Table of Contents - DMS€¦ · DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises,...

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Transcript of Table of Contents - DMS€¦ · DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises,...

Table of ContentsSection 1......................................................................................................2• Core Mission • Core Values• Vendor Relationship Management• DCF Commitment for Enhancing Supplier Diversity

Section 2......................................................................................................3• Senior Office Responsible for Monitoring and Implementing Plan• Tracking of Data Related to DCF’s Plan

Section 3 ....................................................................................................4• Proposal(s) to establish programs or initiatives aimed at

minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises

Section 4 ....................................................................................................5• Proposed Outreach Activities

Section 5......................................................................................................6• Education of Business Owners• Steps to Ensure Programs Reach All Minority Business Owners Section 6......................................................................................................7-9• RepoRts

• Summary of Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Contracting with minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises

-Certified Spending for FY 2014-15* -Non-Certified Spending for FY 2014-15* -top 50 CeRtified minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises -top 50 NoN-CeRtified minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises Section 7-8..................................................................................................10• How to Capture and Report Subcontractor Information• New Initiatives or Internal Procedures that Enhance

minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises• Activities to Benefit Smaller Business in Florida

Section 9-10................................................................................................11 • Strategic plan to link the Office of Supplier Diversity web page to DCF’s website• Initiative plan to incorporate the use of eQuote to improve opportunities

with minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 2

Department Of Children And FamiliesCore Mission

The mission of the Department of Children and Families is to work in partnership with local communities to protect the vulnerable, promote strong and economically self-sufficient families, and advance personal and family recovery and resiliency. Ch.20.19 F.S.

Core Values

I.C.A.R.E.A workforce that operates with integrity maintains loyalty to a code of ethics that requires the courage to take responsibility for providing the highest quality of service to the vulnerable. We are a solutions-focused learning organization built on a foundation of transparency in action and accountability of results. Both within the organization and among our stakeholders, we thrive in a culture of respect for diversity of opinion that is nurtured through open communication. High performing and committed, we are unified in our goal of excellence in achieving quality outcomes for those we serve.

Vendor Relationship Management

The services for which we are responsible are delivered through a complex network of vendors and community partners. It is critical that we ensure vendors and community partners share in our mission and vision – it is not enough for them to simply deliver services. They must uphold our values and maintain a commitment to world class service and outcomes. We must balance partnership with accountability.

DCF Commitment for Enhancing Supplier Diversity

The Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) commitment to our minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises program is to enhance supplier diversity through outreach, education and matchmaking activities in order to promote continued business opportunities. DCF will encourage diversity in acquisition of goods and services as we provide for the needs of Florida’s most vulnerable citizens. We will be driven by the needs and choices of our internal and external customers and be ethically, socially and culturally responsible. The Department will earn the trust and respect of our partners, customers and the public by providing exceptional customer service while practicing sound fiscal stewardship.

DCF recognizes the value of a diverse supplier base and its impact on Florida’s communities and population at large. DCF strives to provide products and services needed to support administrative functions, therefore empowering front line staff by providing the support and tools employees need to deliver world class services to Floridians.

We obtain community directed services to engage communities by seeking partnerships that promote local programs with their efforts in enabling family accountability by helping Floridians move from entitlement to empowerment. DCF outsources partnerships as additional avenues for business opportunities through community and faith based organizations and mental health treatment facilities and programs. Partnerships foster collaboration to support program improvement applying proven best practices to maximize efficiencies and outcomes.

This guideline is not intended in any manner to require that contracts be awarded to anyone other than the lowest or best value responsible bidder, not to supersede the requirement of any federal, state or local laws and rules, regulations and policies adopted pursuant thereto.


Mission, Vision and

statement of commitment

for enhancing


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 3


Senior Office Responsible for Monitoring and Implementing Plan

The Office of General Services is responsible for the development, management and implementation of the Department’s minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises participation plan. The Assistant Staff Director will be responsible for the daily oversight, reporting and monitoring of the Department’s plan and will be assisted by the purchasing staff with these tasks. The Assistant Staff Director, as well as purchasing and contract services staff, will provide resources to educate staff on outreach activities and actions. Staff shall create realistic processes and procedures that will support and enhance representation, accessibility and collaboration through business opportunities with certified minority, women and veteran owned companies. Please direct correspondence and materials to:

Senior official responsible for

monitoring and implementing

Tracking Data


Paul MauckAssistant Staff Director of PurchasingPurchasing Director1317 Winewood Blvd, Blg 3, Room 203Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700Paul.Mauck@myflfamilies.com850-717-4040

Robert MajorPurchasing SpecialistPurchasing Department1317 Winewood Blvd, Blg 3, Room 203Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700Robert.Major@myflfamilies.com850-717-4418

Kristen KruegerChief of Contract Administration1317 Winewood BlvdBuilding 1, Suite 141Tallahassee, Florida 32399Kristen.Krueger-Griswold@myflfamilies.com850-413-6171

Tracking of Data Related to DCF’s Plan

Monitoring data and awareness activities related to this plan are essential to measuring progress. Working actively with internal and external entities (DCF Staff, Contracted Client Services, Office of Supplier Diversity, Vendors, etc.) ensures that we are engaging and receiving pertinent information on a regular basis. DCF uses the Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) accounting system, MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) procurement system and other organizational systems to benchmark expenditures. We will implement strategies that will assist us in tracking our proposed outreach activities, educational opportunities for business owners, new initiatives/internal procedures and activities to benefit minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises as well as small businesses in Florida.


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 4

Proposal(s) to establish programs or initiatives aimed at minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises

DCF promotes the participation of minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises with current state term contract prime vendors and through subcontracting partnerships. The Department will actively participate with the Department of Management Services (DMS) through the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) monthly meetings to engage in agency best practices, updates and education. Also, the Department will coordinate through State Purchasing for proposed State Term Contracts that will assist in identifying possible sources for partnering opportunities.

Additional practices are:

• Recommending diversified business enterprises in prospective bidder’s list to receive formal and informal solicitations.

• Educating potential vendors on the importance of soliciting and utilization of certified minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises for sub-contracting opportunities at pre-bid conference or pre-solicitation meetings.

• Support effective reporting processes by increasing data integrity through identifying and educating vendors on registering their minority business classification properly.

• Promoting business opportunities through community-based organizations, managing entities and Department partners.

• Represent the Department in local and regional outreach activities and one-on-one vendor match-making meetings. Educate vendors on outreach activities and provide agency contact information.

• Identify small purchases that can be organized by product category or by combining elements of work into economically feasible units to afford quoting opportunities with underutilized minority vendors, whenever possible.

• Encouraging large corporations and contractors to enter into strategic partnerships with minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises or use them as subcontractors or sub-vendors whenever possible.

• Review expenditures to identify non-certified minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises utilized by the department, to encourage those vendors to become certified through the OSD. These e-mails contain links to the OSD website and OSD contact information as well as a summary of the benefits connected with certification.

• Distribute e-mails bi-weekly to MFMP requestors frequently encouraging use of minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises.

• After attendance of the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) Regional Matchmaker events, and participating in one-on-one sessions provide division users with applicable information from minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises that have reached out to the Department.


Establish programs or


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 5


Proposed Outreach Activities

The Department is committed to creating an environment which affords all individuals and businesses open access to the business opportunities available within the Department of Children and Families in a manner that reflects the diversity of its service areas. The Department will demonstrate good faith efforts to increase awareness and understanding of the procurement process through education and communication.

Our efforts include:• Emphasize the importance of soliciting certified and non-certified minority-, women- and

veteran-owned business enterprises for subcontracting opportunities to prime contractors at pre-bid conferences and in the bid documents.

• The Department’s Office of Contracted Client Services will encourage the participation of minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises with any scheduled conferences, conference calls, pre-solicitation, or proposal meetings (ITN and RFP’s).

• Dedicating a vendor advocate within DCF Purchasing Management Office to develop opportunities through communication, matchmaking, information gathering and education assistance to minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises.

• Providing information and guidance to vendors on

the registration processes through the Department of Financial Services (DFS) W9 Verification requirement and the MFMP procurement system.

• Promoting a diversified business environment within Department’s communication resources. Distribute emails to educate Department MFMP requestors/buyers and agency cardholders on vendor diversity resources encouraging opportunities and inclusion.

• Encouraging our partners through the Community Based Care and Managing Entity contract

providers to report their small business expenditures to us on a quarterly basis, specifically including


4minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises.

• Attendance at the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) Regional Matchmaker events, and participating in one-on-one sessions.

• Reducing the non-certified minority spend by working diligently to assist qualified vendors with certification through the OSD program. Providing a monthly Top 10 non-certified minority report to OSD and communicating to those vendors the advantages of certification.

• Consistently communicating with the OSD to assure every effort is made to assist and educate non-certified minority vendors on the certification process and encourage their participation in this program.


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 6


5Education of Business Owners

The Department will continue to conduct one-on-one vendor education concerning potential business opportunities through available resources. The Department invites minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises to meet with us to discuss possible business opportunities.

The Purchasing Management Office will provide a “Resource Directory ” to distribute agency contact information along with contract strategic partner information to vendors. Additionally, we have developed a “Procurement Vendor Guide” to educate vendors on Department programs, and how to understand the procurement processes handled throughout the state.

Steps to Ensure Programs Reach All Minority Business Owners

• Advocate through our partners to support minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises

• Identify opportunities within DCF to increase diversified enterprise participation

• Identify minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises firms for these opportunities and communicate to Department staff

• Encourage minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises to be included on the various bid lists throughout DCF

• Disseminate minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises referrals to the appropriate DCF Office or Division

• Obtain management and agency approval of the plan and goal

• Identify barriers and problems with the implementation process and encourage corrective action

• Work with prime suppliers and general con-tractors to participate in the program and report subcontracting

Ensure Programs


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 7


Summary of Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Contracting withminority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprisesThe data below reflects last year’s DCF spending with minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises. DCF continues to focus on streamlining operations to increase efficiencies with frontline staff to improve lives of children and families. Overall spend for the 2014-2015 fiscal year for certified and non-certified categories of minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises was $9,673,677. The below chart contains the spend breakdown for the business industry classifications as reported through the Department of Management (DMS), Office of Fiscal Integrity. These totals do not represent subcontracting tier II dollars spent which accounted in the amount of $62,466.



Contruction Architects Engineers Commodities Contractual

Services Totals

H - African American $0 $0 $231,560 $128,083 $359,643 I - Hispanic $0 $0 $322,389 $455,928 $778,317 J - Asian/Hawaiian $0 $0 $13,036 $508,671 $521,707 K - Native American $0 $0 $142 $474,590 $474,732 M - American Woman $137,671 $0 $1,055,889 $1,357,356 $2,550,916 W - Veteran $0 $0 $368 $147,895 $148,263 TOTAL $137,671 $0 $1,623,384 $3,072,523 $4,833,578

Construction Architects Engineers Commodities Contractual

Services Totals

N - African American $0 $0 $827,438 $656,920 $1,484,358 O - Hispanic $0 $0 $51,142 $564,825 $615,967 P - Asian/Hawaiian $0 $1,450 $358,088 $45,592 $405,130 Q - Native American $0 $0 $39,770 $4,250 $44,020 R - American Woman $8,555 $0 $467,134 $1,707,839 $2,183,528

Y - Service-Disabled Veteran $0 $0 $44,118 $62,978 $107,096

TOTAL $8,555 $1,450 $1,787,690 $3,042,404 $4,840,099

Note: In an effort to continuously improve the quality of information reported, the DMS Office of Fiscal Integrity has researched criteria based on expenditures that does not represent active and deliber-ate contracting decisions. Through discussion with all reporting agencies, the Office of Fiscal Integrity determined that specific financial budget categories and object code data utilized through accounting processes does not represent proportionate business situations. Removal of non-business related categories such as transfers, grants, subsidies, salaries, debt or other pass through payments (to other state agencies or recipients) has reduced the overall reportable spend significantly. This provides a more realistic picture of minority transaction data. Last year, DCF reported $14,918,110 unfiltered spend for certified and non-certified minorities based on total Department expenditures of just over $2 billion dollars. This year, we have filtered and removed data elements and our reported data was based on $271 million dollars (significantly lower). The certified and non-certified minority expenditures were $9,673,677. This is 1.784% of total filtered spend for Certified Minority category spend ($4,833,579) which is proportionately higher by percentage than the previous fiscal year.

Non - Certified Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises

Certified Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises

Contruction Architects Engineers Commodities Contractual

Services Totals

H - African American $0 $0 $231,560 $128,083 $359,643 I - Hispanic $0 $0 $322,389 $455,928 $778,317 J - Asian/Hawaiian $0 $0 $13,036 $508,671 $521,707 K - Native American $0 $0 $142 $474,590 $474,732 M - American Woman $137,671 $0 $1,055,889 $1,357,356 $2,550,916 W - Veteran $0 $0 $368 $147,895 $148,263 TOTAL $137,671 $0 $1,623,384 $3,072,523 $4,833,578

Construction Architects Engineers Commodities Contractual

Services Totals

N - African American $0 $0 $827,438 $656,920 $1,484,358 O - Hispanic $0 $0 $51,142 $564,825 $615,967 P - Asian/Hawaiian $0 $1,450 $358,088 $45,592 $405,130 Q - Native American $0 $0 $39,770 $4,250 $44,020 R - American Woman $8,555 $0 $467,134 $1,707,839 $2,183,528

Y - Veteran $0 $0 $44,118 $62,978 $107,096

TOTAL $8,555 $1,450 $1,787,690 $3,042,404 $4,840,099


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 8


6*Top 50 Certified

Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises


Code Classification Spend Amount1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SALES INC. M Certified Minority - Women 717,027.88$ 2 FIVE POINTS TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC. M Certified Minority - Women 644,282.95$ 3 ADVANCED SYSTEMS DESIGN, INC. K Certified Minority - Native American 473,778.16$ 4 NORTHGATE LIMITED, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 450,235.17$ 5 AAJ COMPUTER SERVICES INC. J Certified Minority - Asian/American 351,040.90$ 6 UNITED DATA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. I Certified Minority - Hispanic 311,503.17$ 7 AK CONSULTING GROUP OF AMERICA, M Certified Minority - Women 306,865.00$ 8 DATA SET READY, INC. H Certified Minority - African American 236,267.29$ 9 VITAVER & ASSOCIATES, INC. I Certified Minority - Hispanic 219,602.04$

10 PICHARD HOLDINGS, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 161,583.35$ 11 INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA I Certified Minority - Hispanic 141,181.50$ 12 DANESE PIPING, LLC M Certified Minority - Women 136,767.00$ 13 CHILD WELFARE TRAINING SOLUTION W Certified Service Disabled Veteran 131,800.00$ 14 OSCEOLA SUPPLY, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 129,920.15$ 15 L. V. HIERS. INC. M Certified Minority - Women 129,510.06$ 16 ROBERTSON CONSULTING GROUP, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 118,912.79$ 17 ADVANCED DATA SOLUTIONS, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 113,139.75$ 18 HAYES E-GOVERNMENT RESOURCES, M Certified Minority - Women 109,697.30$ 19 ACCENT OFFICE INTERIORS, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 95,521.89$ 20 COVIAN CONSULTING I Certified Minority - Hispanic 89,160.74$ 21 KYRA SOLUTIONS, INC. J Certified Minority - Asian/American 76,800.00$ 22 MISTER GENE CLEAN JANITORIAL H Certified Minority - African American 69,216.26$ 23 W.E. FALK BOOKS, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 42,158.13$ 24 DCLC INCORPORATED I Certified Minority - Hispanic 41,485.00$ 25 MICROGRAPHICS, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 39,532.77$ 26 MARIANNA AUTO PARTS AND SUPPLY M Certified Minority - Women 35,095.57$ 27 LEITZ & REED OFFICE PRODUCTS M Certified Minority - Women 31,742.42$ 28 GDKN CORPORATION J Certified Minority - Asian/American 30,093.98$ 29 LUMINESSENCE LLC M Certified Minority - Women 26,513.58$ 30 OPTIMUM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, INC. J Certified Minority - Asian/American 26,240.00$ 31 TOTAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATES, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 23,734.60$ 32 ABSOLUTE QUALITY INTERPRETING SERVICES J Certified Minority - Asian/American 23,425.00$ 33 BAY AREA SECURITY SHRED M Certified Minority - Women 23,132.92$ 34 MOTEN TATE, INC. H Certified Minority - African American 21,921.90$ 35 VANGUARD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS M Certified Minority - Women 20,663.04$ 36 CRAWFORD MARKETING & CONSULTING M Certified Minority - Women 20,550.00$ 37 INTEGRATED FACILITY SYSTEMS M Certified Minority - Women 20,002.41$ 38 CMA ENTERPRISE INCORPORATED H Certified Minority - African American 20,000.00$ 39 GULF ICE SYSTEMS, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 18,623.19$ 40 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE SERVICES I Certified Minority - Hispanic 18,048.75$ 41 KEYSTAFF, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 17,906.21$ 42 DRAGONFLY GRAPHICS, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 14,800.00$ 43 RED ENTERPRISES M Certified Minority - Women 13,908.38$ 44 VIP TRAVEL & TOURS INC. M Certified Minority - Women 12,891.40$ 45 ADVANCED PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES M Certified Minority - Women 12,883.75$ 46 RUSSTECH LANGUAGE SERVICES,INC M Certified Minority - Women 11,569.54$ 47 CUBICLE CURTAIN FACTORY, INC. M Certified Minority - Women 11,095.00$ 48 J.C. WHITE OFFICE FURNITURE M Certified Minority - Women 10,883.44$ 49 TARGET COPY INC. M Certified Minority - Women 10,688.32$ 50 DCLC INC DBA CAPLAN, CAPLAN, CA I Certified Minority - Hispanic 10,530.00$

*Above report captured FLAIR spend data without exceptions or filtering

DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 9


*Top 50 Non - Certified Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises




Code Classification Spend Amount Vendor Location1 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP. P Non-Certified Minority - Asian/American 2,003,508.86$ Out of State2 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. N Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 940,767.88$ Out of State3 CROWN HEALTH CARE LAUNDRY SERVICES R Non-Certified Minority - Women 289,636.56$ FL Based4 THE QVH CORPORATION O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 268,229.00$ FL Based5 INTERIOR CONTRACT SERVICES R Non-Certified Minority - Women 268,103.21$ FL Based6 THE RONIK-RADLAUER GROUP, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 225,000.00$ FL Based7 THE PRESIDIO CORPORATION R Non-Certified Minority - Women 211,023.64$ Out of State8 OFFICE ELEMENTS, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 205,745.84$ FL Based9 PACIFIC INTERPRETERS, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 179,366.66$ Out of State

10 KIT SOLUTIONS, LLC P Non-Certified Minority - Asian/American 126,868.00$ FL Based11 PROFESSIONAL INTERPRETING SERVICES R Non-Certified Minority - Women 121,049.12$ FL Based12 GUIDESOFT R Non-Certified Minority - Women 89,576.81$ Out of State13 CSS INC. N Non-Certified Minority - African American 88,140.00$ Out of State14 CONSENT ADVOCATES R Non-Certified Minority - Women 77,025.72$ FL Based15 3RD MILLENNIUM STRATEGIES, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 72,000.00$ Out of State16 BOB BARKER COMPANY, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 68,491.99$ Out of State17 MARVIN WELLS, D.M.D., P.A. N Non-Certified Minority - African American 66,154.00$ FL Based18 PROMOTION FURNITURE WAREHOUSE P Non-Certified Minority - Asian/American 63,250.00$ FL Based19 PILOT,LLC O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 60,857.16$ FL Based20 DIANE F. ELY R Non-Certified Minority - Women 55,350.00$ FL Based21 BEST COMMUNICATIONS OF TAMPA, O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 46,204.89$ FL Based22 LEGAL PROCESS, INC. O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 43,944.05$ FL Based23 RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION Y Non-Certified Service Disabled Veteran 42,892.52$ Out of State24 S.T.J. ENTERPRISES INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 40,528.00$ FL Based25 SYSTEMAX INC. O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 39,027.17$ Out of State26 DECATUR AUTO PARTS Y Non-Certified Service Disabled Veteran 38,802.45$ Out of State27 PRO MED INTERNATIONAL, INC. P Non-Certified Minority - Asian/American 37,493.10$ FL Based28 CSI NURSE WORLD INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 35,736.04$ FL Based29 AMERICAN WORDATA, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 35,056.53$ FL Based30 LYNNE MECHE DUPUIS R Non-Certified Minority - Women 34,999.00$ FL Based31 MED-EQUIP SOLUTIONS INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 34,972.55$ FL Based32 LAMAR COMPANY O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 34,460.00$ Out of State33 ELEVEN ASH R Non-Certified Minority - Women 34,208.20$ FL Based34 GOOD TIMES GROUP HOME INC. O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 33,769.95$ FL Based35 BARNES HEALTHCARE SERVICES Y Non-Certified Service Disabled Veteran 33,731.30$ Out of State36 IMAGE FURNITURE SERVICES, INC. O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 33,281.25$ FL Based37 REBRO, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 30,938.41$ FL Based38 GROSVENOR BUILDING SERVICES R Non-Certified Minority - Women 30,705.12$ FL Based39 CALL ONE, INC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 29,541.47$ FL Based40 RED HILLS PSYCHOLOGY ASSOCIATES R Non-Certified Minority - Women 29,036.25$ FL Based41 SOUTH FLORIDA EXPRESS BANK SERVICES O Non-Certified Minority - Hispanic 27,300.00$ FL Based42 SUNCOAST RECORDS MANAGEMENT SOL. P Non-Certified Minority - Asian/American 27,259.61$ FL Based43 DRUGSTORE PRODUCTS INC. Y Non-Certified Service Disabled Veteran 26,356.59$ FL Based44 KAILA GIVENS N Non-Certified Minority - African American 26,235.00$ FL Based45 CLINICAL & FORENSIC PSYCH ASSOC. R Non-Certified Minority - Women 25,428.75$ FL Based46 CEMEX, INC. Q Non-Certified Minority - Native American 24,782.00$ FL Based47 MAXIMUM DETENTION SYSTEMS, LLC R Non-Certified Minority - Women 23,508.00$ FL Based48 PREMIER PROCESS SERVINGS R Non-Certified Minority - Women 23,482.21$ FL Based49 BOWES RETIREMENT HOME R Non-Certified Minority - Women 23,056.68$ FL Based50 BOTHWELL INVESTMENT GRAY MANAGEMENT R Non-Certified Minority - Women 22,625.04$ FL Based

*Above report captured FLAIR spend data without exceptions or filtering


DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 10

How to Capture and Report Subcontractor Information

In addition to information contained in MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP), DCF includes all Department contracts within the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System (FACTS) for contract information and reporting. The FACTS system is an online tool developed by the Department of Financial Services to make the government contracting process in Florida more transparent through the creation of a centralized, statewide contract reporting system. The Department will monitor to reinforce reporting of potential sub-contract data that may not be captured through FLAIR. In specific situations, vendors provide data to the Department on sub-contractor spending. For example, GuideSoft Inc. dba Knowledge Services is a non-certified minority business and is the state authorized Alternate Contract Source provider for temporary employment services. This vendor reports their tier II sub-contract utilization spend data on a monthly basis. Also, Office Depot supports the sub-contract reporting effort with one of their strategic alliances, Well Made Business Solutions (WMBS) offering remanufactured toner cartridges and reports DCF utilization efforts. For vendors that do not automatically provide this data, we will continue our efforts to capture sub-contractor information by encouraging prime contractor reporting of purchase orders processed throughout the year and follow-up with those vendors to obtain the data necessary to report.

New Initiatives or Internal Procedures that Enhance minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises

New initiatives on the forefront are:• The Department’s Office of Contracted Client Services will review its Standard Contract in an effort

to promote subcontracting with minority businesses, and consider requesting, if feasible, the contractors report the number of minority business subcontractors, if any, to the Department.• The Department’s Office of Contracted Client Services will train Contract Administrators on the

importance of the implementation, administration and success of the Department’s minority business plan.

• Encourage MFMP agency requestors to provide opportunities to minority-, women- and veter-an-owned business enterprises via procurement trainings.

• Implement new internal systems to better monitor and track compliance. • Encourage increased opportunities and use of Tier II subcontractors.• Develop internal program partners to advise on their process changes.• Monitor and evaluate Tier II reporting to increase participation in low or non-participatory


Provide vendors an opportunity to ask questions, and provide an open forum to Department business information

Promote vendor resources through shared communications to internal staff that provide best value

Direct procurement resources to the front line staff to purchase locally through agency approved procurement card programs

Be dedicated to excellence and quality results through local community participation offering performance management

7 - 8

Report Capturefor


New Initiatives

Internal Procedures

Activities to Benefit Smaller Business in Florida

DCF recognizes the importance of Florida’s small business community and it’s direct impact on the Department’s overall success through local community directed activities. Purchasing staff encourage use of resources that offer inclusion and promote partnerships and strategic alliance with larger corporations. We will continue to promote an open door policy to review the Department’s commodity and service needs with available small business resources. The following are practices to participate and share their resources:

DCF Minority-, Women- and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises, Business Participation Plan FY2015 -2016 11


Strategic plan to link the Office of Supplier Diversity web page to DCF’s website

• DCF is currently developing an information portal to be introduced via its Intranet website. This new web link will provide information to DCF employees on how to access minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises for their purchasing needs. This information will be available on the Intranet website under the Purchasing Management page.

• The Department’s Office of Contracted Client Services will review its own Intranet/website to determine if additional links and/or documents can be added to the website to increase awareness of minority businesses and to encourage others to contract with minority businesses.

Initiative plan to incorporate the use of MFMP Sourcing “eQuote” to improve opportunities with minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises

The DCF is active in utilization of the MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) electronic quote process known as eQuote. The eQuote process allows a vendor the opportunity to be in front of active buyers at the point of competition. Solicitations are directed to vendors through electronic requests for quote. The resource provides a notification of the quoting event and transmits a request directly to the vendor’s electronic inbox. This tool allows vendors to respond electronically reducing time and effort for both the vendor and the agency buyer via the MFMP Sourcing application.

Purchasing staff are instructed to seek minority-, women- and veteran-owned business enterprises when available by requesting informal quotes and processing MFMP eQuotes for competition. For those commodity and service requests that are open to discretion under competitive thresholds, purchasing staff are asked to review additional Florida Certified Minority Business Enterprise (CMBE) resources for business opportunities. Incorprate



plan for eQuote Procedures