Tabla Impactos Ecosistemas_actual

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Tabla Impactos Ecosistemas_actual

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    Efecto Referencia

    Arrecifes de


    Heat stress reduces photosynthesis in symbiontic 2: Hoegh-Guldberg, 199931: Wi

    Bosques de


    If not yet reached max. temperature increase o 17: Xiao et al. 199818: Ellison, F

    Praderas de


    Longterm exposure: growth declines, less photos 25: Koch et al 200736: Lee K-S e

    Biota MarinaGeneral


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    Valor Efecto Referencia

    (18C35 adapted to high salinity levels (wat 19: Kathiresan, Bingham.

    Longterm exposure (several weeks) Thalassia testudium reacts to low s 26: Thorhaug et al. 2006

    Fisico Quimico Ba


    Que efecto tiene el contenido de sal aumentado? Osmolarida

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    Valor Efecto Referencia Valor

    Optimal salinity between 32 due to chemical speciatio 5: Hoegh-Guldberg, O. et aragonite saturation

    value of 200mg/kg (5),

    corresponding to pCO2

    of 480 matm(34) pH?

    Solution of 50 mM Nacl (sea More acidic condtitions

    Low salinity:Mortality at

  • 7/29/2019 Tabla Impactos Ecosistemas_actual


    Efecto Referencia Valor Efecto Referencia

    64: Aller y Dodge,


    65: Rogers, 1990.

    66: Carricart-

    Ganivet y Merino,


    67: Cortes y Risk,


    Dependend on chemica30: Bongiorni et

    Sedimentation buries the 22: Ellison 1998 Avicennia ger if ecosystem=N-limited: 21: Feller et al. 2

    Suspended particles as w 32: Newell, Koch 2 Critical value fDependend on nutrient 26: Ferdie, Fourq

    Solidos Sospendidos (SST o TSS) Nitrogeno (DIN, NO3, NO2, NH


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    Valor Efecto Referencia Valor Efecto

    associated with elevated nutrient concent

    Depends on i if P is limiting elem 19: Kathiresan, B

    optimal: oligo Dependend on nut 26: Ferdie, Fourq

    Nutrientes Microbiolo

    3, Total-N) Fosforo (SRP, PO4, Total-P)

    More favourable:Nitrite: 0.095 mMNitrate: 0.385 mMAmmonia:

    Coliformes (Totales, Fecale



    Dependend on individual demand of nutrients of ecosyst

    Threshold for T. Testudinum for saturation: 25 mM (39)

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    Referencia Valor Efecto Referencia

    Fertilization inhibited, larval metamorphosi 8: Negri et al. MPB (2000)9:

    Mangrove roots heavily affected because in 8: Negri et al. MPB (2000)

    9: Jackson et al. Sc (1989)

    15: Peters et al. 1997

    18: Ellison. 1996

    Thalassia testudium: entire beds killed after 9: Jackson et al. Sc (1989)

    15: Peters et al. 1997

    47: Lewis y Devereux 2008

    44: Westphalen et al. 2004

    pueden ser agudos y letales cuando ingresa 1: Baumard et al. 1999

    15: Peters et al. 1997

    ico Hidrocarburos

    6: Larsen, Webb. JCR (2009)7:

    , Termotolerantes,


    Hidrocarburos Aromaticos Totales (HA

    Hidrocarburos Disueltos y Dispersos (HD


    em, plant species

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    Valor Efecto Referencia Valor

    Fertilization inhibited o Herbicides restrict electron transfer in photosynth 10: Haynes et al. Diuron for CC

    Breakdown of cell walls in roots and leaves se 10: Haynes et al. Diuron for Avi

    Decrease of Photosynthetic rate (s.a., electron tra10: Haynes et al. Diuron, Atrazi

    Photosynthesis inhibition (10) 10: Haynes et al. s.a.s.a.s.a.s.a.




    Organoclorados, Organofosfados

    Insecticidas, Herbicidas, Fungicidas

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    Efecto Referencia Valor General

    Mn induces iron deficiency in some al

    Cadmium leads to cellular damage in l15: Peters et al. 199

    Productivity, carbon uptake, photosy 15: Peters et al. 19 Cadmio0.56 - 1 mg L-1 Zinc 0.1 - 3.3 mg L-1plo

    Mn: Important for metabolic process 12: Hedouin et al. 2


    Pb, Cr, Cd, Hg

    12: Hedouin et al. 201113: Ali et al branched corals are more sensitive t

    Metales Pesados

    Mn: Adult phytoplankton, inverterbrates, fish: 1,5

    Cd: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)Cd: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)

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    o entre 0.1 y 10.36 mg L-1cobre 0.06 1 mg L-1(44)Cadmio0.56 - 1 mg L-1 Zinc 0.1 - 3.3 mg

    contamination than massive ones (15)Reproduction, recruitment, sympiontic interactions rely on ch

    g/L (12)Mn: Adult phytoplankton, inverterbrates, fish: 1,5 mg/L (12)Mn: Adult phytoplankton, invert

    d: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)Cd: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)Cd: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)Cd: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)C

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    L-1plomo entre 0.1 y 10.36 mg L-1cobre 0.06 1 mg L-1(44)

    mical communication, that can be easily disturbed by interfering chemicals from outs

    rbrates, fish: 1,5 mg/L (12)

    : 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)Cd: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)Cd: 51.2 15.3 mg/L (16)

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    Jhon, Caro
