 64%

    Transferred out 4 3%

    Not willing to enroll 18 11%

    Other 35 22%

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    TB/HIV activity at Township level

    2009 Report for IHC enrollment

    After Enrollment

    Patients enrolled 832Patients received CPT 981

    Patients received ART 543 65%

    Patient expired after enrollment 47

    Patients expired on ART 61

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    One third of TB cases are due to HIV co-infection

    TB clinic is an efficient entry point to enter an HIVcare program

    Many HIV-infected patients are diagnosed late,when symptomatic

    Spouse testing yield many additional HIV-infected patients, usually asymptomatic

    E ll f TB/HIV i f d i

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    Enrollment of TB/HIV co-infected patients


    TB t i l ti t HIV t t

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    TB outcomes in relation to HIV sero-status

    Higher mortality among TB/HIV co-infectedrou 3% vs 15%

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    Risk factors of an unfavorable TB outcome for all TB/HIV

    co-infected patients

    Risk factors AdjustedOR

    95% CI p

    Not having access to HIV careprogram 4.26 (3.41 5.32) < 0.01

    Old age (above 44 years) 1.49 (1.07 2.08) 0.02

    Category II TB treatment 2.43 (1.67 3.56) < 0.01

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    Risk factors of an unfavorable TB outcome for co-infected

    patients accessing HIV care program

    Risk factors AdjustedOR

    95% CI p

    Old age (above 44 years) 2.18 (1.28 3.72) < 0.01

    Female gender 1.50 (1.00 2.23) 0.05

    Underweight (BMI 18) 1.91 (1.28 2.86) < 0.01

    Not started on ART 2.82 (1.87 4.26) < 0.01

    Baseline CD4 count 100 cells/l 1.89 (1.24 2.89) < 0.01

    Moderate anemiaSevere anemia


    (1.17 3.34)(1.93 5.60)

    0.01< 0.01

    A history of prior TB 3.33 (2.03 5.47) < 0.01

    T t l ll t ti t d T t l ti f ll f

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    Total enrollment patients and Total active follow up of

    IHC program in Myanmar (MDY +PKK +TG + LS)


    Total everenrolled patients


    Active follow up 4897

    Total patientsever started



    Active follow upon ART


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    ART outcomes of IHC program in Myanmar

    (MDY + PKK+ TG+ LS (Sept 2010)

    Conclusions (1/2)

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    Conclusions (1/2)

    Recognition: After > 5 years of implementation the IHC

    program is a success and is seen by the medical society at

    national and international scale and by the United NationsAgencies as extremely effective. Pioneer program in


    Sustainability: The IHC program brings together health

    authorities at local, national and international level and

    ensures the capacity building across the sectors.

    Networking: The IHC program relies on the collaboration

    of various participants including township health centres

    staff , PLWH self-help groups, and social workers

    Expansion: Thanks to the organisation and the policies put

    in place, the IHC program is technically sound to be

    scaled up

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    Myanmar National AIDS Program

    Myanmar National Tuberculosis Program

    Medical and Para-medical teams in Mandalay General

    Hospital and Mandalay Teaching Hospital

    Township Medical Officers

    People Living With HIV Network Spectrum

    WHO Myanmar, TB and HIV Dpts

    Union's HIV Department

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    This program is jointly supported by

    Thank you!

  • 8/7/2019 TB and HIV: Coordinating Care (Philippe Clevenbergh)


    Thank you!