Table of · 7. Pricing Information 15-16 8....

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Transcript of Table of · 7. Pricing Information 15-16 8....

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

1. The Code of Practice 4

2. Definitions 4-6

3. Service Provider Administrative Responsibilities 7-8

4. Data Protection 9

5. The Code of Practice-General Provisions 10-12

6. Promotion (General Rules) 13-14

7. Pricing Information 15-16

8. Provisions Relating to Specific Categories of Service 17-248.1 Children’s Services 17-188.2 Competition Services 18-208.3 Advice and Information Services 20-218.4 Services of a Sexual Nature 218.5 Virtual Chat Services 228.6 Contact and Dating Services 238.7 Promotion of Virtual Chat, Contact & Dating Services 24

9. Live Services 25-26

10. Online Premium Rate Services 27

11. Premium SMS Services 28-33

12. Funding of the Regulator 33

13. Procedures and Sanctions 34-36

14. Operative Date 37

15. Annex A 37-38

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(A) The Regulator

(i) The Regulator means the Regulator appointed by the Regulator of Premium RateTelecommunications Services Limited, a company registered in Ireland, No: 234027(trading as “Regtel”).

(ii) Regtel, a not-for-profit company, is the supervisory body for the Premium RateTelecommunications industry in Ireland and is financed by the industry.

(iii) The Regulator may sub-delegate some or all its powers and functions to other personsor to committees.

(B) Terms of Reference

The role of the Regulator is to supervise the content and promotion of Premium RateTelecommunications Services and to enforce this Code of Practice.

The Regulator has the following tasks:

(i) to set the standards both as to content and promotion with which PremiumRate Telecommunications Services must comply and to supervise thesestandards,

(ii) to publish such standards in Codes of Practice and make these Codes availablein print and electronic formats,

(iii) to review the Codes of Practice from time to time in consultation with theindustry and when necessary to reflect changes in public opinion andtechnological developments,

(iv) to receive and investigate complaints made by any person or organisationconcerning the content and promotion of any Premium RateTelecommunications Service or any other matter covered by the Code ofPractice,

(v) to monitor Premium Rate Telecommunications Services to confirm that theycomply with Codes of Practice in respect of their content and promotion,

(vi) to endeavour to ensure that the Code of Practice is complied with and toinvestigate any apparent failure to do so,

(vii) where breaches of the Code of Practice are found, to advise the relevant ServiceProvider of the breach and to take action designed to achieve compliance withthe Code of Practice and where appropriate to impose sanctions,

(viii) to publicise its existence, function and powers.

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1.1 This Code of Practice has been produced by the Regulator. It covers the provision ofPremium Rate Telecommunications Services by means of public telecommunicationsor other electronic networks.

1.2 This Code of Practice applies to all Premium Rate Telecommunications Servicesaccessed by Consumers in Ireland, whether these Services originate in Ireland orabroad, and whether the Service Provider is situated in Ireland or abroad.

1.3 Where a Network Operator itself utilises Premium Rate Numbers for the provision ofServices or permits a third party other than a Service Provider to utilise Premium RateNumbers for the provision of Services, the Network Operator will be deemed to be aService Provider and the obligations and liabilities of Service Providers under the Codewill be imposed on the Network Operator.


The following definitions shall apply throughout this Code of Practice;

2.1 Call means any communication through an electronic communications network,whether initiated by a Consumer or Service Provider.

2.2 Child means any person below the age of 18 years.

2.3 ComReg means the Commission for Communications Regulation.

2.4 Consumer means a person who initiates a call to or triggers a call from a PremiumRate Service.

2.5 Information Providers means individuals, organisations and companies who supplyinformation to Service Providers for use in Premium Rate Services.

2.6 Interactive Service means a Premium Rate Service involving the exchange ofinformation or content between a Service Provider and a Consumer in circumstanceswhere one responds to a message transmitted by the other.

2.7 Live Services/Conversation and Interactive Services are Premium Rate Servicesinvolving two-way live speech/communication.

2.8 Multimedia Message Service or MMS enables the sending and receiving of messagescomprising a combination of media (including text, sounds, images and/or videos) toMMS compliant equipment.

2.9 Network Operator and Mobile Network Operator means any person or companyholding an appropriate authorisation issued by ComReg. The Regulator mayrecognise as a Network Operator or Mobile Network Operator (a) any company

which operates or uses a public telecommunications network over which PremiumRate Services are conveyed, or (b) any company associated with a company whichoperates or uses such a network. The Regulator shall publish, as it sees fit, a list ofNetwork Operators recognised by the Regulator for the purpose of this Code ofPractice. The Regulator may amend this list from time to time, and shall publish anysuch amended list.

2.10 Online Service means a Premium Rate Service which allows data to be transferred toand/or from Consumers and which may or may not have a visual element, and towhich the Consumer is connected through a computer, mobile phone, television orsimilar device.

2.11 Opt-in or Subscribe are the terms given to an arrangement whereby a Consumeragrees in advance with a Service Provider to receive information or content throughthe means of a Premium Rate Service. Consumer data may be used only if theConsumer has opted-in.

2.12 Opt-out or Unsubscribe are the terms given to an arrangement which enables aConsumer to inform the originating Service Provider that he or she no longer wishesto receive information or content by means of a Premium Rate Service.

2.13 Premium Rate Telecommunications Services (also referred to as Premium RateServices or Services) are services where part of the overall charge payable by theConsumer to the originating Network Operator for the Service (whether beingpayment for the content of the call, or products or services, including PSMS deliveredin the course of, or as a direct consequence of the call), is passed on by the operator ofthe terminating network, directly or indirectly, to the Service Provider or to anindividual, organisation or company which participates in the provision of the Service.PSMS sent over a Network Operator’s telecommunications network making use ofshort codes allocated by ComReg (namely 50xxx to 59xxx) shall be deemed toconstitute a Premium Rate Telecommunications Service.

2.14 Premium SMS (PSMS) means the use of SMS (Short Message Service) to provide acontent service or product to a Consumer, whether or not a premium rate charge isimposed.

2.15 Promotion means any act or activity where the intent or effect is, either directly orindirectly, to encourage the use of Premium Rate Services and the term PromotionalMaterial shall be construed accordingly.

2.16 PSMS Subscription Service means a service that repeatedly charges Consumersautomatically, treating a single Consumer request as an authorisation for repeatedtransmissions and associated charges.

2.17 Reverse Billed PSMS delivers information or content to mobile equipment for acharge. Consumers subscribe to services and are charged for the messages they receive.

2.18 Service Providers are individuals, organisations or companies that have been allocateda Premium Rate number by a Network Operator and/or ComReg.

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2.19 Short Code Number means a five digit number within the range of 50xxx to 59xxxused specifically for PSMS.

2.20 Unsolicited Call means a call sent by telephone or any other means over atelecommunications or electronic network that is not requested by the called party,and where no prior contractual relationship exists between the sender and therecipient of the call.

2.21 In this Code of Practice all Euro amounts specified are inclusive of VAT.


3.1 ResponsibilityService Providers are responsible for ensuring that the content and promotion of alltheir Premium Rate Services (whether produced by themselves or by their InformationProviders) comply with both the general and specific conditions of this Code ofPractice.

Service Providers must ensure that the promotion of any Premium Rate Service doesnot bring the industry into disrepute.

3.2 Setting Up a Premium Rate Service

3.2.1 Before providing Services, a Service Provider must notify the Regulator ofthe following:

(i) the name of the Network Operator(s) or Mobile Network Operator(s)who will carry the Service;

(ii) the telephone number ranges (including the prefixes or in the case ofSMS Short Codes, the range as indicated by the first two digits of theShort Code) allocated to the Service;

(iii) the name, address, telephone/fax number and e-mail address of theperson representing the Service Provider who is nominated to receiveall communications in connection with the application of the Code ofPractice;

(iv) where different from (iii) above, the name and contact details of theperson responsible for handling enquiries;

(v) whether the Service is to be associated with, or promoted on a WebSite, and if so, the address (URL) of the site;

(vi) details of the type or category of the Service which the ServiceProvider intends to provide, whether itself or by InformationProviders;

(vii) in the case of PSMS Services, whether the Service involves a chargebeing applied on sending to the short code or receiving from the ShortCode Number;

(viii) whether the Service is a Subscription Service.

Note: Any changes or additions, including change of Network Operator, or theporting of numbers to another Network Operator, must be notified to the

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Regulator immediately. In the case of PSMS services, any changes in billingstructure from billed on sending to reverse billed and vice versa must be notifiedto the Regulator immediately.

3.2.2 Where certain codes, prefixes or number ranges have been designated byComReg and/or by a Network Operator for the provision of particularService categories, Services within these categories must use only thosecodes, prefixes or number ranges.

3.2.3 Before promoting or providing Services, the Service Provider must havereadily available all documentary and other evidence necessary tosubstantiate any factual claims made. This material, together with astatement outlining its relevance, must be provided without delay ifrequested by the Regulator.

3.2.4 Service Providers must ensure that all Services are of a technical qualityacceptable to the Regulator.

3.2.5 Except where otherwise provided for in this Code, the maximum durationof connection to a Premium Rate Service may be specified at the discretionof the Regulator and in any event must not exceed 60 minutes and must beterminated by forced release.

3.3 Prior Permission

3.3.1 The Regulator may require that particular categories of Service must not beprovided unless the Regulator has given prior written permission for anyService within that category. The Regulator will give reasonable notice ofsuch a requirement and the categories of Service to which it applies. A listof such categories will be published from time to time and in such a manneras the Regulator sees fit. Prior permission may be granted subject to theimposition of additional requirements. Such permission may be withdrawnor varied by notice in writing given by the Regulator.

3.3.2 Where a Service Provider can satisfy the Regulator in respect of a particularService that any requirement of the Code of Practice can be adequately metby alternative means, the Regulator may give prior written permission forthe use of such alternative means. Such permission may be withdrawn orvaried by notice in the event that the Regulator determinations that thealternative means have proved inadequate.

3.3.3 All Live Services require the prior written permission of the Regulator andsuch Services must not commence until prior written permission has beenreceived.

3.3.4 PSMS falling within the number range 50xxx to 59xxx requires the priorwritten permission of the Regulator.


4.1 Service providers must not send, or have others send on their behalf, unsolicited,random, or untargeted telecommunications messages, and the use of Premium RateServices must not be promoted by the use of such messages. Premium Services may bepromoted by outgoing telecommunication messages only where it can be shown to thereasonable satisfaction of the Regulator that the Consumer has ‘opted-in’ to the receiptof such messages.

4.2 Without prejudice to paragraph 4.1, Service Providers must comply fully with alllegislation relating to data protection in force at any time with regard to the collection,processing, keeping, use and disposal of personal data and the promotion and contentof Premium Rate Telecommunications Services.

4.3 If registering with the Data Protection Commissioner, all Service Providers must intheir application:

(i) disclose that Regtel may be a potential data user/disclosee;

(ii) state that the data may be used by Regtel for regulatory purposes.

4.4 Service Providers and Network Operators must not give any undertaking toConsumers, suppliers, Information Providers, Network Operators or others whichcould preclude any information being given to the Regulator in confidence.

4.5 Services which involve the collection of personal information, such as names,addresses and telephone numbers (including calling line identification or caller displayinformation), must make clear to Consumers the purpose for which the informationis required. The Service must also identify the data user (if different from the ServiceProvider or Information Provider) and any different use to which the personalinformation might be put and provide the Consumer with an opportunity to preventsuch usage.

4.6 All information supplied to the Regulator will be treated as confidential and will onlybe liable to be disclosed in accordance with the law.

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5.1 Legality

5.1.1 Services and Promotional Material must comply with the law and must notcontain or promote anything which is in breach of the law, nor omitanything which the law requires to be included. Services and PromotionalMaterial must not facilitate or encourage anything which is in any wayunlawful.

5.1.2 Service Providers must ensure that Premium Rate Services do not infringeSection 13 (1) Post Office (Amendment) Act, 1951 (as amended). Section13 (1) provides as follows:

‘A person who;

(a) sends, by means of the telecommunications system operated by a licensedoperator, any message or other matter which is grossly offensive or of anindecent, obscene or menacing character, whether addressed to an operatoror to any other person; or

(b) sends by those means, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenienceor needless anxiety to another, a message which he knows to be false, orpersistently makes use of those means for that purpose

shall be guilty of an offence’.

5.2 Decency

5.2.1 Services and Promotional Material must not:

(i) contain material indicating violence, sadism or cruelty, or be of arepulsive or horrible nature; or

(ii) involve the use of foul or obscene language or sexually explicitlanguage or images.

5.2.2 Services and Promotional Material must not be of a kind that are likely to:

(i) result in any unreasonable invasion of privacy;

(ii) induce fear or anxiety;

(iii) encourage or incite any person to engage in harmful or dangerouspractices or to use dangerous substances;

(iv) induce or promote disharmony on the basis of gender, marital status,

family status, sexual orientation, race, national origin, religion, age,disability or membership of the travelling community;

(v) cause grave or widespread offence; or

(vi) debase, degrade or demean; or

(vii) use subliminal messaging as a form of promotion or content delivery.

5.2.3 Service Providers must ensure that Services and Promotional Material arenot used in any way to promote or facilitate prostitution.

5.3 Honesty

Services and Promotional Material must not:

(i) seek to take unfair advantage of any characteristic or circumstance whichmay make Consumers vulnerable or otherwise encourage Consumers tomake calls which are in quantum or duration considered by the Regulatorto be unreasonable or excessive;

(ii) infer that future events may be predicted other than as a matter of opinionor as accepted scientific practice;

(iii) be of a kind which is likely to mislead by inaccuracy, ambiguity,exaggeration, omission or otherwise; or

(iv) purport to make contact with deceased persons.

5.4 Content

5.4.1 Services must not contain incorrect information and it must be made clearto Consumers when time-sensitive information was last updated.

5.4.2 Fax-Back Services must contain correct information and ensure that time-sensitive information is updated. The normal transmission speed must beacceptable to the Regulator (i.e. operate at a minimum baud rate of 9600).The maximum cost of the Fax-Back Service which must not exceed €12 pertransaction must be stated in all Promotional Material.

5.4.3 Services must not be unreasonably prolonged or delayed.

5.4.4 Services must not be of a nature which encourages unauthorised calls.

5.4.5 Where there is a determination by the Regulator that a Service is toterminate at the expiration of a fixed period of time or charge, the ServiceProvider must effect termination within the time or monetary limit so fixed.

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5.4.6 The Regulator reserves the right in respect of any category or description ofPremium Rate Service to vary the monetary threshold or limit specified inthis Code, upwards or downwards, in order to protect the interest ofConsumers.

5.4.7 When transmitting a Premium Rate Service by PSMS, the originatingnumber of the sender must be displayed.

5.5 Amusement ServicesService Providers must provide an introductory message advising the caller when aService is for amusement purposes only (e.g. joke, ‘windup’ and hoax Services) andsuch Services must not infringe the statutory provision cited at paragraph 5.1.2.

5.6 Unavailable ServicesConsumers must not be charged at a Premium Rate in respect of Services that delivera “busy tone” or “silence” prior to connection to the Service or in respect of a Servicewhich is unavailable to them.

5.7 Promotion by non-Premium Rate ServiceWhenever a Premium Rate Service may be accessed or is promoted by a non-PremiumRate Service, both Services will be considered as one and will be subject to this Codeof Practice.

5.8 Service Provider ResponsibilitiesResponsibility for Compliance with this Code of Practice rests with the ServiceProvider regardless of the origin or the content of the Service.

5.9 Monitoring Service Providers must ensure that adequate monitoring arrangements are in place toprevent unauthorised access by those under 18 years of age and must also ensure thatinappropriate text messages are not transmitted. Service Providers must ensure thatstaff are appropriately trained to carry out such monitoring.

6. PROMOTION (General Rules)

6.1 Scope

6.1.1 In all Promotional Material, the prefix or code must be presented in such away that it can clearly be identified as a Premium Rate Service.

6.1.2 Service Providers must take all reasonable steps to ensure that PromotionalMaterial does not reach those for whom the Service concerned might beregarded as inappropriate.

6.1.3 Promotions transmitted by radio, television, teletext, telephone, mobilephone, facsimile, the Internet, or any other form of electroniccommunication, or any other medium, must observe the provisions of thisCode of Practice in the manner most reasonable and appropriate to thetechnology employed, and to the satisfaction of the Regulator.

6.1.4 In the case of promotions that appear in editorial material, Service Providersmust use their best endeavours to ensure compliance with these provisions.

6.1.5 Promotional Material must not be misleading in relation to the Servicesupplied, including any applicable limitations.

6.1.6 Promotional Material must not seek to take advantage of lack of Consumerknowledge by use of technical jargon or other methods.

6.1.7 All promotions must comply with legislation covering misleadingadvertising, including the Consumer Information Act, 1978, and any Ordermade under Section 11 of that Act and the European Communities(Misleading Advertising) Regulations, 1988 (S.I. No 134 of 1988).

6.1.8 Service Providers must not, whether by themselves or by persons acting ontheir behalf, send unsolicited, random, or untargeted telecommunicationsmessages (referred to as SPAM), and the use of Premium Rate Services mustnot be promoted by the use of such messages.

6.1.9 In the case of PSMS short codes, Service Providers must specify in allPromotional material whether the service is billed on sending to the shortcode or reversed billed. PSMS Service Providers must specify in allPromotional material whether the service is a subscription service or involvesmultiple charges.

6.1.10 Promotional/informational messages sent to Consumers must not attract apremium rate charge.

6.1.11 The Regulator reserves the right to issue directions to Service Providers withregard to the text or content of Promotional Material with a view to

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protecting the interests of Consumers (including the interests of children)and Service Providers must comply with such directions.

6.2 No Premium Rate Service may be promoted as being “free” if it involves any chargewhatsoever to a Consumer. No product or service may be described as “free” if it isobtainable only by the use of a Premium Rate Service involving a charge to aConsumer.

6.3 Service Provider details used in Promotional Material must be the same as those whichhave already been provided to the Regulator.

6.4 The contact details for the Information Provider, if desired, may also appear in thepromotion or advertisement but should be clearly distinct from those of the ServiceProvider.

6.5 An adequately staffed and resourced live operator helpline service must be providedduring normal office hours by Service Providers (or by an Information Provider ontheir behalf ).


7.1 General

7.1.1 Service Providers must ensure that charges for calls from fixed telephonelines to each Service are clearly stated in all promotions. Prices must benoted in the form of numerical price per minute, (inclusive of VAT) or thetotal maximum cost to the Consumer (inclusive of VAT) of the completedmessage or Service. The Regulator may, in respect of any service or categoryof service, require the numerical price per minute to be accompanied bynotification of the maximum duration of the call required to complete thetransaction in order to accurately state the cost to the Consumer.Promotional material must state that calls from mobile phones normallycost more. Reference to values in Euro must use the Euro symbol (€) wherepossible and otherwise must use the word Euro.

7.1.2 Textual pricing information must be easily legible, prominent, horizontaland presented in a way that does not require close examination. Theminimum font size permissible for pricing information is 9 point. Pricingmust be displayed directly in relation to the Premium Rate number.

7.1.3 In cases where it is unlikely that a Consumer will have seen or heard anypromotion containing pricing information, the Service Provider must placea short, distinct pricing message at the beginning of the Service.

7.1.4 Pricing information must be associated with the Premium Rate Numberconcerned and not be inserted into the terms and conditions or the footerof the Service being promoted.

7.1.5 In the case of promotions transmitted by radio, the pricing informationmust be spoken.

7.1.6 In the case of promotions transmitted by television (other than teletextservices) the pricing information must be spoken as well as visuallydisplayed. The price per minute/call must be displayed wherever thePremium Rate number is displayed. On-screen display must be stationaryand clearly visible with a minimum font size of 28 pixels, with a shadowclearly distinguished from the font colour.

7.1.7 In the case of promotions transmitted by television and where the Calls orService costs €2 or less, the pricing information need not be spoken.

7.1.8 Voting/Competition Services which are subsequently promoted or airedmust carry the word “Rec” to denote that the programme is recorded andclearly state that the voting/entry mechanism is not open to use byConsumers.

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7.2 Identity of Service Provider

The identity and contact details of the Service Provider must be clearly stated in allpromotions so that Consumers can contact them directly. Identity details must consistof the following:

(i) company name;

(ii) full postal address or P.O. Box number, and usual telephone number(excluding international free phone) or non-premium local access ratehelpline number;

(iii) in the case of PSMS, the usual mobile number may be used as a helplinecontact number; and

(iv) the minimum font size for this information is 9 point.

7.3 Other Regulations and Codes of Practice

All Promotions must comply with the Children’s Advertising Code published by theBroadcasting Commission of Ireland (where applicable). Promotions in print mediamust comply with the Codes of Advertising Standards and of Sales Promotion Practiceissued by the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (and, where applicable,those of the Irish Direct Marketing Association) in addition to specific conditions laiddown by the relevant professional bodies. Promotions on television and radio are alsosubject to such codes and policies as are issued by the appropriate regulatoryauthorities, including the Code of Standards, Practice and Prohibition in Advertising,Sponsorship and other forms of Commercial Promotions in Broadcasting Servicespublished by the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland.



8.1.1 Children’s Services are those which, either wholly or in part, are aimed at orwould reasonably be expected to be attractive to persons under 18 years ofage.

8.1.2 Promotional Material for Children’s Services must clearly state:

(i) the maximum possible cost of the Service;

(ii) that the Service should only be used with the agreement of the personresponsible for paying the bill; and

(iii) where PSMS Subscription Services are concerned, PromotionalMaterial must be clear and not rely on close scrutiny and the attentionof Service Providers is drawn to Section 11.3.1 of this Code.

8.1.3 Children’s Services and any associated Promotional Material must not:

(i) contain anything which is likely to result in harm to children or whichexploits their credulity, lack of experience or sense of loyalty;

(ii) involve an invasion of privacy of any child;

(iii) make direct appeals to children to buy, unless the product or Serviceis one likely to be of interest to them and one which they couldreasonably be expected to afford for themselves;

(iv) encourage excessive use of Premium Rate Services.

8.1.4 Service Providers must comply with the Broadcasting Commission ofIreland Code of Advertising for Children as per Section 7.3.

8.1.5 Children’s Services must:

(i) cost no more than €5 total per single call or PSMS transaction or€10 per month in the case of PSMS Subscription Services, or suchother amount as may be specified by the Regulator;

(ii) be terminated by forced release;

(iii) not encourage children to ring or text other Premium RateTelecommunications Services or the same Service again; and

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(iv) not involve the use of diallers.

8.1.6 Promotional material and associated editorial material which is aimed at orreasonably expected to be of interest to children must not in any publicationor medium include or be placed proximate to or in association with copy orartwork that is of a sexually explicit or sexually suggestive nature.


All Competition Services must be notified in advance, in writing, to the Regulator.

8.2.1 Services in this sector include but are not limited to the following:

• Lotteries,• Competitions,• Promotions,• Scratch Cards or “Letter” type promotions,• Other games or promotions with prizes,• An entry mechanism into a draw,• Information about prizes and how to claim them including

details of the claim line number.

Certain Competition and Promotion Services may be the subject of legal orregulatory restrictions and the Regulator reserves the right to require ServiceProviders to secure legal or regulatory clearance before permitting the ServiceProvider to provide or promote such services.

8.2.2 Promotional Material must clearly state and prominently display anyinformation which is likely to affect a decision to participate, and inparticular:

(i) any closing date indicating specific time of entry closure;

(ii) any material terms and conditions, including any restriction on thenumber of entries or prizes to be won, in total and per individual;

(iii) an accurate and clear description of prizes, including the number ofmajor prizes;

(iv) any material age, geographical or other eligibility restrictions;

(v) any material costs which a Consumer would not normally expect topay in conjunction with or so as to be eligible to receive a prize;

(vi) on the front of all Promotional Material the following informationmust appear;

(a) the closing date, (b) the Call/PSMS cost,

(c) the maximum call duration, (d) an age warning, (e) a mobile cost warning; and

(vii) any requirement that the Consumer participate in any marketresearch (e.g. questionnaire or surveys) or promotional activity.

8.2.3 Competition Services must not cost more than €10 per Call/PSMS or suchother amount as may be specified by the Regulator, and the Service Providermust provide an alternative route of entry (e.g. postal entry) to claim prizes.

8.2.4 The closing date of any competition must not be altered without the priorwritten authorisation of the Regulator.

8.2.5 Where there is not automatic call termination, the likely playing time or fullcost of the call must be clearly stated.

8.2.6 The following information must also be made readily available to theRegulator and Consumer, free of charge on request and, if not contained inthe original Promotional Material, details as to where it can be obtainedmust be stated:

(i) how and when prize winners will be notified;

(ii) how prize winner information may be obtained;

(iii) any criteria for judging entries;

(iv) any alternative prize that is available;

(v) details of any intended post-event publicity;

(vi) a full set of rules; and

(vii) any supplementary rule which may apply.

8.2.7 Competition Services must have a closing date, except where there areinstant prizes. An insufficient number of entries or entries of inadequatequality are not acceptable reasons for changing the closing date of acompetition or withholding prizes.

8.2.8 Competition Services which are aimed at or would reasonably be expectedto prove attractive to persons under 18 years of age must not:

(i) offer cash, or anything which can be readily exchanged for cash, as aprize; or

(ii) feature long or complex rules.

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8.2.9 Competition Services and Promotional Material must not:

(i) use words such as “win” or “prize” to describe items offered to all or asubstantial majority of participants;

(ii) exaggerate the chance of winning a prize;

(iii) suggest that winning a prize is a certainty; or

(iv) suggest that Consumers must dial a Premium Rate number in orderto participate, if an alternative postal or other entry route is available.

8.2.10 Service Providers must ensure that:

(i) prizes are awarded within 28 days of the closing date, unless a longerperiod is clearly stated in the Promotional Material;

(ii) all entries have the same chance of winning as telephone entries; and

(iii) if there is any subjective assessment in the selection of the winningentries (e.g. tie-breakers) in a competition open to the general public,either the competition should be judged by a person or personsindependent of the Service Provider and any intermediaries involved,or by a judging panel including at least one independent member.

8.2.11 No Competition Service shall enable the Consumer to receive an award orbenefit the value of which relates only or predominantly to the cost of thecall.

8.2.12 Promotional Material for Competition Services must make clear ifparticipants or prize-winners may be required to become involved in furtherpublicity or advertising, whether connected with the competition or not.Written permission must first be obtained from participants if their namesand/or addresses are to be used in further publicity or for other purposes.

8.2.13 Post-event publicity in which prize winners participate must be taken out ofcirculation within 6 months of the award of the prize.


8.3.1 Certain Advice and Information Services may be the subject of legal orregulatory restrictions and the Regulator reserves the right to require ServiceProviders to secure legal or regulatory clearance before permitting theService Provider to provide or promote such a service.

8.3.2 All Advice and Information Services must be conveyed in a responsiblemanner. Services giving medical, financial, legal or other similar professionaladvice must indicate clearly in all/any Promotional Material and at thebeginning of the Service, the identity, the current status and any relevant

qualifications and experience of the person(s) or the organisation supplyingthe information or advice. If the advice is given by a person with no relevantqualifications, the Service should explain how the information has beencompiled.

8.3.3 All Advice and Information Services must be prefaced with a statement thatthe Consumer should not act upon advice which needs individualinterpretation without first consulting a suitably qualified practitioner.

8.3.4 To avoid being classified as a Service of a Sexual Nature, (Code of PracticeSection 8.4) Advice and Information Services and associated PromotionalMaterial must not contain anything of a sexually suggestive or sexuallyexplicit nature, must not contain or offer explicit sexual advice and must notbe promoted by advertisements which are proximate to or associated withadvertisements or copy of a sexually suggestive or explicit nature.


8.4.1 Services of a sexual nature are:

(i) services of a sexually suggestive nature;

(ii) services of a sexually explicit nature;

(iii) services offering explicit sexual advice.

Such Services must be designated by a specific prefix (currently 1559) andmust be accessible only by the use of a Personal Identification Number(PIN). This PIN may only be issued by a licensed Network Operator.Service Providers may not circumvent this condition by substituting a PINaccess control system or number of their own choosing.

8.4.2 Service Providers must take all reasonable steps, in respect of services of asexual nature, to ensure that all Consumers are 18 years or over.

8.4.3 Services of a sexual nature must not contain references which suggest orimply in any way the involvement of children.

8.4.4 Service Providers must ensure that Premium Rate Services are not used forthe transmission of any message or other matter which is grossly offensive orof an indecent or obscene character.

8.4.5 Promotions for Services of a sexual nature must not appear in publicationsintended for children or young persons, national publications or inpublications which are unsolicited, e.g., free-distribution newspapers,referred to as “free sheets”.

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Virtual Chat Services enable two or more Consumers to exchange separate recorded messages whileconnected to the Service. These Services do not involve live telephone conversation. Virtual ChatServices may also enable contact details to be exchanged between Consumers in the course ofexchanging messages.

8.5.1 Service Providers must take all reasonable steps to ensure that Consumersunder 18 years of age are not allowed to use these Services. Virtual ChatServices must be monitored by Service Providers at appropriate timesdetermined by the Regulator, to prevent access to such services by children.Voice recognition training must be provided for monitoring staff.

8.5.2 Service Providers must ensure that all Virtual Chat Services carry a warningthat obscene or sexually explicit messages will be removed. This warningmust be given on accessing the Service.

8.5.3 Silent (i.e. non-verbal) access to Virtual Chat Services is not permitted.

8.5.4 Service Providers which operate Virtual Chat Services which enable contactdetails to be exchanged must:

(i) ensure all Consumers are given clear advice on sensible precautions tobe observed when meeting people through Virtual Chat Services;

(ii) ensure that publicly available elements of the Service do not containinformation, such as telephone numbers or addresses, which couldprovide a means of direct contact; and

(iii) where it is not obvious, make clear how long an individual messagewill remain on the Service.

8.5.5 Callers to Virtual Chat Services must be notified as soon as possible onincurring charges of €20, or other such amount as may be specified by theRegulator, and be required to confirm if they wish to continue the call. Thiswarning must be repeated on incurring each additional charge of €20, andfollowed by forced release when a total charge of €60 has been incurred.

8.5.6 Service Providers must retain audio recordings of Calls to Virtual ChatServices for a period of 6 months from the date of the call.

See Sections 8.6 (Contact/Dating Services) and 8.7 (Special Rules-Promotion ofVirtual Chat and Dating Services).


Contact and Dating Services enable people previously unacquainted to make initial contact andarrange to meet in person. They must not enable Consumers to exchange separate recordedmessages while connected to the Service. In the context of these Services the term “advertiser” refersto the person who initiates the message.

8.6.1 Service Providers who operate Contact and Dating services which enablecontact details to be exchanged must:

(i) ensure that all users are given clear advice on sensible precautions tobe observed when meeting people through Contact and DatingServices, and a warning to this effect must be included in theintroductory message;

(ii) ensure that any publicly available elements of the Services do notcontain information, such as telephone numbers or addresses, whichcould provide a means of direct contact;

(iii) ensure that, where telephone numbers or other personal informationis given out to respondents, advertisers are warned of the risksinvolved; and

(iv) take all reasonable steps to ensure that children are not allowed to usethese Services.

8.6.2 The use of indecent or obscene language is forbidden. Recordings wheresuch language is used must be removed without delay and the Consumerinformed that such language is unacceptable.

8.6.3 No advertisement for a Dating Service may be included unless there is aclear agreement between the Service Provider and the “advertiser” as towhere, when, and for how long the advertisement will be used. Noadvertisement shall be used for a period in excess of one month except byspecific arrangement.

8.6.4 Callers to Contact and Dating Services must be notified as soon as possibleon spending €20, or such other amount as may be specified by theRegulator, and be required to confirm if they wish to continue the call. Thiswarning must be repeated on incurring each additional charge of €20, andfollowed by forced release when a total charge of €60 has been incurred.

8.6.5 Service Providers must retain audio recordings of Calls to Contact andDating Services for a period of 6 months from the date of the call.

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In the context of these Services, the term “promotion” means anything where the intent oreffect is, either directly or indirectly, to encourage the use of Premium Rate Services and theterm “Promotional Material” shall be construed accordingly. The following specificprovisions are in addition to the general rules governing promotion which are detailed inSection 6 of the Code of Practice.

8.7.1 Advertisements and other Promotional Material must not mislead.Misleading advertising means any advertising which may in any way,including its presentation, deceive or be likely to deceive the persons itreaches or to whom it is addressed.

8.7.2 The implication that “people are live on line” or that “instant contacts” canbe made is not permissible. Use of the term ‘live’ is not permitted in thepromotion of Virtual Chat Services.

8.7.3 Advertisements or other Promotional Material for Virtual Chat, Contactand Dating Services must not contain copy or illustrations of a sexuallysuggestive or explicit nature and must not appear in publications of asexually suggestive or explicit nature, in unsolicited publications (forexample ‘free’ distribution newspapers) or websites.

8.7.4 All claims relating to numbers of participants in the Service must be capableof being substantiated.

8.7.5 Call costs and Service Provider details must be displayed in font size 9 pointor larger and be separated from other printed matter.

9. LIVE SERVICES – (Including Live ‘Advice’ Services)

9.1 Authorisation

9.1.1 Live Services involve two-way live speech and Service Providers must notprovide any Live Service unless such Service has been submitted to andauthorised in advance by the Regulator.

9.1.2 Service Providers must not commence operating a Live Service or continueto do so in the event that authorisation has not been granted by theRegulator or that such authorisation has expired or been withdrawn.

9.1.3 Such authorisation may be subject to any conditions that the Regulator mayconsider appropriate. Such authorisation may be withdrawn at its discretion.

9.2 Monitoring

The purpose of this part of the Code is to ensure that Service Providers and their employeesact in accordance with the Code of Practice and to facilitate monitoring and effectivecomplaint investigation.

9.2.1 The Regulator may require:

(i) that all conversations are listened to by a Monitor (who is the personacting on behalf of the Service Provider to whom the Consumerspeaks when accessing the Live Service); and

(ii) that all calls are continuously recorded by the Service Provider to allowinvestigation of complaints. Such recordings must be retained by theService Provider for a period of not less than six months from the dateof the call and must be made available to the Regulator on demand.Exemptions from this requirement may be granted only by theRegulator.

9.2.2 Where recording of conversations is required by the Regulator, ServiceProviders must ensure that such recordings are compatible with theRegulator’s replay facilities.

9.2.3 Individual telephone numbers allocated by the Network Operator to theService Provider for Live Services must be notified to the Regulator.

9.2.4 The type and nature of the Live Service (and any changes made thereafter)associated with each telephone number, must also be notified to theRegulator.

9.3 General Provisions

9.3.1 In addition to the requirements set out elsewhere in this Code of Practice,

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Service Providers who operate Live Services must actively discourageConsumers from seeking or giving out surnames, places of work, addressesor telephone numbers except where such information is required forbusiness purposes and is a necessary part of the Service.

9.3.2 Where there is a determination by the Regulator that a Live Service is to beterminated at the expiration of a fixed period of time, the Service Providermust effect termination of calls within the period so fixed.

9.3.3 Callers to Live Services must be notified as soon as possible on spending€30, or such other amount as may be fixed by the Regulator and be requiredto confirm if they wish to continue the call. This warning must be repeatedon incurring each additional charge of €30, followed by forced release whena total charge of €90 has been incurred.

9.4 Introductory Messages

9.4.1 All providers of Live Services must ensure that, on connection, eachConsumer receives a brief introductory message, giving details of call costsand the name of the Service Provider providing the Live Service.

9.4.2 Consumers using Live Services in respect of which recording of calls hasbeen required by the Regulator must be warned that rules apply governingdisallowable conversation. They must be informed that a recording of theconversation by the Service Provider may be made available to the Regulator.

9.5 Promotional Material and Advertising

In addition to ‘Promotion General Rules’ (see Section 6.1.1-6.1.11) the followingspecial provisions will apply to Live Services:

(i) where there is a requirement for recording conversations, this should clearlybe stated in the Promotional Material; and

(ii) specialist or expert Services must indicate the current status and professionalexperience of those providing the relevant Live Services. There is a particularobligation on Service Providers to ensure that Consumers are aware of thecost of the Service.


10.1 Service Providers must not provide an Online Premium Rate Service unless suchService has been submitted to and authorised in advance by the Regulator.

10.2 Such authorisation may be subject to such conditions as the Regulator may considerappropriate and may be withdrawn or amended at its discretion.

10.3 Online Premium Rate Services must;

(i) not cost more than €25 per call, or such other amount as may be specifiedby the Regulator and must terminate by forced release once the cost has beenincurred;

(ii) not allow any further access via the Service to the World Wide Web until theConsumer has disconnected from the Premium Rate Service; and

(iii) disconnect by forced release if the Service is left idle by the Consumer forfive (5) minutes.

10.4 Service Providers must ensure that:

(i) pricing information and the Premium Rate number being called, aredisplayed prominently on screen when the Service is accessed;

(ii) there are security measures in place with a view to ensuring that theConsumer is the bill-payer or otherwise authorised to make the call;

(iii) charging for the Service must not commence until the Consumer hasactively indicated a wish to proceed.

10.5 Any service aimed at 18 year olds and over must carry an age warning and activeConsumer age confirmation.

10.6 When a dialler is connected to a Premium Rate Service, the Consumer must be alertedby a visual display of dialler utilisation on screen requesting the Consumer to activelyconfirm that they wish to use the Premium Rate Service.

10.7 All services using a dialler must be authorised in advance by the Regulator. Suchservices must not be linked to any other service or linked to other websites. Anyvariation to an authorised service must be submitted in advance to the Regulatorbefore being implemented.

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A condition for the allocation of a Short Code Number by ComReg (ODTR 02/14) isthat Network Operators and Service Providers agree to abide by this Code of Practice.

11.1 General

11.1.1 Only PSMS services authorised by the Regulator may be operated by aService Provider.

11.1.2 Short Code Numbers must be used only for the Service authorised by theRegulator.

11.1.3 Service Providers must not send, or have others send on their behalf,unsolicited, random, or untargeted telecommunications messages (referredto as SPAM), and the use of PSMS must not be promoted by the use of suchmessages.

11.1.4 The Consumer must have the right to ‘opt-in’ or ‘opt-out’ of any promotionor Service, whether subscription based service or otherwise.

11.1.5 No PSMS Service may be promoted as being “free” if it involves any chargewhatsoever to a Consumer. No product or service may be described as “free”if it is obtainable only by the use of a Premium Rate Service involving acharge to a Consumer.

11.1.6 Service Providers are permitted to charge Consumers, whether on asubscription basis or otherwise, only for specific PSMS services and contentwhich the Service Provider can demonstrate to the satisfaction of theRegulator the Consumer in question has agreed to receive and pay for.

11.1.7 All PSMS Promotions must carry the mobile number and the Short CodeNumber of the originating Service Provider.

11.1.8 Text messages sent and received by Consumers must be stored by the ServiceProvider for a period of six months from the date of the message.

Service Provider Administrative Responsibility is set out in Section 3 of this Code ofPractice.

11.2 Pricing Notification

In addition to the rules laid down in Section 7 of this Code (Pricing) the followingspecial conditions apply to PSMS.

11.2.1 Any Promotional Material for PSMS must include full pricing informationinclusive of VAT and any other cost associated with the Service.

11.2.2 Consumers must be notified on incurring charges of €20 and be requiredto confirm in text format if they wish to continue the Service. Themaximum spend per transaction shall not exceed €40 or other such amountas may be specified by the Regulator. Any transaction exceeding that sum isnot permitted.

11.2.3 Pricing information requested by the Consumer must not be charged at aPremium Rate price and in any event must not be more than the standardnetwork charge. The Regulator considers it best practice that suchinformation be free of charge.

11.2.4 The maximum per diem rate for interactive services is €10 or such othersum as may be fixed by the Regulator from time to time, whether generallyor in respect of any specific category of service.

11.2.5 Service Providers must ensure that the maximum charge for each PSMS isclearly stated in all promotions. Prices per PSMS must be noted in the formof numerical price per message (inclusive of VAT), the total number ofPSMS and/or the total maximum cost of the Service to the Consumer(inclusive of VAT). In respect of any PSMS service or category of PSMSservice, the price per message and number of messages required to completethe transaction must be stated in all Promotional Material.

11.2.6 The price per PSMS message for the Service must be associated directly withthe Short Code Number and be clearly legible to the Consumer in allPromotions. Each reverse billed PSMS message must show the short codefrom which the PSMS originates to make it clear that a charge applies.

11.2.7 The Regulator reserves the right in the case of a PSMS Subscription Service,or any particular category of such Service, to require that Consumers beinformed of the maximum number of messages before they enter the Serviceand be informed that a Premium Rate Charge is applied per messagereceived.

11.2.8 In relation to Subscription Services the words “daily Subscription Service”,“weekly Subscription Service” or “monthly Subscription Service” must bedisplayed visually, and not requiring close scrutiny, in all PromotionalMaterial. In relation to television promotions, this information must bedisplayed clearly at the top of the screen in a stationary manner and notrequiring close scrutiny.

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11.3 PSMS Subscription Services

11.3.1 All Promotional Material for PSMS Subscription Services must contain thefollowing information in a clear and legible font:

(i) a description of PSMS Subscription Service and the frequency ofcharging, including the initial charge;

(ii) confirmation to the Consumer that the PSMS Subscription Serviceincurs a recurring/repeat charge to the Consumer;

(iii) information on how to “opt-out” or “unsubscribe” using only thewords “STOP” or “STOP ALL”; and

(iv) the identity and contact details of the Service Provider.

11.3.2 On subscribing to a PSMS Subscription Service, the Consumer must be senta free information message containing the following:

(i) that Consumer has entered a Subscription Service together withdetails of charging period (daily, weekly, monthly);

(ii) the cost in euro;

(iii) the fact that the Consumer can “opt-out” of or “unsubscribe” from theService by texting the words “STOP” or “STOP ALL” to a designatedshort code number; and

(iv) contact details for the Service Provider.

11.3.3 Service Providers must provide Consumer ‘opt-in’ (subscribe) and ‘opt-out’(unsubscribe) facilities for all Subscription Services, to enable Consumers to“subscribe” and “unsubscribe”. Consumers must be allowed to unsubscribeby texting the word “STOP” or “STOP ALL” to the Service Provider. TheRegulator reserves the right to designate other standard words which may beused by Consumers for this purpose. The word “STOP” and otherdesignated words to unsubscribe must be effective without being casesensitive. Where a Consumer texts the word “STOP” to unsubscribe from aPSMS Subscription Service, the Service Provider must cease the chargingand the provision of the service to the Consumer with immediate effect.

Where the Consumer has subscribed to more than one PSMS SubscriptionService offered by the same Service Provider and texts the word “STOP”, theService Provider must cease forthwith to provide the PSMS SubscriptionService of which the PSMS message most recently forwarded to theConsumer formed part. If, in such cases, the Consumer texts the word“STOP ALL” to the designated number, the Service Provider must cease theprovision and charges to the Consumer for all PSMS Subscription Services.

11.3.4 When a consumer has spent €20 (or such other amounts as may be specifiedby the Regulator), the Service Provider must send a free reminder messagecontaining details of the subscription service, charges, frequency of chargesand the opt-out facility using the words “STOP” or “STOP ALL”.

11.3.5 Service Providers must not raise a Premium Rate charge to provideinformation about a PSMS Subscription Service or its availability. APremium Rate charge must only be raised when the PSMS SubscriptionService itself has been delivered to a Consumer.

11.3.6 Where a Consumer has subscribed to a PSMS Subscription Service and failsto respond to a sent message within 40 days, the Consumer must be opted-out or unsubscribed automatically from that and/or related PSMSSubscription Services and must be removed from the database. The chargefor unsubscribing/opting out be no more than the standard text charge.

11.4 Promotion/Marketing

11.4.1 All Promotional Material for PSMS must contain detailed pricinginformation, inclusive of VAT and any other cost associated with theService.

11.4.2 All Promotional Material must contain contact details for the ServiceProvider and ‘opt-out’ options.

11.4.3 Promotional Material must relate only to Services authorised by theRegulator.

11.4.4 For the period that a consumer remains on a direct marketing database,Service Providers must retain records of:

(i) the Consumer opting into the direct marketing database;

(ii) the Consumer subscribing to a Subscription Service; and

(iii) the sending and receiving number and the date, time and content ofdirect marketing promotions.

11.4.5 In the case of advertising and promotions other than direct marketing,Service Providers must retain records of the Promotional Material for aminimum of 6 months. This must include:

(i) the content of the promotion; and

(ii) the date and time that the promotion was sent/published.

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11.5 Text ‘Chat’ and Group ‘Chat’ Services

11.5.1 For ‘Text Chat’ Services, Service Providers must receive confirmation fromthe Consumer that they are over 18 years before initiating the Service. AllPromotional Material must contain a communication to the effect that thisservice is available only to those over eighteen years of age.

11.5.2 For ‘Group Chat Services’, Consumers must be informed of the maximumnumber of messages before they enter the Service and must be informed thatthe Premium charge is applied per message received. This must be stated inall Promotional Material.

11.5.3 Forced Release A Consumer once connected to a Text Chat Service, who has notparticipated for a period of 45 minutes after connection and has not reachedthe spend limit, must be informed by a cost-free message that the Service isbeing disconnected, and the Service must then be disconnected. Anycontinuation of the Service is prohibited.

11.5.4 Security MeasuresService Providers must build in safeguards to the satisfaction of theRegulator to ensure that no sexually suggestive or explicit material istransmitted in the course of the Service.

11.6 Personal Messaging Services (Text ‘flirt’ Services)

Where an individual has passed on a mobile number to a Service Provider providingthe above Service, the Service Provider must provide an ‘opt-out’ facility for therecipient. If requested by the recipient of the message, the Service Provider must alsopass on the number of the caller who prompted the sending of the original message.Service Providers must receive confirmation the Consumers are over eighteen yearsbefore the initiation of the Service.

Provisions relating to Contact and Dating Services are set out in Section 8.6 ofthis Code.

11.7 Services of a Sexual Nature Operating on 59xxx Short Code

11.7.1 In addition to the provisions set out in Section 8.4 of this Code, ServiceProviders must provide security measures to ensure that only Consumersover eighteen years of age have access to such services. Services of a sexualnature as defined in this Code of Practice must be designated by a specificShort Code Number (currently 59xxx), and accessible only by the use of aPersonal Identification Number (PIN). This PIN is issued by the ServiceProvider to the Consumer seeking to avail of this type of Service and mustbe unique to each individual Consumer.

11.7.2 Appropriate security measures must be in place to the satisfaction of theRegulator before such Services are authorised.

11.7.3 PSMS of a sexual nature must not contain references which suggest orimply the involvement of children.

11.7.4 Promotion of PSMS of a sexual nature must not appear in publicationsintended for children or young persons, national publications or inpublications which are unsolicited, e.g. free distribution newspapers(referred to as “free sheets”).


12.1 The Regulator is funded by a levy on Network Operators and on Service Providers.

12.2 The levies are fixed from time to time by the Regulator in consultation with theindustry.

12.3 The combined Service Provider and Network Operator contribution to the levy inrespect of any Premium Rate call or PSMS shall not exceed four per cent of the costof the call or PSMS to the Consumer.

12.4 Service Providers’ contributions to the funding of the Regulator shall be deducted atsource by the Network Operator and paid over to the Regulator and the ServiceProvider shall permit such deduction.

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13.1 Complaint Initiation

The Regulator will investigate complaints relating to alleged breaches of the Code ofPractice which are received within a three month period from the date the Callcomplained of was made or the publication of the Promotional Material concerned.This period may be extended by the Regulator at the Regulator’s absolute discretionshould the Regulator be satisfied that exceptional circumstances prevented the makingof the complaint within the three month period.

Complaints relating to telephone bills and/or the amount charged in respect of calls(including PSMS) will not be dealt with by the Regulator unless and until thecomplainant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Regulator that:

(i) he or she has raised the matter by way of a written complaint to the NetworkOperator and Service Provider concerned; and

(ii) the dispute remains unresolved on the expiration of 60 days from the date of thecomplaint referred to at (i) above.

The Regulator monitors Premium Rate Telecommunications Services andPromotional Material and may initiate a complaint where there appears to be a breachof the Code of Practice.

13.2 Disclosure of Information

The Regulator may require the Service Provider and the Network Operator to discloseto the Regulator, within a period of time specified by the Regulator, any relevantinformation or documents required for the completion of the investigation. This mayinclude, but is not limited to, information about call volumes, patterns and revenues,details of the numbers allocated to an Information Provider, details of Servicesoperating on particular Premium Rate numbers and such other matters as theRegulator may specify.

13.3 Standard Procedure

Where the Regulator receives or initiates a complaint, the Regulator may invoke thefollowing procedure:

(i) the Service Provider will be given in writing all the necessary information on thecomplaint, including details of the Service or Promotional Material which isalleged to have been in breach of this Code of Practice, and the Service Providerwill be referred to the relevant provisions of the Code of Practice;

(ii) the Service Provider will be given a specified reasonable time in which torespond and to provide any information requested. In the absence of any specialcircumstances, this response will be required within five working days. In special

circumstances a shorter time limit may be set, this time limit will not be lessthan 24 hours;

(iii) if the Service Provider fails to respond and/or to supply the informationrequested within the required period, then the Regulator will proceed on theassumption that the Service Provider does not intend to co-operate in theinvestigation; and

(iv) the Regulator, having investigated the complaint, will adjudicate on thecomplaint and advise the Service Provider and the complainant of theadjudication.

13.4 Emergency Procedure

Where it appears to the Regulator that a breach of the Code of Practice may havetaken place which is serious and requires urgent remedy, the emergency proceduremay be invoked as follows:

(i) the Regulator will attempt to contact the Service Provider to advise that theService appears to be in breach of the Code of Practice; that the emergencyprocedure has been invoked; and that unless the Service is immediately removedthe Network Operator will be advised of the breach and requested to bar accessto the relevant Service forthwith;

(ii) if the Regulator is unable to make contact with the Service Provider, theRegulator will advise the Network Operator of the apparent breach of the Codeof Practice and request that access to the numbers should be barred forthwith;and

(iii) once the Service has been removed, the Standard Procedure will be invoked.

13.5 Withholding Payment

Where an investigation has been initiated, the Regulator may direct the Network Operatorto withhold some or all outstanding payments from the Service Provider, InformationProvider or other third party, pending adjudication by the Regulator.

13.6 Adjudication

At the completion of the investigation, the Regulator will decide if there has been a breachof the Code of Practice. Each case will be considered and decided on its own merits. TheRegulator shall have absolute discretion to consult with lay assessors appointed by Regtel onany matter arising in the course of the examination of a complaint or an adjudication.

13.7 Reviews

The Regulator may review adjudications in the light of new information.

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13.8 Sanctions

Having taken all relevant circumstances into account and where a complaint is upheldand the Regulator adjudicates that there has been a breach of the Code of Practice, theRegulator may impose all or any of the following sanctions:

(i) to require the Service Provider to remedy the breach by taking such steps as theRegulator deems appropriate;

(ii) to require assurances from the Service Provider, or any associated individual,relating to future behaviour, in terms determined by the Regulator;

(iii) to require the Service Provider to submit certain or all categories of Serviceand/or Promotional Material to the Regulator for prior approval for a definedperiod;

(iv) to require the Service Provider to refund to the complainant and all other callersto the Service an amount to be determined by the Regulator and, in default ofpayment of that amount within 14 days, to request the relevant NetworkOperator to pay that amount to the complainant and all such callers out ofmonies held by the Network Operator for the account of the Service Provider.Where callers cannot be identified, the Regulator may, on or after the expirationof 60 days from the date of the adjudication, stipulate a charity to which the callrevenue must be paid by the Service Provider or the Network Operator asaforesaid;

(v) to require the relevant Network Operator to bar access to some or all of thenumbers allocated to the Service Provider for a defined period;

(vi) to recommend to the relevant Network Operator that the Service Providershould be prohibited from providing a particular type or category of Service fora defined period; and

(vii) to recommend to the relevant Network Operator that the Service Providershould no longer be permitted to provide Premium Rate Services.

13.9 Administrative Charge

Service Providers found to be in breach of the Code of Practice may be invoiced forthe administrative and legal costs of the work undertaken by the Regulator ininvestigating the complaint and making the adjudication. Non-payment will beconsidered to be a breach of the Code of Practice and may result in further sanctionsbeing imposed. In addition the Regulator may request the Network Operator to payover to the Regulator the amount due by the Service Provider out of Service Providerfunds held by the Network Operator.


This Code of Practice will come into force on 1 November 2005 and replaces all existingCodes of Practice, in respect of calls and Promotional Material published thereafter.

15. Annex

Complaints proceduresAll complaints must be submitted in writing or by e-mail in connection with the promotionand content of Premium Rate Telecommunications Services. Such complaints will beinvestigated by the Regulator.

It should be noted that the functions of the Regulator do not extend to matters concerningthe payment of bills or related issues.

Only complaints dealing with the promotion and content will be considered by theRegulator.

The only bills with which the Regulator can be concerned are those for Premium RateTelecommunications Services. Complaints relating to telephone bills and/or the amountcharged in respect of calls will not be dealt with by the Regulator unless and until thecomplainant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Regulator that:

(i) he or she has raised the matter by way of written complaints to the Network Operatorand Service Provider concerned; and

(ii) the dispute remains unresolved on the expiration of 60 days from the date of thecomplaints referred to at (i) above.

To facilitate the speedy investigation of a complaint the following information should beprovided:

• Details of the Premium Rate Number or the SMS Short Code Number (50xxx-59xxx), and description of the Service

• dates and times when Service was used

• dates and time when PSMS were received or sent

• copies, if available, of the advertisement or other Promotional Material

• a copy of the relevant section of the telephone bill

• Address and telephone number from which the calls were made.

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In making a complaint it would be helpful to supply as much detail as possible including:

• Was the content misleading or offensive?• Was the information supplied accurate and up-to-date?• Were you made aware of the cost of the Service?• Did you complain to the Service Provider concerned?• Did you complain to the Service Provider in relation to receiving unsolicited text

promoting Premium Rate Telecommunication Services?• Have you complained to any other authority in relation to this matter?

All complaints are dealt with in strict confidence. However, the processing of a complaintmay, at the discretion of the Regulator, involve the disclosure of the complaint to the ServiceProvider.

Contact RegtelWritten complaints to:

Regtel, Crescent Hall,Mount Street Crescent,Dublin 2.

E-mail complaints to:

Telephone (Callsave) 1850 741 741

Fax (Callsave) 1850 741 747

Telephone (Int) 353 1 6767025

Fax (Int) 353 1 6767035

Web Site


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