Tates Creek Christian Church Current for March 2015

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Transcript of Tates Creek Christian Church Current for March 2015

Tates Creek Current

March 2015

Jesus is the Life

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2

Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 office@tatescreek.org

Visit Onlinewww.tatescreek.orgfacebook.com/tatescreekcc

Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Meal - 5:45 pm Oasis Classes - 6:45 pm

Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop

Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley


Feature Article 10 “Get a Life!”

In Every Issue 3-9 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 13 Oasis Menu16-19 Devotional thoughts each week 22 January Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar

Ministry News 14 Hands & Feet Ministry 15 Missions Moment

Events 11 Concerts 20 Other Events

Announcements 21 Small Group Information

MissionTates Creek Christian Church exists to win

people to Christ (evangelism), build up believersin faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement),

to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).

Have we heard someone say, “Now that is really living!” Maybe we have made that statement. Did we make that statement while we were eating our favorite meal or while spending a week in our favorite vacation spot? Maybe while enjoying a family reunion or our favorite hobby such as fishing, camping, boating, or traveling? Our theme for the month of March is “Jesus is the Life.” Paul wrote in Philippians 1:21, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (NASB). What exactly does Paul mean “to live is Christ?” The phrase, “to live is Christ,” means to magnify Christ in my life. To magnify Christ in my life means to lift Christ up in my life; to elevate Him, to exalt Him. Do we exalt Christ in our outlook on life? Do we exalt Christ in our outlook concerning death? Do

we exalt Christ in our priorities? Does He come first in our day? When we wake up in the morning, does Jesus come first in our thoughts and do we think of how to honor Him throughout the day? Do we honor Christ in the way we treat our mate and our children? Someone has said that if you want to know if someone is a Christian, ask their mate. Will our children remember

that we treated them with love and respect? Do we honor Christ in the way we treat our co-workers? Do we honor Christ with the quality of our work? Do we do our best? Laziness and mediocrity dishonor Jesus Christ. When we are at work, do we use the time for our employer? Do we honor the break times and lunch times for the allotted time? Taking more time for breaks and for lunches than has been allotted is really stealing time from the employer. Do we honor Christ in the way we talk about His Church either collectively or individually? Negative, critical talk dishonors Christ; positive, encouraging talk builds up the church as well as demonstrates a positive testimony about the church. Do we honor Christ with our fleshly bodies? We honor Christ when we discipline our bodies with regard to food, drink, and exercise. We dishonor Christ when we abuse our bodies with food, drink, over work, lack of exercise, or with sinful habits. We honor Christ when we deny our bodies the sinful passions and desires. We honor Christ when we use our bodies to serve His Church and meet the needs of people. Could there be a greater, more meaningful life than to honor Jesus Christ with our lives? Now that is really living! “To live is Christ!”

Let’s live for Jesus! ~Tommy tommy@tatescreek.org

Tidbits from Tommy

3Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4

Senior Adults On Feb. 27, 1991, at the height of Desert Storm, Ruth Dillow received a very sad message from the Pentagon. It stated that her son, Clayton Carpenter, Private 1st Class, had stepped on a mine in Kuwait and was dead. Ruth later wrote, “I can’t begin to describe my grief & shock. It was almost more than

I could bear. For 3 days I wept. For 3 days I expressed anger & loss. For 3 days people tried to comfort me, to no avail because the loss was too great.” But 3 days after she received that message, the telephone rang. The voice on the other end said, “Mom, it’s me. I’m alive.” Ruth Dillow said, “I couldn’t believe it at first. But then I recognized his voice, & he really was alive.” The message she had received was all a mistake! She said, “I laughed, I cried, I felt like turning cartwheels, because my son whom I had thought was dead, was really alive. I’m sure none of you can even begin to understand how I felt.” In John’s Gospel the 11th chapter is the story of the death of Lazarus, his sisters’ grief, and the message which soon arrived that though he was dead yet shall he live. The message, unlike the phone call Ruth Dillow received, was delivered by the life giver himself. Can you even imagine the comfort and joy Ruth received? So much so, and even more must have been the comfort and joy Mary and Martha experienced when they heard the message straight from Jesus. The wonderful news which they received was not just for them however. In that great passage, where Jesus is quoted, we find the word “whoever.” Jesus said, “Whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” Again, can you imagine the great comfort and joy Ruth Dillow experienced? Can you imagine the comfort and joy Mary and Martha must have experienced? Don’t you imagine we should be experiencing that same comfort and joy, we who have received life? Do you feel like turning cartwheels because of what Jesus did for you? We certainly should, and if we did, perhaps more people would want what we have…..life in and through Jesus Christ.

In Him, ~Bro. Kim kimbeckwith@tatescreek.org

Life Is a Precious Gift During 2014 our family experienced some firsts. It was the first time that I remember my father’s life being in jeopardy

and having major surgery to save his life due to blocked arteries. I am thankful for the life-saving 4-way bypass surgery he had back in November. I know that several in our church family have had the same surgery and are enjoying many years of an active lifestyle as a result. As I write this, my father is putting the finishing touches on a message he will preach at the Winter Workshop in Gatlinburg, TN, where several hundred seniors will gather

for worship and encouragement. He is grateful for this second chance at life and the opportunities that he will have to win souls for eternal life through the preaching of the Word.

It was also the first time that we have had a child born that was 10 weeks premature! My great-nephew, little Kasen, remains in a hospital still struggling to gain strength in his little lungs so that he can breathe without assistance. He has now been in the hospital for about 4 months. There are other stories I could tell here about other family members, but I know we all have stories about the importance of life and how we have learned to appreciate it more through difficulties. Some in my family laughed that my Christmas letter read like a medical journal.

None of us knows how many days we will have on this earth. Life is precious, but as believers we know that what is more precious is the life that we have to look forward to...eternal life. The Scriptures are full of promises, but none is sweet than this one! Here is one of my favorites:

“And this is eternal life, that they know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

~ John 17:3 ~ Don don@tatescreek.org

5Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Don’s Dynamics

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6

A year or so ago, when we were trying to think of a name for our third service, we came up with lots of creative and cool names. When I was in college, I had attended a service at Southeast Christian church that was aimed at college age and young adult people and really connected there. The

name of the service was “The Vine”. They had since changed the name, so I felt like “The Vine” was fair game, haha.

The more we tried to whittle down our list of names, the more “The Vine” stuck out to me. John 15 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Specifically John 15:5 which says,

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (NIV)

I think it’s such a great reminder for us each week when we come to worship to stay connected to the true Vine, Jesus Christ. He is the very source of life, and if we stay connected to him, we will have eternal life. This is what Jesus was talking about in John 14:6 when he said,

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (NIV)

The way to the Father is through the true Vine. If we stay connected and abide in him, we will meet the Father in Heaven and have eternal life with Him!

In His Service, ~Mike mike@tatescreek.org

College Ministry

Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org


Student MinistryLife In Jesus

Graduation is the defining moment for youth in our society. There is so much riding on not simply graduating, but in having a competitive transcript. Going to a high level school and getting a good job is touted as the key to a “good life”. For better or worse, this is the message we give to our youth growing up, that without financial stability, they won’t be able to fully enjoy life or consider themselves a success. The “good life” is something we buy for ourselves with the money we get from our job.

Jesus challenges that view of life in the Gospels, and not just in financial terms. There is a striking turn in Mark 8:27-38, when the disciples finally realize that Jesus is the promised Messiah sent from God. Jesus reminded his disciples of the number of baskets left over after the two miraculous feedings, 12 and 7, to

show them that Jesus was no mere prophet, but was in fact the Christ. Once Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ in verse 29, Jesus finally begins to throw everything that they expected about the coming Messiah on its head. In verse 31 Jesus explains to the disciples that instead of the Christ coming as a conquering force, He as the Christ must suffer and die. The political fortunes of the Jews wouldn’t be restored, but rather Jesus came as Messiah to save everyone from their sins. The “good life” is found in relationship with God, not in throwing off the rule and taxes of Rome. This strikes Peter so strongly that he pulls Jesus aside to let him know that this can’t be. The Christ can’t come to die! But Jesus rebukes Peter in the strongest terms possible: “Get behind me, Satan”! (8:33) Jesus then calls over the crowd to explain to them why their preconceived notions of the “good life” are no longer valid. There is nothing in this world that you can give in exchange for your own life! (8:37) Jesus is the Christ, and the Son of God, so only He has the power to give life. He gave over his life as a ransom for our lives, and that’s why the Christ had to come and die rather than conquer. Jesus came to save us all. Even though I encourage students to do well in school and find a satisfying career, the only way they can truly live is by sacrificing their notion of the “good life” to Jesus. May we all have the courage to stand up to a society that turns humans into commodities and proclaim Jesus as the life-giving Messiah!

Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad brad@tatescreek.org

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8

Childrens Ministry When was the first time you really understood that Jesus is LIFE? That time your cup was so full of love and grace that it poured onto everyone you came into contact with. Maybe it was at your baptism when you realized that you were no longer dead in your sin, but alive. For some people it was when they experienced God’s

power in an amazing way with their child’s health. It could have been when you were nearly killed in an accident, but God’s protection saved you. When you are alive and realize that Jesus is the life, you are different. Suddenly you start living with a purpose. You understand that coming to the well of Christ is the place you never want to leave again. It’s the time you just want to dance uninhibited. In my life I have experienced several of these events. I remember the first time it really hit me. I was on a mission trip to Honduras (my first one). I didn’t know anyone and I had kind of tried to outrun God. I knew I needed to be drawn close to him and I longed to have Him near me. One of the locals explained that at the top of one of the mountains you could see for at least 12 miles. The next morning I left the camp early and hiked to the top of the mountain peak. On the mountain something changed. I couldn’t help but worship and sing at the top of my lungs. When I returned to camp one of the team members had also gotten up early and soon realized it was me singing. She asked me if she could go with me the next day, and I agreed. By the time we made it through the week long trip the entire team was up early for our adventure with God and hiking to the top of the mountain for worship. The next time I remember it was during our ministry in Indiana. During the week of Vacation Bible School we had challenged the children to raise $8,000 for clean water in Liberia. Through the week the kids had raised nearly $4,600. I couldn’t imagine standing in front of the kids and telling them they had been faithful with their small things and God didn’t show up to do something big. So I prayed! Then, I sent out messages and called everyone I could. I truly believed that God was going to blow us away on our last night… and HE DID! That night just over $3,600 was given! Once you have experienced that Jesus is the LIFE, it becomes addicting. You pray for others to see it too. You ask God to allow them to be overwhelmed by the grace they have been given through Jesus. In fact, when Jesus brings you back to life, you want nothing to do with being dead. Is it time for you to take a step of faith, to love like Jesus, or to get WAY out of your comfort zone? I was desperate to be alive, and I would do anything I could to not die. Especially

knowing that Jesus was offering LIFE!

~ Matt matt@tatescreek.org

9Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Preschool MinistryCritterland News

How many people do you love so much that you would give your life for theirs? Certainly we would for our children or spouses if there was a threat and we were the only defense. Would you do so for a perfect stranger? What if you were the only one who could save a person you had never met from a horrible fate?

How amazing it is to know that God sacrificed his own son, and Jesus was willing to die for every single person on this earth. Those that, while God the Father knows all of us by name, He had not yet met in the flesh. He loves each of us with such fierceness that he made sure we had a way to overcome our sins and find our way to God so we may live eternally with Him.

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.”

John 11:25-26

~ Lesley lesley@tatescreek.org

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10

Thinking about the life I have because of the resurrection of Jesus has stirred some thoughts in me this morning.

One of my favorite movies is Brave Heart. Brave Heart is the story of a Scottish rebel, William Wallace, who led an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Long Shanks who wanted to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. After Wallace’s wife is killed he begins a long quest to make Scotland free once and for all. In one of the closing scenes of the movie Wallace is visited in his cell by the daughter of the king who has grown to like him. He is going to be executed and she went to his cell to beg him to confess and swear allegiance to the King of England. Wallace will not compromise. He will not surrender. The Princess, knowing there is no hope for Wallace unless he confesses, says, “You will die! It will be awful!” To which Wallace replies, “All men die, but not all men truly live.” That quote leaves me feeling convicted and motivated. Conviction comes when we ask ourselves, “Am I truly living?” Motivation comes when we embrace the conviction. Are we truly living? We get up, brush our teeth, hug our kids, and go to work, school, or to the couch. We inhale and exhale shallow, safe breaths. We pay our bills. We confront a multitude of stimuli throughout the day, but is this living? It’s time for us to “Get a life!”

Maybe you’ve only heard this challenge in the context of the critic. “You think you’ll get that promotion?!? Get a life!” “You think he’s being faithful to you?!? Get a life!” “You’re going back to college?!? Get a life!” “You’re going to start going back to Church?!? Get a life!”

I want to steal this challenge from the critic and give it to you with a smile on my face and joyful anticipation for you and those around you if you accept my challenge: “Get a life!” Because of Jesus and His resurrection, each day of life is a gift. Take it . . . say, “Thanks” . . . and open it! Look at the corner of the box and try to figure out the treasure waiting out of sight. Tear it open! Rip away the stuff of this earth and gaze at the present from Heaven. ~ Arron Chambers

-Lead Minister of Journey Christian Church Greeley, Colorado

Reprinted with permission

Get a Life

The Rose of CalvarySunday - March 29 - 6:30 pm

Our Worship Choir, Orchestra & Narrators will present this

moving cantata about the suffering of Christ.

Communion will be served.

Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org11


Easter Concert

The MetroGnomes 17-piece Big BandFriday - March 20 - 7:30 pm

TCCC Worship Center

This Big Band/Jazz Band will present a concert of pop, show and love-song tunes for you to enjoy.

Our own Willow Cooper is a part of this group.

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12

What is Prayer? Prayer is speaking time with our Father, sharing our days concerns with Him, knowing He has a listening ear and a caring heart.

A very important aspect is our faith. We know that there is no situation that our God cannot handle. We know that He walks with us through every experience and gives us His peace and His strength. It is believing in God’s love and presence in our lives.

A scripture that is very close to my heart is found in Philippians 4:6-7.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with

Thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all

understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Our Lord is ever faithful. Are we?

~ Vivian Voss

PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics

March1 Teens who are searching2 Colossians 3:4 3 Fehls on furlough4 The groups TCCC serves 5 Matt Lee and the Childrens area6 Salvation Army & Staff 7 Widows & Widowers 8 Children of homeless families9 John 6:3510 Limieros in Tanzania11 Volunteers at TCCC12 Our Elders & Deacons13 Community Action Council14 New Grandchildren15 Victoms of Violence 16 John 4:1417 Alvarados in Mexico18 Class & Group Leaders19 Kim Beckwith & Senior Adults20 CRU & FCA on campuses21 Those with family members in the military 22 College students23 Psalm 107:924 Judy Fish25 Small Groups26 Lesley Tipton & the Preschool area27 Not Alone pregnancy ctr28 Those with hospitalized family members29 Single parents30 Psalm 63:531 Syversons in Mexico

The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.

13Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Communion Serving Schedule March 1Elders: Ken Sharp, Larry HitchnerDeacons: Craig Martin, Steve MullinsAshland Terrace: Greg WheelerHome Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison, David MartinSat Comm Prep: Marvis/Pam WhitePrep after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma GoodeClean-up after 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie KistlerPrep after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma GoodeClean-up after 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie KistlerPrayer Team: Caroline Lewis, Kevin HickeyMarch 8Elders: Mike Mirre, Ken SharpDeacons: Lucas Moore, Cory WilsonAshland Terrace: Chris LeeHome Comm: Ed Hall, Harold Butler, Bill PoorSat Comm Prep: Mike/Barb NeviusPrep after 1st Srv: Ray/Christi AlbensiClean-up after 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny FowlerPrep after 2nd Srv: John CombsClean-up after 2nd Srv: Craig/Jenny FowlerPrayer Team: Ken Baker, Beth Kessler

March 15Elders: Willie Peal, Mike MirreDeacons: Bill Johnson, Charles ByersAshland Terrace: Bill JohnsonHome Comm: David Straub, Bill Johnson, Craig MartinSat Comm Prep: A. Anderson/M. BurchfieldPrep after 1st Srv: Shannon/Jenni GreggClean-up after 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam WhitePrep after 2nd Srv: Randall YoungClean-up after 2nd Srv: Marvis/Pam WhitePrayer Team: Judy Clark, Carolyn BallMarch 22Elders: Nathan Young, Willie PealDeacons: David Straub, Ken BanksAshland Terrace: David StraubHome Comm: Cory Wilson, Steve Mullins, Jonathan CliftonSat Comm Prep: Kathy HicksPrep after 1st Srv: Mary RobeyClean-up 1st Srv: David/Sheila WaitsPrep after 2nd Srv: Robert McCrayClean-up 2nd Srv: Randall YoungPrayer Team: Janice Moore, Monica KennedyMarch 29Elders: John Langley, Nathan YoungDeacons: Bill Poor, Chris LeeAshland Terrace: Bill PoorHome Comm: Stuart Kearns, Ken Banks, Greg KastenSat Comm Prep: Jim EvermanPrep after 1st Srv: Chris HinesClean-up 1st Srv: Chris/Debbie DennisonPrep after 2nd Srv: Chris HinesClean-up 2nd Srv: David/Joanne ShumanPrayer Team: Peggy Crawford, Laura Mullins

March Oasis MealsMarch 4 ~ Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread, DessertMarch 11 ~ Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich, Potato Salad, Applesauce, Carrot & Celery Sticks, DessertMarch 18 ~ Meat Loaf, Sweet Potatoes Peas, Rolls, DessertMarch 25 ~ Bean Soup or Vegetable Soup, 1/2 Turkey Sandwich, Cheese & Crackers, Dessert

Salad is available as an alternate meal when it is not a part of the meal being served.

Matthew 25:35-36, 40 states “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you

looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me... I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me.”

Jesus is very clear that His followers must love and serve others because when we do we are loving and serving Him. We find it easy to love and serve those who we know and with whom we have things in common, but this scripture speaks to the need to serve those we don’t know and with whom we have nothing in common. To live this out, we must get out of our comfort zones and reach out into the lives of those who need to hear, see, and experience the unconditional love of Christ through His followers.

The Hands and Feet Ministry was created for the purpose of giving us the opportunity to get out into our community and to touch the lives of complete strangers as we seek to serve them in their needs. Each Wednesday evening, we meet as a group, not to study how we can serve, but to actually go out in groups to meet people in their need. Our current projects include distributing free water bottles to those at the Lexington Transit Center, making and distributing “Prayer Blankets” to families of babies in the NICU at UK Medical Center, and delivering flowers to patients and workers of nursing homes. As this ministry grows, we would like to provide a mentoring program for “at risk” children, encouraging patients and workers at Eastern State Hospital, and developing a prison ministry.

In order to reach these goals, we need people who are willing to invest themselves into the lives of people who desperately need help, love, encouragement, and hope that can only be found in a relationship in Jesus Christ. Are you willing to give of yourself to make a difference in the lives of others? If so, come join us each Wednesday evening at 6:15 pm in room 200C. I promise you that you will receive a blessing much greater than your sacrifice.

~ Danny Branham

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14

Hands & Feet Ministry

15Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Our missionaries, Sergio and Holly Alvarado, minister at the El Jubileo Iglesia Cristina (Jubilee Christian Church) in Pachuca, Mexico, where they have served since 2007 when the church was planted. Jubilee started with 30 people and now has a congregation of 230, with 12 cell groups around the city. Sergio and Holly report that Jubilee Christian Church has an average of 35 baptisms a year. Recently a man with whom Sergio was studying the Bible asked him a question—“what is a missionary?” Sergio writes “he explained that a missionary is someone that hears the call of Jesus to go and make disciples in all parts of the world and obeys that call. In other words a missionary is someone who obeys the Great Commission Jesus gives to all His disciples. In practice, obeying the Great Commission may be different for all missionaries as there are many variables for the missionaries to consider when communicating the Good News and ministering to people. They include the culture of the people group, the geographical area, the accessibility, the language or languages spoken, and reached vs. unreached areas.” Sergio added that “a missionary may need to be a jack of all trades--able to do all kinds of things—preach, teach, sing, play an instrument, negotiate with government officials, provide child care, counsel individuals, clean the church building, etc. The job of a missionary is as diverse as the needs of the people the missionary is trying to reach.” The eight members of the TCCC short term work team scheduled to serve with Sergio and Holly at the Jubilee Christian Church in Pachuca in March will have the opportunity to experience a variety of service opportunities. Tommy Simpson will teach and preach, Zella Simpson will teach a group of ladies, Mike Allen will share at the special activity for the youth. They and the others—Millie Hamilton, Stan Stack, Vickie and David Cole, and Isabella Mando—will be available to help with the construction of the new Jubilee Christian Church worship center. That could include dry-wall work, painting, cleaning, preparing food for the workers, etc. Pray that the team will have safe travel, good health, and effectiveness during their March 13-23 mission trip.

~ Sergio & Holly Alvarado

Missions Moment Alvarado Family

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 16

Devotional Thought Week 1JESUS IS THE BREAD OF LIFE ~ John 6:22-71

Recently I got to know some Nigerian Christians. What I quickly noticed was their lack of many material things that I take for granted like clothes, a car, or even spending money for lunch. I soon learned that one of them had lost a baby last November and all of them had lost Christian brothers

and sisters to the terrorist group Boko Haram. But in the midst of this want and loss, I could not help but be drawn to them because of what they had in abundance: utter and unmistakable trust in God. They talked about their relationship with God as openly and easily as if He were an ever-present friend. Prayers in which God clearly answered “no” were accepted cheerfully as His wisdom for their lives, and they immediately began seeking His true direction. Even in the smallest of life’s circumstances, they were confident that God was interested and working on their behalf. These Christians exhibited visible joy for life, openness, sincerity, and a desire for authentic friendship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Their lives reminded me of what the Bible records in John 6:57-58, 60-64: “Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever….On hearing it, many of his disciples said, ‘This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?’ Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, ‘Does this offend you? What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe.’” Jesus’ words are hard teaching for me as an American Christian, but what are they for these Nigerian Christians? They are the Bread of Life, and I think Jesus is inviting all of us to join in the feast!

~ Monica Kennedy FOCUS Class Member

17Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Devotional Thought Week 2JESUS IS THE VINE ~ John 15:1-14

Jesus says he is the Vine. Not a vine or like a vine – and God is the Gardener. The main part of the parable is about the pruning of grape vines. I know of four types of pruning: pinching tips, topping, removing suckers, and thinning.

Most likely, this parable refers to thinning which improves the quality and quantity of the grapevine. Without thinning, the vine will only bear fruit once and the branches will run awry. As a vine, we would never want to see the Gardener heading our way with shears. That would involve suffering. However, Psalm 119:67

states, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep your rules.” The affliction could be sickness, persecution, loss of a loved one, or a vehicle accident. Just as is true with a grapevine, the more we are pruned the stronger we become. The fruit of the spirit is of better quality and quantity because we are closer to Christ. God always leaves a bud so that we have the chance to bear fruit once again. Our Gardener’s pruning removes our self-centeredness and selfishness. It places us next to Christ where we can have fellowship with him. No matter what you do or say, no matter how good you look from the world’s eyes, it is of no eternal value if it is apart from Jesus. If we are attached to the vine, we receive nourishment and encouragement. We are known for our fruit. If the fruit is of our own plans it will fail. The Gardener has given us a plan and we cannot improve on it and His word will keep us close to the Vine of Jesus for that is the nourishment that will transform us.

A MASTER GARDENER’S TIMELY TIP: Very few have grown grapevines, but many have roses in their yards. Roses should be pruned during the winter in a mounded shape, as much as 1/3 to 2/3 back. Cut canes diagonally from 35% to 45%, ¼ inch above an outward-facing bud.

~ Kent Mason Elder Seekers Class Teacher

JESUS IS THE RESURRECTION ~ John 11:1-45Can you think of something in your life now, or in the past, you would consider a “God Thing”? In other words, it wouldn’t have happened without Divine intervention. Lois and I met at a Hospice Grief class and were soon married. We believe our marriage is a “God Thing”.

The “God Thing” in the Gospel of John, is Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. We see the glories of Christ revealed in an astonishing manner. “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God ...”. 2 Corinthians 3:5 In the Greek text of Johns’ gospel, we find our Lord’s “I AM” mentioned twenty three times. He joins His “I Am” with seven tremendous metaphors, which are expressive of His saving relationship toward the world. Jesus speaking to Martha; “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this? John 11:25-27 She said to Him, “yes Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” Martha believes this truth as an event in the far-off future, so remote from the present life, indeed, as to be powerless to comfort her now. Jesus’ first two words, “I AM”, teaches Martha that resurrection is to be thought of as His person, and that is to be thought as present. Lazarus was raised after four days of being in the grave and the process of decomposition started. (John 11:39) The resurrection of Lazarus is the most dramatic sign in John’s Gospel. The reason for the miracle was to authenticate Jesus’ claims to be the Messiah and Son of God. One of the great tenets of Scripture is the claim that Jesus Christ is completely sufficient for all matters of life and godliness. Would you like to experience “The God Thing”? Ask the Holy Spirit to take control of your life. “The counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I said to you.” John 14:26

~ Charles Slone CIA Class Teacher

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18

Devotional thought Week 3

JESUS IS THE SAVIOR ~ John 19:16-30Rescuer. Liberator. Deliverer. Emancipator. Champion.

Who comes to mind when you read those words? The war hero that is outnumbered and holds off the enemy to save his unit? The movie character that saves a city by disarming an explosive and, of course, always gets the girl? The football player that intercepts a pass in his endzone to ensure a Super Bowl win for his team? In John 19 we see the execution of Jesus, a man who, for many years prior to his birth, had been proclaimed as rescuer, liberator, deliverer, emancipator, champion - savior to the Jewish people. Oddly enough, the Jewish leaders are the ones trying to eliminate Him. Why is that? As Christians, we’re often guilty of reading stories about the missteps of the Jews in the Bible and thinking, “how could they be so dense?”, but I think it’s probably because they were thinking a lot like we still do today. The Jewish people of the time were looking for the Messiah to arrive on the scene as a powerful, charismatic political and military leader that would lead them to independence from the immediate burden in their lives - the Roman government. They wanted a man that they could stand behind as he slayed rulers. Afterwards, they would carry him off on their shoulders as crowds cheered. Sound familiar? The Jewish leaders of the time held to the Old Testament scriptures describing the power and glory of the coming Messiah - as well as the power and glory He would return to Israel. They weren’t necessarily looking for a Messiah that would be “despised and rejected by mankind”. The Jews wanted a “savior” to free them from Roman oppression and restore them to power. What are some things we look for a “savior” to free us from? Are we looking for a “savior” to bring us health, wealth, or power? Are we satisfied in a Savior that has come to free us from the oppression of sin and the consequences of sinful living? Or, like the Jewish leaders, are we prone to discard Jesus because it doesn’t appear that he is saving us from our worldly burdens? Sometimes we may feel like the disciples as they watched their leader die a painful, humiliating death. We may wonder where Jesus is when we’re afraid, hurting, sick, or confused. Jesus is our Rescuer, Liberator, Deliverer, Emancipator, Champion, and Savior. He has conquered evil, and despite it’s efforts to rule over us, evil will never prevail because Jesus offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice so that we may have eternal life with Him in glory. ~ Cory Wilson Deacon Career Small Group Leader 19

Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Devotional thought Week 4

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road

New Sermon Series


Senior Adult EventsAdult Bible Study

Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Room 200A

Better With Age Club Thursday, March 19

10:30 am ~ Fellowship Hall

Bring soup, sandwiches, salad, or dessert to share.

Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship

March 9, 2015First Christian Church

Meal ~ 5:45 pm, Program ~ 6:45 pm

Van will leave TCCC at 5:15 pm

Jesus is the Bread of LifeJohn 6:22-71

Jesus is the VineJohn 15:1-14

Jesus is the ResurrectionJohn 11:1-45

Jesus is the SaviorJohn 19:16-30

Jesus is the ConquerorJohn 20

Jesus is the LifeMarch 8 - April 5

Thank you from Russell Cave Church of ChristFor those who sponsored a child from the Angel Tree:

“Please send our thanks to the members of your congregation that sponsored a child for Christmas. The

Russell Cave Church community families were truly blessed by their giving. Again, thank you for this ministry

and may God bless you ALL in the year 2015.”

~ Marie LaPierre

21Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Looking to Go Deeper?Small Groups

All groups meet on Sunday evening unless noted.

Adult GroupsLeader Time, Location

Allen, Mike 6, 4309 Brookridge Dr. (College) Lexington, 40515 mike@tatescreek.org

Fey, Ron / 6:30, Various Homes Jurgens, Ken Lexington, 40515 pmorgan13@windstream.net

Seevers, Don 6:30, Various Homes don@tatescreek.org Lexington, 40515

Starns, Bob 6:30 pm, Thursday rstarns001@aol.com Nicholasville, 40356

Wilson, Cory (Career) 6:30, 3814 Northampton coryleewilson@gmail.com Lexington, 40517

Kid Friendly GroupsLeader Time, Location

Boggs, Brian 6:30, Various Homes austydak@windstream.net Lexington, 40511

Layne, Rick 6, Various Homes rickenyal@aol.com Lexington, 40515

Lee, Matt 6:30, Various Homes matt@tatescreek.org Lexington, 40515

Martin, Craig 6, Various Homes rcmcacm@bellsouth.net Georgetown, 40324

Tates Creek Christian Church provides the opportunity to learn, grow, and build encouraging relationships through Small Groups. Small Groups meet in individual homes to share fellowship and study the Word of God. The groups meet in various locations throughout the city with most choosing to meet on Sunday evenings. There are several ways to choose a Small Group. Some may choose based on a similar age, life-stage, or the age of their children. Others may choose based on the location of the group so that they meet and get to know people living in close proximity. We encourage you to take your faith deeper and stretch it by joining a Small Group. These will be the people with whom you ‘do life,’ those who are there for you in your victories and challenges and those whom you will support in their times of need. These are the times and people that help us grow in our walk with Jesus.

Sunday School Average Attendance

January 2015YouthInfants 7Walkers 72 - 5 Year Old 16 Elementary 54Middle & High School 60

AdultAlpha/Omega 8Christians in Action 24Crusaders 46Early Bird 8:30 am 4Faith 15Fellowship of Believers 11FOCUS 19Generations of Faith 22Good News 27Grace & Truth 74Grass Roots 14Heaven Bound 9In The Word 16Open Bible 66Psalm 34:3 3Reach 14Seekers 7Servants for Christ 28Upper Room 12Willing Workers 31

Ashland Terrace 7Miscellaneous 5Officers 3

Total 600

January Worship Attendance & Giving

Total General Fund 4th 674 $31,960.11th 753 $26,611.18st 716 $26,988.25th 698 $25,262.

IndebtednessMortgage Balance, Jan. 31 $1,146,619.

Monthly Payment (Feb. 1) $112,888. Principal $9,498. Interest $3,389. Add’l Principal $100,000.

To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at www.tatescreek.org and click on “Giving”.

% of Dollars Given Online16%

General Fund Report2015 Budgeted Need per week $31,440.2015 Average per week $29,469.

January Total Income $110,821.January Total Expenses $132,287.Moved to Savings $10,129.Net Shortfall ($31,595.)

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22

Funds Totals for Jan.

Deacons’ Fund $1,323.“What If...” $99,235.Victory for Life $748.

23Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

New Members

Katrina is a teacher at Clay City Elementary and has been attending Tates Creek for about 2 years with her husband Phillip. She comes to us from Rice Station Christian church where she was baptized. Katrina is involved with the Early Bird Sunday school class in which her husband Phillip is the teacher. If you are looking for a class at the 8:30 am hour on Sunday morning, please be sure to join them in room 114.

Katrina BroaddusTransfer, January 11

with husband Phillip

Richard & KathyHeineman

Transfer, January 25 picture not available

Richard and Kathy have lived in Lexington since 2005 and have been worshipping with us for the last year. They felt very welcome from the beginning and they also knew Ken and Anita Baker. Richard was baptized when he was young and was instrumental in helping Kathy make that decision in 1990. Her favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” They are both retired and are involved with the Open Bible Sunday school class. Be sure to welcome Richard and Kathy as they continue to serve with us.



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Calendar ~ March 20151 Monthly Ministry Teams

2 Elders’ Meeting, 6 pm, 200D

5 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh5 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm

7 & 21 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102

9 BCMF, 5:45 pm, First Christian9 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 9 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh

10 MOPS, 9 am, FH10 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm

12 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH

13 Senior Adult Trip, 4 pm, Gaither Vocal Band Concert

19 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH

20 Metrognomes Concert, 7:30 pm, WC

24 MOPS, 9 am, FH

26 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH

29 Worship Choir Easter Concert, 6:30 pm, WC

Weekly ActivitiesSunday Evening:Choir rehearsal for Easter, 3 pm, WCRejoicing Ringers, 4:30 pm, CREvening Worship, 6:30 pm, WCAdult Small Groups, various times and locations

Monday Evening: Orchestra rehearsal, 6:00 pm, WC

Tuesday Evening:Pit Crew, 3:30 pm, MMCVictory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH

Wednesday:Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AWorship Team, 5:30 pm, WCOasis Meal, 5:45 pm, MMCHigh School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm, 303Oasis Classes, 6:45 pm, various roomsWorship Choir, 6:45 pm, WC






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