Post on 24-Jan-2018

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We're a bit obsessed with the new Tatcha Aburatorigami blotting papers that just arrived at the New London Pharmacy (Space NK is getting them in February). There's always an appeal in blotting papers — they de-shine you without leaving powder on your face (cough, Nicole Kidman, cough). But most of them are the size of rolling papers, and if you're a fairly greasy person, you might end up going through four sheets at the least: one for each cheek, the forehead and chin, and the nose. And they were always weird and cheap looking. The Tatcha papers are large enough — about the size of a Kleenex — so that one sheet is all you need, and the packaging is, dare we say, pretty cute. By: Aja Mangum

1.  Clue into an age-old Japanese beauty secret: touch up your face with Tatcha's artisanal blotting papers, made with abaca leaves and gold flakes.

2.  Brighten a dull complexion with Guerlain Météorites Perles. The clever beads come in various colors to serve different functions: blue pearls, for instance, counteract the yellow tone of tired skin.

3.  We love how Guerlain's KissKiss Baby rejuvenating lip balm moisturizes and protects you from the hot summer sun while adding irresistible shine to your pout.

4.  Perfect your complexion with Youngblood's Mineral Radiance Moisture Tint, which is packed with antioxidants like seve marine (a super-hydrating green algae), vitamin E, licorice-root and kiwi extracts, and menthol that together cool and calm irritated skin.

5.   Viktor and Rolf's super-chic Eau Mega now comes in a darling gold travel flacon—perfect for tossing in your purse.

6.  After one spritz of Caudalie’s Beauty Elixir, our skin glows—use it after putting on makeup to set powder and create a natural, dewy look. The blend of grape extract, rosemary, and orange blossom closes pores and leaves your skin feeling (and looking) firm.

As featured on the TODAY Show

New  York  Fashion  Week:  Chris  Benz  Spring  2010  

Chris Benz’s lead makeup artist, Daniel Martin, had TATCHA on hand for his entire artistry team for the designer’s Spring 2010 show at New York Fashion Week.

The Tao of I Do Fall 2009 Wedding Guide

Face the Day Get down to basics with a brow design and signature facial that’ll make you glow from Katrina Rising at Cake. Then keep shine at bay while preserving makeup with luxurious Tatcha Aburatorigami blotting papers.

Beauty on the Inside and Out! January 5th, 2010 by Mindy Weiss Hi Friends, I’m so blessed to receive wonderful little samples of amazing products and inspirations. I really enjoy all the surprises and try to blog about as many as I can! This special product I was gracefully sent not only is beautiful but I tried it and all I can say is ahhhhhh and ohhhhh! This item is called Tatcha. Japanese Blotting Papers. “Authentic Aburatorigami originally created for gold leaf artisans discovered be Geisha in the 1800″s for it’s skin benefits. All-natural. Fragrance free, handmade and suitable for ALL skin types.” I really thought that I didn’t have any extra oils on my skin but after using these for about 2 weeks I swear I can see a difference (at my age I notice any change!) All my event planner friends out there…you how we are getting dressed in bathroom stalls right before the event and for the gals, our make-up that we applied in the morning looks awful well I threw a few of these blotting papers in my bag and it almost looked like I applied more foundation…but not! Just took away that tired “I look exhausted” look J hmmmmmm Perfect for a Bride and the Bridal Party…Hey my hubby has stolen them out of my purse…your skin feels so soft. The package is small enough for your Bridal purse or handbag. The artwork on the package I just love too… www.tatcha.com

15 October 2009 Growing up in Hong Kong, Aburatorigami, otherwise known as oil-blotting papers to most of us, have been a life-saver for me for longer than I can remember. But it wasn’t until recently that I discovered the story behind this Asian beauty staple and found my HG, TATCHA Aburatorigami. TATCHA Aburatorigami is truly the cream of the crop among blotting papers. It is handmade in Japan with 100% abaca leaf and comes in a fancy paper packet with 30 sheets. Each sheet measures roughly 3.75 inch x 3.75 inch and is slightly bigger than most blotting papers but perfect for the whole face. It is super thin and soft yet the lattice line makes it more durable than your regular Japanese oil blotting papers. There are also tiny gold flakes just like the traditional Aburatorigami, which by the way, is originally the by-product from artisans hammering gold into thin leaves to decorate the pavilions of Imperial Japan (who would have known?) Unlike the plastic blotting papers like Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets, the TATCHA blotting papers do not soak up excess oil (which can sometimes lead to more oil being produced). Nor do they contain talc powder like the famous Papier Poudré Oil Blotting Papers from England, so they will never dry up your skin or leave behind a powdery, chalky finish. They simply get the job done quickly and effectively without ruining your makeup or irritating the skin. Plus how can you not love that it is all-natural and biodegradable? Now I will can never go back to regular blotting papers! TATCHA Aburatorigami is now available at http://www.tatcha.com/. Prices are $12 for a pack or $30 for 3.

Tatcha Aburatorigami (30 sheets for $12) Can you EVEN? This powder alternative absolutely ENCHANTS me. These gold flake infused papers were originally created for gold leaf artisans and were discovered by geisha in the 1800s for its skin benefits. They're all-natural, fragrance-free and homemade. Simply pat a leaflet anywhere you'd like to reduce oil. Don't coat you skin with crap, simply soak up the excess. It's SIMP. Tatcha Aburatorigami is sold at tatcha.com. What golden products are blowing back your hair? Tell me in the comments!

TATCHA  Blo>ng  Papers:  AddicBon  Worthy  

I am officially addicted to TATCHA Aburatorigami Japanese Blotting Papers! These biodegradable blotting papers are what beauty dreams are made of. Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? I am not being over-the-top about this. Blotting papers are essential to your beauty routine. I forgot mine, as I didn’t switch them when I switched purses the other day, when I got my Global Keratin Treatment done and you can see the evidence clearly by my picture. I even said to Jordana, “I wish I had remembered my blotting papers!” (Just ask her if you don’t believe me!) I should have remembered that Makeover Momma recommends using toilet seat covers in a pinch as a substitute for blotting papers, but I didn’t. I received the TATCHA Blotting papers, beautiful presented. I was even more please when I opened my bundle to see how classy and beautiful the packaging is on a TATCHA 30 sheet pack. Presentation is important, even in blotting papers. Now, just like you, while presentation is important, the true beauty is how the papers work! The blotting papers are made with the finest grade abacus leaf, known for it’s strength, absorbency and softness. The size of each sheet is a large 3.75 inch sheet that is the perfect size for blotting your entire face. You can even use both sides of the sheet if you are extra oily. How to Use as instructed by TATCHA: For Those With Dry Skin You are blessed with naturally clear skin that just needs a boost of moisture, especially after washing your face. After applying a rich moisturizer even the best powders can settle in, accentuating lines and wrinkles throughout the day. To help create the perfect canvas for your makeup with minimal powder, gently pat a single leaflet of TATCHA aburatorigami to prime your skin without drying it out. For Those With Oily Skin Rejoice, for oily skin is youthful skin. For a petal fresh complexion, gently pat a single leaflet of TATCHA aburatorigami to the face anywhere there is excess oil. Use both sides and discard after use. Repeat as often as needed anytime throughout the day. Not to gross you out or anything but here is my blotting paper after use. This was 9:30 in the morning! I don’t consider my skin to be oily, in fact it is actually dry, which goes to show that we all need to use blotting paper!! Forget my TATCHA blotting papers? Never again! $12/ 30 sheet pack TATCHA.com

TATCHA  Blo>ng  Papers:  AddicBon  Worthy  

A  new  and  amazing  beauty  product  TATCHA  just  released  on  the  market  in  September.      A  friend  of  mine  is  the  Marke@ng  Manager  for  said  company.  I  was  pleasantly  surprised  to  receive  a  nice  liCle  package  via  snail  mail.  TATCHA  -­‐  It's  the  small  things  that  count,  bloGng  papers  wrapped  in  nice  recycled  gold  leaf  paper.  If  you  do  use  bloGng  papers,  I  think  it’s  @me  to  make  the  switch  over  to  a  gold  leafed  wonder  of  amazement.  Save  yourself  the  embarrassment.  Don’t  get  caught  shining.  HA,  in  the  bad  way  of  course.  I,  personally  have  neither  oily  or  dry  skin.  I’m  considered  ‘normal’.    However,  there  is  a  certain  @me  during  the  month  where  my  face  produces  a  liCle  more  oil  than  normal.    I  thought  that  it  would  be  a  great  @me  to  test  them  out  during  those  three  days.    Low  and  behold!    TATCHA  did  what  it  was  supposed  to  do  and  then  some.    Relieved  my  (especially  around  my  nose)  skin  of  oil  and  shine.  TATCHA  -­‐  Adding  different  touches  of  color  is  always  a  plus,  I  favor  the  neon-­‐melon.  Another  great  feature  is  that  you  aren’t  limited  to  use  them  just  when  you  are  out  and  about.    They  work  so  well  before  puGng  makeup  on.  I  like  to  use  them  aPer  my  face  is  cleansed,  toned,  moisturized  and  primed.    Just  to  give  my  face  a  maCe  look  before  applying  anything.  Plus  I  am  pre6y  sure  that  my  makeup  coverage  lasted  longer  through  out  the  day  with  out  a  second  applica@on.    For  your  type  of  skin,  check  out  their  website  for  direc@on/usage.    TATCHA  I  also  like  the  extra  touch  of  the  gold  leaf  flake  in  it.  If  you’ve  used  bloGng  papers  before,  you  know  that  they  are  the  basic  run  of  the  mill,  plain  Jane  papers.    I  would  have  to  say  that  these  are  the  crème  de  la  crème  in  it’s  market.  With  price  points  that  are  definitely  not  going  to  break  the  bank,  I  think  that  these  are  most  def  stamped  with  the  seal  of  a  recommenda2on  of  approval.    TATCHA  IS  BRAND  NEW  WITH  AN  OLD  SOUL….  Here  are  some  of  the  company’s  beliefs:  …in  Leonardo  DaVinci’s  observa@on  that  “Simplicity  is  the  ul@mate  sophis@ca@on”.  …that  the  best  beauty  secrets  are  s@ll  out  there  wai@ng  to  be  discovered  by  the  modern  world.  …that  true  quality  comes  from  the  history  of  each  product  and  exper@se  of  the  craPsmen  that  make  them.  Here  are  some  of  the  company’s  promises:  We  will  search  the  world  over  for  true  beauty  secrets  that  have  withstood  the  test  of  @me.  We  will  personally  travel  to  the  source  for  every  product  we  carry  to  ensure  that  the  communi@es  and  environment  are  treated  with  the  utmost  care.  We  will  bring  our  customers  authen@c  products  that  simplify  and  beau@fy.    

I’m  just  gonna  put  it  out  there:  I  have  always  had  really  oily  skin  and  large  pores.  Consequently,  much  of  my  brain  space  in  high  school  was  not  so  much  occupied  with  how  toxic  the  ingredients  were  in  my  oil  controlling  face  powder  as  it  was  with  whether  the  hot  foreign  exchange  student  would  kiss  me  for  the  first  @me  on  an  evening  when  I  forgot  to  (re)apply  the  aforemen@oned  powder  because  then  he  would  get  a  close-­‐up  look  at  the  oil  and  the  pores  and  I  would  subsequently  be  subjected  to  an  unsolicited  lesson  in  how  to  say  “My  God  woman  what  is  wrong  with  your  face?!”  in  Italian,  thus  forcing  me  into  hiding  for  the  next  three  years,  with  nothing  to  keep  me  company  but  Sassy  magazine  and  my  angst-­‐ridden  poetry  about  bad  skin  and  why  I  hated  Europeans.  Ahem.  Moving  on.    Unfortunately,  face  powder  was  a  mixed  blessing,  as  the  more  I  applied  it,  the  junkier  my  face  felt,  and  I  was  preCy  sure  it  was  causing  the  liCle  pimples  I  was  geGng  on  my  cheeks.  Consequently,  when  I  first  heard  about  the  magic  maGfying  promise  of  bloGng  papers,  you  can  be  sure  I  drove  to  Dayton’s  Department  Store  as  fast  as  my  Pon@ac  Phoenix  would  take  me  and  purchased  a  big  pack  of  the  finest  bloGng  papers  in  all  of  Fargo.  Fast  forward,  um,  you  know,  a  few  years  and  bloGng  papers  have  become  a  staple  in  my  purse,  dashboard,  makeup  bag,  and  gym  bag.  What  I  did  not  know,  however,  was  that  all  of  my  favorite  brands  contained  synthe@c  fragrance,  talc,  and  mineral  oils  (which  strikes  me  as  blasphemous  in  a  bloGng  paper).  I  also  did  not  know  the  original  bloGng  papers  –  the  ones  Japanese  women  have  been  using  from  over  300  years  –  have  always  been  made  using  nourishing  abaca  stem,  not  the  overly  drying  wood  pulp  we  are  subjected  to,  if  we’re  lucky,  here  in  the  States.  Yes  it’s  true:  Even  high-­‐end  American  bloGng  papers  are  basically  fragranced  toilet  seat  covers.  The  cheaper,  drug  store  sheets  are  actually  perfumed  sheets  of  petroleum.  Awesome.  Tatcha  papers  are  handmade  by  the  same  village  of  ar@sans  whose  families  have  been  using  the  abaca  to  pound  gold  into  exquisitely  thin  sheets  for  centuries.  These  are  the  same  papers  given  to  the  Geisha  as  giPs  by  these  ar@sans  three  hundred  years  ago,  which  the  women  used  to  keep  their  skin  flawless  despite  the  daily  regimen  of  heavy  makeup.  Today,  abaca-­‐based  bloGng  papers  can  be  found  in  nearly  every  purse,  backpack,  and  clutch  in  Japan.  Tatcha  founder,  Vicky  Tsai,  discovered  the  superiority  of  abaca-­‐based  bloGng  papers  during  her  frequent  business  trips  to  Japan,  and  went  to  extraordinary  lengths  to  bring  us  these  wonder  sheets.  They  absorb  excess  oil  in  the  morning,  act  as  a  primer  (for  oily  or  dry  skin)  to  help  founda@on  stay  on  all  day,  can  be  used  midday  to  refresh  the  face  without  removing  makeup,  and  are  absolutely  essen@al  for  travel  (let’s  be  honest  –  as  carry-­‐on  restric@ons  launch  into  the  ridiculous,  bloGng  papers  may  all  you’re  allowed  to  carry  on  your  next  flight).  When  I  read  about  Tatcha  Aburatorigami  BloGng  Papers  (thank  you,  EcoS@leCo!),  and  the  amazing  story  behind  them,  I  had  to  get  my  hands  on  a  pack.  Sure  enough,  I  immediately  no@ced  the  difference:  my  skin  looked  great  without  the  @ght  feeling  I  got  from  the  spendy  toilet  seat  covers,  and  one  large  sheet  was  enough  for  my  en@re  face,  as  opposed  to  the  three  I  usually  needed  of  the  postage  stamp-­‐sized  department  store  brands.  Best  of  all,  Tatcha  Aburatorigami  BloGng  Papers  contain  no  fragrance,  talc,  mineral  oil,  or  petroleum;  just  liCle  gold  flakes  as  a  sign  of  authen@city.  Star@ng  in  February,  you  can  find  Tatcha  at  Space  NK  stores.  For  now,  they  can  be  purchased  at  Tatcha.com,  or  at  Natureoleauty.com  (which  is  currently  the  only  company  shipping  them  interna@onally).      

A  couple  of  weeks  back  I  had  the  pleasure  to  introduce  you  to  a  wonderful  Bay  Area  based  beauty  brand  TATCHA,  and  since  then  more  wonderful  things  have  been  happening.  You  can  now  purchase  TATCHA  at  Herringbone  Apothecary  in  Berkeley  and  Doe  in  Hayes  Valley.  In  the  @me  since  the  first  post  I  also  had  a  liCle  @me  to  chat  with  TACHA  founder  Vicky  Tsai,  and  I  found  out  that  we  have  some  favorite  beauty  products  in  common,  as  well  as  some  other  wonderful  facts  about  her,  and  of  course  I’m  sharing  them  with  you….ENJOY!    photo  of  Kyoto,  JP    What  were  you  doing,  prior  to  the  launch  of  TATCHA?  Vicky:  I’ve  spent  the  be6er  part  of  my  life  involved  in  beauty  –  first  as  a  passionate  consumer,  then  working  in  my  mother’s  cosmeEcs  bouEque  growing  up,  and  then  finally  at  a  global  beauty  care  company.  It  wasn’t  unEl  I  spent  some  Eme  with  a  green  raEngs  start-­‐up  called  GoodGuide  though  that  I  began  to  learn  about  the  environmental  and  health  hazards  of  these  products  I  had  always  loved.  So  before  I  launched  TATCHA,  I  spent  1.5  years  travelling  the  world  searching  for  beauty  products  from  the  past  that  beauEfy  and  simplify  responsibly.  TATCHA  is  my  way  of  sharing  these  treasures  I  find  along  the  way.    If  you  weren’t  in  the  beauty  industry  what  would  you  be  doing?  Vicky:  Great  quesEon!  I’ve  done  different  things  in  my  career  but  nothing  has  ever  been  such  a  labor  of  love.  I  hope  I  never  have  to  find  out.    Do  you  expect  on  expanding  the  TATCHA  line  with  other  products?    Vicky:  Absolutely.  There  are  so  many  gems  that  I  keep  finding  from  the  East  that  are  as  sumptuous  as  they  are  simple.  Bay  Area  Stylefile  will  be  the  first  to  know  as  the  line  grows.      When  you  aren’t  overly  busy  running  your  business,  what  are  some  of  your  favorite  things  to  do?  Vicky:  What  a  Emely  quesEon.  I’m  expecEng  my  first  li6le  one  in  a  few  weeks  –  it’s  a  girl!  So  when  I’m  not  working  on  TATCHA,  I’m  preparing  for  motherhood.  I’m  taking  name  suggesEons!  I’ll  send  a  year’s  worth  of  TATCHA  to  anyone  who  comes  up  with  a  winning  name.  Her  last  name  will  be  Bevan  (pronounced  Bevin).      The  5  Fashion/Beauty  items  you  can’t  live  without?  Vicky:  I’m  on  a  mission  to  simplify  my  beauty  and  fashion  rouEnes  so  I’m  a  big  fan  of  effortless,  elegant  style  soluEons.  If  I  had  to  pick  just  five  though:    1.  TATCHA  beauty  papers  –  of  course  ;-­‐)  2.  Zobha  acEve  wear  –  stylish  enough  to  wear  to  brunch  but  high  performance  enough  to  work  out  in  too.  Also  a  SF  brand!  3.  Bu6er  London  -­‐  nail  lacquer  in  Pink  Ribbon  4.  Julie  Hewe6  -­‐  Camellia  Balm  for  lips,  eyes,  face  5.  Silk  scarves  from  Nepal  that  I  stock  up  on  whenever  I  am  in  Asia.  Throw  them  on  with  jeans,  a  black  tank  top  and  heels  and  you’re  ready  to  go.    

The  great  thing  about  having  a  blog  with  a  Bay  Area  niche  is  that  I  occasionally  get  contacted  by  wonderful  designers,  and  cosme@cs  brands  that  are  based  in  my  own  back  yard,  and  that’s  what  happened  with  TATCHA.  TATCHA  is  a  brand  of  authen@c  aburatoigami  (  literal  transla@on  “oil  bloGng  paper”  in  Japanese),  that  launched  on  September16th  2009  right  in  San  Francisco.  Abacus  Leaf/Gold  Flake  was  originally  used  by  gold  craPsmen  about  1000  years  ago,  but  300  years  ago  the  beau@ful  Geisha  found  that  these  papers  also  held  great  beauty  benefits  as  well.  TATCHA  unlike  other  bloGng  papers  that  are  on  the  market,  is  all  natural,  fragrance  free,  animal  tes@ng  free,  and  handmade  as  they  have  been  for  centuries.  The  skin  benefits  are  wonderful  not  just  for  removing  excess  oils  that  cause  breakouts  from  oily  skin,  but  it  also  creates  luminosity  to  all  skin  types,  plus  it  creates  a  great  base  for  makeup  so  you  don’t  need  to  use  a  pore  clogging  primer,  and  when  used  atop  of  makeup  it  keeps  your  look  fresh.  If  you’re  looking  to  get  your  hands  on  TATCHA  you  can  purchase  online  (  $12  for  a  1-­‐pack,  30  sheets  per  pack  or  $30  for  a  3-­‐pack,  30  sheets  per  pack)  and  shipping  is  free  shipping.  HAPPY  SHOPPING!    


kokolaroo   MakeupbyRenRen  


They  come  in  lovely  black  packaging  and  will  fit  in  the  tee  6niest  evening  clutch  or  minaudiere  without  taking  up  too  much  room.    God  forbid  your  favorite  gloss,  mints,  and  cell  phone  cannot  fit  in  there  too.    Disaster!!    :)    See  the  pic  below  that  I  snapped  with  my  Iphone  showing  how  easily  I  can  pack  these  cute  liDle  papers  into  my  favorite  Miu  Miu  evening  bag.    The  night  beauty  papers  are  infused  with  TATCHA’s  signature  gold  leaf  and  added  charcoal  for  extra  purifica6on.    The  beauty  papers  do  not  disturb  your  makeup  and  easily  liK  excess  oil  leaving  your  face  as  fresh  as  a  Japanese  Geisha.    (well,  almost!)    LOL.    Thank  you  Vicky!    I  will  be  a  life6me  TATCHA  supporter  and  have  shared  your  fabulous  product  with  some  of  my  fabulous  friends  so  they  can  spread  the  word!      

As featured on the TODAY Show Youtube.com/TatchaBeauty