T HE AGE OF REASON 1749-1799. The Age of Reason Also known as Rationalism and the Age of...

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Transcript of T HE AGE OF REASON 1749-1799. The Age of Reason Also known as Rationalism and the Age of...


The Age of Reason Also known as Rationalism and

the Age of Enlightenment Writing Style—pamphlets,

autobiographies, essays, and federal documents

Time Period: Revolutionary War

Beliefs can arrive at truth by using reason

(science and logic) the world operates according to God’s

rules Education as the means for self-

improvement and progress Appeal to reason would provide

solutions for all human problems both of society and the state

Beliefs: DeismPeople are basically good

and perfectible.People can best worship

God by helping others.

AuthorsBenjamin FranklinThomas JeffersonThomas PainePatrick Henry

Franklin and Thomas Jefferson• Both wrote on ideas and concepts to improve

living conditions, to form a new government, and to develop individual minds.

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense• Appealed to rationalistic principles–Man should seek independence in order

to restore natural rights taken away by the British.

“These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.” (from Common Sense)

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The Boston Tea Party“No taxation without representation!”

Literature in the Age of Reason• Rooted in reality rather than the

imagination• Social, political, and scientific

improvements• Pamphlets–Pre-war pamphlets preaching independence–Post-war pamphlets preaching organization

and governing

Literature in the Age of Reason• The Federalist Papers by Madison and Hamilton:

explain the ideas and concepts behind the Constitution

• Poetry: unoriginal and imitative of British poets• An American masterpiece: The Autobiography of

Benjamin Franklin. – not like the Puritan narrative/more about self-discovery– the “rags to riches” (American Dream) story written with

clear, witty prose.

Age of Faith vs. Age of ReasonPuritanism• Truth is sought

through the Bible• Predestination &

Divine Providence• Original Sin – man is

inherently evil/sinful


• Truth is sought through science, logic, and reason

• Man controls his own destiny

• Man is inherently good

Persuasive Techniques1. Emotional Appeal: appeals to feelings

(fear, anger, or joy) to sway their readers. 2. Logical Appeal: appeals to reason or

logic (factual).3. Call to Action: Encourages readers to do

something about an issue4. Parallelism: Repetition of words,

phrases, or sentence structure to emphasize an idea

5. Aphorism: A brief, pointed statement expressing a wise or clever observation.

• Examples:–No good deed goes unpunished. —

Clare Boothe Luce –Success always occurs in private, and

failure in full view. —Anonymous

Persuasive Techniques

Theme• Rebellion and Protest–Characters, individually or as a

group, rebel or protest against injustice and/or unfair treatment or practices.

Persuasive Techniques Chart

Persuasive Technique Examples from Paine

Emotional Appeal

Logical Appeal

Call to Action

AphorismRebellion and Protest