SWS Investment Competition Template

Post on 02-May-2017

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Transcript of SWS Investment Competition Template

• This is a basic template for your stock pitch presentation.• You should adhere to this format and structure, and supplement

where appropriate. • Please read the Investment Competition Guidelines are

important details to keep in mind regarding the competition.• Please read the Investment Competition Resources document for

recommendations on your pitch presentation and the delivery, as well as a link to examples of stock pitches.

• Your presentation should be 20-30 slides long and you should expect to speak for 15 minutes and have 10 minutes of Q&A

• In general, you want to keep the slides clear and to the point. Focus on the key points and use charts and graphs to demonstrate your points.

• Plan to elaborate in more detail in the actual pitch.• Good luck and have fun!

Template Overview

Company Name (Ticker)

Team NamesSchool


“Company Name” Overview

• Introduce your stock pitch– Include the company name, ticker, brief

description,12 month target price, and % upside from most recent closing price.

– Display it in outline form with potentially including a stock chart.

– When you explain it to the judges, you want to describe it.o For example, we have a buy recommendation on Chipotle

Mesquite Grill, ticker CMG, the growing fast casual restaurant with a price target of $150, a 40% upside from yesterday’s close.

Snapshot of Stock Pitch

• State 3-4 reasons why it is a buy.– Focus on the 3-4 key reasons that are the most

important reasons it is a buy. – The last reason should always be related to

valuation. – For example:

1. Highest return on invested capital at 20% in the restaurant space due to strong and defensive unit economics.

2. 5% margin expansion over the next year from changes in sales mix.

3. Undervalued at 10x price to earnings, whereas competitors are trading at 15x.

Investment Thesis

• Explain the important factors about the company and/or industry

• Include attractive points about the:– Business Model– Market Share– Growth Potential– Economic Moat– Expansion– Anything else that is important

• This may take up several slides and you should include charts and or graphs

• Don’t explain every point about the company and industry. Keep it to the important ones.

Company/Industry Overview

• Continued

Company/Industry Overview

• Continued

Company/Industry Overview

Investment Details

• Now you want to go into more detail on your investment reasons.

• Spend 3-4 slides on each investment reason.

• Explain the key points and include graphs/charts where they’re helpful.

• Don’t write everything on the slides – focus on the key points and explain more during the pitch.

Explanation of Reason #1

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #1

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #1

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #1

• Now move on to your second reason. • Remember to keep it to the point

and support your reasoning with facts, charts, and graphs.

Explanation of Reason #2

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #2

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #2

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #2

• Now move on to your third reason. • Remember to keep it to the point and

support your reasoning with facts, charts, and graphs.

• If this is your last reason, it should be something about valuation.

• Why is the stock cheap and why should you buy it now?

• If not your last reason, put valuation info in reason #4

Explanation of Reason #3

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #3

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #3

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #3

• Continued

Explanation of Reason #3

• If you have 4 reasons, include info on your last one here.

• Keep it to the point, and remember the last reason should always be on valuation.

Explanation of Reason #4

• This section is optional, but some teams like to address the top investment risks.

• If you include this section, you should write the risks on the slide

• You also want to make sure to offer up your opinion on them and why they don’t threaten your investment thesis.

Investment Risks

• Here you want to tell them what you told them, so again tell them the 3-4 reasons the stock is a buy.

• Keep this to 1 slide.



• You don’t need any slides for the Q&A, but some teams like to have an appendix section with graphs and charts that might be helpful if they are likely to come in Q&A.

• You should think through what the “expected” questions will be given the issues you discuss, others that are important, and any other points that might be good to discuss.