Tallaght News

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Have you been injured in an accident on the road, in the workplace, as aresult of medical misadventure or in a public area? If so, you will beinterested to note that ROMAINE SCALLY & COMPANY SOLICITORS OF MAINSTREET, TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24 TEL: 01 4599506, E-MAIL:LEGAL@SCALLY.IE, have now launched their new ACCIDENT HOTLINE(lo-call 1890 947076). For urgent advice and early appointments to discussyour accident please call this number where you will be assured professionaladvice to deal with your accident. With over 30 years experience dealingwith accident cases, we offer you the benefit of our advice to deal with allthe legal aspects of your accident and will on request process your claimefficiently and speedily.

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Dublin Southwest SinnFéin TD Seán Crowe hasexpressed concernsthat a proposed cut inworking hours affectingthe National AmbulanceService will result in areduction or a lack ofcoverage for areas likeTallaght fromSeptember onwards.The Tallaght basedDeputy is concernedthat proposals toreduce working weekhours will inevitablyresult diectly in a lackof coverage, impact onresponse times and theoveral quality of servicedelivered.

Deputy Seán Crowe saidthat “I am extremelyconcerned at reportsthat a reduction of theworking week from 40hours to 39 hours willresult in the loss ofexisting Ambulancecoverage in areas likeTallaght. Shift changeson Mondays betweenthe hours of 7am and7pm are proposed forthe Tallaght Station. Ifthis proposal gets thego ahead, this willleave only oneAmbulance operatingout of the BelgardRoad, Tallaght, on thatday where normally a

second AmbulanceService is available.

"Similar proposed cutsto other Stations mayalso impact on the likesof Tallaght and stretchout even more a greatlyreduced servicethroughout the Dublinregion.

"This proposal willinevitably lead tolonger response timesfor medicalemergencies andimpact on the quality ofthe service.

“The reduction or loss

cut wastefulduplication

of the AmbulanceService will likelyendanger lives in alarge urban area that isalready lacking inessential emergencycover and also placeadditional pressure onthe remaining crewswho will still beexpected to cover aneven widergeographical area inresponse to emergencycalls

"These cuts to frontlineservices are happeningsupposedly to save

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local Fine gael TD andMinister of State BrianHayes has welcomedthe confirmation he hasreceived from SouthDublin County Councilthat the TASC Pavilionon the limekiln side of

Tymon Park is to bebuilt.Minister Hayes stated,“TASC is made up of anumber of clubsincluding limekilnRounders andgreenpark FC. For

many years these clubshave been campaigningfor the provision of apavilion that wouldinclude changingfacilities, showers,toilets, meeting roomsand kitchen facilities.In 2005 and 2006 TASCreceived a total of€700,000 in grant aidfrom the Department ofSports to develop sucha facility but the legalrequirements to obtainthe grant were metwith obstacles on everyoccasion.Minister Hayescontinued, “I met withmembers of TASC anumber of weeks agoand learned first handthe obstacles they werefaced with. Followinglengthy discussionsbetween my ownDepartment, the ChiefState Solicitor,Department of Sportand South DublinCounty Council I amdelighted to say thatthese obstacles havenow been overcomeand a notice for

tendering for the workwill be published nextweek.”Minister Hayes furtherstated, “South DublinCounty Council haveconfirmed to me thatthey expect thegroundwork to beginlater this year with aview of completing theproject by January/February next year. Ifind it extremelyshocking that €700,000sat idle since 2006when the clubs involvedin TASC could have hadthese facilities. This is agreat day for the localareas of greenhills,limekiln, Walkinstownand Manor estates andsomewhat ironic that itoccurs on the week ofthe Olympic teamhomecoming.

Minister Hayesconcluded, “I lookforward to the openingof the new facility and Icongratulate all thoseinvolved who havefought for many yearsto establish it.”

Hayes secures €700,000 grant releasefor tymon park pavilion

15 year battle for TASC pavilion given the go ahead money in this particulararea by the HealthService executive. Aroot and branchrestructuring approachof that organisation byHealth Minister O’Reillywas promised but hasfailed to materialise."Surely if there has tobe any cuts then itshould be in the area ofwasteful duplication,not critical frontline

services.”"If there has to befinancial saving cutsthen why not a cull oftop heavy managementstructures. Or why nottake a look at thesuggestion of theestablishment of a newunified City and CountyAmbulance and FireService.

"This imaginative

suggestion couldpotentially makesubstantial savingswhile at the same timedelivering a newimproved emergencyservice in the DublinRegion. This would alsoovernight lay thefoundations in a proactive way for an evenmore effectiveemergency service forour Capital City."

cut wasteful duplicationfrom page 1

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salenow on


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Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin Clare Byrne and 20 young Irish trainees wereon hand at the Mansion House in Dublin as the trainees got ready to set sailon a voyage of a lifetime on the last leg of The Tall Ships Races 2012. Over50 Irish trainees flew to A Coruña in Northern Spain and will sail home on a10 day voyage where they will cross the finishing line in Dublin and join over40 Tall Ships for one of the biggest, free festivals of the summer from August23rd - 26th.The trainees include a broad spectrum of 18-25 year olds who werenominated by organisations that work with young people such as NCBI(National Council for the Blind), Dublin Simon Community and Enable Ireland.

a voyage of a lifetime

The union of Studentsin Ireland has warnedthat Minister foreducation & Skills RuairiQuinn is creating atwo-tiered educationsystem with theintroduction of agovernment-backedpostgraduate loanscheme. The loanscheme, a partnershipproject between thegovernment and Bankof Ireland, will only beavailable to studentswith a good credithistory.This development isparticularly worrying asthe governmentscrapped financialassistance forpostgraduate studentslate last year.

According to Bank ofIreland, the loanscheme will cover thefull cost of course fees,less any grant receivedtowards fees. It will bepaid directly to the

College and allows forreduced paymentswhile studying. Theloan will be in thestudent’s own name.Repayments will beinterest-only for theperiod of study and anadditional 3 monthsthereafter, at whichpoint repayments willbe capital and interestat 10.8% APR variable.The repayment periodcan be up to 5 years. Amaintenance loan of upto €2,000 is available tothose students whohave previouslyreceived a maintenancegrant as anundergraduate. Themaintenance loan willbe paid directly to thestudent.A key point to note inthis scheme is that thecredit history of parentshas no bearing on thesuccess of theapplication, it isdecided entirely on thecredit history of the

student. uSI believesthat this stipulation willlead to applicationsbeing refused in theirthousands, as studentsfrequently make use ofoverdraft facilities orare still struggling withloans that saw themthrough theirundergraduate degree.

uSI President Johnlogue said: “last year,Minister Quinn made itall but impossible forthousands of Irishstudents to attain apostgraduatequalification when heremoved thepostgraduatemaintenance grant.Now, the Ministerannounces this schemeas if it were anadequate substitute forgovernment grants, butthis is patently ascheme that will onlyhelp students who arealready in acomfortable financial

state. Any students witha poor credit history,those who have themost acute need for amaintenance grant, willbe denied a loan andthus denied theopoortunity to study ata postgraduate level.The Minister and hisparty, onceideologically alignedwith those who seehigher level educationas a societal andeconomic good thatshould be accessible toall, are inviting privatebanks with profit-drivenmotives into our highereducation system,where they willpromote increasingstudent debt tounprecedented levels.

uSI calls on the Ministerand the labour Party toremember their roots,their foundingprinciples and thevision they once had foreducation.”

usi says minister Quinn isdeveloping two-tiered educationsystem witH introduction of new

postgraduate loan scHeme

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Did you know that if you start your own business or become self-employed, you pay PRSIat the Class S rate of 4%, which, if you satisfy the qualifying conditions, entitles you to:· State Pension (Contributory)· Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving· Civil Partner’s (Contributory)· Pension,· guardian’s Payment (Contributory)· Maternity Benefit· Adoptive Benefit and· Bereavement Brant

People who are self-employed, over the age of 16 and under pensionable age withreckonable income of €5,000 per year or more, are liable for compulsory social insuranceat class S.

The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton T.D. pointed out that while self-employedworkers are not insured against short-term benefits such as Illness and Jobseeker’spayments, they may build an entitlement to the State Pension (Contributory).

“The State Pension (Contributory), in particular, is a very valuable benefit. The currentmaximum rate of State Pension (Contributory) is €230.30 per week or almost €12,000 peryear; this does not include the value of (means-tested) increases for qualified adults, orother additional benefits which recipients might also receive. The market cost of aninflation-linked annuity with €12,000 a year in initial benefits is in excess of €300,000.

This value is without any associated survivors’ benefits, which are available with the StatePension,” said the Minister.

Details about the self-employment rate of PRSI, voluntary PRSI contributions and thebenefits that a self-employed person may get from the Department of Social Protectionare available at www.welfare.ie.

Minister Burton also commented on the range of supports and initiatives available from theDepartment of Social Protection to encourage jobseekers into self- employment. “The Backto Work enterprise Allowance supports over 11,000 people in self-employment, whileallowing them to retain a reducing proportion of their qualifying social welfare paymentover two years.”The Department of Social Protection also administers the Short Term enterprise Allowancewhich replaces Jobseekers Benefit with a weekly payment of a similar amount for amaximum of either 9 or 12 months. There are currently over 1,100 people supported underthis Scheme. People may also be able to retain certain secondary benefits such as themedical card and, in certain circumstances, grants can be made from the TechnicalAssistance and Training Fund to claimants who are establishing an enterprise.

Minister Burton concluded by saying: “The Department expects to spend over €141 millionon these Schemes in 2012 and I would encourage jobseekers who are interested in pursuingthe enterprise and self-employment option to contact one of the Department of SocialProtection Facilitators at any Social Welfare local Office. Information about supports andPRSI for self-employed people is also available at www.welfare.ie.”

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The Back to School Clothing and FootwearAllowance for the 2012/13 school year is still openfor applications until the end of September, Finegael Councillor Brian lawlor has reported.“The Back to School Clothing and FootwearAllowance (BTSCFA) helps families meet the costof uniforms and footwear for children going toschool. The scheme operates from June toSeptember each year. The payment rates for the2012 Back to School Clothing and FootwearAllowance scheme are €150 in respect of childrenaged 4 to 11 on 30th September 2012 and €250 forchildren aged 12 to 22 on 30th September 2012,”Councillor lawlor explained.“€63.7 million has been made available by thegovernment this year for the Back to SchoolClothing and Footwear Allowance scheme. Thisallowance could prove a lifesaver forcash-strapped families,” he added. “Families who received the payment in the pastmay have received this year’s payment already.But if you think you might be eligible, applicationsare available in all social welfare local offices andonline at www.welfare.ie. You can also request aform by texting FORM BTSCFA followed by youraddress to 51909. While applications are acceptedup until the end of September, you are advised notto delay it may take several weeks to process anapplication,” the Councillor said.

applications still open forback to scHool clotHing &

footwear allowance

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Jobs in Clondalkin’s MillCentre are at risk asbusinesses struggle withhigh rents. Sinn FéinDublin Mid-Westrepresentative eoin ÓBroin has called on thegovernment to‘intervene as a matterof urgency to save bothjobs and businesses.’Sinn Féin has also learntthat the landlord liamCarroll and his agentRothwaite refuse torenegotiate rents thatwere set at during theboom for long standingtenants new tenantsare being offeredlengthy rent holidays.

Ó Broin said that ‘Anumber of businessesoperating in theClondalikin Mill Centreare at risk of closure asa result of high rents.The rents, which inmany cases were setduring the height of theboom, as simply to highto allow traders tosurvive. The majorityof traders are now in

arrears with their rent.The upward only rentclauses in tenantscontracts are puttingotherwise viablebusinesses and jobs atrisk.

‘existing traders haveapproached Rothwaite,the agent acting onbehalf of landlord liamCarroll, with sensibleproposals to ‘park’ sixmonths rent untileconomic conditionsimprove. Such a movewould secure thelong-term viability oftheir businesses, jobsand ultimately the MillCentre itself. Howeverso far the agents haverejected the trader’sproposals citingpressure from theirbank lloyds as theexcuse.‘However Sinn Féin haslearnt that new tenantsto the Mill are beingoffered rent freeperiods of up to ninemonths as part of a dealto bring them into the

clondalkin mill centre Jobs at riskcentre. Some of thesedeals are beingnegotiated with retailoutlets that will be indirect competition withexisting traders. This isnot only unfair but maybe in breach ofcompetition law.‘Clondalkin has a highlevel of unemploymentwhich is now higherthan when Fine gaeland labour took office.The idea that viablebusinesses and jobs in

the area could be lostbecause of short termthinking by landlordsand banks isunacceptable. There isan urgent need forgovernment tointervene to ensurethat lenders, landlordsand traders are workingtogether in theinterests of the localeconomy and localemployment.

‘I will be writing to the

Minister for enterpriseRichard Bruton askinghim to look into thematter and whetherliam Carroll andRothwaite are in breachof company law. I willalso be writing toDublin Mid-West’s fourgovernment TDs askingthem to intervenedirectly with theMinister to save thosejobs and businesses atthe Mill Centre that areat risk.’

Jobs in Clondalkin’s Mill Centre are at risk as businesses struggle with highrents

local Fine gael TD and Minister of State, BrianHayes has welcomed the announcement of fundingfor CDI in Fettercairn. The funding will go towardsthree projects in 2012/13 under the Preventionand early Intervention Programme. The funding isbeing provided by the Department of Children

Minister Hayes stated, “I am delighted that CDI hasreceived over €245K in Funding from the Dept ofChildren towards its Prevention and earlyIntervention Programme. I have met with theManagement and Staff of CDI on many occasions.The work they do is extraordinary and the benefitsto the community are very clear. I know that thisfunding will further benefit the entire community.”

Picture shows Ministers Brian Hayes and FrancesFitzgerald during a visit to CDI, Fettercairn

Hayes welcomesconfirmation of over €245k

in funding for cdi

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Reacting to the latestinflation figures of1.6%, ISMe, the IrishSmall & Mediumenterprises Association,demanded that thegovernmentimmediately reduce thecost of public servicesor the competitivenessof Irish business will bedecimated. As we haveseen time and time

again, governmentcontrolled prices are amajor part of theproblem. Despite fallingprices across almost allsectors, theever-increasing pricepattern in sectorscontrolled bygovernment isdepressing.

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figures, ISMe CeO MarkFielding stated,“Domestic inflationarypressures are likely toremain subdued forsome time to come.Continued weakconsumer demand willcontinue to putdownward pressure onprices in the comingmonths, although anyindirect tax changes tobe announced in Budget2013 will add toinflation. There needsto be recognition bygovernment that costcompetitiveness iscrucial to the future ofbusiness and the futureof the economy”.

“The private sector hasbeen to the fore inreducing costs just toremain in business andcompete but the cost ofpublic servicescontinues to increase.Nowhere is this moreevident than in theareas of Health,education and localCharges. The danger is

that ministers are onlydoing what they can getaway with, rather thanwhat they think mustbe done. The reality isthat the private sectorcontinues to pay for theprofligacy of the publicsector, as private sectorjobs and businesses goto the wall.”

In conclusion Fieldingstated, "Thegovernment mustbecome the author ofrecovery, rather thancontinuing to portraythemselves as theinnocent victims ofexternal forces.It is imperative that thegovernment addressesthe public sector costsand their impact onpublic utilities andother business costs. Afirst step would be thecancellation of allpublic sectorincrements and abolishthe 800 different perksenjoyed by oursheltered publicsector".

A Sunday Business Post surveyshowing the high price of "genericdrugs" in this State is furthercompelling evidence that patientsand Irish taxpayers are being rippedoff. This is the view of Dublin SouthWest Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe whosaid the Health Service executive(HSe) was failing to secure a fairprice from the PharmaceuticalIndustry for drugs with some costingup to 12 times more from what isavailable through the North’s HealthService.Deputy Seán Crowe said that “It isoutrageous that people in thiis Stateare paying up to 12 times more forgeneric drugs when compared topatients in the North's Health Service(NHS) . In a deal seeminglysanctioned by the Department ofHealth two years ago, generic drugmanufacturers are allowed to chargethe State up to 98 per cent of theprice of the original brandedmedicine. This means Irish taxpayersare actually paying drug companiesalmost the same price for cheapergeneric drugs as it pays for wellknown branded medicines.

“The Health Service executive (HSe)is failing to protect the interests ofIrish citizens and by failing tonegotiate a fair price fromPharmaceutical Companies and ismaking situation even worse by this

compliant government Agreementwith that industry. Claims that themassive price differential is a resultof specific packaging that is requiredfor this State is an insult to people'sintelligence.

We know that there is crisis aftercrisis in the roll out of services inHealth and cost of drugs is playing asignificant part in cost overuns. Whatis equally disturbing to Irish taxpayesis the fact that many of the actualdrug products are made in Irelandand shipped abroad to be sold theresignifcantly reduced cost to theirrespective Health ServIces undermore favourable "sweetheart deals."

"Sinn Féin has repeatedly raised thismatter with the Irish Health MinisterJames Reilly who should be doingmore to reduce costs by ensuring thegreater use and availability ofgeneric drugs. This Survey shows thesituation is even worse than manysuspected yet the government hastaken little or no action, apart fromthe publication of a Bill which has yetto be enacted.

" Surely it is long overdue that Irishgovernment representatives addressthe anomoly of drugs being producedin Ireland yet sold abroad cheaperthan here to the Irish HealthService."

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MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the pastI have asked for many favours. This time I askyou for a very special one. (mention request)Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it withinyour own broken heart where your Father seesit. Then in His merciful eyes it will become yourfavour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer forthree days. Promise publication and favour willbe granted no matter how impossible. Neverknown to fail. D.B.

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the pastI have asked for many favours. This time I askyou for a very special one. (Mention favour)Takeit, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within yourown broken heart where your Father sees it.Then in His merciful eyes it will become yourfavour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer forthree days. Promise publication and favour willbe granted no matter how impossible. Neverknown to fail. S.w.


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A european Commissionreport due to bepublished by the end ofSeptember is likely tolead to eu rulesrequiring insurancefirms to insure homesat risk of flooding,Dublin labour MePemer Costello has

claimed. "For the past two yearsthe europeanCommission has beenlooking at eu MemberStates’ rules oninsurance againstdamage caused bynatural catastrophessuch as flooding with

fortHcoming eu report likely to reQuireinsurance firms to cover flood-risk Homes

the aim of assessingwhether europeanaction is needed and ifso what form should ittake.

“The Commission hasnow told me that it willissue by the end ofSeptember its report on‘Natural Catastrophes:Risk Relevance andInsurance Coverage inthe european union’,and will then decidewhat action to take onthis issue.

“I believe that highamong the options nowbeing considered by theeu is binding eulegislation requiringinsurance firms toinsure homes at risk offlooding for three mainreasons.

“First, the FloodsDirective has been inplace since late 2009.This commits thegovernment and localauthorities to assessingand mapping all areasat risk of flooding and

to taking action toreduce the risk. Inresponse, Ireland hasspent almost a quarterof a billion euro overthe past five years onthe management offlood risks. Forexample, flooddefences installed atthe Tolka river ensuredthat homes inDrumcondra which hadprevious been floodedwere protected duringthe heavy rains ofOctober 2011. “Second, a number ofeu countries alreadyhave national rulesrequiring insurancefirms to cover certainrisks for which there isno market cover or onlyat excessively highpremiums. In Belgium aTariff Office made up ofinsurance sector andconsumerrepresentatives and thegovernment prices fireinsurance, withpremiums and claimsrelated to these risksthen distributed among

all insurers providingfire insurance policies.In France and Spain aflat-rate pricing systemhas been introducedwith an extra premiumof 12% applied onpremiums for fireinsurance policies. “And third, theCommission has beenconsidering an euinitiative on the issue ofinsurance againstnatural disasters for anumber of years. Its2009 White Paper onadapting to climatechange suggestedhaving publiclysupported insurancesystems where noinsurance exists andstated that due to thecross-border effects ofclimate change, theremay be merit inpromoting eu-wideinsurance as opposed tonational or regionalschemes. “Having your homeflooded is a verytraumatic experience.If the government and

local authorities aretaking effective actionagainst flooding andcomplying withIreland’s commitmentsunder the FloodsDirective, thenhouseholders who havebeen denied insurancedue to previous floodingshould expect to becovered.

“I welcome the factthat the government isnegotiating a protocolon flood insurance withthe Irish insurancesector. The governmentshould also support anynew eu initiativesrequiring insurancefirms to insure allhomes at risk offlooding.”

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12 Your FREE Local Newspaper

Success stories are fewand far between thesedays. All the morereason, then, tocelebrate a good onewhen we come acrossit. So how did a coupleof barmen and a groupof friends from a localpub become the crewthat is now the singlebiggest non-corporatedonor to Our lady’sChildren’s Hospital,Crumlin?It all started when localBar Manager Damien

long and senior barmanDenis McCarthy weretrying to come up withideas to do somethingfor the community inClondalkin. Speaking toDamien long, he toldus: ‘As well as the usualfun social things likemusic and pub quizzes,we wanted to dosomething bigger,better, something thatwould get peopleinvolved!’ They werealso inspired by theamazing spinal

operation performed atCrumlin on young SeanKelly, son of local DenisKelly. Another local lad,xxxxx Crotty Wall had asimilar operation atCrumlin, supported byStraight Ahead, a groupof surgeons and medical& nursing staff who givetheir talent and timefree of charge toprovide life-changingoperations for childrenwith severe spinalconditions. These arechildren who have been

Miriam O’SheaSlimming world FirhouseVictory CentreFirhouse RoadDublin 24Times: Tuesday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30pmTuesday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pmMobile: 087 9703016

Pauline LawlorSlimming world Tallaght (Plaza Hotel)Business SuitePlaza HotelBelgard RoadTallaght Dublin 24Times: Thursday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pmMobile: 085 7704751

Helena MurtaghSlimming world citywestCitywest HotelSaggartCo.DublinTimes: Monday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pmMobile: 085 8260528

TracySlimming world clondalkinThe Green Isle Hotel,Newlands CrossDublin 22Times: Monday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30amMonday Evenings 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pmMobile: 085 7125138

SuzanneSlimming world Tallaght (kingswood)Kingswood Community CentreKingswoodTallaght,Dublin 24Times: Thursday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pmMobile: 086 3054814

on a waiting list andjust need to have theoperation done.

What the lads came upwith was what latercame to be called Thelaurels Charity Crew.getting together withsome friends and localgroups interested incycling (there is astrong tradition ofcycling in theClondalkin area), it wasdecided to do a galway– Dublin cycle to raisefunds for The Children’sMedical ResearchFoundation (CMRF),which is the fundraisingbody for the children’shospital. ‘It made totalsense’, says DenisMcCarthy. ‘Thechildren’s hospital is anational charity, but ona local level it meanssomething toeverybody. everyonewas a kid, has a kid or isa kid. People reallyrespond to it.’

The first cycle had acrew of 50 cyclists andsome volunteers andsupport vehicles.Amazingly, in arecession, they raised

tHe laurels cHarity crew clondalkin....a local success story

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over €50,000 – therewas so much goodwillaround the event. Sincethen the cycle has gonefrom strength tostrength (220 cyclists in2012 and a fleet ofsupport vehiclesincluding stewards,paramedics andvolunteers). It is themain fundraising eventin what is now a diversecalendar of localfundraising activities.There is a 10km walkevery September(register now for the2012 one), there has

been a ‘static’ cycle inThe Mill Centre, abucket collection at aShamrock Rovers game,a glam calendarfeaturing the lovelylaurels ladies, and a lotmore.

In 2012 the cycle alonehas raisedapproximately€100,000, ‘Anabsolutely amazingachievement’ accordingto CMRF Director ofFundraising, gerryCully. The support andcommitment of local

people and volunteers,The laurels staff, localsports & businessgroups, An gardaSiochana, and StraightAhead is (and is set toremain) phenomenal.

So if this story ofordinary people and anextraordinary successstory has inspired you,why not get involved?Information is alwaysavailable from Thelaurels staff, or justcheck out theirFacebook page ‘laurelsCharity Crew’

Sean Kelly, modelling the new t-shirt which has the new LCC logo, with (l-r)Damian Long, Jason Sherlock and Alan Brogan

13Your FREE Local Newspaper

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The large amount ofState money spent inrecent years on rentaldeposits and theinability to get any of itback shows the need fora rental deposit schemeoperated through thePrivate Rental TenanciesBoard (PRTB).

Kevin Humphreys,labour Party TD, saidthat “the informationreleased to me showsthat in 2008 alone, over€7 million was spent onexceptional needspayments for rentdeposits, often forthose seeking rentallowance, and that noprocedures are in placefor recovery of thedeposit. Since 2006,over €30 million hasbeen released for rentaldeposits underexceptional needspayments. It isunderstandable that theDepartment shouldprovide this assistanceto allow people accesshousing but we need amechanism to recover itshould they move on toother social housing or


“I have previouslyhighlighted the need fora deposit protectionscheme to protect thelump sums paid byrenters to privatelandlords. As this caseshows it could save thetaxpayer significantsums; and it would alsoprotect thousands ofstudents, and thegrowing number ofapartment renters, whoregularly have theirdeposits illegallyretained.”

“The recent news thatIrish banks areappointing rentreceivers to theproperties of buy-to-letinvestors in seriousarrears also shows theneed for a depositprotection scheme.Tenants are highlyunlikely to start payingtheir monthly rent to abank when theirlandlord may have intheir possession adeposit of over €1,000.”“I welcome the work


Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe haswarned motorists to be careful when driving on thenew road that follows the Saggart luAS spur andruns behind the Fettercairn Community Centredown to Belgard.

Deputy Crowe said: “Motorists using the new roadthat follows the Saggart luAS spur and runs alongthe back of Fettercairn Community Centre downto Belgard are confused by the road markings. Thisnewly opened route has a bus lane with trafficgoing both ways and painted arrows that were putin presumably on a temporary basis but which canstill be seen and need to be properly erased.

“One of the series arrows is pointing the wrongway on the meridian and this is confusing to driversunfamiliar with the new road set up.

“Cars are driving on the wrong side of the road andit is only a matter of time before an accidentoccurs.”

Deputy Seán Crowe beside the section of newlyopened road that has markings that are confusingto motorists and a potential hazzard.

new road danger HigHligHted

done by my colleague,Minister for Housing JanO’Sullivan on theProgramme forgovernment

commitment tointroduce a depositprotection scheme and Ilook forward to thePRTB commissioned

report in the autumninvestigating itspotential. It is longoverdue.” Humphreysconcluded

€30 million state spend on rent depositssHows need for protection scHeme

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14 Your FREE Local Newspaper

The Minister of State for Training andSkills, Ciaran Cannon T.D., has called onstudents planning to celebrate theirleaving Cert results by travelling abroadto familiarise themselves with the traveladvice issued by the Department ofForeign Affairs and Trade on its website(http://www.dfa.ie/home/index.aspx?id=284).The key piece of advice is to have travelinsurance, behave sensibly and avoidunnecessary risks.

The Department is encouraging students totake a number of precautions to ensuretheir trip passes off safely said the Minister.

l It is strongly recommended that you takeout comprehensive travel insurance,including medical insurance, to covermedical treatment for any dangerous orextreme sports activities, accidents andunexpected losses such as cancelled flights,stolen cash, cards, passports or luggage.

l In addition to travel insurance, obtain aeuropean Health Insurance Card (formerlye111 form) which allows the holder toaccess health care services when travellingto other eu or eeA countries. This service isprovided free by the HSe. www.ehic.ie/

l Check passports and other traveldocuments now and keep them in a safeplace when abroad. email copies of traveldocuments to yourself before departure incase they are lost or stolen while travelling.

l Make a note of the contact details of thenearest Irish embassy or Consulate in caseyou need to contact them urgently.

l Have some knowledge of local laws andcustoms, remember what may be regardedas a minor offence at home can lead toarrest and large fines in other states.

l Do not drink to excess and do not usedrugs. Remember in many countries beingdrunk or being found in possession of drugscan carry heavy penalties. Also rememberthat your insurance will not cover you ifyou’re injured while under the influence ofdrugs or alcohol.

l Download the free Holiday Survival guideprepared in consultation with theDepartment from www.drinkaware.ie

l Do not rent or use motorbikes or quadsthat do not meet normal safety standardsor come with safety gear – remember if anaccident happens and you did not follow therules your insurance is void.

The Department of Foreign Affairs andTrade has had a busy year so far with over700 serious incidents requiring consularassistance abroad. Thousands of Irishpeople travel safely every day of the year.By taking care and using commonsense andfollowing the simple steps outlined above,students can help ensure their ownwell-deserved break is remembered for allthe right reasons.

travel advice forleaving cert students

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15Your FREE Local Newspaper

Commenting on July’sCSO live registerfigures, Sinn FéinDublin Mid-Westrepresentative eoin ÓBroin has said; “Thenumber of peoplesigning on in Clondalkinand lucan hasincreased by 6% sinceFine gael and labourtook office” The latestfigures show 9,472people signing on in theClondalkin SocialWelfare Office at theend of July.

Ó Broin said that

“unemployment inDublin Mid-Westcontinued to rise. Atthe end of July therewere 9,721 peoplesigning on at theClondalkin SocialWelfare office.“The number of peoplesigning on in Clondalkinand lucan hasincreased by 6% sinceFine gael and labourtook office

“For twelve monthsSinn Féin has beenhighlighting theunemployment crisis in

Dublin Mid-West.Despite the clear needfor a governmentstrategy to create jobsFine gael and labourcontinue to sit on theirhands and do nothing.“Dublin Mid-Westurgently needs a jobstask force. We need thekey players sat around atable devising andimplementing a jobsplan for the area.“The only way toreduce the numbers ofpeople signing on is toinvest in job retentionand creation schemes.

This requiresgovernment to releasesome of the funds inthe National PensionReserve fund as amatter of urgency.“Those areas that havea disproportionatelyhigh level ofunemployment must beprioritised for receiptof these funds.

“unless thegovernment acts nowwe are facing ageneration lost toemigration and longterm unemployment.

Setanta Sports are the only Irish channel with live Premier League 3pmSaturday kick offs! Models Nadia Forde, Karena Graham and Brook Wrightwere on hand to celebrate the Premier League being back on Setanta Sports.So ignore everything else, put the paint brushes and the hoover down, leavethe shopping to the Sunday and kick back on the couch for the ultimateSetanta Saturday 3pm experience!

irisH men Have spoken: watcHing or playingsports is tHe number 1 saturday past time dublin mid-west live register

up 6% since fg/lab took office


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16 Your FREE Local Newspaper

Rebecca Storm has had acareer spanning 30 years intheatre and music. Rebeccastarted her career at theage of 23 starring in her firstever musical Blood Brothers.Her portrayal of MrsJohnstone still captivatesaudiences, as she stillreturns to the role after 27years.

This most popular leadinglady in musical theatre hasplayed some verydemanding roles in theatreproductions such as ‘evita’,‘les Miserables’, ‘Chess’,‘Aspects of love’, ‘Piaf’,‘Jeanne’ and most recentlyin ‘Annie’.

A highlight of the 30 yearcareer was in 1992 whenRebecca devised,co-directed and starred in‘Hollywood ladies’ – atribute to her manyinfluences on the silverscreen including BarbaraStreisand, Judy garland andgracie Fields. This production was

awarded Best MusicalReview’92. Since 2000, Rebecca hasreleased multiple recordscollaborating with over 60musicians. She has also hadnumerous concerts, radioand television appearancesaround the world and sheenjoys a very busy andvaried career. The latestdouble album ‘The essentialRebecca Storm’ is nowavailable. CD 1 wasrecorded live in October2011 at the sell out concertat the Bord gais Theatre.Consisting of more than 20tracks including the 80strong Corus Choir and a fullband of world classmusicians including AlanSmale.

Rebecca’s new album is nowavailable to purchase inseveral stores includingTesco, Heatons and HMV.It is available to downloadfrom iTunes or alternativelyfrom rebeccastorm.comwhere all cd’s will bepersonally signed. On the

night of the 20th of Octoberin the Victory Centre,Rebecca will also beavailable to sign copies.

Rebecca obviously loveswhat she does and herfavourite songs to sing are'Defying gravity' fromWicked and a brand newsong written for her byspecial guest Pat Coldrickcalled ‘So Many Times’.‘Defying gravity’ is the firsttrack on the new double CD.

Rebecca commented on herfavourites from CD2 of thenew album ‘CD 2 has 12tracks all studio recordingsincluding ‘Whistle Down TheWind’, ‘good and evil’ fromJeckyl and Hyde and ‘WhyWorry’ a duet with mydaughter Rebecca Roberts’

‘We are delighted towelcome Rebecca Storm tothe Victory Centre inFirhouse to perform inconcert on the 20th ofOctober’ commented gerryByrne, Victory Centre.

Rebecca also noted thecalibre of facilities at theVictory Centre ‘We wereinvited by lorraine andgerry to have a tour of theVictory Centre and we wereboth very impressed withthe standard and variationof facilities. I went to see two concertsthere and felt the acousticswere terrific. And theseating extremelycomfortable--that'simportant for some of us!There is no doubt as atheatre it compares verywell with all the other citycentre theatres’.

Tickets are still availableand are on sale from the boxoffice at the Victory Centre,Firhouse.Tickets can also bepurchased on the websitewww.vcc.ie.

All tickets are € 25.00 andbooking fee may apply.

For more information onRebecca log on towww.rebeccastorm.com.

rebecca storm to perform atone of dublin’s top venues

victory centre 20tH of october 2012

Rebecca Storm will perform live on the 20th of Octoberat the Victory Centre Firhouse

17Your FREE Local Newspaper


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Sandra Doyle, a localwoman from Tallaght, hasalways struggled with herweight. At her heaviest sheweighed 27 stone. In 2006she made a huge decision tohave a 'gastric By-pass'. “Iwas miserable at the timeand desperate to lose theweight” said Sandra. Butlittle did Sandra know that

it wouldn't be a long termsolution. She did lose 12stone over the next 18months and kept it off for afurther 18, but in 2009 thepounds started creepingback on again and beforeshe knew it she had gained2 stone. Sandra knew thatshe had to do something.Her friend Nuala suggested

slimming world firHouse 'woman of tHe year 2012'

Dublin Rose, Arlene O Neill pictured with staff of The Street Cafe, The Mill ShoppingCentre, Clondalkin on her recent visit to the centre

that she join Slimming WorldFirhouse so she went alonglast September 2011. Sandrasaid “The first night I went Imet Miriam O'Shea who isthe consultant, she was sofriendly and welcoming andtotally understood where Iwas coming from and thatreally helped”.

In no time at all the poundsstarted to come off, but thistime Sandra was able to eattasty filling food and shefound that the support andrecipe ideas she got fromSlimming World group everyweek was invaluble. She has

gone on to lose 4 stone andshe is the lightest she hasever been in the last 30years.

This week the members atthe 7.30pm group votedSandra their 'Woman of theYear'. “Sandra is always sosupportive of everyone inthe group and no matterwhat, she always has asmile on her face everyTuesday” said Miriam.

Sandra was thrilled with thesupport and recognitionfrom all the men andwomen in the group and ithas spured her on tocontinue with her weightloss journey.Recently Sandra went onholidays to lanzarote andfor the first time in yearsher seatbelt went onwithout needing anextension. “That was amovie moment for me and if

Slimming World had been inIreland 6 years ago I wouldnever of had a gastricBy-pass. Slimming World haschanged my life” she said.This weekend Sandra will becelebrating her son Adam's21st birthday party wearinga size 14 dress...Six yearsago it would have been asize 32. For information onSlimming world contactMiriam 087-9703016

dublin rose visits street cafe

Miriam O'Shea, the consultant, Slimming World Firhousepresents Sandra Doyle with her certificate for ‘Woman ofthe Year’

Sandra before she joinedSlimming World

18 Your FREE Local Newspaper

Q. My Husband and I have beenliving apart for 3 years. we never signedany separation agreement or went tocourt. He died unexpectedly 6 monthsago and left a will leaving everything toour children. They are all adults now andhave their own homes. would I beentitled to anything?

A. In circumstances where you aresimply living apart from your husband, andthis separation is not the subject of anyformal agreement then, you are entitled toyour legal share of your Husbands estate.Clearly you have children and in thosecircumstances, your legal entitlement,irrespective as to the contents of yourhusbands will, is 1/3 of his estate. You donot say who the executor of the will is. Itis important to check this out as you willneed to make an “election”, to take upyour legal right share. I would suggest thatyou discuss the matter with your childrenand explain your position and makeenquires as to the identity of the executor.If there is a Solicitor involved in the estate,you will need to make contact with the

solicitor and confirm, if it is the case, thatyou intend to apply to take up your legalentitlement in the estate of your lateHusband which is a third of his entireestate. I hope this has been helpful.

Q. My Husband’s Father diedrecently and left most of his estate to hisChildren. His wife was left a life interestin the family home. She seems to beunhappy about what she was left in thewill and apparently wants to challengethe will. Can she do this?

A. Section 115 of the 1965Succession Act allows a spouse of adeceased to elect to take either theproperty or assets bequeathed in the willor their legal Right Share. A Spouse’s legalright share, in cases where there is a willand children amounts to 1/3 of the entireestate. If your husband’s mother has beenleft less than a third of the value of theentire estate then, she can elect to takeher legal Right Share instead, thusincreasing her share of her inheritance.

There is also special provisions relating tothe family home but legal advice wouldhave to be taken on this to ascertain theexact position. You do not say who theexecutor of the will is. It is theresponsibility of the executor to notify thesurviving spouse IN WRITINg of their rightsconferred under Section 115 of theSuccession Act. It is important to note thatthese Rights are ONlY exCeRSIABle within6 months of receiving notification of theright or 1 year from the date of the grantof probate, whichever is the later. In otherwords, if your husband just happens to bethe executor in the estate of his latefather then, he has a legal Duty to Notifyhis Mother in Writing of her option to takeher share according to the terms of thewill or instead to opt for her legal rightshare which may be greater than the sharegiven to her by her late husband. Fromwhat you have indicated, it seems as ifyour Husbands Mother will have the rightto challenge the will.

However, the matter can be settledamicably without any need to go to courtas it is a legal entitlement which can beworked out mathematically and there islittle point in disputing the legal rightconferred on the surviving spouse. I hopethat this has been helpful.

The Legal Column

romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of rOmaine Scally and cOmpany SOlicitOrSmain Street tallaght, dublin 24 tel 4599506 faX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie

by Romaine Scally

In this month’s edition of the paper,Romaine Scally Solicitor, of RomaineScally & Company, Solicitors, MainStreet, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone01-4599506 email legal@scally.iediscusses the question of Wills.

Q. My father bought andcompleted a ‘Do it Yourself’ will formrecently, and said that he has beenvery fair in leaving everythingequally between his five children.My brother has recently told me thathe was one of the witnesses to thewill and was able to confirm that thiswas indeed the case. I am the onlysingle daughter living at home, andhave looked after my father since hewas widowed 5 years ago. with theprice of property now, if I was toinherit a one-fifth only of the house,I would still be homeless. Obviously,I would not want to challenge thewill, as I would not want to fall outwith the rest of the family. However,I feel that something should be doneabout it now. would it be reasonableto bring it up with my father, andsuggest that he ‘reconsider’ his will?

A. There are a number of veryimportant factors here. Firstly, andmost importantly, you mention thatyour brother, who it would appear is anintended Beneficiary in your father’sWill, actually witnessed the Will? Ifthis is indeed the case, and yourbrother is a witness to the Will, thenhe will effectively be disbarred frominheriting, no matter what your fatherhas said in the Will. Anybody whobenefits from the estate of anydeceased CANNOT witness the Will.This tends to be one of the difficultieswith these ‘Do it yourself Wills’, and itis a problem which simply never arisesif the Will is professionally prepared ina Solicitor’s office, as the Solicitor andhis/or her staff will inevitably alwayswitness the Will. This needs to bepointed out to your father, as, fromwhat you have said, he would appearto have completely inadvertently‘disinherited’ one of his children. Inthose circumstances, your fatherdefinitely needs to re-do his Will andclearly this would be considered quiteurgent, given that the Will does notappear to reflect his intentions, all beit inadvertently.

With regard to your other question asto whether or not you should raise thematter of your ‘longer term security’with your father, this is really apersonal matter. Is it the case that

your father has lead you to believe thatyou will be ‘looked after’? If you havemade sacrifices, both professionally,financially and socially, so that your elderlyfather can continue to live in his ownhome, then it is certainly a subject whichcould be discussed openly with him.However, it should probably be discussedwith the other family members to ensure,in as far as one can, that there will be noanimosity between the beneficiaries, ifand when the contents of the Will come topass. Remember, we are all free to do aswe wish with our property, particularlywhere we are leaving behind adult childrenonly. There is no obligation to leave ourassets to our adult children. Clearly, mostTestators wish their children to benefitafter they are gone. The percentage towhich a parent might want one or otherchild to inherit, depends on eachparticular case. It may be that your fatherhas not considered the questions goingthrough your mind. An amicableconversation might bring this to a head andprompt your father to put in place,something he simply had not thought of.However, if he does intend to change hisWill, he should certainly discuss the matterin private with his Solicitor and ensure,firstly, that it is correctly drafted andwitnessed, and secondly, that it fairlyreflects exactly what his intentions arewith regard to his assets after he has gone.Remember, your father is under no legalobligation to tell you or any other memberof his family, what he has put into his Will.He has chosen to do so, but he is notobliged to do this. Any Testator is entitledto absolute privacy and many families donot know the contents of their deceasedparent’s Will until such time as it is readout after their parent’s death.

Nonetheless, there is action needed in thisparticular case and I would urge you to talkto your father as soon as possible about thewitnessing of his Will and theconsequences thereof.

Specsavers Corporate eyecare reveals theresults of research conducted across theRepublic of Ireland into safety eyecareprovided for employees.

A perhaps surprisingly high number ofemployees in the Republic of Ireland requiresafety eye-protection for their role, with44% of employers confirming they have staffwho work in a role deemed ‘at risk’ to theeyes and to vision. The number ofworkplace activities requiring the employeeto wear safety eyecare is extremely diverse,with risks arising from all manner of impacts

and substances.In the anonymous survey, Specsaversbroached the contentious issue of theremoval of safety eyewear. A worrying 11%of employers admitted to being aware ofemployees either not wearing the specifiedsafety eyewear or removing it while it is notsafe to do so. A further 9% do not ensureemployees actually wear their eyeprotection and stated that they did notknow if it was being removed. This meansthat at least 20% of those requiring safetyeyewear may not be actually using it at anyone time, a figure that could well be higher

in reality.Dona Mclafferty, corporate accountmanager for Specsavers Corporate eyecarein the Republic of Ireland, comments: ‘Ourresearch and our own experience lead us tobelieve that safety eyewear is oftenremoved due to lack of comfort or fit. Wellover a third of employers (39%) said theyhad employees who require safety eyewearand wear normal spectacles for day-to-dayuse. Of these, less than a quarter (24%) areprovided with prescription safety eyewear.Over three quarters (76%) are provided withover-goggles, which is not a suitable

solution for long-term or regular use.Considerable discomfort is caused simply bywearing two sets of eyewear and the lightrefraction caused by two sets of lensesmakes this option inappropriate in manycases.’Ms Mclafferty continues: “Personalprotective equipment needs to be just that:personal. For it to be worn at allappropriate times and to guarantee theprotection required, it needs to becomfortable, specifically selected andproperly fitted for each individual.’Visit: www.specsavers.ie/corporate

safety eyecare researcH revealed

rOmaine Scally & cO, SOlicitOrSoperate a FREE LEGAL ADVICE CLINICon the second Wednesday of every monthfrom 2.00pm until 6.00pm at their officesin Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24.NEXT CLINIC: WED. 12TH SEPTNo Appointment is necessary.We look forward to answering your legalqueries in person.

19Your FREE Local Newspaper

local Fine gaelers,Minister FrancesFitzgerald andCouncillor TonyDelaney, havewelcomed the refusalby South Dublin CountyCouncil of anapplication for anothertakeaway on TowerRoad. The proposedtakeaway would havebeen located in the oldRoyal Bank of Scotlandpremises besideClondalkin Travel andDolcain Mall in theheart of ClondalkinVillage.

“I’m delighted with thedecision by the Councilto refuse permission forthis proposal. I believethis refusal is the rightdecision for ClondalkinVillage. The village hasno shortage of takeaway outlets with 17already in operation inthe immediate vicinity.

Take aways,unfortunately, oftenbring with them amyriad of problemsincluding litter and

potential antisocialbehaviour. That's whyCllr. Delaney and I werekeen to support theconcerns of residentsand objected to thisapplication. I alsobelieve that havinganother takeaway soclose to existingprimary schools wouldhave been a real issueThis is the fifthconsecutive refusal ofplanning for proposedtake aways atinappropriate locationsin the Clondalkin andlucan area in recentmonths and I'mdelighted that residentsconcerns are beinglistened to byplanners,” saidFitzgerald.

“A granting ofpermission would nothave been in the bestinterests of either thelocal environment orresidents and I am gladthat the Councilrecognised that,”concluded Fitzgerald.

Councillor Tony

Delaney, Fine gael,echoed Fitzgerald’scomments stating that“I’m very pleased with

the outcome of thiscampaign and wasdelighted to supportresidents on this issue.

Planning decisions needto take into account theviews of effectedresidents.”

mission accomplisHed!

Councillor Éamonn Walsh (FF), Tallaght hassuccessfully completed his ‘Ironman’ challenge ofa 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and 42 km run, for theSociety of Saint Vincent de Paul in Regensburg inGermany, raising € 1,117.00 euro in the processfor the Dublin West Branch area of the Society ofthe St Vincent de Paul.Walsh says: ‘ I would like to thank ordinarymembers of the public, family and friends, FiannaFáil activists and public representatives inCouncil, Dáil and Seanad as well as my fellowCouncillors on South Dublin County Council of allthe political parties and Independent members fortheir support, donations and kind words ofencouragement’.Pictured is Éamonn Walsh (right) with Mr KevinMcDermott, Finance Director of the DublinRegional Council of St Vincent de Paul

refusal of clondalkin planningapplication welcomed



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The Domestic ViolenceCoalition has welcomedthe publication of newguidelines by the IrishNaturalisation andImmigration Service(INIS), which containinformation on dealingwith cases where aperson who is thevictim of domesticviolence wishes toobtain immigrationstatus independent oftheir relationship withthe perpetrator.

Commenting on theguidelines, BrianKilloran of theImmigrant Council ofIreland – one of themember groups of theDomestic Violence

Coalition – said: “Weare aware of situationswhere the immigrationstatus of a person isdependent on theircontinuing relationshipwith an abusive partner.As a result, the personexperiencing violencecan be unwilling orafraid to leave theabusive partnerbecause it might impacton their ability to stayin Ireland. Thevulnerability anduncertainty of someonein this situation cannotbe understated.

“In publishing theseguidelines, the INIS hasresponded to calls forclarification from the

Domestic ViolenceCoalition, and we verymuch welcome thisdevelopment. Theguidelines providemuch-needed clarityfor victims of domesticviolence and those whoadvocate on theirbehalf. This will gosome way towardsremoving the elementof control that can arisein an abusiverelationship, whereabusers often tellwomen they will bedeported if they leavethem.

“The publication of theguidelines sends amessage to migrantvictims of domestic

Pictured at Tesco’s were Tadg O’ Reilly (3 )and Elisha Stanley (aged 7), whowere busy getting their toasters, kettles and hairdryers ready for the bigSummer clean up. WEEE Ireland are holding a series of free electricalrecycling collection days across the country in partnership with Tesco Ireland.For full event information log on to www.recyclefree.ie.

summer clean up

coalition welcomes new inis guidelines forimmigrants experiencing domestic violence

violence that they haveclear options, andshould seek advice andsupport with theknowledge that there isa formal procedure inplace that will informtheir prospects ofremaining in Ireland.”

Mr. Killoran said that anumber of issuesremain to be resolvedin relation to the newguidelines.

“We are still unclear asto the types ofimmigration status thatwill be issued to victimsof domestic violence,and the rights andentitlements that thesestatus types will givethose who are in veryvulnerable, dangeroussituations,” he said.

“We would urge the INISto positively use itsdiscretion to grant animmigration status tovictims of domesticviolence that allows forclear access to thelabour market and toemergency supports. Inthe past, we have foundthat the lack of clearguidance and directionhas prevented somevictims of domesticviolence from accessinghelp.”

Claire Cumiskey, Seniorlegal Officer with Nasc– another member ofthe Domestic ViolenceCoalition – said theCoalition wouldcontinue to engage withthe INIS to addresssome of the outstandingissues, in particular, the

stated requirementthat independentimmigration status onlyapplies when theparties are no longerliving together as afamily unit.

“The members of theCoalition are in directcontact withimmigrants who arevictims of domesticviolence on aday-to-day basis,” shesaid. “Drawing on theirexperiences and thechallenges they face,we will continue tokeep the INIS informedabout how theguidelines can beenhanced anddeveloped to ensurepeople have clarityabout their rights andentitlements.

“The Domestic ViolenceCoalition would nowcall upon Departmentof Social Protection tofollow the lead of theINIS, and issue similarguidelines on theirpolicies for supportingmigrant victims ofdomestic violence toaccess emergencysupport.”

The Domestic ViolenceCoalition is comprisedof: the ImmigrantCouncil of Ireland;Nasc, the IrishImmigrant SupportCentre; Women’s Aid;Sonas Housing; Dorasluimní; longfordWomen’s link; AkiDwA;and the DomesticViolence AdvocacyService.

22 Your FREE Local Newspaper

South Dublin County Councilis among the localauthorities that are nowleading the reform agendawith an extensiveprogramme of business casestudies to enhance theservices available tocitizens and businesses.The Interim Report of thelocal governmentefficiency Review (lgeR)Implementation group bythe County and CityManagers’ Association(CCMA) shows that €830million in financial savingshave already been deliveredat local government levelbetween 2008 and 2012through efficiency gains andreductions in expenditureand staff numbers.

Importantly, PhilomenaPoole, County Managerpoints out that ‘thesesavings were achieved whilemaintaining front lineservices. This reformprocess is continuing with

an ambitious programme ofbusiness case studies acrossthe 34 local authorities’. Intotal, between 2008 and2012 Ireland’s localauthorities collectively havesaved €319 million over theoriginal target of €511million set for the localgovernment Sector in 2010.

South Dublin CountyCouncil has achievedsavings locally of €56.77msince 2008.

“These savings were mainlyachieved through significantefficiency gains, withpayroll costs (includingpensions and gratuities)similarly substantiallyreduced in the region of€10m. In addition SouthDublin County Councilreduced its staffingnumbers by 16.5 % between2008 and 2012.” saysCounty Manager PhilomenaPoole. The focus of all localgovernment reforms is to

maximum efficiencies whileminimising impacts on frontline services and supportinglocal enterprise. Our focusin South Dublin CountyCouncil is no different. TheCouncil is conscious of theimpact of the currenteconomic climate on localbusiness and in recent yearshas implemented a range ofinnovative strategies toreduce costs for business.The Council’s annual budgetfor 2012 included a 2.4%reduction in the generalannual rate on valuation(ARV), reducing the ratesARV multiplier to 0.162.This is the third consecutivedecrease to the ratesmultiplier by the councilresulting in an overall 5.3%reduction in the cost ofcommercial rates between2009 and 2012.

efficiencies throughchanged worked practices,additional shared servicesand depot rationalisation

€56.77m delivered in savings bysoutH dublin county council

have delivered muchneeded savings. ThisCouncil has a proven trackrecord for pushing theboundaries and indentifyingnew ways of doing businesswith the aim of improvingour citizen’s quality of life.Developed by South DublinCounty Council andlaunched in August2011,www.fixyourstreet.ie is apublicly accessible web sitewith associated mobilephone technologies toenable citizens to reportnon- emergency issues suchas street lighting, drainage,graffiti, illegal dumping,road and footpathmaintenance to theirCouncil. South DublinCounty Council was thepilot local authority for itsoperation, wherebytechnologies harnessed and

developed ‘in house’ by theCouncil are being tested ina live working environment.‘Fix Your Street’ is set tobecome a national systemduring 2012.South Dublin CountyCouncil’s commitment tothe government ReformAgenda is clearly seen by itscontribution to theachievements outlined inthe CCMA report and thisreform process will nowenter its second stage.

The sharing of servicesacross the local governmentsector holds enormouspotential not only for thedelivery of cost savings andefficiency gains but ofactually enhancing thequality and range ofservices available tocitizens and business.

County Manager, PhilomenaPoole states “South DublinCounty Council willcontinue to work with ourpartner local Authoritiesacross the sector to deliver on this.”

local government is aprogressive, cohesive sectorthat is leading anddelivering reform. Thesuccess to date has beenachieved by the staff ofSouth Dublin CountyCouncil, it’s unions andmanagement workingtogether with the electedmembers to create greaterefficiencies. However, thisis an ongoing process andwe will continue toimplement the policies andchanges necessary todeliver first class services atminimal cost.

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01 451 3822

win win winHere’s your chance to win a pair of tickets to see Rebecca Storm at theVictory Centre in Firhouse.Simply answer the following question:On what date is Rebbeca Storm performing in the Victory Centre?Answers, on a postcard please, to:Newsgroup, PO Box 3430, Tallaght, Dublin 24.to reach us no later that 10th September ‘12

The number of balloon & Chinese lanternreleases in Ireland appears to be on theincrease. These visual displays can havelong-lasting and far-reaching effects on ourenvironment. The Irish Wildlife Trust, IrishWhale and Dolphin group, Irish SealSanctuary and BirdWatch Ireland would liketo remind those considering balloon &lantern releases that these frequently havedirect negative consequences for wildlifeand the environment.

While these displays are often carried outin celebration, Ireland’s leading wildlifecharities urge the public to think about thepotential consequences, and consideralternatives instead. Balloon latex can takeup to twelve months to degrade in themarine environment and have been foundin the stomachs of whales, dolphins,turtles, sharks and birds. Chinese lanternshave been responsible for death and injuryto domesticated and wild animals alike,along with causing injuries to humans,presenting a fire risk, and wasting resourceswhen mistaken for emergency flares at sea.

Debbi Pedreschi, spokesperson for thecoallition said ‘Releasing balloons orlanterns is essentially ‘pretty littering’ and

there is no excuse for not thinking aboutthe consequences. What goes up must comedown; fragments, strings and wirescontaminate the environment, and causeanimals to become entangled or even tochoke to death . We urge the public to stopreleasing balloons and lanterns; there arefar more environmentally friendly ways tocelebrate, or commemorate, withoutrisking the safety of our wildlife.'

For full details, or for a list of alternativesto balloons and lanterns, log ontoiwt.ie/2012/07/environmental-ngos-join-forces-to-call-for-an-end-to-pretty-littering/

environmental ngos Join forces tocall for an end to ‘pretty littering’

An owl dies after getting caught in aChinese lantern

23Your FREE Local Newspaper

24 Your FREE Local Newspaper

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Ireland is well-placed tobenefit from the newconstruction sectoraction plan launched bythe eu in Brussels,Dublin labour MePemer Costello has said,pointing out that thefull achievement of thetargets of the newenergy performance ofbuildings directivecould create up to10,000 jobs in Ireland. "Construction is acrucial sector for theeuropean economy,generating almost 10%of eu gDP and providing20 million jobs. Thefinancial and economic

crisis has lead to adecline in constructionactivity by 17% between2008 and April 2012.Ireland is one of thecountry's mostaffected, with lastweek's CSO reportputting theunemployment rateamong constructionworkers at over 60% inApril 2011. “While the eu still hassome way to go indeveloping a growthagenda, I do see thisaction plan as a step inthe right direction. Iparticularly welcomethe plans to promoting

employment in theconstruction sector andgrowth in the widereconomy by using partof the €120 billion ‘Pactfor growth andemployment’ agreed atthe June europeanSummit to fund therenovation of buildingsand infrastructuremaintenance.

“Pat Rabbitte TD, theMinister for energy, hasalready enacted intoIrish law the 2010 euenergy performance ofbuildings directive. Thiscommits Ireland toensuring that all new

buildings occupied andowned by publicauthorities are 'nearlyzero-energy buildings'*by December 2018 andall new buildings arenearly zero-energy byDecember 2020. The euestimates thatachieving these targetswould create up to onemillion new jobs acrosseurope between 2010and 2020. This wouldequate to 10,000 newjobs in Ireland. “This government isdeveloping a good trackrecord in makingmaximum use ofinnovative eu financial

instruments such as theeuropean InvestmentBank with eIB loansalready agreed topartly-fund the schoolbuildings programmeand the €2.25 billioninfrastructure stimuluspackage announced bythe government on 17July, which thegovernment estimateswill generate 13,000jobs. “I believe we are nowwell-placed to makefull use of theopportunities presentedby this newconstruction actionplan.”

ireland well-placed to benefit fromnew eu construction action plan

Boots Ireland has opened its 73rd store in theRepublic of Ireland in the Mill Shopping Centre,Clondalkin, creating 14 new jobs. Performing theribbon-cutting ceremony was RTÉ star BrianOrmond, himself a native of Clondalkin.eagerlyawaited by local shoppers, the new store offers aninnovative range of products including vitamins,cosmetics, toiletries and fragrances for men andwomen, photo products, electrical beauty, babyproducts and a full range of pharmacy services.

Pictured are RTE Star Brian Ormond and StoreManager Jackie Doyle with Deputy Lord Mayor ofSouth Dublin County Council Cllr Gus O'Connell atthe ribbon- cutting ceremony.

boots ireland opensits 73rd store

Sinn Féin education spokesperson, SeánCrowe TD, commenting on the jointannouncement by Ministers Ruairí Quinnand Brian Hayes of the awarding of thecommission of a memorial for the victimsof institutional abuse, said that “Sinn Féinfirmly believes that the state shouldremember the victims of institutionalabuse, who it had a responsibility toprotect. even more importantly however,is the care and support that is madeavailable to the remaining survivors who

are still living with the legacy of theirtime in these ‘care homes’.“It is ironic that this announcementcomes during the same week theResidential Institutional Redress StatutoryFund was passed by the government,despite the opposition of Sinn Féin andthe rejection of our amendments.“The money that will be spent on thismemorial could have helped theestablishment of separate redress boardsfor the survivors of the Magdalene

laundries and Bethany Home; theextension of educational supports for thechildren and grandchildren of survivorsand the provision of assistance forsurvivors living outside the state who wishto return to Ireland to set-up home.“Yet the government rejected or ruledthese amendments out of order becausethey would incur a cost to the exchequer.Their inclusion would have provided fargreater assistance to the survivors ofabuse.”

government’s priority sHould be care for abuse survivors

25Your FREE Local Newspaper

To help put the spring back in yourstep when travelling to the airportthe new Airport Hopper servicewill commence its round journeyairport shuttle from August 22nd2012The direct service which willserve Tallaght, Clondalkin andliffey Valley will operate afrequent daily service (from 03:50from The Square to 00:15 fromthe airport) providing a near doorto door service between Dublinairport and residents’ of SouthWest Dublin.Airport Hopper’s ManagingDirector Anthony McConn says thenew service will create four newjobs with the potential to scaleupward in the next twelvemonths. “We want to take the stress out ofairline travel by making the rideto the airport as smooth aspossible. So we are going to tapinto today’s technology like wifi

and gPS,” said Tony. ComingSeptember!“The frequent departures providesouthwest Dublin travellers to theairport a great convenience andour passengers can also enjoy thecomfort of travelling onboard abrand new high comfort,air-conditioned midi coach” hesaidA Park & Ride facility is inoperation from the Clarion Hotelliffey Valley. Keep an eye on theAirport Hopper website, Facebookand Twitter accounts for constantupdates.For information on fares,timetable, online booking or otherdetails visit airporthopper.ieAdditional Information:Dawn Nolan, Administrator –dawn@airporthopper.ie Phone –0818 919 917Anthony McConn, ManagingDirector – tony@airporthopper.iePhone – 085-8594583

Hop to tHe airport in real timenew airport Hopper service

26 Your FREE Local Newspaper

South Dublin County Sports Partnership (SDCSP) is an initiative ofthe Irish Sports Council whose remit is to promote increasedparticipation in health-enhancing physical activity across thecommunity of South Dublin County. This area comprisesPalmerstown, lucan, Clondalkin, Tallaght, Templeogue,Rathfarnham and outlying areas such as Rathcoole and Saggart.The population of the county is 265,000.

SDCSP is running an event, “Ramble Aid”, through which it isseeking to advance its aim- and in the process help localcommunities and their respective participants by raising funds forthe purchase of defibrillators. Though now more available to localcommunities the cost factor means they are still not widelyaccessible and each year there are still reports of tragic sportingdeaths.

Ramble Aid will be a series of three x 5kmrun/walk/cycle/wheelchair events in the three regional parks in thecounty - griffeen Valley Park (lucan). Tymon Park (Templeogue/Tallaght) & Corkagh Park (Clondalkin). The events will take place onSunday September 9th , 16th & 23rd at 11am.

In order to make participation as large and inclusive as possiblethere is an entry fee of only €5 per person, per event. Hence theslogan “5k for a fiver” !

To register people can complete the form included and post backwith payment to: South Dublin County Sports Partnership, County Hall, Tallaght,Dublin 24

Alternatively people can also complete the form and pay throughthe following channels - the Civic offices in Tallaght & Clondalkin - one of the network of libraries countywide - local Credit unions – Templeogue, Kilnamanagh, Firhouse,

Tallaght District, Clondalkin- the public leisure centres in lucan, Tallaght & Clondalkin

People can also register online at www.rambleaid.ie

ramble aid – 5k for a fiver to keepour community active and alive

Dublin hurling captain and Lucan native Johnny Mc Caffrey gets on his bike in Corkagh Parkto officially launch the Ramble Aid 5k community event

Tallaght athlete Brian Gregan and Dublin senior hurling captainJohnny Mc Caffrey attend the launch of Ramble Aid in Corkagh Parkwith staff from Clondalkin Credit Union, The Echo Newspaper andthe SDCSP$

TeRMS AND CONDITIONS OF eNTRY• Participants are responsible for their own safety and participate at their own risk. • Participants must obey the instructions of the event marshals and thepark bylaws at all times.• Participants must wear their official event number. • Participants are asked not to litter the park or surrounding car parks. • Toavoid any delays participants are asked to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the event DeClARATION OF eNTRY • I hereby agree to follow theinstructions of the organising committee and marshals. • I will take all reasonable steps to reduce risks to my own safety and the safety of othersparticipating in and assisting with the event. • I understand that my entry fee is non refundable • I understand that as part of Ramble Aid,photographs/video will be taken which may be used for future promotional purposes. • I understand that I am participating in this event at my own risk andwill not hold South Dublin County Council or any of its constituent members, collectively or individually responsible for any accident or incident in which Iam involved in connection with Ramble Aid. IMPORTANT: By signing this form I acknowledge that I have read the TeRMS AND CONDITIONS ANDDeClARATION OF eNTRY and I hereby agree to abide by them.

Please return completed application with your entry fee before 12 mid-day 07.09.12 to: South Dublin County Sports Partnership, County Hall, Tallaght,Dublin 24 eNTRY Fee: 35 per person, per event, Cheques/Postal orders should be made payable to South Dublin County Sports Partnership.A confirmation email or text will be sent to all applicants.

location Registration griffeen Valley 09.09.12Tymon 16.09.12Corkagh 23.09.12

First Name Surname


If affiliated to a club/organisation, which one?


Signed Date



Category Runner, JoggerWalker


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