Task 9 as media

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Transcript of Task 9 as media

Task 9As Media Studies Portfolio 

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene 1. 

The opening of the film 'Pulp Fiction' starts with a dictionary definition of the word 'Pulp'. The shot fades in and out, and it is clear Tarantino wanted the audience to think of the definition of the

word as the movie progresses. The shot is completely silent, this may have been done so the audience can

focus on the words on the screen. 

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene2. 

The film cuts to a medium shot which introduces the main characters of the scene. The use of high-key lighting as well as

diegetic sound shows the audience that the two are in a busy/ public environment. 

The dialogue from the two reveals their identities as when we first see them they seem to look like an ordinary couple. However

through the use of dialogue it is reveled to the audience that they are professional criminals. 

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene3.

The over the shot is important here, as the conversation between the two

continues to get more intense, as they continue to talk about the crime they

are going to commit. The shot continues to show them as an ordinary couple which builds up tension for the


Pulp Fiction Opening Scene5. 

The close-up of the woman (who is referred to as 'Honey Bunny') is key, as it shows the emotion on her face when the two plan to

commit the crime in the diner. It alarms the audience and creates a tense atmosphere. 

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene6.

The scene jumps to a quick shot of the man sliding a gun over to the woman. This is

important as it shows how the two can't go back now. The shot now shows how the

security of the diner has now disappeared and the audience are left waiting for the crime to

take place. 

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene7. 

The close up of the kiss really goes against all the stereotypes of

the typical 'gangster' and/ or 'criminal'. It goes against any kind

of crime/ gangster film. 

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene8. 

This is one of the most important scenes in the opening sequence, as it is the

finale from the build up of the conversation the two had been sharing, throughout the beginning of the movie.

The man seems to be the dominant figure in the shot as the woman can be seen sat in the booth facing away from

the camera. 

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene9.

The closure of the opening sequence finishes with the man and woman both threatening the customers in the coffee

shop. The scene freezes with the man and woman holding guns, while the credits begin at the bottom of the screen and

the theme song begins playing. The audience is left to wonder what happens, as the opening scene disappears

and the opening credits keep rolling. 

Inspiration for our own piece. 

Following the opening sequence of 'Pulp Fiction' I found the shots used were very well handled. The use of close-ups really brought out the themes of tension and anticipation.

The film also doesn't go with the natural concept of the genre. An example is the couple being criminals, however the two are seen kissing and giving each other romantic nick-names instead of being the typical 'gangster' or 'criminal'. I found this very interesting and would like to experiment with this and see if it would fit into our project.