TASK 210 – SUBSURFACE SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT ... · 355 Research Parkway Meriden, CT 06450 T...

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Transcript of TASK 210 – SUBSURFACE SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT ... · 355 Research Parkway Meriden, CT 06450 T...

355 Research Parkway ▪ Meriden, CT 06450 ▪ T (203) 630-1406 ▪ F (203) 630-2615 ▪ www.blcompanies.com

An Employee-Owned Company





Prepared for:

Connecticut Department of Transportation

Division of Environmental Compliance

2800 Berlin Turnpike

Newington, Connecticut 06111

Prepared by:

BL Companies, Inc.

355 Research Parkway

Meriden, Connecticut 06450

BL Companies Project Number 14EC0043

ConnDOT Project No. 0170-3192

Assignment No. 314-5292

April 2016

This report was prepared by the individuals listed below. Any questions or comments regarding

the information provided herein should be directed to these individuals.

Prepared by:

Joy P. Kloss, CHMM

Sr. Environmental Scientist

Reviewed by:

Aaron L. Silva, LEP

Project Manager

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation i Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ............................................................................................. 1

1.2 PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS ............................................................................... 1

1.3 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................. 1

2.0 LOCAL ENVIRONMENT AND RECEPTORS ............................................................ 3

2.1 SURFICIAL GEOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 3

2.2 BEDROCK GEOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 3

2.3 GROUNDWATER .................................................................................................................. 4

2.4 SURFACE WATER ................................................................................................................ 4

3.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION AND SAMPLING METHODS .......................................... 5

3.1 SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLING ......................................................................................... 5

3.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING .............................................................................................. 6

3.3 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING ................................................................................................ 6

4.0 REGULATORY CRITERIA ............................................................................................ 8

4.1 RSR SOIL CRITERIA ............................................................................................................ 8

4.2 GROUNDWATER & SURFACE WATER CRITERIA ................................................................. 9

5.0 SUMMARY AND EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL DATA .................................. 10

5.1 SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ..................................................... 10

5.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS .......................................................... 11

5.3 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ............................................................ 11

5.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA)/QUALITY CONTROL (QC) RESULTS .................................... 12



7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................... 17

8.0 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................ 18

9.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 19


Figure 1 Site 1 Location Map EV-1 Site 1 Sample Location Plan

Figure 2 Site 2 Location Map EV-2 Site 2 Sample Location Plan

Figure 3 Site 3 Location Map EV-3 Site 3 Sample Location Plan

Figure 4 Site 4 Location Map EV-4 Site 4 Sample Location Plan


Table 1 Sample Location Rationale and Selected Analyses

Table 2 Soil Analytical Results

Table 3 Groundwater and Surface Water Analytical Results



Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 1 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


BL Companies was retained by the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation

(ConnDOT) to conduct a Task 210 Subsurface Site Investigation (SSI) in support of ConnDOT

Project No. 0170-3192, Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges in New Milford,

Kent, and Canaan, Connecticut. This report provides a brief description and history of the

project area, a discussion of the local environment and receptors, the investigation rationale, a

summary of the data obtained during the investigation, an interpretation of the results with

respect to the appropriate regulatory criteria, and recommendations.

1.1 Background and Purpose

The State of Connecticut is the owner of the segment of the Housatonic Railroad Line from the

Massachusetts state line in North Canaan running south to New Milford. This projects consists

of rehabilitation of four bridges, identified as Site 1 through Site 4, on the Housatonic Railroad

Line and within the state owned segment of this single track railroad. Site 1 (Bridge No. 09200R

over stream) is located at milepost (M.P.) 15.00 in New Milford, CT. Site 2 (Bridge No. 09204R

over Womenshenuk Brook) and Site 3 (Bridge No. 09206R over Cobble Brook) are located at

M.P. 21.61 and M.P. 25.80, respectively, in Kent, CT. Site 4 (Bridge No. 09223R over the

Hollenbeck River) is located at M.P. 44.50 in Canaan, CT. The project involves the construction

of temporary railroad crossings, soil management, temporary management of surface water, and

rehabilitation and/or replacement of the bridge structures. The site locations and pertinent features

are depicted on the Site Location Maps (Figures 1 through 4) and Sample Location Plans (EV-1

through EV-4) in Appendix A.

Fill material along railroad embankments typically contain ash, coal, and cinders with metals

(arsenic and lead), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and total petroleum hydrocarbons

(TPH) at concentrations exceeding the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

(DEEP) Remediation Standard Regulations (RSR) criteria. Railroad embankment fill materials

also occasionally contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls

(PCBs), and pesticides at concentrations exceeding the RSR criteria.

The purpose of this Task 210 SSI was to collect soil, sediment, surface water, and/or

groundwater data in order to evaluate whether the proposed construction activities require

management of contaminated soil, sediment, surface water, and/or groundwater.

1.2 Previous Environmental Reports

No previous environmental investigation reports were available for review by BL Companies.

1.3 Scope of Work

BL Companies completed this Task 210 SSI pursuant to our work plan, dated March 9, 2016 and

approved by ConnDOT. The scope of work included the following tasks:

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 2 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

• Pre-drilling activities (1) Obtain access agreement with Housatonic Railroad, (2)

contact Call-Before-You-Dig to request mark outs of subsurface utilities at Site 4,

and (3) discuss proposed sample locations with ConnDOT, Housatonic Railroad, and

other companies/agencies;

• Two soil borings to depths ranging from 10 to 20 feet below grade (ftbg) using

hollow stem auger rig at Site 4;

• Installation of one temporary groundwater monitoring well at Site 4;

• Record lithology and field screening soil samples with photoionization detector


• Collection and laboratory analysis of composite soil samples and grab sediment

samples at Site 1 through 4 for one or more of the following:

o VOCs by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260;

o SVOCs by EPA Method 8270;

o Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (ETPH) by CT DPH Method;

o Total RCRA 8 Metals by EPA Methods 6010/ 7471;

o Leachable RCRA 8 Metals using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching

Procedure (TCLP);

o PCBs by EPA Method 8082;

o Pesticides and Herbicides by EPA Method 8081;

o Ignitability; Reactivity; and pH.

• Collection and laboratory analysis of a surface water samples at Site 1 through 4 for

the following:

o VOCs by EPA Method 8260;

o SVOCs by EPA Method 8270;

o ETPH by CT ETPH Method;

o Pesticides and Herbicides by EPA Method 8081;

o PCBs by EPA Method 8082; and

o Total and Dissolved RCRA 8 Metals, Copper, and Zinc by EPA Method


• Collection and laboratory analysis of a groundwater sample at Site 4 for the


o VOCs by EPA Method 8260;

o SVOCs by EPA Method 8270;

o ETPH by CT ETPH Method;

o Pesticides and Herbicides by EPA Method 8081;

o PCBs by EPA Method 8082; and

o Total and Dissolved RCRA 8 Metals, Copper, and Zinc by EPA Method


Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 3 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


2.1 Surficial Geology

Site 1 – Bridge No. 09200R

According to the "Surficial Materials Map of Connecticut", dated 1992, surficial materials of the

project area consists of till, sand, and gravel. Based on observations during sample collection

activities, surficial materials consist of black silty sand with organics and fine gravel.

Site 2 – Bridge No. 09204R

According to the "Surficial Materials Map of Connecticut", dated 1992, surficial materials of the

project area consists of till. Based on observations during sample collection activities, surficial

materials consist of black silty sand and organics with fine to medium sand and fine to coarse


Site 3 – Bridge No. 09206R

According to the "Surficial Materials Map of Connecticut", dated 1992, surficial materials of the

project area consists of sand and gravel. Based on observations during sample collection

activities, surficial materials consist of black silty sand, organics, fine to coarse gravel, and

varying amount of coal slag and ash.

Site 4 – Bridge No. 09223R

According to the "Surficial Materials Map of Connecticut", dated 1992, surficial materials of the

project area consists of sand overlying thinly bedded fines. Based on observations during sample

collection activities, surficial materials consist of black fine to medium sand with varying

amounts of coal slag and coarse gravel. Boring logs for Site 4 are included in Appendix C.

2.2 Bedrock Geology

Site 1 – Bridge No. 09200R

According to the “Bedrock Geological Map of Connecticut”, dated 1985, the project area

contains three types of bedrock including the Unit B Stockbridge Marble, Dalton Formation, and

layered gneiss. Unit B Stockbridge Marble is described as a white to light-gray dolomite marble

and schist. The Dalton Formation consists of a gray, tan weathering feldspathic quartzite, gneiss,

and schist. Layered gneiss is described as a gray, medium grained, well layered gneiss. Bedrock

outcrops were observed in the vicinity of Site 1.

Site 2 – Bridge No. 09204R

According to the “Bedrock Geological Map of Connecticut”, dated 1985, the project area is

underlain by a basal marble member of Walloomsac Schist, which is described as dark to light

colored schistose marble. Bedrock was not encountered during the investigation.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 4 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

Site 3 – Bridge No. 09206R

According to the “Bedrock Geological Map of Connecticut”, dated 1985, the project area

contains two types of bedrock, the Unit B Stockbridge Marble and Stockbridge Marble. Unit B

Stockbridge Marble is described as a white to light-gray dolomite marble and schist.

Stockbridge Marble is described as white to gray dolomitic marble. Bedrock was not

encountered during the investigation.

Site 4 – Bridge No. 09223R

According to the “Bedrock Geological Map of Connecticut”, dated 1985, the project area is

underlain by Unit A of Stockbridge Marble, which is described as a white to gray dolomite

marble. Bedrock was not encountered during the investigation.

2.3 Groundwater

Based on a review of the Water Quality Classifications Map for New Milford, Kent, and Canaan

Connecticut, the project areas have been designated by DEEP as “GA” quality. The GA

classification indicates that the Site is located within the area of influence of private and/or

public water supply wells and is presumed suitable for direct human consumption without

treatment. The Sites are not located in an Aquifer Protection Area.

Based on the presence of the unnamed brook at Site 1 and the Womenshenuk Brook at Site 2,

located within the investigation area, the general direction of groundwater flow at both sites is

inferred to be toward the west. Based on the presence of Cobble Brook at Site 3 and the

Hollenbeck River at Site 4, located within the investigation area, the general direction of

groundwater flow at both sites is inferred to be towards the northwest.

2.4 Surface Water

According to the above-referenced DEEP map, the unnamed brook (Site 1), Womenshenuk

Brook (Site 2), Cobble Brook (Site 3), and Hollenbeck River (Site 4) are class “A” surface water

bodies. Class A surface waters are designated for use as fish, aquatic life, and wildlife habitat,

recreation, navigation, potential drinking water supply, and/or industrial and agricultural water

supply. Site 1 and Site 3 are also located in the vicinity of the Housatonic River which is

classified as a class “B” surface water body. Class B surface waters are designated for use as a

fish, aquatic life, and wildlife habitat, recreation, navigation, and/or industrial and agricultural

water supply.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 5 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


This Task 210 SSI included the collection and laboratory analysis of composite soil samples,

grab sediment samples, and surface water samples at Sites 1 through 4. A grab groundwater

sample was also collected for laboratory analysis at Site 4. The sampling locations are depicted

on the Sample Location Plans (EV-1 through EV-4).

All samples were submitted under proper chain of custody to Phoenix Environmental

Laboratories, Inc. (Phoenix) of Manchester, Connecticut, a State of Connecticut Department of

Public Health certified environmental testing laboratory. The samples were analyzed for

regulated constituents of concern associated with the railroad embankments. Table 1 in

Appendix B provides a summary of the sampling rationale and the laboratory analyses requested

for each sample. The following sections summarize the field investigation and sampling

methodologies used during this investigation.

3.1 Soil and Sediment Sampling

Site 1 – Bridge No. 09200R

On March 17, 2016, a BL Companies project scientist collected one composite soil sample,

identified as WC-S1, from the railroad embankment surrounding the culvert. In addition, a grab

sediment sample, identified as SED-S1 was collected from the southern side of the culvert. VOC

samples were collected as grab samples per EPA method 5035.

Soil sample WC-S1 was collected from the west side of the tracks by compositing soils from the

northern and southern sides of the culvert pipes. Soils consisted of black silty sand with some

organic material and fine gravel. No odors were observed in any samples. The soil samples

were field screened with a PID and resulted in 0.0 parts per million (ppm).

Site 2 – Bridge No. 09204R

On March 17, 2016, a BL Companies project scientist collected two composite soil samples,

identified as WC-S2-1 and WC-S2-2, from the railroad embankment surrounding the culvert. In

addition, a grab sediment sample, identified as SED-S2 was collected from the western end of

the culvert. VOC samples were collected as grab samples per EPA method 5035.

Soil sample WC-S2-1 was collected from the west side of the tracks by compositing soils from

the southern side of the culvert pipe. Soils on the southern end of the culvert pipe consisted of

black silty sand and organics with some fine to medium sand and fine to coarse gravel. Soil

sample WC-S2-2 was collected on the east side of the tracks by compositing soils from the

northern and southern sides of the culvert pipe and consisted of a black silty sand and organics

with some fine to medium sand and fine to coarse gravel. No odors were observed in any

samples. The soil samples were field screened with a PID and resulted in 0.0 ppm.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 6 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

Site 3 – Bridge No. 09206R

On March 17, 2016, a BL Companies project scientist collected two composite soil samples,

identified as WC-S3-1 and WC-S3-2, from the railroad embankment surrounding the culvert. In

addition, a grab sediment sample, identified as SED-S3 was collected from the eastern end of the

culvert. VOC samples were collected as grab samples per EPA method 5035.

Soil sample WC-S3-1 was collected from the north side of the tracks by compositing soils from

the western and eastern sides of the culvert pipe. Soil sample WC-S3-2 was collected on the

southern side of the tracks by compositing soils from the western and eastern sides of the culvert

pipe. Soils on the western portion of the culvert pipe consisted of black silty sand with some

organics, fine to coarse angular gravel, and coal slag, while soils on the eastern end were similar

but contained a larger percentage of coal slag and some white/gray coal ash. No odors were

observed in any samples. The soil samples were field screened with a PID and resulted in

0.0 ppm.

Site 4 – Bridge No. 09223R

On March 18, 2016, two borings, identified as B-S4-1 and B-S4-2, were advanced using a high

rail hollow stem auger drill rig to depths ranging from 10 to 20 ftbg. Soil samples were obtained

continuously during advancement of the borings using a 2-inch diameter, 2-foot long, split spoon

sampling device. In addition, a sediment sample, identified as SED-S4 was collected from the

northern end of the culvert. VOC samples were collected as grab samples per EPA method


Soil sample B-S4-1 was collected from the eastern side of the timber bridge by compositing soils

from the top five ftbg. Soils consisted of coarse angular gravel with some black fine to medium

sand and coal slag from 0 to 2 ftbg which was underlain by tan fine to medium sand. Soil

sample B-S4-2 was collected from the western side of the timber bridge by compositing soils

from the top five feet. Soils consisted of varying amounts of coarse angular gravel, black fine to

medium sand, and coal slag from 0 and 8 ftbg and was underlain by tan fine to medium sand. A

slight creosote odor was observed in shallow soils to a depth of two ftbg. The soil samples were

field screened with a PID and resulted in 0.0 ppm.

3.2 Surface Water Sampling

One surface water sample was collected from each site, identified as SW-S1 through SW-S4,

from the downgradient/downstream side of each railroad crossing. The surface water was placed

directly into pre-preserved sample containers provided by the laboratory and placed in a cooler

with ice.

3.3 Groundwater Sampling

A groundwater sample was collected from Site 4 following soil sampling at B-S4-2, utilizing a

temporary groundwater monitoring well. The well was installed to a depth of 20 ftbg and

constructed with 10 feet of 2-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slotted, schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride

(PVC) screens and 10 feet of 2-inch diameter PVC riser pipe. After the groundwater in the

temporary well was allowed to equilibrate, the well was sampled at a low-flow rate using a

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 7 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

peristaltic pump. The groundwater was pumped directly into pre-preserved sample containers

provided by the laboratory and placed in a cooler with ice.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 8 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


The soil and sediment analytical results were compared to the numeric criteria listed in the

Connecticut DEEP Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs), sections 22a-133k-1 through 22a-

133k-3 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, dated June 2013, and also compared to

the published 2015 numeric criteria for additional polluting substances (APS) not promulgated in

the June 2013 RSRs. The RSRs were developed by the DEEP to define the remediation

performance standards for soil and groundwater to be protective of human health and the


The RSRs apply specifically to sites at which remedial actions are required by the DEEP under

Chapters 445 or 446k of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) such as under an administrative

order, subsequent to a transfer of an establishment under CGS Section 22a-134a, and to sites that

are enrolled in a Voluntary Remediation Program under CGS Sections 22a-133x or 22a-133y.

Currently, the RSRs do not address sediment, and the Site is not regulated under any of the

above State statutes. However, BL Companies used the numeric criteria stated above as

guidelines to evaluate the data regarding concentrations of regulated compounds detected in soil.

DEEP defines polluted soil as containing any substance at a concentration above the analytical

detection limit. Contaminated soil is defined as any substance whose concentration exceeds the

numeric criteria of the RSRs. Both classifications require special handling and disposal


Based on discussions between ConnDOT and DEEP, the groundwater numeric criteria in the

RSRs do not provide the best method for construction projects to determine whether treatment of

groundwater and surface water is necessary prior to discharge. In accordance with DEEP

guidance, groundwater and surface water analytical results were compared to the effluent limits

established under both DEEP General Permits for the Discharge of Groundwater Remediation

Wastewater (to Sanitary or Surface Water) for the purpose of, groundwater and surface water


The following sections provide a brief summary of the soil, sediment, groundwater, and surface

water criteria utilized to evaluate contaminants conditions during this Task 210 SSI.

4.1 RSR Soil Criteria

Direct Exposure Criteria (DEC)

The DEC are designed to protect human health from risks associated with exposure to pollutants

in contaminated soil within 15 feet of the ground surface.

The RSRs provide two sets of DEC, one for residential land use (RES DEC) and another for

industrial/commercial land use (I/C DEC). The CTDEEP RSRs define “residential activity”

under CGS Section 22a-133k-1(a) to include any activity related to a residence or dwelling, or to

a school, hospital, day care center, playground, or outdoor recreation area. Remediation to the

RES DEC is required unless an ELUR is recorded that restricts residential use. For this project,

BL Companies compared the soil analytical results to both the RES DEC and I/C DEC.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 9 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

Pollutant Mobility Criteria (PMC)

The PMC are designed to protect groundwater quality by reducing or eliminating the potential

for migration of pollutants to groundwater from contaminated soil. The RSRs provide two sets

of PMC based on the groundwater classification of the Site, as designated by DEEP. In a “GA”

groundwater classification area, the GA PMC apply to soil located from the ground surface to the

depth of the seasonal low water table. As the project area is in a “GA” area, BL Companies

compared the soil analytical results to the GA PMC.

4.2 Groundwater & Surface Water Criteria

Maximum Concentration Limits (MCLs) Established in DEEP General Permits for Discharge of

Groundwater Remediation Wastewater Directly to Surface Water or Sanitary Sewer

Maximum Concentration Limits (MCLs) established in DEEP General Permits for Discharge of

Groundwater Remediation Wastewater Directly to Surface Water or Sanitary Sewer apply to

impacted groundwater that is discharged to surface water or sanitary sewer during construction.

In order to evaluate whether construction dewatering would require treatment prior to discharge,

BL Companies compared the groundwater analytical results to the Remediation Wastewater

Discharge MCLs.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 10 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


5.1 Soil and Sediment Sample Analytical Results

Seven soil samples (WC-S1, WC-S2-1, WC-S2-2, WC-S3-1, WC-S3-2, B-S4-1, and B-S4-1)

and four sediment samples (SED-S1 through SED-S4) were analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, ETPH,

total and leachable RCRA 8 metals, PCBs, pesticides, chlorinated herbicides, ignitability,

reactivity, and pH. Soil and sediment analytical results are summarized in Table 2 in

Appendix B. The laboratory analytical reports are included in Appendix D.


Carbon disulfide was detected in soil sample B-S4-2 at a concentration below RSR criteria.

VOCs were not detected above laboratory detection limits in the remaining samples.


Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in samples WC-S2-1, WC-S2-2,

WC-S3-1, WC-S3-2, B-S4-1, and B-S4-2 at concentrations above the RES DEC, I/C DEC,

and/or GA PMC. PAHs were detected in sample SED-S3 at concentrations below RSR criteria.

PAHs were not detected above laboratory detection limits in the remaining samples.


ETPH was detected in sample B-S4-2 at a concentration of 540 milligrams per kilograms

(mg/kg), which is above the RES DEC and GA PMC of 500 mg/kg. ETPH was detected in

samples WC-S2-2 (150 mg/kg), WC-S3-1 (130 mg/kg), WC-S3-2 (210 mg/kg) at concentrations

below RSR criteria. ETPH was not detected above laboratory detection limits in the remaining



Arsenic was detected in samples WC-S2-1 (122 mg/kg), WC-S2-2 (221 mg/kg), SED-S2 (12.9

mg/kg), WC-S3-1 (174 mg/kg), WC-S3-2 (227 mg/kg), B-S4-1 (99.5 mg/kg), and B-S4-2 (79.4

mg/kg) at concentrations exceeding the DEC of 10 mg/kg. Additional total metals were detected

in the samples at concentrations below RSR criteria.

Leachable arsenic was detected in samples WC-S3-1 (0.16 mg/L) and B-S4-1 (0.11 mg/L) at

concentrations exceeding the GA PMC of 0.05 mg/L. Leachable arsenic was detected in sample

WC-S2-1 (0.05 mg/L) at a concentration equal to the GA PMC. Leachable lead was detected in

sample SED-S2 (0.017 mg/L) at a concentration exceeding the GA PMC of 0.015 mg/L.

Additional leachable metals were detected in the samples at concentrations below RSR criteria.


The pesticide, 4,4’-DDT, was detected in sample WC-S3-2 (0.0079 mg/kg) at a concentration

exceeding the GA PMC of 0.003 mg/kg. Pesticides were not detected above laboratory detection

limits in remaining samples.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 11 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

PCBs and Chlorinated Herbicides

PCBs and chlorinated herbicides were not detected above laboratory detection limits in the

samples analyzed.

Reactivity, Ignitability, and Corrosivity

The soil and sediment samples were analyzed for reactive cyanide and sulfide, ignitability, and

pH. Based on the laboratory results, the soil and sediment do not exhibit hazardous


5.2 Surface Water Sample Analytical Results

Four surface water samples (SW-S1 through SW-S4) were analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, ETPH,

pesticides, chlorinated herbicides, PCBs, total and dissolved RCRA 8 metals, Cu and Zn.

Surface water analytical results are summarized in Table 3, along with the appropriate regulatory

criteria. The surface water analytical laboratory report is included in Appendix D.


Several PAHs were detected in sample SW-S4 at concentrations below the MCLs established in

the DEEP General Discharge Permits. SVOCs were not detected above laboratory detection

limits in the remaining samples.

Total and Dissolved Metals

Dissolved arsenic was detected in sample SW-S2 at a concentration of 5 micrograms per liter

(ug/L), which is above the surface water MCL of 0.021 ug/L. Total arsenic was not detected in

SW-S2. Total and/or dissolved barium, copper, and/or zinc were detected at concentrations

below the MCLs established in the DEEP General Discharge Permits in samples SW-S1, SW-S2,

SW-S3, and SW-S4.

VOCs, ETPH, PCBs, Pesticides, and Chlorinated Herbicides

VOCs, ETPH, PCBs, pesticides, and chlorinated herbicides were not detected above laboratory

detection limits in the samples.

5.3 Groundwater Sample Analytical Results

One groundwater sample, identified as S4-GW, was collected from Site 4 at boring B-S4-2 for

laboratory analysis of VOCs, SVOCs, ETPH, pesticides, chlorinated herbicides, PCBs, total and

dissolved RCRA 8 metals, Cu and Zn. Groundwater analytical results in comparison to the

General Permit Discharge MCLs are summarized in Table 3. The groundwater analytical

laboratory report is included in Appendix D.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 12 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


PAHs were detected in groundwater sample S4-GW at concentrations below the MCLs

established in the DEEP General Discharge Permits.

Total and Dissolved Metals

Total arsenic, copper, lead, and zinc, and dissolved arsenic and lead were detected at

concentrations exceeding the Surface Water Discharge MCLs in groundwater sample S4-GW.

Total lead was also detected at a concentration exceeding the Sanitary Sewer Discharge MCL in

groundwater sample S4-GW.

VOCs, ETPH, PCBs, Pesticides, and Chlorinated Herbicides

VOCs, ETPH, PCBs, pesticides, and chlorinated herbicides were not detected above laboratory

detection limits in groundwater sample S4-GW.

5.4 Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) Results

All samples were analyzed using the DEEP Reasonable Confidence Protocol (RCP), where

applicable, and meet the RCP requirements. Quality control samples consisting of trip blanks,

field blanks, and duplicates were collected during the investigation per the DEEP Quality

Assurance and Quality Control Guidance Document, dated May 2009, revised December 2010.

BL Companies also thoroughly reviewed the laboratory RCP Certification Report to evaluate the

reliability of the analytical data. The case narratives do not indicate any non-conformances that

would affect the usability of the data. All reportable detection limits were below RSR numeric



A trip blank sample was prepared at the laboratory and accompanied the sample containers from

the laboratory, to the site, and back to the laboratory. The purpose of a trip blank sample was to

evaluate the potential for VOC cross-contamination from the surrounding environment during

transport. VOCs were not detected in the trip blank sample, indicating that there was likely no

cross-contamination of the samples during transportation.

A duplicate soil sample was collected from one randomly selected soil sample location to

evaluate the accuracy of the laboratory analytical data, measured as Relative Percent Difference

(RPD) as defined by the above referenced DEEP Guidance Document. The duplicate was

obtained from B-S4-1 and was analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, ETPH, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides,

and total and TCLP RCRA 8 metals.

• ETPH was not detected in original sample; however, it was detected in the duplicate

sample. A 34.96 RPD was calculated using the ETPH reporting limit for the original

sample and the duplicate sample result, which is below the 50 RPD acceptable limit for

non-aqueous samples.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 13 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

• SVOC concentrations resulted in a 14.30 average RPD, which are acceptable levels of

precision. Benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, and chrysene were detected at the

same concentrations in the original and duplicate sample.

• Total metals results had the following RPDs: arsenic (11.8), chromium (8.47), mercury

(9.52), and lead (0.2), which are acceptable levels of precision.

• Total barium resulted in a 69.57 RPD, which are slightly higher than the acceptable limit.

Total barium was not detected above the RSR criteria; therefore, the usability of the data

is not affected.

• TCLP metals results had the following RPDs: arsenic (9.52) and barium (11.11), which

are acceptable levels of precision.

• VOCs, PCBs, pesticides, and chlorinated herbicides were not detected above the

reportable detection limits in sample B-S4-1 or its duplicate.

Groundwater & Surface Water

A trip blank sample was prepared at the laboratory and accompanied the sample containers from

the laboratory, to the Site, and back to the laboratory. The purpose of a trip blank sample was to

evaluate the potential for VOC cross-contamination from the surrounding environment during

transport. VOCs were not detected in the trip blank sample, indicating that there was likely no

cross-contamination of the samples during transportation.

A duplicate groundwater sample collected from S4-GW to evaluate the accuracy of the

laboratory analytical data, measured as Relative Percent Difference (RPD) as defined by the

above referenced DEEP Guidance Document. The duplicate was analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs,

ETPH, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, total and dissolved RCRA 8 metals, Cu and Zn.

• SVOC concentrations resulted in a 22.88 average RPD, which is lower than the 30 RPD

acceptable limit for aqueous samples.

• Total metal results had the following RPDs: arsenic (22.22), barium (47.8), cadmium

(66.66), chromium (34.31), copper (35.29), mercury (40), lead (44.82), and zinc (43.19)

most of which are above the acceptable limit. The variation in the analytical data is most

likely due to elevated turbidity observed during sampling. The sample turbidity is

representative of the groundwater turbidity during excavation dewatering; therefore, the

usability of the data is not affected.

• Dissolved metals results had the following RPDs: arsenic (18.18), barium (45.7),

chromium (47.61), copper (2.67), lead (12.5), and zinc (48.41). The RPDs are acceptable

levels for dissolved arsenic, copper, and lead. The RPDs for dissolved barium,

chromium, and zinc are above the acceptable level. Since dissolved barium, chromium,

and zinc were not detected above the MCLs, the usability of the data is not affected.

• ETPH, VOCs, PCBs, pesticides, and chlorinated herbicides were not detected above the

laboratory detection limits in sample S4-GW or its duplicate.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 14 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292



The following provides a summary of the potential sources of soil, sediment, and groundwater

contamination identified during completion of this Task 210 SSI, an evaluation of potential

pathways for migration, and the identification of preliminary Areas of Environmental Concern

(AOECs) and Low-Level Areas of Environmental Concern(LLAOECs) at Site 1 through Site 4.

Sample Location Plans are included in EV-1 through EV-4 in Appendix A.

Site 1 – Bridge No. 09200R

LLAOEC “A” – Low Level Soil in the Vicinity of Sample WC-S1

Low-level metals (at concentrations below the applicable RSR criteria) were detected in soil

sample WC-S1. The source of the metals is likely related to natural occurring concentrations

found in soils.

LLAOEC “B” – Low Level Sediment in the Vicinity of Sample SED-S1

Low-level metals (at concentrations below the applicable RSR criteria) were detected in

sediment sample SED-S1. The source of the metals is likely related to natural occurring

concentrations found in nearby soils.

Site 2 – Bridge No. 09204R

AOEC 1 – Contaminated Soil in the Vicinity of Samples WC-S2-1 and WC-S2-2

PAHs and arsenic were detected at concentrations exceeding the RSR criteria in samples WC-

S2-1 and WC-S2-2. Low-level ETPH and metals (at concentrations below the applicable RSR

criteria) were also detected in the samples. The source of the elevated levels of PAHs and

arsenic appears to be associated with railroad embankment fill material.

Proposed work within AOEC 1 includes removal and replacement of the existing structure.

Therefore, any soil removed from AOEC 1 should be reused on-site. Potential receptors of the

impacted soil include workers involved in the construction activities, particularly during removal


AOEC 2 – Contaminated Sediment in the Vicinity if Sample SED-S2

Arsenic and lead were detected at concentrations exceeding the RSR criteria in sample SED-S2.

Low-level metals (at concentrations below the applicable RSR criteria) were also detected in the

sediment sample. The source of the elevated levels of arsenic and lead appears to be associated

with railroad embankment fill material.

Proposed work within AOEC 2 includes removal and replacement of the existing structure.

Therefore, any sediment removed from AOEC 2 should be handled as controlled material.

Potential receptors of the impacted sediment include workers involved in the construction

activities, particularly during removal activities.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 15 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

Site 3 – Bridge No. 09206R

AOEC 3 – Contaminated Soil in the Vicinity of Samples WC-S3-1 and WC-S3-2.

PAHs and arsenic were detected at concentrations exceeding the RSR criteria in samples

WC-S3-1 and WC-S3-2. The pesticide 4,4’-DDT was also detected at concentration exceeding

the RSR criteria in sample WC-S3-2. Low-level ETPH and metals (at concentrations below the

applicable RSR criteria) were also detected in the samples. Additionally, coal slag and ash was

observed in soils within AOEC 3. The source of the elevated levels of PAHs and arsenic appears

to be associated with railroad embankment fill material.

Proposed work within AOEC 3 includes installing of a relieving slab below the rail bed and removal

of vegetation and debris surrounding the bridge. Therefore, any soil removed from AOEC 3

should be reused on-site. Potential receptors of the impacted soil include workers involved in the

construction activities, particularly during removal activities.

LLAOEC “C” – Low Level Sediment in the Vicinity of Sample SED-S3

Low-level PAHs and metals (at concentrations below the applicable RSR criteria) were detected

in sediment sample SED-S3. The source of the PAHs and metals is likely related to fill material

within the railroad embankment.

Site 4 – Bridge No. 09223R

AOEC 4 – Contaminated Soil in the Vicinity of Samples B-S4-1 and B-S4-2

PAHs and arsenic were detected at concentrations exceeding the RSR criteria in samples B-S4-1

and B-S4-2. ETPH was also detected at concentrations exceeding the RSR criteria in sample

B-S4-1. Low-level ETPH, carbon disulfide, and metals (at concentrations below the applicable

RSR criteria) were also detected in the samples. Additionally, coal slag was observed in soils

within AOEC 4. The source of the elevated levels of PAHs, ETPH, and arsenic appears to be

associated with railroad embankment fill material.

Proposed work within AOEC 4 includes removal and replacement of the existing timber bridge.

Therefore, any soil removed from AOEC 4 should be reused on-site. Potential receptors of the

impacted soil include workers involved in the construction activities, particularly during removal


LLAOEC “D” – Low Level Sediment in the Vicinity of Sample SED-S4

Low-level metals (at concentrations below the applicable RSR criteria) were detected in

sediment sample SED-S4. The source of the metals is likely related to natural occurring

concentrations found in soils.

GW AOEC – Contaminated Groundwater in the Vicinity of Boring B-S4-2

Metals (arsenic, copper, lead, and zinc) were detected at concentrations exceeding the Surface

Water Discharge MCLs in groundwater sample S4-GW. Lead was also detected at a

concentration exceeding the Sanitary Sewer Discharge MCL in groundwater sample S4-GW.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 16 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292

It is unknown whether excavations will be performed below the water table during the project.

However, based on the results of this investigation, if groundwater within GW AOEC requires

dewatering, it will require pre-treatment before being discharged to surface water or sanitary

sewer. Potential receptors of the impacted groundwater include workers involved in dewatering


Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 17 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


Based on the Task 210 SSI results, four preliminary LLAOECs, four preliminary AOECs, and a

preliminary GW AOEC was identified within Site 1 through Site 4, as summarized below:

Site 1 – Bridge No. 09200R

• Soil with LLAOEC “A” contains low-levels of metals below the RSR numeric criteria.

• Sediment with LLAOEC “B” contains low-level metals below the RSR numeric criteria.

Site 2 – Bridge No. 09204R

• Soil within AOEC 1 contains PAHs and arsenic at concentrations exceeding RSR numeric

criteria and therefore classified as contaminated material.

• Sediment within AOEC 2 contains arsenic at concentrations exceeding RSR numeric

criteria and therefore classified as contaminated material.

Site 3 – Bridge No. 09204R

• Soil within AOEC 3 contains PAHs, arsenic, and pesticides at concentrations exceeding

RSR numeric criteria and therefore classified as contaminated material.

• Sediment with LLAOEC “C” contains PAHs and low level metals below the RSR numeric


Site 4 – Bridge No. 09233R

• Soil within AOEC 4 contains PAHs, ETPH, and arsenic at concentrations exceeding RSR

numeric criteria and therefore classified as contaminated material.

• Groundwater within GW AOEC contains metals above the Surface Water Criteria MCL

and/or Sanitary Sewer Discharge MCL. Therefore, groundwater within GW AOEC will

require special management or treatment if encountered during excavations for this project.

• Sediment with LLAOEC “D” contains low level metals below the RSR numeric criteria.

Based on the results of this Task 210 SSI, BL Companies recommends that a Task 310 – Plans,

Specifications, and Estimates be assigned to prepare plans and specifications for the proper

management and disposal of contaminated materials (soil, sediment, and/or groundwater) that

may be removed, handled, transported, or disposed during construction activities and for the

establishment of appropriate worker health and safety protocols.

Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 18 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


The conclusions stated above are based solely on the information described in this report. The

data and observations generated during this investigation reflect the conditions found on the

project site on the dates and at the locations specified. Where visual observations are included in

the report, they represent conditions at the time of investigation, and may not be indicative of

past or future conditions. The data cannot be extrapolated to locations on the Site that were not

tested, or to compounds for which tests were not conducted.

Latent conditions and other information may become evident in the future based on currently

unavailable evidence. BL Companies assumes no responsibility for such conditions or for the

inspection, engineering, or repair that might be required to discover or correct such factors.

Should such evidence arise, it should be forwarded to BL Companies so that additional

conclusions and recommendations may be evaluated as necessary.

This report has been completed solely for the benefit and individual use of the client. No part

thereof, nor any copy of the same, shall be used for any purpose by anyone other than the client.

No disclosure or reliance of this report may be made without the prior written consent of BL


Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation 19 Project No.14EC0043

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges April 2016

State Project No. 0170-3192; Assignment No. 314-5292


1. State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP),

Remediation Standard Regulations, Sections 22a-133k-1 through –3 of the Regulations of

Connecticut State Agencies, June 2013.

2. CTDEEP, Technical Support Document: Recommended Numeric Criteria for Common

Additional Polluting Substances and Certain Alternative Criteria, dated December 10, 2015.

3. CTDEEP, “Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control – Data Quality Assessment

and Data Usability Evaluation”, Guidance Document, dated May 2009, revised December


4. CTDEEP, “Water Quality Classifications Map of Canaan, Kent, & New Milford”, August


5. State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, Division of Environmental Compliance,

“On-Call Contaminated Soil/Groundwater Scopes” manual, dated 2010.

6. Rogers, John, USGS, “Bedrock Geological Map of Connecticut”, dated 1985.

7. Stone, J., USGS, “Surficial Materials Map of Connecticut”, dated 1992.



Figure 1 to 4 (Site Location Maps)

EV-1 to EV-4 (Sample Location Plans)

Base map is a reproduction of the U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute New Milford Quadrangle – Map 61



Rehabilitation of Four Railroad Bridges on the Housatonic Line Site 1: Bridge No 09200R – M.P. 15.00 over Unnamed Stream

New Milford, CT

Project No. 14EC0043



Base map is a reproduction of the U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Kent Quadrangle – Map 46



Rehabilitation of Four Railroad Bridges on the Housatonic Line Site 2: Bridge No 09204R over Womenshenuk Brook –

M.P. 121.62 Kent, CT

Project No. 14EC0043



Base map is a reproduction of the U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Kent Quadrangle – Map 46



Rehabilitation of Four Railroad Bridges on the Housatonic Line Site 3: Bridge No 09206R over Cobble Brook – M.P. 25.80

Kent, CT

Project No. 14EC0043



Base map is a reproduction of the U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute South Canaan Quadrangle – Map 17



Rehabilitation of Four Railroad Bridges on the Housatonic Line Site 4: Bridge No 09223R over Hollenbeck River – M.P. 44.50

Canaan, CT

Project No. 14EC0043





355 Research Parkway


Meriden, CT 06450

(203) 630-2615 Fax










355 Research Parkway


Meriden, CT 06450

(203) 630-2615 Fax










355 Research Parkway


Meriden, CT 06450

(203) 630-2615 Fax










355 Research Parkway


Meriden, CT 06450

(203) 630-2615 Fax










Table 1 – Sample Location Rationale and Selected Analyses

Table 2 – Soil Analytical Results

Table 3 – Groundwater and Surface Water Analytical Results

Table 1

Sample Location Rationale and Selected Analyses

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges

New Milford, Kent, and Canaan, Connecticut

ConnDOT Project No. 0170-3353


IdentificationMatrix Sample Interval Location Rationale


















Reactivity, pH

WC-S1 Soil CompositeRailroad Right-of-Way; Western portion of proposed

constructionX X X X X X X X X

SED-S1 Sediment 0-0.5'Railroad Right-of-Way; Western side of culvert prior to

discharge to Housatonic RiverX X X X X X X X X

WC-S2-1 Soil CompositeRailroad Right-of-Way; Western portion of proposed

constructionX X X X X X X X X

WC-S2-2 Soil CompositeRailroad Right-of-Way; Eastern portion of proposed

constructionX X X X X X X X X

SED-S2 Sediment 0-0.5' Railroad Right-of-Way; Western side of culvert X X X X X X X X X

WC-S3-1 Soil CompositeRailroad Right-of-Way; Northern portion of proposed

constructionX X X X X X X X X

WC-S3-2 Soil CompositeRailroad Right-of-Way; Southern portion of proposed

constructionX X X X X X X X X

SED-S3 Sediment 0-0.5'Railroad Right-of-Way; Northern side of culvert prior to

discharge to Housatonic River X X X X X X X X X

B-S4-1 Soil CompositeRailroad Right-of-Way; Northern portion of proposed

constructionX X X X X X X X X

B-S4-2 Soil CompositeRailroad Right-of-Way; Southern portion of proposed

constructionX X X X X X X X X

SED-S4 Sediment 0-0.5' Railroad Right-of-Way; Western side of bridge X X X X X X X X X



Sample Collection

MethodLocation Rationale













Metals, Cu & Zn

SW-S1 Surface Water Grab Railroad Right-of-Way; Western side of culvert prior to

discharge to Housatonic RiverX X X X X X X

SW-S2 Surface Water Grab Railroad Right-of-Way; Western side of culvert X X X X X X X

SW-S3 Surface Water Grab Railroad Right-of-Way; Northern side of culvert prior to

discharge to Housatonic River X X X X X X X

SW-S4 Surface Water Grab Railroad Right-of-Way; Northern side of bridge X X X X X X X

S4-GW Ground Water Grab Railroad Right-of-Way; Southern portion of proposed

construction; temporary well installed in B-S4-2.X X X X X X X






Site 2: Bridge No. 09204R over Womenshenuk Brook

Site 3: Bridge No. 09206R over Cobble Brook

Site 4: Bridge No. 09223R over Hollenbeck River

Site 2: Bridge No. 09204R over Womenshenuk Brook

Site 3: Bridge No. 09206R over Cobble Brook

Site 4: Bridge No. 09223R over Hollenbeck River

Site 1: Bridge No. 09200R over Unnamed Brook

Site 1: Bridge No. 09200R over Unnamed Brook



Metals, Cu & Zn

BL Companies Project No. 14EC0043 April 2016

Table 2

Soil Analytical Results

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges

ConnDOT Project No. 170-3192

WC-S1 SED-S1 WC-S2-1 WC-S2-2 SED-S2 WC-S3-1 WC-S3-2 SED-S3 B-S4-1


Duplicate B-S4-2 SED-S4 TRIP BLANK

3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/18/2016 3/18/2016 3/18/2016 3/18/2016 3/18/2016

500 2,500 500 ND ND ND 150 ND 130 210 ND ND 84 540 ND NA

VOCs (mg/kg)

Carbon Disulfide 500* 1,000* 0.8* ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.0093 ND ND

SVOCs (mg/kg)

2-Methylnaphthalene 270* 1,000* 0.56* ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.36 ND ND ND 0.33 ND NA

Acenaphthene 1,000* 2,500* 8.4* ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.29 ND NA

Acenaphthylene 1,000 2,500 8.4 ND ND 0.54 0.78 ND 0.49 1.2 ND 0.36 0.5 ND ND NA

Anthracene 1,000 2,500 40 ND ND 0.32 0.57 ND 0.3 0.86 ND ND ND 1.3 ND NA

Benzo(a)anthracene 1 7.8 1 ND ND 0.76 1.8 ND 0.69 1.8 ND 0.92 0.98 2.9 ND NA

Benzo(a)pyrene 1 1 1 ND ND 0.86 1.8 ND 0.76 2 ND 1 1 2.4 ND NA

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 7.8 1 ND ND 1.2 2.3 ND 1.1 2.9 ND 1.2 1.1 2.3 ND NA

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8.4* 78* 1* ND ND 0.59 0.9 ND 0.43 1.2 ND 0.74 0.96 1.3 ND NA

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 8.4 78 1 ND ND 1.1 2.3 ND 0.9 2.2 ND 1 1 2.3 ND NA

Chrysene 84* 780* 1* ND ND 1.1 2.4 ND 0.96 2.3 ND 1.4 1.4 3.2 ND NA

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1* 1* 1* ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.33 ND ND 0.33 0.36 ND NA

Dibenzofuran 68* 1,000* 0.2* ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.31 ND NA

Fluoranthene 1,000 2,500 5.6 ND ND 1.3 2.5 ND 1.3 3 0.47 1.5 1.9 5.7 ND NA

Fluorene 1,000 2,500 5.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.43 ND NA

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1* 7.8* 1* ND ND 0.68 1.1 ND 0.55 1.5 ND 0.78 0.99 1.6 ND NA

Naphthalene 1,000 2,500 5.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.39 ND ND ND 0.33 ND NA

Phenanthrene 1,000 2,500 4 ND ND 0.37 0.45 ND 0.37 0.75 ND 0.67 0.59 5.2 ND NA

Pyrene 1,000 2,500 4 ND ND 1.2 2.9 ND 1.2 3.1 0.43 1.5 1.8 5 ND NA

PCBs (mg/kg) 1 10 -- ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA

Pesticides (mg/kg)

4,4'-DDT 1.8* 17* 0.003* ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.0079 ND ND ND ND ND NA

Chlorinated Herbicides (mg/kg) Various Various Various ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA

Total RCRA 8 Metals (mg/kg)

Arsenic 10 10 -- 4.3 2 122 221 12.9 174 227 ND 99.5 88.4 79.4 ND NA

Barium 4,700 140,000 -- 82 62.8 53.4 66.6 28.4 121 90.2 17.5 105 50.8 41.4 18.1 NA

Cadmium 34 1,000 -- ND ND ND ND 0.8 0.46 0.63 ND ND ND ND ND NA

Chromium, Total 100** 100** -- 18.1 11.8 16.9 12.2 8.29 7.54 10.6 4.8 12.3 11.3 7.63 3.07 NA

Mercury 20 610 -- 0.04 ND ND ND ND 0.04 0.04 ND 0.11 0.1 0.16 ND NA

Lead 400 1,000 -- 18 5.67 38.2 48.9 11.6 48.5 92.2 2.16 42.3 42.4 36.4 1.63 NA

TCLP RCRA 8 Metals (mg/L)

Arsenic -- -- 0.05 ND ND 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.16 0.04 ND 0.11 0.1 0.02 ND NA

Barium -- -- 10 0.27 0.55 0.19 0.2 0.24 0.12 0.15 0.22 0.17 0.19 0.11 0.15 NA

Lead -- -- 0.015 ND ND 0.011 ND 0.017 ND 0.01 ND ND ND ND ND NA

Flash Point (degrees F) -- -- -- >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 NA

Ignitability (degrees F) -- -- -- Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed NA

pH (SU) -- -- -- 7.22 7.64 6.92 7.31 6.86 7.04 6.87 7.66 8.58 8.12 7.81 7.34 NA

Reactivity Cyanide (mg/kg) -- -- -- <6.0 <7.5 <5.8 <6.8 <6.7 <6.4 <5.8 <6.5 <6.0 <5.9 <5.6 <6.1 NA

Reactivity Sulfide (mg/kg) -- -- -- <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 NA

Reactivity(Positive/Negative) -- -- -- Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative NA

CTDEEP = Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

RSR = Remediation Standard Regulations

RES DEC = Residential Direct Exposure Criteria

I/C DEC = Industrial-Commercial Direct Exposure Criteria

GA PMC = GA Pollutant Mobility Criteria

mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram

mg/L = milligrams per liters

ND = Not detected above laboratory reporting limits

NA = Not Analyzed

* = published 2015 numeric criteria for additional polluting substances not established in 2013 RSRs

** = hexavalent chromium criteria

-- = criteria does not apply

Only compounds detected are listed in table


Concentration of Compound in Sample

= Exceeds Numeric Criteria



Numeric Criteria


ETPH (mg/kg)

Site 1: 09200R Site 2: 09204R Site 3: 09206R Site 4: 09223R

BL Companies Project No. 14EC0043 page 1 of 1 April 2016

Table 3

Groundwater Analytical Results

Rehabilitation of Four Housatonic Railroad Bridges

ConnDOT Project No. 170-3192

Site 1:


Site 2:


Site 3:




Duplicate Trip Blank

3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 3/18/2016 3/18/2016 3/18/2016 3/18/2016

5,000 100,000 ND ND ND ND ND ND NA

50 5,000 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND

Benzo(a)anthracene 0.49 NE ND ND ND ND ND 0.05 NA

Benzo(b)fluoranthene NE NE ND ND ND 0.1 ND 0.06 NA

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.49 NE ND ND ND 0.06 ND ND NA

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate NE NE ND ND ND ND 0.52 ND NA

Chrysene NE NE ND ND ND 0.1 ND ND NA

Fluoranthene NE NE ND ND ND 0.26 ND 0.08 NA

Naphthalene NE NE ND ND ND 0.12 ND ND NA

Phenanthrene NE NE ND ND ND 0.17 ND ND NA

Pyrene NE NE ND ND ND 0.18 ND 0.08 NA

Total PAHs 5 500 ND ND ND 0.99 0.52 0.27 NA

PCBs (µg/L) 0.1 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND NA



Total RCRA 8 Metals (µg/L)

Arsenic 0.021 100 ND ND ND ND 40 32 NA

Barium NE 5,000 15 10 13 16 451 277 NA

Cadmium 10 1,000 ND ND ND ND 2 ND NA

Chromium 342 1,000 ND ND ND ND 99 70 NA

Copper 48 1,000 ND ND ND ND 160 112 NA

Mercury 1 5 ND ND ND ND 0.3 ND NA

Lead 9.8 100 ND ND ND ND 142 90 NA

Zinc 322 1,000 ND ND ND ND 594 383 NA

Dissolved RCRA 8 Metals (µg/L)

Arsenic 0.021 100 ND 5 ND ND 6 5 NA

Barium NE 5,000 14 12 14 15 250 157 NA

Chromium 342 1,000 ND ND ND ND 13 8 NA

Copper 48 1,000 5 7 ND ND 38 37 NA

Lead 9.8 100 ND ND ND ND 68 60 NA

Zinc 322 1,000 ND ND ND 2 195 119 NA

MCL = maximum concentration limits listed in the DEEP General Permit for Discharge of Remediation Wastewater

µg/L = micrograms per liter

ND = Not Detected above the Laboratory Reporting Limit

NE = None Established

NA = Not Analyzed

* = Limits Established for Individual Compounds

Only compounds detected are listed in tableShade & Bold

Total VOCs (µg/L)

= Exceeds General Discharge Permit MCL

SVOCs (µg/L)

Pesticides (µg/L)

Chlorinated Herbicides (µg/L)

ETPH (ug/L)


Concentration of Compound in Sample

Site 4: 09223R

General Permit MCLs

Surface WaterSanitary


BL Companies Project No. 14EC0043 April 2016



Coarse angular GRAVEL, some black fine to mediumsand and coal slag.

Tan fine to medium SAND, trace black fine to mediumsand and coal slag.

Tan fine to medium SAND, moist.

End of Exploration at 10 feet bgs.















Collected composite

sample from 0-5' bgs.




Doug Miller


Borehole Dia: 4.25 Inches

Drill Rig: High Rail



Logged by: Driller:




Page 1

New England Boring



ic L



th (








































g l


s 2


6 .



Proportions Used: Trace = 1 to 10%, Little = 10 to 20%, Some = 20 to 30%, And = 30 to 50%

Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger


Environmental Science

Land Surveying

BORING LOG Boring No.:

Project No.:

Site Name: Site 4: 09223R

Weather: Overcast, 40°F

Boring Co.:

Coarse angular GRAVEL.

Black fine to medium SAND and coal slag, little coarsegravel.

Tan fine to medium SAND, saturated at 12 to 13 feet bgs.

Augered to 20 feet bgs.

Temporary monitoring well set at 20 feet bgs using 2"diameter screen and riser, removed after sampling.

















Collected composite

sample from 0-5' bgs.




Doug Miller


Borehole Dia: 4.25 Inches

Drill Rig: High Rail



Logged by: Driller:




Page 1

New England Boring



ic L



th (








































g l


s 2


6 .



Proportions Used: Trace = 1 to 10%, Little = 10 to 20%, Some = 20 to 30%, And = 30 to 50%

Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger


Environmental Science

Land Surveying

BORING LOG Boring No.:

Project No.:

Site Name: Site 4: 09223R

Weather: Overcast, 40°F

Boring Co.:



BK81583 - BK81593

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sample ID#s:

Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Project ID: 14EC0043

Sincerely yours,

Laboratory DirectorPhyllis Shiller

If you have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext. 200.

NELAC - #NY11301CT Lab Registration #PH-0618MA Lab Registration #MA-CT-007ME Lab Registration #CT-007NH Lab Registration #213693-A,B

NJ Lab Registration #CT-003NY Lab Registration #11301PA Lab Registration #68-03530RI Lab Registration #63VT Lab Registration #VT11301

This laboratory is in compliance with the NELAC requirements of procedures used except where indicated.

This report contains results for the parameters tested, under the sampling conditions described on the Chain Of Custody, as received by the laboratory.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

A scanned version of the COC form accompanies the analytical report and is an exact duplicate of the original.

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O. Box 370, Manchester, CT 06040Telephone (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

SDG CommentsMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

Volatile 8260 analysis: The reporting level for Acrylonitrile is above the GWP criteria.1,2-Dibromoethane does not meet GWP criteria, this compound is analyzed by GC/ECD to achieve this criteria.

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81583



Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.39Silver 0.39 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 14.3Arsenic 0.8 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 182.0Barium 0.39 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.39Cadmium 0.39 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 118.1Chromium 0.39 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.04Mercury 0.03 03/21/16 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 118.0Lead 0.39 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.01TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.27TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A80Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

7.22pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 6.0Reactivity Cyanide 6.0 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/19/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/19/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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WC-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81583

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 1000 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 200 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 200 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates61% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 62 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates73% n-Pentacosane 03/19/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 410 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates84% DCBP 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

100% TCMX 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 4.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 41 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 4.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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WC-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81583

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 8.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 41 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 160 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates79% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 269% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 7.0 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 40 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 40 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 400 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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WC-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81583

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 4.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 48 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 16 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 16 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 16 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 16 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 7.9 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates98% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 185% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 196% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 197% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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WC-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81583

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 660 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 820 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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WC-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81583

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 410 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates61% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 163% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 148% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 161% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 155% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 162% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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WC-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81583

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81584



Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.001Silver 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic 0.004 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.015Barium 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.005Copper 0.005 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.014Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.005Copper (Dissolved) 0.005 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 03/21/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.002Selenium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/21/16 TH E200.9/SM3113B-10mg/L 1< 0.002Zinc (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium 0.010 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.002Zinc 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 E/D SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedExtraction for Herbicide 03/21/16 I/D SW8151ACompletedPCB Extraction 03/18/16 TL SW3510CCompletedExtraction for Pest (2 Liter) 03/18/16 TL SW3510CCompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 03/18/16 E/I SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 03/18/16 AG SW3005A

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SW-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81584

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedTotal Metals Digestion 03/18/16 AG

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-D 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-DB 10 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDalapon 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDicamba 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDichloroprop 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDinoseb 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10

QA/QC Surrogates74% DCAA 03/23/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 0.070 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates64% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1221 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1232 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1242 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1248 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1254 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1260 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1262 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1268 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates93% DCBP 03/21/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 184% TCMX 03/21/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDE 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDT 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDa-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAlachlor 0.075 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDb-BHC 0.005 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDChlordane 0.30 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDd-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDDieldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan I 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan II 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan Sulfate 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin Aldehyde 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

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SW-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81584

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndrin ketone 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDg-BHC (Lindane) 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor epoxide 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDMethoxychlor 0.10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDToxaphene 1.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates89%DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 192%TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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SW-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81584

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChloromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

102% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1100% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthylene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAnthracene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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SW-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81584

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChrysene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.01 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachloroethane 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNitrobenzene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.80 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates80% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 162% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorophenol 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 172% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 162% Phenol-d5 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 180% Terphenyl-d14 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 10 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND4-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 50 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates74% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 168% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 147% 2-Fluorophenol 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 167% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 154% Phenol-d5 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 178% Terphenyl-d14 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81585



Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.48Silver 0.48 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 12.0Arsenic 1.0 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 162.8Barium 0.48 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.48Cadmium 0.48 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 111.8Chromium 0.48 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.04Mercury 0.04 03/21/16 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 15.67Lead 0.48 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.9Selenium 1.9 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.01TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.55TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A63Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

7.64pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 7.5Reactivity Cyanide 7.5 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/19/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/19/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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SED-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81585

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 130 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 130 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 130 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 1300 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 130 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 260 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 130 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 260 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates60% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 79 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates62% n-Pentacosane 03/19/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 520 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates52% DCBP 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1060% TCMX 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 5.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 52 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 5.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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SED-S1Phoenix I.D.: BK81585

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 2.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 52 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 210 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates73% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 266% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 7.0 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 37 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 37 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 4.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 44 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 15 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 15 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 15 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 15 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 7.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates91% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 185% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 197% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 197% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 830 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 1000 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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NDFluorene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 360 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 520 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates66% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 167% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 153% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 162% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 159% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 166% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81586


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.41Silver 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1122Arsenic 0.8 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 153.4Barium 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.41Cadmium 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 116.9Chromium 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 03/21/16 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 138.2Lead 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.05TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.19TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1

0.011TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A82Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

6.92pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 5.8Reactivity Cyanide 5.8 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/19/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/19/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 1000 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 200 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 200 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates63% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 60 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates73% n-Pentacosane 03/19/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 400 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates87% DCBP 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

103% TCMX 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 4.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 40 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 4.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 8.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 40 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 160 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates75% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 269% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 27 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 27 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 270 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 33 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.4 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates103% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 182% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 640 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1540Acenaphthylene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1320Anthracene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1760Benz(a)anthracene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1860Benzo(a)pyrene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11200Benzo(b)fluoranthene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1590Benzo(ghi)perylene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11100Benzo(k)fluoranthene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 800 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1100Chrysene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1300Fluoranthene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1680Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1370Phenanthrene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1200Pyrene 280 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 400 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates63% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 168% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 150% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 167% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 159% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 165% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81587


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.47Silver 0.47 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1221Arsenic 9.4 03/20/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1066.6Barium 0.47 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.47Cadmium 0.47 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 112.2Chromium 0.47 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.04Mercury 0.04 03/21/16 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 148.9Lead 0.47 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.9Selenium 1.9 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.02TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.20TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A73Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

7.31pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 6.8Reactivity Cyanide 6.8 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/19/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/19/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 1100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 220 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 220 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates58% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)150Ext. Petroleum HC 68 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1**Identification 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates68% n-Pentacosane 03/19/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 460 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates98% DCBP 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

107% TCMX 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 4.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 46 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 4.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 9.1 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 46 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 180 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates88% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 275% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 280 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Hexanone 25 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Chlorotoluene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 25 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 250 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromochloromethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.0 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDIsopropylbenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDm&p-Xylene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 30 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Butylbenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Propylbenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDo-Xylene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDsec-Butylbenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDStyrene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 460 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrachloroethene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 920 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichloroethene 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.1 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50100% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 5096% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 196% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 720 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1780Acenaphthylene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1570Anthracene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11800Benz(a)anthracene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1800Benzo(a)pyrene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 12300Benzo(b)fluoranthene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1900Benzo(ghi)perylene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 12300Benzo(k)fluoranthene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 900 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

2400Chrysene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

2500Fluoranthene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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WC-S2-2Phoenix I.D.: BK81587

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1100Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1450Phenanthrene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

2900Pyrene 320 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 450 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates57% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 165% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 149% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 164% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 157% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 160% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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WC-S2-2Phoenix I.D.: BK81587

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

TPH Comment:**Petroleum hydrocarbon chromatogram contains a multicomponent hydrocarbon distribution in the range of C9 to C36. The sample was quantitated against a C9-C36 alkane hydrocarbon standard.

Volatile Comment:There was a suppression of the last internal standard in the low level analysis, all affected compounds are reported from the methanol preserved high level analysis which did not exhibit this interference.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81588


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.001Silver 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic 0.004 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.010Barium 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.005Copper 0.005 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.005Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.012Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.007Copper (Dissolved) 0.005 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 03/21/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.002Selenium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/21/16 TH E200.9/SM3113B-10mg/L 1< 0.002Zinc (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium 0.010 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.002Zinc 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 E/D SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 03/21/16 /W SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedExtraction for Herbicide 03/21/16 I/D SW8151ACompletedPCB Extraction 03/18/16 TL SW3510CCompletedExtraction for Pest (2 Liter) 03/18/16 TL SW3510CCompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 03/18/16 E/I SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 03/18/16 AG SW3005A

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SW-S2Phoenix I.D.: BK81588

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedTotal Metals Digestion 03/18/16 AG

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-D 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-DB 10 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDalapon 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDicamba 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDichloroprop 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDinoseb 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10

QA/QC Surrogates59% DCAA 03/23/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 0.074 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates62% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1221 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1232 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1242 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1248 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1254 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1260 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1262 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1268 0.11 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates93% DCBP 03/21/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 182% TCMX 03/21/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDE 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDT 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDa-BHC 0.028 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAlachlor 0.085 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDb-BHC 0.006 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDChlordane 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDd-BHC 0.028 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDDieldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan I 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan II 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan Sulfate 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin Aldehyde 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndrin ketone 0.057 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDg-BHC (Lindane) 0.028 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor 0.028 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor epoxide 0.028 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDMethoxychlor 0.11 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDToxaphene 1.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates87%DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 182%TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChloromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

102% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1100% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.51 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthylene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAnthracene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.51 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.51 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChrysene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.01 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.51 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachloroethane 0.51 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNitrobenzene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.82 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.51 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates93% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 170% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 165% 2-Fluorophenol 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 177% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 164% Phenol-d5 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 187% Terphenyl-d14 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.6 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.6 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.6 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 10 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3-Nitroaniline 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND4-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 51 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 5.1 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates76% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 177% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 149% 2-Fluorophenol 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 173% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 153% Phenol-d5 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 186% Terphenyl-d14 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Page 40 of 74 Ver 1

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81589


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.42Silver 0.42 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 112.9Arsenic 0.8 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 128.4Barium 0.42 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.80Cadmium 0.42 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 18.29Chromium 0.42 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 03/21/16 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 111.6Lead 0.42 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.7Selenium 1.7 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.04TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.24TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1

0.017TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A75Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

6.86pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 6.7Reactivity Cyanide 6.7 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/19/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/19/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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SED-S2Phoenix I.D.: BK81589

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 1100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 210 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 210 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates53% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 65 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates77% n-Pentacosane 03/19/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 430 03/19/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates88% DCBP 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

101% TCMX 03/19/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 4.3 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 43 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 4.3 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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SED-S2Phoenix I.D.: BK81589

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.7 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 8.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 43 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 170 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates84% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 272% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.0 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 33 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 33 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 330 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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SED-S2Phoenix I.D.: BK81589

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 4.0 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 40 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 6.6 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 190% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 197% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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SED-S2Phoenix I.D.: BK81589

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 710 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 890 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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SED-S2Phoenix I.D.: BK81589

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 310 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 440 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates83% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 164% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 151% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 167% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 158% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 170% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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SED-S2Phoenix I.D.: BK81589

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81590


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.41Silver 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1174Arsenic 8.2 03/20/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10121Barium 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.46Cadmium 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 17.54Chromium 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.04Mercury 0.03 03/21/16 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 148.5Lead 0.41 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.16TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.12TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A78Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

7.04pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 6.4Reactivity Cyanide 6.4 03/22/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/21/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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WC-S3-1Phoenix I.D.: BK81590

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 1100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 210 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 110 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 210 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates56% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)130Ext. Petroleum HC 64 03/20/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1**Identification 03/20/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates87% n-Pentacosane 03/20/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 430 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates93% DCBP 03/20/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

104% TCMX 03/20/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 4.3 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 43 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 4.3 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.7 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 8.5 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 43 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 170 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates115% DCBP 03/21/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 287% TCMX 03/21/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 31 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 31 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 310 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 38 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 13 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 6.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates103% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 186% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 196% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 660 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1490Acenaphthylene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1300Anthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1690Benz(a)anthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1760Benzo(a)pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11100Benzo(b)fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1430Benzo(ghi)perylene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1900Benzo(k)fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 830 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1960Chrysene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1300Fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1550Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1370Phenanthrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1200Pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates65% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 163% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 139% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 163% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 150% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 165% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

TPH Comment:**Petroleum hydrocarbon chromatogram contains a multicomponent hydrocarbon distribution in the range of C9 to C36. The sample was quantitated against a C9-C36 alkane hydrocarbon standard.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81591


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.37Silver 0.37 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1227Arsenic 7.4 03/20/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1090.2Barium 0.37 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.63Cadmium 0.37 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 110.6Chromium 0.37 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.04Mercury 0.03 03/22/16 M/R SW7471Bmg/Kg 192.2Lead 0.37 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.04TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.15TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1

0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A85Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

6.87pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 5.8Reactivity Cyanide 5.8 03/22/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/21/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 96 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 96 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 96 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 960 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 96 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 190 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 96 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 190 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates52% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)210Ext. Petroleum HC 59 03/20/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1**Identification 03/20/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% n-Pentacosane 03/20/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 390 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates99% DCBP 03/20/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

107% TCMX 03/20/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 27.94,4' -DDT 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 3.9 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 39 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 3.9 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.6 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 7.8 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 39 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 160 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates90% DCBP 03/21/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 266% TCMX 03/21/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 220 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Hexanone 29 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Chlorotoluene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 29 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 290 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromochloromethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.5 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDIsopropylbenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDm&p-Xylene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 35 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 12 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 12 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Butylbenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Propylbenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDo-Xylene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDsec-Butylbenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDStyrene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 370 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrachloroethene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 12 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 740 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichloroethene 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.8 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 5099% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50

101% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 194% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 13602-Methylnaphthalene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 630 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1200Acenaphthylene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1860Anthracene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11800Benz(a)anthracene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

2000Benzo(a)pyrene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 12900Benzo(b)fluoranthene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11200Benzo(ghi)perylene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 12200Benzo(k)fluoranthene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 780 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

2300Chrysene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1330Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

3000Fluoranthene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1500Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1390Naphthalene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1750Phenanthrene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

3100Pyrene 270 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 390 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates61% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 160% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 137% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 162% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 149% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 163% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

TPH Comment:**Petroleum hydrocarbon chromatogram contains a multicomponent hydrocarbon distribution in the range of C9 to C36. The sample was quantitated against a C9-C36 alkane hydrocarbon standard.

Volatile Comment:There was a suppression of the last internal standard in the low level analysis, all affected compounds are reported from the methanol preserved high level analysis which did not exhibit this interference.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81592


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.001Silver 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic 0.004 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.013Barium 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.005Copper 0.005 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.014Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.005Copper (Dissolved) 0.005 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 03/21/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.002Selenium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/21/16 TH E200.9/SM3113B-10mg/L 1< 0.002Zinc (Dissolved) 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium 0.010 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.002Zinc 0.002 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 E/D SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 03/21/16 /W SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedExtraction for Herbicide 03/21/16 I/D SW8151ACompletedPCB Extraction 03/18/16 TL SW3510CCompletedExtraction for Pest (2 Liter) 03/18/16 TL SW3510CCompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 03/18/16 E/I SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 03/18/16 AG SW3005A

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SW-S3Phoenix I.D.: BK81592

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedTotal Metals Digestion 03/18/16 AG

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-D 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-DB 10 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDalapon 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDicamba 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDichloroprop 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDinoseb 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10

QA/QC Surrogates73% DCAA 03/23/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 0.070 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates85% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1221 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1232 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1242 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1248 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1254 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1260 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1262 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1268 0.10 03/21/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates91% DCBP 03/21/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 177% TCMX 03/21/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDE 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDT 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDa-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAlachlor 0.075 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDb-BHC 0.005 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDChlordane 0.30 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDd-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDDieldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan I 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan II 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan Sulfate 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin Aldehyde 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

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Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndrin ketone 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDg-BHC (Lindane) 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor epoxide 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDMethoxychlor 0.10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDToxaphene 1.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates90%DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 181%TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChloromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 03/19/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1100% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthylene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAnthracene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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SW-S3Phoenix I.D.: BK81592

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChrysene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.01 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluoranthene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachloroethane 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNitrobenzene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 0.10 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.80 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyrene 0.05 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.50 03/21/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 178% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 177% 2-Fluorophenol 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 190% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 177% Phenol-d5 03/21/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 199% Terphenyl-d14 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 10 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

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SW-S3Phoenix I.D.: BK81592

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND4-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 50 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 5.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 1.0 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates94% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 188% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorophenol 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 186% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 169% Phenol-d5 03/22/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 1

104% Terphenyl-d14 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/17/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK81593


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 24, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK81583

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.38Silver 0.38 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 0.8Arsenic 0.8 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 117.5Barium 0.38 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.38Cadmium 0.38 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 14.80Chromium 0.38 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 03/22/16 M/R SW7471Bmg/Kg 12.16Lead 0.38 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 03/19/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.01TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.22TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/21/16 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/21/16 W/W SW3005A77Percent Solid 03/18/16 c SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/21/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/21/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

7.66pH - Soil 0.10 03/18/16 20:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 6.5Reactivity Cyanide 6.5 03/22/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/21/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/18/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/18/16 BJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/18/16 BC/CK SW3545A

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SED-S3Phoenix I.D.: BK81593

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/18/16 Q/K SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/21/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/18/16 W SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/18/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/17/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 1000 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 200 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 100 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 200 03/21/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates66% DCAA 03/21/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 63 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 03/19/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates82% n-Pentacosane 03/19/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 420 03/20/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates81% DCBP 03/20/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1093% TCMX 03/20/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 4.2 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 42 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 4.2 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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SED-S3Phoenix I.D.: BK81593

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.7 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 8.4 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 42 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 170 03/21/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates94% DCBP 03/21/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 277% TCMX 03/21/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.2 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 26 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 26 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 260 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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SED-S3Phoenix I.D.: BK81593

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.2 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 32 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.3 03/19/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 196% Bromofluorobenzene 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 196% Dibromofluoromethane 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 03/19/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 670 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 840 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1470Fluoranthene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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SED-S3Phoenix I.D.: BK81593

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1430Pyrene 290 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 420 03/19/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates81% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 164% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 149% 2-Fluorophenol 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 165% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 156% Phenol-d5 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 169% Terphenyl-d14 03/19/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 24, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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QA/QC ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583










QA/QC Batch 338700 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: BK70069 (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590)Mercury - Soil 90.8BRL 96.7NC 101 4.4 70 - 130 300.07 0.130.03

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


QA/QC Batch 338535 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: BK74303 (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

ICP Metals - SoilArsenic 92.6BRL 1022.10 75 - 125 3019.4 19.00.67

Barium 90.2BRL 1028.70 75 - 125 3074.4 68.20.33

Cadmium 96.1BRL 93.9NC 75 - 125 30<0.39 <0.400.33

Chromium 98.4BRL 99.24.10 75 - 125 3017.4 16.70.33

Lead 91.3BRL 96.42.60 75 - 125 3015.5 15.10.33

Selenium 90.8BRL 106NC 75 - 125 30<1.5 <1.61.3

Silver 95.9BRL 95.8NC 75 - 125 30<0.39 <0.400.33

QA/QC Batch 338451 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK79970 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)Mercury (Dissolved) 88.6BRL 102NC 70 - 130 20<0.0002 <0.00030.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


QA/QC Batch 338391 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK79975 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

ICP Metals - DissolvedArsenic 94.8BRL 92.1NC 75 - 125 200.004 <0.0040.004

Barium 95.9BRL 94.70 75 - 125 200.040 0.0400.002

Cadmium 94.2BRL 94.0NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Chromium 92.9BRL 92.4NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Copper 93.6BRL 91.2NC 75 - 125 20<0.005 <0.0050.005

Lead 93.7BRL 93.3NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Silver 90.9BRL 88.7NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Zinc 95.3BRL 93.6NC 75 - 125 200.006 0.0060.002

QA/QC Batch 338587 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK81000 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

ICP Metals - AqueousArsenic 105BRL 101NC 75 - 125 20<0.004 <0.0040.004

Barium 94.4BRL 96.9NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Cadmium 104BRL 102NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Chromium 97.6BRL 97.80 75 - 125 200.022 0.0220.001

Copper 95.1BRL 96.8NC 75 - 125 200.009 0.0090.005

Lead 100BRL 100NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Selenium 101BRL 100NC 75 - 125 20<0.010 <0.0100.010

Silver 94.0BRL 94.6NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Zinc 101BRL 98.0NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

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QA/QC Batch 338694 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK81422 (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

ICP Metals - TCLP ExtractionArsenic 97.8BRL 106NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

Barium 98.2BRL 101NC 75 - 125 200.43 0.370.10

Cadmium 86.7BRL 89.6NC 75 - 125 20<0.050 <0.0500.050

Chromium 94.5BRL 97.2NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

Lead 94.2BRL 97.145.2 r75 - 125 200.95 0.600.10

Selenium 106BRL 117NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

Silver 99.2BRL 107NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

QA/QC Batch 338696 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK81583 (BK81583, BK81584, BK81585)Mercury - Water 93.0BRL 95.4NC 70 - 130 20<0.0002 <0.00020.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


QA/QC Batch 338697 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK81665 (BK81586, BK81587, BK81588, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81592, BK81593)Mercury - Water 114BRL 97.1NC 70 - 130 20<0.0002 <0.00020.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


QA/QC Batch 338831 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: BK83524 (BK81591, BK81593)Mercury - Soil 88.2BRL 91.6NC 83.7 9.0 70 - 130 30<0.03 0.030.02

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


r = This parameter is outside laboratory RPD specified recovery limits.

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QA/QC ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583










QA/QC Batch 338603 (PH), QC Sample No: BK78677 (BK81583, BK81585)pH - Soil 97.81.40 85 - 115 207.68 7.57

QA/QC Batch 338441 (mg/Kg), QC Sample No: BK79866 4.63X (BK81587, BK81589)Reactivity Cyanide BRL 99.2NC 85 - 115 30<5.6 <5.60.05

QA/QC Batch 338728 (Degree F), QC Sample No: BK81474 (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)Flash Point 100NC 85 - 115 30>200 >200

QA/QC Batch 338604 (PH), QC Sample No: BK81711 (BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)pH - Soil 97.82.90 85 - 115 205.85 5.68

QA/QC Batch 338600 (mg/Kg), QC Sample No: BK81734 5X (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586)Reactivity Cyanide BRL 102NC 85 - 115 30<5.8 <5.80.05

QA/QC Batch 338826 (mg/Kg), QC Sample No: BK83510 4.63X (BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)Reactivity Cyanide BRL 103NC 85 - 115 30<5.5 <5.40.05

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QA/QC ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583








QA/QC Batch 338262 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK79609 10X (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

Chlorinated Herbicides - Surface Water2,4,5-T ND 77 79 2.6 40 - 140 201.3

2,4,5-TP (Silvex) ND 72 74 2.7 40 - 140 201.3

2,4-D ND 79 80 1.3 40 - 140 201.3

2,4-DB ND 73 76 4.0 40 - 140 2010

Dalapon ND 43 53 20.8 r40 - 140 201.3

Dicamba ND 79 80 1.3 40 - 140 202.5

Dichloroprop ND 66 67 1.5 40 - 140 201.3

Dinoseb ND 68 69 1.5 40 - 140 202.5

% DCAA (Surrogate Rec) 74 63 62 1.6 30 - 150 20%

QA/QC Batch 338524 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK79975 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

Pesticides - Surface Water4,4' -DDD ND 108 99 8.7 40 - 140 200.003

4,4' -DDE ND 97 96 1.0 40 - 140 200.003

4,4' -DDT ND 91 82 10.4 40 - 140 200.003

a-BHC ND 98 88 10.8 40 - 140 200.002

a-Chlordane ND 93 87 6.7 40 - 140 200.005

Alachlor ND NA NA NC 40 - 140 200.005

Aldrin ND 82 79 3.7 40 - 140 200.002

b-BHC ND 100 91 9.4 40 - 140 200.002

Chlordane ND 97 89 8.6 40 - 140 200.050

d-BHC ND 91 82 10.4 40 - 140 200.005

Dieldrin ND 106 94 12.0 40 - 140 200.002

Endosulfan I ND 100 95 5.1 40 - 140 200.005

Endosulfan II ND 101 93 8.2 40 - 140 200.005

Endosulfan sulfate ND 94 86 8.9 40 - 140 200.005

Endrin ND 92 82 11.5 40 - 140 200.005

Endrin aldehyde ND 100 90 10.5 40 - 140 200.005

Endrin ketone ND 105 96 9.0 40 - 140 200.005

g-BHC ND 93 86 7.8 40 - 140 200.002

g-Chlordane ND 97 89 8.6 40 - 140 200.005

Heptachlor ND 92 87 5.6 40 - 140 200.005

Heptachlor epoxide ND 98 90 8.5 40 - 140 200.005

Methoxychlor ND 92 83 10.3 40 - 140 200.005

Toxaphene ND NA NA NC 40 - 140 200.20

% DCBP 91 105 97 7.9 30 - 150 20%

% TCMX 93 107 104 2.8 30 - 150 20%

A LCS and LCS duplicate were performed instead of a MS and MSD. Alpha and gamma chlordane were spiked and analyzed instead of technical chlordane. Gamma chlordane recovery is reported as chlordane in the LCS and LCSD


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SDG I.D.: GBK81583








QA/QC Batch 338523 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK79975 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

Polychlorinated Biphenyls - Surface WaterPCB-1016 ND 78 86 9.8 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1221 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1232 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1242 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1248 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1254 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1260 ND 90 97 7.5 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1262 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1268 ND 40 - 140 200.050

% DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 81 99 117 16.7 30 - 150 20%

% TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 68 82 98 17.8 30 - 150 20%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.


QA/QC Batch 338363 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK80015 2X (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

Pesticides - Soil, Sediment4,4' -DDD 79 75ND 5.2114 108 5.4 40 - 140 301.7

4,4' -DDE 85 82ND 3.6118 113 4.3 40 - 140 301.7

4,4' -DDT 69 66ND 4.491 89 2.2 40 - 140 301.7

a-BHC 63 58ND 8.385 84 1.2 40 - 140 301.0

a-Chlordane 80 77ND 3.8110 103 6.6 40 - 140 303.3

Alachlor NA NAND NCNA NA NC 40 - 140 303.3

Aldrin 66 61ND 7.986 91 5.6 40 - 140 301.0

b-BHC 69 71ND 2.994 94 0.0 40 - 140 301.0

Chlordane 77 71ND 8.1103 98 5.0 40 - 140 3033

d-BHC 45 44ND 2.265 65 0.0 40 - 140 303.3

Dieldrin 64 63ND 1.690 87 3.4 40 - 140 301.0

Endosulfan I 76 74ND 2.7110 103 6.6 40 - 140 303.3

Endosulfan II 68 67ND 1.5100 97 3.0 40 - 140 303.3

Endosulfan sulfate 58 59ND 1.798 93 5.2 40 - 140 303.3

Endrin 85 74ND 13.8114 114 0.0 40 - 140 303.3

Endrin aldehyde 53 56ND 5.595 92 3.2 40 - 140 303.3

Endrin ketone 58 58ND 0.097 90 7.5 40 - 140 303.3

g-BHC 77 72ND 6.7103 99 4.0 40 - 140 301.0

g-Chlordane 77 71ND 8.1103 98 5.0 40 - 140 303.3

Heptachlor 79 73ND 7.9101 101 0.0 40 - 140 303.3

Heptachlor epoxide 69 66ND 4.496 92 4.3 40 - 140 303.3

Methoxychlor 70 69ND 1.4112 105 6.5 40 - 140 303.3

Toxaphene NA NAND NCNA NA NC 40 - 140 30130

% DCBP 67 6494 4.692 89 3.3 30 - 150 30%

% TCMX 70 6278 12.180 83 3.7 30 - 150 30%

QA/QC Batch 338361 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK80015 2X (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

Polychlorinated Biphenyls - Soil, SedimentPCB-1016 85 71ND 17.970 71 1.4 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1221 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1232 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1242 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1248 ND 40 - 140 3033

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SDG I.D.: GBK81583








PCB-1254 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1260 91 74ND 20.681 79 2.5 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1262 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1268 ND 40 - 140 3033

% DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 100 84100 17.491 91 0.0 30 - 150 30%

% TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 85 7280 16.669 70 1.4 30 - 150 30%

QA/QC Batch 338532 (mg/Kg), QC Sample No: BK81544 (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

TPH by GC (Extractable Products) - Soil, SedimentExt. Petroleum H.C. 67 66ND 1.564 63 1.6 60 - 120 3050

% n-Pentacosane 59 7071 17.196 69 32.7 r50 - 150 30%

QA/QC Batch 338715 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK81584 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

Volatiles - Surface Water1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 96 105 9.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 103 108 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 93 105 12.1 70 - 130 300.50

1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 87 104 17.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethane ND 95 103 8.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethene ND 107 111 3.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloropropene ND 107 111 3.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 83 97 15.6 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 95 105 10.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 90 101 11.5 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 102 104 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 91 109 18.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromoethane ND 93 106 13.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 95 103 8.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichloroethane ND 89 101 12.6 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichloropropane ND 92 103 11.3 70 - 130 301.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 103 105 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 98 103 5.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichloropropane ND 91 103 12.4 70 - 130 301.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 98 102 4.0 70 - 130 301.0

2,2-Dichloropropane ND 99 102 3.0 70 - 130 301.0

2-Chlorotoluene ND 103 105 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

2-Hexanone ND 80 100 22.2 70 - 130 305.0

2-Isopropyltoluene ND 104 108 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

4-Chlorotoluene ND 100 102 2.0 70 - 130 301.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 81 101 22.0 70 - 130 305.0

Acetone ND 87 107 20.6 70 - 130 305.0

Acrylonitrile ND 88 108 20.4 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene ND 96 103 7.0 70 - 130 300.70

Bromobenzene ND 99 104 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

Bromochloromethane ND 91 104 13.3 70 - 130 301.0

Bromodichloromethane ND 92 105 13.2 70 - 130 300.50

Bromoform ND 92 106 14.1 70 - 130 301.0

Bromomethane ND 105 132 22.8 l70 - 130 301.0

Carbon Disulfide ND 105 108 2.8 70 - 130 301.0

Carbon tetrachloride ND 105 110 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

Chlorobenzene ND 96 103 7.0 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroethane ND 104 104 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroform ND 91 101 10.4 70 - 130 301.0

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SDG I.D.: GBK81583








Chloromethane ND 110 117 6.2 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 91 101 10.4 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 87 100 13.9 70 - 130 300.40

Dibromochloromethane ND 95 108 12.8 70 - 130 300.50

Dibromomethane ND 87 102 15.9 70 - 130 301.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 147 149 1.4 l70 - 130 301.0

Ethylbenzene ND 102 107 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene ND 102 102 0.0 70 - 130 300.40

Isopropylbenzene ND 105 105 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene ND 101 106 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

Methyl ethyl ketone ND 76 98 25.3 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) ND 86 106 20.8 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride ND 88 98 10.8 70 - 130 301.0

Naphthalene ND 86 100 15.1 70 - 130 301.0

n-Butylbenzene ND 98 102 4.0 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene ND 101 102 1.0 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene ND 98 105 6.9 70 - 130 301.0

p-Isopropyltoluene ND 103 107 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene ND 104 109 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene ND 97 106 8.9 70 - 130 301.0

tert-Butylbenzene ND 102 106 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene ND 103 109 5.7 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) ND 80 103 25.1 70 - 130 302.5

Toluene ND 96 103 7.0 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 100 105 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 86 100 15.1 70 - 130 300.40

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene ND 89 99 10.6 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene ND 101 107 5.8 70 - 130 301.0

Trichlorofluoromethane ND 110 112 1.8 70 - 130 301.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND 114 117 2.6 70 - 130 301.0

Vinyl chloride ND 117 121 3.4 70 - 130 301.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 98 95 98 3.1 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 92 96 99 3.1 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 99 93 100 7.3 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 99 99 101 2.0 70 - 130 30%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%.


QA/QC Batch 338529 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK81665 (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

Semivolatiles - Soil, Sediment1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 65 63ND 3.159 63 6.6 30 - 130 30230

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66 64ND 3.160 63 4.9 30 - 130 30230

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 53 55ND 3.752 55 5.6 30 - 130 30180

1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 60 60ND 0.064 69 7.5 30 - 130 30230

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 48 48ND 0.049 52 5.9 30 - 130 30230

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 52ND 3.951 54 5.7 30 - 130 30230

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 67 68ND 1.566 70 5.9 30 - 130 30230

2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 59 63ND 6.669 72 4.3 30 - 130 30130

2,4-Dichlorophenol 66 67ND 1.566 64 3.1 30 - 130 30130

2,4-Dimethylphenol 65 64ND 1.661 62 1.6 30 - 130 30230

2,4-Dinitrophenol 65 50ND 26.116 11 37.0 l,r30 - 130 30230

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2,4-Dinitrotoluene 65 65ND 0.071 75 5.5 30 - 130 30130

2,6-Dinitrotoluene 65 65ND 0.069 75 8.3 30 - 130 30130

2-Chloronaphthalene 65 65ND 0.066 69 4.4 30 - 130 30230

2-Chlorophenol 56 64ND 13.358 61 5.0 30 - 130 30230

2-Methylnaphthalene 71 71ND 0.066 70 5.9 30 - 130 30230

2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 60 70ND 15.458 59 1.7 30 - 130 30230

2-Nitroaniline 55 57ND 3.662 64 3.2 30 - 130 30330

2-Nitrophenol 66 68ND 3.062 64 3.2 30 - 130 30230

3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 56 63ND 11.860 63 4.9 30 - 130 30230

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 34 39ND 13.766 71 7.3 30 - 130 30130

3-Nitroaniline 60 57ND 5.166 71 7.3 30 - 130 30330

4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 75 58ND 25.637 26 34.9 l,r30 - 130 30230

4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 67 66ND 1.572 77 6.7 30 - 130 30230

4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 68 68ND 0.064 71 10.4 30 - 130 30230

4-Chloroaniline 61 61ND 0.067 72 7.2 30 - 130 30230

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 63 63ND 0.068 71 4.3 30 - 130 30230

4-Nitroaniline 67 65ND 3.069 73 5.6 30 - 130 30230

4-Nitrophenol 67 66ND 1.558 58 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Acenaphthene 65 63ND 3.167 72 7.2 30 - 130 30230

Acenaphthylene 62 62ND 0.065 68 4.5 30 - 130 30130

Acetophenone 55 61ND 10.353 56 5.5 30 - 130 30230

Aniline 41 86ND 70.956 60 6.9 r30 - 130 30330

Anthracene 65 65ND 0.071 74 4.1 30 - 130 30230

Benz(a)anthracene 62 60ND 3.370 74 5.6 30 - 130 30230

Benzidine <10 <10ND NC39 37 5.3 m30 - 130 30330

Benzo(a)pyrene 59 55ND 7.066 71 7.3 30 - 130 30130

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 63 59ND 6.668 73 7.1 30 - 130 30160

Benzo(ghi)perylene 60 53ND 12.472 75 4.1 30 - 130 30230

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 61 53ND 14.070 74 5.6 30 - 130 30230

Benzoic Acid 42 39ND 7.4<10 <10 NC l30 - 130 30330

Benzyl butyl phthalate 60 60ND 0.069 75 8.3 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 63 65ND 3.160 64 6.5 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 53 110ND 69.946 47 2.2 r30 - 130 30130

Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 48 53ND 9.946 49 6.3 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 64 63ND 1.670 75 6.9 30 - 130 30230

Carbazole 65 65ND 0.075 78 3.9 30 - 130 30230

Chrysene 68 65ND 4.574 78 5.3 30 - 130 30230

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 64 62ND 3.272 75 4.1 30 - 130 30130

Dibenzofuran 68 67ND 1.571 76 6.8 30 - 130 30230

Diethyl phthalate 62 62ND 0.069 74 7.0 30 - 130 30230

Dimethylphthalate 62 60ND 3.368 73 7.1 30 - 130 30230

Di-n-butylphthalate 61 62ND 1.675 79 5.2 30 - 130 30230

Di-n-octylphthalate 61 61ND 0.069 74 7.0 30 - 130 30230

Fluoranthene 61 57ND 6.870 73 4.2 30 - 130 30230

Fluorene 64 63ND 1.668 72 5.7 30 - 130 30230

Hexachlorobenzene 62 58ND 6.769 73 5.6 30 - 130 30130

Hexachlorobutadiene 63 62ND 1.658 62 6.7 30 - 130 30230

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 44 22ND 66.759 60 1.7 m,r30 - 130 30230

Hexachloroethane 48 47ND 2.149 52 5.9 30 - 130 30130

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 60 54ND 10.570 74 5.6 30 - 130 30230

Isophorone 56 58ND 3.554 58 7.1 30 - 130 30130

Naphthalene 67 67ND 0.060 65 8.0 30 - 130 30230

Nitrobenzene 55 62ND 12.053 57 7.3 30 - 130 30130

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N-Nitrosodimethylamine 47 55ND 15.744 46 4.4 30 - 130 30230

N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 54 61ND 12.256 57 1.8 30 - 130 30130

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 67 68ND 1.574 80 7.8 30 - 130 30130

Pentachloronitrobenzene 61 59ND 3.367 74 9.9 30 - 130 30230

Pentachlorophenol 53 58ND 9.055 56 1.8 30 - 130 30230

Phenanthrene 64 62ND 3.269 74 7.0 30 - 130 30130

Phenol 61 64ND 4.863 61 3.2 30 - 130 30230

Pyrene 61 60ND 1.771 75 5.5 30 - 130 30230

Pyridine 38 43ND 12.335 39 10.8 30 - 130 30230

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 52 5779 9.265 69 6.0 30 - 130 30%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 63 6484 1.666 69 4.4 30 - 130 30%

% 2-Fluorophenol 51 5572 7.553 54 1.9 30 - 130 30%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 58 6483 9.857 59 3.4 30 - 130 30%

% Phenol-d5 56 6082 6.959 61 3.3 30 - 130 30%

% Terphenyl-d14 62 61100 1.674 76 2.7 30 - 130 30%

Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 338794 (ug/kg), QC Sample No: BK81726 (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

Volatiles - Soil, Sediment1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 101 102ND 1.0105 108 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 103 103ND 0.0104 107 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 105 104ND 1.0112 113 0.9 70 - 130 303.0

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 95 95ND 0.0102 105 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethane 101 102ND 1.0102 108 5.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethene 103 105ND 1.9110 114 3.6 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloropropene 102 103ND 1.0104 108 3.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 96 92ND 4.3114 118 3.4 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 100 100ND 0.0107 110 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 93 89ND 4.4115 118 2.6 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 101 102ND 1.0109 112 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 93 90ND 3.3105 107 1.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dibromoethane 101 100ND 1.0108 111 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 100 99ND 1.0108 112 3.6 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloroethane 101 101ND 0.0105 109 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloropropane 97 99ND 2.099 104 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 103 105ND 1.9109 112 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 98 98ND 0.0107 111 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,3-Dichloropropane 101 100ND 1.0106 109 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 97 98ND 1.0108 112 3.6 70 - 130 305.0

2,2-Dichloropropane 96 98ND 2.1104 109 4.7 70 - 130 305.0

2-Chlorotoluene 100 104ND 3.9107 111 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

2-Hexanone 83 79ND 4.989 89 0.0 70 - 130 3025

2-Isopropyltoluene 107 108ND 0.9111 115 3.5 70 - 130 305.0

4-Chlorotoluene 98 99ND 1.0106 109 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 86 82ND 4.894 95 1.1 70 - 130 3025

Acetone 81 81ND 0.086 90 4.5 70 - 130 3010

Acrylonitrile 93 89ND 4.4103 105 1.9 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene 98 100ND 2.0101 104 2.9 70 - 130 301.0

Bromobenzene 102 103ND 1.0109 112 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

Bromochloromethane 100 100ND 0.0106 107 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

Bromodichloromethane 102 103ND 1.0106 111 4.6 70 - 130 305.0

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Bromoform 99 98ND 1.0108 111 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

Bromomethane 106 112ND 5.5115 122 5.9 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon Disulfide 102 103ND 1.0108 112 3.6 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon tetrachloride 101 102ND 1.0103 109 5.7 70 - 130 305.0

Chlorobenzene 99 99ND 0.0103 107 3.8 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroethane 98 105ND 6.9106 112 5.5 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroform 101 102ND 1.0104 108 3.8 70 - 130 305.0

Chloromethane 101 100ND 1.0104 107 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 96 98ND 2.1100 104 3.9 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 92 92ND 0.099 104 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

Dibromochloromethane 101 101ND 0.0109 113 3.6 70 - 130 303.0

Dibromomethane 99 96ND 3.1104 107 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane 113 117ND 3.5119 124 4.1 70 - 130 305.0

Ethylbenzene 100 102ND 2.0102 108 5.7 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene 96 94ND 2.1113 117 3.5 70 - 130 305.0

Isopropylbenzene 102 105ND 2.9105 109 3.7 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene 98 98ND 0.0101 106 4.8 70 - 130 302.0

Methyl ethyl ketone 81 79ND 2.593 96 3.2 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 106 104ND 1.9115 118 2.6 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride 98 99ND 1.0103 106 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

Naphthalene 106 101ND 4.8121 125 3.3 70 - 130 305.0

n-Butylbenzene 102 101ND 1.0112 118 5.2 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene 100 102ND 2.0106 108 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene 99 98ND 1.0103 105 1.9 70 - 130 302.0

p-Isopropyltoluene 103 104ND 1.0110 114 3.6 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene 107 109ND 1.9111 116 4.4 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene 98 97ND 1.0102 107 4.8 70 - 130 305.0

tert-Butylbenzene 103 106ND 2.9106 110 3.7 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene 96 97ND 1.0101 104 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 88 85ND 3.597 98 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Toluene 98 98ND 0.0100 104 3.9 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 102 102ND 0.0108 113 4.5 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 92 91ND 1.1101 105 3.9 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 95 93ND 2.1116 117 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene 97 98ND 1.0101 104 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorofluoromethane 103 107ND 3.8108 114 5.4 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 104 106ND 1.9109 112 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

Vinyl chloride 105 106ND 0.9110 115 4.4 70 - 130 305.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 98 100100 2.0100 99 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 99 9899 1.097 98 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 96 9995 3.197 98 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 100 10199 1.0100 100 0.0 70 - 130 30%

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%.


QA/QC Batch 338544 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK81734 2X (BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593)

Chlorinated Herbicides - Soil, Sediment2,4,5-T 80 73ND 9.291 82 10.4 40 - 140 308.3

2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 61 72ND 16.576 72 5.4 40 - 140 308.3

2,4-D 57 62ND 8.476 70 8.2 40 - 140 308.3

2,4-DB 52 64ND 20.781 75 7.7 40 - 140 3067

Dalapon 63 65ND 3.178 61 24.5 40 - 140 308.3

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Dicamba 66 68ND 3.083 76 8.8 40 - 140 3017

Dichloroprop 70 71ND 1.477 80 3.8 40 - 140 308.3

Dinoseb 60 65ND 8.065 52 22.2 40 - 140 3017

% DCAA (Surrogate Rec) 45 5076 10.559 53 10.7 30 - 150 30%

QA/QC Batch 338548 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK81930 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

Semivolatiles (SIM) - Surface Water1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene ND 80 79 1.3 30 - 130 200.50

2-Methylnaphthalene ND 87 82 5.9 30 - 130 200.02

Acenaphthene ND 85 83 2.4 30 - 130 200.02

Acenaphthylene ND 106 102 3.8 30 - 130 200.02

Anthracene ND 88 88 0.0 30 - 130 200.02

Benz(a)anthracene ND 92 93 1.1 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(a)pyrene ND 87 89 2.3 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 92 91 1.1 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(ghi)perylene ND 99 97 2.0 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 89 91 2.2 30 - 130 200.02

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 101 99 2.0 30 - 130 200.10

Chrysene ND 81 82 1.2 30 - 130 200.02

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 104 102 1.9 30 - 130 200.01

Fluoranthene ND 90 90 0.0 30 - 130 200.02

Fluorene ND 86 84 2.4 30 - 130 200.02

Hexachlorobenzene ND 85 85 0.0 30 - 130 200.02

Hexachlorobutadiene ND 74 71 4.1 30 - 130 200.05

Hexachloroethane ND 63 60 4.9 30 - 130 200.05

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 97 96 1.0 30 - 130 200.02

Naphthalene ND 72 70 2.8 30 - 130 200.02

Nitrobenzene ND 77 76 1.3 30 - 130 200.05

Pentachloronitrobenzene ND 100 102 2.0 30 - 130 200.10

Pentachlorophenol ND 92 98 6.3 30 - 130 200.20

Phenanthrene ND 81 80 1.2 30 - 130 200.02

Pyrene ND 91 91 0.0 30 - 130 200.02

Pyridine ND 64 61 4.8 30 - 130 200.50

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 88 97 98 1.0 15 - 110 20%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 76 82 77 6.3 30 - 130 20%

% 2-Fluorophenol 68 65 59 9.7 15 - 110 20%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 83 76 76 0.0 30 - 130 20%

% Phenol-d5 69 67 65 3.0 15 - 110 20%

% Terphenyl-d14 97 101 100 1.0 30 - 130 20%

Additional 8270 criteria:20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 338548 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK81930 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

Semivolatiles - Surface Water1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 75 73 2.7 30 - 130 203.5

1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 77 72 6.7 30 - 130 201.0

1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 76 76 0.0 30 - 130 201.6

1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 70 65 7.4 30 - 130 201.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 72 67 7.2 30 - 130 201.0

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 108 105 2.8 30 - 130 201.0

2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 100 98 2.0 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 90 89 1.1 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 86 85 1.2 30 - 130 201.0

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2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 96 95 1.0 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 97 99 2.0 30 - 130 203.5

2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 92 94 2.2 30 - 130 203.5

2-Chloronaphthalene ND 81 80 1.2 30 - 130 203.5

2-Chlorophenol ND 71 68 4.3 30 - 130 201.0

2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) ND 76 76 0.0 30 - 130 201.0

2-Nitroaniline ND 98 99 1.0 30 - 130 203.5

2-Nitrophenol ND 80 81 1.2 30 - 130 201.0

3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) ND 80 77 3.8 30 - 130 201.0

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 68 73 7.1 30 - 130 205.0

3-Nitroaniline ND 87 90 3.4 30 - 130 205.0

4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND 106 109 2.8 30 - 130 201.0

4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 96 94 2.1 30 - 130 203.5

4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ND 100 99 1.0 30 - 130 201.0

4-Chloroaniline ND 74 78 5.3 30 - 130 203.5

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 92 91 1.1 30 - 130 201.0

4-Nitroaniline ND 88 90 2.2 30 - 130 205.0

4-Nitrophenol ND 87 90 3.4 15 - 130 201.0

Acetophenone ND 72 71 1.4 30 - 130 203.5

Aniline ND 67 67 0.0 30 - 130 203.5

Benzidine ND 116 115 0.9 30 - 130 204.5

Benzoic acid ND 52 53 1.9 30 - 130 2010

Benzyl butyl phthalate ND 98 99 1.0 30 - 130 201.5

Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND 79 78 1.3 30 - 130 203.5

Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ND 68 65 4.5 30 - 130 201.0

Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND 64 61 4.8 30 - 130 201.0

Carbazole ND 98 97 1.0 30 - 130 205.0

Dibenzofuran ND 92 92 0.0 30 - 130 203.5

Diethyl phthalate ND 85 86 1.2 30 - 130 201.5

Dimethylphthalate ND 94 94 0.0 30 - 130 201.5

Di-n-butylphthalate ND 96 95 1.0 30 - 130 201.5

Di-n-octylphthalate ND 98 100 2.0 30 - 130 201.5

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 44 53 18.6 30 - 130 203.5

Isophorone ND 75 73 2.7 30 - 130 203.5

N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 65 60 8.0 30 - 130 201.0

N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 76 76 0.0 30 - 130 203.5

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 90 93 3.3 30 - 130 203.5

Phenol ND 62 60 3.3 15 - 130 201.0

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 80 85 86 1.2 15 - 110 20%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77 87 82 5.9 30 - 130 20%

% 2-Fluorophenol 49 67 61 9.4 15 - 110 20%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 75 74 74 0.0 30 - 130 20%

% Phenol-d5 56 69 64 7.5 15 - 110 20%

% Terphenyl-d14 94 105 103 1.9 30 - 130 20%

Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 338797 (ug/kg), QC Sample No: BK81956 (BK81587 (1X, 50X) , BK81591 (50X) )

Volatiles - Soil1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 105 98ND 6.9104 104 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 106 101ND 4.8105 103 1.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 108 103ND 4.7111 108 2.7 70 - 130 303.0

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1,1,2-Trichloroethane 100 95ND 5.1102 102 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethane 104 95ND 9.0103 102 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethene 104 97ND 7.0107 106 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloropropene 107 103ND 3.8105 104 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 112 106ND 5.5117 113 3.5 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 104 98ND 5.9107 107 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 113 105ND 7.3118 113 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 109 101ND 7.6110 108 1.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 100 96ND 4.1105 102 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dibromoethane 106 99ND 6.8105 106 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 111 103ND 7.5110 107 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloroethane 104 100ND 3.9105 105 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloropropane 101 98ND 3.0101 101 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 109 101ND 7.6111 108 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 109 101ND 7.6111 107 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,3-Dichloropropane 106 100ND 5.8105 105 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 110 102ND 7.5111 108 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

2,2-Dichloropropane 104 100ND 3.9105 100 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

2-Chlorotoluene 107 99ND 7.8109 106 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

2-Hexanone 81 80ND 1.286 86 0.0 70 - 130 3025

2-Isopropyltoluene 112 104ND 7.4113 110 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

4-Chlorotoluene 107 98ND 8.8108 105 2.8 70 - 130 305.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 87 83ND 4.792 92 0.0 70 - 130 3025

Acetone 72 73ND 1.482 84 2.4 70 - 130 3010

Acrylonitrile 97 87ND 10.999 102 3.0 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene 104 99ND 4.9101 100 1.0 70 - 130 301.0

Bromobenzene 107 100ND 6.8108 106 1.9 70 - 130 305.0

Bromochloromethane 104 99ND 4.9103 104 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Bromodichloromethane 104 99ND 4.9106 106 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Bromoform 98 94ND 4.2105 107 1.9 70 - 130 305.0

Bromomethane 85 82ND 3.6109 112 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon Disulfide 99 93ND 6.3105 104 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon tetrachloride 103 97ND 6.0104 103 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Chlorobenzene 106 99ND 6.8104 103 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroethane 35 33ND 5.9106 103 2.9 m70 - 130 305.0

Chloroform 103 99ND 4.0104 104 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Chloromethane 105 97ND 7.9101 102 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 101 93ND 8.2100 99 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 98 92ND 6.399 100 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Dibromochloromethane 103 98ND 5.0106 107 0.9 70 - 130 303.0

Dibromomethane 102 98ND 4.0103 104 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane 114 107ND 6.3114 114 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Ethylbenzene 108 101ND 6.7104 104 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene 112 106ND 5.5114 109 4.5 70 - 130 305.0

Isopropylbenzene 107 98ND 8.8107 106 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene 106 99ND 6.8103 102 1.0 70 - 130 302.0

Methyl ethyl ketone 86 84ND 2.491 93 2.2 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 116 113ND 2.6111 111 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride 99 93ND 6.399 98 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Naphthalene 113 112ND 0.9121 121 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

n-Butylbenzene 115 106ND 8.1117 112 4.4 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene 105 97ND 7.9107 105 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene 105 99ND 5.9103 102 1.0 70 - 130 302.0

Page 13 of 14

QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GBK81583








p-Isopropyltoluene 112 103ND 8.4113 110 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene 112 105ND 6.5114 111 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene 105 99ND 5.9104 103 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

tert-Butylbenzene 107 99ND 7.8108 106 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene 104 97ND 7.0102 100 2.0 70 - 130 305.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 90 90ND 0.095 95 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Toluene 102 97ND 5.0101 100 1.0 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 107 111ND 3.7106 106 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 98 93ND 5.2102 101 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 102 99ND 3.0111 110 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene 102 98ND 4.0102 101 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorofluoromethane 34 30ND 12.5107 108 0.9 m70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 104 98ND 5.9107 107 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Vinyl chloride 116 111ND 4.4106 107 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 101 101100 0.0102 98 4.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 100 10099 0.099 99 0.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 93 9596 2.198 100 2.0 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 100 10198 1.0100 101 1.0 70 - 130 30%

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%.


QA/QC Batch 338739 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK82844 (BK81584, BK81588, BK81592)

TPH by GC (Extractable Products) - Surface WaterExt. Petroleum H.C. ND 96 67 35.6 r60 - 120 300.070

% n-Pentacosane 69 95 70 30.3 r50 - 150 20%

l = This parameter is outside laboratory LCS/LCSD specified recovery limits.m = This parameter is outside laboratory MS/MSD specified recovery limits.r = This parameter is outside laboratory RPD specified recovery limits.

MS - Matrix SpikePhyllis Shiller, Laboratory Director

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.

March 24, 2016MS Dup - Matrix Spike Duplicate

RPD - Relative Percent Difference

LCS - Laboratory Control SampleLCSD - Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate

NC - No CriteriaIntf - Interference

Page 14 of 14

Sample Criteria Exceedences ReportThursday, March 24, 2016 Page 1 of 1

Acode Phoenix Analyte CriteriaResult RLSampNoAnalysis


GBK81583 - BLCOMP-DASCriteria: CT: GWP, RC, SWP


State: CT

$8260GWR Acrylonitrile 0.5ND 5.0 ug/LBK81584 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.5$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 1.0 ug/LBK81584 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.05

$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10001200 280 ug/KgBK81586 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000AS-SM Arsenic 10122 0.8 mg/KgBK81586 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10

$8270-SMR Benz(a)anthracene 10001800 320 ug/KgBK81587 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(a)pyrene 10001800 320 ug/KgBK81587 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10002300 320 ug/KgBK81587 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000AS-SM Arsenic 10221 9.4 mg/KgBK81587 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10

$8260GWR Acrylonitrile 0.5ND 5.0 ug/LBK81588 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.5$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 1.0 ug/LBK81588 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.05D-AS Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.0040.005 0.004 mg/LBK81588 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.004

AS-SM Arsenic 1012.9 0.8 mg/KgBK81589 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10

$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10001100 290 ug/KgBK81590 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000AS-SM Arsenic 10174 8.2 mg/KgBK81590 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10

$8270-SMR Benz(a)anthracene 10001800 270 ug/KgBK81591 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(a)pyrene 10002000 270 ug/KgBK81591 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10002900 270 ug/KgBK81591 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000AS-SM Arsenic 10227 7.4 mg/KgBK81591 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10

$8260GWR Acrylonitrile 0.5ND 5.0 ug/LBK81592 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.5$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 1.0 ug/LBK81592 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.05

Phoenix Laboratories does not assume responsibility for the data contained in this report. It is provided as an additional tool to identify requested criteria exceedences. All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the data (obtained from appropriate agencies). A lack of exceedence information does not necessarily suggest conformance to the criteria. It is ultimately the site professional's responsibility to determine appropriate compliance.

YesWere all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on the associated Chain-of-Custody document(s)?

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were all specified QA/QC performance criteria followed, including the requirement to explain any criteria falling outside of acceptable guidelines, as specified in the CT DEP method-specific Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?


Were all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents acheived? See Sections: ETPH Narration, Herbicide Narration, SVOA Narration, VOA Narration.

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were results reported for all constituents identified in the method-specific analyte lists presented in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete.





Thursday, March 24, 2016Date:

For all questions to which the response was "No" (with the exception of question #5a, #7), additional information must be provided in an attached narrative. If the answer to question #1, #1A or 1B is "No", the data package does not meet the requirements for "Reasonable Confidence".

Authorized Signature:

Client: BL Companies, Inc.

Project Number:

Phoenix Environmental Labs, Inc.Laboratory Name:

Project Location:

BK81583, BK81584, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81588, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81592, BK81593

Reasonable Confidence ProtocolLaboratory Analysis QA/QC Certification Form


Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Laboratory Sample ID(s):

Sampling Date(s): 3/17/2016

Were samples received at an appropriate temperature (< 6 Degrees C)? 3. Yes No

Were these reporting limits met? 5b. Yes No

Are project-specific matrix spikes and laboratory duplicates included in the data set? 7. Yes No



Ethan Lee

Project Manager

Printed Name:


1311/1312 6010 7000 7196 7470/7471 8081

8082 8151 8260 8270 ETPH

RCP Methods Used:

YesWere the method specified preservation and holding time requirements met? No 1a.

EPH and VPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method conducted without significant modifications (see section 11.3 of respective RCP methods)

1b.Yes No NA

Were reporting limits specified or referenced on the chain-of-custody? 5a. Yes No



Nov 2007






RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

SDG CommentsBK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593 - The following analytes from the 6010 RCP Metals list were not reported: Antimony, Beryllium, Copper, Nickel, Thallium, Vanadium, Zinc.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592 - The following analytes from the 6010 RCP Metals list were not reported: Antimony, Beryllium, Nickel, Thallium, Vanadium.

AA Metals (SE) NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.


BK81584, BK81588, BK81592PE600-1 03/21/16 16:32 Tina Hall, Chemist 03/21/16

The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following samples did not meet analytical spike criteria: BK81584: Selenium 0% (85-115%)BK81588: Selenium 0% (85-115%)BK81592: Selenium 0% (85-115%)

Cyanide NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589LACHAT 03/21/16-1 Dustin Harrison, Greg Danielewski, Chemist 03/21/16

The samples were distilled in accordance with the method.The initial calibration met criteria.

The calibration check standards (ICV,CCV) were within 15% of true value and were analyzed at a frequencey of one per ten samples.The continuing calibration blanks (ICB,CCB) had concentrations less than the reporting level.

The method blank, laboratory control sample (LCS), and matrix spike were distilled with the samples.

BK81590, BK81591, BK81593LACHAT 03/22/16-1 Dustin Harrison, Greg Danielewski, Chemist 03/22/16

The samples were distilled in accordance with the method.The initial calibration met criteria.

The calibration check standards (ICV,CCV) were within 15% of true value and were analyzed at a frequencey of one per ten samples.The continuing calibration blanks (ICB,CCB) had concentrations less than the reporting level.

The method blank, laboratory control sample (LCS), and matrix spike were distilled with the samples.

QC (Batch Specific):

Page 1 of 11

RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

Cyanide Narration

BK81587, BK81589Batch 338441 (BK79866)

All LCS recoveries were within 85 - 115 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586Batch 338600 (BK81734)

All LCS recoveries were within 85 - 115 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338826 (BK83510)

All LCS recoveries were within 85 - 115 with the following exceptions: None.

ETPH NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338532 (Samples: BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593): -----

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more surrogates, therefore there may be variability in the reported result. (% n-Pentacosane)

QC Batch 338739 (Samples: BK81584, BK81588, BK81592): -----

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, but these analytes were not reported in the sample(s) so no variability is suspected. (Ext. Petroleum H.C.)

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more surrogates, therefore there may be variability in the reported result. (% n-Pentacosane)


BK81590, BK81591AU-XL1 03/19/16-3 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 03/19/16

The initial calibration (ETPH308I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.As per section 7.2.3, a discrimination check standard was run and contained the following outliers: C36 48.1%L (20%)The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:Samples: BK81590, BK81591 Preceding CC 319A028 - None. Succeeding CC 319A050 - Pentacosane -48%L (30%)

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592AU-XL1 03/22/16-2 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (ETPH308I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.As per section 7.2.3, a discrimination check standard was run and contained the following outliers: C36 24.5%L (20%)The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81593AU-XL2 03/19/16-2 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 03/19/16

Page 2 of 11

RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

ETPH NarrationThe initial calibration (ETPH310I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338532 (BK81544)

All LCS recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: % n-Pentacosane(32.7%)

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338739 (BK82844)

All LCS recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: % n-Pentacosane(30.3%), Ext. Petroleum H.C.(35.6%)

Herbicide NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338262 (Samples: BK81584, BK81588, BK81592): -----

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, but these analytes were not reported in the sample(s) so no variability is suspected. (Dalapon)


BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593AU-ECD12 03/21/16-1 Brian Bilodeau, Chemist 03/21/16

The initial calibration (HRB201AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (HRB201BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592AU-ECD12 03/22/16-1 Brian Bilodeau, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (HRB201AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (HRB201BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338262 (BK79609)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: Dalapon(20.8%)

Batch 338544 (BK81734)

Page 3 of 11

RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

Herbicide NarrationBK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

Mercury NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.


BK81583, BK81584, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81588, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81592, BK81593MERLIN 03/21/16 09:39 Mike Arsenault, Rick Schweitzer, Tom Cowles, Megan Maco

The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

BK81591, BK81593MERLIN 03/22/16 08:39 Rick Schweitzer, Tom Cowles, Megan Macomber, Chemist 0

The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338451 (BK79970)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81583, BK81584, BK81585Batch 338696 (BK81583)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81586, BK81587, BK81588, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81592, BK81593Batch 338697 (BK81665)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590Batch 338700 (BK70069)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

BK81591, BK81593Batch 338831 (BK83524)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

ICP Metals NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.

Page 4 of 11

Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583


BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593ARCOS 03/19/16 07:48 Laura Kinnin, Chemist 03/19/16

The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

BK81587, BK81590, BK81591ARCOS 03/20/16 10:01 Laura Kinnin, Chemist 03/20/16

The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593ARCOS 03/22/16 09:33 Laura Kinnin, Chemist 03/22/16

The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592BLUE 03/19/16 14:31 Laura Kinnin, Chemist 03/19/16

The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: CCV 03/19/16 23:39: Arsenic 111% (90-110)The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338391 (BK79975)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338535 (BK74303)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338587 (BK81000)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338694 (BK81422)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

Page 5 of 11

Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

ICP Metals Narration

PCB NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


BK81584, BK81588, BK81592AU-ECD24 03/21/16-1 Adam Werner, Chemist 03/21/16

The initial calibration (PC0211AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PC0211BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593AU-ECD5 03/19/16-1 Adam Werner, Chemist 03/19/16

The initial calibration (PC0314AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PC0314BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338361 (BK80015)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338523 (BK79975)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

PEST NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589AU-ECD13 03/21/16-1 Carol Eddy, Chemist 03/21/16

8081 Narration:Endrin and DDT breakdown was evaluated and does not exceed 15%.

The initial calibration (PS310AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PS310BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81590, BK81591, BK81592, BK81593AU-ECD35 03/21/16-2 Carol Eddy, Chemist 03/21/16

Page 6 of 11

RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

PEST Narration8081 Narration:Endrin and DDT breakdown was evaluated and does not exceed 15%.

The initial calibration (PS321AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PS321BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338363 (BK80015)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338524 (BK79975)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS duplicate were performed instead of a MS and MSD. Alpha and gamma chlordane were spiked and analyzed instead of technical chlordane. Gamma chlordane recovery is reported as chlordane in the LCS and LCSD

SVOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338529 (Samples: BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593): -----

One or more analytes is below the method criteria. A low bias for these analytes is possible. (2,4-Dinitrophenol, Benzoic Acid)

The LCS and/or the LCSD recovery is below the method criteria. All of the other QC is acceptable, therefore no significant bias is suspected. (4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol)

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, but these analytes were not reported in the sample(s) so no variability is suspected. (2,4-Dinitrophenol, 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol)


BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593CHEM19 03/18/16-1 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/18/16

The DDT breakdown and pentachlorophenol & benzidine peak tailing were evaluated in the DFTPP tune and were found to be in control.

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM19/SV_0317):91% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: 2,4-Dinitrophenol 22% (20%), 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 21% (20%), 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 21% (20%), 4-Nitrophenol 24% (20%), Benzoic acid 30% (20%), Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 24% (20%), Di-n-

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

SVOA Narrationoctylphthalate 35% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.057 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.092 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM19/0318_02-SV_0317):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.063 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.090 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587CHEM25 03/18/16-1 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/18/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM25/SV_0315):100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.047 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.077 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM25/0318_04-SV_0315):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.052 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.078 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592CHEM25 03/22/16-1 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/22/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM25/SV_0315):100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.047 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM25/0322_02-SV_0315):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: Benzidine 74%H (30%)The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: Benzidine 74%H (40%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.052 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

SVOA Narration

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81587, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338529 (BK81665)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: 2,4-Dinitrophenol(16%), Benzoic Acid(<10%)All LCSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: 2,4-Dinitrophenol(11%), 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol(26%), Benzoic Acid(<10%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: 2,4-Dinitrophenol(37.0%), 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol(34.9%)

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338548 (BK81930)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.

SVOASIM NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


BK81584, BK81588, BK81592CHEM07 03/21/16-1 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/21/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM07/SIM_0316):96% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM07/0321_03-SIM_0316):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338548 (BK81930)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.

VOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338715 (Samples: BK81584, BK81588, BK81592): -----

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

The LCS and/or the LCSD recovery is above the upper range for one or more analytes that were not reported in the sample(s), therefore no significant bias is suspected. (Bromomethane, Dichlorodifluoromethane)


BK81584, BK81588, BK81592CHEM17 03/18/16-2 Michael Hahn, Chemist 03/18/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM17/VT-S0318):95% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Bromomethane 28% (20%), Cyclohexane 21% (20%), Dichlorodifluoromethane 23% (20%), Trichlorotrifluoroethane 23% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.037 (0.05), 2-Hexanone 0.075 (0.1), 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.095 (0.1), Acetone 0.041 (0.1), Acrolein 0.027 (0.05), Methyl ethyl ketone 0.067 (0.1), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.046 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM17/0318S38-VT-S0318):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: Acetone 34%L (30%)The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.032 (0.05), Acrolein 0.021 (0.05), Acrylonitrile 0.049 (0.05), Bromoform 0.094 (0.1), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.034 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593CHEM26 03/18/16-2 Jane Li, Chemist 03/18/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM26/VT-0307):99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Acetone 29% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM26/0318_38-VT-0307):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

BK81587, BK81591CHEM26 03/19/16-1 Jane Li, Chemist 03/19/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM26/VT-0307):99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Acetone 29% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Page 10 of 11

RCP Certification ReportMarch 24, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK81583

VOA NarrationContinuing Calibration Verification (CHEM26/0319_02-VT-0307):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK81584, BK81588, BK81592Batch 338715 (BK81584)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Dichlorodifluoromethane(147%)All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Bromomethane(132%), Dichlorodifluoromethane(149%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

BK81583, BK81585, BK81586, BK81589, BK81590, BK81591, BK81593Batch 338794 (BK81726)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

BK81587, BK81591Batch 338797 (BK81956)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

Temperature NarrationThe samples were received at 4C with cooling initiated.(Note acceptance criteria is above freezing up to 6°C)

Page 11 of 11

BK82821 - BK82830

Friday, March 25, 2016

Sample ID#s:

Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Project ID: 14EC0043

Sincerely yours,

Laboratory DirectorPhyllis Shiller

If you have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext. 200.

NELAC - #NY11301CT Lab Registration #PH-0618MA Lab Registration #MA-CT-007ME Lab Registration #CT-007NH Lab Registration #213693-A,B

NJ Lab Registration #CT-003NY Lab Registration #11301PA Lab Registration #68-03530RI Lab Registration #63VT Lab Registration #VT11301

This laboratory is in compliance with the NELAC requirements of procedures used except where indicated.

This report contains results for the parameters tested, under the sampling conditions described on the Chain Of Custody, as received by the laboratory.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

A scanned version of the COC form accompanies the analytical report and is an exact duplicate of the original.

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O. Box 370, Manchester, CT 06040Telephone (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

SDG CommentsMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

Volatile 8260 analysis: The reporting level for Acrylonitrile is above the GWP criteria.1,2-Dibromoethane does not meet GWP criteria, this compound is analyzed by GC/ECD to achieve this criteria.

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82821

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.41Silver 0.41 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 199.5Arsenic 0.8 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1105Barium 0.41 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.41Cadmium 0.41 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 112.3Chromium 0.41 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.11Mercury 0.03 03/22/16 MA SW7471Bmg/Kg 142.3Lead 0.41 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.11TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.17TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/22/16 M/R SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW3005A84Percent Solid 03/21/16 W SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/22/16 Y SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/22/16 Y SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

8.58pH - Soil 0.10 03/21/16 18:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 6.0Reactivity Cyanide 6.0 03/22/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/21/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/21/16 JJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 JC/CK SW3545A

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B-S4-1Phoenix I.D.: BK82821

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/21/16 RQ/D SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/21/16 w SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/21/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/18/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 490 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 98 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 98 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates72% DCAA 03/22/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 59 03/23/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 03/23/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates94% n-Pentacosane 03/23/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates117% DCBP 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10103% TCMX 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 3.9 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 39 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 3.9 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

Page 2 of 55 Ver 1

B-S4-1Phoenix I.D.: BK82821

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 39 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 160 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates92% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 284% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.5 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromoethane 7.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloroethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichloropropane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2,2-Dichloropropane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Hexanone 37 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Chlorotoluene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 37 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 370 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromochloromethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

Page 3 of 55 Ver 1

B-S4-1Phoenix I.D.: BK82821

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 4.5 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDIsopropylbenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDm&p-Xylene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 45 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 15 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 15 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Butylbenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Propylbenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDo-Xylene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDsec-Butylbenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDStyrene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 400 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrachloroethene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 15 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 790 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichloroethene 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 7.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/22/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50100% Bromofluorobenzene 03/22/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50103% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

Page 4 of 55 Ver 1

B-S4-1Phoenix I.D.: BK82821

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 620 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1360Acenaphthylene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1920Benz(a)anthracene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1000Benzo(a)pyrene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11200Benzo(b)fluoranthene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1740Benzo(ghi)perylene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11000Benzo(k)fluoranthene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 780 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1400Chrysene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1500Fluoranthene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1780Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1670Phenanthrene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1500Pyrene 270 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 390 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates63% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 163% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 142% 2-Fluorophenol 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 157% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 151% Phenol-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 158% Terphenyl-d14 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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B-S4-1Phoenix I.D.: BK82821

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

Volatile Comment:There was a suppression of the last internal standard in the low level analysis, all affected compounds are reported from the methanol preserved high level analysis which did not exhibit this interference.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82822

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.35Silver 0.35 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 179.4Arsenic 0.7 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 141.4Barium 0.35 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.35Cadmium 0.35 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 17.63Chromium 0.35 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.16Mercury 0.03 03/22/16 MA SW7471Bmg/Kg 136.4Lead 0.35 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.4Selenium 1.4 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.02TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.11TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/22/16 M/R SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW3005A88Percent Solid 03/21/16 W SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/23/16 ALOG SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/23/16 ALOG SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

7.81pH - Soil 0.10 03/21/16 18:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 5.6Reactivity Cyanide 5.6 03/22/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/21/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/21/16 JJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 JC/CK SW3545A

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B-S4-2Phoenix I.D.: BK82822

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/21/16 RQ/D SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/21/16 w SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/21/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/18/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 46 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 46 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 46 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 460 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 46 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 91 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 46 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 91 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates67% DCAA 03/22/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)540Ext. Petroleum HC 280 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 5**Identification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 5

QA/QC Surrogates63% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 5

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 370 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates123% DCBP 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10108% TCMX 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 3.7 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 37 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 3.7 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 7.5 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 37 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 150 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates89% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 272% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromoethane 7.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloroethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichloropropane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2,2-Dichloropropane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Hexanone 37 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Chlorotoluene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 37 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 370 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromochloromethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

9.3Carbon Disulfide 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 4.4 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDIsopropylbenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDm&p-Xylene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 44 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 15 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 15 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Butylbenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Propylbenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDo-Xylene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDsec-Butylbenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDStyrene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 280 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrachloroethene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 15 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 570 03/22/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichloroethene 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 7.3 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/22/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50101% Bromofluorobenzene 03/22/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50109% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 195% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 13302-Methylnaphthalene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 600 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1290Acenaphthene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1300Anthracene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 12900Benz(a)anthracene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

2400Benzo(a)pyrene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 12300Benzo(b)fluoranthene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11300Benzo(ghi)perylene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 12300Benzo(k)fluoranthene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 750 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

3200Chrysene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1360Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1310Dibenzofuran 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

5700Fluoranthene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B-S4-2Phoenix I.D.: BK82822

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

430Fluorene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1600Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1330Naphthalene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

5200Phenanthrene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

5000Pyrene 260 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 380 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates60% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 168% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 147% 2-Fluorophenol 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 164% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 158% Phenol-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 159% Terphenyl-d14 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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B-S4-2Phoenix I.D.: BK82822

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

Volatile Comment:There was a suppression of the last internal standard in the low level analysis, all affected compounds are reported from the methanol preserved high level analysis which did not exhibit this interference.

TPH Comment:**Petroleum hydrocarbon chromatogram contains a multicomponent hydrocarbon distribution in the range of C9 to C36. The sample was quantitated against a C9-C36 alkane hydrocarbon standard.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Page 14 of 55 Ver 1

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82823

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.38Silver 0.38 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 0.8Arsenic 0.8 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 118.1Barium 0.38 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.38Cadmium 0.38 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 13.07Chromium 0.38 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 03/22/16 MA SW7471Bmg/Kg 11.63Lead 0.38 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.01TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.15TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/22/16 M/R SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW3005A77Percent Solid 03/21/16 W SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/23/16 ALOG SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/23/16 ALOG SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

7.34pH - Soil 0.10 03/21/16 18:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 6.1Reactivity Cyanide 6.1 03/22/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/21/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/21/16 JJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 JC/CK SW3545A

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SED-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82823

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/21/16 RQ/D SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/21/16 w SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/21/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/18/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 53 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 53 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 53 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 530 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 53 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 110 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 53 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 110 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates70% DCAA 03/22/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 63 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates80% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 420 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates102% DCBP 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1092% TCMX 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 4.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 42 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 4.2 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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SED-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82823

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.7 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 8.4 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 42 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 170 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates86% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 278% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 24 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 24 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 240 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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SED-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82823

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 2.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 29 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 9.7 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 9.7 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 9.7 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 9.7 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 4.9 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1100% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

Page 18 of 55 Ver 1

SED-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82823

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 690 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 860 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

Page 19 of 55 Ver 1

SED-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82823

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 300 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 430 03/21/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates63% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 148% 2-Fluorophenol 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 158% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 153% Phenol-d5 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 162% Terphenyl-d14 03/21/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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SED-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82823

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Page 21 of 55 Ver 1

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82824

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.001Silver 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.016Barium 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.005Copper 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.015Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.005Copper (Dissolved) 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 03/22/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium (Dissolved) 0.010 03/23/16 LK/GL E200.9/SM3113B-1mg/L 10.002Zinc (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 03/22/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.002Zinc 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 E/D SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedExtraction for Herbicide 03/22/16 D/D SW8151ACompletedPCB Extraction 03/21/16 TL SW3510CCompletedExtraction for Pest (2 Liter) 03/21/16 TL SW3510CCompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 03/21/16 TL/I SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 03/21/16 AG SW3005A

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SW-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82824

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedTotal Metals Digestion 03/21/16 AG

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-D 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-DB 10 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDalapon 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDicamba 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDichloroprop 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDinoseb 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10

QA/QC Surrogates87% DCAA 03/23/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 0.070 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates72% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1221 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1232 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1242 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1248 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1254 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1260 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1262 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1268 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates74% DCBP 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 175% TCMX 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDE 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDT 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDa-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAlachlor 0.075 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDb-BHC 0.005 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDChlordane 0.30 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDd-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDDieldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan I 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan II 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan Sulfate 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin Aldehyde 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

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SW-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82824

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndrin ketone 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDg-BHC (Lindane) 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor epoxide 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDMethoxychlor 0.10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDToxaphene 1.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates74%DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 176%TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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SW-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82824

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates96% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 189% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 191% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

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SW-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82824

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 10 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 50 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates96% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 182% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 136% 2-Fluorophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 182% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 128% Phenol-d5 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 191% Terphenyl-d14 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAcenaphthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAcenaphthylene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAnthracene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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SW-S4Phoenix I.D.: BK82824

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.10Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.06Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.10Chrysene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.01 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.26Fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDHexachloroethane 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.12Naphthalene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B*1NDNitrobenzene 0.15 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.80 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.17Phenanthrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.18Pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates90% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 175% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 147% 2-Fluorophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 188% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 132% Phenol-d5 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 190% Terphenyl-d14 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

B* = Present in blank, a bias is possible.B = Present in blank, no bias suspected.

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82825

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.001Silver 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.040Arsenic 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.451Barium 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.002Cadmium 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.099Chromium 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.160Copper 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.006Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.250Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.013Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.038Copper (Dissolved) 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 03/22/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 10.068Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.010Selenium (Dissolved) 0.010 03/23/16 LK/GL E200.9/SM3113B-1mg/L 10.195Zinc (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.0003Mercury 0.0002 03/22/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 10.142Lead 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.010Selenium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.594Zinc 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 E/D SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedExtraction for Herbicide 03/22/16 D/D SW8151ACompletedPCB Extraction 03/21/16 TL SW3510CCompletedExtraction for Pest (2 Liter) 03/21/16 TL SW3510CCompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 03/21/16 TL/I SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 03/21/16 AG SW3005A

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S4-GWPhoenix I.D.: BK82825

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedTotal Metals Digestion 03/21/16 AG

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-D 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-DB 10 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDalapon 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDicamba 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDichloroprop 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDinoseb 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10

QA/QC Surrogates82% DCAA 03/23/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 0.070 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates72% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1221 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1232 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1242 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1248 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1254 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1260 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1262 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1268 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates60% DCBP 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 173% TCMX 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDE 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDT 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDa-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAlachlor 0.075 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDb-BHC 0.005 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDChlordane 0.30 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDd-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDDieldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan I 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan II 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan Sulfate 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin Aldehyde 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

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S4-GWPhoenix I.D.: BK82825

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndrin ketone 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDg-BHC (Lindane) 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor epoxide 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDMethoxychlor 0.10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDToxaphene 1.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates62%DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 180%TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates102% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1102% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 10 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 50 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates79% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 171% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 131% 2-Fluorophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 162% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 126% Phenol-d5 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 179% Terphenyl-d14 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAcenaphthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAcenaphthylene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAnthracene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.52Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDChrysene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.01 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDHexachloroethane 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDNitrobenzene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.80 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates79% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 164% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 139% 2-Fluorophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 171% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 130% Phenol-d5 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 177% Terphenyl-d14 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

B = Present in blank, no bias suspected.

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82826

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.001Silver 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.032Arsenic 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.277Barium 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.070Chromium 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.112Copper 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.005Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.157Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.008Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.037Copper (Dissolved) 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 03/22/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 10.060Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.010Selenium (Dissolved) 0.010 03/23/16 LK/GL E200.9/SM3113B-1mg/L 10.119Zinc (Dissolved) 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 03/22/16 MA SW7470Amg/L 10.090Lead 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.010Selenium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.383Zinc 0.002 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 E/D SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedExtraction for Herbicide 03/22/16 D/D SW8151ACompletedPCB Extraction 03/21/16 TL SW3510CCompletedExtraction for Pest (2 Liter) 03/21/16 TL SW3510CCompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 03/21/16 TL/I SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 03/21/16 AG SW3005A

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S4-GW-DUPPhoenix I.D.: BK82826

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedTotal Metals Digestion 03/21/16 AG

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-D 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10ND2,4-DB 10 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDalapon 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDicamba 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDichloroprop 1.3 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10NDDinoseb 2.5 03/23/16 BB SW8151Aug/L 10

QA/QC Surrogates77% DCAA 03/23/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum HC 0.070 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 03/22/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates78% n-Pentacosane 03/22/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1221 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1232 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1242 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1248 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1254 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1260 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1262 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1NDPCB-1268 0.10 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates55% DCBP 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 163% TCMX 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDE 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1ND4,4' -DDT 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDa-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAlachlor 0.075 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDAldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDb-BHC 0.005 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDChlordane 0.30 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDd-BHC 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDDieldrin 0.002 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan I 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan II 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndosulfan Sulfate 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDEndrin Aldehyde 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndrin ketone 0.050 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDg-BHC (Lindane) 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDHeptachlor epoxide 0.025 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDMethoxychlor 0.10 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1NDToxaphene 1.0 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates54%DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 170%TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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S4-GW-DUPPhoenix I.D.: BK82826

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDChloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates97% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 192% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 199% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

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S4-GW-DUPPhoenix I.D.: BK82826

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 10 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND3-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitrophenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 50 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 5.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates77% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 163% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 125% 2-Fluorophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 155% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 119% Phenol-d5 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 176% Terphenyl-d14 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAcenaphthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAcenaphthylene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDAnthracene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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S4-GW-DUPPhoenix I.D.: BK82826

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

0.05Benz(a)anthracene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.06Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDChrysene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.01 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.08Fluoranthene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDHexachloroethane 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDNitrobenzene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L B1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 0.10 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.80 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 10.08Pyrene 0.05 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.50 03/23/16 DD SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates71% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 157% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 133% 2-Fluorophenol 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 162% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 125% Phenol-d5 03/23/16 DD 15 - 110 %% 178% Terphenyl-d14 03/23/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

B = Present in blank, no bias suspected.

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82827

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


< 0.39Silver 0.39 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 188.4Arsenic 0.8 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 150.8Barium 0.39 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.39Cadmium 0.39 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 111.3Chromium 0.39 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 10.10Mercury 0.03 03/22/16 MA SW7471Bmg/Kg 142.4Lead 0.39 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/Kg 1

< 0.005TCLP Silver 0.005 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.10TCLP Arsenic 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 10.19TCLP Barium 0.01 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

< 0.004TCLP Cadmium 0.004 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Chromium 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.0002TCLP Mercury 0.0002 03/22/16 M/R SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010TCLP Lead 0.010 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1< 0.04TCLP Selenium 0.04 03/23/16 LK SW6010Cmg/L 1

CompletedTCLP Metals Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW3005A85Percent Solid 03/21/16 W SW846-%Solid%

>200Flash Point 200 03/23/16 ALOG SW1010ADegree F 1PassedIgnitability 140 03/23/16 ALOG SW846-Ignitdegree F 1

8.12pH - Soil 0.10 03/21/16 18:30 DH/KDB SW9045pH Units 1< 5.9Reactivity Cyanide 5.9 03/22/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactCynmg/Kg 1< 20Reactivity Sulfide 20 03/21/16 BS/GD SW-7.3mg/Kg 1

NegativeReactivity 03/21/16 BS/GD SW846-ReactPos/Neg 1CompletedSoil Extraction for PCB 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for Pesticide 03/21/16 BC/V SW3545ACompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 03/22/16 JJ/CKV SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 03/21/16 JC/CK SW3545A

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DUPLICATEPhoenix I.D.: BK82827

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

CompletedMercury Digestion 03/22/16 W/W SW7471BCompletedSoil Extraction for Herbicide 03/21/16 RQ/D SW8151ACompletedTCLP Digestion Mercury 03/22/16 W/W SW7470ACompletedTCLP Extraction for Metals 03/21/16 w SW1311CompletedTotal Metals Digest 03/21/16 G/AG SW3050BCompletedField Extraction 03/18/16 SW5035A

Chlorinated HerbicidesND2,4,5-T 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-D 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10ND2,4-DB 490 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDalapon 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDicamba 98 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDichloroprop 49 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10NDDinoseb 98 03/22/16 BB SW8151Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates70% DCAA 03/22/16 BB 30 - 150 %% 10

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)84Ext. Petroleum HC 58 03/23/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1**Identification 03/23/16 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates145% n-Pentacosane 03/23/16 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Polychlorinated BiphenylsNDPCB-1016 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1221 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1232 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1242 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1248 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1254 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1260 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1262 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10NDPCB-1268 390 03/22/16 AW SW8082Aug/Kg 10

QA/QC Surrogates109% DCBP 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 1094% TCMX 03/22/16 AW 30 - 150 %% 10

PesticidesND4,4' -DDD 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDE 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2ND4,4' -DDT 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDa-BHC 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAlachlor 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDAldrin 3.9 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDb-BHC 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDChlordane 39 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDd-BHC 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDDieldrin 3.9 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

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DUPLICATEPhoenix I.D.: BK82827

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDEndosulfan I 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan II 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndosulfan sulfate 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin aldehyde 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDEndrin ketone 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDg-BHC 1.6 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDHeptachlor epoxide 7.8 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDMethoxychlor 39 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2NDToxaphene 160 03/22/16 CE SW8081Bug/Kg 2

QA/QC Surrogates83% DCBP 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 269% TCMX 03/22/16 CE 30 - 150 %% 2

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.8 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 7.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 48 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 48 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 480 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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DUPLICATEPhoenix I.D.: BK82827

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDCarbon Disulfide 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 5.8 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 58 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 19 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 19 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 19 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 19 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 9.6 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates107% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 183% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

101% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 197% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitrophenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 620 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1500Acenaphthylene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1980Benz(a)anthracene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1000Benzo(a)pyrene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11100Benzo(b)fluoranthene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1960Benzo(ghi)perylene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 11000Benzo(k)fluoranthene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 780 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1400Chrysene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1330Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1900Fluoranthene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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DUPLICATEPhoenix I.D.: BK82827

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluorene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1990Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1590Phenanthrene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

1800Pyrene 270 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 390 03/22/16 DD SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates65% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 165% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 164% 2-Fluorophenol 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 163% Nitrobenzene-d5 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 165% Phenol-d5 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 172% Terphenyl-d14 03/22/16 DD 30 - 130 %% 1

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DUPLICATEPhoenix I.D.: BK82827

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution


Ignitability is based solely on the results of the closed cup flashpoint analysis performed above. Passed is >140 degree F.

The regulatory hold time for pH is immediately. This pH was performed in the laboratory and may be considered outside of hold-time.

Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Cyanide.This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

The reactivity, reported above, is based only on the EPA Interim Guidance for Reactive Sulfide. This method is no longer listed in the current version of SW-846.

TPH Comment:**Petroleum hydrocarbon chromatogram contains a multicomponent hydrocarbon distribution in the range of C9 to C36. The sample was quantitated against a C9-C36 alkane hydrocarbon standard.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Page 46 of 55 Ver 1

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82828

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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TRIP BLANK 1 WATERPhoenix I.D.: BK82828

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDAcetone 25 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 03/21/16 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

102% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

Page 48 of 55 Ver 1

TRIP BLANK 1 WATERPhoenix I.D.: BK82828

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

99% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 MH 70 - 130 %% 1



Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Page 49 of 55 Ver 1

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82829

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


CompletedField Extraction 03/18/16 SW5035A

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 25 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

Page 50 of 55 Ver 1

TRIP BLANK LOWPhoenix I.D.: BK82829

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 25 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 30 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 10 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.0 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1100% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

Page 51 of 55 Ver 1

TRIP BLANK LOWPhoenix I.D.: BK82829

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

101% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1101% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1


Results are reported on an ``as received`` basis, and are not corrected for dry weight., TRIP BLANK INCLUDED.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Page 52 of 55 Ver 1

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


03/18/16LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: BK82830

03/21/16 8:39

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Ms. Joy KlossBL Companies, Inc.355 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450

Analysis ReportMarch 25, 2016

Date Time

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG ID: GBK82821

Client ID:Project ID: 14EC0043


CompletedField Extraction 03/18/16 SW5035A

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloroethene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloropropene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromoethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloropropane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichloropropane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2,2-Dichloropropane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Chlorotoluene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Hexanone 1300 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Isopropyltoluene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Chlorotoluene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50

Page 53 of 55 Ver 1

TRIP BLANK HIGHPhoenix I.D.: BK82830

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1300 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDAcetone 5000 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDAcrylonitrile 500 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromobenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromochloromethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromodichloromethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromoform 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromomethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDCarbon Disulfide 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDCarbon tetrachloride 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChlorobenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloroform 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloromethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDibromochloromethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDibromomethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDichlorodifluoromethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDEthylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDHexachlorobutadiene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDIsopropylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDm&p-Xylene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 3000 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethylene chloride 500 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDNaphthalene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Butylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Propylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDo-Xylene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDp-Isopropyltoluene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDsec-Butylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDStyrene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtert-Butylbenzene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrachloroethene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 500 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDToluene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTotal Xylenes 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 500 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichloroethene 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichlorofluoromethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDVinyl chloride 250 03/21/16 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50101% Bromofluorobenzene 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50

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TRIP BLANK HIGHPhoenix I.D.: BK82830

Client ID:14EC0043Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

93% Dibromofluoromethane 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50100% Toluene-d8 03/21/16 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50


Results are reported on an ``as received`` basis, and are not corrected for dry weight., TRIP BLANK INCLUDED.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorMarch 25, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody.

Reviewed and Released by: Ethan Lee, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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QA/QC ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821










QA/QC Batch 338698 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK78141 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)Mercury - Water 90.7BRL 93.3NC 70 - 130 20<0.0002 <0.00020.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


QA/QC Batch 338588 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK81393 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

ICP Metals - AqueousArsenic 103BRL 101NC 75 - 125 20<0.004 <0.0040.004

Barium 99.1BRL 101NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Cadmium 103BRL 104NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Chromium 98.9BRL 98.2NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Copper 98.6BRL 99.7NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0050.005

Lead 101BRL 100NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Selenium 100BRL 101NC 75 - 125 20<0.010 <0.0100.010

Silver 96.6BRL 98.8NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Zinc 99.3BRL 99.7NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

QA/QC Batch 338695 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK81472 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)

ICP Metals - TCLP ExtractionArsenic 112BRL 116NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

Barium 110BRL 108NC 75 - 125 200.35 0.270.10

Cadmium 109BRL 104NC 75 - 125 20<0.050 <0.0500.050

Chromium 110BRL 106NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

Lead 109BRL 104NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

Selenium 111BRL 117NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

Silver 117BRL 120NC 75 - 125 20<0.10 <0.100.10

QA/QC Batch 338594 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK81667 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

ICP Metals - DissolvedArsenic 107BRL 96.7NC 75 - 125 20<0.004 <0.0040.004

Barium 89.6BRL 94.50 75 - 125 200.010 0.0100.002

Cadmium 89.8BRL 95.7NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Chromium 87.9BRL 94.0NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Copper 96.3BRL 93.7NC 75 - 125 20<0.005 <0.0050.005

Lead 86.7BRL 95.5NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Silver 103BRL 90.9NC 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Zinc 101BRL 92.9NC 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

QA/QC Batch 338830 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: BK81738 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)Mercury - Soil 106BRL 87.6NC 110 22.7 70 - 130 300.03 <0.030.02

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


QA/QC Batch 338787 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: BK81752 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)

ICP Metals - SoilArsenic 91.5BRL 109NC 75 - 125 307.0 2.750.66

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Barium 87.7BRL 10515.4 75 - 125 3022.4 19.20.33

Cadmium 92.0BRL 107NC 75 - 125 30<0.31 <0.350.33

Chromium 93.6BRL 10530.3 75 - 125 3015.6 11.50.33

Lead 94.4BRL 1119.60 75 - 125 306.11 5.550.33

Selenium 85.7BRL 111NC 75 - 125 30<1.3 <1.41.3

Silver 89.7BRL 96.5NC 75 - 125 30<0.31 <0.350.33

QA/QC Batch 338832 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK82821 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)Mercury - Water 102BRL 107NC 70 - 130 20<0.0002 <0.00020.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


QA/QC Batch 338738 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK82846 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)Mercury (Dissolved) 90.4BRL 89.5NC 70 - 130 20<0.0002 <0.00030.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%.


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QA/QC ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821










QA/QC Batch 338874 (PH), QC Sample No: BK82821 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)pH - Soil 98.61.40 85 - 115 208.58 8.46

QA/QC Batch 338835 (Degree F), QC Sample No: BK83510 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)Flash Point 100NC 85 - 115 30>200 >200

QA/QC Batch 338826 (mg/Kg), QC Sample No: BK83510 4.63X (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)Reactivity Cyanide BRL 103NC 85 - 115 30<5.5 <5.40.05

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QA/QC ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821








QA/QC Batch 338564 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK70071 2X (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)

Pesticides - Soil, Sediment4,4' -DDD 71 74ND 4.185 71 17.9 40 - 140 301.7

4,4' -DDE 73 74ND 1.484 72 15.4 40 - 140 301.7

4,4' -DDT 76 81ND 6.491 77 16.7 40 - 140 301.7

a-BHC 72 71ND 1.479 69 13.5 40 - 140 301.0

a-Chlordane 66 67ND 1.576 66 14.1 40 - 140 303.3

Alachlor NA NAND NCNA NA NC 40 - 140 303.3

Aldrin 62 62ND 0.083 72 14.2 40 - 140 301.0

b-BHC 66 67ND 1.576 66 14.1 40 - 140 301.0

Chlordane 66 67ND 1.577 65 16.9 40 - 140 3033

d-BHC 47 48ND 2.158 49 16.8 40 - 140 303.3

Dieldrin 75 77ND 2.689 75 17.1 40 - 140 301.0

Endosulfan I 75 76ND 1.388 76 14.6 40 - 140 303.3

Endosulfan II 71 74ND 4.185 71 17.9 40 - 140 303.3

Endosulfan sulfate 59 61ND 3.375 63 17.4 40 - 140 303.3

Endrin 77 79ND 2.691 77 16.7 40 - 140 303.3

Endrin aldehyde 58 62ND 6.770 64 9.0 40 - 140 303.3

Endrin ketone 72 75ND 4.190 77 15.6 40 - 140 303.3

g-BHC 83 88ND 5.881 70 14.6 40 - 140 301.0

g-Chlordane 66 67ND 1.577 65 16.9 40 - 140 303.3

Heptachlor 75 75ND 0.080 69 14.8 40 - 140 303.3

Heptachlor epoxide 71 72ND 1.484 72 15.4 40 - 140 303.3

Methoxychlor 72 75ND 4.189 76 15.8 40 - 140 303.3

Toxaphene NA NAND NCNA NA NC 40 - 140 30130

% DCBP 68 7855 13.785 71 17.9 30 - 150 30%

% TCMX 64 6347 1.668 64 6.1 30 - 150 30%

QA/QC Batch 338869 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK78141 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826, BK82828)

Volatiles - Surface Water, Ground Water1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108 117ND 8.0109 106 2.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 118 128ND 8.1106 102 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 101 109ND 7.6105 104 1.0 70 - 130 300.50

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 105 113ND 7.3106 104 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethane 110 118ND 7.0105 100 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethene 115 127ND 9.9106 101 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloropropene 113 125ND 10.1108 103 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 71 85ND 17.9102 103 1.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 100 109ND 8.6106 105 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 76 89ND 15.8105 106 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95 105ND 10.0106 102 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 101 113ND 11.2110 109 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromoethane 105 113ND 7.3108 107 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 94 104ND 10.1104 101 2.9 70 - 130 301.0

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SDG I.D.: GBK82821








1,2-Dichloroethane 103 108ND 4.7102 100 2.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichloropropane 107 114ND 6.3105 102 2.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 98 106ND 7.8105 101 3.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 92 104ND 12.2104 102 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichloropropane 103 109ND 5.7106 103 2.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 92 102ND 10.3104 101 2.9 70 - 130 301.0

2,2-Dichloropropane 100 109ND 8.6105 100 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

2-Chlorotoluene 99 109ND 9.6106 102 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

2-Hexanone 92 101ND 9.399 98 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

2-Isopropyltoluene 102 109ND 6.6109 104 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

4-Chlorotoluene 94 105ND 11.1102 100 2.0 70 - 130 301.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 99 104ND 4.9100 102 2.0 70 - 130 305.0

Acetone 78 98ND 22.7105 88 17.6 70 - 130 305.0

Acrylonitrile 102 112ND 9.3109 112 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene 110 116ND 5.3103 100 3.0 70 - 130 300.70

Bromobenzene 102 114ND 11.1106 104 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

Bromochloromethane 110 119ND 7.9111 108 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

Bromodichloromethane 109 116ND 6.2107 104 2.8 70 - 130 300.50

Bromoform 107 117ND 8.9114 111 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

Bromomethane 148 197ND 28.4161 159 1.3 l,m70 - 130 301.0

Carbon Disulfide 106 119ND 11.6102 96 6.1 70 - 130 301.0

Carbon tetrachloride 118 126ND 6.6105 103 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

Chlorobenzene 103 112ND 8.4106 101 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroethane 115 120ND 4.3102 96 6.1 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroform 108 115ND 6.3104 100 3.9 70 - 130 301.0

Chloromethane 115 123ND 6.7107 102 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 107 116ND 8.1106 101 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 103 109ND 5.7104 102 1.9 70 - 130 300.40

Dibromochloromethane 108 119ND 9.7114 111 2.7 70 - 130 300.50

Dibromomethane 104 112ND 7.4104 103 1.0 70 - 130 301.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane 116 130ND 11.4124 117 5.8 70 - 130 301.0

Ethylbenzene 106 116ND 9.0108 102 5.7 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene 80 98ND 20.2106 103 2.9 70 - 130 300.40

Isopropylbenzene 102 112ND 9.3105 100 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene 103 111ND 7.5108 103 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

Methyl ethyl ketone 97 106ND 8.995 99 4.1 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 110 116ND 5.3113 110 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride 102 109ND 6.6101 98 3.0 70 - 130 301.0

Naphthalene 139 117ND 17.2105 107 1.9 m70 - 130 301.0

n-Butylbenzene 82 91ND 10.4106 101 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene 95 106ND 10.9104 99 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene 104 113ND 8.3108 102 5.7 70 - 130 301.0

p-Isopropyltoluene 94 103ND 9.1108 104 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene 100 107ND 6.8109 105 3.7 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene 104 113ND 8.3110 105 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

tert-Butylbenzene 103 111ND 7.5104 102 1.9 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene 105 118ND 11.7110 106 3.7 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 98 106ND 7.8107 105 1.9 70 - 130 302.5

Toluene 109 117ND 7.1104 101 2.9 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 111 122ND 9.4106 102 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 100 108ND 7.7103 103 0.0 70 - 130 300.40

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 106 115ND 8.1120 119 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene 112 122ND 8.5108 103 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

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SDG I.D.: GBK82821








Trichlorofluoromethane 111 124ND 11.1104 99 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 101 113ND 11.2110 104 5.6 70 - 130 301.0

Vinyl chloride 124 133ND 7.0112 105 6.5 m70 - 130 301.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 99 9999 0.099 100 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 100 10094 0.0102 101 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 101 100100 1.0102 103 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 100 10198 1.0101 100 1.0 70 - 130 30%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%.


QA/QC Batch 338262 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK79609 10X (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

Chlorinated Herbicides - Surface Water, Ground Water2,4,5-T ND 77 79 2.6 40 - 140 201.3

2,4,5-TP (Silvex) ND 72 74 2.7 40 - 140 201.3

2,4-D ND 79 80 1.3 40 - 140 201.3

2,4-DB ND 73 76 4.0 40 - 140 2010

Dalapon ND 43 53 20.8 r40 - 140 201.3

Dicamba ND 79 80 1.3 40 - 140 202.5

Dichloroprop ND 66 67 1.5 40 - 140 201.3

Dinoseb ND 68 69 1.5 40 - 140 202.5

% DCAA (Surrogate Rec) 74 63 62 1.6 30 - 150 20%

QA/QC Batch 338524 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK79975 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

Pesticides - Surface Water, Ground Water4,4' -DDD ND 108 99 8.7 40 - 140 200.003

4,4' -DDE ND 97 96 1.0 40 - 140 200.003

4,4' -DDT ND 91 82 10.4 40 - 140 200.003

a-BHC ND 98 88 10.8 40 - 140 200.002

a-Chlordane ND 93 87 6.7 40 - 140 200.005

Alachlor ND NA NA NC 40 - 140 200.005

Aldrin ND 82 79 3.7 40 - 140 200.002

b-BHC ND 100 91 9.4 40 - 140 200.002

Chlordane ND 97 89 8.6 40 - 140 200.050

d-BHC ND 91 82 10.4 40 - 140 200.005

Dieldrin ND 106 94 12.0 40 - 140 200.002

Endosulfan I ND 100 95 5.1 40 - 140 200.005

Endosulfan II ND 101 93 8.2 40 - 140 200.005

Endosulfan sulfate ND 94 86 8.9 40 - 140 200.005

Endrin ND 92 82 11.5 40 - 140 200.005

Endrin aldehyde ND 100 90 10.5 40 - 140 200.005

Endrin ketone ND 105 96 9.0 40 - 140 200.005

g-BHC ND 93 86 7.8 40 - 140 200.002

g-Chlordane ND 97 89 8.6 40 - 140 200.005

Heptachlor ND 92 87 5.6 40 - 140 200.005

Heptachlor epoxide ND 98 90 8.5 40 - 140 200.005

Methoxychlor ND 92 83 10.3 40 - 140 200.005

Toxaphene ND NA NA NC 40 - 140 200.20

% DCBP 91 105 97 7.9 30 - 150 20%

% TCMX 93 107 104 2.8 30 - 150 20%

A LCS and LCS duplicate were performed instead of a MS and MSD. Alpha and gamma chlordane were spiked and analyzed instead of technical chlordane. Gamma chlordane recovery is reported as chlordane in the LCS and LCSD


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SDG I.D.: GBK82821








QA/QC Batch 338523 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK79975 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

Polychlorinated Biphenyls - Surface Water, Ground WaterPCB-1016 ND 78 86 9.8 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1221 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1232 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1242 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1248 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1254 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1260 ND 90 97 7.5 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1262 ND 40 - 140 200.050

PCB-1268 ND 40 - 140 200.050

% DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 81 99 117 16.7 30 - 150 20%

% TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 68 82 98 17.8 30 - 150 20%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.


QA/QC Batch 338751 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK82818 2X (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)

Polychlorinated Biphenyls - Soil, SedimentPCB-1016 102 89ND 13.686 96 11.0 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1221 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1232 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1242 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1248 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1254 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1260 108 95ND 12.893 106 13.1 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1262 ND 40 - 140 3033

PCB-1268 ND 40 - 140 3033

% DCBP (Surrogate Rec) 108 9398 14.9105 120 13.3 30 - 150 30%

% TCMX (Surrogate Rec) 96 8894 8.794 104 10.1 30 - 150 30%

QA/QC Batch 338931 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK82824 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

Semivolatiles (SIM) - Surface Water, Ground Water1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene ND 62 30 - 130 200.50

2-Methylnaphthalene 0.06 63 30 - 130 200.02

Acenaphthene 0.03 82 30 - 130 200.02

Acenaphthylene 0.03 88 30 - 130 200.02

Anthracene ND 92 30 - 130 200.02

Benz(a)anthracene ND 88 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(a)pyrene ND 96 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 106 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(ghi)perylene ND 77 30 - 130 200.02

Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 66 30 - 130 200.02

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 106 30 - 130 200.10

Chrysene ND 77 30 - 130 200.02

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 80 30 - 130 200.01

Fluoranthene ND 87 30 - 130 200.02

Fluorene 0.02 83 30 - 130 200.02

Hexachlorobenzene ND 77 30 - 130 200.02

Hexachlorobutadiene 0.08 56 30 - 130 200.05

Hexachloroethane 0.14 58 30 - 130 200.05

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 79 30 - 130 200.02

Naphthalene 0.11 62 30 - 130 200.02

Nitrobenzene 0.11 74 30 - 130 200.05

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Pentachloronitrobenzene ND 101 30 - 130 200.10

Pentachlorophenol ND 68 30 - 130 200.20

Phenanthrene ND 82 30 - 130 200.02

Pyrene ND 88 30 - 130 200.02

Pyridine ND 52 30 - 130 200.50

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 86 92 15 - 110 20%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75 75 30 - 130 20%

% 2-Fluorophenol 50 40 15 - 110 20%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 87 72 30 - 130 20%

% Phenol-d5 34 29 15 - 110 20%

% Terphenyl-d14 88 88 30 - 130 20%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.LCSD could not be reported for this batch.

Additional 8270 criteria:20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 338931 (ug/L), QC Sample No: BK82824 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

Semivolatiles - Surface Water, Ground Water1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 79 30 - 130 203.5

1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 62 30 - 130 201.0

1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 83 30 - 130 201.6

1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 59 30 - 130 201.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 62 30 - 130 201.0

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 91 30 - 130 201.0

2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 91 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 87 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 79 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 101 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 92 30 - 130 203.5

2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 90 30 - 130 203.5

2-Chloronaphthalene ND 78 30 - 130 203.5

2-Chlorophenol ND 68 30 - 130 201.0

2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) ND 65 30 - 130 201.0

2-Nitroaniline ND 98 30 - 130 203.5

2-Nitrophenol ND 89 30 - 130 201.0

3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) ND 63 30 - 130 201.0

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 92 30 - 130 205.0

3-Nitroaniline ND 88 30 - 130 205.0

4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND 107 30 - 130 201.0

4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 98 30 - 130 203.5

4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ND 99 30 - 130 201.0

4-Chloroaniline ND 98 30 - 130 203.5

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 82 30 - 130 201.0

4-Nitroaniline ND 91 30 - 130 205.0

4-Nitrophenol ND 38 15 - 130 201.0

Acetophenone ND 73 30 - 130 203.5

Aniline ND 78 30 - 130 203.5

Benzidine ND 95 30 - 130 204.5

Benzoic acid ND 34 30 - 130 2010

Benzyl butyl phthalate ND 96 30 - 130 201.5

Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND 86 30 - 130 203.5

Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ND 60 30 - 130 201.0

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Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND 61 30 - 130 201.0

Carbazole ND 91 30 - 130 205.0

Dibenzofuran ND 81 30 - 130 203.5

Diethyl phthalate ND 88 30 - 130 201.5

Dimethylphthalate ND 90 30 - 130 201.5

Di-n-butylphthalate ND 97 30 - 130 201.5

Di-n-octylphthalate ND 93 30 - 130 201.5

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 74 30 - 130 203.5

Isophorone ND 84 30 - 130 203.5

N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 42 30 - 130 201.0

N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 76 30 - 130 203.5

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 91 30 - 130 203.5

Phenol ND 37 15 - 130 201.0

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 96 93 15 - 110 20%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 82 73 30 - 130 20%

% 2-Fluorophenol 41 39 15 - 110 20%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 86 72 30 - 130 20%

% Phenol-d5 32 30 15 - 110 20%

% Terphenyl-d14 98 100 30 - 130 20%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.LCSD could not be reported for this batch.

Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 338759 (mg/Kg), QC Sample No: BK82832 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)

TPH by GC (Extractable Products) - Soil, SedimentExt. Petroleum H.C. 69 73ND 5.682 60 - 120 3050

% n-Pentacosane 85 8459 1.284 50 - 150 30%

QA/QC Batch 338750 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK82832 (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)

Semivolatiles - Soil, Sediment1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 67 74ND 9.960 64 6.5 30 - 130 30230

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66 73ND 10.160 64 6.5 30 - 130 30230

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 58 61ND 5.055 57 3.6 30 - 130 30180

1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 67 69ND 2.966 68 3.0 30 - 130 30230

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 55ND 9.550 53 5.8 30 - 130 30230

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 55 57ND 3.652 55 5.6 30 - 130 30230

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 77 81ND 5.172 73 1.4 30 - 130 30230

2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 67 74ND 9.969 75 8.3 30 - 130 30130

2,4-Dichlorophenol 72 79ND 9.365 69 6.0 30 - 130 30130

2,4-Dimethylphenol 69 78ND 12.257 62 8.4 30 - 130 30230

2,4-Dinitrophenol 59 50ND 16.511 16 37.0 l,r30 - 130 30230

2,4-Dinitrotoluene 74 75ND 1.372 73 1.4 30 - 130 30130

2,6-Dinitrotoluene 71 74ND 4.170 73 4.2 30 - 130 30130

2-Chloronaphthalene 65 70ND 7.463 68 7.6 30 - 130 30230

2-Chlorophenol 65 70ND 7.460 62 3.3 30 - 130 30230

2-Methylnaphthalene 69 75ND 8.361 65 6.3 30 - 130 30230

2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 68 74ND 8.558 61 5.0 30 - 130 30230

2-Nitroaniline 73 73ND 0.061 59 3.3 30 - 130 30330

2-Nitrophenol 69 78ND 12.263 66 4.7 30 - 130 30230

3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 70 73ND 4.263 65 3.1 30 - 130 30230

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 61 71ND 15.259 67 12.7 30 - 130 30130

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3-Nitroaniline 69 68ND 1.561 62 1.6 30 - 130 30330

4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 76 69ND 9.730 43 35.6 r30 - 130 30230

4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 69 80ND 14.874 79 6.5 30 - 130 30230

4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 79 84ND 6.171 71 0.0 30 - 130 30230

4-Chloroaniline 74 77ND 4.065 68 4.5 30 - 130 30230

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 67 70ND 4.466 69 4.4 30 - 130 30230

4-Nitroaniline 70 73ND 4.269 71 2.9 30 - 130 30230

4-Nitrophenol 66 66ND 0.056 59 5.2 30 - 130 30230

Acenaphthene 66 70ND 5.964 68 6.1 30 - 130 30230

Acenaphthylene 65 69ND 6.062 67 7.8 30 - 130 30130

Acetophenone 63 67ND 6.257 59 3.4 30 - 130 30230

Aniline 50 65ND 26.156 57 1.8 30 - 130 30330

Anthracene 69 75ND 8.371 75 5.5 30 - 130 30230

Benz(a)anthracene 69 76ND 9.771 75 5.5 30 - 130 30230

Benzidine 36 69ND 62.926 43 49.3 l,r30 - 130 30330

Benzo(a)pyrene 64 71ND 10.467 71 5.8 30 - 130 30130

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 65 73ND 11.669 73 5.6 30 - 130 30160

Benzo(ghi)perylene 68 75ND 9.871 74 4.1 30 - 130 30230

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 65 70ND 7.467 72 7.2 30 - 130 30230

Benzoic Acid 44 34ND 25.6<10 <10 NC l30 - 130 30330

Benzyl butyl phthalate 70 78ND 10.874 76 2.7 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 70 76ND 8.263 67 6.2 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 62 57ND 8.449 52 5.9 30 - 130 30130

Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 55 57ND 3.649 52 5.9 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 69 77ND 11.072 77 6.7 30 - 130 30230

Carbazole 70 74ND 5.672 73 1.4 30 - 130 30230

Chrysene 72 79ND 9.372 77 6.7 30 - 130 30230

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 68 76ND 11.172 75 4.1 30 - 130 30130

Dibenzofuran 68 71ND 4.366 69 4.4 30 - 130 30230

Diethyl phthalate 71 72ND 1.471 72 1.4 30 - 130 30230

Dimethylphthalate 70 71ND 1.470 72 2.8 30 - 130 30230

Di-n-butylphthalate 72 78ND 8.077 81 5.1 30 - 130 30230

Di-n-octylphthalate 67 75ND 11.372 75 4.1 30 - 130 30230

Fluoranthene 71 75ND 5.571 73 2.8 30 - 130 30230

Fluorene 68 71ND 4.366 69 4.4 30 - 130 30230

Hexachlorobenzene 66 74ND 11.472 74 2.7 30 - 130 30130

Hexachlorobutadiene 65 70ND 7.460 63 4.9 30 - 130 30230

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 42 56ND 28.649 49 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Hexachloroethane 51 54ND 5.751 54 5.7 30 - 130 30130

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 69 76ND 9.770 74 5.6 30 - 130 30230

Isophorone 64 69ND 7.556 60 6.9 30 - 130 30130

Naphthalene 70 74ND 5.659 62 5.0 30 - 130 30230

Nitrobenzene 65 69ND 6.057 60 5.1 30 - 130 30130

N-Nitrosodimethylamine 56 57ND 1.848 50 4.1 30 - 130 30230

N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 64 67ND 4.657 59 3.4 30 - 130 30130

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 77 77ND 0.075 77 2.6 30 - 130 30130

Pentachloronitrobenzene 66 74ND 11.470 73 4.2 30 - 130 30230

Pentachlorophenol 64 70ND 9.054 62 13.8 30 - 130 30230

Phenanthrene 67 73ND 8.669 72 4.3 30 - 130 30130

Phenol 70 74ND 5.664 68 6.1 30 - 130 30230

Pyrene 73 76ND 4.072 74 2.7 30 - 130 30230

Pyridine 35 35ND 0.032 36 11.8 30 - 130 30230

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 59 6663 11.265 70 7.4 30 - 130 30%

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% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 59 6462 8.158 64 9.8 30 - 130 30%

% 2-Fluorophenol 54 5848 7.151 54 5.7 30 - 130 30%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 63 6858 7.657 59 3.4 30 - 130 30%

% Phenol-d5 61 6556 6.358 60 3.4 30 - 130 30%

% Terphenyl-d14 71 7373 2.870 71 1.4 30 - 130 30%

Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 338739 (mg/L), QC Sample No: BK82844 (BK82824, BK82825, BK82826)

TPH by GC (Extractable Products) - Surface Water, Ground WaterExt. Petroleum H.C. ND 96 67 35.6 r60 - 120 300.070

% n-Pentacosane 69 95 70 30.3 r50 - 150 20%

QA/QC Batch 338879 (ug/kg), QC Sample No: BK83307 (BK82821 (1X, 50X) , BK82822 (1X, 50X) , BK82823, BK82827, BK82829, BK82830 (50X) )

Volatiles - Soil, Sediment1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 122 119ND 2.5122 122 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 124 121ND 2.4121 119 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 126 121ND 4.0121 121 0.0 70 - 130 303.0

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 118 115ND 2.6120 118 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethane 122 119ND 2.5121 121 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethene 115 114ND 0.9120 121 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloropropene 128 124ND 3.2121 120 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 122 120ND 1.7111 113 1.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 123 118ND 4.1120 118 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 122 121ND 0.8109 109 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 120 118ND 1.7115 116 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 148 126ND 16.1122 116 5.0 m70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dibromoethane 123 120ND 2.5120 119 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 121 119ND 1.7115 115 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloroethane 123 120ND 2.5120 118 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloropropane 123 119ND 3.3120 119 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 120 119ND 0.8118 117 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 120 117ND 2.5112 113 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,3-Dichloropropane 122 118ND 3.3120 118 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 120 117ND 2.5112 111 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

2,2-Dichloropropane 121 113ND 6.8119 118 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

2-Chlorotoluene 119 119ND 0.0118 117 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

2-Hexanone 114 104ND 9.2107 106 0.9 70 - 130 3025

2-Isopropyltoluene 124 122ND 1.6122 122 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

4-Chlorotoluene 117 115ND 1.7112 111 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 121 112ND 7.7114 115 0.9 70 - 130 3025

Acetone 115 89ND 25.599 90 9.5 70 - 130 3010

Acrylonitrile 126 116ND 8.3124 123 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene 124 121ND 2.4120 119 0.8 70 - 130 301.0

Bromobenzene 119 118ND 0.8117 119 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

Bromochloromethane 123 121ND 1.6124 123 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

Bromodichloromethane 123 121ND 1.6127 125 1.6 70 - 130 305.0

Bromoform 124 119ND 4.1130 129 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

Bromomethane 88 87ND 1.1121 121 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon Disulfide 113 113ND 0.0124 124 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon tetrachloride 118 115ND 2.6121 120 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

Chlorobenzene 121 119ND 1.7117 117 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

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Chloroethane 41 38ND 7.6124 124 0.0 m70 - 130 305.0

Chloroform 119 116ND 2.6119 117 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

Chloromethane 128 127ND 0.8130 129 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 118 116ND 1.7118 117 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 117 115ND 1.7117 116 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

Dibromochloromethane 121 117ND 3.4126 124 1.6 70 - 130 303.0

Dibromomethane 120 116ND 3.4121 119 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane 135 133ND 1.5144 142 1.4 l,m70 - 130 305.0

Ethylbenzene 126 121ND 4.0118 118 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene 124 121ND 2.4116 114 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

Isopropylbenzene 117 117ND 0.0118 117 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene 126 121ND 4.0116 117 0.9 70 - 130 302.0

Methyl ethyl ketone 121 104ND 15.1107 103 3.8 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 122 120ND 1.7123 122 0.8 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride 107 107ND 0.0113 111 1.8 70 - 130 305.0

Naphthalene 124 123ND 0.8117 118 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

n-Butylbenzene 123 121ND 1.6114 115 0.9 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene 117 117ND 0.0114 114 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene 127 121ND 4.8118 117 0.9 70 - 130 302.0

p-Isopropyltoluene 123 121ND 1.6118 118 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene 125 123ND 1.6121 121 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene 121 117ND 3.4115 114 0.9 70 - 130 305.0

tert-Butylbenzene 119 118ND 0.8118 118 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene 126 122ND 3.2118 118 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 126 116ND 8.3119 116 2.6 70 - 130 305.0

Toluene 177 128ND 32.1119 119 0.0 m,r70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 118 119ND 0.8120 121 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 119 115ND 3.4119 117 1.7 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 125 117ND 6.6123 122 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene 124 120ND 3.3119 119 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorofluoromethane 35 35ND 0.0120 123 2.5 m70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 121 115ND 5.1121 120 0.8 70 - 130 305.0

Vinyl chloride 130 130ND 0.0130 130 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 100 101100 1.0100 99 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 101 10199 0.0100 100 0.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 95 98101 3.1101 98 3.0 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 101 101100 0.0101 101 0.0 70 - 130 30%

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%.


QA/QC Batch 338772 (ug/Kg), QC Sample No: BK83510 2X (BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827)

Chlorinated Herbicides - Soil, Sediment2,4,5-T 78 79ND 1.385 85 0.0 40 - 140 308.3

2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 79 80ND 1.386 85 1.2 40 - 140 308.3

2,4-D 103 82ND 22.791 89 2.2 40 - 140 308.3

2,4-DB 84 87ND 3.587 91 4.5 40 - 140 3067

Dalapon 53 57ND 7.340 54 29.8 40 - 140 308.3

Dicamba 83 81ND 2.480 81 1.2 40 - 140 3017

Dichloroprop 73 66ND 10.169 64 7.5 40 - 140 308.3

Dinoseb 80 82ND 2.589 71 22.5 40 - 140 3017

% DCAA (Surrogate Rec) 52 5188 1.955 55 0.0 30 - 150 30%

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l = This parameter is outside laboratory LCS/LCSD specified recovery limits.m = This parameter is outside laboratory MS/MSD specified recovery limits.r = This parameter is outside laboratory RPD specified recovery limits.

MS - Matrix SpikePhyllis Shiller, Laboratory Director

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.

March 25, 2016MS Dup - Matrix Spike Duplicate

RPD - Relative Percent Difference

LCS - Laboratory Control SampleLCSD - Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate

NC - No Criteria

Intf - Interference

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Sample Criteria Exceedences ReportFriday, March 25, 2016 Page 1 of 2

Acode Phoenix Analyte CriteriaResult RLSampNoAnalysis


GBK82821 - BLCOMP-DASCriteria: CT: GAM, GWP, RC, SWP


State: CT

$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10001200 270 ug/KgBK82821 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10001200 270 ug/KgBK82821 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000AS-SM Arsenic 1099.5 0.8 mg/KgBK82821 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10TCLP-AS TCLP Arsenic 0.010.11 0.01 mg/LBK82821 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GA/GAA PMC (mg/l)** 0.01

$8270-SMR Fluoranthene 56005700 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 5600$8270-SMR Phenanthrene 40005200 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 4000$8270-SMR Benzo(k)fluoranthene 10002300 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10002300 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(a)pyrene 10002400 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 1000$8270-SMR Pyrene 40005000 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 4000$8270-SMR Benz(a)anthracene 10002900 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10002300 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000$8270-SMR Benz(a)anthracene 10002900 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(a)pyrene 10002400 260 ug/KgBK82822 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000$ETPH_SMR Ext. Petroleum HC 500540 280 mg/KgBK82822 CT / PESTICIDES, PCB's, TPH, a / GA/GAA PMC (mg/kg 500$ETPH_SMR Ext. Petroleum HC 500540 280 mg/KgBK82822 CT / PESTICIDES, PCB's, TPH, a / RES DEC (mg/kg) 500AS-SM Arsenic 1079.4 0.7 mg/KgBK82822 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10TCLP-AS TCLP Arsenic 0.010.02 0.01 mg/LBK82822 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GA/GAA PMC (mg/l)** 0.01

$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 1.0 ug/LBK82824 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.05$8260GWR Acrylonitrile 0.5ND 5.0 ug/LBK82824 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.5$8270-CTSIMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.080.10 0.05 ug/LBK82824 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GWPC (µg/L) 0.08$8270-CTSIMR Phenanthrene 0.0770.17 0.05 ug/LBK82824 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / SWPC (µg/L) 0.077

$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 1.0 ug/LBK82825 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.05$8260GWR Acrylonitrile 0.5ND 5.0 ug/LBK82825 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.5AS-WM Arsenic 0.010.040 0.004 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.01AS-WM Arsenic 0.0040.040 0.004 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.004CR-WM Chromium 0.050.099 0.001 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.05CU-WM Copper 0.0480.160 0.005 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.048D-AS Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.0040.006 0.004 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.004D-PB Lead (Dissolved) 0.0150.068 0.002 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.015D-PB Lead (Dissolved) 0.0130.068 0.002 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.013D-ZN Zinc (Dissolved) 0.1230.195 0.002 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.123PB-WM Lead 0.0150.142 0.002 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.015PB-WM Lead 0.0130.142 0.002 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.013ZN-WM Zinc 0.1230.594 0.002 mg/LBK82825 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.123

$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 1.0 ug/LBK82826 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.05$8260GWR Acrylonitrile 0.5ND 5.0 ug/LBK82826 CT / VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND / GWPC (ug/L) 0.5AS-WM Arsenic 0.010.032 0.004 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.01AS-WM Arsenic 0.0040.032 0.004 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.004

Sample Criteria Exceedences ReportFriday, March 25, 2016 Page 2 of 2

Acode Phoenix Analyte CriteriaResult RLSampNoAnalysis


GBK82821 - BLCOMP-DASCriteria: CT: GAM, GWP, RC, SWP


State: CT

CR-WM Chromium 0.050.070 0.001 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.05CU-WM Copper 0.0480.112 0.005 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.048D-AS Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.0040.005 0.004 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.004D-PB Lead (Dissolved) 0.0150.060 0.002 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.015D-PB Lead (Dissolved) 0.0130.060 0.002 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.013PB-WM Lead 0.0150.090 0.002 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GWPC (µg/L) 0.015PB-WM Lead 0.0130.090 0.002 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.013ZN-WM Zinc 0.1230.383 0.002 mg/LBK82826 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / SWPC (µg/L) 0.123

$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10001100 270 ug/KgBK82827 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / GA/GAA PMC ( 1000$8270-SMR Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10001100 270 ug/KgBK82827 CT / SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMP / RES DEC (mg/k 1000AS-SM Arsenic 1088.4 0.8 mg/KgBK82827 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / RES DEC (mg/kg) 10TCLP-AS TCLP Arsenic 0.010.10 0.01 mg/LBK82827 CT / INORGANIC SUBSTANCES / GA/GAA PMC (mg/l)** 0.01

Phoenix Laboratories does not assume responsibility for the data contained in this report. It is provided as an additional tool to identify requested criteria exceedences. All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the data (obtained from appropriate agencies). A lack of exceedence information does not necessarily suggest conformance to the criteria. It is ultimately the site professional's responsibility to determine appropriate compliance.

YesWere all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on the associated Chain-of-Custody document(s)?

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were all specified QA/QC performance criteria followed, including the requirement to explain any criteria falling outside of acceptable guidelines, as specified in the CT DEP method-specific Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?


Were all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents acheived? See Sections: ETPH Narration, Herbicide Narration, SVOA Narration, SVOASIM Narration, VOA Narration.

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were results reported for all constituents identified in the method-specific analyte lists presented in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete.





Friday, March 25, 2016Date:

For all questions to which the response was "No" (with the exception of question #5a, #7), additional information must be provided in an attached narrative. If the answer to question #1, #1A or 1B is "No", the data package does not meet the requirements for "Reasonable Confidence".

Authorized Signature:

Client: BL Companies, Inc.

Project Number:

Phoenix Environmental Labs, Inc.Laboratory Name:

Project Location:

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82824, BK82825, BK82826, BK82827, BK82828, BK82829, BK82830

Reasonable Confidence ProtocolLaboratory Analysis QA/QC Certification Form


Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Laboratory Sample ID(s):

Sampling Date(s): 3/18/2016

Were samples received at an appropriate temperature (< 6 Degrees C)? 3. Yes No

Were these reporting limits met? 5b. Yes No

Are project-specific matrix spikes and laboratory duplicates included in the data set? 7. Yes No



Ethan Lee

Project Manager

Printed Name:


1311/1312 6010 7000 7196 7470/7471 8081

8082 8151 8260 8270 ETPH

RCP Methods Used:

YesWere the method specified preservation and holding time requirements met? No 1a.

EPH and VPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method conducted without significant modifications (see section 11.3 of respective RCP methods)

1b.Yes No NA

Were reporting limits specified or referenced on the chain-of-custody? 5a. Yes No



Nov 2007






RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

SDG CommentsBK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827 - The following analytes from the 6010 RCP Metals list were not reported: Antimony, Beryllium, Copper, Nickel, Thallium, Vanadium, Zinc.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826 - The following analytes from the 6010 RCP Metals list were not reported: Antimony, Beryllium, Nickel, Thallium, Vanadium.

Cyanide NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827LACHAT 03/22/16-1 Dustin Harrison, Greg Danielewski, Chemist 03/22/16

The samples were distilled in accordance with the method.The initial calibration met criteria.

The calibration check standards (ICV,CCV) were within 15% of true value and were analyzed at a frequencey of one per ten samples.The continuing calibration blanks (ICB,CCB) had concentrations less than the reporting level.

The method blank, laboratory control sample (LCS), and matrix spike were distilled with the samples.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338826 (BK83510)

All LCS recoveries were within 85 - 115 with the following exceptions: None.

ETPH NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338739 (Samples: BK82824, BK82825, BK82826): -----

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, but these analytes were not reported in the sample(s) so no variability is suspected. (Ext. Petroleum H.C.)

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more surrogates, therefore there may be variability in the reported result. (% n-Pentacosane)


BK82821, BK82827AU-FID11 03/22/16-1 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (ETPH322I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.As per section 7.2.3, a discrimination check standard was run and contained the following outliers: C36 34.7%L (20%)The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

BK82822AU-FID84 03/22/16-1 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 03/22/16

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

ETPH NarrationThe initial calibration (ETPH322I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826AU-XL1 03/22/16-2 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (ETPH308I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.As per section 7.2.3, a discrimination check standard was run and contained the following outliers: C36 24.5%L (20%)The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

BK82823AU-XL2 03/22/16-1 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (ETPH310I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338739 (BK82844)

All LCS recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: % n-Pentacosane(30.3%), Ext. Petroleum H.C.(35.6%)

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338759 (BK82832)

All LCS recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.

Herbicide NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338262 (Samples: BK82824, BK82825, BK82826): -----

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, but these analytes were not reported in the sample(s) so no variability is suspected. (Dalapon)


BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827AU-ECD12 03/22/16-1 Brian Bilodeau, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (HRB201AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (HRB201BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826AU-ECD12 03/23/16-1 Brian Bilodeau, Chemist 03/23/16

The initial calibration (HRB201AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (HRB201BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

Herbicide NarrationQC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338262 (BK79609)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: Dalapon(20.8%)

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338772 (BK83510)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

Mercury NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.


BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82824, BK82825, BK82826, BK82827MERLIN 03/22/16 08:39 Mike Arsenault, Tom Cowles, Megan Macomber, Chemist 03/

The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338698 (BK78141)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338738 (BK82846)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338830 (BK81738)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338832 (BK82821)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.

ICP Metals NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.

Instrument:Page 3 of 10

Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

ICP Metals Narration

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82824, BK82825, BK82826, BK82827ARCOS 03/22/16 09:33 Laura Kinnin, Chemist 03/22/16

The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338588 (BK81393)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338594 (BK81667)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338695 (BK81472)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338787 (BK81752)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

PCB NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827AU-ECD1 03/22/16-1 Adam Werner, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (PC0321AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PC0321BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826AU-ECD8 03/22/16-1 Adam Werner, Chemist 03/22/16

The initial calibration (PC0225AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PC0225BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338523 (BK79975)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

PCB NarrationAll LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338751 (BK82818)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

PEST NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827AU-ECD13 03/22/16-1 Carol Eddy, Chemist 03/22/16

8081 Narration:Endrin and DDT breakdown was evaluated and does not exceed 15%.

The initial calibration (PS310AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PS310BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:Samples: BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827 Preceding CC 322A024 - 4,4'-DDT -16%L (15%) Succeeding CC 322A051 - None.A low "1A" standard was run to demonstrate capability to detect these compounds at the indicated RL. All reported samples were ND for these compounds.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826AU-ECD35 03/22/16-1 Carol Eddy, Chemist 03/22/16

8081 Narration:Endrin and DDT breakdown was evaluated and does not exceed 15%.

The initial calibration (PS322AI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The initial calibration (PS322BI) RSD for the compound list was less than 20% except for the following compounds: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 15% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338524 (BK79975)

All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS duplicate were performed instead of a MS and MSD. Alpha and gamma chlordane were spiked and analyzed instead of technical chlordane. Gamma chlordane recovery is reported as chlordane in the LCS and LCSD

Batch 338564 (BK70071)

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

PEST NarrationBK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827All LCS recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 40 - 140 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

SVOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338750 (Samples: BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827): -----

One or more analytes is below the method criteria. A low bias for these analytes is possible. (2,4-Dinitrophenol, Benzoic Acid)

The LCS and/or the LCSD recovery is below the method criteria. All of the other QC is acceptable, therefore no significant bias is suspected. (Benzidine)

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, but these analytes were not reported in the sample(s) so no variability is suspected. (2,4-Dinitrophenol, 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol, Benzidine)


BK82827CHEM05 03/22/16-1 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/22/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM05/SV_0322):98% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: 2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 23% (20%), Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 24% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.056 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.082 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM05/0322_12-SV_0322):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.054 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.082 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823CHEM25 03/21/16-2 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/21/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM25/SV_0315):100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.047 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.077 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

SVOA NarrationContinuing Calibration Verification (CHEM25/0321_20-SV_0315):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: Benzidine 47%H (30%)The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: Benzidine 47%H (40%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.048 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.078 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826CHEM25 03/23/16-1 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/23/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM25/SV_0315):100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.047 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.077 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM25/0323_02-SV_0315):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: Benzidine 62%H (30%)The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: Benzidine 62%H (40%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.054 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.083 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827Batch 338750 (BK82832)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: 2,4-Dinitrophenol(11%), Benzidine(26%), Benzoic Acid(<10%)All LCSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: 2,4-Dinitrophenol(16%), Benzoic Acid(<10%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: 2,4-Dinitrophenol(37.0%), 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol(35.6%), Benzidine(49.3%)

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338931 (BK82824)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.LCSD could not be reported for this batch.

SVOASIM NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338931 (Samples: BK82824, BK82825, BK82826): -----

A trace amount of an analyte was found in blank but were not reported in the sample(s), therefore no bias is suspected. (2-

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

Methylnaphthalene, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Fluorene, Hexachlorobutadiene, Hexachloroethane, Nitrobenzene)

Analyte was found in blank. A high bias is suspected. (Naphthalene(BK82824))


BK82824, BK82825, BK82826CHEM04 03/23/16-1 Damien Drobinski, Chemist 03/23/16

The DDT breakdown and pentachlorophenol & benzidine peak tailing were evaluated in the DFTPP tune and were found to be in control.

In the event that lower detection levels were requested, the samples may have been analyzed by selective ion monitoring (SIM) mode.

If PAH/base neutral were requested, Phoenix utilized a method that contained a shortened list , so some of the compounds in the narrative may be non-applicable.

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM04/SIM_0308):94% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 27% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.199 (0.2), 2-Chlorophenol 0.748 (0.8), 2-Nitrophenol 0.042 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM04/0323_02-SIM_0308):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.198 (0.2), 2-Chlorophenol 0.749 (0.8), 2-Nitrophenol 0.045 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826Batch 338931 (BK82824)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.LCSD could not be reported for this batch.

VOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 338869 (Samples: BK82824, BK82825, BK82826, BK82828): -----

The QC recovery for one or more analytes is above the upper range but were not reported in the sample(s), therefore no significant bias is suspected. (Bromomethane)

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

QC Batch 338879 (Samples: BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827, BK82829, BK82830): -----

The QC recovery for one or more analytes is above the upper range but were not reported in the sample(s), therefore no significant bias is suspected. (Dichlorodifluoromethane)


BK82824, BK82825, BK82826, BK82828CHEM17 03/21/16-1 Michael Hahn, Chemist 03/21/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM17/VT-S0318):95% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Bromomethane 28% (20%), Dichlorodifluoromethane 23% (20%), Trichlorotrifluoroethane 23% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.037 (0.05), 2-Hexanone 0.075 (0.1), 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.095 (0.1), Acetone 0.041 (0.1), Methyl ethyl ketone 0.067 (0.1), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.046 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM17/0321S03-VT-S0318):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.036 (0.05), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.042 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827, BK82829, BK82830CHEM26 03/21/16-2 Jane Li, Chemist 03/21/16

Initial Calibration Verification (CHEM26/VT-0321):99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Acetone 33% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM26/0321_16-VT-0321):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

BK82824, BK82825, BK82826, BK82828Batch 338869 (BK78141)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Bromomethane(161%)

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RCP Certification ReportMarch 25, 2016

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GBK82821

VOA NarrationAll LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Bromomethane(159%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

BK82821, BK82822, BK82823, BK82827, BK82829, BK82830Batch 338879 (BK83307)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Dichlorodifluoromethane(144%)All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Dichlorodifluoromethane(142%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.

Temperature NarrationThe samples were received at 5C with cooling initiated.(Note acceptance criteria is above freezing up to 6°C)

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