Tactics - Taking The Roof Off & Steamroller

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Tactics - Taking The Roof Off & Steamroller

TacticsTaking The Roof Off & Steamroller

Taking The Roof Off

Taking The Roof Off

• Take the person’s point of view for a test drive

• Show them where it leads

Taking The Roof Off

• Also called reductio ad absurdum

• Reduce a point to its absurd conclusion or consequence.

Taking The Roof OffSteps

1. Reduce the person’s point of view to its basic argument, assertion, principle, or moral rule.

2. Mentally give the idea a “test drive” to see where it leads.

3. If you find a problem, point it out.

Taking The Roof Off

• Mother Theresa once appealed to the governor of California to stay the execution of double murderer Robert Alton Harris. Her reasoning: Since “Jesus would forgive,” the governor should forgive.

Taking The Roof Off

• Claim

• If Jesus would forgive capital criminals, then it is wrong to execute them.

Taking The Roof Off

• Claim

• If Jesus would forgive capital criminals, then it is wrong to execute them.

Taking The Roof Off

• Taking the Roof Off

• One could always say, “Jesus would forgive.”

• So, we shouldn’t punish any criminals

• However, Romans 13 says government exists to punish wrong doing.

Taking The Roof Off

• Taking the Roof Off

• Even though Jesus might forgive murderers, that does not mean it is wrong for the government to punish them.

Taking The Roof Off

• Claim

• Jesus casts out demons by the power of Satan.

Taking The Roof Off

• Taking the Roof Off

• If Satan is the source of Jesus’ power, then Satan is casting out Satan, destroying his own kingdom. This is absurd.

Taking The Roof Off

• Therefore

• Jesus’ power must not come from Satan, but from God who opposes Satan.



• Reasons for Resistance

• Emotional

• Cultural influences & biases

• Rebellion


• A “steamroller” tries to use force instead of reasons to advance the discussion.


• Methods

• Interrupting

• Constantly questioning

• Changing subject

• Not listening


• Steamrollers are aggressive, so we must manage them aggressively [without being rude]

Step 1: Stop Him

Step 1: Stop Him

• Simply hold up your hand and gently say, “I’m not quite finished,” and then continue.

• Be calm and wait for an opening.

• Don’t talk over the person

Step 1: Stop Him

• Aask him to give you something — patience and courtesy — so that you can give him something in return — an answer.

Step 1: Stop Him

• “Is it okay with you if I take a few moments to answer your question before you ask another? I’ll give you a chance to respond when I get done. Will that work?”

Step 1: Stop Him

• “That’s a good question, and it deserves a decent answer, but that will take a few minutes. Are you okay with that?”

Step 1: Shame Him

Step 2: Shame Him

• “Can I ask you a favor? I’d love to respond to your concern, but you keep breaking in. Could I have a few moments without being cut off to develop my point? Then you can tell me what you think. Is that okay with you?”

• Wait for a response.

Step 2: Shame Him

• “Can I ask you a quick question? Do you really want a response from me? At first I thought you did, but when you continue to interrupt I get the impression all you want is an audience. If so, just let me know and I’ll listen. But if you want an answer, you’ll have to give me time to respond. Tell me what you want. I need to know before I can continue.”

• Wait for a response.

Step 1: Leave Him

• Walk away.

• If the steamroller won’t let you answer, listen politely until he’s finished, then drop it.