T2 B11 Cite Check Fdr- Entire Contents- Citatation Guide- Emails- Notes- Zelikow Book Endnotes (1st...

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  • 8/14/2019 T2 B11 Cite Check Fdr- Entire Contents- Citatation Guide- Emails- Notes- Zelikow Book Endnotes (1st Pg for Ref)


    Standard Endnote Examples June 3, 2004AAL; CIA; DCI; DHS; DOD; DO J; DOS; DOT; FAA ; FBI; FDNY; GAO; INS;NORA D; NSA ; NSC; NTSB; NY PD; Port Authority; SEC; Treasury; TSA; UA L; USSS.Sept. 11 , 2001. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.pp. 24-26; pp. 125-129; 1998-1999; 2001-2004.

    Albert Gore interview (May 3, 2004).Richard B. interview (Feb. 15, 2004).Richard Clarke interview (Jan. 11, 2004).Thomas Ridge testimony, May 19, 2004.George Tenet prepared statement, Apr. 14, 2004, p. 5.Joint Inqu iry interview of R ichard Clarke, Dec. 15, 2002.Joint Inquiry testimony of George Tenet, Jan. 15, 2003 (closed hearing).DO J Inspector General interview of John Smith, Oct. 20, 2003.Testimony of George Tenet before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Mar. 15,2004, p. 12.Steve Coll, Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, an d bin Laden, f romthe Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (Penguin, 2004), p. 63.[subsequent short form:] Coll, Ghost Wars , p. 631, n. 29.Mark LeVine, "The UN A rab Hum an Development Report: A Critique," Middle EastReport, July 26 , 2002, p. 5 (online at http://www.merip.org/mero/mero072602.html).DOS cable, London 12345, "Nothing on Moussaoui," Sept. 5, 2001 . (S)CIA cable, Islamabad 12345, "Update on Camps," Feb. 7,1999. (TS,U,NF,OC)NSC memo, Clarke to Rice, "Not a Plan," Jan. 27, 2001. (TS)NSC email, Clarke to Berger, "Hair on Fire," Dec. 15, 1999. (S)DC I letter, Tenet to Berger, "Transmittal of Report," Jan. 1, 2000.

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    FB I report of investigation, interview of John S mith, Oct. 4, 2001.FB I electronic comm unication, "Notice to JTTFs," July 1, 2001.FBI letterhead memorandum, U BL investigation, Jan. 1,2001.FB I report, "Sum mary of Penttbom Investigation," F eb. 29, 2004, pp. 20-29. (S,NF,OC)CIA report, Interrogation of KSM, TD12345-02, Mar. 1,2004. (S,HCS,NF)CIA analytic report, "UBL Update," CTC 2002-1234G, Feb. 15,1999. (S)CIA analytic report, "The Plot and the Plotters," June 1, 2003, p. 5. (S)Ibid., p. 12. (S)CIA, SEIB, "UBL and the Taliban," Jan. 8, 2000. (S,NF,OC)CIA, NID, "Pakistan: Latest Developments," Jan. 5, 1998.CIA briefing m aterials, "The Threat," undated (appears to be from July 2001).NS C talking points, "Meeting with Bandar," undated, p. 2.See, e.g., DOS, Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002, Apr. 2003, p. 83 (online atww w. state. go v/s/ct/rl s/).See Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Ham ilton, "Progress Report," Washington Post, Mar.15, 2004, p. A12.

    [Don't cite Staff Statements!][Cite team comm ents in square brackets, bold]

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    Gordon LedermanFrom: Steve DunneSent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 6:08 PMTo: citeSubject: comparing notes

    Just fy i, here is how some of my endnotes look after trying to clean them up in a section where I'm mainly relyingon notes of documents:M l

    See, e.g., C IA briefing materials, " B o m b i n g s in N a i r o b i and Dar es S a l a a m A n Update ," A ug. 14, 1998. (TSi P[[notes only, bates 0801646, 08015241|inFo r th e elements o f th i s plan , see DOD m e m o , " M o d i f i c at i o n ] 001 to P l a n n i n g Order," [date]; D O D m e n r b , "St r ikeExecut ion and IO P l a n , " [date) . For the t i m i n g o f t h i s pla n , see DOD m e m o , " C h r o n o l o gy o f P lanning," Dec. 1 4, 1998.(TSI Illreview docs at D O D , NCT0067272||

    in ' ' ' - ,Richard Clarke in terview (Dec. 18 , 2003).

    I ' l NSC emai l , Clarke to Ma I fey, "Checkl is t fo r Sandy 's 1 PM PC," Aug. 8, 1998; (TS) [ ( no tes only|| Samuel Bergerinterview, |date|; CIA m e m o , " K h o w s t and the Meet ing o f I s l a m i c E x t r e m i s t Leaders on 20 Aug. ," Aug. 1 7, 1998. (TS)U n o t c s only, bates 0801S74H[ i ]N SC no tes , checklist re m i l i t a r y s t r ikes , Aug. 14 , 1998 ( author appears to be Clarke). (TS)-'|[notes o n l y - a ppe a r s to ber e c o m m e n d a t i o n , not dec is ion)] On the mil i ta r y p l a n s , see DOD m e m o , " M o di f i c a t i o n ] 0,02 to P l a n n i n g Order," (d a te ) ;D O D m e m o , " C h r o n o l o g y of P lanning," Dec. 14,1998. (TSj ~[[ rev iew docs at D O D , NCT0067272)|

    9/11 Classified In fo rmat ion


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    Gordon LedermanFrom: Steve DunneSent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:09 AMTo: Gordon LedermanSubject: RE : more questions

    I would start each one as"NSC memo" or "NSC notes" (whichever seems more appropriate) andthenatitle such as"Agenda for. . ."or "Summary of Conclusions of..."and then the date of the document(which may be the same as or different from the date of the meeting).

    Original MessageFrom: Gordon LedermanSent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 5:51 PMTo: Steve DunneSubject: more questionsHow do we refer to a meeting agenda? Perhaps:

    NSC memo, "Agenda for Oct. 3,1997 Meeting,"OrNSC agenda,How about a summary of a meeting? The CSG's were called "summary of conclusions." Perhaps:NSC document, "Summary of Conclusions of May 4, 1999 Meeting"or maybeNSC summary of conclusions, May 4,1999Thanks.


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    Gordon LedermanFrom: Steve DunneSent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:12 AMTo: Gordon LedermanSubject: RE: cite checking

    Yes, call it an NSCmemo or NSC notes. You should spell out CSG the first time it appears in theendnotes in your section, followed by "(CSG)," and then you can use CSG for the rest of the section.

    Original MessageFrom: Gordon LedermanSent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 5:42 PMTo: Steve DunneSubject: cite checkingI see that the CSG is referred to in the text of 3.4 as "CSG" rather than being spelled out.Can I refer to it in the endnotes as C SG rather than spelling it out?And should I call a CSGagenda an NSCdocument? I presume so, but thought I should check. I couldput "CSG" in the title of the document, if I call it an NSC document.


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    Gordon LedermanFrom: Steve DunneSent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:04 AMTo: Gordon LedermanSubject: RE: another question

    I would clean up thecapitalization, but would not add the colon, thus "Urgent reUBL"Wherever you are relying on notes and not the original document, please put "[[notes only]]" orsomething similar in bold at the end so that we know that someone still needs to look at the underlyingdocument.

    Original MessageFrom: Gordon LedermanSent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 7:10 PMTo: Steve DunneSubject: another questionThe title of an email is given as "urgent re ubl." Can I clean that up to be "Urgent re: UBL"? Also, I don'thave the original of the email but rather Alexis' or Warren's notes, so the lower-case version may just beher or his shorthand.


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    Gordon LedermanFrom: Steve DunneSent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:00 AMTo: Gordon LedermanSubject: RE: Another question

    If you think there is a subject line, I would put "[title]" in bold as a place marker, so that we know tolook for the title when we make a trip to look at the actual documents. Or you could put a descriptionof the cable, not in quotes, in place of the title - such as CIA cable, Islamabad 1234, Update on UBL,Jan. 15, 2000. Or you could leave a title out completely if Alexis or Warren don't think there was atitle. I would not say "untitled."Original MessageFrom: Gordon LedermanSent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 8:2 3 PMTo: Steve DunneSubject: Another questionFor some cables on which Alexis and/or Wa rren took notes, they did not write down the subject line of thecable. So I just leaving out the title completely, rather than saying "untitled" (as there may indeed be atitle on the actual document). Is that ok? Thanks.


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    Gordon LedermanFrom: Steve DunneSent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 1:45 PMTo: citeSubject: a few revisions

    Based on the problems with duplicate last names, input from Philip, and discussions with some of youtoday, attached is a revised list of endnote examples. The changes are (1) using first and last namesfor interviews, etc., rather than just last names; (2) putting the date of a Commission interview inparens rather than set off by a comma, thus "Richard Clarke interview (Jan. 11, 2004)."; (3) ratherthan try to make the fuzzy distinction between classified reports that are "published" and just regularreports, treat all classified reports as unpublished because they are not available to the public, thus"FBI report, "Summary of Penttbom Investigation," Feb. 29, 2004, pp. 20-29." and "CIA analyticalreport, "The Plot and the Plotters," June 1, 2003, p. 5."; (4) some particular changes for CIAdocuments such as SEIBs and NIDs; and (5) calling Powerpoint and similar slide shows the moregeneric "briefing materials." After further discussion with Raj, I have not included serial numbers forFBI documents.As always, your comments andadditions arewelcome. Although I will resist changes to forms alreadydecided, I'm sure this will be a bit of a living document.


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    To help distinguish government documents from published materials, we have cited suchunpublished documents with abbreviated dates (e.g., 30 Nov 89 for November 30, 1989).Telegrams to or from American embassies are cited by what the State Department calls messagereference numbers, usually accompanied by the subject line of the message and always accom-panied by the date of transmission. So, for example, State 306045, "Meeting in M oscow ," 27 Jun90, would be a telegram sent overseas from the State Department, with the given, subject line,on June 27, 1990. Brussels 4567 gives the number of a telegram sent to Washington by theAmerican embassy in Brussels, just as EmbBerlin 4567 would be the number of a telegram sentto Washington by the American embassy in East Berlin (the embassy in West Germany was inBonn). "Secto" means a telegram sent to Washington by the secretary of state's traveling party."USBerlin" is the American mission in West Berlin, "USNATO" the American mission to theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization headquarters in Brussels.All U.S. government memorandaare cited in this form: [name, not title, of official author] to [name of addressee], "[subject line,if any]," date memo was sent.

    Bureaus of the State Department also have standardized abbreviations. EUR is the Bureau fo rEuropean and Canadian Affairs. EUR/CE is that bureau's office for Central European affairs.EUR/RPM is the bureau's office fo r regional political-military (NATO) affairs. L is the Officeof the Legal Adviser and L/EUR that bureau's office fo r European matters. PA is the Bureau forPublic Affairs, S/P the policy planning staff. In the intelligence community there are alsoabbreviations. NIC is the National Intelligence Council (coordinating the views of all U.S.intelligence agencies, including the CIA). SOV M is a memo from the CIA office fo r Sovietaffairs, and EUR M a memo from the CIA office fo r European affairs, both in the CIADirectorate fo r Intelligence (which does intelligence analysis, as distinct from directorates thatcarry out clandestine operations or scientific research).

    Other commonly used abbreviations in the notes are FBIS-SOV (Foreign Broadcast Informa-,,tion Service, Soviet Union), Vestnik (Vestnik Ministertsva Inostrannykh de l SSR, a journal tljatffecorded the official activities of the Soviet Foreign Ministry), and FRUS (Foreign Relatiow^of

    tie United States), the principal published archives of U.S. foreign policy.

    Prefacei. Genscher quoted in Richard Kiessler and Frank Elbe, Bin runder Tisch mit scharfen

    'cken: Der diplomatische W eg zur deutschen Einheit (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1993), pp. 14-

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    Standard Endnote ExampleslA; DCI; DHS; DOD; DOJ; DOS; DOT; FAA; FBI; GAO; INS; NORAD- NSA; NSC; U At,NTSB; SEC; Treasury; TSA; USSSysrmHg (=/)( /OfZ) .,Sept. 11,2001. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.pp. 24-26; pp. 125-129; 1998-1999; 2001-2004.

    Gore interview, May3,20t4.Richard B. interview, Feb.15, 2004.Clarke interview, Jan. 11, 2004.Ridge testimony, May 19, 2004.

    v - -- .. ifTenet prepared statemenj, Apr.14, 2004, p. 5.

    ree A - f ' A < . 1* i

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    FBI Mport of investigation, interview of John Smith, Oct. 4, 2001, p. 2.FBI electronic communication, "Notice to JTTFs," July 1, 2001.CIA report, 'SDetafficcSpcAa," T1234S-02, Mar. 1,2(mgjff (TS)\"CIA report, "UBL Update,"lFeb. 15, 1999.LJ^CTC*,NSC talking points, "Meeting with Bandar," undated, p. 2.CIA slides, "The Threat," undated (appears to he from July 20011

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