SYLLABUS (April 2013 March 2014)The French Revolution (Chapter 1) Russian Revolution (Chapter 2)...

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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(April 2013 – March 2014)

The unit wise distribution of marks over the two terms for Summative

Assessment will be as follows.





India and the Contemporary World I 23 23

India-Land and the People 23 23

Democratic Politics I 22 22

Understanding Economic Development I 22 22

TOTAL 90 90

The prescribed syllabus will be assessed using formative and summative assessments in

the following manner:

I Term II Term

Formative Assessment 1, 2, 3 and 4 20% 20% 40%

Summative Assessment 1 and 2 30% 30% 60%

TOTAL 50% 50% 100%

UNIT 1 – (HISTORY): India and the Contemporary World I

Term I Sub Unit 1.1: Events and Processes


The French Revolution (Chapter 1)

Russian Revolution (Chapter 2)

Rise of Nazism (Chapter 3)

Term II Sub Unit 1.2: Economics and Livelihoods


Pastoralists in the Modern World (Chapter 4)

Forest Society and Colonialism (Chapter 5)

Farmers and Peasants (Chapter 6)

Term III Sub Unit 1.3: Culture Identity and Society


Sports and politics (Chapter 7)

Clothes and Culture (Chapter 8)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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UNIT 2 – (GEOGRAPHY): India – Land and People

Term I

(i) India (Chapter 1 and 2)

(ii) Drainage (Chapter 3)

Term II

(iii) Climate (Chapter 4)

(iv) Natural vegetation (Chapter 5)

(v) Wild life (Chapter 5)

(vi) Population (Chapter 6)

UNIT 3 – (POLITICAL SCIENCE): Democratic Politics

Term I

1. Democracy in the contemporary world (Chapter 1)

2. What is Democracy? Why Democracy? (Chapter 2)

3. Constitutional Design (Chapter 3)

Term II

4. Electoral Politics (Chapter 4)

5. Working of Institutions (Chapter 5)

6. Democratic Rights (Chapter 6)

UNIT 4 – (ECONOMICS): Understanding Economic Development

Term I

1. The economic story of Palampore (Chapter 1)

2. People as Resource (Chapter 2)

Term II

3. Poverty as a challenge facing India (Chapter 3)

4. Food Security (Chapter 3)


Term I

1. Introduction of Disaster Management (Chapter 1)

2. Common Hazards (Chapter 2)

Term I

3. Manmade Disasters (Chapter 3)

4. Community based Disaster Management (Chapter 4)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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Module: 01 & 02

Chapter: The French Revolution

Contents :

(i) Introduction.

(ii) French society during the late eighteenth century.

(iii) Role of the middle class.

(iv) The outbreak of the Revolution.

(v) France becomes a Constitutional Monarchy.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents the students will be able to: -

(i) Understand the concept of Revolution.

(ii) Assess the role played by the middle class in providing the philosophical

edifice to the Revolution.

(iii) Trace the events that occurred on the 14th of July 1789 and led to the

outbreak of the Revolution.

(iv) Examine France‟s transition to a Constitutional Monarchy.

(v) France becomes a Constitutional Monarchy.

Key Terms

Revolution, Estates, Clergy, Tithes and Estate General


Module: 03 & 04

Chapter: The French Revolution (Contd.)

Contents :

(i) France abolishes Monarchy and becomes a Republic.

(ii) The Reign of Terror

(iii) Did women have a Revolution?

(iv) The Abolition of Slavery.

(v) The Revolution and everyday life.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to understand: -

(i) The role played by the Jacobins in the establishment of the French Republic.

(ii) Understand the „reign of terror‟ unleashed by the Jacobins and the role

played by Robespierre in the same.

(iii) Examine the role-played by the women in the French Revolution.

(iv) Trace the need of and the process of the abolition of slavery in France.

(v) Appreciate the declaration of the „Rights of Man and citizens‟, and also the

notions of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity that guided the Revolution.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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Key Terms

Republic, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Convention, Slavery, Censorship.


Module: 05 & 06

Chapter: Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler

Contents :

(i) Introduction.

(ii) Birth of the Weimar Republic.

(iii) The Effects of the First World War.

(iv) Political Radicalism and Economic Crisis.

(v) The Years of Depression.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to:

(i) Understand how Germans had waged a genocidal war under the garb of

the Second World War.

(ii) Trace the process of the establishment of the Weimar Republic following the

defeat of the Imperial Germany in the First World War.

(iii) Examine the consequences of the disastrous Treaty of Versailles on the

social, financial and the psychological fabric of Germany.

(iv) Draw inferences of the impact of the Great Economic Depression that

originated in the 1930‟s in the US; on the already crisis ridden economy of


Key Terms

Genocidal war, Weimar Republic, Political Radicalism, Reparation, Great

Economic Depression


Module: 07

Chapter: Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler (Contd.)

Contents :

(i) Hitler‟s Rise to power.

(ii) The Destruction of Democracy.

(iii) Economic Reconstruction of Germany.

(iv) The Nazi worldview: An introduction.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to:

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 5 #

(i) Recall Hitler‟s initial attempts to assume power in Germany and his

consequent arrest.

(ii) Examine how Nazism gained popularity and became a mass movement

during the Great Economic Depression.

(iii) Gain an indepth understanding of Hitler‟s personality, his political

philosophy as explained in the Mein Kamph and the new style of Politics

evolved by him.

(iv) Understand how Hitler skillfully eliminated all competition and assumed

dictatorial powers.

(iv) Examine Hitler‟s intentions behind territorial expansion in Europe.

Key Terms

Nazi Propaganda, Mass Mobilization, Concentration camps, Blitzkrieg.


Module: 08

Chapter: Nazism And The Rise of Hitler (Contd.)

Contents :

(i) Establishment of the Racial state.

(ii) The Racial Utopia.

(iii) Youth in Nazi Germany.

(iv) The Art of Propaganda.

(iv) Ordinary People and the crime against humanity.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to:

(i) Understand Hitler‟s dream of creating an exclusive racial community of pure


(Nordic German Aryans) by physically eliminating all those who were seen

as undesirable viz. the Jews, The Gypsies, the Blacks etc.

(ii) Examine the measures taken by the Nazis to realize the racial utopia.

(iii) Examine how language and media were used as an effective weapon of

disseminating the Nazi ideology.

(iv) Empathise with those that suffered on account of the holocaust unleashed

by the Nazis.

Key Terms

Nordic German Aryans, Usurers, Racial Utopia, Jungvolk, Holocaust


Module: 9 & 10 Revision for SA I


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 6 #

Module: 11

Chapter: Forest Society And Colonialism

Contents :

(i) Introduction

(ii) Why Deforestation?

(iii) The Rise of Commercial Forestry.

(iv) How were the Lives of People Affected?

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to understand and :

(i) Appreciate the importance of forests in our day to day existence.

(ii) Assess the role played by industrialization in the disappearance of the

precious biodiversity.

(iii) Understand the cause of deforestation in India during the colonial rule, viz,

cultivation, population growth, plantation agriculture.

(iv) Examine the expansion of railways as a cause of deforestation in India.

(v) Recall the introduction of „scientific forestry‟ as well as a number of Forest

Acts by the colonial rulers.

(vi) Analyse how the lives of the villagers were affected as a result of these Forest


Key Terms

Deforestation, Commercial Crops, Plantations, Scientific Forestry, Forest Act


Module: 12

Chapter: Forest Society And Colonialism (Contd.)

Contents :

(i) How did the Forest Rules affect the cultivation?

(ii) Who could hunt?

Q.1. New trades new employments and new services.

Q.2. Rebellion in the forests.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to: -

(i) Asses the impacts of Forest Rules on the Swidden / Shifting agriculture and

its consequences.

(ii) Recall how the customary right of hunting was prohibited and came to be

equated with coaching

(iii) Examine the Rebellian that took place in the kingdom of Bastar in 1919.


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 7 #

Module: 13

Chapter: Forest Society and Colonialism (Contd……)

Content :

(i) Forest transformation of Java

(ii) War and Deforestation

(iii) New Developments in Forestry

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to: -

(i) Evaluate the uprising of the woodcutters of Java against the Dutch Colonies.

(ii) Understand the line between war and deforestation.

(iii) Appreciate the endeavors made by the government to conserve the forests.

Key Terms

Swidden, Agriculture, Customary Rights, Adivasis Conservation.


Module: 14

Chapter: Clothing – A Social History

Contents :

(i) Sumptuary laws and social Hierarchy and introduction.

(ii) Clothing and Notions of Beauty.

(iii) How did women react to these norms?

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to:

(i) Assess the history of the clothes we wear.

(ii) Analyse the „Sumptuary Laws‟ followed after the French Revolution.

(iii) Analyse the different dresses for the various sections of the society.

(iv) Understand the reaction of the reformers and women against the dress


Key Terms

Stays, Sumptuary laws, Corset, Sufferage


Module: 15

Chapter: Clothing – A Social History (Contd.)

Contents :

(i) New Times.

(ii) New Materials.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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(iii) The War.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to :

(i) Understand the values which created the pressure for change.

(ii) Analyse the different style of dresses of women and the impact of the two

world wars on the design of dresses.


Module: 16

Chapter: Clothing – A Social History (Contd.)

Contents :

(i) Transformations in colonial India.

(ii) Caste conflicts and Dress change.

(iii) British Rule and Dress code.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to:

(i) Analyse how people reacted in India during the colonial period.

(iii) Assess the reaction of British to Indian ways of dressing and vise – versa.


Module: 17

Chapter: Clothing – A Social History (Contd.)

Contents :

(i) Designing the National Dress.

(ii) The Swadeshi Movement.

(iii) Mahatma Gandhi‟s Experiments with clothing.

(iii) Not all could wear Khadi.

Learning Objectives

After studying the contents, the students will be able to:

(i) Understand how the experiments with swadeshi gave Mahatma Gandhi

important ideas about using cloth as a symbolic weapon against the British


(ii) Understand Mahatma‟s experiments with clothing.

(iii) Trace the process of the evolution of the Indian National Dress and

Mahatma Gandhi‟s contribution to the same.

(iv) Analyse the reaction of the people for khadi.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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Key Terms

Chintz, Dress code, National dress, Chapkan, Shoe respect


Module: 18

Revision Module for SA II

(i) Adequate revision from Module 11 to 17 will be done.

(ii) Assignments will be discussed.

(iii) Adequate map practice will be done.




DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 10 #


The French Revolution

1. Define the following terms:

1. Estates 5. Clergy

2. Subsistence Crisis 6. Slavery

3. Estates General 7. Tithes

4. Bastille

2. Examine the role of each of the following during the course of the French


1. Jean Jacques Rousseau 3. Mirabeau

2. Robespierre

3. How did the following symbols convey the content of the Declaration of Rights?

1. The Broken chain 5. The Bundle of Rods or Fasces

2. The Eye within a triangle radiating light

3. Red Phrygian Cap 6. Snake biting its tail to form a ring

4. The Law Tablet. 7. Blue winged woman

4. Answer the following questions briefly :-

1. Why did Louis XVI inherit an empty treasury?

2. With the help of examples show the social disparity that existed in France.

3. What do you mean by the term „The Estate General‟?

4. What was Directory?

5. Explain the term „Third Estate‟

6. What were the main ideas behind the French Revolution?

7. Explain the significance of the storming of the Bastille.

8. Mention any four features of the constitution of 1791.

9. Name any one women‟s club of France. What was the main motive of the


10. Mention any four factors responsible for the French Revolution.

11. Write a short note on the „Abolition of slavery in France‟

5. Long questions –

1. Discuss the position of the French women during and after the days of the


2. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest

in France.

3. Which group of the French society was benefited from the Revolution?

Which groups were forced to relinquish power? Which sections of society

would have been disappointed with the outcome of the Revolution?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 11 #

4. Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the people of the world

during the 19th and 20

th centuries.

5. Briefly explain the „Reign of Terror‟ unleashed by the Jacobins.


Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler

1. Define the following terms:

(i) Allies (iv) Genocide

(ii) November criminals (v) Propaganda

(iii) Concentration camp (vi) Blitskrieg

(iii) Racial Utopia (vii) Holocaust

2. Name the following: -

1. Hitler‟s propaganda minister who along with his family committed suicide in

Hitler‟s bunker in April 1945.

2. A Nazi center where people were killed in gas chambers.

3. The allies of Germany during the First World War.

4. The member states of Triple Entente.

5. The humiliating peace treaty concluded with the Germans following the end

of the First World War I.

6. The crash of this famous stock Exchange signaled the beginning of the Great

Economic Depression.

7. The German Parliament.

8. The Party formed by Hitler.

9. The famous Act passed on 3rd

March 1933 that led to the establishment of

dictatorship in Germany.

10. The secret state police set up by the Nazis.

11. The powers known as the Axis Powers.

12. The Japanese raided this American base during the Second World War.

13. The communities classified as „undesirable‟ by the Nazis.

14. The Nazis considered themselves members of this race.

15. The most infamous propaganda film produced to create hatred for the Jews.

3. Give reasons for the following: -

1. Germany faced an economic crisis in 1923.

2. On one single day, 24 October, 13 million shares were sold.

3. A National Assembly met at Weimar and established a Democratic

Constitution with a Federal structure.

4. Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany.

5. Hitler devised a new style of politics.

4. Answer the following questions:-

1. Discuss the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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2. What impact did World War I have on the society and polity of Europe?

3. Briefly explain the origin and course of the Great Economic depression.

What were its effects on Germany?

4. Why was the Weimar Republic considered politically fragile?

5. Describe the new style of politics devised by Hitler. How far was it


6. Write a note on Hitler‟s invasion of the Soviet Union.

7. Examine Hitler‟s foreign and domestic policy.

8. Why did USA join the Second World War?

9. What happened to schools under Nazism?


Forest Society And Colonialism

1. Define the following terms:

1. Bio - diversity 6. Industrialisation

2. Deforestation. 7. Scientific Forestry

3. Forest Act 8. Swidden Agriculture

4. Customary Rights 9. Adivasis

5. Plantation 10. Conservation

2. Name the following: -

1. The oil in chocolates, comes from this tree.

2. The 1878 Forest Act divided the forests into these three categories.

3. Large areas of natural plantations were cleared to make way for the

plantations of these commodities.

4. The tribal communities from Assam, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh who were

recruited to work on the tea plantation.

5. The various local terms used in India to imply swidden agriculture.

6. The forests fulfilled the following needs of the villagers.

7. Shifting agriculture as it was known in south East Asia, Central America,

Africa and Srilanka.

4. Answer the following questions: -

1. Explain the reasons on account of which cultivation expanded rapidly during

the colonial period.

2. How did the expansion of railways in India result in deforestation?

3. Write a short note on „Scientific forestry‟

4. Briefly explain the rebellion that took place in the kingdom of Bastar in


5. Explain the main provisions of the Forest Laws enacted by the Dutch in


6. What was the impact of the two World Wars on the forests in India and


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 13 #

7. Mention any four steps which were taken by the British government or

Dietrich Brandis to conserve forests in India.

8. What is shifting cultivation?

9. Explain the relationship between the natural resources and the people of

Bastar before the arrival of the Britishers.

5. Long Answer type questions given in the exercise. (To be done in the note – book)


Clothing: A Social History


1. Sumptuary Laws

2. Cockade

3. Chintz

4. Chapkan

5. Stays

6. Sans culottes

7. Suffrage

8. Phenta

2. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Between which years were the Sumptuary Laws strictly enforced in France?

2. How did the members of the Jacobin clubs distinguish themselves from the


3. Name two American women who campaigned for dress reform.

4. Before the 17th century, the most ordinary women in Britain possessed

clothes made of which materials?

5. In India, what did the western clothes come to signify?

6. Following the establishment of British rule in India how did the Parsis start

dressing up?

7. Who was Manockjee Cowasjee Entee?

8. Which British Governor General introduced the concept of „Shoe Respect in


9. Who was Jnanadanandini Devi? What is she remembered for?

10. Name the important textile weaving centers of India.

11. For which historic event was the use of Khadi made a patriotic symbol?

3. Answer the following questions:-

1. What were the implications of the Sumptuary Laws for the people of


2. What was expected of women in Victorian England? How were these

notions reflected in the norms of clothing?

3. Explain the impact of the World War II on women‟s clothing.

4. When the western – style of clothing came to India in the 19th century, how

did the Indians react to it?

5. Briefly explain Mahatma Gandhi‟s experiment with clothing and its impact.

6. Why did Gandhiji‟s emphasis on khadi was adopted by only a few people?

Give reasons.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 14 #


Value Based Questions

Chapter: The French Revolution

Q.1 The task of representing the people has been given to the rich… The lot of the

poor and the oppressed will never be improved by peaceful means alone. Here, we

have absolute proof of how wealth influences the law. Yet laws will last only as

long as the people agree to obey them. And when they have managed to cast off

the yoke of the aristocrats, they will do the same to the other owners of wealth.

(i) Who has been given the task of representing the people? What was the

reaction the people towards them?

(ii) What values would have prevented the aristocrats of France to usurp all the


Chapter : Clothing

Q.2 The most familiar image of Mahatma Gandhi is of him seated, bare-chested and in

a short dhoti, at the spinning wheel. He made spinning on the charkha and the

daily use of khadi or coarse clothe made from home spun yarn, very powerful

symbols. These were not only symbols of self reliance, but also of resistance to the

use of British mill made clothe.

(i) According to Gandhiji, what were the powerful nationalist symbols?

(ii) What values do you infer from the given extract?




DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 15 #


Module : (1, 2 & 3)

Chapter : 1. Democracy in the Contemporary World

Contents :

(i) Two tales of democracy.

(ii) Democracy in Poland.

(iii) Two features of democracy.

(iv) The changing map of democracy.

(v) Phases in the expansion of democracy.

(vi) End of colonialism.

(vii) Democracy at the global level.

Learning Objectives

After studying the chapter the students will

(i) develop an understanding of democracy.

(ii) be able to compare democracy with other forms of government.

(iii) be able to differentiate between capitalism, socialism, colonialism and mixed

economy (Importance of both public and private sectors)

(iv) how democracy has evolved throughout the world since the beginning of the

20th century.

(v) the role of world organization in the practice of democracy.


Module : (4, 5 & 6)

Chapter : 2. What is democracy? Why democracy?

Contents :

(i) What are the different ways of defining democracy? How has the word been

derived? What is dictatorship? Features of democracy.

(ii) Why has democracy become the most prevalent form of govt. in our times?

What are the arguments for and against democracy? What is an ideal

democracy? Is it feasible?

Learning Objectives

After studying the above chapter the students will

(i) To develop conceptual skills of defining democracy.

(ii) To understand how different historical processes and forces have promoted


(iii) Develop a sophisticated defense of democracy against common prejudices.

(iv) Know about the constitutional and legal aspects of democracy.

Key Terms

Democracy, Dictatorship, Universal Adult Franchise, Citizen


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 16 #

Module : (7, 8)

Chapter : 3. Constitutional Design

Contents :

(i) How and why did India become a democracy?

(ii) How was the Indian Constitution framed?

(iii) Why do we need a Constitution? Struggle against apartheid. Democratic

constitution in South Africa.

(iv) What are the salient features of the Indian Constitution? Guiding values of

the Indian Constitution.

(v) How is democracy being constantly designed and redesigned in India?

Philosophy of the constitution, Institutional design

Learning Objectives

After studying the lesson, the students will be able to :

(i) Develop a historical sense of the choice and nature of democracy in India.

(ii) Introduction to the process of constitution making..

(iii) Children will know about the life and struggle of Nelson Mandela who fought

against apartheid.

(iv) Develop respect for the Constitution and appreciation for constitutional


(v) Recognise that Constitution is a living document that undergoes changes.

(vi) Introduce the idea of representative democracy via competitive party


Key Terms

Apartheid, Constitution, Sovereign, Socialist, Democratic, Secular, Republic.


Module : (9 & 10) Revision for the SA I


Module : (11 & 12)

Chapter :4. Electoral Politics

Contents :

(i) Why do we need elections? How do we elect representatives? What makes

an election democratic? Is it good to have political competition?

(ii) What is our system of election? Electoral constituencies, reserved

constituencies, voter‟s list, nomination of candidates, election campaign,

polling and counting of votes.

(iii) What makes elections in India democratic? Participation, acceptance of

election outcome, challenges to free and fair elections.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 17 #

Learning Objectives

After studying the lesson, the students will be able to :

(i) Introduce the idea of representative democracy via competitive party


(ii) Familiarize students with the idea of elections.

(iii) Familiarize students with our electoral system and reasons for choosing this.

(iv) Develop an appreciation of citizen‟s increased participation in electoral


(v) Recognise the significance of the Election Commission.

(vi) Familiarize the students with the entire process of election.

Key Terms

Election, Constituency, Booth Capturing, By Election, Mid Term Elections, Turn



Module : (13 & 14)

Chapter :5. Working of Institutions

Contents :

(i) How is the country governed? Who are the decision makers? Need for

political institutions. Parliament, why do we need a parliament?

(ii) Two houses of Parliament, Political and Permanent Executive. Prime

Minister and his powers and functions.

(iii) The Cabinet ministers, Ministers of State and Deputy ministers; Powers and

functions of the President.

(iv) The Judiciary: Appointment, removal, functions of the judges of the

Supreme, High and subordinate courts.

Learning Objectives

After studying the lesson, the students will be able to :

(i) Provide an overview of central governmental structures.

(ii) Sensitise to the key role of the Parliament and its procedures..

(iii) Acquaint the students with the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

(iv) Distinguish between nominal and real executive authorities and their


(v) Understand the parliamentary system of executive‟s accountability to the


(vi) Develop an understanding of the role of the Indian President.

(vii) Understand the role played by the judiciary..

(viii) Realise the importance of independence of the judiciary.

Key Terms

Coalition govt., Executive, Judiciary, Legislature, Office memorandum, State,

Ordinance etc.


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 18 #

Module : (15, 16 & 17)

Chapter :6. Democratic Rights

Contents :

(i) Life without rights, examples from Saudi Arabia and Kosovo. Rights in a


(ii) What are rights? Why do we need rights in a democracy? Fundamental

Rights: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom

(iii) Right Against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and

Educational Rights.

(iv) How can we secure the Fundamental Rights? National Human Rights


(v) Expanding scope of rights. International covenant in economic, social and

cultural rights.

Learning Objectives

After studying the lesson, the students will be able to:

(i) Develop citizens‟ awareness of their rights.

(ii) Understand the need for rights.

(iii) Introduction to and appreciation of the Fundamental Rights.

(iv) Recognition of the ways in which these rights are exercised and denied in

real life situations.

(v) Understand the methods to prevent exploitations of the weaker sections of

the society.

(vi) Understand the essence of a secular state.

(vii) Introduction to the National Human Rights Commission

(viii) Understand the significance of the right to Constitutional Remedies.

Key Terms

Writs, Traffic, Summon, Ethnic group, Dalit, Covenant, Amnesty International


Module : (18) Revision for the SA - II




DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 19 #


Chapter-1 – Democracy in the Contemporary World

Q.I. Short Answer Questions:

1. Who led the military coup in Chile? What happened during his reign?

2. How democracy had been restored in Chile?

3. Write a short note on Michelle Bachelet.

4. How the democratic governments under Allende, Walesa and Bachelet were

different from one another and also similar in their approach?

5. Define democracy.

6. Who was Kwame Nkrumah? How did he deviate from the path of


7. After the IInd

World War, when and why did the next big push towards

democracy come?

8. What is the role of

(i) United Nation General Assembly

(ii) U.N. Security Council

(iii) I.M.F.

(iv) World Bank

9. Who are the permanent members of U.N. Security Council? What is veto


Q.II. Long Answer Questions:

1. Who was Salvador Allende? What policy decisions were taken by him?

2. Write in brief about the political condition of Poland during the 1980‟s.

3. How democracies have evolved in the 20th century?

4. What major changes had taken place in India‟s neighborhood since 1990?

5. Describe the military rule in Myanmar, highlighting the role of Aung San Suu


6. Discuss whether international organization like U.N., I.M.F., etc. function in a

democratic manner.

7. Though the global institutions are not democratic, is there any urge among the

people to move towards global democracy.

8. Write a short note on Arab Socialist Ba‟ath Party highlighting the role of

Saddam Hussein.

9. Do you think is it good to elect someone president for life? Or is it better to have

regular elections after every few years?


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Chapter-2 – What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

Q.I. Short Answer Questions:

1. Define the term democracy.

2. How has the word democracy been derived?

3. What is the difference between direct and indirect democracy?

4. What do you understand by the term „one person, one vote‟?

5. What is cold war?

6. Differentiate between dictatorship and democracy.

7. In modern democracy, how people are being ruled? And why is it necessary

to rule like this.

8. How decisions are taken in

a. Gram Sabha.

b. Democratic and Non-Democratic form of government.

Q.II. Long Answer Questions:

1. Explain the major features of democracy. (any six)

2. „Democratic government is a responsible government‟. Justify by giving


3. „There is little or no chance of revolution against a democratic government‟.


4. What are the arguments for and against democracy?

5. Is perfect democracy possible in any country? Why?

6. Why is it important for us to understand „an ideal democracy‟?

7. Why Pakistan under General Musharraf should not be called a democracy?

8. Do you think, in China the elections offered the people any serious choice?

9. Write in brief about the contemporary political situation of Zimbabwe.


Chapter-3 – Constitutional Design

Q.I. Define the following terms:

Preamble, Constitution, Secular, Sovereign, Socialist

Federation, Welfare state, Union List, State List, Concurrent List

Q.II. Give reasons for the following:

1. The Preamble is not a legal part of the Constitution, still it is very important.

2. The Constitution of India is the most detailed in the world. Comment.

3. Why Indian Constitution is called a „living document‟?

4. India is a sovereign country. Explain.

5. Discuss briefly the salient features (any 6) of the Constitution of India.

Q.III. Short Answer Questions:

1. What do you understand by Secular State?

2. When can our Fundamental Rights be suspended?

3. What is meant by Universal Adult Franchise?

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4. What is meant by Parliamentary Democracy?

5. When was the Constitution adopted by the Constitutent Assembly?

6. How many princely states existed in India before independence?

7. Who was the Chairperson of the drafting committee?

8. What do you understand by a Republic?

9. What was the most challenging task to the government of India immediately

after independence?

10. Why was 26th January chosen to enforce the Indian Constitution?

11. What do you understand by the term Constitution?

12. Name some of the important members of the Constituent Assembly?

13. Name the Anglo Indian and Parsi representatives in the Constituent


14. How many days were required to complete the Constitution and when was it


Q.IV. Long Answer Questions:

1. Why does the Preamble declare India to be a Democratic Republic?

2. What are the objectives spelt out in our Preamble?

3. How does the Constitution of a country signify its independence?

4. Why do you think the importance of a Constitution is more in a democracy?

5. How was the Indian Constitution framed?

6. Find out from reference books one example each of the British, Irish, French

and American Constitutions incorporated in the Indian Constitution.

7. Write a note on „the policy of Apartheid‟.

8. How did the people of South Africa struggle against Apartheid?

9. How did Apartheid come to an end in South Africa?

10. How the black majority treated the white minority after the emergence of the

new democratic South Africa.

11. How did the white minority and the black majority agree to make a common

constitution for South Africa?

12. What factors have contributed to the making of our constitution?

13. Why is the Indian constitution acceptable to the India people even today?

14. Identify the values embedded in the preamble.

Q.V. Research work:

1. Find out from the reference books which countries in the world have written

Constitution. (Give 5 names at least) and the name of a country with an

unwritten Constitution.

2. Find out why it is said that the „Indian Constitution is partly rigid and partly


3. Which article of the Indian Constitution describes the procedure of its


4. Find out two situations where the Indian Parliament can legislate on the

subjects provided in the State list.

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Chapter-4 – Electoral Politics

Q.I. Define the following terms:

Election Petition, Manifesto, General Election, By-Election, Constituencies, Interest

Group, Secret Ballot, Electoral Roll or Voter‟s List, Election Photo Identity Card,

Garibi Hatao, Safe Democracy, Land to the tiller, Protect the self respect of the

Telugus, Election Day, E.V.M., Repoll

Q.II. Short Answer Questions:

1. What do you understand by the term Universal Adult Franchise?

2. Explain the term one person one vote.

3. What do you understand by the term Public Opinion?

4. Why are elections an important part of democracy?

5. What is a coalition government?

6. Why do candidates need symbols while contesting elections?

7. Name the various channels through which campaigning is done before


8. Write in brief about the change of government in Haryana in 1987?

9. Why do we need elections?

10. What different choices do the voters make in an election?

11. What demerits do an electoral competition has?

12. Why our constitution makers opted for free competition in election as the

way to select our future leaders?

13. Which declarations have been made compulsory by the Supreme Court for

a candidate contesting an election?

14. Write the four different provisions of our election law.

15. What are the „model code of conduct‟ that are applicable during the election


16. Which different electoral malpractices have been reported by the media?

Q.III. Give reasons for the following Statement.

1. “Effective functioning of a democratic government depends on the quality of

its citizens.”

Q.IV. Distinguish between

1. By elections and Mid-term elections.

2. National parties (with examples) and Regional Parties (with examples).

3. Print Media and Electronic Media.

4. Party candidate and Independent candidate.

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Q.V. Long Answers Questions:

1. Why do we say that the Indian Democracy is the largest democracy in the


2. What is the role of citizens in the effective functioning of the democracy?

3. Why Public Opinion is an important factor in the effective functioning of the


4. Explain the role of Electronic Media and Print Media in the formulation of

Public Opinion.

5. Describe the Election Procedure in India.

6. What is the role of the Election Commission in holding free and fair


7. Explain the significance of political parties in a democracy.

8. Highlight the role of the opposition parties in a democracy.

9. Is there a democratic way of selecting representatives without elections?

10. What are the minimum conditions of a democratic elections?

11. Is it good to have political competition?

12. Why our constitution makers opted for a system of reserved constituencies

for the weaker sections of the society?

13. Why is it important to have election campaign and how does it happen in


14. What are the different indicators to check the popular participation of the

people in the entire election process?

15. Do you think, the outcome of India‟s election is free and fair? Explain giving


16. Discuss the limitations and challenges of Indian Elections.

Q.VI. Research Work

1. Find out the names of some of the Interest Groups of India.

2. Find out the name of the current Election Commissioner of India.

3. Collect the symbols of 5 national and 5 regional political parties. Collect 5

election symbols.


Chapter-5 – Working of Institutions

Q.I. Define the following terms:

Judicial Review, Zero hour, Question hour, Budget, Bicameral legislature, No

confidence Motion.

Q.II. Short Answer Questions.

1. Who constitute the „Electoral College‟?

2. Give one difference between the Head of the State of India and the Head of

the state of Britain.

3. Mention the qualifications for the office of the President of India.

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4. Discuss the powers of the Council of Ministers.

5. What are the three types of emergencies envisaged by the Constitution?

6. How are judges of the Supreme Court appointed?

7. State the qualifications and tenure of the Supreme Court judges.

8. Give any 2 functions of the judiciary in general.

9. What do you understand by Independence of Judiciary?

10. How are the judges of the High Court appointed?

11. What are the qualifications required for a High Court judge?

12. Give examples of 2 cases where states share one High Court.

13. What type of cases come to the District courts?

14. Discuss the major decision makers of our country?

15. Write a note on Mandal Commission.

16. Who resolve the dispute regarding the implementation of Mandal

Commission report?

17. Define institutions.

18. Which institutions were at work for the 27% job reservation for SEBC?

19. How the Prime Minister is appointed?

20. What is the presidential form of government?

21. Write a short note on independence of Judiciary?

22. What do you understand by the term „The Judicial Review‟?

Q.III. Write short notes on the following.

1. Impeachment of the President of India.

2. The vice President of India.

3. Three categories of Union Ministers.

Q.IV. Long Questions

1. Discuss the powers and functions of the Indian President.

2. Examine the powers and functions of the Indian Prime Minister. What makes

him more powerful than the President of India?

3. Under what conditions can emergencies be declared in India? What is role of

the President during emergency?

4. Discuss the powers and functions of the Indian Parliament.

5. How does a bill become a law?

6. How does the Parliament exercise control over the executive?

7. Explain the utility of the Rajya Sabha. Why is it called a permanent house?

8. How is the Central Budget passed?

9. Discuss the powers and functions of the Supreme Court.

10. In what ways can independence of judiciary be ensured so that the judges

can discharge their duties fearlessly?

11. What is the significance of the Lok Adalats and Public Interest Litigation?

12. How Mandal Commission Report was implemented in India?

13. What arguments were given in support and against of the implementation of

Mandal Commission Reprt?

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14. Define Parliament. What are the functions of Parliament?

15. Discuss how Lok Sabha is more powerful than Rajya Sabha?

16. What are the power of the Prime Minister and President of India?

Q.V. Distinguish between:

1. Composition of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

2. Money Bill and Ordinary Bill.

3. Political Executive and Permanent Executive.

4. District Judge and Sessions Judge.

5. Civil case and Criminal case.

6. Appellate Jurisdiction and Administrative Jurisdiction.

Q.VI. Write a short note on each of the followings:

1. The speaker of the Lok Sabha.

2. Qualifications of the members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

3. Union Public Service Commission.

4. Lok Adalats.

5. Public Interest Litigation.

6. Composition of the High Court.

Q.VII. Give reasons for the following:

1. The Supreme Court is called the Guardian of the Constitution.

2. The Supreme Court plays a very vital role in a federal state.

Q.VIII. Research work.

1. Find out the achievements of the current President.

2. Give the names of the earlier Presidents along with their tenure.

3. Find out the name of the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, his

monthly salary and other benefits.

4. Where is the high Court of your state located?

5. Find out the name of the Chief Justice of the High Court of your state and 2

other judges.


Chapter-6 – Democratic Rights

Q.I. Define the following terms briefly.

Begar, Traffic, Bonded Labour, Child Labour, National Human Rights

Commission, Preventive Detention, Writs.

Q.II. Short Answer Questions:

1. Why are the rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution known as

Fundamental Rights?

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2. Mention the 6 Fundamental Rights which presently exist. Which right has

been abolished and when?

3. How does the Right to Freedom of Religion establish a secular polity in


4. Give the restrictions that have been imposed on the Right to Freedom and

Right to Equality.

5. Mention any two exceptions to the Right to Equality.

6. When can the Fundamental Rights be suspended?

7. Distinguish between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of

State Policy.

8. Give examples of one Gandhian and one Socialist Directive Principles of

State Policy.

9. Define the term Directive Principles of State Policy.

10. Do you think, the reservations given by the government are against the right

to equality?

11. What procedures does a police officer have to follow after arresting or

detaining a person?

Q.III. Long Answer Questions:

1. Explain the six freedoms guaranteed under Article 19 of the Constitution of


2. Explain the scope of the Right to Equality as given in the Constitution of


3. Explain the Right to Constitutional Remedies.


Explain the nature of various writs which the courts can issue for protection

of Fundamental Rights.

4. Explain the Right to freedom of Religion.

5. Write a note on Cultural and Educational Rights.

6. Explain Right against Exploitation.

7. Why Fundamental Rights are important?

8. Rights imply duties – Explain the statement with illustrations.

9. How do the Directive Principles of State Policy direct the state to adopt

policies which would help to establish a welfare society in our country?

10. Why the prison in Guantanamo Bay was in use all over the world?

11. What restrictions have been imposed on the Citizen‟s Right in Saudi Arabia?

12. What are the main causes of conflict in Kosovo?

13. Explain giving examples whether the rights for the Indian citizens have been

expanding or not.

14. What new rights have been guaranteed by the constitution of South Africa to

its citizen?

Q.IV. Give reasons for the following:

1. Why have Fundamental Duties been incorporated in the Indian


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2. Democracy is not merely a political term. Explain.


Value Based Questions

Q1. While analysisng the given table, which values you think are disturbing the

balance of the country?

(a) Gender Ratio (Female - Male) 46% : 54%

(b) Occupation (Secondary - Primary) 55% : 35%


(a) Gender Ratio: Female-Male ratio as 46%:54% is a matter of grave concern for the


1. It indicates how the girl child is neglected.

2. Female foeticide, poor medical care and poor nutrition to girl child are the

possible causes for low female ratio.

3. Society's gender bias towards girl has led to this difference and it will lead to

dire consequences.

(b) Occupation Ratio: To ensure our country be economical sound, it is important that

all job sectors must progress. The drastic difference between Secondary and

Primary sector occupation indicates that primary sector i.e. agriculture, dairy

farming, poultry etc. is not performing well. As compared to manufacturing and

industry (secondary), the job opportunities in the primary sector are less. On the

other hand, increased occupation in secondary sector raises concerns about the

environmental issues and exploitation of out natural resources. We must ensure

that there should be sustainable development.

Q2. Ecosystem is very important for the living beings. How can you contribute to

conserve it? Express your views.


How can we conserve ecosystem? Explain with three examples.

Answer: Ecosystem can be conserved by adopting the following measures:

1. Create awareness among people about environmental issues and

conservation of wild life and trees.

2. Adopt sustainable development measures which creates a balance among

environmental, social and economical needs.

3. Check rapid growth and check population explosion by adopting family

planning methods.

4. Encourage people about 3Rs principle i.e. Recycle, Reduce and Reuse of

products and our natural resources. e.g. use empty PET bottle to store

sugar, salt and pulses at home.

5. Adopt efficient and Eco-friendly technology.

6. Adopt indigenous agricultural practices, soil and water conservation methods

(e.g. rain water harvesting)

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7. Minimize use of pollution causing substances. Waste material should be

treated before dumping into ground or releasing to river or oceans. e.g. use

CNG instead of coal.

Q3. Brandis set up the Indian Forest Service in 1864 and helped formulate the Indian

Forest Act of 1865. The Imperial Forest Research Institute was set up at Dehradun

in 1906. The system they taught here was called „scientific forestry‟. Many people

now, including ecologists, feel that this system is not scientific at all.

In scientific forestry, natural forests which had lots of different types of trees were

cut down. In their place, one type of tree was planted in straight rows. This is called

a plantation. Forest officials surveyed the forests, estimated the area under different

types of trees, and made working plans for forest management. They planned how

much of the plantation area to cut every year. The area cut was then to be

replanted so that it was ready to be cut again in some years.

(a) In the above paragraph from "Forest Society and Colonialism", why

"scientific forestry" is considered as a pseudo-science theory?

(b) What do you think such type of plantation can be considered as good forest



(a) Many ecologists truly believe this kind of theory adopted by Colonists has no

scientific basis. It was meant for commercial purpose so that plants of one

type be grown in the forests. It had adverse effect on the ecosystem and

threat to biodiversity. e.g. medicinal plants were cut and replaced by

commercial plants like timber. It also led to economic loss of nearby villagers

who were solely dependent on these forests. No doubt it was a pseudo-

scientific theory.

(b) Planting one kind of plants cannot be considered a good forest

management. It cannot be considered as sustainable development because it

created an imbalance among environment, social and economical factors.

Q4. The Pentangular tournament was played by five teams in India during colonial

rule. They were i) The European, ii) The Parsis, iii) The Hindus, iv) The Muslims,

v) The rest which comprised all the communities left such as the Indian Christians.

Mahatma Gandhi condemned the Pentangular as a communally dividing

competition that was out of place in a time when nationalists were trying to unite

India‟s diverse population. Give any 3 values which can be reflected from this


Answer: Values which can be reflected from this tournament:

1. This tournament introduced an idea of national integration and team work.

2. It reflected a feeling of patriotism because teams are playing against the


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3. It gave a secular platform where teams of different communities played


Q5. Hockey, like many other modern games, was introduced into India by the British

army in colonial times. The first hockey club in India was started in Calcutta in

1885-1886. India was represented in the hockey competition of the Olympic

Games for the first time in 1928. India reached the finals defeating Austria,

Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland. In the finals, India defeated Holland by three

goals to nil.

In the era of colonialism, India won gold in Olympic Games in 1928. What values

do you see?


1. It gave a sense of patriotism and nationalism among Indians.

2. It gave an International platform to Indians to show their team work and

sports skills and brilliance.

Q6. Which values should contestants keep in mind during the election campaign of a

country (Any three)

Answer: Contestant should have the following values:

1. He or She should be honest.

2. He should be approachable, patriotic and should not favour people any

particular community or religion.

3. He should have understanding about sustainable development and should

promote it once elected.

4. He should adopt non-violent measures and promote harmony among


Q7. Suppose you have attained the age of 18 years and you have been registered as a

voter in the voters list. There are four candidate who are contesting elections from

your constituency. They approach you personally one by one

I) One of them is a professor in the University who is contesting as an

independent candidate.

II) One is muscleman of the area and people are scared of him.

III) There is an educated lady who is already helping the residents in various


After meeting all the three candidates, whom will you vote for and why?

Answer: Although the first candidate is well educated person, but there is no

information available whether he would promote welfare projects once

elected. Whether he is approachable or not to citizens. Voting to him is


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The answer is NO for the second candidate. We should exercise vote as our

moral and social duty. We should not vote out of fear and must not elect

anti-social elements.

Third candidate is educated and has been a social worker. She seems to be

a selfless person and looks a promising candidate. We should vote in her


Q8. Which values do the national parks of any country promote?

Answer: National parks must promote the following values:

1. Ensures there is no threat to biodiversity. Ensures safety of forests and


2. Encourage ways to revive ecology and encourage afforestation.

3. Respect neighbourhood tribals relation with forests.

4. Encourage sustainable development ways for the welfare of tribals.

Q9. "Mandal Commission recommended 27% reservation for SEBC in government

jobs which became a hotly debated issue. It led to a widespread protest and

violence in the country.

(a) How was this dispute resolved and by whom?

(b) Mention three values which kept in mind while resolving this issue.

Answer: (a) Once Mandal Commission recommended 27% reservation for SEBC in

government jobs, widespread protests were staged. Writ petitions were filed in High

Courts and the Supreme Court questioning this measure. The Supreme Court

examine the issue and permitted the Union government to reserve 27% of jobs for

the OBCs subject to the exclusion of 'creamy layer' among OBCs.

(b) While resolving the issues, following values were kept in mind:

• Social justice to backward community.

• To ensure equal representation and opportunities of all citizens of

India irrespective of caste or creed.

• Socio-economic welfare

Q10. There are various schemes by the Indian Government to eradicate poverty directly

or indirectly.

(a) Mention any three anti-poverty programmes launched by the government to

eradicate poverty.

(b) What values can be added to improve the result of these anti-poverty


Answer: (a) Various schemes run by the Indian Government to eradicate poverty directly

or indirectly are:

• Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna 1993

• Rural Employment Generation Programme

• Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana

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• National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

(b) Values that can be added to improve the result of these anti-poverty


• Population Control

• Create new employment opportunities

• Education

• Proper implementation and right targeting


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Module : 1, 2, 3 & 4

Chapter : The Story of Village Palampur.

Contents :

(i) Introduction

(ii) Organisation of Production.

(iii) Farming in Palampur: land is fixed, how to grow more from the same land,

will the land sustain.

Learning Objectives

(i) The students will become aware of the basic facilities available in the village


(ii) The students will understand the concepts related to production.

(iii) The students will know about the factors of production.

(iv) The students will know about the various aspects of farming.

Key Terms

(i) Production (ii) Capital (iii) Land

(iv) Fixed Capital (v) Working Capital (vi) Labour

(vii) Human Capital (viii) Yield (ix) Hectare

(x) Multiple Cropping (xi) Green Revolution (xi) HYV Seeds


Module : 5 and 6

Chapter : The Story of Village Palampur.

Contents :

(i) How is land distributed between the farmers of Palampur?

(ii) Who will provide the labour?

(iii) The capital needed in farming

(iv) Sale of Surplus Farm Products

(v) Non-Farm activities in Palampur – Dairy, Small scale manufacturing,

Shopkeeping and Transport.

Learning Objectives

(i) The students will know how is land distributed among the farmers of


(ii) The students will understand the concept of capital and also what type of

capital is needed for the farming.

(iii) The students will understand the various Non-Farm Activities that are carried

out in Palampur like transport, dairy, shopkeeping and small scale


(iv) The students will understand how do farmers obtain capital for farming.

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Key Terms

(i) Surplus (ii) Wages in cash and kind

(iii) Farm labourers (iv) Small Scale manufacturing

(v) Minimum wages (vi) Non Farm activities


Module : 7

Chapter : People as Resource.

Contents :

(i) Introduction – People as Resource

(ii) Economic and Non-Economic Activities

(iii) Market and Non-Market Activities

(iv) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Activities.

(v) Quality of Population

(vi) Need for Education and Health

Learning Objectives

(i) The students will be introduced to the concepts of Primary, Secondary and

Tertiary activities.

(ii) The students will come to know about the importance of education and

health for the development of human resource.

(iii) Students will be able to differentiate between Economic and Non-Economic


(iv) They will become aware about the progress of education and health sector

in India since independence.

Key Terms

(i) Economic and Non-economic activities.

(ii) Human Resource. (iii) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary activities.

(iv) Investment (v) Productivity

(vi) Human Capital Formation (vii) GNP

(viii) Self-consumption (ix) Own-account production

(x) Literacy rate (xi) Birth and Death rate

(xii) Life expentancy (xiii) Infant Mortality Rate

(xiv) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (xv) Market and non-market activities


Module : 8

Chapter : People as Resource.

Contents :

(i) Unemployment.

(ii) Seasonal and disguised unemployment.

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(iii) Educated unemployment

(iv) Self-Employment.

(v) Causes and consequences of unemployment.

Learning Objectives

(i) The students will understand the concept of unemployment.

(ii) The students will understand the concepts of seasonal, disguised and

educated unemployment.

(iii) They will become aware of the causes of unemployment.

(iv) They will analyse the adverse effects of unemployment on the economy.

Key Terms

(i) Unemployment (ii) Seasonal unemployment

(iii) Employment structure (iv) Disguised unemployment.

(v) Educated unemployment (vi) Self-employment.


Module : 9 & 10 Revision for S. A. - I


Module : 11 and 12

Chapter : Poverty as a Challenge

Contents :

(i) Meaning of Poverty

(ii) Typical cases of Poverty – Rural and Urban

(iii) Poverty line.

(iv) Poverty Estimates.

(v) Vulnerable Groups.

Learning Objectives

(i) The students will understand the meaning of poverty.

(ii) The students will come to know about the typical cases of poverty.

(iii) They will know what is poverty line.

(iv) The students will understand the concept of vulnerable groups.

Key Terms

(i) Poverty (ii) Poverty line. (iii) Vulnerable groups.

(iv) Social exclusion (v) Absolute and Relative poverty


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Module : 13 and 14

Chapter : Poverty as a Challenge

Contents :

(i) Inter-State Disparities.

(ii) Global Poverty Scenario.

(iii) Causes of Poverty

(iv) Anti-Poverty Measures.

(v) The Challenges Ahead.

Learning Objectives

(i) The students will study about the disparities of poverty among the states of

one country.

(ii) The students will be shown the global scenario of poverty.

(iii) They will be made to understand the causes of poverty.

(iv) The students will become aware of the anti-poverty measures of the


Key Terms

(i) Disparity (ii) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

(iii) Anti-Poverty measures. (iv) Poverty Alleviation Programmes

(v) National food for Work Programme.

(vi) Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna

(vii) Rural Employment Generation Programme.

(viii) Swamajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna.

(ix) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojna.

(x) Antyodaya Anna Yojna.


Module : 15

Chapter : Food security in India.

Contents :

(i) What is food security?

(ii) Why food security?

(iii) Food Security in India

(iv) Buffer Stock

(v) The Public Distribution


Learning Objectives

(i) The students will understand the concept of food security.

(ii) They will come to know about who are food insecure.

(iii) They will become aware of the food security system in India.

(iv) The children will understand the steps taken by the government to eradicate

poverty and provide food security through PDS.

Key Terms

(i) Food security (ii) Public distribution system

(iii) Buffer Stock (iv) Minimum Support Price

(v) Issue Price (vi) Rationing

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(vii) Fair Price shops (viii) Self Sufficiency

(ix) Famine (x) Malnutrition

(xi) Subsidy (xii) FCI


Module : 16 and 17

Chapter : Food Security in India.

Contents :

(i) Current status of Public distribution system.

(ii) Role of cooperatives in food security.

Learning Objectives

(i) The students will learn about the current status of Public distribution system.

(iii) The students will understand the role of cooperatives in food security.

Key Terms

(i) Antyodaya Anna Yojna (ii) Co-operatives.

(iii) PDS (iv) Targeted PDS

(v) Revamped PDS (vi) Annapurna Scheme

(vii) APL (viii) BPL


Module : 18 Revision for S. A. – II




DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 37 #


Lesson – 1 The Story of Village Palampur. [A]

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:

1. The active factors of production is __________________

2. __________ is the free gift of nature.

3. _________ is the creation of utilities.

4. _________ is the main activity in village Palampur.

5. One way to increase production from the same land is _____________

6. _________ in the late 1960s introduced the Indian farmer to the cultivation

of wheat using high yielding variety of seeds.

Q.2. Answer the following questions:

1. Name some of the basic facilities available in the village Palampur.

2. Define production.

3. Name the main production activity of the village.

4. Explain the four factors of Production.

5. Define land.

6. What do you understand by the term „labour‟ in Economics?

7. Why are the farmers of Palampur able to grow 3 crops in a year?

8. What do you mean by multiple cropping?

9. How is the yield of land measured?

10. Distinguish between fixed and working capital.

11. How has the spread of electricity helped the farmers in Palampur?

12. What are miracle seeds? What do they require to produce best result?

13. What is “Green Revolution”?

14. Difference between modern seeds & traditional seeds.

15. Name the states which first tried out the moder farming methods.

16. Distinguish between Kharif crops & Rabi crops.

17. Why do so many families of farmers cultivate such small pieces of land?

Q.3. Correct the sentences:

1. With the use of HYV seeds the yield of the crops reduced to 3200 kg per


2. Modern farming means growing more than one crop on the same piece of

land during the year.

3. The standard unit of measuring labour is hectare.

4. Tools, machinery and buildings which are used in the production over many

years is called working capital.

5. Palampur is an under developed village with no schools and health center.

Q.4. Give reasons :-

1. Land is fixed.

2. Every production is organized by combining land, labour and capital.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 38 #

3. Modern farming increases the production from the same land.

4. Green revolution is associated with the loss of soil fertility.

5. Many farmers cultivate small or very small plots of land.

6. Human capitalization is an essential input for production of goods &


7. Modern farming methods have over used the natural resource base. (Value

Based Question)


Lesson – 1 The Story of Village Palampur. [B]

Q.1. Give one word for the following statements:

1. All wealth which is used for the further production of goods and services.

2. Growing more than one crop on the same piece of land during a year.

3. It provides minerals which dissolve in water and are immediately available to


4. Exchange of goods.

5. Unlike farmers they do not have a right over the crops grown on the land.

Q.2. Answer the following questions:

1. Differentiate between multiple cropping and modern farming.

2. What do you mean by working capital?

3. Why was Mishrilal not able to increase his profit?

4. What are the non farm activities in the village?

6. Is it important to increase the area under irrigation? Why?

7. How do farmers obtain capital for farming in the village Palampur?

8. How are farm labourers different from farmers?

9. How is the land distributed between the farmers of Palampur? Do you find

the same inequality in the distribution of agricultural land in Indian Villages?

10. Define sustainability of land.

11. What should be done to promote non farm activities in Palampur?

12. Why are wages for farm labourers less than the minimum wages?

13. Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in

industry. Do you agree?

14. What are the different ways of increasing production on the same piece of

land? Use examples to explain.

15. On what terms did Savita get a loan from Tejpal Singh? Would Savita‟s

condition be different if she could get a loan from bank at a low rate of

interest? (Value Based Question)

Q.3. Correct the sentences:

1. It is always the poor and small farmers who supply wheat to the market.

2. The rich farmers always borrow money.

3. Capital is the most abundant factor of production.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 39 #

4. People in non-farm activities like the shop keepers, transporters and small

manufactures have very little access to modern technology due to lack of


Q.4. Match the following –


These people work to earn money land

Scarce factor of production use of HYV seeds & fertilizers

Modern farming labour

Man made factor of production non farm activities

These production activities require little land capital

Q.5. Give reasons :-

1. Unlike the manufacturing that takes place in the big factories in the towns

and cities, manufacturing in Palampur involves very simple production


2. Non farm sector in the village is not very large.

3. Spread of electricity helped the farmers in Palampur.

4. It is important to increase the area under irrigation.

5. Modern farming methods require the farmers to start with more cash than



Lesson – 2 People as Resource [A]

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Population becomes _____________when an investment is made in the form

of education

2. Total productivity adds to the growth of ____________.

3. Investment in human capital yields a return just like investment in


4. The economic activities are classified into _____, _______ and ______


5. _______ and _______ are the major determinants of the earnings of any

individual in the market.

Q.2. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you mean by economic activities and non economic activities?

2. Name some activities that come under Primary sector?

3. What is the difference between production and consumption?

4. Define National Income.

5. What are the major determinants of the quality of population?

6. What does the quality of population indicate?

7. What do you understand by „People as a Resource‟?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 40 #

8. What is the role of education in human capital formation?

9. What do you mean by birth rate, death rate and infant mortality rate?

10. Why activities included in tertiary sector are called the linking activities?

11. Explain the different sectors in an economy?

12. Start the role of health in human resource development.

13. Differentiate between market activities & non-market activities.

14. Discuss the vicious circle of human capital formation?

15. Discuss the efforts done by Government in the field of education?


Discuss the development in the field of education.

16. How does self employment in rural sector lead to urban employment?

17. Write a note on „Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan‟?

Q.3. Give one word for :

1. Any activity undertaken with the aim of earning money.

2. Manufacturing of goods and services.

3. Using goods and services to satisfy one‟s wants.

4. The death of a child less than one year of age.

5. It adds to the productive capacity of the economy by developing human


Q.4. State true or false.

1. Physical capital formation adds to the production capacity by providing the

population with food, education and health facilities.

2. Market activities are the production for self consumption.

3. Education and skill are the 2 main determinants of the earnings of any

individual in the market.

4. The quality of population depends upon the literacy rate, health of a person

and skill formation.

5. Literate and healthy people are a liability for the economy.

Q.5. Give reasons :

1. Population can become productive asset by investing in human capital.

2. Better health of a person helps him to realize his potential.


Lesson – 2 People as Resource. [B]

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:

1. ___________ is said to exist when people who are willing to work at the

going wages cannot find jobs.

2. The employment structure is characterized by ___________ in the primary


3. ___________ is the most labour absorbing sector of the economy.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 41 #

4. Unemployment leads to the wastage of __________________resources.

5. ___________ has detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy.

Q.2. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you mean by seasonal and disguised unemployment?

2. How can the problem of unemployment be solved? State some measures.

3. Explain the statement “Human capital is the best capital”

4. What is Gross Domestic Product?

5. Why is educated unemployment a peculiar problem in India?

6. How does unemployment lead to economic overload?

7. “Unemployed people are a liability for the economy” Explain the statement.

(Value Based Question)

8. Explain the importance of Human Resources development.

9. What are the causes of unemployment?

10. Explain different types of unemployment.

11. Why are women employed in low paid work?

12. How are we people as a resource? (Value Based Question)

13. Discuss the variation in education across different sections and different

regions in India.

14. Discuss India‟s National Policy for Health.

15. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical

capital? (Value Based Question)

16. State the meaning of code of conduct.

Q.3. State true or false:

1. Seasonal unemployment is where people appear to be employed but are not

actually employed.

2. Unemployment can be reduced through skill development.

3. Unemployment leads to the development of the economy.

4. Unemployment adversely affects the quality of life.

5. The surplus labour moves from agriculture to urban areas.

Q.4. Match the following :-


When people are not able to find Unemployment

the jobs during some months of the


Most labour absorbing sector of the Disguised



Increases the economic over load Seasonal


Agricultural sector Agriculture

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 42 #

Q.5. Give reasons :

1. Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy.

2. The unemployment rate is statistically low in India.


Lesson – 3 Poverty as a Challenge. [A]

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:

1. __________ is the inability to get the minimum consumption requirements

for life, health and efficiency.

2. __________ always insisted that India would be truly independent only when

the poorest of its people become free of human suffering

3. Analysis of poverty based on __________ and _______ is now becoming

very common.

4. A common method which is used to measure poverty is based on the

________ or consumption levels.

5. Poverty line may vary with ___________.

6. The formula for food requirement while estimating the poverty line is based

on the ___________ requirement.

Q.2. Answer the following questions:

1. What is mass poverty?

2. How can we measure poverty?

3. Explain 3 causes of poverty.

4. What are the consequences of poverty?

5. How is social exclusion a cause as well as a consequence of poverty?

6. How is vulnerability determined?

7. What is poverty line?

8. Who conducts the surveys to estimate the poverty line?

9. Define Poverty?

Q.3. Correct the statements:

1. Poverty means hunger but not lack of shelter.

2. Poverty is not looked through other social indicators like literacy, access to

health care etc.

3. Analysis of poverty is only based on the level of income.

4. A person is considered poor if his or her income rises above the minimum

level necessary to fulfil basic needs.

5. Vulnerability to poverty must be seen in terms of the poor living in a poor

surrounding with other poor people, excluded from enjoying social equality.

6. Women, elderly people and female infants are given equal access to the

resources available to the family.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 43 #

Q.4. Give reasons:

1. Social exclusion can be both a cause as well as a consequence of poverty.

(Value Based Question)

2. A person is considered poor if his or her income falls below a minimum


3. Calorie requirement in rural areas is considered to be higher than the urban


4. The poverty line is higher in urban areas in comparison to the rural areas.

5. One major feature of poverty is the unequal distribution of income.

6. High level of indebtedness is both a cause and a consequence of poverty.

(Value Based Question)

7. Poverty is a multidimensional problem.

8. There exists strong link between Eco growth & Poverty reduction? (Value

Based Question)


Lesson – 3 Poverty as a Challenge [B]

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Amongst the economic groups, the most vulnerable groups are the

_________ and ___________.

2. Apart from the social groups there is also inequality of _________ within a


3. In Bengal ____________ has helped in reducing poverty.

4. Promotion of _____________ and population control perpetuated the cycle

of poverty.

5. ____________ widens the opportunities and provides the resources needed

to invest in human development.

6. ____________ Act provides 100 days assured wage employment every year

to every rural household.

Q.2. Answer the following questions:

1. Which groups are most vulnerable to poverty?

2. Give an account of inter-state disparities in poverty in India.

3. Describe global poverty trends.

4. What is human poverty? (Value Based Question)

5. What are the different Poverty Alleviation Programmes undertaken by the

government to remove poverty?

6. Explain three major causes of poverty.

7. How is poverty responsible for low economic development of the country?

8. Is it possible to achieve better success in Poverty Reduction Programmes?


9. What are the reasons for ineffectiveness of poverty reduction programmes?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 44 #

10. Name the two poorest states of India? Give factors responsible for reduction

of poverty in each of the following states:

(i) Punjab (iii) Kerala

(ii) West Bengal (iv) Andhra Pradesh

11. State the programmes introduced by government to alleviate poverty.

12. State five countries having the highest percentage of people below poverty.

Q.3. State true or false:

1. India has the largest single concentration of the poors in the world.

2. A common method used to measure poverty is based on the income or

consumption level.

3. The calorie requirement in urban areas is considered to be higher than the

rural areas.

4. For making comparison between developing countries, many national

organizations like Reserve Bank use a uniform standard for the poverty line.

5. The women and children and old people are the poorest of the poor.

6. With the spread of irrigation and Green Revolution many job opportunities

were created in the agricultural sector.

7. Poverty Estimates

Q.4. Write notes on -

1. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

2. National Food for Work Programme.

3 Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna.

4. Rural Employment Generation Programme.

5. Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgaar Yojna.

6. Indicators of Poverty

7. Vicious circle of Poverty.

8. Poverty

Give Poverty Estimates.


Lession – 4 – Food Security in India. [A]

Q.1. Answer these questions briefly:

1. What is meant by food security?

2. Which people are most vulnerable to food insecurity?

3. What are the factors on which the food security depends upon?

4. When is the food security ensured in the country?

5. How is food security affected during a calamity?

6. Which kind of people are mostly affected by the famines?

7. What is meant by chronic hunger?

8. Why agriculture is called a seasonal activity?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 45 #

Q.2. Long questions:

1. What are the dimensions food security?

2. How does hunger indicate food insecurity? (Value Based Question)

3. Explain seasonal hunger.

4. Why is a section of people in India still without food? Explain.

5. Differentiate between seasonal hunger and chronic hunger.

6. Why food security is important for an economy? (Value Based Question)

7. How is food security ensured in India?

8. Do you believe that green revolution has made India self-sufficient in food

grains? How? (Value Based Question)

Q.3. Mention the year in which it occurred:

1. In ___________ the food security was understood as the availability at all

times of adequate supply of basic food stuffs.

2. The most devastating famine that occurred in India was the famine of

Bengal in the year ____.

3. National Food For Work programme was launched in the year _______.

4. The introduction of rationing dates back to the year ____________.

5. Integrated child development services was introduced in _____________.

Q.4. State true or false.

1. Accessibility of food means food is within the reach of every person.

2. A famine is characterized by wide spread deaths due to over eating.

3. In rural areas the food insecure families are those whose working members

are generally employed in ill paid occupations and casual labour market.

4. A high incidence of malnutrition prevails among men.

5. Hunger is another aspect indicating food insecurity.

Q.5. Write short notes on:

1. Famines

2. 1995 world food summit.

3. Food security in India.

4. Green Revolution.


Lesson – 4 – Food Security in India. [B]

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:

1. A price lower than the market price is known as _____________.

2. _________ is the stock of food grains procured by the government.

3. _________ purchases wheat and rice from the farmers in the state where

there is surplus production.

4. Ration shops are also known as ________________.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 46 #

5. The introduction of ___________ in India started in 1940 against the

backdrop of Bengal famine.

6. ____________ can keep the consumer price low while maintaining a higher

income for domestic producers.

Q.2. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you mean by Minimum Support Price?

2. How does the government procure the Buffer Stock?

3. Why is the buffer stock created by the government?

4. What is Public Distribution System? What are its objectives & weakness.

5. How many kinds of ration cards are there? Name them.

6. What are the three important food intervention programmes?

7. Write a short note on National Food for Work Programme and Antyodaya

Anna Yojna.

8. Discuss the problems related to the functioning of the fair price shops?

9. What is a subsidy?

10. Write a note on the role of the co–operatives in food security. Give two e.g.

of co-operatives that are successfully functioning in India.

11. Write a note on Food Corporation of India.

12. What are the consequences of continuous increase in MSP

13. What was rationing introduced in India?

14. Write a short note on “Current status of PDS”.

Q.3. Match the following:


1. Public Distribution System a. Poorest of the poor

2. Antoglaya cards b. Mother dairy

3. National Food for Work Programme c. Fair price shops

4. Academy of development science d. Generation of supplementary

wage employment

5. Co – operative society e. Facilitated the setting up of

grain banks.

Q.4. Write true or false –

1. Ration shops are also known as Fair Price Shops.

2. Minimum support price is the price lower than the market price.

3. Buffer stock is created to distribute food grains to the rich people at a price

higher than the market price.

4. Chronic hunger is related to cycles of food growing and harvesting.

5. Rationing can keep consumer prices low and maintain higher income for

domestic producers.


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 47 #


Module : (1)

Chapter 1 : India –Size and Location

Contents :

(i) Geographical location of India on the globe in relation to other continents.

(ii) India‟s location in terms of trade, commerce and defense.

(iii) Indian Subcontinent.

Learning Objectives

(i) The hemispheres in which India is located.

(ii) Degrees of latitudes and longitudes within which it is located.

(iii) The frontiers and its length, its coastal waters and coastline.

(iv) The strategic location in terms of trade and defense, India‟s neighbouring


Activity :

Study the world map given in the atlas and make a list of STRAITS, CAPES, BAYS

and GULFS from various parts of the world in the folders titled with the names of

the continents or plot them on continent maps.


Module : (2)

Chapter 1 : India – Location and Size

Contents :

(i) The formation of Indian Sub-continent.

(ii) Political units of India.

(iii) Vast extent of the country.

Learning Objectives

(i) Understanding the Significance of 300 differences in latitude – on amount of

insolation received, affecting climate and duration of daylight with the

change of season in the southern and the northern most part of India.

(ii) Understanding the significance of 300 difference in longitude resulting in 2

hours difference in the local time of the eastern most and the western most

places in India.

(iii) Importance of having a standard time for the whole country, know the

political units within the sub-continent, neighbouring countries, states with

their capital and union territory.

Activity :

On a political map of India, show the following neatly:

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 48 #

(i) Tropic of cancer

(ii) Standard meridian of India.

(iii) Southernmost point of India.

(iv) Southernmost point of mainland India.

(v) Northernmost meridian of India.

(vi) Westernmost meridian of India.


Module : (3 & 4)

Chapter 2 : Physical features

Contents :

(i) Geological formation of the country‟s tall mountain and the vast northern


(ii) Six physiographic divisions of India.

(iii) Detailed study of Himalayas.

Learning Objectives

(i) Understand the past geological set up of Pangea, Laurasia, Gondwanaland

and the Tethys Sea.

(ii) Understand the fold formation of the Himalayas in parallel ranges.

(iii) Understand that each range of the Himalayas i.e. Himadri, Himachal,

Shiwalik have distinct characteristics.

Activity :

Collect information and prepare a report on the „Theory of Plate Tectonics‟ and the

„Continental Drift Theory‟ giving suitable reasons.


Module : (5)

Chapter 2 : Physical features

Contents :

(i) Northern plains

(ii) Peninsular plateau

Learning Objectives

(i) The northern plain comprise of the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra river

basins. One of the most fertile plains of the world. It supports a large


(ii) Identify the Deccan plateau from the central highlands. Appreciate that this

is a mineral rich rock structure and the oldest feature of our country. Should

recognize the local names for different features.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 49 #

Activity :

Locate and label the following items neatly on a political map of India.

1. Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchenjunga, Nanda Devi, Anai Mudi

2. Mountain Passes – Shipkita, Nathula, Bomdila

3. Hills – Garo, Khasi, Jaintia, Naga, Mizo


Module : (6)

Chapter 2 : Physical features

Contents :

(i) The Indian desert

(ii) Eastern and Western coastal plains.

(iii) Island groups of India.

Learning Objectives

(i) Location and importance of Indian desert.

(ii) Understand the western coast is narrower than eastern coast and reason as

to why.

(iii) Location, origin of the Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar group of

islands is very different – should appreciate this fact.

Activity :

Identify the following physical features on the political map of India.

1. Mountain Ranges – Karakoram, Zaskar, Shivalik, Aravali, Vindhya, Satpura

2. Plateaus – Deccan Malwa, Chota Nagpur

3. Coastal Strips – Coromandel, Northern Circars, Malabar, Konkan


Module : (7)

Chapter 3: Drainage

Contents :

(i) Major rivers, lakes and Seas

(ii) Role of rivers in the economy

(iii) Pollution of the rivers.

(iv) Measures to control water pollution.

Learning Objectives

(i) Origin of the various rivers.

(ii) Drainage patterns.

(iii) Rivers and the birth of civilizations.

(iv) Pollution of rivers, its causes and measures to control it.

(v) Emphasis on the „Ganga Action Plan‟.

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Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

# 50 #

(vi) Origin, Catchment areas and tributaries of the Indus, Ganga and


(vii) Origin and catchment areas of Southern rivers like Krishna, Kaveri,

Godavari, Mahanadi, Narmada etc.

(viii) Difference between the Himalayan and the Peninsular rivers.

Activity :

(i) Identify the major rivers on the political map of India.

Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra, Sathij, Narmada, Tapi, Mahanandi, Godavari,

Krishna and Kaveri.

(ii) Locate and Label the major lakes on a political map of India.

Chilika, Pulicat, Kolleru, Vembanad, Sambhar.


Module : (8)

Chapter 4 : Climate

Contents :

Factors that govern the climate of India.

Contrasts, variations and similarities in temperature and rainfall in the country.

Learning Objectives

Factors that govern the climate -

(i) Location (ii) Relief features

(iii) Surface winds (iv) Upper air circulation

Activity :

Locate and Label the important cities on a political map of India.

Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata,

Leh, Shillong, Delhi, Nagpur.


Module : (9 & 10) Revision for Summative Assessment I


Module : (11)

Chapter 4 : Climate

Contents :

Mechanism of Monsoon – Role of Southern oscillation and jet streams.

Four seasons in the country.

Learning Objectives

Regularity of monsoon is related to the conditions over the S. E. Pacific

region, Indian ocean and the weather conditions over the Sub-Continent.

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# 51 #

Activity :

Locate and Label the following areas on an outline map of India.

Areas receiving rainfall over 400 cms

Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cms


Module : (12)

Chapter 4 : Climate

Contents :

Detailed study of all the 4 seasons in India. Cold weather season, Hot weather

season, Advancing monsoons and Retreating monsoons.

Distribution of annual and seasonal rainfall.

Climatic unity.

Learning Objectives

Describe the chief characteristics of each season.

Understand the distribution of rainfall.

Reason :- Why N.W. India receives winter rainfall; why TamilNadu remains

comparatively dry in the monsoon season; why cyclones strike the coromandal

coast; how Himalayas act as (a) climatic divide and (b) bring monsoonal unity.

Activity :

Construct a climate diagram for any one station on a graph paper with the help of

climatic data provided in the climate chapter in the text book on page 41 and draw

your own inferences.


Module : (13)

Chapter 5 : Natural Vegetation & Wild Life

Contents :

Major Vegetation belts.

Reasons for varied flora in India.

Distribution of vegetation belts in India.

Learning Objectives

Understand the significance of flora to a country.

Wide variety found due to variations in relief, climate, soil etc.

Naming the vegetation belts and giving example of tree types found in each.

Activity :

Identify the major forest zones on an outline map of India.


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# 52 #

Module : (14 & 15)

Chapter 5 : Natural Vegetation & Wild Life

Contents :

Reasons for varied fauna in the country.

Protection of endangered species.

Biosphere reserves

Learning Objectives

(i) Reasons for 75, 000 species of animals found in the country.

(ii) Steps taken by the government for the protection of endangered species.

Activity :

Locate and Label the following wildlife reserves on the political map of India.

1. Bird Sanctuaries – Bharatpur, Ranganathitto

2. Wildlife Sanctuaries – Sariska, Mudumatai, Rajaji, Dachigam

3. National Parks – Corbett, Kaziranga, Manas, Ranthambor, Shivpuri, Kanha

Kisli, Simlipal.


Module : (16)

Chapter 6 : Population

Contents :

(i) Population as an asset.

(ii) Population growth over the century.

(iii) Population distribution and density.

(iv) Rural Urban Migration.

Learning Objectives

(i) Appreciate that quality and not just quantity of population becomes a

resource for a nation.

(ii) Factors responsible for high growth rate.

(iii) Reasons for abrupt rise in population.

(iv) Increasing urban population is due to migration from rural areas.

Activity :

Collect demographic data for any one Indian state to study the quantitative (total

population and density of population) and qualitative (age composition, sex ratio,

literacy rate, occupational structure and health status) characteristics with respect to

the national average figures.


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# 53 #

Module : (17)

Chapter 6 : Population

Contents :

Structure of Indian Population

(i) Occupational structure

(ii) Sex Ratio

(iii) Age Composition

(iv) Literacy

(v) Health

(vi) Migration

(vii) Adolescent population and the role of N.P.P.

Learning Objectives

(i) Census takes into account not only count of people every decade but also

their social – economic status.

(ii) Distribution of people in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

(iii) Sex ratio of the country as compared to the world.

(iv) Distribution of population in the productive and the dependent groups.

(v) Reasons for population growth.

(vi) Literacy level and its link to the growth rate.

(vii) Health of people in general and the adolescent group in particular.

(viii) Migration and the growth of population.

(ix) Role of the National Population Policy.

Activity :

Locate and Label the following states on the political map of India.

(i) The state having the highest density of population.

(ii) The state having the lowest density of population.

(iii) The state having the highest sex ratio.

(iv) The state having the lowest sex ratio.

(v) The most popular state of India.

(vi) The least popular state of India.


Module : (18) Revision for Summative Assessment II




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# 54 #


Chapter 1 – India Location and Size

Q.1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a subcontinent? Name the countries of the Indian sub-continent.

2. State the latitudinal and the longitudinal extent of India.

3. Which places see the noon sun exactly overhead twice a year and why?

4. Why has 820 30‟ E been selected as the standard meridian of India? What is

the time lag between I.S.T. and Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.)?

5. Latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India is almost 300. Why is North-

South and East-West extent in km not the same?

Q.2. Answer the following in brief.

1. Two states on the Bay of Bengal coast.

2. Two states on the Arabian Sea coast.

3. Water channel between India and Sri Lanka.

4. Name the two Island groups that are a part of Indian Union.

5. Indian State surrounded by different countries on three sides.

6. Which Indian State is the first to receive the morning rays of the sun?

Q.3. Give one word for each of the following –

(i) A large part of land surrounded by the water on three sides.

(ii) A small stretch of water dividing two land masses.

(iii) Angular distance of a point on the earth surface marked in the north and

south of the equator.

(iv) Angular distance of a point on the earth surface in the east and west of

Greenwich meridian.

(v) The local time of the standard meridian followed all over the country.


Chapter 2 – Physical Features

Q.1. Describe three parallel ranges of the Himalayas

Q.2. Explain how the Himalayas act as a boon for India.

Q.3. Describe the two divisions of the peninsular plateau of India.

Q.4. Give reasons for the following:

1. Himalayas are young fold mountains.

2. Himalayan rivers are perennial.

Q.5. Distinguish between –

1. Gorge and Rift valley.

2. Eastern and Western Coastal Strips

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Q.6. Explain how the physiographic divisions of India are complementary to each other.

Q.7. Name the following:

Super continent of the past.

Ancient sea between Laurasia and Gondwanaland.

Name the hills of Purvanchals.

Highest peak of the Himalayas.

Highest peak of the Himalayas in India.

Name the states in which the following peaks and passes are located

K2, Nanda devi, Shipkila, Nathula, Bomdila

Q.8. Give a term for each of the following statement –

The process by which bending of the rocks of the earth‟s crust takes place owing

to compressional forces.

The process by which fractures in the earth‟s crust takes place along which

displacements occur due to tension and compression caused by tectonic


Slow moving rivers of ice.

A narrow low lying enlongated shallow sea which has huge amount of


A natural gap in a mountain range.

The longitudinal valley lying between the lesser Himalaya and the Shivalik.

An alluvium deposited land in between two rivers.

A wet, swampy and marshy region along the hills.

Triangular shaped depositional feature formed at the mouth of a river.

A circular or horse shoe shaped island made by coral deposits.


Chapter 3 – Drainage

Q.1. Name the following:

1. Silt islands formed in the course of river.

2. Name five tributaries of River Indus.

3. Names by which River Brahmaputra is locally known as in its long journey.

4. One lagoon on the east coast.

5. Name one lagoon on the west coast.

6. Name two rivers that flow through rift valleys.

7. River systems which make the northern plains.

8. Two broad categories into which the Indian rivers are divided.

9. Four rivers which join Indus in the Ladakh region of India.

10. River which rises from Gangotri.

11. The place where river Ganga leaves the mountains to enter the plains.

12. Three left bank and three right bank tributaries of the river Ganga.

13. Spectacular feature formed by river Brahmaputra when it enters in India.

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14. Rivers which make the world‟s largest delta.

15. The river which forms the largest river basin in India.

16. Two tributaries of the river Brahmaputra.

17. The largest fresh water lake.

18. The biggest salt water lake in Rajasthan.

19. The state in which inland drainage is found.

20. Largest inhabited riverine island in the world.

Q.2. Give a technical term for each of the following statement –

(a) Area of land drained by the river.

(b) Two adjoining drainage basins separated by high land.

(c) A river in its middle course may splits around silt islands only to reunite later.

(d) Small streams adding water to the main river.

(e) When a river does not reach the sea but disappears into sand or falls into

inland lake or depression.

(f) Winding sections or loops of a river along its middle and lower course.

(g) A salt water lake which is almost separated from the sea by the formation of

sand bars along the coast.

(h) The tidal mouth of a river where sweet and salty water freely mix together.

(i) A channel which branches off from the main river and carry part of its water.

(j) Cut off lakes formed whenever a river changes its course.

Q.3. Diagrammatically explain the drainage patterns made by rivers.

Q.4. Which river is referred to as „Dakshin Ganga‟. Why?

Q.5. Write a note on the Ganga Brahmaputra delta.

Q.6. What are the causes of river pollution? What measures are being taken to check it?


Value Based Questions for SA - I

Chapter 1

Q. India occupies an important and strategic position in South Asia but has never

misused it. Which moral values do you learn from its ethics in the past?

Chapter 2

Q. India is a vast country with varied relief features. Each region complements the other

and strengthens the ecology. What lesson do you take from it? How can we apply

these in our classrooms or family? What values do we need to develop among

ourselves to make our society richer and stronger?

Chapter 3

Q. „Interlinking of rivers‟ is the solution given by the scientists to solve water problem in

India. How can it be worked out politically? Give your suggestions.


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Chapter 4 – Climate

Q.1. Give a term for the following:

(i) Difference between the maximum and minimum temperature of a day.

(ii) Apparent force of the earth‟s rotation that causes winds to deflect.

(iii) Narrow belt of high speed winds in the upper troposphere.

(iv) Broad low pressure trough, formed 50 N and S of equator where the trade

winds of the two hemispheres converge.

(v) Sudden approach of dark clouds that cause heavy rainfall which continues

for several days.

(vi) Interspersed rainless intervals during the monsoons.

(vii) Low pressure conditions that occur over the Andaman sea during the period

of Retreating monsoons.

(viii) Permanent winds blowing between 300 N and 30

0 S of the equator.

Q.2. Define the following :

a. Climate

b. Weather

c. Monsoon

d. Mahawat

e. Loo

f. Kaal Baisakhi

g. Mango showers

h. October heat

Q.3. Study the data given below carefully and answer the questions.

Mean Monthly Temp.

Station Latitude Max. Min. Avg. Annual Rainfall

(in cm)

I. Delhi 290 N 33.3

0 (May-June) 14.4 (January) 67

II. Trivandrum 8029`N 28.7 (April) 26.2 (July-Aug.) 81.2

III. Leh 340 N 17.2 (July) - 8.5 (Jan.) 8.5

(i) Name the coldest station. What is its minimum winter temp. can you

comment on the form of precipitation here?

(ii) Name the station located to the south of Tropic of Cancer.

(iii) Name the station that gets hottest in summer. Which are the summer months


(iv) Name the station with least annual range of temperature. What is the reason

for the same?

Q.4. Why do the S. E. Trade winds take the S. W. direction after crossing the equator?

Further why do they split into two branches?

Q.5. Distinguish between:

1. SW Monsoons and NE Monsoons

2. Advancing and Retreating monsoons

3. Equable and Extreme climate

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Q.6. Monsoon is known for their vagaries. Explain the statement.

Q.7. Name the four seasons of India. List out salient features of each season.


Chapter 5 – Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Q.1. Give a term for the following:

(i) A large ecosystem on land having distinct type of vegetation and animal life.

(ii) Luxuriant vegetation where trees have no definite time to shed leaves such

that the forest appear green all through the year.

(iii) Vegetation where trees grow widely spaced and shed leaves for 6 to 8 weeks

in summer season.

(iv) Dense vegetation of the coastal / deltaic regions where roots of the plants

remain submerged in water.

(v) Species of plants and animals that are so few in number that they are in

danger of becoming extinct.

(vi) Species of plants and animals that have ceased to exist and are not sighted

any more.

Q.2. Define the following :

(i) Ecosystem

(ii) Natural / Virgin vegetation

(iii) Biome

(iv) Biosphere reserve

(v) National Park

Q.3. Match the following:

1. Camel (i) Saurashtra

2. Wild Ass (ii) Sundarbans

3. Rhinoceros (iii) Kerala (Periyar)

4. Gharial (iv) Rann of Kachchh

5. Royal Bengal Tiger (v) Thar Desert

6. Leopard (vi) Marshy lands of Assam

7. Lion (vii) Banks of Ganga

8. Elephants (viii) Upper reaches of Himalayas

Q.4. Discuss the altitudnal zones of vegetation in the mountainous region.

Q.5. The fauna of India is rich and varied. Explain.

Q.6. Why is it necessary to increase land under forest cover?

Q.7. Give three measures taken by the government for protection and conservation of

forest and wild life in India.

Q.8. Why are Evergreen forests found on the western slopes of the Western Ghats? Give

three characteristics of these forests.


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Chapter 6 – Population

Q.1 Give a term for the following :

(i) An official enumeration of population of a country, done periodically.

(ii) That section of the population which is economically unproductive and need

to be provided for.

(iii) That section of the population which is economically productive and

biologically reproductive.

(iv) Number of females per 1000 males in the population.

(v) A person who can read and write with understanding any of the languages.

(vi) Activities which deal with extraction and production directly from nature.

(vii) Activities that deals with processing and manufacturing of raw material.

(viii) Activities that deals with distribution and provision of services.

Q.2 Define the following:

(i) Population Density

(ii) Annual Growth Rate

(iii) Birth Rate

(iv) Death Rate

(v) Migration

(vi) Adolescents

(vii) Infant mortality rate.

(viii) Life expectancy

(ix) Million plus cities.

(x) Age structure

Q.3 Why are people termed as human resource?

Q.4 What factors affect distribution of population? Illustrate with examples.

Q.5 Categorize states of India under three population density regions. Give reasons for

the same.

Q.6 What are three main causes of population growth in the country?

Q.7 How can be the growth rate controlled?

Q.8 Give two reasons for unfavourable sex ratio.

Q.9 How is dependency linked to development?

Q.10 Give three reasons for steady migration of people from rural to urban areas.

Q.11 Which Indian State has the highest sex ratio i.e. more no. of females as against

1000 males? Why?

Q.12 What is the percentage of population in the adolescent group in India? What is its


Q.13 Distinguish between –

(i) In Migration and Out Migration.

(ii) Internal and International migration


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Value Based Questions for SA –II

Chapter 4

Q. „Monsoon is considered as a unifying bond.‟ What values do you derive from this

law of nature?

Chapter 5

Q. Govt. has planned and proposed many conservation strategies for our varied & rich

flora fauna. What role can we citizens play in making these strategies successful?

Chapter 6

Q. Birth of the girl child is not being promoted by most of the families in the Indian

society. As a responsible citizen what steps you would suggest to check female

foeticide or killing of the girl child.


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6. CLIMATE Important Cities

Identification only

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Map No. 8 – Natural Vegetation for Identification only.

(From the Text Book)

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# 70 #


Chapter 1 – Getting Acquainted with Disaster Management – Becoming a

Disaster Manager

(i) What is the difference between a hazard and disaster?

(ii) What impact do disasters have on the society?

(iii) Mention the most common natural hazards leading to disasters.

(iv) How are disasters classified?

(v) When does a hazard lead to a disaster?

(vi) What is vulnerability?

(vii) What is disaster risk?

(viii) What is Disaster Management?

(ix) Explain the different phases of disaster Management.

(x) Give the full forms of NGO and TFM.


Chapter 2 – Specific Hazards and Mitigation

Q.1 What is the significance of mitigation?

Q.2 Give the value of mitigation to society.

Q.3 What are floods? How much area of India is prone to floods?

Q.4 Name the organizations responsible for flood detecting & warning.

Q.5 Mention the various means of dissemination of flood warning information.

Q.6 Explain the mitigation strategies of floods.

Q.7 What are cyclones?

Q.8 Give the mitigation strategies of cyclones

Q.9 What are earthquakes?

Q.10 Give the mitigation strategies of earthquakes.

Q.11 What are landslides?

Q.12 How do landslides occur?

Q.13 How can we determine the area of high risk of occurrence of landslides?

Q.14 Give the mitigation strategies of landslides.

Q.15 What are droughts?

Q.16 When is the country said to be drought affected by the Indian Meteorological


Q.17 Give the mitigation strategies of droughts.

Q.18 Which two food crops are covered by Crop Insurance Scheme?


Chapter 3 – Preventing Common Human Induced Diasaters

Q.1. What is meant by Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Q.2. Explain the controversy about the use of the term WMA since 1937 until 2003.

Q.3. What is a nuclear weapon?

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Q.4. Explain the two basic types of nuclear weapons.

Q.5. What are dirty bombs?

Q.6. How can we protect ourselves from nuclear radiation and attacks?

Q.7. Mention the three important uses of chemicals.

Q.8. Name some household products containing hazardous chemicals.

Q.9. Explain the consequences of manufacturing chemicals.

Q.10. Mention two properties of chemical WMD for its different detecting.

Q.11. What is dispersion?

Q.12. Explain the possible risk reduction measures of chemical and industrial accidents.

Q.13. Why are biological weapons called „poor man‟s nuclear bomb‟?

Q.14. Give the Dos and Don‟ts for biological disasters.

Q.15. Give the code names of bombs associated with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Chapter 4 – Community Planning for Disaster Management

Q.1. What is the main objective of the Disaster Risk Management Programme?

Q.2. What does the Government of India advocate to effectively mitigate hazards?

Q.3. Why should the community be at the heart of any disaster management initiative?

Q.4. What is discussed in the meeting at the office of the Block Development Officer?

Q.5. Explain the role of Village Disaster Management Committee.

Q.6. Mention the names of the various disaster management teams.




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# 72 #


Time : 3hr. Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions :–

(i) The question paper has 31 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.

(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 10 are Multiple Choice Questions. Each

question carries one mark.

(iv) Questions from serial number 11 to 22 are 3 mark questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 80 words each.

(v) Questions from serial number 23 to 30 are 5 mark questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 120 words each.

(vi) Question number 31 is a map question of 4 marks from Geography only.

After completion, attach the map inside your answer book.


1. Which one of the following refers to a „direct tax‟ in France under the system of

estates? [1]

(a) Tithe

(b) Taille

(c) Livres

(d) Mir

2. Who wrote the book „Two Treatise of Government‟? [1]

(a) John Locke

(b) Jean Jacques Rousseau

(c) Louis XIV

(d) Montesquieu

3. Which one of the following states shares an international boundary? [1]

(a) Haryana

(b) Jharkhand

(c) Uttara khand

(d) Madhya Pradesh

4. An area drained by a single river system is called: [1]

(a) drainage basin

(b) water divide

(c) drainage

(d) doab

5. Which of the following incidents accelerated the process of democracy in the world

after 1990? [1]

(a) Democracy in Nepal

(b) Democracy in Pakistan

(c) Disintegration of Soviet Union

(d) Poland‟s freedom from Soviet control

6. Which was the first country to grant Universal Adult franchise to its citizens? [1]

(a) New Zealand

(b) Japan

(c) France

(d) India

7. In the context of our Constitution, what does „Republic‟ mean? [1]

(a) Head of the state is an elected person

(b) Government will not favour any religion

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(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

8. Which factor of production is most abundant in Palampur village? [1]

(a) Land

(b) Capital

(c) Labour

(d) None of the above

9. Which of the following is a non-economic activity? [1]

(a) A teacher teaching in a school

(b) A doctor caring the patient

(c) A mother cooking for her family

(d) A nurse working in a hospital

10. Which Sector includes agriculture and animal husbandry? [1]

(a) Primary Sector

(b) Secondary Sector

(c) Tertiary Sector

(d) None of these

11. Explain any three impacts of the Great Economic Depression in Germany. [3]


How did the Bolshevik leader Lenin contribute to the Russian Revolution? [3]

12. Why did Nazism become popular in Germany in 1930? Describe its reasons. [3]


Differentiate between the policies of the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.

13. Why is India said to enjoy a strategic position with reference to the International

trade Route? Give three reasons. [3]

14. Explain the two major divisions of peninsular plateau. [3]

15. What is a dun? Give some examples from the Himalayan region. [3]

16. Describe the following drainage patterns of streams: [3]

(i) Radial (ii) Dendritic (iii) Trellis

17. “International organizations are undemocratic?” Justify the statement. [3]

18. Why is Zimbabwe not considered a democratic country? Give any three reasons.


19. What is Secularism? Why India is called a Secular State? [3]

20. Mention two characteristics of traditional method of farming. How are the HYV

seeds different from the traditional ones? [3]

21. What is the role of health in human capital formation? [3]

22. Why is „Educated unemployment‟ a peculiar problem in India? Explain. [3]

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23. Who was Robespierre? Why is his reign referred as “The Reign of Terror”? Give

four reasons. [5]

24. What was the financial position of France at the time of Louis XVI? In which three

estates was French society divided during this period? Write one main feature of

each. [5]

25. What were the methods used by the Nazi State to establish total control over its

people? [5]


Describe the condition of society before the Russian Revolution.

26. How are the physiographic divisions of India complementary to each other?

Explain. [5]

27. What is a military coup? Why can‟t Pakistan under General Musharraf be called a

true democracy? [5]

28. What was Apartheid? How were the Blacks of South Africa segregated under the

system of „apartheid‟? [5]

29. What is meant by physical capital? What are the two types of physical capital?

Write the main feature of each with example. [1+1+3=5]

30. Explain two types of unemployment in rural areas. Illustrate your answer by giving

examples. [2½+2½=5]

31. Two features A and B are marked on the political outline map of India. Identify

these features with the help of following information and write their correct names

on the lines marked in the map. [2+2=4]

(A) The upper Western Coastal strip

(B) A river


Locate and label the following on the same political map of India.

(A) The standard Meridian of India

(B) Naga Hills

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Time : 3hr. Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions :–

(i) The question paper has 31 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.

(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 10 are Multiple Choice Questions. Each

question carries one mark.

(iv) Questions from serial number 11 to 22 are 3 marks questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 80 words each.

(v) Questions from serial number 23 to 30 are 5 marks questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 120 words each.

(vi) Question number 31 is a map question of 4 marks for Geography. After

completion, attach the map inside your answer book.


1. Who among the following enjoyed certain privileges by birth in France during the

late 18th century? [1]

(a) Big businessmen and merchants

(b) Peasants and artisans

(c) Clergy and nobles

(d) Court officials and lawyers

2. In which book did John Locke refute the doctrine of the divine and absolute right

of the monarch? [1]

(a) The Social Contract

(b) The Spirit of Laws

(c) Two Treatises of Government

(d) Das Capital

3. Which of the following Indian state does not share its boundary with Nepal? [1]

(a) Himachal Pradesh

(b) Uttar Pradesh

(c) Assam

(d) Bihar

4. Which type of drainage pattern develops where the river channel flows down the

slope of the terrain? [1]

(a) Trellis

(b) Rectangular

(c) Dendritic

(d) Radial

5. Which term is used for the sudden overthrow of a government illegally? [1]

(a) Military Dictatorship

(b) Coup

(c) Illegal government

(d) Agitation

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6. Who was the founder leader of the Socialist Party of Chile? [1]

(a) Salvador Allende

(b) Augusto Pinochet

(c) Michelle Baschelet

(d) Alberto Baschelet

7. Who amongst the following was the president of the Constituent Assembly? [1]

(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(c) Jawaharlal Nehru

(d) Sarojini Naidu

8. Which of the following is a fixed capital? [1]

(a) Tools

(b) Raw materials

(c) Money

(d) Labour

9. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a step towards providing – [1]

(a) Higher education

(b) Secondary education

(c) Elementary education

(d) All the above

10. Infant Mortality Rate refers to the death of a child under the age of; [1]

(a) 1 year

(b) 2 years

(c) 4 years

(d) 5 years

11. Explain any three factors which led to the incident known as „Bloody Sunday‟?[3]


Explain the inherent defects of the Weimer Constitution that made the republic

unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship? [3]

12. Explain any three ideas of Karl Marx. [3]


Explain any three steps taken by Adolf Hitler to establish racial state.

13. „India has an important position on the globe‟. Justify by giving three arguments.


14. Name the two island groups of India. Explain two main features of each. [3]

15. Explain the three types of movement of tectonic plates with the main characteristics

of each one of them. [3]

16. Describe any three features of the Himalayan Rivers. [3]

17. Mention any three policy decisions taken by Allende to help the poor and the

workers. [3]

18. Explain any three main features of democracy. [3]

19. Why do we need a Constitution in a democracy? Explain any three reasons. [3]

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20. How do the medium and large farmers arrange for their working and fixed capital?

Explain. [3]

21. What is meant by „People as Resource‟? Explain how human resource is different

from other resources like land and physical capital. [3]

22. Explain in three points the role of health in human capital formation. [3]

23. Explain the role of philosophers in the French Revolution of 1789. [5]

24. Highlight any five features of the Constitution of 1791 in France. [5]

25. Explain any five effects of the Russian Revolution of 1917 over Russia. [5]


What happened in schools under Nazism? Explain in five points.

26. Which is the oldest land mass of India? Name its two broad divisions and explain

any three features of each. [5]

27. Write any five arguments against democracy. [5]

28. Explain the significance of the Preamble of the Constitution and any three guiding

values embedded in it. [5]

29. Explain the four requirements for production of goods and services. Name the

most important factor of production. [4+1=5]

30. „Unemployment leads to wastage of man power resource.‟ Justify the statement

with suitable examples. [5]

31. (i) Two features (A) and (B) are shown on the political outline map of India.

Identify these features with the help of the following information and write

their correct names on the lines marked on the map.

(A) The Mountain Range

(B) The River

(ii) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following

items with appropriate symbols: [14=4]

(C) Southernmost point of the mainland of India.

(D) The highest peak of the Himalayas in India.

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Set - A




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A.1. (c) Clergy and nobles [1]

A.2. (c) Two treaters of government [1]

A.11. (a) The Weimar constitution had. Some inherent defects, which made it

unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship one was proportional representation

this made achieving majority by one party impossible task.

(b) Another defect as Article 48, which gave the president, the powers to impose

emergency suspend civil rights and rule by ****

(c) Within its short time, Weimar Republic saw twenty different cabenets lasting

on average 239 days and a liberal use of Article

(d) Any other relevant point. [3]

A.12. (a) Nazis wanted only a society of pure and healthy Nordic Aryans they alone

were considered durable.

(b) Jews were not only the community ***** as undesirables. Many **** and

blacks living in Nazi Germany were considered inferior who threatened the

biological purity of the superior Aryan race.

(c) Hitler‟s halted of Jews was bared on pseudoscrentific theories of race which

held that conversion was no solution to „Jewish problem‟. It could be solved

through their total elevation.

(d) Any other relevant point. [3+1]

A.23. (a) In his two treatise of government locke sought to refute the dowine of the

divine and absolute right of the monarch.

(b) Rourreau carried the idea forward proposing a form of govt bared on social

contract between people a their representatives

(c) In the spirit of the Laurs, Montesquiu proposed adivision of power within the

government between the legerlative, executive and judiciary.

(d) Mirabeau was born in a noble family but was convined of the need to do

awaywith a society of Feudal privilege

(e) Abbe Seayes originally a preast wrote an influential pamphlet called what is

the third Estate?

(f) Any other relevant point. [5]

A.24. (a) The constitution of 1791 verted the power to make laws in the national

assembly. Which was indirectly elected.

(b) Citizens voted for groups of electors, who in turns chose the assembly.

(c) Only men above 25 yrs of age who paid taxes equal to at least 3dyas of a

labourer‟s wage were given the statues of active citizens.

(d) To qualify as an alector and then as a member of the assembly a man had to

belong to the height bracket of tax payer.

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(e) The constitution began with a declaration of the rights of man and citizen

rights such right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of openion, equality

before law was established.

(f) Any other relevant point.

A.25. (a) All schools were learned and purified. This meant that teachers who were

Jew & or seen as politically unreliable were *****

(b) School tectbook were rewrillen racial screen was introduced to justofy Nazi

ideas of race.

(c) Strereotypes about Jews were popularred through math class.

(d) Children were taught to be loyal and subressive, hate Jews and worship


(e) Even the functiona of sport was to nurture spirit of violence and aggrreon

among children.

(f) Any other relevant point. [5]


Q.8. Ans: (a) Tools [1]

Q.9. Ans: (c) Elementary education [1]

Q.10. Ans: (a) 1 year [1]

Q.20. Large and Medium Farmers

(i) They retain part of their crop yield for family consumption and sells the

surplus produces in the market and these earn good money / earning.

(ii) Part of this earning is saved in the bank account and later on used to small

and landless farmers on high rate of interest.

(iii) Further some earning is kept for buying working and fixed capital like raw

material and tractor, tools etc.

Q.21. (i) People as a resources is a way of refreshing to a boundary‟s working

population in terms of their existing skill and abilities.

(ii) Human resource is different from resources like land and capital as it is

superior to both land and capital. Land and capital cannot become useful on

its own. It is the human capital who is responsible for bringing land and

capital together and organizing them in the production activity. [3]

Only final goods are considered and not intermediate goods. [1]

Q.22. Role of health in human capital formation. [1+2=3]


1. It is an important indicator of quality of human resources in a country.

2. Good health implies good consumption level and therefore good standard of

living and higher level of energy.

3. Health contributes to development by way of higher efficiency. As people

enjoying good health are more efficient and productive because of greater

stamina than those struggling with ill health.

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4. Higher degree of voluntary employment people with good health find

themselves fit to work (Unhealthy people become liability)

Q.29. The four requirement for production of good and services are [3+2=5]

(i) Land

(ii) Labour

(iii) Physical Capital

(iv) Entrepreneurs or Human capital

Land – It is the first requirement in the production process. It includes all other

natural resources such as water, forest and minerals

Labour – They are the people who will do work some labours are of two types.

One who does manual work and other who are highly qualified and educated to

perform necessary tasks.

Physical Capital – It is stock of man made good. It has two category (a) fixed

capital – i.e. The capital that can be used again and again in production activity

e.g. tools machinery e.t.c (b) working capital that is exhausted after its use and

needs to be replenished, eg. – raw material.

Entrepreneur – He is the person / human capital who is responsible for co-

ordinating, organizing and bringing all the factors of production together. He is also

responsible for risk bearing (any if happen) in the production activity. He has

knowledge and skill to supervise and manage the other 3 factors of production.

Human capital / entrepreneur is the most important factor of production. [5 marks]

Q.30 Unemployment leads to wastage of man power resource due to following reasons

[15 marks]

(i) People who are asset for economy turn into liability.

(ii) There is a feeling of hoplessness and despair among youth.

(iii) People do not have money to support their family.

(iv) Unemployment lends to increase the economic ones load which is an

indicator of depressed economy.

(v) The quality of life of an individual as well as society is adversely affected and

family has bare subsistence level and thus there is general decline in health

status as rising withdrawal from school system.


Q.3 Himachal Pradesh (a)

Q.4 Dendrite (c)

Q.13 (a) Indian land mass has a central location b/w the east and West Asia.

(b) It is connected to Europe in the west and countries of East Asia through

Indian Ocean routes

(c) The peninsular plateau helps to have close contact with Africa and Europe

from West coastland East Asia through East coast and India has a strategic

central location.

Q14. The 2 island groups of India are –

(a) Andaman and Nicobar islands

(b) Lakshadweep islands

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- Andaman and Nicobar islands

1. They are elongated chain of islands.

2. They are bigger and scattered.

3. They are an elevated portion of submarine mountains.

4. There is a great diversity of flora, fauna and thick forest cover

- Lakshadweep islands

1. It covers a small area i.e. 32 km2.

2. They are 36 in number and 8 are inhabited.

3. It is made up of coral polyps.

4. The Pitti Island has a bird sanctuary.

Q15. There are 3 types of plateau movement –

1. Convergent boundary – when some plates come towards each other they

form convergent boundary. For e.g. – formation of Himalayas.

2. Divergent boundary – some plates move away each other and form

divergent boundary. For e.g. – formation of continents.

3. Transform boundary – when plates move horizontally past each other they

form transform boundary.

Q16. 1. Most of the Himalayan Rivers are perennial.

2. They have longer courses.

3. They perform intensive erosional activities.

4. They carry huge amount of silt and sand.

5. They form many depositional features and have well developed deltas.

Q26. (a) The peninsular plateau is the oldest land.

(b) Its 2 broad divisions are central highlands and Deccan plateau.

(i) Central highlands –

1. They lie north of Narmada River.

2. They are wider in the west and narrower in the east.

3. Malwa plateau lies b/w Aravallis on the northwestern and

Vindhya in south.

4. Further extension is bundelkhand and baghelkhand plateau

and chotanagpur plateau marks the eastern boundary.

(ii) Deccan plateau –

1. Triangular in shape.

2. Satapura range marks the northern boundary.

3. It is higher in the west and slopes gently in the east.

4. The Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats mark the western

and eastern boundary respectively.

Q31. Map –

(i) A – Vindhya Range

B – Brahmaputra River

(ii) C Kanyakumari

D Kanchenjunga

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5. (b) coup

6. (a) Salvador Allende

7. (b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

17. (i) After being elected the President of Chile, Allende took several policy

decisions· to help the poor and the workers. These included reform of the

land to the landless farmers.

(ii) He opposed the foreign companies for taking away the natural resources,

like copper, of the country.

(iii) The landlords, the rich, and the church opposed his policies.

18. (i) Rulers elected by the people take all the major decisions.

(ii) Elections offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the

current rulers, if they wish to.

(iii) This choice and opportunity is available to all the people on an equal basis,


(iv) The exercise of this choice leads to a government limited by basic rules of

the constitution and citizen‟s rights.

[any other relevant points]

19. (i) First, it generates a degree of trust and coordination that is necessary for

different kind of people to live together.

(ii) Second, it specifies how the government will be contributed, and who will

have the power to take which decisions.

(iii) Third, it lays down limits on the power of the government and tells us what

the rights of the citizens are, and

(iv) Fourth, it expresses the aspirations of the people about creating a good


27. (i) Leaders keep changing in democracy. This leads to instability.

(ii) Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no

scope for morality.

(iii) So many people have to be consulted in a democracy which leads to delays.

(iv) Elected leaders do not know the best interest of the people. It leads to bad


(v) Democracy leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.

(vi) Ordinary people don't know what is good for them, they should not decide


28. Significance of the Preamble of the constitution

(i) Values that inspired and guided the freedom struggle, and were in turn

nurtured by it, formed the foundation of India's democracy. These values are

embedded in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.

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(ii) They guide all the articles of the Indian Constitution. The constitution begins

with a short statement of its basic values. This s called the Preamble to the

Indian Constitution.

(iii) It contains the philosophy on which the entire constitution has been build. It

provides a standard to examine and evaluate any law or action of the

government, to find out whether it is good or bad.

Guiding Values

(i) It declares India to be Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, and


(ii) It envisages justice, social, economic and political for all the citizen of the


(iii) It would ensure all types of liberty necessary for an individual, i.e., liberty of

thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.

(iv) It would strive for equality of status and opportunity to all individual.

[any other relevant points]

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Time : 3hr. Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions :–

(i) The question paper has 31 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.

(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 10 are Multiple Choice Questions. Each

question carries one mark.

(iv) Questions from serial number 11 to 22 are 3 mark questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 80 words each.

(v) Questions from serial number 23 to 30 are 5 mark questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 120 words each.

(vi) Question number 31 is a map question of 4 marks from Geography only.

After completion, attach the map inside your answer book.


1.A When did the West Indies win its first Test Series against England ? [1]

(a) 1950 (b) 1955 (c) 1945 (d) 1965


1.B Which dress did Mahatma Gandhi wear when he went to England for the Round

Table conference in 1931.

(a) Short dhoti without a shirt.

(b) Western dress including tie.

(c) South African dress.

(d) Typical western three – piece suit.

2. Which of the following events of cricket was introduced by Mr. Kerry Packer ? [1]

(a) Ranji Trophy Matches

(b) World Series Cricket

(c) Twenty-Twenty Matches

(d) Five days Test Cricket


Which of the following was worn by women to give shape and support to their

figure ?

(a) Corset

(b) Culottes

(c) Cockade

(d) Breeches

3. Which one of the following trees is found in tropical deciduous forests ? [1]

(a) Teak

(b) Rosewood

(c) Cacti

(d) Sundari

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4. Which one of the following bio-reserves lies in Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal) ? [1]

(a) Nokrek

(b) Manas

(c) Simlipal

(d) Nanda Devi

5. Which institution in India conducts the elections ? [1]

(a) Election Commission of India

(b) Parliament of India

(c) The President of India

(d) Law Commission of India.

6. „Child Labour‟ is banned under which of the fundamental right ? [1]

(a) Right to freedom

(b) Right to Equality

(c) Right against Exploitation

(d) Right to Constitutional Remedies

7. Which one of the following freedoms is not available to an Indian citizen ? [1]

(a) Freedom of speech and expression.

(b) Freedom to form associations and unions.

(c) Freedom to reside in any part of the country.

(d) Freedom to participate in armed revolution.

8. Which of the following Indian state has the maximum number of people living

below poverty line? [1]

(a) Bihar

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c) Uttar Pradesh

(d) Orissa

9. Which of the following is the most appropriate statement about buffer stock ? [1]

(a) It is the stock of wheat.

(b) It is the stock of food grains namely sugar and rice.

(c) It is the stock of edible oils.

(d) It is the stock of food grains namely wheat and rice.

10. Which of the following principle was adopted in the introduction of Targeted PDS ?


(a) Principle of targeting the rich in all areas

(b) Principle of targeting the middle class.

(c) Principle of targeting the poorest of the poor in all areas

(d) Principle of targeting the poor in all areas.

11.A Who was Dietrich Brandis ? Describe his achievements in India. [1+2=3]


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11.B Why did Raikas combine cultivation with pastoralism ? Give any three reasons.



11.C Explain any three causes for dramatic expansion of wheat production in the USA

from the late nineteenth century. [3]

12.A What were the changes brought in the game of cricket by the MCC‟s revision of

the laws during the second half of the 18th century ? Mention any three charges.



12.B What was the main objective of sumptuary laws ? Mention any two restrictions

imposed under these laws. [1+2=3]

13. What is the meaning of “burst” of the monsoon ? Mention any two features of it.


14. Explain any three factors controlling climate of any place. [3]

15. Describe the major vegetation zones of the Himalayan region. [3]

16. Describe any three significant features of Adolescent Population in India. [3]

17. Name the movement led by Choudhary Devi Lal of Haryana in 1987. What

promise did he make to lure the voters before election ? Which political party did

he form ? [1+1+1=3]

18. Mention any three challenges to the free and fair elections in India. [3]

19. What was Mandal Commission ? Why was it appointed ? State its major

recommendations. [1+1+1=3]

20. Explain any three causes of poverty in India. [3]

21. “The proportion of poor people is not the same in every state.” Justify the

statement. [3]

22. Briefly explain the two important components of food security system designed by

the government of India? [3]

23.A Explain any five main causes of the rebellion by the people of Bastar against the

colonial Rule. [5]


23.B Describe in five points the life of the maasai community during colonial and post-

colonial period. [5]


23.C Mention any five uses of commons for the villagers of England. [5]

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24. Write any three main features of shifting cultivation. Why was this system

considered harmful for the forests, by the European? [3+2=5]


Explain any five factors responsible for the continuous loss of grazing land in

Maasai land. [5]


How can the history of opium production in India be linked up with the story of

British trade with China ? Explain. [5]

25. Critically examine the landmarks in the game of cricket in the later half of 20th

century. [5]


What were the different reactions of Indians to western style of clothing? [5]

26. What does the Occupational structure of India reflect? [5]

27. What is meant by the term „executive‟ ? Why should the ministers have the final

say on all important policy matters ? Explain. [2+3=5]

28. Explain the problems faced by the minority Albanian population in Yugoslavia.


29. Describe in brief any two targeted anti-poverty programmes initiated by

Government of India. [5]

30. Explain with examples the role of Co-operatives in food security in India. [5]

31. Two features (A) and (B) are shown in the political outline map of India. Identify

these features with the help of following information and write their correct names

on the line marked in the map. [2]

(A) A type of Forest

(B) The state having the lowest density of population.


On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following items with

appropriate symbols. [2]

(A) Jaipur : A meteorological station.

(B) Simlipal : A National Park.

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Time : 3hr. Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions :–

General Instructions :–

(i) The question paper has 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.

(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 9 are Multiple Choice Questions. Each

question carries one mark.

(iv) Questions from serial number 10 to 20 are 3 marks questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 80 words each.

(v) Questions from serial number 21 to 29 are 5 marks questions. Answer of

these questions should not exceed 120 words each.

(vi) Question number 30 is a map question of 3 marks for Geography. After

completion, attach the map inside your answer book.


1.1 Who among the following was the captain of the West Indies Test team in 1960?


(a) Frank Worrell

(b) Eric William

(c) Palwankar Vithal

(d) Clive Lyod


1.2 Which Governor – General decided to partition Bengal in 1905 - [1]

(a) Lord Cornwallis

(b) Lord Curzon

(c) Lord Hastings

(d) Lord Lytton

2.1 When were the leg pads introduced in the game of cricket? [1]

(a) 1846

(b) 1847

(c) 1848

(d) 1849


2.2 The parsi style of wearing sari was called: [1]

(a) Parsi sari

(b) Brahmo sari

(c) Brahmika sari

(d) Non-Brahmo sari

3. Which is the natural habitat of the Indian Lion? [1]

(a) Corbett park

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(b) Sunderban

(c) Gir Forests

(d) Rann of Kutchch

4. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right? [1]

(a) Right to sacrifice animals

(b) Right to Equality

(c) Right to Constitutional Remedies

(d) Right against Exploitation

5. Which one of the following is an example of practising untouchability? [1]

(a) Dalits were not allowed to use common hand pump or the hand pump was

washed to purify it.

(b) Tea stalls use the same cups for all.

(c) Reservation of seats in the buses for ladies.

(d) Separate sections of boys and girls in a school.

6. 'Reserved Constituency' means - [1]

(a) Reserved for Senior Citizens.

(b) Reserved for the ruling party.

(c) Reserved for S.C, S.T, O.B.Cs and women.

(d) Reserved for oposition political parties.

7. Which of the following is not considered as a social indicator of poverty? [1]

(a) Less number of means of transport.

(b) Illiteracy level.

(c) Lack of access to health care.

(d) Lack of job opportunities.

8. Which of the following is not the dimension of food security in India? [1]

(a) Availability of food.

(b) Accessibility of food.

(c) Affordability of food.

(d) Dependency on food.

9. In which state poverty is not a serious problem? [1]

(a) Orissa

(b) Bihar

(c) Assam

(d) Kerala

10.1 Explain any three reasons for the rapid expansion of cultivation under the colonial

rule. [3]


10.2 Who are Gujjar Bakarwals? How did they earn their livelihood? [3]

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10.3 Why did the British Parliament support Enclosure Movement of 18th

century? [3]

11.1 “The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eaton”. Justify the

statement by giving any three reasons. [3]


11.2 Who introduced the Brahmika Style of sari? How was the sari worn under this

style? [3]

12. What are the three characteristic features of Hot Weather Season? [3]

13. What are jet streams? How do they affect the climate of India? [3]

14. „The Monsoon is considered a unifying bond in India.‟ What moral values can you

inculcate from this statement? Explain with three examples. [3]

15. How has the interest of the voters in the election related activities increased in the

recent years in India? [3]

16. What is meant by Independence of Judiciary? Explain. [3]

17. Describe the procedure of nomination of candidate to contest in a particular

election. [3]

18. Explain any three features of Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY). [3]

19. Explain any three causes for the widespread poverty in India. [3]

20. Which people are more prone to food insecurity? Explain. [3]

21.1 Who was the First Director General of Forests in India? When did he set up the

Indian Forest Service? Explain any three main features of Scientific forestry. [5]


21.2 What was meant by Reserved Forests? How did the Forest Acts change the lives of

the pastoralists? Explain. [5]


21.3 Describe the history of opium production in India. [5]

22.1 Explain some of the common customs and beliefs of the Bastar people. [5]


22.2 “Pastoralists are not relics of the past but they are still perfectly suited to many hilly

areas”. Explain the statement with any five suitable facts. [5]


22.3 Describe any five advantages of the use of machines to the big farmers of the Great

Plains of the USA. [5]

23.1 Describe the main five changes that occurred in the game of cricket in the 19th

century. [5]

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23.2 How did the women react to the ideals of womanhood in Victorian England? To

what extent were they successful in bringing some reforms by the end of the 19th

century? [5]

24. What do you understand by the occupational structure of population? How is the

occupational structure of the developed countries different from that of the

developing countries? Explain. [2+3=5]

25. What is meant by migration? Explain the factors that affect migration. How is

migration a determinant factor of population change? Explain. [1+2+2=5]

26. Why is it said that the Prime Minister is the strongest person in the Council of

Ministers? Give three arguments in support of your answer. [5]

27. What is the relationship between the citizens and the government of Saudi Arabia

as far as human rights are concerned ? State in five points. [5]

28. “The PDS of India has proved to be the most effective instrument taken by the

Government of India towards ensuring food security." Explain the statement by

highlighting any 5 advantages of PDS. [5]

29. What is the need of food security? How is food security affected during a natural

calamity? [3+2=5]

30. (i) Two items A and B are shown on the given political outline map of India.

Identify these items with the help of the following information and write their

correct names on the lines marked on the map. [2]

(A) Type of Forests

(B) Meteorological station

(ii) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following

with an appropriate symbol [1]

(C) Shivpuri National Park

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Set - B




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1.1 (a)


1.2 (b)

2.1 (c) 1848


2.2 (c)

3 (c)

4 (a)

5 (a)

6 (c)

7 (a)

8 (d)

9 (d)

10.1 (i) The British directly encouraged the production of commercial crops like

Jute, sugar, wheat and cotton.

(ii) The demand for crops increased in 19th Century.

(iii) The raw materials were required to feed the growing urban population.

(iv) For raw material for industrial production

(v) Need for deforestation being unproductive.

(vi) To obtain agricultural products and revenue.

(vii) To enhance income of the state.

(any three)


10.2 Gujjars the herders of goats and sheep living in the region of Jammu and Kashmir.

Their herds moved out this area between summer and winter and travelled in

groups in Kafilas. They earned their livelihood by selling milk, Ghee, and other

produce of their herds. The women went to the markets and sold home made

products like pots filled with buttermilk, honey, etc. while the men took the cattle to



10.3 The enclosure movement of 18th century was different from earlier enclosures. In

the end of. 18th century land was enclosed mainly for grain production. This was

to solve the problem of increasing population and increasing demand of food


(i) By the 18th century the war between England and France disrupted trade

and the import of food grains from Europe.

(ii) Prices of food grains in England-sky rocketed encouraging the landowners to

enclose lands and enlarge the area under grain cultivation. Profits flowed

and landowners pressurised the parliament to pass the enclosure act.

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(iii) Moreover industrialization led to migration of rural areas to work in urban

areas. As the urban population grew market for food grains grew. To ensure

constant supply of food landowners enclosed land.

11.1 (i) Britain's military success was based on the values taught in the schools.

(ii) Eaton was the famous school.

(iii) Leadership qualities developed in the sports fields.

(Any other relevant points)


11.2 (a) By Jnanadanandini Tagore in 1870s .

(b) In this style, the sari is pinned on the left shoulder with a brooch and has to

be worn with a blouse and shoes.

12 (l ) From March to May it is hot weather season in India.

(2) The summer months experience rising temperature and falling air pressure in

the northern part of the country.

(3 ) A striking feature of this season is the Loo-blowing during the day over the

north and north western India.

Explain each point

13 The upper air circulation in India is dominated by fast blowing westerly winds,

blowing in the troposphere called as Jet streams. Their speed varies from about

110 km/ h in summers to about 184 km/h in winters. Sub-tropical Jet streams are

located over 27|- 30| north latitude, South of Himalayas in winter months. They

brought in the western disturbances from the Mediterranean region Tropical

easterly jet stream blows over 14| north over the peninsular India during summer

months intensifies the monsoons which bring good rainfalls in India.

14 Examiners will write answer in their own expression.

15 More than 1/3rd voters participate in campaign related activities. More than half of

the people identify themselves as being close to one or the other political party.

One out of every seven voters is a member of a political party.

16 • Independence of the judiciary means that it is not under the control of the

legislature of the executive. The judges do not act on the direction of the

government or according to the wishes of the party in power.

• Constitution provides the security of service of the judges. Once appointed by the

President their services cannot be terminated by will by any authority whatever.

• There is a security of pay and allowances of the judges. Their salaries cannot be


• The Supreme Court and the High Courts are free to decide their own procedure

of work and establishment.

• Judge is not allowed to practice after retirement so that they cannot influence the

judgment of the court. (Any three provisions)

17 Procedure of the nomination of a candidate to contest a particular election.

• To fill a nomination form.

• Deposit a security amount fixed by the Election Commission.

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Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class - IX : SOCIAL SCIENCE)

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• File affidavit regarding the details of property and asset and liabilities

• Besides, candidate has to produce the criminal records if any.

• This is followed by the scrutinizing of the nomination of paper.

18 (i) PMRY was started in 1993.

(ii) The aim of the programme is to create self - employment opportunities for

educated unemployed youth in rural areas and small towns.

(iii) They are helped in setting up small business and industries.

19 Causes of poverty

(1) Low level of economic development under colonial rule

(2) Less job opportunity ·

(3) Low growth rate of incomes

(4) High growth rate of population

(5) Low per capita income

(Any other relevant point)

(Any three to be explained) page 38

20 (i) Landless people.

(ii) Traditional artisans

(iii) Petty self-employed workers

(iv) Destitutes including beggars

(v) People employed in ill paid occupations

(vi) SC and ST, & some sections of the OBCs

(viii) People affected by natural disasters. (Any three)

21.1 Dietrich Brandish was appointed as the first Director General of Forests in India

He set up the Indian Forest Service in 1864.

(i) In Scientific Forestry natural forests which had lots of different types of trees

were cut down. In their place, one type of tree we planted in straight rows

(ii) Forest officials surveyed the forests, estimated the area under different types

of trees and made working plans for forest management

(iii) They planned how much of the plantation area is to be cut every year. The

area cut was then to be replanted so that it was ready to be cut again in

some years.


21.2 Forest which produced commercially valuable timber like deodar or sal were

declared 'Reserved Forests' No pastoralist were allowed access to these forests.

Forests Acts changed the lives of pastoralists in the following manner:

(i) They were prevented from entering many forests that had earlier provided

valuable forage for their cattle.

(ii) In 1871, the colonial government in India passed the Criminal Tribes Act. By

this act many communities of craftsmen, traders and pastoralists work

classified in the criminal tribes. They were not allowed to move out without a

permit. The village police kept a continuous watch on them.

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(iii) By the 1880 the government began collecting taxes directly from the

pastoralists. Each of them was given a pass.


21.3 (i) The history of opium production in India was linked up with the story of

British trade with china.

(ii) In the late 18th century, the English East India Company was buying tea and

silk from china for sale in England but produced nothing that could be easily

sold in china.

(iii) This meant an out flow of treasure from England.

(iv) They searched for a commodity they could sell in China: opium was such


(v) As the market for opium expanded in China, larger volumes of opium

flowed out of Bengal ports.

22.1 Common customs and beliefs of the Bastar people

(i) Believed that land is given by mother earth.

(ii) Respect shown to the spirits of river, forest and mountain.

(iii) All natural resources to be looked after.

(iv) Anyone seen cutting forests has to pay a fee.

Or any other relevant custom


22.2 (i) It is said that they are not the people who have no place in the modern

world. They are still perfectly suited to hilly areas and dry regions.

(ii) They change the paths of their annual movements and can adjust and


(iii) They reduce their cattle numbers.

(iv) They press for rights to enter new areas.

(v) They exert political pressure in the government for relief, subsidy and other

forms of support.

(vi) They demand a right in the management of forests and water resources.

(Any five points)


22.3 (i) The new machines allowed big farmers to rapidly clear large tracks.

(ii) The machines helped in breaking up the soil, removing the grass and

preparing the ground for cultivation.

(iii) The work could be done quickly and with a minimal number of hands.

(iv) With power-driven machinery, four men could plough, seed and harvest

2000 to 4000 acres of wheat in a season.

(v) With one mechanical repair 500 acres of wheat could be harvested in two


Or any other relevant point

23.1 Important changes occurred in 19th century were:

(a) The rule about wide balls was applied.

(b) The exact circumference of the ball was specified.

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(c) Protective equipment like pads and gloves became available.

(d) Boundaries were introduced where previously all shots had to run.

(e) Over arm bowling became legal.


23.2 Initially, it was difficult to come out of the ingrained ideas of womanhood in

Victorian England.

(i) By 1830s women in England began agitating for democratic rights.

(ii) As the suffrage movement developed, many began campaigning for dress


(iii) Women‟s magazines described how tight dresses and corsets caused

deformities and illness among young girls.

(iv) Such clothing restricted body growth and hampered blood circulation.

(v) In America similar movement developed among the white settlers on the

east coast. They argued that long skirts swept grounds, were unhealthy and

hampered movement.

(vi) In 1970s National women's suffrage Association headed by Mrs. Stanton

and women's suffrage association dominated by Luey Stone continued the


24 Occupational structure of developed and developing countries.

(1) The distribution of the population according to different types of occupation

is referred to as occupational structure.

(2) Classification of occupation as primary, secondary and tertiary.

(3) Occupations vary in developed and developing countries.

(4) Most of the people of developed countries are engaged in secondary and

tertiary occupations.

(5) Developing countries tend to have a higher proportion of their work force

engaged in primary occupation.

(6) About 64 percent of the population of India is engaged only in agriculture.

(7) Due to high rate of industrialization and urbanization in developed countries,

a large number of people have shifted to secondary and tertiary


-Any other relevant point.

Explanation of any five points.

25 (i) Migration is an important determinant of population change. It changes

not only the population size but also the population composition of urban

and rural populations in terms of age and sex composition.

(ii) In India the rural-urban migration has resulted in a study increase in the

percentage of population in cities and towns.

(iii) The urban population has increased from 17.29% of total population in

1951 to 27.78% in 2001.

(iv) There has been a significant increase in a number of million plus cities from

23 to 35 within 10 years from 1991 to 2001.

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26. (1) He chairs the Cabinet meetings.

(2) Coordinates the work of different ministries.

(3) Has the power to dismiss ministers.

(4) His decisions are final in case of disagreement between departments.

(5) Distributes work among different ministers.

27. • Saudi Arabia is ruled by hereditary king and the people in that county have no

role in electing and changing their rules.

• The king selects the Legislature as well as the executive.

• He appoints the judges and can change any of their decisions.

• It is one man rule. Citizens cannot form political parties.

• Media cannot report anything. There is no freedom of religion.

• Every religion is required to be Muslim.

Or Any other relevant point (Any five points).

28. (a) P.D.S. has helped in stabilizing prices and making food available to

consumers at an affordable price.

(b) Helped in averting wide spread hunger and famine by supplying food from

surplus region to the deficit one.

(c) Prices have been under-revision in favour of the poor household.

(d) It has contributed to an increase in food grain production and provided

income security to farmers in certain regions.

(e) It is an important step taken by the government to ensure food security.

Any other relevant point (Any five points)

29. Food in as essential for living as air is for breathing that is why we need food

security the poorest section of the society might be food insecure most of the times

while persons above the poverty line might also be food insecure. When country

faces a national disaster or calamity like earthquake, flood, tsunami etc. It creates

shortage of food in affected areas. Due to shortage of food prices go up. At the

high prices, some people cannot afford to buy food. ·

(Need to be explained more)

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(30.1) Tropical Deciduous Forests

(30.2) Madhya Pradesh

(30.3) Haryana


