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Taleb, Tarik; Samdanis, Konstantinos; Mada, Badr; Flinck, Hannu; Dutta, Sunny; Sabella,DarioOn Multi-Access Edge Computing

Published in:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials


Published: 01/07/2017

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

Please cite the original version:Taleb, T., Samdanis, K., Mada, B., Flinck, H., Dutta, S., & Sabella, D. (2017). On Multi-Access Edge Computing:A Survey of the Emerging 5G Network Edge Cloud Architecture and Orchestration. IEEE CommunicationsSurveys and Tutorials, 19(3), 1657-1681. [7931566]. https://doi.org/10.1109/COMST.2017.2705720

On Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey of theEmerging 5G Network Edge Cloud Architecture

and OrchestrationTarik Taleb, Senior Member, IEEE, Konstantinos Samdanis, Badr Mada,

Hannu Flinck, Sunny Dutta, and Dario Sabella

Abstract—Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is an emergingecosystem, which aims at converging telecommunication andIT services, providing a cloud computing platform at the edgeof the radio access network. MEC offers storage and com-putational resources at the edge, reducing latency for mobileend users and utilizing more efficiently the mobile backhauland core networks. This paper introduces a survey on MECand focuses on the fundamental key enabling technologies.It elaborates MEC orchestration considering both individualservices and a network of MEC platforms supporting mobil-ity, bringing light into the different orchestration deploymentoptions. In addition, this paper analyzes the MEC referencearchitecture and main deployment scenarios, which offer multi-tenancy support for application developers, content providers,and third parties. Finally, this paper overviews the current stan-dardization activities and elaborates further on open researchchallenges.

Index Terms—MEC, Multi-Access Edge Computing, MobileEdge Computing, 5G Mobile Communications, Edge Computing,Application Virtualization, Network Function Virtualization,Software Defined Networking, Network Softwarization.


IN THE recent years, the Telco world has undergone atremendous growth in developing mobile communications

technologies. With highly capable end-devices (e.g., smart-phones and tablets) and new interactive mobile applications inplace, we are in the midst of a data revolution. This is alsoreflected by the fact that 63% of the world population has cur-rently a mobile subscription, whereas in the previous decade

Manuscript received August 8, 2016; revised January 10, 2017 and March26, 2017; accepted April 9, 2017. Date of publication May 18, 2017; dateof current version August 21, 2017. This work was supported in part bythe TAKE 5 Project funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technologyand Innovation, in part by the Finnish Ministry of Employment and theEconomy, and in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research andInnovation Programme through the EU/JP 5G!Pagoda Project under Grant723172. (Corresponding author: Tarik Taleb.)

T. Taleb is with Aalto University, 06220 Espoo, Finland, and also withSejong University, Seoul 143-747, South Korea (e-mail: tarik.taleb@aalto.fi).

K. Samdanis is with the Huawei European Research Center, 80992 Munich,Germany (e-mail: konstantinos.samdanis@huawei.com).

B. Mada and S. Dutta are with Aalto University, 06220 Espoo, Finland(e-mail: badr.mada@aalto.fi; sunny.dutta@aalto.fi).

H. Flinck is with Nokia Bell Labs, FI-02610 Espoo, Finland (e-mail:hannu.flinck@nokia-bell-labs.com).

D. Sabella is with Intel, 85579 Munich, Germany (e-mail:dario.sabella@intel.com).

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/COMST.2017.2705720

it was just 20% [1]. Services such as video, music, socialnetworking, gaming and other interactive applications aregaining momentum. The usage of mobile applications (APPs)are expected to further contribute to this trend, on top ofthe fact that mobile networks would also provide a means ofbroadband connectivity to a number of emerging services suchas augmented reality, resulting in a foreseen data traffic growthof 8-fold from 2015 to 2020 [2]. In addition, the emergingInternet of Things (IoT) and Machine-Type-Communications(MTC) are expected to introduce a huge number of machineconnections, reaching 1 billion by 2020, defining promisingbusiness opportunities for mobile operators, yet impactingsignificantly the development of their mobile networks [1].

As such thriving range of new and diverse services isbecoming an integral part of the mobile users entertainmentand social life, the expectations towards immersive Quality ofExperience (QoE) are also increasing. Currently 3GPP intro-duced a Stage 1 study, commonly known as SMARTER (NewServices and Market Enablers), on the market segments andvertical services that should be addressed by the emerging 5Gnetworks, identifying the main use cases to be considered [3].The related performance requirements include the support ofup to 1000 times higher data volumes, data rates up to 10 Gb/s,very low service level latency below 5ms, ubiquitous com-municating things and mass connectivity supporting 300,000devices within a single cell, ultra-high reliability of 99.999%(i.e., five nine availability) and reduced energy consumptionby 90% [4], [5].

Such soaring demands for data services are now pos-ing new challenges on the service providers as well as onmobile network operators. The vision of future 5G systemsis to provide a customized and advanced user centric valueat an affordable price, enabling context-aware and prox-imity services, service delivery in crowded areas and onthe move, and advanced multimedia centric services. Suchemerging 5G ecosystem will encompass a heterogeneous com-munication landscape integrating networking and InformationTechnology (IT) resources with cloud enabled services via themeans of virtualization and softwarization [6]–[10]. Innovativeservice-oriented edge-cloud architectures will pave the wayfor enhanced QoE, while network virtualization will bethe catalyst in supporting multi-service and multi-tenancy,enabling in this way efficient network operations and serviceprovisioning.

©c 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

ETSI has initiated Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) stan-dardization to promote and accelerate the advancement ofedge-cloud computing in mobile networks, by launching theMEC Industry Specification Group (ISG) in December 2014.The objective of ETSI MEC ISG is to create an open environ-ment across multi-vendor cloud platforms located at the edgeof the RAN, accessible by application/service providers andthird parties in an effort to overcome the challenges related withcentralized cloud computing environments and that is in termsof latency, and assurance of higher speeds [11]. By pushingdata intensive tasks towards the edge and locally processingdata in proximity to the users, mobile network operators canreduce traffic bottlenecks in the core and backhaul networks,while assisting in the offload of heavy computational tasksfrom power constrained User Equipment (UE) to the edge.In general, such decentralized cloud architecture constitutes apillar technology for the emerging 5G systems transforming thelegacy mobile base stations by offering cloud computing abili-ties and an IT service environment at the edge of the network.Since September 2016, ETSI ISG has dropped the ‘Mobile’ outof MEC and renamed it as Multi-access Edge Computing inorder to broaden its applicability into heterogeneous networksincluding WiFi and fixed access technologies [12].

MEC enables new services and yields promising businessmodels to the major stakeholders, namely Mobile NetworkOperators (MNOs), application developers, Over-The-Top(OTT) players, vertical business segments, IndependentSoftware Vendors (ISVs), IT platform vendors and systemintegrators as elaborated in [13] and [14]. However, MEC isstill in its early development phase and realizing its potentialis significant to take full advantage of its benefits. For exam-ple, MNOs can increase revenues by providing open accessof the MEC platforms (via specific Application ProgrammingInterfaces-APIs) to service providers and imply usage-basedcharging for utilizing storage, network bandwidth, and com-putation resources (e.g., CPU). The most obvious advantageof edge computing, namely the reduction in delay, will moti-vate the deployment of diverse services (e.g., IoT/ M2M, 4KUltra High Definition - UHD - video, and mobile serious gam-ing) [15], hence opening a wider market for application devel-opers and content providers. MEC can also offer applicationproviders local context awareness (e.g., Radio Access Network- RAN - analytics, traffic characteristics, and device location)to improve the operational efficiency of the offered services.

MEC has also gained momentum in the academia side,with a number of surveys published [15]–[17], focusing onthe usage requirements and architectures, different deploymentapproaches, and applications that can benefit from edge cloud.However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is nosurvey that summarizes mobile edge-cloud as a 5G technology,above all considering the latest ETSI MEC ISG architecture,with respect to service orchestration and software defined con-trol. This paper details the main enablers of MEC includingvirtualization technologies such as Virtual Machines (VMs) andcontainers, Software Defined Networking (SDN) and NetworkFunction Virtualization (NFV) as well as network slicing. Inaddition, it provides an analysis of the MEC orchestration con-sidering standalone services, service mobility, joint network

and service optimization as well as a comprehensive studyof current orchestrator deployment options. Finally, this paperprovides an exhaustive state-of-the art study on related researchin the area of edge-cloud computing, considering the impact onvarious applications and highlighting open research challenges.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section II presents the evolution of edge cloud consideringcloudlets, fog computing and MEC. Section III provides anoverview of the MEC and edge-cloud use cases, highlight-ing the main research fields and achievements. Section IVdescribes the MEC fundamental enablers and Section Velaborates the MEC framework and reference architecture con-sidering also other standardization activities, particularly thoserelevant to OpenFog and 3GPP. Section VI analyzes the incen-tives for orchestration considering both individual services andan edge-cloud platform network. Section VII sheds light onthe different MEC deployment scenarios analyzing also theorchestration deployment options. Section VIII presents a sum-mary of the lessons learned and highlights research challenges.Finally, the paper concludes in Section IX.


Since the beginning of the smart-phone era, managing effi-ciently the network resources has been a significant challengefor MNOs. With the rise of diverse and complex mobileapplications, MNOs needed to additionally deal with cloudcomputing issues including data storage and processing. Fromthe end-device’s perspectives, certain constraints are raised interms of battery lifetime, computational power and memorylimitations, especially for complex processes. To cope withthe relevant challenges, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) wasintroduced as a promising approach. MCC is envisioned asan expansion of cloud computing features, i.e., adaptability,scalability, availability and self-awareness, in a mobile com-puting environment [18], [19]. From the network architectureperspectives, MCC acts as an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)for data storage and processing, outside the mobile devices asconsidered by Dinh et al. [20], augmenting in this way theresource capabilities of mobile devices.

Generic cloud providers (e.g., Google, Amazon, andSalesforce) may facilitate third parties, e.g., OTT providers,with computing resources including IaaS (e.g., servers,networks, and storages), Platform as a Service (PaaS) (e.g.,middle-ware services and operating systems) and Softwareas a Service (SaaS) (e.g., application programs) to developapplications with a lower cost. This paradigm facilitateseasy development of new applications (i.e., APPS) and ser-vices, e.g., m-learning [21], m-gaming [22], and m-healthcare [23], which, in combination with the evolution of MCC,can transform the UE into a tool for learning, entertainment,social networking, updating news and businesses. Despitesuch potential usage, public cloud facilities failed in fulfill-ing latency requirements due to long response times, due, inturn, to the centralized cloud architecture model, affecting theQoE for end users.

Considering these weaknesses, the concept of edge-cloudwas introduced, initially in the form of Cloudlets that assist

UEs to gain computational and storage performance benefits,which later paved the way towards the more sophisticated con-cepts of fog computing and MEC. Both fog computing andMEC envision an open platform offering similar type of fea-tures. Fog computing concentrates on applications, mainly IoT,that take advantage of a platform set that collectively assistUEs. MEC, on the other hand, focuses on application-relatedenhancements in terms of feedback mechanisms, informa-tion and content processing and storage, to mention a few,considering single platforms in the first phase.

A. Cloudlets

In [24] and [25], Satyanarayan et al. introduced the conceptof cloudlet as the middle layer in a three-tier architecture con-sisting of an end-device, an edge cloud platform, i.e., cloudlet,and a centralized datacenter. The objective of cloudlet is toextend the remote datacenter cloud services in close prox-imity to the end users. Cloudlet is viewed as a trusted andresource-rich node with stable Internet connectivity, offeringcomputing as well as access and storage resources to nearbymobile devices. It was proposed as an edge cloud node, whichcan reside in community places, e.g., coffee shops and shop-ping malls, and highly populated areas, e.g., train stations andexhibition halls. Mobile devices merely act as thin clients, i.e.,lightweight devices which heavily depend on remote access toa cloud server for offloading resource-intense tasks in orderto increase execution speed and save energy. Cloudlets areinstantiated based on a soft state implementation that relieson Virtual Machines (VMs). Cloudlets merely act as microdatacenter in a box , offering access to end users over Wi-Fifor deploying and managing their own VMs [25].

Using a VM-based approach, cloudlets offer a transientguest environment for individual users, providing isolationfrom other host software. For transferring service requestsfrom end devices to cloudlets, two distinct approaches wereconsidered. The first one is based on VM migration thatfocuses on suspending and transferring an existing state ofprocessor, disk and memory of the end device to the des-tination cloudlet, whereby execution is resumed from theexact state. The second approach considers the delivery ofa small VM overlay image instead of the mentioned states.In this case, the cloudlet is ready with a VM base (OS).The overlay image is integrated on top and the executioncontinues seamlessly from that point. Depending on the appli-cation design, the clients are allowed to customize VMs toensure that applications are executed smoothly; a process thathelps to rapidly offload potential workload at run-time. Theimpact of cloudlets on interactive applications (e.g., videostreaming, image processing, and file editing) is analyzed byFesehaye et al. [26] in terms of caching and offloading, consid-ering a content-centric approach for interconnecting cloudlets.Scalability issues relevant to cloudlets are studied in [27].

B. Fog Computing

Fog computing, alternatively known as fog networkingor “fogging”, is a term originally introduced by Cisco,proposed to enable a cloud computing architecture away fromcentralized cloud datacenters, considering a large number of

geographically wide spread edge nodes as part of a dis-tributed and collaborating cloud. Fog computing envisionscloud nodes residing directly at the edge of the network andbeing capable to deliver new applications and services, espe-cially for the future Internet and wireless network-based IoTservices [28], [29]. Fog computing offers storage in closeproximity to the edge and helps to offload traffic load thatwould, otherwise, need to transverse the mobile backhaul andbackbone. It also enables device management and networkmanagement such as control and configuration procedures atthe edge of the network [30].

The notion of fog computing nodes is wide. Any equipmentwith processing power and storage, e.g., ranging from wire-less access points, switches and routers to base stations andresource-rich datacenters or cloud platforms, can be qualifiedas a fog node [17]. Cisco introduced the first commercial fogdevice, IOx [31], capable of hosting applications in a guestoperating system running on a hypervisor directly on routers.As a generic cloud platform to develop, compile and executesoftware, fog computing is considered as an open ecosystemfor wearables/IoT, big-data analytics and for emerging servicessuch as automotive, hostile and tactile applications.

C. Multi-Access Edge Computing

MEC enables IT and cloud computing capabilities at theRAN edge in a close proximity to end users, offering anultra-low latency environment with high bandwidth and real-time access to radio and network analytics. The use of MECcan provide the potential for developing a wide range ofnew applications and services, bringing innovation and driv-ing new businesses. In particular, contextual information andspecific content, proximity and location awareness can cre-ate business value opportunities, offering a customized mobilebroadband experience. Service providers may also benefit fromMEC in collecting more information regarding customers interms of content, location and interests, in order to differen-tiate their portfolio or introduce new services or simply usesuch information for commercial reasons.

MEC offers an open radio network edge platform, facili-tating multi-service and multi-tenancy by allowing authorizedthird-parties to make use of the storage and processing capabil-ities, introducing new businesses on-demand and in a flexiblemanner. MNOs can then provide cloud services and addition-ally monetize the broadband experience providing an insightof RAN and network conditions to third parties to facilitateservice enhancements. MEC can also benefit from the ubiqui-tous coverage of cellular networks to become the key enablerfor supporting M2M and IoT services that have become suf-ficiently mature to shape vertical segments/services includingenergy utilities, automotive, and smart city services [11]. Fromthe business perspective, MEC should enable a secure cloudplatform architecture and should provide APIs to enable thirdplayers to share and use it dynamically, easily installing andmodifying new services and efficiently interacting with theRAN, e.g., being able to retrieve RAN-relevant information(e.g., for transcoding videos at rates adequate to the currentconditions of RAN [32]).


MEC facilitates enhancements to the existing applicationsand offers tremendous potential for developing a wide range ofnew and innovative applications by enabling authorized third-parties to make use of local services and caching capabilitiesat the edge of the RAN. MEC can be seen as a natural evo-lution of legacy mobile base stations, enabling new businessopportunities and revenue streams to operators, vendors andthird-parties. This section provides the main MEC use casesand summarizes the related research efforts.

A. Computation Offloading

Computation offloading is a technique whereby a resource-constrained mobile device fully or partially offloads acomputation-intensive task to a resource-sufficient cloud envi-ronment. Computation offloading is performed mostly tosave energy, battery lifetime or due to inability of the enddevice to process a computation-heavy application. There havebeen numerous approaches on offloading methods in classicalMCC environments. Cyber foraging [33] enables computa-tion offloading, enhancing the capabilities of mobile devices,while notably improving energy efficiency. CloneCloud [34]performs automatic code partitioning at the thread level.Component-level partitioning was considered in Cuckoo [35]and a relevant system was implemented in MAUI [36].However, due to unbound latency in computation offloading toa remote cloud, the session state may get prolonged. In certaincases, this might consume more power than local processing.

In comparison, energy consumption is less in MEC due toreduced latency and close proximity to the RAN edge. Hence,users experience faster execution and enhanced performance.A comprehensive overview on computation offloading con-sidering small cell edge computing is provided in [37]. Forvideo services, the most compute-intensive part is encoding.During video conferencing when a mobile device tries to makea video call, a negotiation phase is performed for selecting thetype of encoding available before the video is encoded in themobile device and then uploaded. Such a process consumesenergy and may take time. As a solution, Beck et al. [38] haveproposed a communication protocol to offload the encodingservice to an edge server. The encoding part, being offloaded,shall save energy and decrease the latency in connectivityensuring an optimal video quality.

In case of M2M, wearables and other IoT devices, compute-intensive applications can be offloaded to the edge. This canbe performed by splitting the application, offloading only thedata-intensive part to the edge. REPLISOM [39], proposed byAbdelwahab et al., introduces a computation offloading modelfor IoT applications, whereby the edge cloud periodicallysends a request to the corresponding IoT devices acquiringinformation related to the associated service, i.e., typically amemory replica of the VM. REPLISOM is based on the LongTerm Evolution (LTE) optimized memory replication protocolthat relies on Device-to-Device (D2D) communication to cre-ate multiple memory replicas considering neighboring devicesinto a single compressed form, which is then pulled fromthe device. Compressed sampling construction algorithms are

used to manage such memory replica, reducing the effort ofthe average devices to push, which saves energy and cost byreducing the amount of multiple requests at a time.

An edge cloud federation scheme focusing on IoT appli-cations has been considered in [40] introducing the conceptof hybrid cloud that splits applications seamlessly betweencore and edge cloud platforms, allowing delay sensitive anduser-interactive components at the edge, while maintaininga scalable cloud solution. The objective is to facilitate effi-ciently two new classes of applications, a highly accurateindoor localization that relies on low latency, and a scalableand resilient video monitoring that saves bandwidth. Mobilegaming is another area that requires a significant computationpower. By offloading the rendering part from mobile devices,mobile gaming can become more interactive due to shorterresponse times. In case of multi-player gaming, the trade-offbetween offloading and the performance of the cloud resourceshould be considered to avoid overloading a particular cloudplatform. In this context, Chen et al. [41] have proposed adistributed computation offloading model using a game theo-retic approach. The model considers a multi-channel wirelessenvironment and multi-user offloading scheme, wherein theequilibrium state can be achieved considering the number ofusers that can benefit from the edge-cloud and the system-widecomputation overhead.

A complementary service that leverages the benefits ofMEC, named RAN-aware content optimization, can enhancethe performance of computational offloading. Gaining infor-mation on the RAN quality and user context before performingoffloading can assist both the device and the network to makethe best out of the MEC platform services. Orsini et al. [42]proposed a cloud aware framework for application offloadingbased on network availability, radio signal quality and accessi-ble surrogate computing resources. It breaks down applicationsinto different components and creates an offloading onlinestrategy based on the aforementioned optimization parameters.

B. Distributed Content Delivery and Caching

As content, and especially video, is the most popular ser-vice of mobile networks, thousands of video content items areuploaded daily to content providers’ networks. Such content isstored in large volumes in the providers’ centralized databases,and is then transcoded from source format to final deliv-ery format, before distributed to multiple streaming serverswithin different network locations for further delivery. Despitecontent distribution efforts, several users may experience ser-vice interruptions because of buffering problems and jitter dueto lack of content in the proximity of end-users, especiallyin mobile environments. Providing a distributed caching byextending Content Delivery Network (CDN) services towardsthe mobile edge can enhance the users’ QoE, while reduc-ing backhaul and core network usage. Such an outcome isconfirmed through various research results [43], [44]. In partic-ular, the research work in [26], [45], and [46] propose variousarchitectural flavors for accommodating distributed paralleledges capable of performing video caching and streaming toincrease QoE for content delivery. As for the impact to the

backhaul, caching content may result in reducing the capacityrequirements by up to 35% [47].

Recently, a framework to efficiently distribute adaptivevideo streaming services has been proposed; referred to asMedia Cloud [48], which proposes an elastic virtual contentdelivery network at the edge. By pre-caching at the edge pop-ular content according to statistics and user/service forecastingintelligence, MNOs or OTT providers can fully take advantageof the MEC platform, increasing the users’ QoE. A context-aware network with edge cloud caching capabilities based-onbig data analytics is considered in [49], while a content place-ment and delivery approach based on the prediction of contentpopularity and the characteristics of the wireless environmentis elaborated in [44] and [50].

For interconnected cloud edges, caching can be performedin a hybrid manner [51], wherein each edge shares the cachedcontent information in a form of catalog. In a conventionalcloud computing environment, when a user, connected to anedge platform, requests a content item for the first time,the request is redirected to remote cloud platform to fetchsuch desired content. Unlike this conventional cloud operation,hybrid caching enables the option of requesting content fromother nearby edge platforms avoiding fetching content fromremote clouds. Besides video, augmented reality is anothertype of content that highly depends on round trip time andnetwork capacity. MEC can ensure an optimum QoS, espe-cially for 3D image files and other heavy objects, by cachingcontent (e.g., in popular areas and museums) locally withoutrequiring centralized servers and core network resources [52].

C. Web Performance Enhancements

Web performance enhancements mainly focuses on reducingthe access time, accelerating the loading of a Web-page byproviding content optimization considering network, user anddevice conditions.

1) Content optimization: Content optimization is performedin the Web hosting sites based on cookies, surfinghistory, or by the users’ provided geographical loca-tions [53]. Content awareness can be performed dynam-ically by hosting a content optimizer at the MECplatform. Network conditions regarding, e.g., networkload and network status, or users’ geographical loca-tions can be collected from RAN and can be used forrapidly improving QoE.

2) Accelerated browsing: When a Web-page is requested bya mobile device, the edge cloud platform first processesits URL. The content is fetched from the remote cloudand then selected parts are filtered out in the response.Takahashi et al. [54] introduced an Edge AcceleratedWeb Browsing (EAB) solution, wherein an edge serveris fetching Web contents before performing an evalua-tion and task rendering.

3) Web acceleration: A Web-page may contain large filesin size, which may affect the loading time of the Web-page. A CDN-based edge can help reducing the loadingtime by caching particular content [55]. Once contentis stored in the CDN edge, it can no longer change.

If the content is requested for the first time, then astore-and-forward process needs to download all files inthe CDN, before the Web acceleration service becomesavailable. When a user is moving or the network condi-tions are fluctuating, rendering content-heavy Web-pagesbecomes difficult due to limited connectivity. MECcan further help adapting the content size dynamicallybased on the network status, user mobility and devicecomputing load [56].

D. Internet of Things (IoT) and Big-data

The emerging IoT and big data services have changed thetraditional networking paradigm from data consuming to dataproducing relying on cloud infrastructures. MEC can facili-tate computational and storage resources in close proximityto data sources, which can be used for processing purposes,e.g., for providing network scalability reducing IoT data andsignaling, ensuring a fast response to user requests or enablingnew services. Mechanisms that ensure scalability in a groupof low mobility MTC devices at the edge of the RAN byreducing the amount of signaling and their content throughthe use of a group profile is elaborated in [57] and [58].Such set of mechanisms may easily comprise a MEC service,which can speed-up data delivery requiring less networkingcapacity. Similarly, a smart gateway solution, residing at anedge-cloud platform, can filter IoT communications perform-ing data trimming before the corresponding information reachthe associated cloud server [59].

A MEC platform can also encompass a local IoT gatewayfunctionality capable of performing data aggregation and bigdata analytics for event reporting (e.g., temperature measure-ments), smart grid, e-health, or alarm notifications, consideringcertain measurements received from a set of IoT devices. Thework presented in [60] describes an edge IoT architecturethat considers a hierarchy of edge cloud platforms for car-rying out data computation tasks responsible for collecting,analyzing and converting raw IoT data into meta-data, whichare then delivered to the corresponding application servervia SDN means. A study that introduces edge-cloud medi-cal cyber-physical systems, investigating task distribution andVM placement in relation with the medical device and edge-cloud association, is analyzed in [61], and that is based onmixed integer programming and derived heuristics consider-ing the users’ QoE and system costs. A cloud-based opensource controller and architecture with a corresponding APIthat enables developers to create scalable sensor-centric appli-cations, known as IoTCloud, is elaborated in [62], focusingon distributed cloud infrastructures.

E. Smart City Services

MEC can also facilitate a number of smart city services,including video analytics, transport, location services, intelli-gent public spaces, energy saving, public safety and emergencyservices, to mention a few. These sources can easily producea potential amount of data, with location specific and latencystringent requirements such as retail targeted video advertising,stressing the big data aggregation and analytics a step further

as elaborated in [63], which studies the challenges of pro-grammability, data abstraction, service management, privacyand security. Smart city services may also rely on video dataincluding closed-circuit television (CCTV) or police patrolcameras, with the objective to locate people or objects, e.g.,a criminal, a missing child or a stolen car, or analyze a situ-ation, e.g., damage or accident. MEC is an ideal platform toperform video analytics, such as face recognition or computervision algorithm at the edge of the network avoiding over-loading the mobile backhaul and core network, while assuringlow latency [64]. Giga Sight [65] introduces a video analyt-ics service executed on a MEC platform based-on computervision, which runs in near real-time recognizing objects, whichare reported along with metadata, e.g., time and location. Theapplication is expected to be useful for safety in an automotiveenvironment.

MEC may also have a significant role in car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communications. Vehicles connected via thedistributed edges may transfer or receive information such astraffic congestion and warnings from other vehicles or throughthe network almost in real-time, ensuring safety. An architec-ture study for cloud connectivity among vehicles and towardsedge-cloud platforms enabling a number of on-board servicesis presented in [66] considering also resource management andVM mobility. Cameras mounted on cars combined with MECvideo analytics can help improve road safety even further,e.g., road damage, and promptly alert other passing vehicles.Car manufacturers can benefit from MEC, offering damagedetection services via an on-board sensor system, softwareupgrades to the car operation system as well as providing theopportunity to offer a range of other services, e.g., from enter-tainment to provisioning of information on fuel refill locationsand parking. MEC will also be the critical component for theemerging self-driving and autonomous cars providing assistinginformation.

F. Application-Awareness and Content Optimization

As the MEC platform resides closer to the radio environ-ment and the end user, it can provide information regardingthe application performance. In particular, it can provideapplication-aware performance optimization in near real-timeby altering the encoding of streaming content inside theedge [67], e.g., for reducing video stalls. Such an operationcan also consider radio analytics regarding the link qualityenabling dynamic content optimization for improving QoE andnetwork resource efficiency, e.g., for TCP traffic. A high qual-ity stream can also be re-encoded in the edge for receiverswith small screens that cannot take advantage of high qual-ity. Alternatively, a video may be paused when there are nochanges in the frame, e.g., CCTV, saving network resources.For saving energy on radio access equipment, MEC can bufferdata bursts related to non-critical applications and align theirtransmission with the waking-up times of access points.

An architecture that combines client driven DynamicAdaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) with network assistedcapabilities based on MEC is introduced in [68]. The objec-tive is to use the MEC platform to provide radio analytics

towards the DASH streaming application in order to influencethe size of media segments assuring QoE. A similar approachis adopted in [32] whereby NFV is leveraged to instanti-ate suitable Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) to transcodevideos at rates suitable for the current network conditionsto maintain acceptable QoE. Liquid APPs [69] and moregeneral applications at the edge are a set of industry solu-tions of MEC-based applications that take advantage of users’proximity, short latency and radio analytics for performanceoptimization [70], [71].

Another aspect of application-awareness and content opti-mization is the impact of social networks as valuable sensorsof the human activity [72]. Information derived from socialnetworks can be useful for optimizing the resource allocationfor specific applications based on indicated popularity at a cer-tain region or on the potential of forming social groups, e.g.,at university campuses. Personal clouds, introduced in [73],create an instance at the hypervisor level that selects the appro-priate resources across a federated cloud platform that suitsbest the specific environment and use. Local transportationinformation can also assist proactive caching or applicationavailability at particular MEC platforms based on knowledgeof users’ density. At occasional events, for instance sport tour-naments, certain applications and video content can be storedat a local MEC platform providing on-demand video replayservices [74]. Video processing at the MEC platform can alsoassist in removing certain video content from data uploadeddirectly by users based on regulation policies [65].

Online gaming can also benefit from MEC assistedapplication-awareness to ensure high bandwidth and strictlatency alongside an on-demand powerful multi-player gamingengine in terms of processing and storage. In particular, thinclient gaming, e.g., Nvidia Shield and Valve Steam, whereinthe game is processed and executed in remote cloud and astream, i.e., audio and video, is sent to the client is gainingmomentum. MEC can offer gaming-as-a-service by hosting afull-stack gaming service (OS, middle-ware, data and appli-cation), which can be enjoyed by users on subscription usagebasis. This facilitates hardware and software device indepen-dence access providing the opportunity for a huge variety ofonline gaming pool with reduced cost. Such an approach isalready considered in Gaming Anywhere [75].


MEC relies on cloud computing and virtualization tech-nologies including VMs and containers. However, a completecellular system that offers MEC services counts on NFV,SDN and network slicing attributes that allow flexibility andmulti-tenancy support [10], [76].

A. Cloud Computing, VMs and Containers

Cloud computing reduces the cost of managing softwareand hardware, while allowing high computing power and highperformance, convenient accessibility and constant availability.It provides a shared pool of resources, which can be scaleddynamically. Could computing is currently in a mature phase

providing four distinct technology models and three servicemodels [77] including:

1) Technology Models: (i) Private cloud that is entirelyowned and maintained by an enterprise within the cor-porate firewall, ensuring security by providing dedicatedaccess (e.g., RackSpace, Citrix, and Google), (ii) Publiccloud - a publicly accessible pool of resources hostedby a cloud provider based on a pay-as-per-use basis(e.g., Amazon, Microsoft, and Dell), (iii) Hybrid Cloud- a combination of public and private cloud (e.g.,VMWare, HP, and IBM) and (iv) Community cloud -a resource pool that consists of an aggregation of sev-eral providers, which can be shared by a certain groupof users.

2) Service Models: (i) IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service)offers virtualized scalable computer infrastructure interms of compute, storage and networking (e.g., AmazonEC2, and Azure VMs), (ii) PaaS (Platform-as-a-service)offers a platform for developing, managing, and run-ning applications (e.g., Azure Websites and AmazonBeanstalk) and (iii) SaaS (Software- as-a-service) pro-vides access to software hosted in the cloud (e.g.,Dropbox and Google docs).

A cloud platform typically consists of a number of physi-cal machines that comprise a single logical entity, which canbe shared among different players carrying out distinct iso-lated tasks. One way to perform such operation is using ahypervisor, which can create and run VMs that can host sep-arate tasks. The isolation property of VMs provides users anindependent system, i.e., a fully functional machine, irrespec-tive of the underlying hardware [78]. The technology of VMsoffers a fine-grained control for instantiating and terminatingtasks and processes anytime without affecting the underlyinghardware, enabling in this way flexibility in resource pro-visioning. However, a VM is an abstraction of a physicalhardware stack (i.e., virtualized BIOS, network adapters, stor-age, memory, and CPU) and requires a full guest OS image,additional binaries and libraries for hosting applications andservices. Unless an application or service is in need for such anenvironment, a VM misuses a significant amount of resources,besides its slow startup process because of booting a completeOS [79], [80].

In contrast, the abstraction in a container takes place atthe OS level, supporting programs and libraries, and systemresources to run a specific application or service. Containerspartition the resources of the physical machines, creatingmultiple isolated user-space instances of a much smaller sizecompared to VMs. This allows multiple containers to runinside a single OS enabling rapid deployment with nearnative performance in CPU, memory, disk and networking.A container typically executes an application or service, pro-viding easy instantiation and fast migration benefits due toits lightweight nature, but is less secure compared to VMs,which could also run more efficiently multiple applications. Inpractice, a container can be instantiated in the scale of millisec-onds, while the instantiation of a VM would require seconds orminutes, depending on the characteristics of the OS, the physi-cal hardware and the system’s load [80]. Table I elaborates the

Fig. 1. Architectural representation of VMs vs Containers.


differences between VMs and containers [81]. An architecturalrepresentation of VMs and containers is illustrated in Fig. 1.

The use of containers offers a light weight virtualizationsolution that allows a portable runtime of MEC services, whichis particularly useful for mobile users. Additionally, MECservices can benefit from containers, because they offer mech-anisms for fast packaging and deployment to a large number ofinterconnected MEC platforms. Containers provide a five-foldadvantage over VMs in the context of MEC. Firstly, contain-ers perform image layering and extension to build and createapplications, which are then stored as images in a reposi-tory. This is later accessed by the container engine to runthe application on the host. The engine helps in packaging,delivering and orchestrating which helps in fast deployment.Secondly, container API provides the support for life-cyclemanagement, i.e., creating, defining, composing, distributingand running containers. Thirdly, storage facility is providedby attaching one or more data volume container with ongoingservice. Fourthly, networking is performed by port mapping,which eases container linkage. Finally, support for micro-service architecture (i.e., independent software components ofa loosely coupled service, which can be rapidly mapped toform a business application based on requirements) facilitatescontainer in paradigm of PaaS.

To this end, Docker is the most prominent container solutionto facilitate an edge computing environment [82]. Containerscan be also used as a replacement for VMs, assuring reduced

resource utilization in terms of storage and computation.Additionally, Google Kubernetes and Apache Mesos providecontainer cluster management within distributed nodes, whichenables faster scaling [83]. Despite the benefits of containers,which are more evident in environments with user mobility,VMs can support heavier applications or a bundle of applica-tions associated with a particular third party assuring a higherdegree of security. The performance of VMs can be beneficialfor such cases especially when service mobility is not required,for example considering applications such as IoT, augmentedreality, enterprise and home networks. It shall be noted thatcontainers, especially Docker containers [84], are inherentlypotable and can easily run inside a VM. These containers areportable from one VM to another or even to bare metal withoutrequiring significant effort to facilitate the migration.

B. Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

NFV is a technology that allows operators to decou-ple network functions and services (e.g., Packet DataNetwork/Serving Gateways - PDN/S-GWs, firewall, DomainName Service - DNS, and caching) from proprietary hard-ware, so they can run in software, accelerating in this waythe speed of time to market [85]. This enables a new networkarchitecture design and deployment by consolidating networkfunctions and services into cloud platforms, enabling capitaland operational expenditure savings. It equally allows flex-ibility in both data plane and control plane, by scaling upand down the allocated resources reflecting evolving servicedemands [86], [87]. In particular, NFV introduces VirtualizedNetwork Functions (VNF) allowing the collocation of multipleinstances in the same hardware or on top of the same virtual-ized environment, e.g., VMs. VNFs can reside within a singleVM or may be distributed across multiple VMs over a cloudinfrastructure.

The NFV architecture and orchestration frame-work [88], [89] defines the following three domains:(i) VNFs, which are software implementation versions ofnetwork functions, (ii) NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) thatcontains the hardware and software components, e.g., CPU,storage, virtualization layer, etc., that offer the networkenvironment where VNFs are deployed and (iii) NFVManagement and Orchestration (NFV MANO) that providesorganization and management of the physical and virtualresources of the NFVI, being responsible for the lifecyclemanagement of VNFs. In the context of MEC, NFV is akey technology for taking care of the virtualized instancesrelated to certain applications and services. In particular, NFVcan enable service flexibility, scalability and migration. Forinstance, increasing the resources for a popular applicationwithin a MEC platform can be easily achieved by addinganother software instance or particular resources, e.g., CPUpower or memory. The notion of virtual network embeddingfor efficient instantiation, placement and migration of virtualappliances in a dynamic edge network has been studiedin [90] and [91], while the design of a middle-ware platformfor increasing NFV’s performance has been consideredin [92].

NFV MANO provides lifecycle and fault management forongoing services, e.g., replacing a VM upon a failure, andcan be also responsible for providing connectivity acrossMEC platforms that span over different locations, especiallywhen the NFV is integrated with SDN that performs servicechaining as documented in ETSI EVE [93]. For example, tocope with congestion in an ongoing MEC application due toa flash crowd event, NFV can allocate additional resourcesfrom another edge platform. This can be also a more sys-tematic process for peak hours or at regular instances oron-demand [94]. NFV’s dynamic aspects that can benefit MECservices include: (i) portability where independent blocks of allservices can be moved to another cloud environment in a dif-ferent network, (ii) federation support for deploying portablefunctions over inter-operable geographically distributed virtualnetworks, (iii) slicing through partitioning of virtual networkresources for particular applications and (iv) sharing a pool ofconfigurable resources for on-demand access.

C. Software Defined Networks (SDN)

SDN is a technology that allows a rapid deployment ofinnovative services, enabling network programmability andmulti-tenancy support [95]–[97]. As mentioned before, MECcan introduce application-assisting services and processingcapabilities at the edge of the mobile network. These opera-tions and services can be offered to third parties and verticals,opening the mobile network edge. SDN can complement theuse of MEC offering programmability capabilities to autho-rized tenants, while allowing a flexible and efficient servicemanagement as well as support for service trials. By decou-pling the control plane from the data plane and throughthe use of common APIs, SDN introduces a logical central-ized control, which can easily instantiate and offer virtualnetwork instances, by abstracting the underlying networkinfrastructure. In the context of MEC, the SDN controllerneeds to handle MEC related VNFs, VMs and containers asanother type of resource that can be dynamically allocatedand re-located [98]. Hence, SDN can support flexible servicechaining, offering a dynamic service provisioning by connect-ing VNFs and MEC services, which can also reside at the edgein a particular order that satisfies the required performancedemands [99]–[101], while assisting service mobility by allow-ing application providers and third parties to guide the networkinfrastructure.

A survey that presents the main ideas behind SDN inmobile networks, focusing on network programmability, effi-cient resource sharing and near real-time network control,is elaborated in [102] and [103]. MEC can reveal the fullpotential when a network of platforms is considered, provid-ing an edge service that stress to a greater coverage region.With the current heterogeneous hardware equipment and plat-forms, backhaul technologies and configuration interfaces, itis difficult to coordinate the dynamic provisioning of servicesespecially in a distributed manner at the edge of the network.The SDN paradigm can enable a simple and agile solutionfor providing network connectivity and service management

towards a MEC platform or between MEC edges across a het-erogeneous radio [104] and over edge-to-edge diverse transportnetworks [105], [106]. In particular, SDN can overcome thecurrent routing challenges associated with IP address transla-tion, large volume of control signaling, tunneling overhead anddynamic resource management, e.g., by re-routing or changingthe codec scheme of wireless microwave links.

SDN transforms the proprietary firmware-based networkswitches and routers forming a simple data plane, whichcan be controlled at the ingress and egress points of thenetwork. In mobile networks, the use of SDN brings theadvantage of cross-layer operations between the mobile andtransport system [107], e.g., updating flow tables in switchesand routers without the need for redirecting traffic to a newmobility anchor point, avoiding IP address translation and tun-neling [108]. This is particularly beneficial for the case of usermobility especially between MEC platforms where distributedmobility at the edge of the network can exploit RAN analytics,while reducing congestion in the core [109].

D. Network Slicing

Network slicing has emerged as a key concept for pro-viding an agile networking platform to support emergingbusinesses with diverse service requirements in an efficientway [6], [110]. It consists in slicing one network intomultiple instances, each architected and optimized for a spe-cific requirement and/or specific application/service [10], [76].Network slicing enables the deployment of multiple logical,self-contained networks on a common physical infrastruc-ture, allowing resource isolation and a customized networkoperation as detailed in [111]; a key industry documentthat elaborates the network slicing concept. In other words,network slicing introduces a multi-tenant environment sup-porting flexible provisioning of network resources, as wellas dynamic assignment of network functions, Radio AccessTypes (RATs) and applications, even with short lifecyclesenabling new value creation opportunities.

Network slicing enables resource sharing among virtualMNOs, services and applications as elaborated in [112] con-sidering 3GPP mobile networks, by introducing the notionof network slice broker that complements the network shar-ing management and the service exposure capability function.From the infrastructure perspective, network slicing allocatesa set of dedicated or shared resources either of physical orvirtual nature to particular tenants by introducing a networkhypervisor. A survey that brings light into the different networkhypervisor architectures is presented in [113] considering vari-ous deployment solution options. To accommodate the servicerequirements of incoming requests, network slices need tocombine a set of network and cloud resources, including forexample bandwidth, network functions as well as processing,storage and access to big data or RAN analytics, etc., whichare common MEC utilities.

Fig. 2 depicts an example of network slicing on a com-mon network infrastructure considering the potential role ofMEC in mobile broadband, automotive and massive IoT ser-vices. Mobile broadband requires high capacity, ensuring that

Fig. 2. Network slicing and the role of MEC.

an application receives the appropriate performance. The MECplatform can cache content at the edge increasing the capacityof the mobile backhaul and core network via traffic offload-ing to the local edge. MEC can also provide a numberof services including, e.g., video accelerator or applicationaware performance optimization, to ensure the desired broad-band experience. For the Car-to-X/automotive network slicethat needs to accommodate strict latency and scalability withnetwork functions instantiated at the edge, MEC is a cata-lyst element that shapes the capabilities of such an umbrellaof services. Regarding massive IoT, scalability is essential forhandling efficiently huge amounts of small data, hence MECcan provide processing and storage for performing signalingoptimizations. To enable service customization in network slic-ing, a combination of NFV and SDN technologies is essential,supporting a tight coordination for VNF allocation and serviceprovisioning at the edge-cloud, while allowing true and flexibleservice control in place [10].


The introduction of MEC can be foreseen in parallel to thenatural evolution of the legacy mobile base stations toward5G systems, enabling software-based mobile edge applica-tions and cloud computing services at the network edge. Inparticular, MEC enables modular, open solutions offering aprogrammable ecosystem, transforming the user experience,while at the same time, allowing application providers andthird parties to get more information about their customers.The MEC platform can provide cloud storage, caching, com-puting, proximity benefits of resource provisioning, contextand location awareness, agility and speed to the mobile appli-cations. This section provides an overview on the currentefforts of ETSI for the introduction of MEC technology,which has reached a stable state considering the MEC require-ments, framework and the reference architecture [114]–[117].In addition, it overviews the ongoing ETSI MEC effortsas well as the edge computing considerations in 3GPP andOpenFog.

Fig. 3. ETSI MEC framework [116].

A. MEC Framework

The MEC framework describes an ecosystem structure,including the entities and functions involved, which arecategorized into mobile edge system level, mobile edge hostlevel and networks level entities as illustrated in Fig. 3. Themobile edge host level is the fundamental part of the MECframework. It consists of two main parts, namely the mobileedge host and the mobile edge host level management. Themobile edge host provides the virtualization infrastructure andthe mobile edge platform, facilitating the execution of mobileedge applications. The underlying networks level offers con-nectivity to a variety of accesses including 3GPP mobilenetworks, local access network and other external ones suchas the Internet. On top, the mobile edge system level manage-ment provides an abstraction of the underlying MEC systemfacilitating access for UEs and third parties.

B. MEC Reference Architecture

The MEC reference architecture, illustrated in Fig. 4, pro-vides an insightful view of the functions and interfacesthat compose the MEC system. The MEC reference archi-tecture concentrates on the mobile edge system level andon the mobile edge host level excluding the networks level.The mobile edge host level consists of the mobile edgehost, the mobile edge platform manager and the virtualizationinfrastructure manager. The mobile edge host facilitates mobileedge applications (APPs), offering a virtualization infrastruc-ture that provides computation, storage and network resources,as well as a set of fundamental functionalities (mobile edgeservices) required to execute APPs, known as the mobile edgeplatform. The mobile edge platform enables applications todiscover, advertise and consume edge services, and providesthe virtualization infrastructure with a set of rules for theforwarding plane. Such forwarding rules are based on thepolicies received by the mobile edge platform manager andmobile edge applications. The mobile edge platform config-ures local DNS handling, which assists the user traffic to reachthe desired mobile edge application and communicates with

other peer platforms via the Mp3 interface, which allows peerplatform clustering.

Mobile edge applications (APPs) are executed as virtualinstances on top of the virtualization infrastructure and inter-act with the mobile edge platform via the Mp1 interface inorder to obtain the offered services, to indicate availabilityand to perform APP relocation in case of mobility. APPscan consume services from the platform and also provide ser-vices to other peer APPs, enhancing in this way the mobileedge platform. APPs typically indicate their service require-ments in terms of resources, latency, etc., which are usedfor selecting the target mobile edge host(s). The mobile edgeplatform manager provides (i) the application lifecycle man-agement, i.e., instantiation, termination, etc., interacting withthe mobile edge orchestrator, (ii) the mobile edge platformelement management, and (iii) the mobile edge applicationpolicy management functions, i.e., authorization, traffic rule,DNS configuration, etc. The mobile edge platform managerinteracts with the mobile edge platform via the Mm5 interfaceto configure policies and traffic filtering rules, APP relocationand lifecycle procedures. The mobile edge platform managerassociates with the Operations Support System (OSS) throughMm2 interface for fault, configuration and performance man-agement purposes and with the mobile edge orchestrator viaMm3 for lifecycle management and policy provision.

The mobile edge orchestrator has the visibility over theresources and capabilities of the entire mobile edge networkincluding a catalog of available APPs. The orchestrator isresponsible for authenticating and managing the APPs, analyz-ing the service requirements to select the appropriate mobileedge host and to perform the APP relocation and policyprovisioning. The orchestrator interacts with the VirtualizedInfrastructure Manager (VIM) for managing the APPâAZsimages and maintaining status information of the availableresources. The OSS is an entity managing various services andsubsystems within the mobile operatorâAZs network, receiv-ing APP related requests, i.e., instantiate, terminates, etc.,from the Customer Facing Service (CFS) portal and UEs.APP requests granted by the OSS are then forwarded to theorchestrator. The CFS portal allows access for third parties,providing APP developers with the opportunity of APP pro-vision and management, while offering other customers theoption to select an APP, providing Service Level Agreement(SLA) or billing related information. The user APP LifecycleManagement (LCM) proxy is a function that enables UEsto request APP related services, e.g., instantiation, termina-tion, including relocation between MEC platforms or towardsexternal cloud systems.

The VIM is responsible for managing the virtualizedresources (i.e., storage, computing resources, etc.) for theresiding APPs. It also provides software images for fast APPinstantiation. It further facilitates fault and performance mon-itoring reporting information on virtualized resources to theorchestrator, which manages such APP images and virtual-ized resources. The Mm4 interface between the VIM and theorchestrator is used for monitoring and resource orchestrationpurposes, while the VIM also interacts with the virtualizationinfrastructure via Mm7 in order to manage the virtualization

Fig. 4. MEC reference architecture [116].

resources. The VIM additionally interacts with the mobile edgeplatform manager enabling APP lifecycle management.

C. Ongoing MEC Activities and Other Related Standards

Following the MEC architecture and framework, ETSI MECIndustry Enabling Group (IEG) currently proceeds with theestablishment of the application enablement platform, themobile edge services and the corresponding APIs enablinginnovative services from third parties. The standardizationgroup (and in particular the IEG) is also working towardsaccelerating the adoption of MEC technologies by promot-ing the realization of proof-of-concepts (mecwiki.etsi.org) inaccordance with the Proofs of Concept (PoC) MEC frame-work [118]. The following eight PoCs [119] are currentlydeveloped to demonstrate MEC as a viable technology with theresults being fed back to the ETSI MEC Industry SpecificationGroup (ISG):

1) Video user experience optimization via MEC: A serviceaware RAN PoC from Intel, China Mobile and iQiY,where the MEC application identifies paid video streamsfrom designated content providers and assigns a higherpriority ensuring an enhanced user experience.

2) Edge video orchestration and video clip replay via MEC:The edge video orchestration application from Nokiaenables users to choose the camera angle and view videoreplays provided locally via the MEC host.

3) Radio-aware video optimization in a fully virtual-ized network: A MEC assisted video optimisation byTelecom Italia, Intel, Eurecom and Politecnico di Torino,via feeding radio conditions to the content provider,in order to accordingly adjust the video streams forimproving the perceived QoS.

4) FLIPS - Flexible IP-based services: An operator-basedMEC application from InterDigital, Bristol is Open,Intracom, CVTC and Essex University that transpar-ently accelerates the delivery of IP-based content andstreaming.

5) Enterprise Services: A MEC-based local breakout ser-vice for the enterprise users from Saguna, AVDA andBezeq International.

6) Healthcare dynamic hospital user, IoT and alert statusmanagement: Developed by Quortus Ltd, Argela andTurk Telecom, to assign cellular network slicing andopen edge access for local healthcare systems based onaccess rights, while also demonstrating dynamic networkslicing considering Hospital ‘alert’ status.

7) Multi-service MEC platform for advanced service deliv-ery: Developed by Brocade, Gigaspaces, Advantech,Saguna, Vasona and Vodafone to show an interopera-ble infrastructure controlled by a combined NFVO andcloud orchestration system that supports multiple MECplatforms offering distinct applications and flexible ser-vice chaining to enhance the user experience.

8) Video analytics: A MEC application by Nokia, VodafoneHutchison Australia and SeeTec to provide videosurveillance application over the LTE network, usingMEC to analyze raw video streams and forwardingrelevant incidents to local control room.

The ETSI MEC IEG also concentrates on describing keyMEC metrics, best practices and guidelines on how to assessthe MEC performance gains (with respect to a legacy systemwithout MEC) [120]. This work will pave the way for afuture activity on testing and performance measurements. TheMEC platform is intended to be transparent to the 3GPPmobile network architecture, i.e., not affecting UEs, RAN and

core network functions or reducing the provisioning of law-ful interception. In particular, the MEC platform is expectedto have minimal impact on typical 3GPP network manage-ment processes and associated Key Performance Indicators(KPIs). The MEC management procedures should take intoaccount and complement the 3GPP network management,ensuring application and service portability. From the regula-tion perspectives, MEC services should be transparent withoutdiscrimination for specialized services, i.e., being compliantwith the net-neutrality framework, while allowing users topurchase specialized services subject to network neutrality.

Currently, 3GPP is exploring context-aware service delivery,considering MEC in a new work item with significant indus-try support, which is discussed in RAN 3 Working Groupfor assuring high-data rates and low latency [121]. The 3GPPwork concentrates on the mechanisms, protocol and interfaceaspects between the radio access and the MEC platform. Thefocus of such a work item is on cross-layer optimization ofthe RAN with applications such as video-aware scheduling,proposing mobile video delivery optimization and local con-tent caching. The rational is to explore use cases and deriverequirements for efficient resource utilization and enhanceduser experience, analyzing the potential impact on protocolsand related signaling, considering also whether UE assistancehas an impact.

Besides ETSI MEC, the OpenFog consortium is an industrybody that drives the development of edge or fog comput-ing architecture, testbed implementations and a variety ofbest practices and interoperability reports to enable end-to-endIoT services and deliver intelligence to customers and busi-nesses. OpenFog was launched in November 2015 with thegoal to “define a common framework for distributed comput-ing based on open standard technologies” according to [122].The objective of OpenFog is to enable an open computa-tion, control and data storage across network edges leveragingthe performance benefits of local, distributed cloud clusters.In particular, OpenFog uses multiple edge cloud platformsintroducing a logically hierarchical architecture from the infor-mation processing perspective, considering a federation ofcloud platforms with the objective to specify fog-to-fog andfog-to-cloud interfaces [123].


The true impact of MEC relies on the service orchestra-tion capabilities as well as on the interaction with the networkarchitecture, aligning its operation with the VNFâAZs orches-tration. Since as the NFV framework, MEC is based onvirtualized platform, the definition of the management andorchestration in MEC will reuse the infrastructure and infras-tructure management of NFV to the largest extent possible, byhosting both VNFs and mobile edge applications on the sameor similar infrastructure. Currently, ETSI MEC is studying howto implement MEC in an NFV environment and define (incollaboration with ETSI NFV) the management and orches-tration framework, in the view of future 5G systems [124].This section analyzes the notion of MEC service orchestration,

exploring MEC service mobility and the joint orchestration ofVNFs and MEC.

A. MEC Service Orchestration

Integrating a MEC platform into a mobile network envi-ronment brings a number of challenges related to serviceorchestration, mainly due to the fluctuation of resources andthe evolving radio and network conditions, caused by usermobility. A MEC system should support application lifecyclemanagement, i.e., instantiating and terminating an application,on-demand or in response to a request by an authorized third-party. Orchestrating a MEC platform in terms of resourceallocation and service placement is critical for assuring effi-cient network resource utilization, QoE and reliability. Thefollowing service-related attributes are particularly relevantfor the efficient operation of a MEC service orchestrationprocess:

1) Resource allocation: The flexible availability ofresources plays a crucial role in the performance of aservice. Various considerations around the resource allo-cation of VMs are analyzed in [125], taking into accountthe availability of CPU, memory, storage, network band-width along with resource contention [126]. The notionof application and its particular service characteristicswhen allocating resources in cloud environment arestudied in [127]. Allocating resources in a multi-clouddeployment for offloading processing tasks consider-ing a parallel execution among different platforms isanalyzed in [128]. A multi-resource allocation strat-egy using semi-Markov decision processing is elab-orated in [129], which determines the exact amountof resources, i.e., wireless bandwidth and computingresource, for achieving optimal system benefits. Thecapability to dynamically scale-up/down the allocatedcloud resources for ensuring QoE is proposed in [130]based on the amount of users and active connections,whereas the work in [131] also considers SLAs and thenotion of cloud-native elasticity in relation with QoEassurance [132].

2) Service placement: Placing MEC services over a num-ber of edge cloud platforms can prove to be criticalfor the user QoE and should take into account grav-ity points, e.g., shopping malls, which attract a plethoraof users. In addition, the placement of selected ser-vices need to consider potential mobility patterns, inorder to ensure that associated users always receive thedesired performance in terms of delay, capacity, etc.An optimization study for determining the edge cloudpositions that best fit given mobility patterns and fluctu-ating resource demands is elaborated in [133] and [134].Volley [135] is yet another solution, which concentrateson solving the VM placement problem over a number ofgiven geographically distributed edge-cloud platforms,considering also service migration based on user loca-tion. Other solutions devised for VNF placements for thecreation of virtual mobile networks can be also exploredfor MEC service placement [136], [137].

3) Edge selection: Typically allocating the nearest MECplatform that offers the requested service is desiredfrom the performance perspectives, e.g., delay. However,such a strategy could prove to be inefficient creatingperformance bottlenecks, especially when the edge-cloud load is not considered. For mobile users, theselection of the edge cloud becomes crucial due touncertainty of movement and wireless conditions.

4) Reliability: Another significant issue in deploying MECservices is reliability. A common technique to addressfault tolerance in computing systems is dubbed check-pointing that maintains a regular snapshot of the appli-cation state, which can be used to resume an applicationupon failure. In mobile environments, dynamic networkconditions may require frequent checkpointing raisingscalability concerns. An alternative option to resolvescalability concerns is to replicate the MEC serviceinstance, a process that also requires less time comparedto checkpointing.

B. MEC Service Mobility

Ensuring service mobility is another aspect where opti-mal end-to-end session connectivity needs to be maintainedfor the entire course of service usage. In case of a mobileuser, frequently changing the anchor points (e.g., fromone edge node to another), ensuring optimum QoE for adelivered MEC service becomes challenging, especially fordelay sensitive applications. Distributed Mobility Management(DMM) [138]–[140] is a notable solution towards managingthe user mobility, overcoming also the scalability and relia-bility drawbacks of centralized mobility schemes. However,managing user mobility and redirecting user edge-cloud ser-vice requests to a distant edge hosting the service may not bean optimum solution. Considering MEC, which aims for a sin-gle hop connectivity to the service, there is a need to frequentlymigrate MEC services and place them close to the corre-sponding mobile users. Besides, in a federated cloud nativeenvironment (deployed across the edge), service migrationrequires virtual instances (VMs/containers) to be transferredto the target location.

Although there have been numerous studies on VM migra-tion, such process imposes significant technical challengeswhen considered from service point of view [141]. The com-plexity in maintaining the service continuity during migrationcomes due to the time involved in preparing a VM for tar-get node, transferring the same over the network and finallyaddressing the issue related with change of IP address afterVM relocation. To perform migrations with IP continuityacross a wide area network, IP mobility solutions have beenproposed in [142] and [143]. However, these approachesinvolve the hypervisor in modifying the VM configuration tosupport mobility. Typically for an IP-based service, a changeof the IP address would result in session breakdown, introduc-ing the need to reestablish a new one, affecting in this waythe QoE.

Technologies such as DNS and NAT have been introducedto cater with the breakdown of an IP session between two

peers when the IP address of any of the two peers changes dur-ing mobility [144], but they do not natively support endpointmobility or instant location update. To address this issue ofIP-based service mobility and to bring the service close to theuser, the follow-me-cloud concept is proposed in [145]–[147].The authors introduced a framework, which ensures the cloudservice to follow the user movement. The scheme enforcesreplacement of data anchor points with service anchoringand converts IP addressing by service/data identification.Moreover, by decoupling service mobility from layers 2 and 3,the framework ensures seamless migration and service conti-nuity, elaborating the decision logic for migrating services. Astudy that enhances the follow-me-cloud concept consideringmobility prediction models for supporting QoS/QoE is elab-orated in [148], while a service migration policy focusing onthe uncertainty of user mobility and the non-linearity of themigration and transmission costs is presented in [149].

Furthermore, to complement the follow-me-cloud solution,a SDN-based approach was introduced in [150] consider-ing distributed elastic controllers, while the research workin [151]–[153] exploit the concept of VM migration along withuser mobility introducing a Location/ID Separation Protocol(LISP) based approach to avoid triangular routing and reducethe downtime of VM migration. In general, the use of SDNensures connectivity towards a cloud service over any radiotechnology (e.g., WiFi), while it also assures optimal rout-ing and scalability [154]. For edge cloud platforms, the useof software defined control can assure a flexible connectiv-ity and efficient QoE/QoS management via monitoring andclosed-loop service adjustment means as presented in [155].Service requirements, such as low delay, may vary dependingon the nature of the application type. Hence, the controlleror orchestrator should take this into account in case of ser-vice migration, e.g., for a delay-stringent application, bulkmigrations would be advantageous over live migration [156].A network planning and deployment framework, consideringan optimization analysis for mobile edge computing and tak-ing into account user and service mobility for assuring servicelevel agreements, is elaborated in [157].

C. Joint Optimization of VNFs and MEC Services

With the launch of cloud-RAN, the network edge startedcontaining commodity-of-the-shelf platforms that can hostVNFs associated with legacy base stations allowing flexibilityin deploying radio functions. Typical paradigms that introducethe notion of base station functional split in a cloud-RANenvironment are presented in [158]–[160], allowing a numberof different functional split options for a non-ideal fronthaul.A generic reconfigurable cloud platform considering bothnetwork functions and devices in terms of capacity, energyfootprint, scalability and modularity is elaborated in [161]. Anopen environment for deploying such distinct C-RAN optionsis offered by the OpenAirInterface [162], which also enablesa software defined control. An evolution of the functional splitconcept towards the network of functions that introduces newsoftware based VNFs by de-composing a-priori monolithic4G RAN and core functions into “atomic” sub-functions and

Fig. 5. Compound architectural evaluation of MEC and NFV structural blocks [167].

allocating them flexibly among edge cloud and core plat-forms is elaborated in [163]. MEC can take advantage of suchedge platforms providing services and applications in a closeproximity to the end user.

The MEC platform’s lifecycle management can practicallybe supported by the current NFV MANO, i.e., from the infras-tructure management perspective. However, the MEC orches-tration should also consider service authentication, serviceavailability announcement and support of service discovery.Such MEC orchestration can either be standalone in coor-dination with NFVO or a part of a common orchestrator,considering the alignment of both VNFs and MEC servicesfor enabling a particular network utility. The suggested jointoptimization can enhance the allocation and selection of VNFsconsidering the application type by taking into account addi-tionally MEC related information, e.g., network conditionsand big data. For mobile users, the common orchestrator canselect the new attachment point considering the applicationtype as elaborated in [164], transferring selected user relatedapplication content to the new location [165], while also hav-ing the capability to perform a VNF re-location, e.g., S-GWre-location in LTE. MEC can also provide feedback to thetransport layer, e.g., making the TCP more radio aware [166],in order to optimize the network resource management.

A set of enhancements on the current ETSI MANO archi-tecture for addressing such joint optimization are elaboratedin [167]. In particular, two new functional entities are intro-duced as shown in Fig. 5, namely the Virtual ApplicationFunction (VAF) and VAF Manager (VAFM), which take careof the instantiation and life-cycle management of MEC ser-vices. The VAF and VAFM entities enable an enhancedorchestrator, referred to as NFVO+, to consider both VNF andMEC services jointly, providing an efficient network resourcemanagement and considering the application type. Such anenhanced architecture can enable for instance an enhancedgaming experience, e.g., avoiding the relocation of a MECapplication during a crucial phase of the game. An alterna-tive view for integrating MEC with NFV is provided in [168],wherein the mobile edge host, i.e., both mobile edge plat-form and APP, as well as the mobile edge platform manager

(of the MEC architecture in Fig. 4) interface with the ETSIMANO VNFM, which is responsible for their life-cyclemanagement. The mobile edge orchestrator and the NFVOcooperate directly offering a logical enhanced orchestrator.

A converged edge cloud and cellular network resourceorchestrator paradigm named CONCERT [169] abstracts cloudresources that can be flexibly utilized for both networkingand computational services. CONCERT relies on the SDNparadigm adopting the concept of decoupling the control anddata planes with the orchestrator coordinating data plane phys-ical hardware such as servers, switches, and radio equipmentin response to service requirements. A joint orchestration ofradio and MEC resources is elaborated in [170] consider-ing a multi-user computational offloading in a dense RANdeployment scenario. The objective is to minimize inter-cellinterference optimizing radio resources, while minimizing theenergy consumption of mobile devices and satisfying the cor-responding service latency. A similar orchestration problemfocusing on decentralized decisions is analyzed using gametheory in [41] and [171], allowing devices to be self-organizedadding autonomics into the mobile cloud computing paradigm.


This section studies the practical issues related with theadoption of MEC into nowadays mobile networks, consid-ering a number of deployment scenarios and elaborating onthe currently available service orchestration implementationoptions.

A. MEC Deployment Scenarios

MEC allows resources, typically residing in a centralizedremote cloud, to be distributed among a set of multi-cloudplatforms. A straightforward deployment of MEC is as anindividual platform, i.e., running in isolation, allowing a MNOto integrate it into its RAN to provide local services withoutconsidering user mobility and service continuation. A moreadvanced MEC deployment scenario is to allow a network (i.e.,federation) of MEC platforms that supports a number of ser-vices taking into account network and traffic characteristics as

Fig. 6. MEC deployment scenarios.

well as supporting service mobility. The deployment scenarioof such network of MEC platforms can potentially introduce aheterogeneous computing environment for supporting a diverserange of applications. There are different commercial uses ofMEC, considering the availability of the access technologyand the deployment space [172]. An overview of the differentMEC deployment scenarios is illustrated in Fig. 6.

For outdoor regions, MEC can be deployed either directlyat the RAN or above in close proximity, enabling a closecoordination of applications with the RAN, and a flexibleservice provisioning in key locations, understanding trafficcharacteristics and radio conditions, while enabling storageand processing at the RAN edge. MEC can also support andenable vertical segment services and offer emerging big dataservices, e.g., video analytics, to authorized third parties. TheMEC platform can reside at macro-base station sites, e.g., eNBin LTE networks, or at the Radio Network Controller (RNC) ofa 3G mobile system. Equally, the MEC platform can be locatedat an aggregation point such as the Baseband Unit (BBU) ina cloud-RAN deployment or directly at the mobile backhaul,e.g., at the small cell gateway. For indoor environments, MECcan act as a powerful on-premises gateway, enabling multipleservices within a particular location, such as building man-agement, retail services, augmented reality in museums, videostreaming in sports and social events, security in public spacesand empower social network applications.

Considering IoT applications, the research work in [29]investigates the location of edge-cloud platforms at a cellaggregation site and even to a WiFi access point. A seam-less integration of edge-cloud platforms in a small cell 5Gdeployment without any impact on the operations of 3GPPLTE networks is elaborated in [173] and [174], forming a clus-ter of interconnected computing resources. In these solutions,mobile users transmit cloud and conventional data over theradio bearers, with the separation of cloud data carried out atthe access point via the use of a local gateway, e.g., Local IPAccess (LIPA), which is responsible for routing and encapsu-lation between the mobile users and the edge cloud platform.

For facilitating dynamic resource management, a logically cen-tralized orchestration entity is introduced taking into accounta cluster of small cell-based edge-clouds via a new interface.

As mentioned earlier, a set of MEC platforms can be tightlycoupled or highly dispersed. A typical tightly coupled scenarioconsiders a central cloud orchestrator controlling multipleedge platforms deployed at different locations under the sameadministrator domain, i.e., MNO. In an alternative deploymentscenario, MEC platforms may also work independently underthe control of individual owners based on “on-site” policiesand commercial usage. A homogeneous, i.e., single vendor,deployment scenario considers a set of MEC platforms, aspart of the infrastructure of the same cloud service provider,whereby each MEC platform uses either its own individualorchestrator to manage the corresponding services or a com-mon orchestrator. Typically, homogeneous MEC deploymentsare applied within a single MNO. In a heterogeneous deploy-ment scenario, MEC services are hosted on a multi-vendorcloud service provider infrastructure, with each cloud ser-vice provider adopting a different orchestration arrangement.Heterogeneous MEC deployments can even stress betweendifferent administrative domains.

In handling an edge-architecture across a federation of edgeand centralized cloud platforms, the OpenFog work in [123]considers a hierarchical cloud arrangement, wherein oper-ations with a local scope are handled by edge platforms,while broader decisions are centralized. Such architecture canbe seen as an extension of the traditional cloud, allowingflexibility in service deployment and mobility, by enablingan elastic combination of different resources across sepa-rate platforms for particular application types. The deploy-ment of this arrangement requires an orchestration systemto manage, control and configure the corresponding ser-vices across the set of cloud platforms. A similar lay-ered fog to cloud architecture is also considered in [175],which also highlights the need for coordinated networkmanagement.

B. MEC Orchestration Deployment Options

As 5G mobile networks progressively incorporate differenttechnologies and cloud infrastructures, becoming more hetero-geneous in nature, the resource allocation and managementprocesses turn to be more complex. On top of such a hetero-geneous environment, emerging requirements on distributedservice provisioning, programmability, open networking andmulti-tenancy support drive the network control approachestowards a unified networking and cloud orchestration. Such anorchestration should take into account networking, cloud andservice requirements. Currently, a number of different orches-tration deployment options have emerged from the industryand standardization, with the most significant ones elaboratedbelow.

1) OpenNFV [176]: Developed by HP, it is an open sourceplatform for orchestrating an end-to-end NFV and SDNinfrastructure. OpenNFV is based on the ETSI NFV ref-erence architecture and consists of three parts, namelyNFV director, NFV manager and Openstack (HPE


Helion). The NFV director acts as an NFV orchestra-tor performing an automatic deployment and monitoringof the VNF ecosystem. It supports heterogeneous hard-ware platforms enabling virtualization environments forefficiently deploying VNF instances. The NFV manageris responsible for the life cycle of the VNF instancesenabling accordingly scale-up or scale-down. The HelionOpenstack offers an open source platform supportingVNFs.

2) CloudNFV [177]: CloudNFV is another open sourceorchestration platform for integrating NFV-based cloudcomputing with the SDN functionality. In additionto ETSI NFV MANO, CloudNFV considers manage-ment alongside orchestration in a unified data model.CloudNFV’s functionality is divided amongst threeelements: active virtualization, orchestrator and man-ager. Active virtualization is a data model represent-ing resources, functions and services using the activeresource and active contract sub-elements. The activeresource represents the status of infrastructure resources,whereas the active contract defines service templatesaccording to the characteristics of the available networkfunctions. Depending on the allocated policy rules,resource status and the requested service order, theorchestrator addresses the VNF location for a partic-ular service, including also the connectivity between

them. The manager operates the active resourcesand maintains an information base of the runningservices.

3) OpenBaton [178]: OpenBaton, developed by FraunhoferFOKUS and TU Berlin, ensures the development ofvirtual network infrastructures by porting and furtheradapting network functions to the specific cloud envi-ronment. It focuses on improving the performance andgrants security of the overall infrastructure by mergingthe underlying infrastructures, software architectures,networking, management, and orchestration. The frame-work considers a generic VNFM for the life cyclemanagement of the VNFs based on the correspond-ing descriptors and a Juju VNFM Adapter in order todeploy Juju Charms. OpenBaton integrates two differ-ent engines: i) event management engine for dispatchingand ii) auto scaling engine for managing scaling oper-ations. A fault management system is also includedfor automatic run-time management where monitor-ing information are gathered using Zabbix. Finally, itprovides plugin for addition and deletion inside theorchestration logic.

4) OpenMANO [179]: Based on Enhanced PlatformAwareness principle, Telefonica’s OpenMANO frame-work addresses aspects related to performanceand portability. The architecture consists of three

components: OpenMANO, OpenVIM and a graphicaluser interface (GUI). OpenVIM is responsible for cre-ating the infrastructure network topology and applyingthe Enhanced Platform Awareness principles. It is alightweight VIM, directly interfacing with computeand storage resources in NFVI and with an OpenFlowcontroller. It offers a REST-API based interface towardsOpenMANO. OpenMANO offers cloud services includ-ing flavors, instances and life cycle management ofimages. OpenMANO is the first of its kind to havea northbound interface (i.e., OpenVIM API extendedwith OpenStack API) for the creation and deletion ofinstances and templates of both network function andservices.

5) Cloudify [180]: Cloudify is another open source frame-work based on TOSCA (Topology and OrchestrationSpecification for Cloud Applications), which acts asa cloud platform orchestrator. It provides a com-plete solution for automating and managing applicationdeployment and DevOps processes on top of a multi-cloud environment. Cloudify eliminates the boundariesbetween orchestration and monitoring, assuring an auto-matic reaction to pre-defined events with the appropriatecorrective measures. It organizes workflow for envi-ronment setup, application installation, infrastructuremanagement, scaling and fault recovery. It providescompute, network, storage for application provisioningand deployment. Cloudify offers interoperability amongdiverse cloud platforms (e.g., VMware, Cloudstack,Amazon, and Azure) and reduces multi-vendor lock-in.Command Line Interface (CLI) based client is used toperform the different operations. Providers rely on theIaaS API to setup the required environment and to alsoinstall the manager, where the manager takes care ofdeployment, management and monitoring of the runningapplications.

6) T-NOVA [181]: T-NOVA is a management and orches-tration platform for automated provisioning of NetworkFunction-as-a-Service (NFaaS) on top of virtualizednetwork infrastructure. It leverages the benefits of SDNand cloud management architectures to enable auto-mated provisioning, configuration, monitoring and effi-cient operations of VNFs. T-NOVA differs from theother frameworks in terms of an additional marketplacelayer, which allows operators to offer their infrastruc-tures as a value added service. This layer is placed ontop of the orchestrator and contains a customer facingmodule for implementing business related functionali-ties in a multi-user setting, employing the paradigm of“APP-store”. T-NOVA follows the ETSI NFV architec-ture separating the VIM and NFVI, which are based onOpenStack and OpenDaylight. The orchestrator dividesits functionality into two modules, namely NetworkService Orchestrator (NSO) and Virtualized ResourceOrchestrator (VRO). NSO maintains the lifecycle ofthe network services focusing on connectivity. On theother hand, VRO manages compute, storage and networkresources.

7) OpenSource MANO [182]: This is an ETSI hostedopen source project for automating end-to-end ser-vice deployment and orchestration, formed in col-laboration with Telefonica, British Telecom, Telenor,Telecom Austria Group, Intel, Canonical, RIFT.io andMirantis. The framework offers SDN underlay control(integrating multiple SDN controllers), multi-site capa-bility, multi-VIM capability with enhanced performanceawareness and support for physical functions. Thearchitectural components contain: resource orchestrator(Telefonica OpenMANO), VNF configuration com-ponent (Canonical Juju), network service orchestra-tor (RIFT.io), GUI (RIFT.io), virtualized infrastructurebased on Intel architecture, virtual infrastructure man-ager (OpenVIM and Openstack) and finally serviceVNFs (Metaswitch and 6wind).

8) OPNFV [183]: An open source project hosted by theLinux Foundation. OPNFV establishes a reference NFVplatform for facilitating the development and evolu-tion of multi-vendor NFV components. It conductsperformance and use case-based testing on currentstandards specifications and work from open sourcecommunities for particular NFV use cases. OPNFVwork concentrates on NFVI and VIM, consideringcomponents from OpenDaylight, ONOS, OpenStack,Ceph Storage, KVM, Open vSwitch, DPDK and Linux.OPNFV accelerates the development of emerging NFVproducts and services, ensuring certain performancetargets and interoperability.

9) ExperiaSphere [184]: ExperiaSphere by CIMICorporation is a combination of open source compo-nents that forms a universal service-layer approach formanagement and orchestration of the cloud, SDN, NFV,and even legacy networks. It introduces the conceptof flexible service models by enabling abstractions ofthe underlying infrastructure resources into functionalobjects that expose service features. Functional objectsare then integrated vertically to facilitate a serviceinstance. A broker, e.g., accessed via a user portal, canselect the appropriate set of service models creatinga service instance, which is tracked during its entirelifecycle. An orchestration process is responsible for thestructured commitment of resources, while managementmeans take care of service and resource changes.ExperiaSphere is based on two principles named thestructured intelligence that links data models to serviceevents and the derived operations of virtual elements,while its deployment relies on the Universal ServiceDefinition Language (USDL) and TOSCA.

10) M-CORD [185]: M-CORD from ON.Lab and partners,combines NFV/SDN and cloud solutions for mobilenetworks leveraging the benefits of mobile edge comput-ing offering scalable customized services with enhancedQoE, e.g., higher throughput and lower delay. M-CORDenables virtualization of the RAN and core networkfunctions, while separating the control functions fromthe data plane enabling a unified network orchestrationand management. In addition, it allows third parties to

build mobile edge services facilitating localized appli-cations. M-CORD offers a single SDN control planefollowing ONOS [186] to control the virtual networkinfrastructure, SDN/NFV resources based on OpenStackand TOSCA that facilitate VNFs and network slices,providing mobile services with the desired performance,orchestrated by XOS [187].

11) ZOOM [188]: ZOOM is a TM Forum project thatenables the delivery and management of virtualizednetworks and services, facilitating the development ofvirtualization and NFV/SDN best practices and stan-dards. ZOOM identifies an operations environment con-sidering physical and virtual components, which caneasily and dynamically be assembled into personalizedservices considering also new security processes to pro-tect NFVI and NVFs. To achieve the aforementionedgoals, ZOOM regularly provides demos supported byoperators and vendors within the context of the socalled catalyst project, establishing DevOps, NEtOpsand ServOps user scenarios.

12) NGSON [189]: NGSON is an IEEE standardizationeffort that specifies an open service ecosystem thatallows the establishment of dynamic services acrossdifferent service providers and network domains consid-ering also a seamless mobility environment. The mainfeature of NGSON is context awareness in the formof service, user, network and device information, whichenable an intermediate layer between the network andapplication. The NGSON architecture defines service,transport and management functions for establishingcontext-aware service chains, enhancing QoE, while effi-ciently utilizing the network and cloud resources. Theprocess of context-aware service composition and deliv-ery consists of: (i) service composition that definesa flow of functional capabilities, (ii) service selectionthat specifies the service points among a set of candi-dates and (iii) service delivery considering the underly-ing transport network. NGSON can easily complementSDN/NFV control and orchestration taking advantage ofthe network virtualization properties and programmabletraffic steering capabilities as elaborated in [190].

13) Open-O [191]: An open source project supported by theLinux Foundation that establishes a carrier grade orches-tration platform to deliver end-to-end composite servicesacross a virtualized SDN/NFV infrastructure and legacynetworks. OPEN-O enables flexibility, supporting multi-domain and multi-location, and enhances the servicelifecycle via automation. It also accelerates innovationby shortening the time to market through a hierarchyof three orchestration modules. Such an orchestrationhierarchy consists of (i) the Global Service-Orchestratorthat enables end-to-end service composition and deliv-ery, (ii) the NFV-O responsible for NFV orchestra-tion, considering diverse VNFs across a wide rangeof VNFMs and VIMs and (iii) the SDN-Orchestratorthat provides network connectivity and traffic steer-ing via the means of different SDN controllers (e.g.,OpenDaylight and ONOS), and/or the conventional

element management system. Open-O adopts TOSCA,YANG data models, REST APIs, OpenStack and sup-ports resource abstraction over diverse SDN, NFV,and legacy networks, allowing a set of common ser-vices including policy management, security and othermanagement capabilities.

14) ECOMP [192]: A project originally initiated by AT&Tand later turned over to the Linux Foundation. Itfocuses on VNF management and the provisioningof software-centric network capabilities, leveraging thebenefits of cloud technologies and network virtualiza-tion to offer automated services. ECOMP defines amaster service orchestrator responsible for automatingend-to-end service instances, which interacts with threedistinct Controller types, namely the infrastructure con-troller - typically within the cloud layer, the networkcontroller, and the application controller. The orchestra-tion automates configuration processes, programmabil-ity rules and a policy-driven operational management,facilitating flexibility in instantiating, modifying and ter-minating network, application or infrastructure servicesand resources, considering network data and service-oriented analytics. ECOMP expands the scope of ETSIMANO, introducing the notion of the resource con-troller and policy component as well as the concept ofresource description, i.e., meta-data, for lifecycle man-agement of the virtual environment enabling networkagility and elasticity, while improving the time-to mar-ket. To this end, ECOMP supports open cloud standards(e.g., OpenStack, OPNFV, and TOSCA) and followsNetconf, Yang configuration and management models,and REST-APIs.

It shall be noted that recently, Open-O and ECOMP havemerged into a new open source orchestrator project calledOpen Network Automation Platform (ONAP) [193], which iscarried out within the Linux Foundation with the support ofAT&T, China Mobile and many other leading industry part-ners. ONAP provides a unified architecture adopting the bestcomponents from both previous projects, offering a policy-driven software automation of VNFs and network capabilitiesthat allows software, network and cloud providers to rapidlycreate and efficiently orchestrate new services.

A summary of the different orchestrators is provided inTable II, considering the project type and the main drivingorganization, the orchestrator scope and its objectives as wellas PoC related technology features. In addition, service man-agement and legacy management aspects are included to showspecific capabilities that can complement the correspondingMEC services. An analysis that elaborates a number of differ-ent orchestrators, including also a broader range of solutionsis provided in [86] and [194].


The concept of edge-cloud computing has evolved froma simple content provisioning, e.g., CDN, and computationoffloading service to an open platform that can accommodatethird party services and can provide a means of interaction

between networking and applications. This creates a num-ber of new service opportunities and brings new technicaland business challenges. This section discusses some potentialenhancements to existing solutions and highlights some futureresearch directions.

A. MEC Service Orchestration and Programmability

Service orchestration and programmability with respect todifferent layers of the MEC platform (i.e., infrastructure, appli-cation platform and services hosted on the platform) are stillopen issues, which introduce significant challenges. Serviceorchestration should be performed in coordination with thenetwork resource programmability, considering capacity andVNF allocation, especially the stretch of services across a setof edge-cloud platforms. Edge-cloud platforms located acrossdifferent administrative domains raise even further challengesfor the service orchestration considering federated resources,where more research is required for the processes of resourceaggregation and service mapping, besides the definition of thecorresponding APIs.

This article sheds light on the different service aspectsof edge-cloud orchestration and programmability including:(i) service operations such as resource allocation, serviceplacement, platform selection and reliability, (ii) service con-tinuity and mobility within a set of edge platforms and(iii) joint optimization of VNFs and MEC services on commonedge-cloud platforms to achieve efficient resource utiliza-tion and cross-layer optimization among edge-cloud servicesand network resources. In addition, it overviews the dif-ferent MEC network architecture scenarios and elaboratesthe potential MEC orchestrator deployment options consid-ering various SDN/NFV integration opportunities that enabledistinct edge-cloud resource control flavors.

The research and standardization efforts for enabling effi-cient MEC services are still ongoing with various challengesyet to be addressed [195]. One of the key areas is thedevelopment of advanced APIs that will enable third partiesto acquire and simply and efficiently manage resources onMEC platforms, including also the corresponding data mod-els. Currently, various APIs and data models are still underdiscussion in ETSI MEC considering emerging applications,e.g., using the MEC platform for assisting the discovery pro-cess of millimeter Wave (mmWave). Such APIs should be alsoenhanced to provide RAN and network related information,making the network visible to the application.

B. MEC Service Continuity and Mobility

Mobility is an essential challenging feature for MEC ser-vices. Hence, more research is encouraged considering theuser’s activity and application-specific information, in order toassure service continuity for high speed mobile users [196].For vehicular communications and automotive, integratingMEC with mobile cloud computing [197], [198] or vehicularcloud [199], wherein mobile or vehicle resources are utilizedfor communication and computation services, is a highly chal-lenging issue considering the service orchestration perspective.Since different MEC services may be allocated to particular

platforms for service optimization purposes, users that con-sume multiple applications may be associated with distinctMEC platforms at the same time.

Supporting multiple paths and potentially streaming amongdifferent MEC platforms in a mobile network is challeng-ing from the perspective of both network scalability anduser performance, especially for mobile users. Such an oper-ation can become even more complex for applications thatbenefit from multi-connectivity, e.g., applications that decou-ple the uplink and downlink or use multiple communica-tion paths splitting a communication session among differentaccess points. Mechanisms such as control/data-plane separa-tion [200] or mechanisms analogous to phantom cells [201]can help in managing user connectivity, while the MECplatform itself should support operations to handle trafficre-direction based on application policies provided by theoperator.

C. Service Enhancements: QoE and Resiliency

The use of MEC systems can also inspire further researchfor developing new services and applications, in order to assurenetwork efficiency and enhanced user experience. MEC canbe used to maintain network or service states for emerg-ing applications, e.g., for resiliency reasons by keeping astate of a critical parameter and providing backup features orcan help analyzing QoE or other performance related states,for instance in [202] considering the performance of TimeDivision-LTE. MEC can further provide proxying functional-ity on behalf of end users, e.g., for energy saving purposes, andcan enhance the network scalability by reducing the signalingoverhead related to network processes, through the aggregationof signaling messages or via mechanisms that can enable con-nectivity sharing, e.g., sharing an established bearer among aset of MTC devices with the same service requirements [203].MEC can be used to enhance the experience of location ser-vices, making Proximity Services [204] more intelligent andpersonalized, by combining user-context information, big dataand social applications.

From the resource optimization perspective, it is worthexploring the problem of network functional (de)compositionand allocation, enabling a flexible “network of capabilities”by combining network and cloud resources with the differ-ent types of services considering the offered QoE. New KPIsthat reflect QoE, coupling both network and cloud resources,should be studied to simplify the performance measurementsand resource optimization process. For enhancing the effi-ciency of the MEC system, the concept of HAEC (HighlyAdaptive Energy-efficient Computing) [205], which flexiblyreflects energy considering the corresponding needs of a com-putational problem, should be further explored consideringresource and service abstraction models.

D. MEC Security and Privacy

In contrast to traditional cloud computing, MEC imposessignificant security risks especially when it is located at thebase station or at areas where it is relatively vulnerable tophysical attacks. Hence, MEC deployments raise additional

security measures against on site attacks. MEC also requiresmore stringent security policies as third party stakeholders cangain access to the platform and derive information regardinguser proximity and radio analytics. Authentication based onprivileges of the third parties accessing the platform shouldbe considered. One such option is to ensure Public KeyInfrastructure (PKI) based techniques.

Isolation between different parties, i.e., in-between thehosted applications, is another critical issue. In particular, asecurity attack on a particular application should not affectother running applications, while isolation should also provideprivacy assuring a bidirectional trust among cooperating par-ties. Fine-grained access control needs to be investigated withappropriate encryption to ensure a secure collaboration andinteroperability between heterogeneous resources and differ-ent operational parties. A state-of-the-art analysis on securityand privacy issues associated with edge cloud is performedin [206], while a preliminary study on MEC security ispresented in [207]–[209]. Various intrusion detection tech-niques are in place for cloud computing, but for large-scalegeo-distributed environments, this is still a challenge.

E. MEC Service Monetization

Besides the technical challenges, MEC also brings newbusiness related opportunities allowing mobile operators tomonetize combined cloud and network resources as well asparticular services to third parties. Resource brokering solu-tions are one approach that requires further investigation inthese types of networking environments. Tariff planning forservice usage, e.g., radio analytics or video optimization, isan open issue that depends on the particular demand. Inaddition, more dynamic pricing models are needed, requir-ing advanced accounting and monitoring. Sufficient attentionneeds to be paid to the economic incentives for providingMEC solutions and its architecture for assuring a sustainablecompetition environment for various participants. Methods forresolving potential economic conflicts among different partic-ipants should be also considered to assure a smooth MECsystem operation.


MEC is an emerging technology that brings forward thetechnical benefits of edge-cloud computing with networkingand support multi-tenancy allowing third parties to provisionapplications and services on-demand through standardizedAPIs. MEC makes the radio and network layer visible to theapplication providers/developers, providing a range of newadvancements on the QoE. MEC is recognized as one ofthe key emerging technologies for 5G systems, thanks to itssignificant contribution to low latency assurance and capac-ity enhancements in the backhaul and core networks. Thesuccess of MEC fundamentally hinges on the alignment ofthe technology with ETSI NFV ISG for the proper definitionof management and orchestration system with respect to theservice elasticity and life-cycle management, service mobil-ity as well as regarding joint optimization with the networkresources. Currently, MEC brings forward a range of different

challenges that are yet to be solved. However, considering itspotential, it is obvious that MEC will significantly uplift theshape and experience of mobile communications.


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Tarik Taleb (M’05–SM’10) received the B.E. (withDistinction) degree in information engineering andthe M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in information sci-ences from Tohoku University, in 2001, 2003, and2005, respectively. He is currently a Professorwith the School of Electrical Engineering, AaltoUniversity, Finland. In 2009, he was an AssistantProfessor with the Graduate School of InformationSciences, Tohoku University, Japan, in a lab fullyfunded by KDDI. He was a Senior Researcher and3GPP Standards Expert with NEC Europe Ltd.,

Heidelberg, Germany. He was then leading the NEC Europe Labs Team work-ing on Research and Development projects on carrier cloud platforms, animportant vision of 5G systems. From 2005 to 2006, he was a ResearchFellow with Intelligent Cosmos Research Institute, Sendai, Japan.

His research interests lie in the field of architectural enhancements to mobilecore networks (particularly 3GPP’s), mobile cloud networking, network func-tion virtualization, software defined networking, mobile multimedia streaming,intervehicular communications, and social media networking. He has been alsobeen directly engaged in the development and standardization of the EvolvedPacket System as a member of 3GPP’s System Architecture working group.

Prof. Taleb is a member of the IEEE Communications SocietyStandardization Program Development Board. As an attempt to bridge thegap between academia and industry, he founded the IEEE Workshop onTelecommunications Standards: from Research to Standards, a successfulevent that received the Best Workshop Award from the IEEE CommunicationSociety (ComSoC). Based on the success of this workshop, he has alsofounded and has been the Steering Committee Chair of the IEEE Conferenceon Standards for Communications and Networking.

He is the General Chair of the 2019 edition of the IEEE WirelessCommunications and Networking Conference (WCNC’19) to be held inMarrakech, Morocco. He is/was on the Editorial Board of the IEEETRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, the IEEE WirelessCommunications Magazine, the IEEE JOURNAL ON INTERNET OF THINGS,the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, the IEEECOMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, and a number of Wiley jour-nals. In 2016, he served as the Chair of the Wireless CommunicationsTechnical Committee, the largest in IEEE ComSoC. He also served as theVice Chair of the Satellite and Space Communications Technical Committeeof IEEE ComSoc from 2006 to 2010. He has been on the Technical ProgramCommittee of different IEEE conferences, including Globecom, ICC, andWCNC, and chaired some of their symposia.

He was a (co)-recipient of the 2017 IEEE Communications Society FredW. Ellersick Prize in 2017, the 2009 IEEE ComSoc Asia–Pacific Best YoungResearcher Award in 2009, the 2008 TELECOM System Technology Awardfrom the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation in 2008, the 2007Funai Foundation Science Promotion Award in 2007, the 2006 IEEE ComputerSociety Japan Chapter Young Author Award in 2006, the Niwa YasujirouMemorial Award in 2005, and the Young Researcher’s Encouragement Awardfrom the Japan Chapter of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society in 2003.He was a recipient of the Best Paper Awards at prestigious conferences. Heis an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer.

Konstantinos Samdanis received the M.S. degreefrom Kings College London. He is a PrincipalResearcher with Huawei for 5G carrier networks.He is involved in strategy on 5G network slicing fortransport and mobile networks, and in research for5G SDN/NFV architectures and network slice OS.He is also active at the 5GPPP Architecture WorkingGroup and at Broadband Forum in Wireless-WiredConverged Networks Working Group, where he hasinitiated a study item on Network Slicing. He hasworked for NEC Europe, Germany, as a Senior

Researcher and a Standardization Specialist, involved in numerous EU projectssuch as 5G-NORMA, iJOIN, BeFemto, CROSSFIRE, and standardizationactivities related to 3GPP SA2 and SA5 as well as at the Broadband Forumin the field of Mobile Backhaul and IP/MPLS.

Badr Mada received the bachelor’s degree in math-ematical and computer science and the master’sdegree in software engineering from UniversityMohammed V, Rabat, Morocco, in 2014 and2017, respectively. He is currently pursuing theDoctoral degree with Aalto University. His researchfocuses on mobile edge computing and open sourcenetworking.

Hannu Flinck received the M.Sc. and Lic.Tech.degrees in computer science and communicationsystems from Aalto University (formerly, HelsinkiUniversity of Technology) in 1986 and 1993, respec-tively. He was with Nokia Research Center andthe Technology and Innovation Unit of NokiaNetworks in various positions. He is a ResearchManager with Nokia Bell Labs, Espoo, Finland.He has been actively participating in a number ofEU research projects. His current research interestsinclude mobile edge computing, SDN, and content

delivery in mobile networks, particularly in 5G networks.

Sunny Dutta received the bachelor’s degree fromthe West Bengal University of Technology, India,in 2006, and the M.Sc. degree from the Schoolof Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland,in 2016. He was an Engineer assuming differentroles in network administration, energy automation,and smart grid communication network infrastruc-ture. His present research focus includes MEC, NFV,SDN, and multimedia content delivery.

Dario Sabella received the degree in electronicengineering and the master’s degree in telecom-munications in 2004. In 2002, he was a SystemSpecialist and Embedded Applications Developerwith Telecom Italia Group. In 2006, he entered theWireless Innovation Department where he built adeep experience on communication systems (WiFi,WiMAX/WiBro, UMTS/HSPA, LTE, LTE-A), withspecial knowledge of wireless radio access technolo-gies and system engineering for mobile networkstoward 5G. He has recently specialized his technical

skills in the field of energy efficiency for mobile networks (also as delegate inETSI TC EE) and mobile edge computing (since 2015, he has been servingas the Vice Chairman of ETSI MEC IEG). Since 2009, he has been involvedin European projects (FP7, EIT Digital, Horizon 2020), often in leadershiproles. He has collected a wide set of over 18 international patents and over40 publications. He has organized international conferences and workshopsand has experience with IPR management and project management. He is aCo-Founder and the Chairman of the CLEEN Workshops Series. In 2017,he joined Intel as a Senior Standards and a Research Engineer. He is cur-rently serving ETSI MEC as an ISG Secretary and Lead of Industry GroupRelationships. He is also active delegate in 5GAA. He has been a member ofthe AEIT since 2012.