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Transcript of Ta State and Rochester D - …collegiate.quizbowlpackets.com/1275/Iowa State + Rochester D.pdf ·...

Michigan MLK Tournament 2004 ·

Round by

IOl\Ta State and

Rochester D

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Michigan MLK Tournament 2004

Packet by Iowa State (Matt Cvijanovich, Sean Kinney, Michael Falk, Scott Moser) and Rochester D (Marie Guido et al.)


1. Its first major in-house production was 1989's Scandal about a British defense minister's affair with a teenager. It was founded in 1979 in Buffalo and quickly became a distributor of independent films. It was purchased by Disney in 1993 and since has added its own subsidiary Dimension Films. Its successes include Pulp Fiction and Chicago and in 2003 it put out The Human Stain, Kill Bill, and Cold Mountain . FTP identify this production company headed by Harvey Weinstein.

Answer: Miramax Films Corp. or Miramax Studios.

, 2. The "middleness" of this deity was the s,!bject of Juli.an the Apostate's Fourth Oration. The Homeric Hymn to him gives Euryphaessa [YOO-ree-fye-ESS-uh] as his mother although that · title is usually given to Thea. He gives Heracles the Golden Cup in which he sails to Geryon's land, tells Hephaistos of Aphrodite's affair with Ares and relates to Demeter the kidnapping of Persephone. Phaethon was killed by Zeus after losing control of the chariot of, for 10 points, what father of his and Greek sun god?

Answer: Helios or Helius

3. This man's "Hotel Attraction," which features a number of parabolic towers that resemble a rocket ship, was recently submitted to the World Trade Center memorial search. His works, which include the Casa Mila, a building that resembles a lava flow because of its soft and nonlinear appearance, are noted for their intricate Art Nouveau flavor and influences from his home region. For 10 points, name this Spanish architect whose masterpiece is the four-towered Church of the Holy Family in Barcelona.

Answer: Antoni Gaudi.

4. She starred in the T.V. movie Holiday in Your Heart and co-wrote the book on which it was based. She also made a cameo appearance in Coyote Ugly where she sang "Can't Fight the Moonlight." Her recent album Twisted Angel featured the single "Life Goes On." Other hits include "How do I Live" and "One Way Ticket." FTP identify this country artist who scored her first hit with "Blue" when she was thirteen.

Answer: LeAnn Rimes.

5. The final speech of this play contains a line in Latin from Matthew 25:41 and ends with an appeal to "saint Charity" characteristic of its genre. It is now the centerpiece of the Salzburg Festival in an adaptation into German by Hofmannsthal, and was probably originally an English translation of the Dutch Elkerlijk [ELL-kuhr-lik]. Fellowship, Cousin, and Goods abandon the title character after God orders Death to take him and eventually he is left only with Good Deeds. FTP identify this most famous morality play.

Answer: Everyman or The Summoning of Everyman

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6. This family consists of roughly 26 languages which are generally characterized by a distinction between dental, alveolar, and retroflex articulations. A notable exception is Brahui, a language which is spoken as far away as Iran . . A few linguists claim similarities between this family and Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, and Etruscan languages. FTP, identify this family which includes languages including Kannada, Telugu, and Tamil, most of which are from southern India.

Answer: Dravidian

.7. He played -Nigel Small-Fawcett in Never Say Never Again and voiced Zazu in The Lion King. His other movie credits include Father Gerald in Four Weddings and a Funeral and Emile Mondavarious in 2002's Scooby Doo. He was named the 1980 "BBC Personality of the Year" for his work on "Not the Nine O'Clock News," and followed up that success with a starring role in the Blackadder series. FTP identify this Brit known for playing Mr. Bean.

Arlswer: Rowan Atkinson.

·8. It is the only compound in which two carboxyl groups are joined directly together, making it one of the strongest organic acids. Unlike most other carboxylic acids, with the exception of -formic acid, it is readily oxidized, making it useful as a reducing agent for photography and ink .removal. When consumed, it reacts with minerals like calcium and potassium to produce insoluble salts that can cause kidney problems. FTP, identify this acid, also known as ethanedioic dehydrate acid, which has a chemical formula of (COOH)2.

Answer: oxalic acid.

9. He spent much of his early career criticizing Eubulus' policy of using revenues for free theatrical performances rather than defense. He killed himself before lettin~ Antipater capture him after the failure of the Lamiari War in 322. When his ally Ctesiphon was prosecuted for support of him, this man delivered his speech On the Crown, in which he defended himself and lambasted the prosecutor Aeschines. For 10 points, name this Athenian orator who delivered his Philippics against the King of Macedon.

Answer: Demosthenes.

10. Most of the verse sections including" A Song from the Highest Tower" are in the section "The Second Delirium." The final section, "Farewell," claims" "One must be absolutely modem." T,he work begins "Once, if my memory serves me well, my life was a banquet .. . " It was written from April to August of 1873 when the author was only eighteen and describes his emotions in the wake of his affair with Paul Verlaine. FTP identify this prose poem by Arthur Rimbaud.

Answer: Une Saison en Enfer or A Season in Hell. ,

11. Hegel's concept of the Absolute is often regarded as a "logical" version of this view. In the 17805 Jacobi and Mendelssohn argued about Lessing's adherence to the view and whether it made him an atheist. The most famous argument proposing it states that substance must be self­sufficient, only God is self-sufficient, therefore God is the only substance. FTP identify this philosophical view put forth by Spinoza which states that God is identical to all things.

Answer: Pantheism (prompt on Spinozism).

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12. Constant volume is assumed in this fonnulation; it can only be used for closed containers. Physically, it represents the maximum amount of P-V work which can be extracted from a system, and mathematically it equals internal energy minus the product of temperature and final entropy. A different form, derived using enthalpy and assuming constant pressure and · open containers, is named after Josiah Gibbs. FTP, name this formulation of energy available to do work.

Answer: Helmholtz Free Energy.

13. Located on Rakata in the Sundra strait ·between Java and Sumatra in Indonesia, it lies 840 km south of Singapore and 160 km northwest of Jakarta. Since 416 CE it has consisted of three small islands and a 7 km-wide caldera. On August 27, 1883~ it exploded with a Volcano Eruption Index rating of 6, one of the largest in recorded history. FTP, name this volcano eruption changed the global climate for several years afterwards.

Answer: · Krakatoa or Krakatau.

14. Although set in the key of D major, the first movement actually starts with an introduction in D minor which had little to do with any later music. It is followed by a third-movement minuet featured in the movie Prince of Tides and an allegro spiritoso finale . Johann Peter. Salomon commissioned this symphony, which was the composer's last and gives its name to a group of twelve symphonies composed for two of his trips abroad. FTPidentify this symphony by Franz Josef Haydn named for the city in which it was first performed.

Answer: London Symphony (accept Symphony No. 104).

15~ His refonns included a division of his country into 13 administrative departments and the passing of the Carta Fundamental in 1980. He worked to implement his Alcazar Plan as Commander in Chief after passing the presidency to Patricio Aylwin in 1990. Supporters point to the economic miracle created by his "Chicago Boys" while detractors cite the numerous "disappearances~' attributed to his secret police group DINA. FTP Identify this man who led the overthrow of Salvador Allende and became dictator of Chile .

. Answer: Augusto Pinochet Ugarte.

16. In early 2003 it announced it had reached 60,000 active Premium subscribers and later in the year introduced "The Daypass Model" to entice more. In 1999 it signed a ten-year contract with Rainbow Media creating an alliance with the Bravo network. Its columnists include Scott Rosenberg, Sidney Blumenthal, and Arianna Huffington and it supports two online communities: Table Talk and The WELL. FTP identify this internet news media company whose name suggests a gathering hosted by Madame de Stael. .

Answer: Salon. com.

17. His early novels The Fortunate Pilgrim and The Dark Arena got virtually no public attention, which cannot be said for his screenplays including Earthquake and two Superrrian movies. The hero of the gambling expose Fools Die is often thought to be a self-portrait of, for 10 points, what creator of Luca Brasi, Tessio, Clemenza and other henchmen and relatives of Don Vito Corleone in The Godfather?


~ Answer: Mario Puzo 18. Ernst Gambrich suggested this painting was based on Apuleius's Golden Ass, while others suggest a Neo-Platonic interpretation. On the far left Mercury parts clouds with his caduceus. It is set in a grove of orange trees, and on the far right a ghastly blue-green figure, usually interpreted as Zephyr, pursues Chloris. The figure to their right spreading flowers is probably Flora. The three graces are also present to the left of their mistress Venus. FIP identify this Botticelli work depicting a season. .

Answer: La Primavera or Allegory of Spring .

19. These enzymes catalyze the creation of a covalent bond between two substrates, resulting in a larger product which is a combination of the two starting materials. One of the most common versions is produced by the T4 bacteriophage, and creates a phosphate bond between the 5 prime and 3 prime ends of a DNA chain, resulting in a longer chain of DNA. FTP, identify these enzymes which are the opposite of restriction enzymes.


20. The later stages of this campaign were highlighted by the Battle of Arsuf and the capture of Jaffa. Earlier one invader had .conquered Cyprus while another had captured !conium, the capital of the Seljuks. It had its roots in the raiding of Raynald of ChatiHon and the 1187 Battle of Hattin. Gregory VIII called for, FTP, what conflict which saw Philip Augustus, Frederick Barbarossa, and Richard I go to the Holy Land to fight Saladin?

Answer: Third Crusade.

21. In' his early career he co-founded the Neo-Sensualist journal"The Artistic Age." "The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket" is one of his very short "Palm of the Hand Stories." His later novels include The Lake and The Old Capital. One of his most famous novels centers on Shingo and his family's marital crises and another on Komako, an aging geisha. FTP identify this 1968 Literature Nobel Laureate and author of The Sound of the Mountain and Snow Country.

Answer: Kawabata Yasunari. 22. It apparently gets its name from the god whose priests used to prepare it by cooking anhnal hooves. Modem uses include its effect of temporarily turning wood plastic. It is used in the Solvay Process for producing soda ash, and the Ostwald Process converts it into nitric acid. By­products from coke furnaces and the Haber-Bosch Process are the main commercial sources of, for 10 points, what compound important in fertilizers whose formula is NH3?

Answer: . ammonia (no, not amInonium, ammonia)

23. Don Quixote asserts that King Arthur was turned into this creature instead of dying . . It symbolized the first rank of initiation in the cult of Mithras and one supposedly signaled the death of Domitian by crying U All will be well." In Celtic myth it was associated with Babd and Morrigan. It was the dominant trickster and creator deity in the American Pacific Northwest. FTP identify this avian described as "an ominous bird of yore" in an Edgar Allen Poe poem.

Answer: Raven . ' also accept Corvus or Corax (accept "crow" until"Pacific Northwest").

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24. This law stated that its constitutionality could not be judged by the Supreme Court and that all state employees, excepting legislators, had to swear an oath to uphold it. Governor Robert Hayne presided over the convention which passed it while the then Vice President of the u.s; resigned to defend this action in the Senate. The "Tariff of Abominations" was the target of, for 10 points, what 1832 South Carolina law that put forth John C. Calhoun's view thafstates -­could void federal laws?

Answer: Ordinance of Nullification or Nullification Act.

25. This folk-pop band, fonned outside of Toronto in 1988, was the first to reach the top 20 and go platinum in Canada with an independent release. The band has survived one of its member's successful battle with leukemia and their fans throwing Kraft Mac and Cheese at them during concerts. They have become a success in both the US and Canada with such hits as One Week and Brian Wilson. FTP name this band composed of five fully dressed men.

Answer: The Barenaked Ladies 26. Robert Merton originally coined this tenn in 1957, in his book "Social Theory and Social Structure". With an alternative name of "the Pygmalion Effect", it describes a situation in which a group or individual's expectation of a certain outcome causes them to behave in a way that causes that outcome to occur .. If you have stopped listening to this question because you know you never get social science, you thus will not buzz on the giveaway and will have created, for 10 points, what sociological effect?

Answer: self-fulfiliing prophecy (Accept Pygmalion Effect until read)

27. After a 1999 study concluded that these items were not in fact linked to rheumatoid arthritis, corporations like Inamed petitioned the FDA to re-allow their sales. In October 2003 an 'advisory committee voted to rescind the ban but on January 7 the FDA rejected the petition because of concerns over their durability. This left in place the 1992 ban on them which occurred after Dow Corning paid out 4 billion dollars in a class action settlement. FTP, identify these cosmetic prosthetics which are now made with saline.

Answer: silicone breast implants. (accept near equivalents so long as silicone is mentioned)

28. For incompressible flow, the continuity equation of fluids simplifies to this equation being ' set to zero. In meteorology, this condition in the upper troposphere leads to upward motion. This scalar field can be integrated over a volume to yield the Theorem of Gauss. A source-free field, one with no sources or sinks, also by definition has this scalar field set to zero. FTP, give the term for the loss of mass per unit of time and volume.

Answer: divergence

29. The majority of the population of this country is Christian although indigenous belief and Islam are also prevalent. Its lingua franca is Sangho but French is the official language. Its main industry is forestry but it is still heavily dependent on subsistence agriculture. Its current president is Francois Bozize who came to power after a March 2003 coup which ousted Ange Felix Patasse. FTP identify this nation that has a capital at Bangui and an extremely generic name.

Answer: Central African Republic or Republique Centrafricaine.

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30. In the 19th century Pascal Beverly Randolph founded a revival of it in America, which accounts for the name of an Egyptian museum in San Jose, while R.W. Little directly associated it with Freemasonry. It was popularized in the 17th century by Robert Fludd .and its manifesto, the Fama Fraternitatis,is usually attributed to Johann Andreae. FTP identify this occult theosophy which gets its name either from its bipartite symbol or its legendary founder Christian Rosenkreutz.

Answer: Rosicrucianism or Order of the Rose and the Cross or Fratemitas Rosae Crucis


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~{" k StJ'tL cw».. ~cksk 'j) Bonuses

1. Identify the syndromes from clues FTPE.

A. In this syndrome, the abused forms an emotional bond with his abuser, Patty Hearst being an example

Answer: Stockholm syndrome.

B. An 18th-century German officer and flagrant liar has given his name to this disorder in which people invent or self-induce illnesses and injuries to get attention.

Answer: Munchausen's syndrome.

C. In this syndrome, a blind person will deny being blind, going so far as to fabricate sights.

Answer: Anton's syndrome.

2. Identify these biographers of Lincoln from clues FTPE.

A. This man won the 1988 Newberry Medal for his Lincoln: A Photobiography.

Answer: Russell Freedman.

B. He portrayed Lincoln unfavorably in 1931's Lincoln, the Man but is better known for his collection Spoon River. Anthology.

Answer: Edgar Lee Masters.

C. This Chicagoan'S biography begins with The Prarie Years and moves on to four volumes of The War Years.

Answer: Carl Sandburg.

3. Identify the major league baseball teams from changes to their bullpen FTPE.

A. This team signed free agent Eddie Guardado and resigned Shigetoshi Hasegawa but let Armando Benitez go.

Answer: Seattle Mariners (accept either).

B. A nearly complete overhaul of the bullpen was in store for this team who added Valerio de Los Santos, Terry Adams, Justin Speier, and Kerry Ligtenberg.

Answer: Toronto Blue Jays (accept either).

C. The only bullpen addition this pitiful team was able to make was pitcher Al Levine.

Answer: Detroit Tigers (accept either).

4. Identify stuff relating to large ape-like creatures that are not Bigfoot or the Yeti FTPE.


A. This 1S the term for the science of investigating bizarre creatures like Bigfoot, the Yeti, or even the Loch Ness Monster.

Answer: Cryptozoology.

B. This is the Bigfoot relative in the state of Florida and named for the awful stench that always accompanies it.

Answer: Florida Skunk Ape

C. A rash of sightings of this humanoid occurred in 1971 and 1972 near the town of Louisiana in its namesake state.

Answer: Me) Mo or Missouri Monster.

5. Name human bones from clues, 5-10-15.

(5) The longest and strongest bone in the human body


(10) This bone is the only one in the human body not to touch any other bones

Answer: hyoid bone or os hyoideum or lingual bone

(15) This uppermost portion of the sternum articulates with the clavicle.

Answer: manubrium sterni

6. Identify the writer from a clue about their latest novel for fifteen points or from other works for 5.

A. (15) His latest novel is about writer Willie Somerset Chandrari's experiences in India, England, and colonial Mozambique and is called Half a Life.

(5) The Mystic Masseur and A Bend in the River.

Answer: V.S. Naipaul.

B. (15) His nE;!west novel is 2003's The Way to Paradise which centers on socialist agitator Flora Tristan and her grandson Paul Gauguin.

(5) Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter and The War of the End of the World.

Answer: Mario Vargas Llosa.

7. Name these poems written by poets associated with the Pre-Raphaelite movement from quotations .FTPE. .

A. it was the rampart of God's house That she was standing on By God built over the sheer depth

The which is Space begun.

Answer: The Blessed Damozel By Dante Gabriel RossettL

B. She sucked and sucked and sucked the more Fruits which that unknown orchard bore, She sucked until her lips were sore; Then flung the emptied rinds away.

Answer: Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti.

C. "He reached a middle height, and at the stars, Which are the brain of heaven, he looked, and sank. Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank, The army of unalterable law.

Answer: Lucifer in Starlight By George Meredith.

8. Acid-base definitions FTPE.

A. This man's study of oxyacids led him erroneously to define acids as oxygen-containing compounds.

Answer: Antione Laurent Lavoisier

. B. He defined an acid as anything that accepts negative species or donates positive ones.

Answer: Mikail Ilich U sanovich

C. In this system, an acid is defined as a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor.

Answer: Bmnsted-Lowry

9. Stuff related to Baroque art and architecture FTPE.

A. The Piazza Navona in Rome features what masterpiece of Bernini whose title figures each repr~sents a continent?

Answer: The Fountain of the Four Rivers

B. Bernini's "Fountain of the Four Rivers" lies outside this building, which was designed by his rival. It is often said that the Nile covers his face to avoid seeing the basilica.

Answer: St. Agnes or Sant'Agnese .

C. St. Agnes was designed by this man, the rival of BerninL

Answer: Francesco Borromini.

10. Answer questions about a religion FTPE.

A. This form of Buddhism known as Ch'an in China was founded by Bodhidharma and later in Japan was divided into the Rinzai and Soto sects. .

Answer: Zen Buddhism.

B. This 13th century master founded the Soto s~ct and establish~d the first independent Zen temple in Japan. He advocated meditation rather than study as the way to enlightenment.

Answer: Dogen Zenji.

C. This is the form of daily sitting meditation advocated by Dogen and the Soto sect.

Answer: Zazen.

11. Knowing your neighbors is a good thing, so in this bonus FTPE given the neighbors of a country identify it.

I (10) Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa

Answer: Mozambique

(10) Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina

Answer: . Paraguay

(10) Poland, Belarus, Latvia

Answer: Lithuania

12. Curves that have more to dowith economics than baseball, for 10 points each:

A. This curve depicts the rather obvious jdea that if you raise taxes past a certain point, you will start to see revenue decrease rather than increase.

Answer: Laffer Curve.

B. Stagflation seems to contradict the idea of this curve, which posits an inverse relationship between wage inflation and unemployment.

Answer: Phillips Curve,

C. This curve shows the rate at which consumers will exchange one item for another, as they have no preference for one item over the other.

Answer: Indifference Curve

13. Identify these battles in which the English whooped up on the Scots.

A. In 1298, a year after defeat at Stirling Bridge, the English under King Edward I soundly defeated Scots under William Wallace using the newly designed longbow.

Answer: Falkirk.

B. James IV of Scotland invaded England to support France after Henry VIII's invasion but was soundly defeated by the Earl of Surrey in .this 1513 conflict.

Answer: Flodden FIeld.

C. Jacobite Scots under Bonnie Prince Charlie were soundly .defeated near Inverness by the Duke of Cumberland, ending his attempt at the throne in this 1746 battle. .

Answer: Culloden Moor.

14. Stuff from anime FTPE.

A. This series features the Ed, the hacker, and Ein, the Welsh Corgi, as well as the bounty hunters Faye Valentine, Jet Black, and Spike Spiegel.

Answer: Cowboy Bebop.

B. ThesoUridti:ack of the series was composed by this woman.

Answer: Yoko Kanno.

C. Yoko Kanno is responsible for the music of many prominent anime features, including this · series for which she wrote the song "Moon".

Answer: Turn A Gundam . .

15. Given a country identify the second most populous city in that country, for the stated number of points:

(10) Cuba. Answer: Santiago de Cuba.

(10) South Korea. Answer: Pusan.

(5) Turkey. Answer: Ankara.

(5) Mexico. Answer: Gaudalajara

16. FSNOP name the following about an opera.

(A) This opera with some folk tunes in it features a bass in the title roie and a tenor singiftg Gregory, who later becomes Dmitri the Pretender.

Answer: Boris Godunov

(B) The best female role is probably this Polish princess, who appears entirely in the third act, which is often omitted from performances.

Answer: Marina Mnishek

(C) Boris Godunov was written by Mussorgsky, but the version usually heard today was heavily edited by what friend and fellow composer, whose works include The Golden Cockerel?

Answer: Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

17. Identify the following relating to President Kennedy's foreign policy from clues FTPE.

A. This was Kennedy's and later Johnson's secretary of state. He supported the nuclear test ban. treaty but also defended u.s. action in the Vietnam War.

Answer: Dean Rusk.

B. This plan, formed at a conference in Punta del Este, UrugUay in 1961 was designed to assist Latin America economically and promote democracy and social equity there.

Answer: Alliance for Progress.

C. In late1963 Kennedy's government supported the coup which overthrew this Catholic President of South Vietnam.

Answer: Ngo Dinh Diem.

18. Identify stuff about a Roman writer from clues FTPE.

A. This Spaniard was a stoic philosopher, tutor to Nero, and all but one of our extant Roman tragedies, including a Medea C\.

Answer: Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger.

B. The highlight of this Seneca play is Atreus's delight in the sounds made from the roasting meat of the children of his brother, the title character.

Answer: Thyestes.

C. Seneca did not include a confrontation between Theseus and his son in this play based on the Hippolytus myth.

Answer: Phaedra. 19. Identify these people who guest starred on Seinfeld from clues FTPE.

A. He played Jason "Stanky" Hanky a recovering alcoholic who won't apologize to George for a comment about his fat neck during the apology stage of AA.

Answer: James Spader.

B. She played Marla Penny, Jerry's virginal girlfriend who eventually sleeps with JFK Jr.

Answer: Janes Leeves.


C. He has a recurring role as Jerry's occasional friend and nemesis dentist Dr. Tim Whatley but is better known for his role as Hal in Malcolm in the Middle. .

Answer: Bryan Cranston.

20. Stuff about Manitoba history from clues FTPE.

A. This colony was founded in Manitoba in 1812 by the earl of Selkirk to ease poverty in Great Britain.

Answer: Red River Settlement (prompt on Assiniboia).

B. This man led the 1869-70 Red River Rebellion in response to the transfer of Hudson's Bay Company land to Canada. He was later hung for another rebellion in Saskatchewan.

Answer: Louis Riel.

I C. This is the name for men with mixed Native American and French or Scots ancestry who rebelled with Riel. They were granted nominal land and cultural rights. .

Answer: Metis[MA Y-tee]

21. Identify the groups of artists FTPE.

A. This group was founded in 1916 by Tristan Tzara in protest of current art and most other things as well. Members included Jean Arp and Marcel Duchamp.

Answer: Dada or Dadaism.

B. Theodore Rousseau and Charles Daubigny were the principal members of this French school . of landscape artists based near the forest of Fontainebleu.

Answer: Barbizon School.

C. Taking their name from the Hebrew word for "prophets" this 1890's offshoot of symbolism was influenced by Gauguin and led by Paul Serusier and Maurice Denis.

Answer: Nabis Painters.

22. Ocean sciences stuff FTPE.

A. The clarity of water can be measured by lowering this black-and-white circular plate into the water and recording the depth at which it ceases to be visible from the surface. It is named for a 19th century Italian scientist. .

Answer: Secchi disc

B. This region is defined as the region in which photosynthesis can occur. It lies between the surface and 1.7 times the Secchi depth.

Answer: epipelagic zone

C. At the bottom of the ocean is this aphotic zone, comprised of the ocean floor and the upper layers of sediment. .


Answer: benthic zone.

. 23. Given the name of someone noted for founding a still~existing political organization, name the organization, for 10 points each: .

(10) Roger Baldwin

Answer: American Civil Liberties Union .

(10) Carrie Chapman Catt

Answer: League of Women Voters

(10) Lucien Bouchard

Answer: Bloc Ouebecois

· 24. Identify terms and phrases you would become familiar with in studying Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. .

A. The First Critique was largely a search for this type of statement. It is known before any experience yet its predicate is not contained in its subject, thus making it meaningful.

Answer: Synthetic a priori. ·

B. Kant used this scientific hypothesis as a model for his idea of viewing objects as conforming to human faculties rather than human faculties conforming to objects.

Answer: Copernican Revolution.

C. This was Kant's technical term for "things in themselves" which were beyond human knowledge. It is opposed to phenomena, which we can grasp.

Answer: noumena.

25. Salmon Rushdie novels from clues FTPE.

A. Saleem Sinai is the narrator and leader of the many title characters in this allegory of modem India. .

Answer: Midnight's Children.

B. The narrator and title character of this novel is Moraes Zogoiby, the last of a line of Cochinese spice merchants; who ages at twice the rate of normal humans.

Answer: The Moor's Last Sigh.

C. The title character of this novel helps his father, Rashid Khalifa, regain his tale-telling ability by traveling to Kahani, the Earth's Second Moon.

Answer: Haroun and the Sea of Stories. ,

26. Shiff from the reconstruction of Afghanistan FTPE .

. A. This is name of the Constitutional convention during which Afghanistan's new constitution was ratified. .

Answer: Loya Jirga

. B.This man is the chairman of the Loya Jirga.

Answer: Sibghatullah Mojadedi

C. Concerns that women would be underrepresented in the new government were only partially . assuaged by the nomination of this woman as fourth deputy.

Answer: Safia Sediqi

1 27. 28.


