Talking about preferences

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Talking about preferences

Talking about preferences.

Do you like watching TV?

Do you like playing soccer?

Do you hate washing the dishes?

Do you like watching TV? Do you like playing soccer? Do you hate washing the dishes? Do you like listen to music? Do you like cooking at home? Do you like studying English? Do you like swimming? Do you like writing poems? Do you hate cleaning your house? Do you love dancing salsa?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

1.You / like / surf the net? Do you like surfing the net?2.I / love / chat to friends on line.3.I / like / shopping?4.I / like / swim5.The girls / like / listen to music.6.Sharom and Ruben / hate / play the guitar. 7.You / like / hang out with friends.8.They / love / eat chicken.9.You / love / speak English?


I love _________________________________________________.


I like _________________________________________________.


I don’t like _____________________________________________.


I hate _________________________________________________.


Beatriz and I are twins, but we’re very different. We don’t like the same music. I love listening to rock music and Beatriz loves listening to classical music. We both like watching TV, but I love watching sports and Jenny hates it. And Beatriz doesn’t like watching horror films, but I like it.

Fernando is my twin brother, but we don’t like the same things. For example, I love eating Chinese food, but he hates it. He loves Italian food, but I don’t like it. I love running every morning. Fernando doesn’t like running. He likes riding his bike.

1. _______________ loves listening to rock music. 2. _______________ like watching TV. 3. _______________ doesn’t like watching horror films.4. _______________ hates Chinese food. 5. _______________ doesn’t like Italian food. 6. _______________ loves running.

A. Read the text. Then, complete the sentences below with an appropriate name Beatriz or Fernando.

do homework wash the dishes swim play computer


Luisa and Thomas



1. Luis and Thomas don’t like doing homework.2. __________________________________3. __________________________________4. __________________________________5. __________________________________6. _________________________________7. __________________________________8. __________________________________9. _________________________________10. __________________________________

Look at the chart and write 10 sentences