Tatiana Eremina International CTIF Working Group “Women of Fire and Rescue Service” Report on...

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Transcript of Tatiana Eremina International CTIF Working Group “Women of Fire and Rescue Service” Report on...

Tatiana EreminaTatiana Eremina

International CTIF Working Group “Women of Fire and Rescue Service”

Report on Activity in 2013 – 2014

Mulhouse, France (17.07.2013)

Helsinki, Finland (10-11.04.2014)

20 questions were proposed:

1. What is your country?2. Are there any women in the rescue services?3. If yes, how many women in the rescue services you have?4. Do women work as firefighters?5. Does the job description/content differ between men and women( i.e. are women excluded from performing specific duties)?6. Do they have different duties (a different focus)? For example in the area of preventative work or healthcare?7. What other duties do women have in the rescue services?8. What year did you first allow women? When was the first women officially employed as a fire fighter?9. What is your country’ s experience of women as firefighters?10. What is your country’s experience of women in other roles in the rescue services?11. Have women in the rescue services changed the focus or scope of the work performed?12. Have your experienced any resistance with women as firefighters or in the rescue services? How is that manifest?13. Do you have strategies for dealing with the resistance?14. Are there any activities in order to increase the number of women to the fire and rescue services?15. Are the fire stations equipped for women, for example different locker rooms, bathrooms, rest areas and showers?16. Have you developed safety equipment especially to fit women such as protective clothing?17. What are the education requirements for the different types of firefighting positions ( full time, volunteer etc.)? What type of continues education is required/ offered?18. What are the physical requirements for the different types of firefighters in your country?19. Are the physical requirements the same for men and women?20. Other that physical, what are the requirements for firefighters?




Serbia Russia





Helsinki, Finland (10-11.04.2014)

The meeting focused on the questionnaire materials collected


Following the meeting a resolution was adopted

Decision of the V «Women in Fire and Rescue Service» Working Group Helsinki, Finland                                                      11 April  2014 

1. Accept the final version of the questionary and direct it to the working group members for filling in responsible persons : Mona Hjortzberg, Stephanie Chaubet deadline: May  2014

2. Fill in the questionary and present it for summarising responsible person : Mona Hjortzberg, Stephanie Chaubet deadline: July 2014                                                                                                                                    3. Summarise  the filled in questionaries   from member countries . Make a table of main data  with conclusions and suggestions responsible person : Tatiana Eremina deadline: August 2014                                                               4. Prepare a report on the work done in 2013-2014, including the results of the questionary analysis, for presentation at CTIF assembly in September 2014 responsible person : Tatiana Eremina deadline:   August 2014 

5. Make a presentation of the questionary analysis at the VI working group responsible person : Stephanie Chaubet deadline: 29-30.09. 2014                                                               6. Present the summarised results at the CTIF site responsible person : Mira Leinonen, Mona Hjortzberg deadline:  October 2014                                                               7. Apply to President of CTIF Tore Eriksson for change of the status of working group to the new status: to become "Women in Fire and Rescue Service "commission .responsible person: Tatiana Eremina, Lena Brunzell deadline: 2014  

8. Hold the 6 th working group on 29-30 of September in Tokio , Japan responsible person: Hiroshi Fukuchi deadline: September 2014  

9. Schedule the 7 th working group in 2015 in Sweden in end of April responsible person responsible person: Elena Brunsel , Mona Hjortzberg deadline: 2015

10. Schedule the 8 th working group in 2015 in Croatia responsible person: Ruzica Belanovic deadline: September 2014  

Chairman of the international CTIF working group T. Eremina


In addition, we participated in the work carried out with the tabulated data on women in the job in the collection of the World Fire Statistics by CTIF (№18 2013. №19 and 2014., Table 19)

Information was prepared for posting on the website of the Association on the working group

According to the schedule we have been preparing to participate in the International Women's Conference of voluntary, in Japan

Ružica BelanovićVice president

of the Firefighting Association (Serbia)

Mona Hjortzberg Chairman of KIR 1/5 of HkBm


Toshifumi Akimoto President

Japan Firefighters Association(Japan)

Active participants of Commission (Working group)2013-2014

Thank you for your attention