Take your Gut Check #2 Survey (If you haven’t already) · There are two great ways to do this....

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Transcript of Take your Gut Check #2 Survey (If you haven’t already) · There are two great ways to do this....

The simple steps to minimizing toxin inflow and maximizing toxin outflow

Hi VitalPlan,

Mention the word “detox,” and most people don’t think about digestive health. Instead,things like weight loss, higher metabolism, more energy, and healthier skin and hair typicallycome to mind.

But there are a number of toxins we encounter on a regular basis that can impact keydigestive functions. They upset the balance of the microbiome, compromise liver function,and more.

Fortunately, the process for purifying your system is as simple as minimizing the inflow oftoxins into your body, and maximizing the outflow. We will show you how to do both.

Take your Gut Check #2 Survey (If you haven’t already) »

Step 1: Minimize Your Toxic InflowThis is a pretty straightforward concept: The fewer toxins you take into your body, the feweryou have to worry about getting rid of. Below are some of the top ways to avoid the toxinsthat have the greatest impact on your gut health.

1. Avoid processed foods.They often contain toxic substances such as artificial preservatives and colors, and candisrupt the body’s ability to remove toxins. The best detox diet consists mostly of foods fromfresh, natural sources. The Vital Plan Diet has you covered here.

2. Strive for a goal of 75% organic food.Pesticides such as glyphosate can impact liver function, and unfortunately, they’re used onmany crops worldwide. I know buying organic isn’t always possible, but when you can,focus most on the so-called Dirty Dozen from the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

The EWG recently updated their Dirty Dozen list; these are the top 12 fruits andvegetables they’ve found are most often laden with pesticides:

Also, consider the EWG’s Clean Fifteen, their list of 15 produce items that are less likely tobe contaminated with pesticide residue. For these, buying organic isn’t as necessary. The

Clean Fifteen includes:

3. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Examples include saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame. Artificial sweeteners may negativelyimpact metabolism and the gut microbiome. Swap these for safer alternatives such asstevia, agave, honey, or maple syrup — just be sure to use them in moderation.

4. Respect prescription drugs.Antibiotics and other medications such as ethinyl estradiol (the synthetic form of estrogen inbirth control pills) and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can be harmful to microbiota. They canbe useful and important, but at the same time, they’re therapeutically dosed toxins.

If prescription drug therapy is indicated for you, talk with your healthcare provider aboutusing the lowest dose possible to achieve the desired result. Find out if holistic options likeherbs and lifestyle changes can help you safely minimize the use of prescription drugs.

5. Avoid Bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA is commonly found in plastic water bottles, sales receipts, and the linings of food cans.It has been shown to alter normal gut flora, and it can also disrupt the body’s hormonalsystem by mimicking the hormone estrogen. Do your best to drink out of glass containersinstead of plastic ones, and opt for filtered water.

Many of the toxins mentioned above can affect your microbiome, causing gut bacteria toproduce unhealthy metabolites (a.k.a. toxins). These toxins can enter your circulation andnegatively affect inflammatory processes and more.

Q: What is the most important takeaway you’ve learned so far?

Step 2: Maximize Your Toxic OutflowMobilizing the toxins that are already in your system can help your body shuttle them out more effectively. Here are some simple ways to get your toxins moving.

1. Agitate the Toxins This sounds kind of funny, but I don’t mean you have to literally annoy your toxins. In thiscase, agitation means getting your blood pumping and systems moving to help stir up toxinsso they’re easier to evacuate. There are two great ways to do this.

Exercise. Moving your body increases blood flow, which helps pull toxins fromtissues. It also helps you break a sweat, which has long been known as an efficientway to remove some types of toxins such as heavy metals from the body. As ageneral goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Hit the sauna. If you can’t exercise (or you want to go beyond your fitness routine),sauna is an age-old way to heat up and activate the body and induce sweating. Farinfrared sauna in particular is one of the best ways to remove heavy metals from thebody. Its longer wavelengths help the heat better penetrate the body’s soft tissue.

2. Stay hydrated.Water helps flush your system and carry away toxins. How much you need depends on howmuch you sweat and breathe.

And don’t overlook vegetables and fruit as a significant source of hydration. By weight,vegetables and fruit are approximately 70 percent water, which is released slowly as itmoves along the GI tract.

3. Eat vegetables and fruit.As I mentioned, they’re rich in detoxifying water. But the fiber in vegetables is also essentialfor binding neutralized toxins and actually removing them from the body in stool.

Aim to make at least 50 percent of your diet fresh vegetables, preferably steamed or raw.(Fruits have the same beneficial fiber as veggies, but limit your intake to less than 15 percent

of your diet, because of their sugar).


Are you sitting properly on the toilet? Studies show that, compared to sittingon a standard toilet, squatting yields quicker and more satisfactory bowel

movements. This is due to a specialized muscle that relaxes when we squat,allowing a straight exit from the digestive tract.

Squatting is the natural position our ancestors used for millennia to go to thebathroom. Interestingly, hemorrhoids and diverticulitis are much less common in

regions of the world where people do not sit on toilets.

Next time you go to the bathroom, a clever compromise you might try is puttingyour feet up on a low stool and leaning forward. Happy squatting!

If you’re in Phase 1 of the Vital Plan Diet, try upping your intake of asparagus, apples,apricots, and winter squashes like butternut and acorn squash to get more beneficial fiber.

Onions and garlic are also a good choice: They provide antimicrobial properties thatneutralize “bad” bacteria in the gut and promote growth of friendly bacteria. And asparagusis the highest known source of glutathione, a potent antioxidant that is essential fordetoxification.

If you are in Phase 2, add more high-fiber foods like lentils, oats, Jerusalem artichoke, andgarbanzo beans.

When you are in Phase 3, you can reach for even more vegetables that are particularlybeneficial for detoxification. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are tops: Theyenhance the ability of the liver to neutralize toxins, especially estrogen-like ones.

4. Choose the right supplements.Many natural supplements support detoxification, but be choosy about those marketed as“detox” products, which often have potent laxatives. These may make you feel better in themoment, but they do little to remove toxins from the body.

In particular, avoid anything containing either senna or cascara, natural laxatives that candamage the colon.

Instead, here are a few supplements I do recommend for safe and effective detox support —all of which you’re already benefiting from in your Gut Revival Kit:

Chlorella: This fresh-water algae is an excellent source of chlorophyll, a pigmentthat’s primarily effective for removing organic toxins (but less so for heavy metals)*.

Chlorella is also nutrient dense, with a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, and antioxidants. Chlorella pyrenoidosa, the species you are getting in PureChlorella™, is the best strain for detoxing*. Dandelion: Found in Gut Balance™, dandelion helps protect the liver duringdetoxification and enhances bile flow, which flushes neutralized toxins into theintestines for removal*. The liver is the main organ responsible for detoxification, andloss of liver function over time is a primary factor in aging and disease. Slippery elm and berberine: Both are also found in Gut Balance™. Slippery elmhelps support a healthy gut lining to keep toxins out*. And berberine supports ahealthy microbiome to decrease the prevalence of unwanted metabolites produced bybad microbes*. Digestive enzymes: Found in Active Enzymes™, they help break down stagnant foodthat can otherwise putrefy and contribute to intestinal permeability and poor motility*.

If this seems like a lot, don’t panic. The good news is, you don’t have to accomplish all ofthis by tomorrow!

Remember, your body is always detoxing on its own, so anything you do to help isadditive. And before you know it, the tips outlined above will become detoxifying habits thatserve you for life.

In good health,

Dr. Bill Rawls


Additional resources on detoxifying the gut:

Learn more about the detoxing benefits of Chlorella: The Ultimate DetoxSuperfoodRevisit this relaxing guided practice: Yoga Practice for Gut Health

Gut Revival Kit core resources:

The Vital Plan Diet e-bookGut Revival Kit Frequently Asked Questions

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat,cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your qualified healthcare provider before beginning any diet or program.

Vital Plan is a company devoted to enhancing wellness through education, support, and herbal supplements.

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