Task 1 work sheet 1

Post on 28-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Task 1 work sheet 1

Thomas Ross

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Kilian Schonberger

Thomas Ross

Thomas Ross

Thomas Ross

Theme or focus of images In Kilian’s photographs there is a constant theme of contrasting colours. In the pictures he seems to take the photo when the sky is a dark tone and the surrounding landscape is brighter and seems to stand out more. In most of his photographs you don’t see a lot of people however you see things relating to people being there e.g. tents, singular people or old houses showing civilisation. Most of his images seem to be taken at night time or sunset. This gives him either a dark gloomy sky or a bright sunset. The majority of his images are taken in Iceland or Scotland, the reason for this is that they are known for having mast areas that are bare and minimal structures and cities. In one of the images there is I small pond surrounded by ice. In the background of the image there are some hills which seem to have been darkened; this makes the sun that is in the distance look more vibrant and noticeable. The way the coldness of the ice and warmth of the sun really comes through in the image. The colours are well blended together makes the image seem peaceful and calm even though there are lots of dark colours. The image is from a destination in Iceland and is part of a large collection of images. Kilian also does shoots in Norway and Scotland which are similar in certain ways however there different at the same time. CompositionKilian has mainly focused on the ice pool and the sunset. These two pieces off scenery contrast each other in the way the colours are so opposite. Kilian has taken the image whilst being sat or crouch down, the reason I know this is because of the way the image is focused on the ice pool. The ice is near enough level to the lens. I think the camera has been zoomed in a little as the ice is quite close, if kilian would have zoomed out you would see a lot more of the lake and more of the surrounding scenery. However I feel that the main focus of the shot was the pool in the middle of the lake. The reason I think this is because throughout his work you see a theme of isolationism, so changing the shot would change that theme and would make the shot have a different outcome. Techniques used

Think shutter speeds, rule of thirds & depth of field

Strengths & WeaknessesWhat I like about the image is the way he stuck to a theme of isolationism. Some photographers that I have seen change their theme and this can get confusing. I will

Thomas Ross

apply this to my work by trying to stick to a theme. Another thing that I like about the image is the way the effect makes the isolated focus points stand out even more. What I don’t like about the image is the way the image is quite dark. If I was to have an image like this I would brighten up the image as best as I could.

What you do and don't like and how it can influence your work