Tae Soo Do Parent’s Survival Guide - Complete Martial...

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WORLD HWA RANG DO→ ASSOCIATION West Coast Headquarters West Coast Hwa Rang Do→ Academy 11304 ½ Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064 Tel: (310) 473-6233 Fax: (310) 473-5583 E-mail: info@hwarangdo.net www.hwarangdo.net

West Coast Hwa Rang Do® Academy

Tae Soo Do® Parent’s Survival Guide Everything a TSD Student needs to know to achieve Black Belt Excellence ©1999 ~ 2010 West Coast Hwa Rang Do® Academy/Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Introduction We realize the world of Martial Arts is new to the parents and we want to help you better understand why we do things a certain way as well as better understanding the Warrior’s Path. Even though we teach your children, you are the one responsible in making sure he/she gets all the benefits we have to offer. That means you must make sure you get your child to the right class on time, know when the test dates are, purchase their equipment, and many times help them practice at home so they may excel. We realize that it is a commitment on your part and we want to help you make this journey toward “Black Belt Excellence” for both you and your child as painless as possible and receive the most benefits. This is unlike their educational institution, their gymnastics class, their little league, or anything you and your child have ever experienced before. This is a school of leadership, character, and strength. We teach Tae Soo Do (The Way of the Warrior Spirit). Here your child is learning to become a warrior. They must learn to be accountable for their actions, understand responsibility, duty, honor, respect, and the strength to become a true leader. We teach them to self-motivate so that they may motivate others. We teach them that there are consequences to what they do and say, and they must think before they act. We teach them the most valuable attributes a child can gain in order to succeed in this chaotic and unforgiving world we live in today. So, here we go into the wonderful world of Tae Soo Do.

What is Tae Soo Do®? Tae Soo Do® is the pre-requisite to learning Hwa Rang Do®. Tae Soo Do® was created from Hwa Rang Do® in 1991 by Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo Bang Lee with the assistance from his eldest son, Grandmaster Taejoon Lee in order to develop better Hwa Rang Knights. It is the essentials, fundamentals, mechanics, and concepts necessary to becoming a great martial artist. Types of Programs & Classes:

What is Basic Training v. Warrior’s Path? We have created two different journeys one can take, Basic Training or Warrior’s Path? This only affects the Juniors. Basic Training – The basic concepts of martial arts training. No weapons, No grappling. The first 45 minutes of class. Warrior’s Path – Extensive martial arts knowledge and additional classes are free. The last 15 minutes of class.

Explanation: Traditionally we have had a separate BBC class for the members who have made a commitment to their Tae Soo Do Black Belt. However, that meant that they needed to come one extra day to attend the special BBC Only class. Well, needless to say for both adults and children alike in our Los Angeles community, everybody is very busy with many activities. Hence, our BBC class attendance for both Juniors and Adults were very poor, but the material gained in these classes are truly valuable. Furthermore, we have taken away the Gotoogi – Grappling class on Saturday and incorporated the curriculum into the regular weekly classes. So, weaponry, grappling, takedowns, additional sparring techniques, and additional stand-up joint-manipulation techniques are all included into the Warrior’s Path segment of class.

For the Little Tigers Only: What are the Little Tigers and the Juniors? Little Tigers are the students from 3 yrs to 7 yrs old and the Juniors are from 8yrs to 12 yrs old. They receive the name of Little Tigers in reference to the mascot for TSD – Tiger (Earthly Powers) and HRD – Dragon (Heavenly Powers). Note: There is no Basic Training or Warrior’s Path distinction for Little Tigers. The Schedule:

Every Tu & Th, 4:15pm to 5pm Saturdays – Family Class 10:0am to 10:45am (For the Family Class both Little Tigers and Juniors can attend) Will I need to get a Gotoogi Uniform?

All the Junior and Adult BBC Members must purchase a Gotoogi uniform as it is now part of the Warrior’s Path curriculum. The Little Tigers do not need to purchase the GTG uniform. You will wear your Gotoogi (GTG) uniform on either your Wednesday or Thursday classes for the entire class.

When do I need to bring my armor? You must bring your armor on the days for Sparring. This has mainly changed for the Tae Soo Do Students. Here are the days you need to bring your armor.

Little Tigers (3 to 7 yrs. Old) - Tuesday & Saturday Junior Beginners (GBP) - Tuesday & Saturday Junior Int. & Adv. (BBC) - Monday & Saturday Adult Beginners (GBP) - Tuesday & Saturday Adult Int. & Adv. (BBC) - Monday & Saturday Junior HRD - Monday & Saturday Adult HRD - Monday & Saturday

What is Fight Night? It has always been very difficult to get people to attend classes on Friday nights. So, we have made it an open training session, which will be supervised and coached. It is open to all Students both Juniors and Adults and the students of the Warrior’s Path program, it if free. The students in the Basic Training Program, it is an additional $15 per session. You can come anytime between 5pm to 7pm for as long as you like. You cannot be tardy to this as it is not a specific class time and you may wear any workout clothes you prefer.


Tae Soo Do® is broken down into 6 different categories:

Basics (Ki (or Gi) Bon Kwon Bop) – Kick/Punch combinations. There are four in each belt.

One Step Sparring (Il Bo Dae Ryun) – Kick/Punch defenses & counters

Joint Manipulation Techniques (Ho Shin Sul) – There are one joint-manipulation technique, starting from Green Belt to Half-Black Belt. They must learn defenses from five different attacks:

A Push A Punch A Lapel Grab A Wrist Grab A Shoulder grab from the rear

Kicking Test (Jok Sul) – There are two Kicking Tests in each belt. Starting at Green Belt, the Basic #3 becomes Kicking Test #1 and Basic #4 becomes Kicking Test #2

Long Form (Hyung) – There is a sequence of kicks, punches, and blocks to form a routine much like a dance or gymnastics routine to develop balance & coordination.

Weapon Form – The student learns three weapon forms during their Tae Soo Do® training.

Beginners (White, Orange, Yellow) – Ssang Jyel Bong (Nunchuku) Intermediate (Green, Purple, Blue) – Jang Bong (Long Staff) Advanced (Brown, Red, Hal-Black) – Jang Gum (Sword)

The Belt Ranking System:

There are nine belts in Tae Soo Do®

Beginner: White Belt White Belt with Black Stripe Orange Belt Orange Belt with Black Stripe Yellow Belt Yellow Belt with Black Stripe Intermediate: Green Belt Green Belt with Black Stripe Purple Belt Purple Belt with Black Stripe Blue Belt Blue Belt with Black Stripe Advanced: Brown Belt Brown Belt with Black Stripe Red Belt Red Belt with Black Stripe Half Black Belt Half Black Belt with Black Stripe The tenth Belt is the coveted Black Belt. Once the student attains the Tae Soo Do® (TSD) Black Belt, they will start Hwa Rang Do® as a Yellow Sash.

It will take approximately 3 to 31/2 years for you to achieve a TSD Black Belt.

That is if you are consistent and keep excellent attendance.

What is Hwa Rang Do®? The Hwarang Knights were the fiercest fighting sect during the Three Kingdoms Period in Korean History. It was created by King Chinhung of the Silla Kingdom. At that time in Korean History, Korea was divided into three kingdoms: Korguryo to the North, Paekche to the West, and Silla to the East. It is due to the Hwa Rang Warriors led by General Yoo Shin Kim that the country was united as one for the very first time in Korean History. Hwa Rang warriors lasted for a thousand years, one of the longest civilizations in human history. The Hwa Rang Knights were the predecessors to the Japanese “Samurai,” which would come to power almost a thousand years later. In the early 1960’s Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo Bang Lee incorporated the spirit of the Hwa Rang Knights into a strict martial art system for the first time in modern history and he called it Hwa Rang Do®, accrediting him as the Founder. Four Divisions of Study:

Shin Gong (Mental Power) – Development of the mind through intellectual studies, mental focus, concentration, and meditation.

Nae Gong (Internal Powers) – Development of “Ki”, life force that exists in all living things through proper breathing exercise and meditation.

Wae Gong (External Power) – Development of the body through training over 4,000 self-defense techniques and 365 kicking combinations.

Moo Gi Gong (Weapon Power) – Mastery of external objects through the practice of over 108 different weapons found in Hwa Rang Do.

Who is Do Joo Nim? Do Joo Nim means the owner of the art or we also say Supreme Grandmaster. There is always only one Do Joo Nim in the World, who is a 10th Degree Hwa Rang Do® Black Sash. The current Do Joo Nim is Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo Bang Lee who is the 58th generation Hwarang Knight and creator of Hwa Rang Do→ Martial Art. He is also the father of our Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.

Who is Kuk Sa Nim? Kuk Sa Nim means “the man of the country.” At the West Coast Hwa Rang Do® Academy, it is Grandmaster Taejoon Lee. He is an 8th Degree Hwa Rang Do Black Sash. He is also the eldest son of Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo Bang Lee and the apparent heir to the title Do Joo Nim.

Dojang Kouchik (School Rules) These rules are established so that the Academy can create an atmosphere conducive to the student’s learning and gain the discipline needed in order to achieve their goals to become a great martial artist, a great human being.

“JUNG DO is the way of the true sword. When one follows this path, one becomes the truth in which the spirit dwells,

allowing the Self to be in harmony with the Laws of the Universe.” Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

This Dojang should be regarded as a temple of serenity. When you enter the Dojang you must have proper attire and spirit. Silence and stillness are necessary for the right frame of mind. It is imperative to have peace of mind when beginning class, meditating to improve concentration and to enable the student to learn faster and remember more.

Student should observe proper etiquette. You must bow to masters, instructors, and other black belts. When bowing, both hands are held in front of the center of the chest, both feet together, then bow from the waist, repeating the words: "Hwa Rang".

Tae Soo Do (TSD) students must always reply with a “yes sir” or “no sir” when you are addressing TSD or Hwa Rang Do (HRD) Black Belts. HRD students only to HRD Black Sashes.

Before entering the Dojang for class, student must retrieve their Attendance Card and line up in preparation for class.

Before entering the Dojang floor, the student must take off their shoes and place their shoes and equipment bag in the locker room. NO BAGS OR SHOES SHOULD BE LEFT OUT IN FRONT. This rack is only for guests. You are responsible for your own dobok, clothing, equipment bag, and weapons. If you leave any of them at the Dojang, they no longer become your property, but the property of the Dojang. It may be dispensed of and if it is still available, the student must do fifty knuckle pushups in order to get it back. For pee-wees and juniors, twenty knuckle pushups. The pushups must be performed on the wooden floor.

Upon entering and leaving the Dojang floor, the student must bow to the flags on the wall. When bowing to the flags, your right hand must be held over your heart, to show respect to your country, to the republic of South Korea and to the training area itself.

Any time it is necessary to adjust your dobok while on the training area, you must turn facing the back, kneel on the right knee, then fixing your dobok.

During weapons practice, if you drop your weapon, then the student must perform knuckle pushups on the wooden floor: TSD students 10, HRD students 20. Your weapons are not toys. If you found playing with them, your weapons may be taken away and your weapon practice privileges suspended.

Wash your dobok frequently for good hygiene. A dirty dobok is offensive and distracting to other students. You may not put any other patches, embroidery, or marks on the dobok without first receiving permission from

the teacher. Before leaving the Dojang, fold dobok properly. If you do not know how to fold your dobok, ask a higher belt

student to help you. Before entering Dojang, students should take care of all person hygiene duties. Instructors should not be

interrupted to use the restroom or get a drink of water. Long fingernails and toenails are a danger to you and other students; keep them neatly trimmed. No jewelry such as earrings, large rings, necklaces or watches during class.

No alcohol, smoking, or chewing gum chewing in the Dojang. No hats shall be worn in the Dojang by students or guests.

No free sparring without supervision by the instructor. Always call the Supreme Grandmaster "Do Joo Nim", the Grandmaster "Kuk Sun Nim", master "Kwan Jang

Nim", instructors "Sa Bum Nim", teachers “Kyo Sa Nim”, assistant instructors “Jo Kyo Nim”, and Teuk Gong Team members by “Sunbae Nim.”

During class session it is absolute necessary to obey and respect instructors, showing respect for higher rank and to maintain mental and spiritual concentration.

Once a student has entered the Dojang he/ she should not leave during class instruction. In case of an emergency

always ask your instructor for permission to leave. Keep the training area and entire school clean at all times. Regular school cleaning schedules are posted and

should be done daily. This is part of your training. Never do anything to dishonor the Dojang or your instructors. If you have any questions during class, raise your hand and wait for the instructor to acknowledge you. If you are tardy, you must show respect to the class in session by going quietly to the dressing room and

changing. Then walk over quietly to the entrance of the Dojang floor and perform your knuckle pushups on the wooden floor: for TSD adults 30, for TSD Juniors 20, for TSD Pee Wee 10, for HRD Juniors 30, for HRD adults 50. Then kneel and wait for the instructor to signal you to enter. Even if you are a Pee Wee or Junior student who must rely on your parents for transportation, they are still responsible to perform their knuckle push ups on the wooden floor.

The serious students must practice once a day to progress satisfactorily and must attend classes consistently. If you do not maintain regular attendance without notice to the school, you may be expelled from the school with NO REFUND of your tuition and you must meet all your financial obligations.


The Home Rules

These are rules, which we have developed to help assist in your child’s behavior and performance at home. These rules are critical in making your child become the best that they can be. Please repeat these rules at home and make sure to post it somewhere in your home, which is visible to the child most of the time.

These are the 8 Home Rules:

Children shall NEVER talk or go along with strangers.

Children shall greet their parents with “Hi Mom! Hi Dad!” when they enter the home and tell their parents “Good-bye” when they leave.

Children will be kind to their Brothers and Sisters. Children will not use any Martial Arts on their family members

or friends. Children will keep their room and the house neat and clean. Children will keep their hair, body, and teeth clean daily. Children will not interrupt adult conversations. Children shall fix the recipe for straight A’s and B’s daily! When you come home from school, open the refrigerator and

have a glass of milk or juice. Open your book to review what you studied today. Do your homework. Preview what you will study tomorrow.

Children who do not obey their parents CHEERFULLY may be reduced in rank.


This is a Korean martial art and we use many commands in Korean.

Hwa Rang Do – The Way of the Flowering Manhood Tae Soo Do – The Way of the Warrior Spirit Do Joo Nim – Owner of the Art (or Way) Kwan Jang Nim – Master Sa Bum Nim – Instructor Kyo Sa Nim – Teacher Jo Kyo Nim – Assistant Instructor Sun Bae Nim – Senior Student or Older Brother/Sister Who Bae – Younger Brother/Sister Jae Ja – Student Do Jang – House of the Way or Studio Do Bok – Uniform Ssang Jyel Bong – Twin sticks with rope or chain (nunchucku) Jang Bong – Long Staff Jang Kum – Long Sword Hogu – Armor Dee – Belt Cha Ryut – Attention Kyung Nae – Bow Ba Row – Come Back Joon Be – Ready She Jak – Begin Gae Sok – Continue Ba Kua – Switch Dae Dan He Kam Sa Hap Ni Da – Thank you very much An Young He Gae Ship She Yo – Good Bye (when you’re

leaving) Chun Man Hae Yo – I’ll do a thousand things a ten thousand

times for you or your welcome Mi Ahn Hap Ni Da – I am sorry Jar Moat Hae Seum Ni Da – I apologize Sarang Hap Ni Da – I love you Jung Shin Il Do Ha Sa Bul Sung – With one mind nothing is

impossible (our school motto) Il Gi Dang Chun – One horsed warrior conquers a thousand

(our 2nd school motto) Teuk Gong Team – Special Forces (our team of assistant

instructors) Gotoogi – fight to the end or submission fighting Mugi Daeryun – weapon fighting Kumdo – way of the sword Dae Be Jasae – defensive stance Gong Kyuk Jasae – offensive stance Gima Jasae – horse stance Jung Shin Tong Il - concentration


Number Counting 1. Il Hana 2. E Dur 3. Sam Sett 4. Sa Nett 5. O Da-sutt 6. Yuk Yao-sutt 7. Chil Il-goap 8. Pal Yao-dur 9. Gu A-op 10. Ship Yaor

What Equipment do you need? In any sport, the participant needs the right equipment in order to maximize their performance. Tae Soo Do® is no different. There are three different categories of materials needed. With each category, we will specify whether it is mandatory or recommended; when you should have the equipment and approximate costs. The price may vary from time to time. You must purchase all of your equipment at the West Coast Hwa Rang Do Academy. The reasons are: 1) School Support, 2) We have specific colors with our logo on them, 3) The equipment is

standardized just like the uniforms. If you do not have the proper equipment, you may be asked to return them and will not

be allowed to use them at our Academy. Equipment:

Sparring Gear: This is necessary to ensure your safety as well as others. This should be purchased as soon as possible, but no later than you receiving your Orange Belt. Headgear – (White w/ HRD Logo) $40 Chest Guard – (White w/ HRD Logo) $45 Gloves – (White w/ HRD Logo) $30 Boots – (White w/ HRD Logo) $30 Shin Guards – (White w/ HRD Logo) $25 Groin Cup – (For boys) $24.95 Mouth Piece w/ case $5 HRD Equipment Bag $35 Total $234.95


Beginners – Ssang Jyel Bong (nunchuku) If the student is a junior, then they must have the foam Ssang Jyel Bong as a white belt. When they become yellow belt, they should have the wood Ssang Jyel Bong.

Foam (with chain) $9.50 Wood $20 Intermediate – Jang Bong (Long Staff)

Rattan $30

Advanced – Jang Kum (Sword) Bamboo $35 Metal Sword (Junior) Metal Sword (Adult or Teen) Carrying Case (Optional) $35

Children who are considered Little Tigers (7 years old and younger) only need the long staff.

Training Aids:

These are books, videos, and equipment for additional aid in your study of Tae Soo Do®/Hwa Rang Do®. All of the training aids are optional, but are highly recommended. Instructional Videos:

Tae Soo Do® Instructional Videos Each Video Tape White Belt to Half Black Belt $39.95 All nine videos (a 30% Discount) $250.00 Tae Soo Do® Sung Gong Journal $30.00 Fighting Styles Instructional Videos Each Video (bulk discounts available) $39.95 Panther Instructional Videos Each Video (bulk discounts available) $39.99

Books: (These books are a must) Hwa Rang Do® Defend, Take Down, Submit $18.95

Hwa Rang Do® Vol. I $18.95 Hwa Rang Do® Vol. II $18.95 Hwa Rang Do® Vol. III $18.95

(The following prices vary depending on the type & style) Kicking Shields

Kick Targets Focus Mits

The Family Structure At the West Coast Hwa Rang Do® Academy, we have a specific organizational structure, the rank hierarchy with specific responsibilities and benefits for each climb to the top. The more commitment and dedication a student demonstrates to us, the more commitment, recognition, and benefits they gain from the Academy.

HRD Master’s


HRD Instructor’s Club

HRD Team Kwan Chang/SATP

HRD Black Belt Club

HRD Student

TSD Teuk Gong Team

TSD Black Belt Club Warrior’s Path TSD Black Belt Club Basic Training

TSD Green Belt Program Warrior’s Path TSD Green Belt Program Basic Training

TSD Student Monthly Warrior’s Path TSD Student Monthly Basic Training

This is our Family Tree. There is always one Do Joo Nim in the World, and always one master at one school. Each studio must be in direct supervision of one master if it is taught by an Instructor.

Hwa Rang Do® Master’s Club:

Only Hwa Rang Do® Black Sashes with 5th Dan Degree or higher may become members of this most elite club.

Hwa Rang Do® Instructor’s Club:

Only Hwa Rang Do® Black Sashes from 1st through 4th Dan Degree may become members of this Instructor Club.

Hwa Rang Do® Team Kwan Chang:

Special Team of role models as well as teaching assistants for the Hwa Rang Do® Program & functions as our Staff. This is by invitation only. Uniform – All Black V-neck Uniform Hwa Rang Do® Black Sash Club:

Hwa Rang Do® students who have made a commitment to the Black Sash Program to achieve their Black Sashes. Special HRD BBC patch, which goes on the right arm. Hwa Rang Do® Student:

Any Hwa Rang Do® students who are on the year program our shortest HRD Program. Tae Soo Do® Teuk Gong Team:

A Tae Soo Do® student who is at least of a Green Belt rank and is a member of the Black Belt Club. This is a special team of role models who are required to uphold academic excellence, good citizenship, assist in the instruction of at least one class per week, attend the special Teuk Gong Team Class, attend all promotional examinations, and compete in all World Hwa Rang Do® Association sponsored tournaments. This is by invitation only. Special Black & White Uniform with embroidery Tae Soo Do® Black Belt Club (Warrior’s Path):

Tae Soo Do® students who are in the Black Belt Warrior’s Path Program and have made a commitment to achieve their Black Belts in Tae Soo Do®.

Uniform – a black jacket and white pants. Warrior’s Path Patch - Goes on the right chest School Patch - Goes on the left shoulder * Black Belt Club Patch which goes on the right arm and the belt has a black stripe running through the middle of the belt.

Tae Soo Do® Black Belt Club (Basic Training):

Tae Soo Do® students who are in the Black Belt Basic Training Program and have made a commitment to achieve their Black Belt in Tae Soo Do®.

Uniform – all white uniform. School Patch - Goes on the left chest * The belt has a black stripe running through the middle of the belt.

Tae Soo Do® Green Belt Program (Warrior’s Path):

Tae Soo Do® students who are in the Green Belt Warrior’s Path Program and have made the commitment to achieve the Green Belt Rank.

Uniform – a black jacket and white pants. Warrior’s Path Patch - Goes on the right chest School Patch - Goes on the left shoulder * The belt has a black stripe running through the middle of the belt.

Tae Soo Do® Green Belt Program (Basic Training):

Tae Soo Do® students who are in the Green Belt Basic Training Program and have made the commitment to achieve the Green Belt Rank.

Uniform – all white uniform. School Patch - Goes on the left chest * The belt has a black stripe running through the middle of the belt.

Tae Soo Do® Student Monthyl (Warrior’s Path):

Any student who are in a program less than the Green Belt Program, but is in the Warrior’s Path Program.

Uniform – a black jacket and white pants School Patch - Goes on the left shoulder * The belt is a solid color belt.

Tae Soo Do® Student Monthyl (Basic Training):

Any student who are in a program less than the Green Belt Program, but is in the Basic Training Porgram.

Uniform – all white uniform School Patch - Goes on the left chest * The belt is a solid color belt.

Belt Promotions Originally, there were no belts in martial arts study. However, there were ranks and titles. A person who went through the rigorous training of both martial and intellectual studies was called a “Hwa Rang,” (a Flowering Knight) and the people who followed them were called, “Rang Do,” (People of the Way). One Hwa Rang would have up to 5,000 Rang Do under their care. Today we use the belt system to motivate as well as recognize the students for their accomplishments. It is a great tool to help the students better plan for their journey toward excellence. The Tip Test

The Tip Test is called that because the instructor gives them tips in order to better their techniques. There are no fees involved for the Tip Test. It is a service from the Academy in order to better prepare the student for their Belt Tests. When does it take place? It takes place during the last class of the last week of every month. Are their any fees? No, there are no fees. It is a service from the Academy. What paper work must be completed and by when?

The Test Application must be completed, but not the Personal Conduct Profile. The Application must be turned in on the week before the Tip Test, usually the third week of each month.

How do I know my child is ready to test? When they have learned half of their material. The requirements are written behind their attendance cards as well as in their TSD Sung Gong Journal. If you are not sure, just ask the Instructor, but not on the last week of the month. The best time to ask is the second week of each month. (All Students must get permission from their Instructor in order to Tip Test)

What do they receive when they test? They will receive a black stripe, normally on the same day of their test and they do not need to be here for the belt ceremony.

The Belt Test

The Belt Test is a promotional examination to receive their next rank. They must know all the material in each belt in order to test. There are different requirements for Little Tigers and Juniors. The Requirements for Little Dragons (ages 3 yrs to 7 yrs):

They are only required to know the 4 Basics. The long forms are optional. The Little Dragons are not required to know any weapon forms. However, they are recommended to learn the long staff form during their Intermediate to Advanced ranks.

The Requirements for Juniors (8 yrs to 12 yrs):

They must know all the material in each rank.

When does it take place?

Little Tigers & Juniors – 3:45pm to 5pm, usually on the last Friday of each month. Please check the Academy’s master calendar.

Must the parent be present at the Belt Test?

No, you cannot be present so the child can concentrate and focus on the task at hand (It is a closed private testing). However, you must be present on the Belt Ceremony, which takes place the day after the test on Saturday at 11:30pm.

Are there any fees?

Yes, there is a Test Fee for each belt. This is to register them with the WHRDA. The Test Fees are: For Orange Belt $40 For Yellow Belt $40 For Green Belt $50 For Purple Belt $50 For Blue Belt $50 For Brown Belt $60 For Red Belt $60 For Half Black Belt $60 For Black Belt $300 All Applications & Test Fees must be paid one week prior to their Belt Test.

What paper work must be completed and by when?

The Test Application must be completed as well as the Personal Conduct Profile, which must be completed by the parent and their schoolteachers. They must receive a certain score in order to test. If they do not meet the proper scores, then they will not be permitted to test. The Application must be turned in on the week before the Belt Test, usually the third week of each month.

How do I know my child is ready to test?

When they have learned all of their material. The requirements are written behind their attendance cards as well as in their TSD Sung Gong Journal. Usually, they will be notified whether they will test that month or not. If you are still not sure, just ask the Instructor, but not on the last week of the month. The best time to ask is the second week of each month.

What do they receive when they test?

They will receive a Belt Certificate and their new belts, which will be presented at the belt ceremony.

When is the Belt Ceremony held?

It is held on the Saturday, the day after their Belt Test, usually at 12:30pm, but they should be present by 11:30am to finish the second portion of the belt testing.

I heard they break boards at the belt ceremony, is that true?

Yes, the child will have to break boards in order to receive their next rank. The boards are cut in the appropriate size so that all the students can successfully break them. Each belt will perform different strikes to break the boards. It is a great self-empowering tool.

Must a parent be at the belt ceremony?

Yes, you must be present to support your child. We strongly encourage you to invite friends and family as well.

Awards We try to recognize the students who have demonstrated excellence, commitment, and dedication in both our Academy and their school. We hope that these awards will better motivate the students to achieve higher levels of accomplishments. Perseverance Award

This is given to students who have made their minimum attendance requirement for each month. This is calculated from test date to test date. Collect these Awards and you can trade them in for special prizes.

Attendance Requirements:

TSD Students - 8 classes per month

TSD BBC Members - 10 classes per month

TGT Members - 12 classes per month


3 Awards – A Tae Soo Do lapel pin

6 Awards – A Dangum (Short Decorative Knife)

9 Awards – A Junggum (A medium metal practice sword)

12 Awards – A Janggum (A long metal practice sword)

When you turn in the Perseverance Awards for the prize, then you start over for the next prize.

Participation Award

When a student participates in a WHRDA sanctioned tournament, demonstration, seminar or other special events, he/she will receive a certificate and a star, which is sown on the side of the right leg of the pants.

Black Belt Club Award

When a student makes the commitment to Black Belt Club, then we present them with a Certificate and a patch, which goes on their right shoulder.

Disciplinary Measures We believe that a child needs both positive reinforcement as well as negative reinforcement. The phrase “negative reinforcement” has a bad connotation. When we punish a person, it is out of hatred; when we discipline a student it is out of love. We have the highest expectations for our students to succeed and excel in all that they pursue. When they fall short of those expectations and do not apply themselves fully at the task at hand, that is when discipline is used. The student is also taught to be responsible and be accountable for their actions. We understand that there are many good reasons for being tardy or leaving equipment at home. However, the result is the same and they are reminded that by what happened there is a consequence that follows their action, which cannot be avoided. We do not want to teach the exceptions to the rules, but rather teach them to BE exceptional! The disciplinary measures we take at our Academy are knuckle push-ups. It does not harm the student rather it strengthens them. However, the act itself is uncomfortable and reminds the student that they should not have done what they did. It helps to leave an impression in their mind to remember not to do it again. The common concern is that it was not the child’s fault, but the fault of the parent. That may be true, but the parent is not our student, the child is. If the child forgets their homework or misses school due to the fault of the parent, it is not the parent who receives the bad grade for the class, it is the child. We are a school of leadership and we are interested in teaching strength of character.

Dos and Don’ts Here are some of the dos and don’ts for the students of the Academy. I hope that this guide has been helpful. We realize that there are many things to remember, so please feel free to ask anytime you have a question or a concern and our staff will be glad to help clarify any misconceptions or doubts. If the staff cannot answer your concerns, then please ask Grandmaster Lee. Dos

Do have your child practice at least 10 to 15 minutes a day. Just have them have a Tae Soo Do time, which they can use to practice or just think about Tae Soo Do.

Do help your child wear their armor in class (only for Little Tigers).

Do have all their equipment ready if you are not sure that they need it. It is better to be prepared then not.

Do encourage them and support them by giving them a compliment after class.

Do come see them once in a while, especially on their Belt Ceremonies.

Do help them on their techniques by encouraging them to practice with loud kiap, higher kicks, greater energy, and more speed.

Do bring them a little early, so they can practice before class or just socialize with their classmates.

Do double check to make sure they have all their sparring equipment, weapons, uniform, belt etc. before you come to class and before they leave.

Do help your child learn how to take care of their own things and wear their own uniform and belt.

Do encourage and support the child while they are in class by applauding only or making comments like, “Way to go, great job, awesome.”

Do show proper respect to our school rules and staff.

Do make comments or suggestions to Grandmaster Lee to improve the school.


Don’t bring them late.

Don’t leave because you have brought them late and you want them to avoid doing push-ups.

Don’t forget their uniform, belt, sparring equipment, weapons etc.

Don’t have them wear someone else’s belt, uniform, or armor, if you have forgotten. They can ask to borrow after they have performed their knuckle push-ups.

Don’t speak on behalf of your child to Grandmaster Lee. Let the child get used to expressing themselves to authority figures. You may help to clarify later.

Don’t disturb your child while he/she is in class by waving, sending kisses, making comments, etc.

Don’t coach from the sidelines.

Don’t make comments to them while they are in class.

Don’t walk in to the class without permission. The only time you can enter the class is to help them with their armor (Little Tigers only) and only when the head instructor says to.

Don’t ever contest or argue with the instructors or assistants while they are teaching. You may wait to get their attention and talk to them when they approach you.

Don’t talk or make loud noises while they are in meditation at the beginning and at the end of every class.

Don’t wear your shoes on to the dojang floor. You may use the complimentary slippers at the front entrance to go to the restroom.

Don’t go behind the front counter and the sales counter without permission.

Don’t use the phone without permission from the staff.

Don’t wear hats in the dojang. Please read the school rules and abide by our etiquette.

These are just some of the dos and don’ts. If you practice common sense and courtesy, then you should be fine. If you as a parent do not abide by our school rules, then it is only your child that suffers in the end. Remember that your child is the student and you are the parent who is responsible for the child. However, when you are here you must abide by our school rules, just as your child does. If you disagree with the school rules and we are not willing to change them, then you do not need to be here while your child is taking class. We are only obligated to teach your child, not the parent. It is our hope that you will assist and become an integral part of our Academy, but please don’t spoil it for your child.

Note from Grandmaster Lee:

I hope you understand that we want what is best for your child. We want to create the proper atmosphere for them to achieve their highest potentials. This guide is designed to help you better assist your child’s growth into a mature, strong, independent, responsible adult. You have brought them to us to teach them, then you must trust in our abilities and judgment. We are on the same side, so please help us help your child.