Taylor series

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Taylor series


Taylor Series

John Weiss

+Approximating Functions

f(0)= 4

What is f(1)?

f(x) = 4?

f(1) = 4?

+Approximating Functions

f(0)= 4, f’(0)= -1

What is f(1)?

f(x) = 4 - x?

f(1) = 3?

+Approximating Functions

f(0)= 4, f’(0)= -1, f’’(0)= 2

What is f(1)?

f(x) = 4 – x + x2? (same concavity)

f(1) = 4?

+Approximating Functions

f(x) = sin(x)

What is f(1)?

f(0) = 0, f’(0) = 1

f(x) = 0 + x?

f(1) = 1?

+Approximating Functions

f(x) = sin(x)

f(0) = 1, f’(0) = 1, f’’(0) = 0, f’’’(0) = -1,…

What is f(1)? i.e . What is sin(1)?

+Famous Mathematicians

James Gregory (1671)

Brook Taylor (1712)

Colin Maclaurin (1698-1746)

Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813)

Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857)


Linear Approximation

Quadratic Approximation

R1(x)(x − a) = f (x) − f (a) − ′ f (x − a)

f (x) = f (a) + ′ f (a)(x − a) + R1(x)(x − a)

f (x) = f (a) + ′ f (a)(x − a) +′ ′ f (a)

2(x − a)2 + R2(x)(x − a)2

R2(x)(x − a)2 = f (x) − f (a) − ′ f (a)(x − a) −′ ′ f (a)

2(x − a)2

+Taylor’s Theorem Let k≥1 be an integer and be k

times differentiable at . Then there exists a function

such that

Note: Taylor Polynomial of degree k is:

f :R→R


Rk :R→R

f (x) = f (a) + ′ f (a)(x − a) +′ ′ f (a)

2!(x − a)2 + ...+

f k (a)

k!(x − a)k + Rk (x)(x − a)k

Pk (x) = f (a) + ′ f (a)(x − a) +′ ′ f (a)

2!(x − a)2 + ...+

f k (a)

k!(x − a)k

+Works for Linear Approximations

f (x) = c0 + c1(x)

P1(x) = c0 + c1(x − a) + c1(a)€

f (a) = c0 + c1(a)

′ f (a) = c1

P1(x) = c0 + c1(a) + c1(x − a) = c0 + c1(x)

f (x) = f (a) + ′ f (a)(x − a) +′ ′ f (a)

2!(x − a)2 + ...+

f k (a)

k!(x − a)k + Rk (x)(x − a)k

+Works for Quadratic Approximations

f (x) = c0 + c1(x) + c2(x 2)

f (a) = c0 + c1(a) + c2(a2)

′ f (a) = c1 + 2c2(a)

′ ′ f (a) = 2c2

P2(x) = c0 + c1(a) + c2(a2) + c1 + 2c2(a)[ ](x − a) +2c2

2[x − a]2 =

c0 + c1(a) + c2(a2) + c1(x − a) + 2c2(x − a) + c2(x)2 − c2(2ax) + c2(a)2 =

P2(x) = c0 + c1(x) + c2(x 2)

f (x) = f (a) + ′ f (a)(x − a) +′ ′ f (a)

2!(x − a)2 + ...+

f k (a)

k!(x − a)k + Rk (x)(x − a)k

+f(x) = sin(x)Degree 1

+f(x) = sin(x)Degree 3

+f(x) = sin(x)Degree 5

+f(x) = sin(x)Degree 7

+f(x) = sin(x)Degree 11


If f and g have the same value and all of the same derivatives at a point, then they must be the same function!

+Proof: If f and g are smooth functions that agree over some interval, they MUST be the same function

① Let f and g be two smooth functions that agree for some open interval (a,b), but not over all of R

② Define h as the difference, f – g, and note that h is smooth, being the difference of two smooth functions. Also h=0 on (a,b), but h≠0 at other points in R

③ Without loss of generality, we will form S, the set of all x>a, such that f(x)≠0

④ Note that a is a lower bound for this set, S, and being a subset of R, S is complete so S has a real greatest lower bound, call it c.

⑤ c, being a greatest lower bound of S, is also an element of S, since S is closed

⑥ Now we see that h=0 on (a,c), but h≠0 at c. So, h is discontinuous at c, so then h cannot be smooth

⑦ Thus we have reached a contradiction, and so f and g must agree everywhere!

+Suppose f(x) can be rewritten as a power series…

f (x) = c0 + c1(x − a) + c2(x − a)2 + ...+ cn (x − a)n

c0 = f (a)

′ f (x) = c1 + 2c2(x − a) + 3c3(x − a)2 + ...+ ncn (x − a)n −1

′ ′ f (x) = 2c2 + 3∗2c3(x − a) + 4∗3c4 (x − a)2 + ...+ n∗(n −1)cn (x − a)n −2

c1 = ′ f (a)

c2 =′ ′ f (a)


ck =f k (a)


+Entirety (Analytic Functions)

Entire sin(x)

Not Entire log(1+x)

A function f(x) is said to be entire if it is equal to its Taylor Series everywhere

+Proof: sin(x) is entire

Maclaurin Series sin(0)=0 sin’(0)=1 sin’’(0)=0 sin’’’(0)=-1 sin’’’’(0)=0 sin’’’’’(0)=1 sin’’’’’’(0)=0 … etc.

sin(x) =(−1)n

(2n +1)!x 2n +1

n =0


Pn (x) =f n (a)

n!(x − a)n

n =0

+Proof: sin(x) is entire

Lagrange formula for the remainder: Let be k+1 times

differentiable on (a,x) and continuous on [a,x]. Then

for some z in (a,x)

sin(x) =(−1)n

(2n +1)!x 2n +1

n =0

f :R→R

Rk (x) =f k +1(z)

(k +1)!(x − a)k +1

+Proof: sin(x) is entire First, sin(x) is continuous and infinitely

differentiable over all of R

If we look at the Taylor Polynomial of degree k

Note though for all z in R

Rk (x) =f k +1(z)

(k +1)!(x − a)k +1

f k +1(z) ≤1

Rk (x) ≤(x − a)k +1

(k +1)!

+Proof: sin(x) is entire

However, as k goes to infinity, we see

Applying the Squeeze Theorem to our original equation, we obtain that as k goes to infinity

and thus sin(x) is entire since it is equal to its Taylor series

Rk (x) ≤ 0

f (x) = Pk (x)

+Maclaurin Series Examples


log(1− x) = −x n

n!n =1

log(1+ x) = (−1)n +1 x n

n!n =1


1− x= x n

n =0

1+ x =(−1)n (2n)!

(1 − 2n)(n!)2(4)n x n

n =0

ex =x n

n!n =0

sin(x) =(−1)n

(2n +1)!x 2n +1

n =0

cos(x) =(−1)n

(2n)!x 2n

n =0

e ix = cos(x) + isin(x)


Physics Special Relativity Equation Fermat’s Principle (Optics) Resistivity of Wires Electric Dipoles Periods of Pendulums Surveying (Curvature of the Earth)

+Special Relativity

Let . If v ≤ 100 m/s

Then according to Taylor’s Inequality (Lagrange)

m =m0

1 − v 2 c 2

KE = mc 2 − m0c2

KE =m0c


1− v 2 c 2− m0c

2 = m0c2 1−

v 2

c 2

⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

−1/ 2

−1 ⎡

⎣ ⎢ ⎢

⎦ ⎥ ⎥

KE1(v) =1



(1+ x)−1/ 2 =1+



⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

1x +



⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟−3


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

2!x 2 +



⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟−3


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

3!x 3 + ...

x =−v 2

c 2

+Lagrange Remainder

Lagrange formula for the remainder: Let be k+1 times

differentiable on (a,x) and continuous on [a,x]. Then

for some z in (a,x)€

f :R→R

Rk (x) =f k +1(z)

(k +1)!(x − a)k +1

+Special Relativity

Let . If v ≤ 100 m/s

Then according to Taylor’s Inequality (Lagrange)

m =m0

1 − v 2 c 2

KE = mc 2 − m0c2

KE =m0c


1− v 2 c 2− m0c

2 = m0c2 1−

v 2

c 2

⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

−1/ 2

−1 ⎡

⎣ ⎢ ⎢

⎦ ⎥ ⎥

R1(x) ≤1



4(1 −1002 /c 2)5 / 2


c 4 < (4.17 ×10−10)m0

KE1(v) =1



(1+ x)−1/ 2 =1+



⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

1x +



⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟−3


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

2!x 2 +



⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟−3


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

3!x 3 + ...

x =−v 2

c 2

+The End