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Synthesis of knowledge on utilization of adsorption filters forhealthy indoor environments

Ayse Fidan Altun, Muhsin Kilic*

Bursa Uludag University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bursa, Turkey

Abstract. Building occupants are exposed to many different kinds of pollutants in indoor environments. Ahealthy and comfortable indoor environment is an essential need for humans. Air pollution is related to manydeadly diseases such as cancer, respiratory and cardiac diseases. As a result, control of hazardous gases in theindoor air is crucial. The utilization of sorbent filters is a promising technology in reducing the level ofpollutants from indoor air. This study presents a comprehensive review of adsorption filtering technology.The article discusses factors that influence filter performance, recent technological developments, advantages,limitations and challenges.

1. IntroductionPeople spend most of their time inside buildings. As aresult, problems related to indoor air quality are morecrucial than ever. Human beings are in need of fresh airsupply continuously. Free access to air and water ofacceptable quality is a fundamental human right [1].There are different types of air pollutants, and airpollutants in the indoor environment must be kept undercontrol, and concentration levels of the air pollutantsshould not exceed threshold values that are addressed inthe related standards. If the sources of the air pollutantsare not controlled, indoor air quality problems may occur,even if the ventilation and air conditioning system workscorrectly. Among the air pollutants, volatile organiccompounds (VOCs) have been classified as an importantindoor air pollutant type in buildings [2]. In the outdoorenvironments, industrial and vehicular emissions aremajor sources of VOCs, and in the indoor environment,inner building materials, furniture, perfumes, paints arethe most common sources of VOCs [3]. In Table 1, thehealth effects of some of the major VOCs are presented.Control of VOC levels inside the building environmentsis crucial as exposure to VOC emissions might causesevere health problems on humans. They cause acutesymptoms such as irritations of the nose, throat and eyes,headaches, nausea, dizziness and also damage the internalorgans such as kidneys and liver [4]. Exposure to some ofthe VOCs such as benzene can even lead several diseasessuch as leukemia, immune system abnormalities,neurological disorders, respiratory illnesses, etc. [5]. Inaddition to being harmful to human health, VOCs are alsomajor contributors to stratospheric ozone depletion [6].For these reasons, it is vital to develop air filters for theremoval of gaseous contaminants. Since the concentrationlevel of VOCs is very low inside the buildings, there areonly a few technologies that can be applied for removingVOCs, which are oxidation technique such as photo-catalysis and cold plasma and adsorption systems [7]. Inphoto-catalysis, VOCs destruction is conducted by usingphoto-catalysts such as TiO2 and UV light at ambient

temperature [8]. Pollutant molecules come into contactwith produced reactive species and break down to lowermolecular weight products and eventually to CO2, waterand other by-products [9]. While the adsorption processis a surface phenomenon which involves the transfer of agas phase material (adsorbate) to the surface of a solid(adsorbent) [10], a photo-catalysis unit would have aninstallation cost more than ten times greater and annualoperation cost seven times greater when compared tosorbent filters [11]. In addition to having lower initial andoperation costs, sorbent filters have another advantage ofproducing no harmful by-products, while oxidationtechniques can generate harmful secondary chemicalssuch as NOx, O3, OH* radicals [12], [7]. As a result, mostcommonly used air purification technique for harmfulgases is adsorption.

Table 1. Health effects of some of the significant VOCs [6]

Classification Representatives Health effectsAlcohols Methanol

Ethyl alcoholIsopropyl alcohol

Throat irritationEye irritationNasal tumorsCentral nervoussystem depression

Aldehydes FormaldehydeAcetaldehyde

Alkenes PropyleneEthylene





Ketones AcetoneEthyl butyl ketone

Central nervoussystem depressionCarcinogenHeadache andnausea

The goal of this study is to provide a review of thecritical factors governing VOC adsorption ontoadsorbents. In this work, the impact of characteristics ofVOCs, adsorbent properties, as well as adsorptionconditions on adsorption performance is discussed.

Revista Română de Inginerie Civilă, Volumul 10 (2019), Numărul 3 © Matrix Rom  


2. Sorbent Filters

Physical properties of adsorbents and adsorbates andenvironmental conditions profoundly affect the removalefficiency of sorbent filters. There are many differentkinds of adsorbent/filtration media. Among them,activated carbon, activated carbon fiber, silica gel, andzeolite are the most commons [13]. Due to its low cost andlarge surface area activated carbon is the most extensivelyused adsorbent media. Activated carbon is developed bythermal decomposition of a carbonaceous material (coal,coconut shell, wood, etc.) and is activated with steam orcarbon dioxide at high temperatures (700-1100 C) [14].Activated carbon can be found in different forms such aspowders, micro-porous, granulated, molecular sieves andcarbon fibers [15]. The structure of pores can be classifiedas macro pores (>50 nm), micro pores (<2nm), mesopores (2-50 nm) and represented in figure 1 [7], [14].Silica gel and alumina have less surface area thanactivated carbon, but they are preferred to use for trappingpolar compounds such as formaldehyde and sulfur-basedcontaminants [16].

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of adsorbent pore structure [14]

2.1. Mechanism of adsorption

Adsorption is a reversible physical phenomenon thatoccurs between adsorbent surfaces (solid) and anadsorbate (fluid vapor) driven by cohesive forces [17].Adsorption process of the contaminant gas occurs mainlywithin the pores and surface of the solid adsorbent [18].To maximize the adsorbed amount of the pollutant gas, itis essential to know about adsorption characteristics of theadsorbate-adsorbent pair [19]. Sorbent air filters consistof fixed adsorption beds. VOC removal by the adsorptionbed is a dynamic process. The area where adsorption takesplace is called mass transfer zone. In the beginning, thebed adsorbs all of the pollutants, however, when thegaseous pollutants saturate bed's first layers, mass transferzone moves through and finally leaves the bed [10]. Thefraction of gas concentration passes the bed unadsorbed is

breakthrough rate This parameter is shown inEq. 1.

BT(t)=(C0 (t))/(Ci (t)) x100=1-EF(t)(%) (1)

In this equation, Co(t) shows the downstreamconcentration of the contaminant gas, at the end of time t;Ci(t) represents the upstream concentration of thecontaminant gas [19]. EF(t) refers to single-passefficiency of the filter. The time from the beginning of theadsorption process until the filter reaches a specificbreakthrough rate is called breakthrough time. The maindrawback of sorbent filters is that adsorbent materialbecomes saturated after a while. Therefore, adsorbentmaterial should be regenerated periodically.

2.2 Related Studies

It is crucial to know which adsorbent material can adsorbmost of the target gaseous contaminant for a given time[20]. It will enable potential users to make better decisionstaking into account the function of the building. As aresult, there are many experimental studies to understandthe adsorption performance of different sorbent materials.Owen et al. [21], tested the efficiency of five differentsorbent air filters following the ASHRAE 145.2 teststandard. In their study, they selected three differentVOCs (toluene, sulfur dioxide, ozone) and five differentcommercial and residential sorbent air cleaner withdifferent media blend. Contaminant air stream was sent tothe test air ducts and upstream, downstream concentrationof pollutants were measured. As a result, they found outthat, adsorption efficiency of the air cleaner variesaccording to the contaminant gas that is used. It wasemphasized that testing with a single pollutant might notgive similar results for a mixture containing that particularcontaminant. Additionally, it was shown that a sorbentfilter may show high efficiency for a particular gaseouscontaminant and may show a lower efficiency for another.As a result, it was highlighted that users should selectadsorbent material relevant to their gas contaminantremoval needs.

Before ASHRAE 145.2 test standard, there was not anystandard for measuring the efficiency of sorbent filters. Asa result, Lee et al. [22], conducted a study to propose an

efficiency in VOC removal. A closed-loop test systemwas used to investigate the performance of four differentfibrous activated carbon filters (A,B,C,D) in tolueneremoval. The breakthrough time until 80% breakthroughrate was determined for each filter type. According to theresults, 80% breakthrough time was 121.2 minutes forfilter A, 61.97 minutes for filter B, 160.6 minutes for filterC and 358.8 minutes for filter D. As a result, compared tothe other filters, filter D showed the best performance intoluene removal due to its highest specific surface area.

Often in experimental studies, the concentration of thecontaminant gas is much higher (ppm) than in the realindoor air environment conditions (ppb). Since it iscomplicated and costly to conduct experimental studieswith lower concentrations, researchers often prefer to usehigher contaminant gas concentrations during their


experiments. Since it is difficult and expensive to doexperiments under low concentration levels, Pei et al.[23], developed a mathematical model to investigate theperformance of the sorbent bed even under relatively lowconcentration levels.

Table 2. Sum. of experimental conditions of previous studies

Literature VOC Concentration Adsorbent

Lee et al.[22]

Toluene 4.32 Fibrousactivatedcarbon types

Owen et al.[21]

TolueneSulfur DioxideOzone

50 ppm35 ppm0.5 ppm

Granularactivatedcarbon types

Pei et al.[23]


32 ppm34 ppm40 ppm78 ppm58 ppm43 ppm17 ppm

Pellet andgranularactivatedcarbon types.Activatedalumina withpotassiumpermanganate

Safari [7]


100 ppm100 ppm


Han et al.[20]



Virgin ACtypesTreated ACtypesActivatedaluminaZeolite



10 ppm5 ppm of each


Haghighatet al. [28]

Toluene 4.32

Fibrousactivatedcarbon typesGranularactivatedcarbon types

Haghighatet al. [29]

TolueneCyclohexaneEthyl acetate


Granularactivatedcarbon types

They also validated the proposed model with laboratorytest data for toluene, decane, hexane, butanone, iso-butonal, tetracholorothylene and d-limonene. Foster et al.[24], examined the VOC (n-butane, acetone, benzene)adsorption performance of various activated carbon filterswith different specific surface areas (900, 1610, 2420m2/g) with the aim of optimizing adsorption of VOCs onactivated carbon. According to the test results, as thespecific surface area of the activated carbon fiberincreased, the amount of adsorbed contaminant gas wasalso increased. In contrast, at low concentrations,activated carbon with smaller pore volume adsorbed thegreatest amount of contaminant gas. It was emphasized

that micropores rather than the larger macro and mezopores are preferentially filled at low relative pressures. Asa result, micropores are responsible for adsorption lowcontaminant concentrations. The change in adsorptioncapacity of the adsorbent with pore size was furtherdemonstrated with Dubinin-Radushkevich equation.

W=W0.exp[- 02 )] (2)

A=- 0/P) (3)

This equation was developed to describe the adsorptioncharacteristics of carbon originated, microporousmaterials [25]. In equation 2, W is the volume of adsorbedgas for per gram carbon, W0 is the micropore volume(cm3/g), is the similarity coefficient, E0 defined ascharacteristic adsorption energy for a standard adsorbate.In Eq. 3, P0 is the adsorption saturation pressure, P is thedesired pressure value, and R is the universal gas constant.Safari [7], investigated the lifetime of a granular activatedcarbon sorbent filter in her study. An experimental studywas conducted in four stages. First, n-hexane was addedto the dry air, and the mixture was sent to the sorbentfilter. In the second case, methyl-ethyl-ketone and dry airmixture was sent to the sorbent filter, and the adsorptionperformance was examined. In the third case, both of thecontaminant gases were added to the dry air, and themixture was passed through the sorbent filter. In the lastcase, the performance of the filter was examined byadding both contaminant gases to the moist air. For thosefour different cases, the lifetime of the filter wasdetermined both experimentally and with the help of anappropriate mathematical model. According to the resultsof the study, it was observed that contaminant gases withhigher molecular weight (such as n-hexane) wereadsorbed more in the filter than the gases with lowermolecular weight (such as methyl-ethyl-ketone). Thelifetime of the filter calculated with the selectedmathematical model is very consistent with the test resultsfor single contaminant gas cases, and the relative error iscalculated less than 10%. However, for case 3 and 4,relative error between selected mathematical model andthe experimental results is calculated approximately 25%.

Although low cost and high adsorption capability makeactivated carbon one of the most preferred adsorbentmaterial, micropore structure ( 2 nm) of activated carbonmay slow the transport velocity of VOC molecules insome cases. Wang et al. [26], investigated VOCadsorption performance (benzene and hexane) ofmesoporous activated carbon with larger pore volume andhigher specific surface area. They concluded that, sincethat large pore volume can be used entirely, highadsorption amounts were achieved for different VOCsdespite their molecular size differences. They highlightedthe superior adsorption capacity of mesoporous adsorbentmaterials.


Zhang et al. [5] conducted a literature review on the latesttechnological developments related to VOC adsorption. Itwas emphasized that VOC adsorption is very complicatedand depended on many different factors. According to thisstudy, the most important factors controlling VOCadsorption onto carbon materials are;

Structure of the adsorbent material: Structuralfactors of the adsorbent material that impact VOCadsorption are the specific surface area, pore size, andbulk density. It was emphasized that the larger specificsurface usually means greater adsorption capability.There are also some modification methods forenlargement the surface area of adsorbent materials.However, some of them might destruct surface form anddecrease adsorption performance. It was also highlightedthat in case of pore size, it is better to conclude as optimaladsorption occurs where pore size fits the adsorbate size;as a result, in some cases, mesopores are moreadvantageous for VOC adsorption, in others microporesare much better especially for small molecule VOCs.

Structure of the adsorbate gas: The structure of theadsorbate gas is also crucial for adsorption performance.In the article, it was emphasized that contaminant gaseswith larger molecules have a better adsorptionperformance with adsorbent materials with larger porevolume. A similar tendency can be observed for VOCswith smaller molecules and adsorbent materials withsmaller pore volumes. The boiling point is another criticalparameter for adsorbate gases. In the article, it washighlighted that contaminant gases with higher boilingpoints would be preferentially adsorbed more than thosewith lower boiling point. Additionally, the molecularweight is another important parameter for adsorbates.Adsorbates with heavier molecular weight are morecompetitive than adsorbates with lighter ones.

Adsorption conditions: Temperature, relativehumidity, the concentration of the contaminant gas and airvelocity play crucial roles in adsorption. In general,temperature and adsorption efficiency are inverselyproportional, where temperature increases, adsorptioncapacity decreases. However, this is not always the same.VOC concentration and gas velocity are other importantfactors. Higher concentration of pollutants may shortenthe breakthrough time. Reducing the air velocity increasesthe breakthrough time, in many cases.

Since there are different VOC removing methods fromindoor, it is essential to choose the most suitable one forthe application. Henschel [11], conducted a study to makea cost comparison between granule activated carbon(GAC) filter and photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) method.In this study, it was assumed that VOC generation rateinside a building zone is 5 mg/VOC/hr/m2 floor area, andthe air cleaner must reduce indoor pollutant concentrationby 85% to 0.3 mg/m3. First, granular activated carbon unitis designed and equipped, laboring and disposal cost isestimated with the use of related vendor literature andquotes. It was assumed that granular activated carbonshould be replaced at every 3.7 months, at 30%

breakthrough in order to achieve the target of eliminationof 85% of the gaseous pollutant concentration. Theincrease in fan energy because of the pressure drop acrossthe granular activated filter is also considered. Similarly,with the goal of decreasing indoor gaseous contaminantsconcentration to 85%, 2-cm thick, TiO2 coated ceramicfoam photo-catalytic oxidation reactors were designedand initial and labour costs were estimated with the use ofrelated literature. According to the results of the article,it was emphasized that the installation and annual cost ofthe photocatalytic reactor is 10 times and 7 times higherthan that of the activated carbon sorbent filter,respectively. In the article, it was emphasized that massiveUV power consumption and cooling unit that removesheat from the UV bulb heat from the air stream aresignificant contributors to initial and annual costs of thePCO and even in most optimistic scenarios, it isimpossible PCO reactors to compete with GAC filters.

Since breakthrough time of the adsorbent depends onmany parameters such as environmental conditions, airflow rate etc., it is not sufficient enough to decide the mostsuitable adsorbent material for an application. As a result,Xu et al. [19], developed an approach to select the mostsuitable adsorbent material to adsorb contaminant gaseswith considering external diffusion, inner diffusion andinner surface sorption. With the new parameter designatedas V*a,c, they defined the volume of purified air dividedby the volume of adsorbent material. Sorbent filter withthe highest V*a,c value has the best performance toremove VOCs. Han et al. [20], conducted an experimentalstudy to investigate whether sorbent filters which exhibitgood adsorption performance with high contaminant gasconcentrations also perform efficiently at lowcontaminant gas concentrations. They selected ozone andnitrogen dioxide as contaminant gases. They kept theambient temperature constant at 23+1 C and performedthe measurements of 12 air ducts simultaneously. Bothlow and high concentration contaminant gasses passedthrough sorbent filters inside the air ducts, andconcentration measurements were made inlet and outlet ofthe air filter with the help of multi-gas monitors.According to the results of the experiments, activatedcarbon filters adsorbed ozone better than non-carbonfilters. Similar results were obtained in experiments withnitrogen dioxide gas. Activated carbon sorbent filtershave a much better adsorption capability than non-carbonfilters. Based on the results of the experiments, lowconcentration and high concentration adsorptionperformance of sorbent filters were consistent. Kabrein etal. [27], investigated the application of a combined filterin office buildings to eliminate both dust and particles andcontaminant gases. In their work, they used a combinedfilter, which consisted of a sorbent filter with activatedcarbon material for VOC removal and particulate filter fordust removal with the aim of increasing air quality anddecreasing energy consumption for ventilation.Experiments were conducted in a space that represents atypical office room. In accordance with ASHRAE 62, theexhaust air taken from the office unit is passed throughthe combined filter, and sent to the mixing chamber, andmixed with fresh air and then sent back to the indoor


environment. With the help of particle measurementdevice and gas monitor, the contaminant concentrations atthe inlet and outlet of the filter were measured, and filterefficiency was determined 3 months and 6 months afterthe application (Eq. 4).

EF=(Cin-Cout)/Cin (4)

The filter efficiency is calculated as in equation (4),where Cin and Cout are the contaminant concentrations atthe input and the output of the filter respectively.According to the results of the article, filter efficiency ofcapturing PM10 particulates was 90.76%, while 89.25%was found for the PM2.5 particulates. It was alsoemphasized that the measured pressure drops of thecombined filters are quite low compared to theconventional air filters. However, in this study, there arenot any statements regarding VOC concentrationmeasurements and sorbent filter efficiency.

Haghighat et al. [28], examined the adsorptionperformance of 12 different, fibrous and granulatedactivated carbon filters with the help of an experimentalsetup. Experimental setup was made of galvanized steeland consisted of a closed loop circular air channel of 0.1diameter, a fan that circulates air flow, sorbent filter bed,an anemometer to measure the air velocity, injector pumpfor the addition of toluene gas to the air flow, gas samplerand multigas monitor. The experiment continued until thefilter reached 80% breakthrough rate. Four differentfibrous filters were tested and breakthrough time, in orderto reach 80% breakthrough rate, was compared.According to the results, the filter with the largest specificarea gave the best performance since the breakthroughtime is the longest when compared to the other filter types.Accordingly, it was concluded that sorbent filters withhigh specific area perform better. In the 3rd stage of theexperiment, adsorption performance of the different typeof granular activated carbon filters was examined. Resultsof the experiments showed that 100% activated carbonfilters perform best. For the case of activated carbon filtersimpregnated with potassium hydroxide, as the content ofpotassium hydroxide increases, toluene gas adsorptionperformance of the filter decreases.

Haghighat et al. [29], also examined the VOC (toluene,cyclohexane and ethyl acetate) removal performance ofvarious activated carbon filters (three virgins and fiveimpregnated) at different relative humidity values (30%,50%, 70%) experimentally. Experimental results showedthe adsorption performance variation depends on the typeof granular activated carbon type, VOC type and differentrelative humidity levels. For the case of granular activatedcarbon (GAC) type, test results highlighted that virginGAC filters have better adsorption performance thanimpregnated GAC filters. For the case of the effect of typeof VOC on adsorption performance, test results showedthat filters adsorbed toluene almost 2-3 times more thanethyl acetate and cyclohexane. Moreover, for the last case,it was concluded as adsorption filters perform better at

low humidity levels. However, it was also highlighted thatincreasing humidity levels might result in favorableeffects on hydrophilic and adverse effects on hydrophobicvolatile organic compounds. As a result, removalefficiency dropped with increasing relative humidity fortoluene and cyclohexane, and removal efficiencyincreased with increasing relative humidity levels forethyl acetate.

Kholafei [10], examined the performance of activatedcarbon filters in the granular form. He conductedexperiments in two stages. In the first stage, he changedthe depth of the adsorbent bed and measured the tolueneadsorption performance of the filter. In the second stageof the experiments, he kept the depth of the bed asconstant (5 cm) and passed a mixture of contaminantgases, through the filter. The test results showed that gaseswith higher molecular weight could be easily attached tothe adsorbent surface. As a result, it can be concluded thatheavier gases can be adsorbed more. The breakthroughtime of toluene is much higher in the first set ofexperiments when compared to the second set. This showsthat toluene adsorption performance of the filter is betterwhen a single gas is passed through. When a gas mixturepassed through the filter, adsorption performance oftoluene worsens. Lastly, he compared the test results withthe analytical results he found with the Wheeler-JonasModel and the results were consistent. Wheener Jonasmodel offers the estimation of breakthrough time in asimple correlation.


In this equation, tb refers to breakthrough time (minute),M is the weight of the carbon material in the bed (gram),We refer to adsorption capacity (gvoc/gcarbon), Cin,out refersto upstream and downstream concentration of thecontaminant, Q is the volumetric air flow (cm3

b isthe carbon density (g/cm3), and Kv is the adsorption rateconstant (min-1), respectively.

3. General Evaluation and furtherresearch directions

In order to fully understand the performance of sorbentfilters, conducting field testing is inevitable. However,most studies in the literature were conducted for a singlecontaminant gas. Since there are numerous VOCs can befound in indoor air, further researches should beconducted to investigate the performance of sorbent filterson capturing VOC mixtures. In addition, there are notenough studies regarding magnitude of pressure dropoccurred in the system after applying sorbent filters.Further researches should be conducted on the subjects asfollow:


Since there is more than one pollutant in the air,more field testing should be conducted for gasmixtures.More experiments should be conductedregarding real indoor concentration (ppb) levels.New carbon materials should be developed forbetter adsorption capacities.More studies should be focused on decreasingthe pressure drop through the filters anddecreasing the initial cost of the sorbentmaterials.

4. Conclusions

VOCs exist everywhere especially in the indoorenvironment and they are extremely hazardous anddirectly affect the health of building occupants. Exposureto various VOCs may cause eye, nose, throat irritation,leukemia, immune system abnormalities, neurologicaldisorders, respiratory illnesses etc. As a result, airpurification systems are getting more attention every day.Between all VOC removal technologies, sorbent filtersare the most popular and common ones. In this study, themost criticalare discussed. The results of this article are summarizedbelow:

Between all adsorbent materials, carbon originatedadsorbent materials are the most effective ones due totheir larger specific surface area. As a result, activatedcarbon filters adsorb better than non-carbon filters.

At low concentration experiments, adsorbent mediawith micropore structure have better adsorption capacitywhereas, at high concentration experiments, adsorbentmedia with mezo porous or macroporous structure havebetter adsorption efficiency.

A sorbent filter may show high adsorptionefficiency for a particular contaminant and may show alower efficiency for another. Adsorption efficiencydepends on many different parameters.

Testing for a single contaminant would not give thesame results as a mixture of gases also containing thatparticular contaminant.

Contaminants with higher molecular weight areadsorbed more in the filters. Also, they are morecompetitive than gases with lower molecular weight.

With the existing mathematical models, it is easy toestimate efficiency or breakthrough time of a singlecontaminant. However, gas mixtures are morecomplicated, and in most studies, mathematical modelingresults and experimental results of the gas mixtures arenot very consistent.

Adsorbates with high boiling points are morecompetitive than adsorbates with low boiling points.

With increasing relative humidity levels, adsorptionefficiency of hydrophilic VOCs also increases, whileadsorption efficiency of hydrophobic VOCs decreases.


The authors would like to acknowledge their appreciationfor the support from TUBITAK-COST (Project no:218M604).


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