T FE D OEN FIFT - Amazon S3Vol+28...and Sabbath leet r ng on the route cspec allv at I ang Branch...

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Transcript of T FE D OEN FIFT - Amazon S3Vol+28...and Sabbath leet r ng on the route cspec allv at I ang Branch...



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THE SABBATH RECORDER~ OCTOBER 3~ 1879 ~=~.:=======--~~---=~==~~===#==~~~~====~~=====~====~==~==~==~~======~

Bro Hull attended the 1: e:lrly ROME NEWS. the w shes of the people Th(l m 1 Meetmg of the Sabbath keepers of taw II probably be 0 de dot to Kansn~ N cbrasko, :lnd M Bsouri as pro cat I e labQrers

~~Rbbath!ttll~d~~ [1 h -------- .......

..lLrRIID CInnml, N Y ~

Ihan 1\

P pos thnn a dead I Dn

entn es Twenty nmth Annual Report of the Ex eout va Boe.rd.

In s bm tt ng th s repo we " m to make t as b ef as poss hie :md Bt II nil ow t 0. be Rulli ent y f 1 to 8ho~ ho operl\! onR for the year For the D v ne care wI oh hn been

R all we a c profo nd y grate Yet we recollect w h 80 cow lea h I as nvaded OUf Boa d

who. h .heen a I

BY-"': ",-,'

Bro Epl ra m Maxson IVII an e! teemed Chnet an who IV II be ong r~rnembered for b fa thf ne th

ten vea~ he was RSSOC Hted 'IV h the Bon d n 1 or on of t1 (' me a Treas c He was a helD cd 0.

dent! fend f

rno nn :tdopt cleve saVE

The report of the (omm ttee on Resolut ons ..va. on mot on taken

To_".loIldl from the tal Ie and QD mot on to adopt the first resolution was spok en to by ~ H JAW s N , Hull P Cranel Z Gilbert J Ha ley I Crandall and adopted

The second resolut on WllS 81 oken to by L Crandall H Hull Z G I bert L ( Rogers R D Dav 8 U M Bah ~ck N "\ Hnll and adopt ed

Aftar g v IIg an nc aunt of labors ID vanous nn ghborhoods and of part c pat on n the organ znt on of the Southern m no 8 Yearly Meet lng Bra V :\ll~c>e do ed h report Df:Yau lst a8 follows

). Afterward WI! labored se eral lD Bro Cagle'll v c n ty Three

l,"lelJ!llel'll weJ'l: added to the Enon

h f h '" h _......:.-...... -,-t e eprcscntat e 0 t C ~,ort

Wes ern Assocln 0 a T:lngmg to do what he could n tract d stnbut on and Sabbath leet r ng on the route cspec allv at I ang Branch com pli nce , I request from the eh r I he He foun 1 at th 5

In h s 1 he

a thorougl and c t cal exam nat on of tl e cand da e when thefollowmg

ote was pru;sed by the Coune I Voted that the COUDe I s sat s

fied w th the exam nat on of Bro Wh tford also that we proceed to set h m apart to the work of the Gospel M n stl) accord ng to the w 8h of this Church

The meet ng adjourned to 3 30 P M The afternoon meet ng was opened by prayer by Eld S R Wheeler after which Hymri 91 was sung followed by the ord nat on se man by E d Stephen Burd ck text, 1 Pete 4 10 11 At the c!oee of the se mon the cho r Bung the An them Deallgently 0 my Fa her TI onsee at ng payer bv Eld C M Lew s The charge to the can d da e bv E d M B Kelly The nght hand of fel owsh p by E d L Andrus TI e charge to the Chu ch by E d S R Wheeler Bpned c t on b he cand date

~~~~~:~~e~mbOdymg the senti by the speakers and a committee to lily the

the Mayor and other urge upon them the ne­

and firm aCtion for

1~~~I~~~~~O~fl;the laWE we~ ~ and Wlthgreat

'coluel,en,?C was held 1lt on the 26th by the

I~entati'ves of the vanons tnbe~ which the noton Lone Bear attend

brought from their wbere they have

!~'ilicarce'rat,ed for the past year the conference was to:> mlerchange of news

prl!Sellt Indian troubles goe'S to:> Wash

an,anO'" an amICable set I'l~lt,~tr They are full

~i~~;.~~~~!fi~E'~~ some of them r~ a tram of sara be "",,"U'Ll ,oc" total trangern to ('IV

three .h po five dragers bil~nfY1i"h barks thlce sChooneE Nl()opEludtwo stcamts found r

the r cargoes are a 0

1~;4ri))VTnwe,ol.men and rne wojan

Kitts on the 10th the brtg r1\l,'W\'lr,of New York :IVlth allar~

bng Salamander were The barks Jane Rlcliard

Rosebud were both dlsman schopner was carned 1. Bea

.,,,,,,.~._... t\. sloop was dH ven 0 the ,",":ocana an unknown bark -t und

wmdward of the Island

~~~!~~:~a~:~ at Barbadoes great" I! the crops a d drove ashore

J Boyer of New Bruns George and Grace Kelly;

1.~;mraJ,,:md two oloop. N ohve. •

.....-----OF A~ INS~XE ASYLUM

OhIO L matlc Asy ~itualtod at N ewburv OhiO Bev

from Cleveland caught fi~e on Sept 25th c:lUsed

r~p~lrJp, from a small furnace used t!ill~\n!~.l1n adJOlmngroof and the

'"trn~tnreHO rapidly t~[\t the ., was on fire before

t~~¥l~:~;.,:;~ Clc\'eland could nt, f' the pro~ss of the o cIOCI' the main

nOlrtioln of the bnliding was

Irt~~r~.id~~'StrOyed nothmg bemg the wall- some of which There were

tw:t6\lO jnm:i1ies m the Qulldiog at fire all of whom are

and a number of thell' ~tesc:i~,ed ~nd nro still nt.1=g ..

--- ..... [HE COXFEllE:SCE OF T F. E

on -TI e Nor 1.D8 I l III

... E \ ACt;ATlO;o.; OF';rW 0 DEPxRTlIE""T8

p FRA]I;cE -Gene al Manteuffel commander of tl c Germ\m troop. I ow n Franee aud-tJrC] reneh n thontlcs have agreed tl at the evae mtlOn of tlie Departments of the )farne lind Ha.ute Marne -shall com m.lince on the 15tli of October



In <Jeylon tl c Wesleyan miSSion I haR thirty e ght mlSSlOnnrLCS of I whom 'only e ght arc European- Its memQe~ n Imber 2 18G an 1 0 100



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