SY Puja-Booklet 2014

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Transcript of SY Puja-Booklet 2014

  • 8/9/2019 SY Puja-Booklet 2014


    Divine Advice given by

    H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

  • 8/9/2019 SY Puja-Booklet 2014


    Look into your heart and humble down ...and thank ... every moment.

    That is the key to start the joy.Every moment has an ocean of joy in it ...

    but to start it, you must thank.

    Thankfulness is the way to joy

    ... theres no other way.

    This publicaon was original prepared as a compilaon by the French Collecve Le Puja. It

    was then created by the Australian Collecve into a hard cover book Sahaja Yoga Puja Bookwhich was read, edited and approved by Shri Mataji in 1990. The UK Collecve created

    a shorter version of the work on the occasion of Navaratri Puja in Italy 2010. It has been

    reproduced with a new design and artwork for the occasion of Easter Puja 2014 in Australia.

    This booklet can also be downloaded from:

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    The first Puja Navaratri ............................................................Its like a science ................................................................................Highest priority ...............................................................................Grace .........................................................................................................Even before Christ ...........................................................................Understanding Puja .......................................................................Preparing for Puja ...........................................................................

    Sincerity .................................................................................................Patience ....................................................................................................Alertness .................................................................................................Protocol .................................................................................................

    applying a Bindi .................................................................................ShraddHa (enlightened faith) ...............................................Moving Form to Formless ...........................................................Beyond Thinking ...............................................................................Blessings of the Puja .......................................................................Humility ..................................................................................................

    Thankfulness ......................................................................................Prepare your Instrument .............................................................Improve your Reflection ..............................................................Receptivity ............................................................................................Receive the Love .................................................................................Recognition .........................................................................................Innocence is the most Powerful Thing ...........................Punyas .......................................................................................................The Essence of Puja .........................................................................Reciprocal Behaviour ...................................................................

    Symbolism ...............................................................................................Flowers (Pushpa) ................................................................................Rice .............................................................................................................Ghatah-Puja (coconut) ................................................................The Five Elements .............................................................................Panchamruta ......................................................................................The Light Element ............................................................................Presence ..................................................................................................The Greatest Fortune ...................................................................Emit more Vibrations ......................................................................

    Surrender ..............................................................................................Bhakti ........................................................................................................Music ..........................................................................................................Dancing ...................................................................................................Jagadamba Prassanna ......................................................................

    Also after Puja ....................................................................................Love .............................................................................................................Joy ................................................................................................................Spritual Growth ................................................................................Using the Photograph (for puja) ...........................................

    Auspiciousness .....................................................................................Intuition ................................................................................................Generosity ............................................................................................It triggers You ....................................................................................The Primordial Mother ................................................................












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    Its like a science

    First time ... they were using plastics ... allkinds o things ... Oh God, I said, nowwhat to do?... because I thought that theydo not know that you have to use silver.Tat is how it started, this properunderstanding o things, that we have aparticular type o metal, particular typeo style.Now these metals have an effect on us,very much an effect on us, and in whatmetal you do the Puja also has an effect.Its all a science o spirituality, which wemust understand is very important andshould be done in a proper way i we areto have the best results. Its like a science.And so the Puja started. I think nowpeople have got quite a good sense o it.(89.12.19)

    The first Puja Navaratri

    You will be surprised, or the first ouryears I did not even allow them to have

    any Puja whatsoever.Even they said, You are our Guru. Youshould allow us to do Guru Puja. I said,Nothing doing. I will not. Ten firstafer our years on the Navaratri day theywanted to have one Puja. I said, All right,you can have it.But very ew people, and then they oundthat the Puja gave them so much ovibrations, so much elevated spirituality,and they touched so many dimensionssuddenly, that then they started requestingMe, Mother, you must give me a Puja.People had no idea how to really do it.It was very embarrassing but I had to tellthem each and every thing: do like this;do like that; you must have like this. Imust always work it out this way.(89.12.19)

    Its all a science o spirituality, whichwe must understand .......


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    Highest priority

    I you have to gain anything in Puja youhave to give it the highest priority. I youdo not give it the highest priority it doesntwork.

    I it is just by the way, it doesnt work.And then just beore Puja i your mind istelling you anything, or doubting, just tellhim to stop.Because the mind can act against you. Soor the Puja you should be all prepared,in a way, in a receptive way, and receive it.(82.12.19)


    Its not your rationality; its the Grace, itsthe whim o the Grace, thats working itout. Just ask or the Grace. Finished. Itssilent. It works out.(80.07.19)

    Even before Christ

    oday I will tell you the importance oPuja. (86.05.24) I Christ was the Son oGod, what was the use o putting palmleaves or Him?Or to give Him oil, oil bath or to rubHis eet with oil? It is or you to get theadvantage! (80.09.27)Even among the early Christians theyused to do the Puja o the adoration o thestatues, or, maybe, the photographs, or,you can say, the stained glass copies o theMother and Christ.Later on, people started becoming morerational and they did not understand whatis the importance o Puja. And when theycould not explain it, they gave up doingPujas in that regular manner.

    Even beore Christ, they used to have aparticular type o a tabernacle which wasmeasured and was specially made, and aPuja place was created to worship whatthey call Yahovah.


    Understanding Puja

    Now or Puja one has to understand that

    without Realisation, Puja has no meaning,because you are not Ananya. Means youhave to become aware o your whole.(80.07.19)Te Amrut, means the Ambrose ... o myFeet, is not meant or everyone ... also theblessings are not meant or everyone ... sotry to avoid people who are not yet ully

    equipped.First, they will start doubting ... or therewill be a problem with the protocol.Its a very great privilege to be here, andthis privilege cannot be granted to everyperson.(80.05.05)I you can look at yoursel as how

    privileged you are and understandingit, understanding what all Sahaja Yogais, then you will understand that what aprivilege it is or you to be here.What ortune. What reward or what youhave done.How many lives have been completelyrewarded by being here.Tis will help you to do Puja in a moresincere manner.(80.05.05)

    Just ask or the Grace.

    Finished.Its silent. It works out.


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    Preparing for Puja

    Now or Puja, are we prepared? Everybodyhas been thinking too much. Now theattention should be how we are, what arewe doing about ourselves.Tats very important, how ar we haveachieved, but on the contrary, the attentionis disturbed by many things.Nothing has importance then but todevelop yoursel, and this is what it is,and at this time you have to develop yourroots. And to develop your roots, its adifferent science altogether.Now you have to change your attitude

    completely towards this new learning,and this new learning is that you haveto develop a humbleness first o all, andsecondly, what are we going to achieve in

    our ascent through learning the differenttantra, the mechanism, the Divinemechanism, how to work.Tis is what I eel that unless and untilyou now learn about this new yantra, thenew method.Te attitude should be upward. And orthat we have to understand the method by

    which we are going to climb.(85.12.27)


    Are we sincere to ourselves? Sahaj Yoga is the union between you and God.And the sincerity must be ull, must be complete. So you must know that.

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    Te complete integration within comesby dedicating yoursel to your ownimprovement. First and oremost is: timemust be given or your development.

    Not to show Me or not to show anyone;it is between you and yoursel. You have tto work hard to cleanse yoursel. It iseasier also, and the best, most enjoyable,is to have very clean chakras. First o all iscomplete sincerity.Are we sincere to ourselves? Sahaj Yog isthe union between you and God. And the

    sincerity must be ull, must be complete.So you must know that, as your Motherhas sincerity about you, you must alsohave sincerity about yoursel. Ten youwill start enjoying Sahaja Yoga.(80.05.05)

    PatienceAnother actor that is important ispatience. You must have patience withothers, because i you do not have patienceyour sincerity will start doubting itsel.And by having patience with others yoursincerity will be all the time complete.Tis principle must be written down inhearts, that sincerity itsel is rewarding.(80.05.05)


    Te more alert you become, the moreDivine takes interest. But this alertnessis nothing but the enlightenment o yoursincerity.

    Youll be amazed how sincerity is thething. Tat means you are loyal to yoursel.You have to be loyal and not disloyal. Teloyalty to yoursel is sincerity, and that ishow I have managed Sahaj Yog.Sincerity o purpose wrought in action,not theory and philosophy, but in action.Active sincerity, in every way, and patience

    all these things will bring orth thecomplete integration within. (80.05.05)

    You must have patience with others


    Te essence o Sahaja Yoga is protocol

    i we understand protocol, we willautomatically grow. Know the protocol,ask others, get their advice, how toimprove the protocol.(83.07.27)In terms o protocol, our eet should notbe placed towards the Divine (81.10.04)towards the Mother.(83.01.29)Putting your eet towards someone is aninsult. I you have lost your traditions, itdoesnt mean there are no traditions.Te sense o respect has to come rominside.Say My photograph is there, or I am there,now you respect Me, isnt it? ... then youwould not like to sit with eet towards ...(79.10.15)


    Te essence of Sahaja Yoga isprotocol if we understand protocol,we will automatically grow. Knowthe protocol, ask others, get theiradvice, how to improve the protocol.Te sense of respect has to come frominside.

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    a good idea because you will not catch. Tis is one

    o things one has to do. (85.12.27)Bindu means ... a dot, you can say. Fromthis dot, all these five elements startcoming, one afer another light, air,water, fire and earth.(98.12.16)Red is the colour o Mooladhar.(81.10.05)When the Kum-Kum is applied on theorehead above the Agnya Chakra, the

    Applying a bindi

    In the morning dont talk to anyone ... bein hushed condition.(80.09.27)Now the attention is so disturbed all thetime and thats why you catch very fast,and when you catch from your eyes, itgoes to your Agnya Chakra.Tats the only thing I think you peoplehave to wear thats important. Tat will be


    Now just see putting on that, how much Agnya has gone down. So just seeputting that, just see that, how powerul. See, vibrations started flowing.

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    Chakra is opened and the Kundalini rises.Such is the intimate connection betweenJesus Christ and Kundalini Power.(79.09.25)Now just see putting on that, how much

    Agnya has gone down. So just see puttingthat, just see that, how powerful. See,vibrations started flowing. I know onething: without forgiveness, nothing isgoing to work out or be done.(85.12.25)Please keep your eyes open. Otherwise,your chakras wont be all right.(86.12.23)Keep your eyes open ... I am sittinghere. Where are you going to meditate?Meditate on Me. Keep your eyes open.Just keep your eyes open.(85.05.04)

    Shraddha (enlightened faith)

    Te Puja has its effect on everyone butaccording to your depth, and for that youhave to have Shraddha feeling.

    o move inward, you have to have all theseinstruments. One o them is the Puja.

    (85.12.27)Faith. Tat is what is enlightened withinyou with Puja.(80.07.19)Faith gives rise to pure intelligence.(83.06.18)You should say the mantras in Puja butwith great aith (Shraddha). Tere is no

    alternative to Shraddha.You should perorm the Puja whenShraddha grows deep, so that heart itsel

    gets all Puja perormed.At that time waves o bliss start flowingbecause it is the Spirit that is saying, How

    can any thought come at this time?(Marathi Letter)

    Moving from form to formless

    Puja is one o the things by which you canexcite the orms into ormless. Now yourcentres are the centres o energies, butthey too have a guiding Deity sitting onall these chakras.Tey are also the ormless made intoorms. And when you do the Puja, theorms melt into ormless energies.And these ormless energies start flowingand then blows the wind. So the windcomes rom some other source. Tat isthe source o the Holy Ghost, your ownKundalini.


    Beyond thinking

    Now you cannot think about the Puja.Tese are things which happen into arealm which is beyond thinking.So you have to understand that you cannotrationalise the Puja. You should have the

    maximum advantage on your chakras.For that, you must ully just concentrateon the Puja and how the wind is blowing.And the wind will see to it that it drivesout all the clouds.So your only work is, your only methodis just to concentrate on the Puja, andwitness. You are a seer.(83.06.18)

    Tat is the source of the Holy Ghost,your own Kundalini.


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    showers o Bliss.

    (85.09.01)Tose who are humble will get to theKingdom o Heaven. Te humble have aright to be joyous ... this is surrendering.(87.10.24)


    Look into your heart and humble down

    ... and thank ... every moment. Tat is thekey to start the joy. Every moment hasan ocean o joy in it ... but to start it, youmust thank. Tankulness is the way to

    joy ... theres no other way.(1979.00)

    Prepare your instrument

    It has been ound out and now as I amtelling you that first you have to awakenthe Deities that are still asleep, byworshipping them.But as these Deities, Primordial Deities,are with Me, you worship Me, and everyDeity in Me is awakened by which yourDeities are awakened.So first your vibrations must improve toreceive. I the reception is not good, whatsthe use o any Puja or projection?So first o all, we prepare our instrument,or prepare our projecting instrument.Tat preparation is done by prayingto different Deities, as we call that, aKundalini Puja.(80.07.19)

    Blessings of the Puja

    Puja is an external offering, but you shouldunderstand how you get the reward o theblessings o the Puja and its Prasad.A Puja or a prayer grows rom your heart.Mantras are the words o your Kundalini.But i Puja is not perormed rom yourheart or i Kundalini is not associatedwith the recitation o mantras, then the

    Puja becomes a ritual.I you become thoughtless in Puja, knowthat your heart is also involved in it. Collectthe Puja material and offer it sincerely.Tere should be no ormality or bindingsin the offerings. It is correct to wash hands,but is your heart washed?When attention is on heart it does not

    go to others. Although you remain quiteoutside you are speaking rom within.(Marathi Letter)


    We should not mind i you commit anymistakes or anything. Just with a humbleheart, do it the way you like. Graduallyyou will learn. Just do it or the joy o yourheart.(86.05.24)I you have to keep your connection withthe Divine, you have to be humble ...theres no other way.(85.09.01)Humility is a very human quality, is aspecial quality only the bhaktas have.It is such a beautiul quality o taking the


    We should not mind i you commit any mistakes or anything. Just with ahumble heart, do it the way you like. Gradually you will learn.

    Just do it or the joy o your heart.

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    Improve your reflection

    By praying to My Kundalini, youimprove your reflection. Because thenthe vibrations rom Me start flowing intoyours, and they awaken it. Tis is the

    projection, as ar as you are concerned.Once the instrument is all right, then youproject outside.And now, how do you project? Byworshipping the Goddess as the Protectoro the whole universe, praising Herdifferent attributes, even Her ace, Herhands everything has a meaning.

    Praising Her powers.By saying that, by repeating that, you echoin your projection Her powers, and thenyour projection becomes that powerul.Its a very subtle happening that takesplace. Its miraculous.(80.07.19)


    In Puja, all your Chakras will be awakened.... Its a very deep experience ... so comewith an open mind ... keep yoursel open... with a receptive mind ... and dont talkin the morning too much ... just take yourbreakast ... and come with a calm mind.When you are doing Puja, receive it also.Be in thoughtless awareness when you aredoing Puja, completely concentrated andreceiving.But people are talking, are moving about;that is the time the nectar is oozing out just receive it at that time, with ulldevotion.

    If you feel the vibrations of My chakrasat that time, you will realise that even theminute small little wheels in My body aremoving at different speeds ... and differentdimension ... and I really dont know how

    to explain it, but, you see, it creates amelody.You have to receive it, and it is a melodyindividually suitable for every individual,and when you receive it, it triggers in youthat state of infinity. So at that time of Pujayou must know that ... all your attentionshould be on reception.(76.03.30)

    Receive the love

    So for the Puja you should all be prepared,in a way, in a receptive way, and receiveit. Tese things look so simple like just ...washing My Feet.Simple thing is washing My Feet. Now

    see these Feet; I dont know if you see thewhole universe I see. Ten I really getstunned by them.When you wash My Feet, what do youdo? Actually, My Feet have been workingvery hard, and then you put a little waterto soothe them, to suggest that you canfeel the effort put in by these Feet.And a kind of a very sweet, melodious loveflows out of these Feet then ... Becausethis love understands everything, doesntwant anything, but is only excited if thereis somebody to receive the love. Ten howdo you say you are going to receive? Byexpressing these small, small things. Sowhen you soothe My Feet, wash Tem,clean Tem ... you know what Tey mean:

    you recognise.(80.07.19)


    So at that time of Puja ..... all yourattention should be on reception

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    is the most powerful thing

    So we have to establish our innocence.And innocence is the most powerful thing.It loves, just goes on loving. Innocently.

    (80.07.19)Tats why we worship Ganesha first.Now when we do the Puja, first of allyou will praise Shri Ganesha. By that, inyou, Shri Ganesha will be awakened andestablished.By worshipping Me as Shri Ganesha, yourinnocence will be established and you will

    see, your vibrations will increase and youwill feel very stable within yourself.Now when you will take Shri Ganeshasnames you will know what qualities Hehas, what powers He gives you. Whenyou praise those qualities, those powers ofthose qualities will start emitting throughyou. Tis is how the Divine works, as ifyou get charged with those qualities.(86.05.24)


    We have certain dharmas within us, andthese dharmas are to be observed to getPunyas.(88.12.17)Even in Puja, you must try to help decorate,to organise things ... you should not actlike guests all the time ... otherwise, howwill you get the Punyas?



    Tat recognition, how are you to show?You see these little ceremonies, littleceremonies are important because theyexpress your recognition.

    It could be absolutely dull, dead andfinished. And it could be absolutely livingif you know why you are doing it.Ten you apply some oil and things, againsoothe My Feet, just to say, Mother, Youhave worked very hard. Your Feet haveworked very hard. Just saying that itself,I mean makes no difference otherwise, if

    you say in a very rational manner.But to that Love ... that are these Feet,it makes a very big difference. Tere issweetness. Te little thing a little baby justputs her hand on her mothers cheeks, yousee, just to express the gratitude, and themothers heart starts jumping with love.(80.07.19)

    Tose who have not yet recognised,though they are Realised, will not beblessed they will go round and round.So it is necessary to recognise ... She whois presently with us.(79.12.02)Recognition is the only worship in SahajaYoga. (83.02.04)Now in Sahaj Yoga it is proved now. Whenyou rub My Feet, you feel better, not Me.You rub my hands, you feel better. Whenyou fall at My feet, you feel better.So you see when you do for God, theblessings comes to you. You are blessed.Whatever is the problem with you, yougive to God to solve. Also whatever satisfiesyou, you give to God. Te satisfaction

    comes to you.(80.09.27)


    Now when you will take ShriGaneshas names you will know whatqualities He has.

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    So, why we give it to God? Afer all, God

    doesnt need anything. But God is theenjoyer. You are not the enjoyer; youcannot enjoy. Enjoyer is God ... in you.When God is there that enjoys, that is theSpirit.(80.09.27)


    So all these things are very symbolic.Whatever we are doing is very symbolic,and that symbol actually acts.For example, i you give somebody aflower, that ellow eels, that person eelsextremely joyous and happy and gratitudecomes in.So when you offer Me, say, flowers or

    anything like water, or anything, then theelements are happy and the Deities arehappy in the chakras.And then they emit their vibrations otheir quality and o their blessings onyou. Tey give you their quality and theirblessings.Tat is how the Divine acts. And gradually

    afer Puja you will eel it, that the wholething is working out.(86.05.24)

    Flowers (Pushpa)

    Tey represent the principle o MotherEarth.(82.08.22)When you give flowers Mooladhara getsenlightened.

    Reciprocal behaviour

    It is a very reciprocal behaviour. Its verysubtle, and that kind o a subtle workingis fixed already it works that way only.Te more you love rom your heart, themore joy will be there.Te more you are rational and moremental, there wont be so much. o work itout, you must know it has to be reciprocal.It cannot be one-sided; it has to be boththe sides.Ten it works out better, and a kind oa homogeneous eeling with that Lovecomes in, sort o a lubricant; a beautiuleeling o movement within yourselcomes in.(80.07.19)

    The essence of Puja

    Pujas are very important things areworked out through Puja.(85.05.28)Now the essence o Puja is also how toovercome our material grossness. Puja

    is nothing but is how to overcome ourmaterial grossness.When we want to have a matter toourselves, we must know that it is givento us by God. Everything belongs to God.Supposing we give flower to God aferall, it is Gods own creation what are wegiving?When you give flowers, Mooladhara getsenlightened. When you get honey, thenyour attention gets enlightened.


    When you give flowers, Mooladhara gets enlightened. When you get honey,then your attention gets enlightened. So, why we give it to God? Afer all, Goddoesnt need anything. But God is the enjoyer ... in you.

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    (80.09.27)When you offer flowers, then the elementsand Deities are happy in the chakras.(86.05.24)Now we must understand that ... whenyou give Me flowers ... you are asking forflowers for your life.

    (85.05.02)Its not what you give Me is important... it is how much heart you put into it.(85.03.10)Now, these flowers when you give to Me,they give you two things, Swadishthanaand Mooladhara.If the flowers are beautiful then they giveyou Swadishthana and if they are fragrantthey cure your Mooladhara.(80.09.27)


    urmeric rice, you see, this yellow thing.When you offer this, you know, the yellowcolour is that of the Swadishthana Chakra.And rice is very dear to the Gods.Now theres a trick in it, because its a

    human trick. Gods are fond of that; sothey put turmeric on it, means that, Youshould give us blessings of our creativity.(82.08.22)So whatever pleases your Spirit is used inthe Puja to be given. Now you give rice; allthese things are discovered that you giverice to the Devi.Rice should be put in Her lap. Now what isrice, a little rice to the Devi? Is, by puttingrice, in you the satisfaction of getting


    Its not what you give Me is important ... it is how much heart you put into it.

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    us to get to God, is first to be worshipped,our desire. Is the Ghatah, is the one made

    here. And on top is called as a Shriphala,means this coconut ... this represents ... inthe subtler form it is the water of all therivers of the world ... and the coconut isthe water of all the oceans.(82.08.22).Also called Shriphala, meaning the fruitof the power that is Shri, that is, of theright side power. Te coconut is like thehead in the structure.(83.02.04)

    ood or ood that gives you satisaction isenlightened.

    But that doesnt mean you start showeringthings on Me; that doesnt mean that.What I am trying to say, do it with dignityand understanding.(80.09.27)

    Ghatah-Puja (coconut)

    A Ghata, means a vessel (kumba), vesselthat contains the Kundalini, the vesselthat contains the primordial desire within


    Shriphala means the ruit o the Goddess, but actually, i you see, the coconutis something like our Sahastrara, and is very auspicious, because it can absorblots o vibrations. As you people can absorb my vibrations, this ruit can alsoabsorb My vibrations ... in the greatest amount.

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    Shriphala means the ruit o the Goddess,

    but actually, i you see, the coconut issomething like our Sahastrara, and is veryauspicious, because it can absorb lots ovibrations.As you people can absorb my vibrations,this ruit can also absorb My vibrations the greatest amount.(87.12.13)

    You are that same Shriphala and it isessential to offer Shriphala to the Devi.Te Puja is not accomplished withoutoffering Shriphala.(83.05.05)

    The five elements

    Flowers ... represent the principle oMother Earth ... the coconut is the Water,Shell (Conch) represents the Ether, theDeepa, its the Light element ... normallyalso to the Goddess they also give Her aan, which represents the Air element.

    So this is how all the five elements arepleased beorehand. So they, the essenceso these five causal essences o these fiveelements, should be pleased at this time,should be supporting Puja.(82.08.22)


    Te symbolism o all that we can offer toGod has been meditated upon and has

    been ound out. So they use five things

    called as Panchamruta.(82.08.22)In Puja ... the ingredients that were usedwere firstly little ghee, ollowed by honey,yoghurt, milk and sugar.(85.03.10)Ghee is used. It is or Vishuddhi. ShriKrishna is very ond o ghee and butter.

    So when you rub My Feet with, say, butter,your Vishuddhi will improve, you knowthat. Not Mine; I have no problem.I have only one problem, that you arewithin Me and when you have problem Ihave problems.Honey: When you get honey, then yourattention gets enlightened.

    (80.09.27)Yoghurt: which represents the white parto the sky and orms a halo around theMoon.(Puja Handbook)Milk: In India the cow is regarded as avery humble animal. It gives its milk; itprovides everything.

    (85.09.01)Sugar: Is useul ... to assist in establishingthe sweetness o talking.(83.01.21)Water can eel the Divinity ... it gets excitedand starts pouring out its love in a bubblymanner(86.12.25)

    Shri Ganesha attwa is in vibrated water.(89.08.08)


    Ghee is used. It is for Vishuddhi. Shri Krishna is very fond of ghee and butter.So when you rub My Feet with, say, butter, your Vishuddhi will improve ,youknow that. Not Mine; I have no problem.

    Sugar: Is useful ... to assist in

    establishing the sweetness of talking.

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    You have to receive the blessings ... and to receive the blessings, you just haveto surrender ... it is so simple ... just say, I surrender.

    The greatest fortune

    Te Puja is to be done with ullunderstanding and with ull recognitionthat its a great ortune. Even the Devas are

    jealous o you, all the Rishis are jealous oyou, so many people are jealous o you.Te greatest advantage or you, greatestortune make ull use o it. And thereare very simple things that can please; youknow your Mother can be pleased with

    very, very simple things. Its like that only;is how much heart you have put into it isthe point.(80.07.19)Tese vibrations have to go to you. So Iprepare vibrations here as an antidote andthey have to flow. Its a very subtle thing tounderstand.o move rom gross to Spirit, this is thething by which you move, because first youenlighten your chakras. By enlighteningyour chakras, your Deities get happy,prasanna. By making the Deities happy,you keep, get a passage or the Kundalinito pass through.By making the passage or the Kundalini,the Kundalini goes up and then yourattention starts becoming one with theSpirit.It is step by step; you move rom matterto subtler matter, rom subtler matter toyour chakras, rom chakras to Deities,rom Deities to the Spirit. Ten Spiritenjoys itsel. So there you do not have to

    do anything. Just give your Spirit to Spirit.(80.09.27)

    The Light element

    In the lamp, the Ghee represents the mildand sof Love o the heart, and it burns togive soothing light to others.(87.10.24)In the estival o Divali, meaning row olights, the lamp has special significance.Te pot or container represents that whichis visible; the Oil represents Compassion;

    the Wick the Kundalini; and the Flamerepresents the Spirit.(94.11.05)When we show light to God or do Aartito God, what do we do?By showing light to God, what we do is, weworship light within us. Te light elementgets enlightened within us.

    Te light element is here on the Agnya.When you do Aarti, or when you putlight beore God, when you show lightto God, the light element within you getsenlightened.(80.09.27)


    And your presence is the one that shouldgive Prasannata, is the cheerulness toothers. Others should eel cheerul inyour company.An auspicious presence is soothing,comorting, absorbing, beautiul.And this, how do you develop? You shoulddo little Aarti to my photograph is a good



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    Te pot or container represents that

    which is visible; the Oil representsCompassion; the Wick the Kundalini;and the Flame represents the Spirit


    Surrendering just means you open yourheart to accept Mothers love ... give upthis ego, thats all, and it will work out.I am trying to push Mysel into yourhearts, and I will definitely settle downthere.(82.12.19)

    Te way to keep the Sahasrara open is bysurrendering to the Mother.(85.05.04)You have to receive the blessings ... andto receive the blessings, you just haveto surrender ... it is so simple ... just say,I surrender ... or Realised Souls, thisshould be their mantra.(80.10.19)We surrender everything.(85.06.29)

    Emit more vibrations

    As it is now, you all believe I am Adi Shakti

    and you have proo o it. Puja is one othe ways you can have proo o it. Muchmore, because when you are doing Puja,My Deities, which are within My chakras,they get excited, as they eel happy as theywant to emit more vibrations.When they start emitting more vibrations,then you are surprised that how afer Pujayou just get so drenched and you justget elevated and at a much higher level.(89.12.18)


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    you dance and sing ... thats somethingreally very good. But all the time yourSpirit should dance at the smallestthings, at the little thing that is made, say,something artistic, you see, a gesture o

    kindness, a gesture o gratitude. You eelthat depth o that eeling.(01.03.21)

    Jagadamba Prasanna

    Jagadamba Prasanna ... that is ... theMother is ... very happy. So you must findout what will make Mother happy.

    When you do something, just weigh it out... will She be happy i we do like this

    very simple ... thats a good judging point Mataji Prasanna.(77.01.26)You have to keep Prasanna, keep the Devipleased.(83.02.09)

    Also after Puja

    Now we must meditate also afer Puja,because My vibrations you do not suckin without meditation, I have seen. Andalways it happens.So ar I have had very ew Pujas in whichMy whole vibrations were sucked in. I youhave sincerity about it, really the sinceritypart o it, youll suck all My vibrations.ell your mind not to ask questions andto misbehave, but to suck the vibrations,clearly. Tis is or your own nourishment,or your own growth, or your ownenjoyment.(80.05.25)

    Practised by those who are gentlydedicated to God, who asked the help oGod, through organising dedications andworships called Pujas.(79.05.30)

    Bhakti also is inbuilt ... is born in you ... iyou were not seeking God, you would nothave come to Me.(0.0012)


    Music is meant to be in praise o God.(83.02.02)I a Sahaja Yogi sings, it acts like a mantraon the being o the Holy Mother. (83.01.31)We have to have music, because music is sowonderul. We have to please the Deities,

    and when there is music and songs, thenthey respond and the vibrations rom theMother are much more.(79.01.18)Music has a way o carrying these DivineVibrations on it ... but the music has tobe Divine also. Music which is congenialcarries the waves o vibrations.



    Even the dancing is a very good way oclearing out your pressures, because in thedance you go into thoughtless awareness,and also into the joy ... and the joy is soulfilling.

    (88.12.07)I see sometimes when you are overjoyed,


    Music has a way o carrying theseDivine Vibrations on it ...but the music has to be Divine also.

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    by Kundalini awakening is it possible.(98.03.20)

    Te limbic area is a hollow space betweenthe Agnya and the Fontanelle bone area,having within it cells sensitive to joy andhappiness, and which gets soothed downby Kundalini.(89.08.01)

    Spiritual growth

    But you do not understand yourresponsibility what you are doing. By notpaying attention to your cleaning, by notpaying attention to your spiritual growth,you are not helping Me at all because these

    vibrations do not flow out.Tey have to flow through you. I I couldmanage them there was no need or Me to

    run afer you. It has to flow through you.You are the channels and i you do notkeep yoursel clean and humble and meekabout it, it doesnt work out.(80.09.27)And the cleansing is the simplest thing inSahaja Yoga ... is to be collective. (91.10.13)

    Using the photograph(for Puja)

    All these photos that you have separatelyhave meaning. Te Feet are very good orthe grosser problems, and especially orthe ego and also superego ... the Feet aretremendous ... we also should sometimeswatch the Feet.(80.05.17)


    Love is the only way that Sahaja Yoga is

    going to spread, no other way. Love is asource o energy that makes things grow it is a living energy.(91.07.28)Pure love is o the Spirit.(89.07.23)No one should think they love Me morethan anyone else ... I know the one who

    loves Me: the one who loves others is theone who really loves Me.What you say to your brothers and sistersis the most important thing; Sahaja Yogawill never work i you do not look aferthat side.(81.05.24)ruth, attention and joy, when combined,

    give love.(82.01.15)Te most important thing God has togive us is His love, His connection withus, His Kingdom, His Powers ... we justhave to accept the subtleties ... that takeus into the realms o Joy and Collectivity.(80.06.09)

    Te Kundalini o Sahaja Yogis is madeo love, pure love. Te pure love has onlypure desire ... is to love ... love everyoneequally.(90.06.21)


    When your attention goes to the Spirit,joy starts bubbling in your lie. Nomental activity can take you there; only


    Te most important thing God has to give us is His love, His connection withus, His Kingdom, His Powers ... we just have to accept the subtleties.

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    Te vibrations are more at the Feet.(89.05.27)Te photo o the Devis Feet is the strongestor correcting problems.

    (84.10.05)Tey are very powerul.(80.06.09)Stabilise your attention at the Feet o God,


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    Te vibrations are more at the Feet.(89.05.27)Te photo o the Devis Feet is the strongestor correcting problems.(84.10.05)Tey are very powerul. (80.06.09)

    Stabilise your attention at the Feet o God,by Bhakti, by surrendering, by worship,

    singing songs setting yourself at the

    Lotus Feet of God.


    Yoga means ... the union of our attention

    with the Feet of the Divine Mother, who

    also gives Moksha, or Self Realisation.



    Te Chaitanya, which exists in the atoms

    and molecules as vibrations, is expressed

    in human beings as auspiciousness and



    Whatever emits vibrations is auspicious,

    and auspiciousness is the quality by whichwe emit vibrations.


    Te Paramchaitanya itself is your Guru.



    Discretion o the Ida Nadi is intuition... i you develop that discretion withinyou, through your meditative powers,you develop intuition ... and intuition isnothing but is the help o the Ganas whichare surrounding you ... i you learn to take

    help rom the Ganas, you can becomevery intuitive.O the whole o Sahaja Yoga, I would sayfify percent o that is based on intuition ...and or that you have to develop a propersense o Shri Ganesha.(88.07.10)Te power o Shri Ganesha, which is the

    magnet within Mother Earth, and withinyou, and which is Pure Love.(86.09.07)

    Stabilise your attention at the Feeto God, by Bhakti, by surrendering,by worship, singing songs settingyourself at the Lotus Feet of God.

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    Dakshina the small amount of moneythat normally would be given to theGuru, by the chelas has nowadays beenso much misused and misinterpreted,

    that it has been made into an enterprise.Te Guru has to be Veetaraga, that is,absolutely unattached, free of all greedand temptation.( Do your jobs, have money.Money is needed for the work ... you haveto earn ... you have to give money ... Butfor your own betterment you have to givemoney... Tis one part is important. Forsolving this problem you give Me rice. Its called as Oti bharne, that you giveMe rice I beg of you, actually. You put itin My sari. Rice, you give Me five times. Igive you seven times back.Tats the symbol. You know how symbolswork out. Even when you say, Mother,are You the Holy Ghost? it works out; it

    gives you realisation.(80.09.27)We are so attached to money in a subtlerway. Ones attitude toward money mayaffect the Nabhi, and can spread tothe Void, and may ultimately go to theEkadesha Rudra, for example, if we avoidpaying that which should be paid, or do

    not give the due amount.(83.02.04) Money is such a lure for humanbeings, that it kills all sense of decency, ofhigher values, everything.(97.11.02)It is a wrong idea that we have to becomelike a pauper and give everything to God... but if we give just a little bit then Hegives a hundred times more. Tat is whywe have to give a very wee bit to God.(86.12.25)

    By generosity, we nourish our hearts. When

    we give, try to eel that we are giving whatGod has given.(82.11.01)By generosity the circulation starts,and you solve your material problems.(86.09.21) he greatest advancement or youremancipation is done by your giving.(76.03.30)In Sahaja Yoga there are different types oAnandas and when you see your generosity... you get Shivaananda. (85.05.02)Regarding money, it is a very Punyagiving things to donate, to be generous that it helps others develop themselvesin Sahaja Yoga.(88.12.17)

    It triggers you

    Puja really is a triggering thing, triggers

    you. It triggers you into another realm. Itsreally miraculous.Once you have done the Puja then youcan project out much more, in yoursilence only. Your silence itsel becomesso powerul.(80.07.19)

    The Primordial MotherTe Adi Shakti came twelve thousandyears back in more than one thousandincarnations, to protect Her children, thedevotees, rom those negative orces thatwere trying to destroy them.(79.05.30)


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