Task 6

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Task 6

Task 6

I made this can as one of my first ones, I made these can as a tester as I was just messing around with Photoshop tools to help me figure out what I wanted the can to be like on my final design. The first think I did was make the can blue, I then used the smudge tool to smudge the colour and made this.

With this can, I just got the blank can template and added a blue colour overlay, I then started playing around with the gradient overlay and it cam out like this. I like the colours used and how they blend with this can however I was just playing around with this can and it wont be used in my final designs.

I made this can as one of the first designs when I was playing around with the tools. I think out of the three designs on this page, this one is one I would use if I was going to, because its simple but looks good and if I were to add writing and other colours it would not look to busy.

I downloaded an image of a plain can to start with and then made a collage of images. The images are from the highland Scottish games, I chose this event to gather images from because Irn Bru is Scottish and the highland games are very popular there, they are also classed as sporting events and because Irn Bru 32 is an energy drink it fits the drink more. I got the images from Google images and made a collage with them, I also then turned the colour scale to grey as I felt the colours I would use next would stand out and make the colours look bold. As the highland games are produced with different events I saved the images of the events so you could tell what is happening, also because the images are black and white, people may not be able to tell they are Scottish events because many people taking part wear tartan kilts, so I made sure people looking at the can you could see their kilts to know its Scottish related.

I then decided to put the collage onto the can, I did this using Photoshop, I then changed the opacity of the collage to make my writing stand out more but also because I think it looks more professional to have the images blended out and not make them too obvious. I then chose to add the ‘Irn Bru’ copy as its for Irn Bru, I decided to make the copy blue because the colour scheme for Irn Bru is blue and orange and I didn’t want to change them because I think people will think it’s a different drink and when businesses designs different packaging for their new product they keep the same colours because its more professional than changing them all the time. I decided to put the copy in the middle of the can because you can read it clearer than if it was down the side of the can or anywhere else.

As we are designing a can for Irn Bru 32, I then added the 32 and made it orange because irn bru colour scheme is orange and blue and I didn’t have any orange in before, I centralized the 32 to make it look professional, I then added a drop shadow around the copy as I though it wasn’t bold enough and didn’t stand out as much as I wanted it to, I added the drop shadow in Photoshop and I think it works well as it makes the copy stand out and also works well with the black and white collage on the can, I then also added the ‘barr’ logo onto the can. Although the copy had a drop shadow I do not think it stood out as much as it could so I used the stroke tool to add a black boarder around the copy to make it stand out and so it is more clear.


This was my first advert design. I chose to do it with a sporting theme because the can was the Scotland highland games. I chose the background image of when England won the world cup back in 1966 and I then decided to have a glass of Irn Bru into of the player, I decided to do this to show how that Irn Bru is a Scottish drink and drinking it makes you see things in a Scottish perspective. I chose Kenny Dalglish to replace the England player and Kenny is very popular in Scotland and also used to play football. I like the whole idea of this advert however I don’t really like how it looks, I don’t think the shirt or the head look right where I have replaced them, I think it looks alright from far away because you cant see the lines whereas up-close you can see how badly it has been put together, so I think I need to work on the design of this advert some more. However I do like how the hand is positioned as it kind of looks 3D and the hand is positioned so it looks like the glass has been held up against a photograph which looks better than just having a random glass floating. I decided on the slogan ‘seeing things the right way’ because I think it goes well with what message the advert is giving out, because most Scottish football supporters think it should be a Scotland player holding up the cup so because irn bru is Scottish when you lift the glass up and look through it you will see things as Scottish people would like to see things as.

As Irn Bru is Scottish I decided to take a tartan pattern square, as when people see tartan they think of Scotland, I also managed to find one that was orange and blue which is the colours of Irn Bru, I then put the tartan square on the can, however I thought the can look better without any writing on it because when I was finding a font and colour of some text I didn’t think that any of them went well however I decided to keep the colour silver in the end, however overall I don’t like this design as much mainly because of the writing.

I decided the to keep the colours the same as irn bru because then when people click onto the page they know who runs it. I started by creating a web banner template on Photoshop of 468x60. I then coloured box a blue and decided to put orange stripes over it, I copied the stripes as this would ensure that the spaces and the width of the banners are all the same size. I then added the ‘Irn Bru’ text, however because the background was blue you could not see it clearly so I added a drop shadow to make it stand out a bit more.

I still thought the writing was not as clear so I put a black line around the writing using the stroke tool I think this broke up the colour of the text and the colour of the background well and made the text much more clearer. I also used the drop shadow and stroke tools when I added the ‘32’ to the banner and I could not decide whether to keep it blue or to have it orange, I think it works well both ways and is still eye catching with both the colours. However l think if you look at it too much it makes your eyes go weird because of the colours and layout I have chosen.