Task 2

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Task 2

Underwater Park by Marc Henauer

Mid shot ( Tragöss, Austria. Green Lake,)This photo is a picture of a park that was originally coved in snow that has now melted and has made it so the park is six feet deepWith a diver exploring the landscape

I choose this photo because it amazed me on how it looks unrealistic and beautiful

By  John Qu

This picture shows generations of farming and man mad beauty this photo amazes me by the shapes and colours of the farm. This photo is a bird eye view of the landscape

  by Maqsood Bhat

This photo is of a frozen town that has been covered in snow this photo is of a long shot. In this photo is of a person who is rowing a boat through a lake.

This photo interreges because it make it look like its calm and silent while he rows through the lake

by David Doubilet

This picture is a close up of a jelly fish. This make me think about the world we stand on and what happens under the water . The way the jelly fish lights up the water and turns something dull exciting

 Teruo Araya, 

This photo is of a train that is traveling over a bridge and in the background a fog creeping up on the hills

This photos excites me on how the photo looks like it has just came out of a fantasy book and the colours makes it look even more mystical

Marc HenauerMarc Henauer born in Geneva, Switzerland member of national geographic since 2013 .takes photo of the underwater sea life and other landscapes