Sweden’s number one recruiter for communication, PR & marketing · 2016. 5. 30. · Stockholms...

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Transcript of Sweden’s number one recruiter for communication, PR & marketing · 2016. 5. 30. · Stockholms...

Stockholms Akademiska Forum – Valhallavägen 79 – 114 28 Stockholm www.staforum.se – www.stockholmacademicnetwork.se

Sweden’s number one recruiter for communication, PR & marketing

This PM contains a summary from the network event „Communication, PR & marketing‟, held at

Stockholm Academic Forum 25 May 2016. The event was one part of a series of events organized within

the framework of Stockholm Academic Network. Responsible for the summary is the Staf team member

Jerry Lindblom.

The event was visited by two guest speakers, Chief Business Development Officer Karin Netzell and

Candidate Relations Manager Sara Abrahamsson from the recruitment company Hammer & Hanborg.

They had organized a somewhat interactive afternoon where we both listened to their insights from

recruitment to the communication, PR and marketing industry, and became involved by using a simple

Mentimeter tool1.

The main areas covered

- What organisations of tomorrow

- Demands in terms of skills and talent

- Why this is so rapidly changing

- How to create your next big thing

Three eras of automation

Karin & Sara started off with a historical retrospect:

19th century: Machines take away the dirty and dangerous jobs

20th century: Machines take away the dull

21st century: Machines take away decisions

We have seen the first two passing already and the third on its way. One way to observe this is that

machines are now used to sort among plausible candidates. This, in turns, leads to the CV being obsolete

and soon belonging in a museum.

We can also see changes in organisation moving from traditional and hierarchical organisational structures

towards other kinds of structures, such as network organisation, „amoeba‟ organisation or chaos

organisation. With the shift from towards machines for many tasks, and the changes in organisational

structure, also the resources required for production changes – both for machines and for each individual.

How to show who you are without the traditional CV

One way to handle recruitment when the competences asked for is not necessarily shown in CVs is by

assessments. Hammer & Hanborg has developed one of their own, set up to show what type of profile

you are. It divides competences into five stereotypic profiles, and you find out to what extent you

1 www.govote.at

respond to each profile‟s description: if you are the “Visionary”, the “Change maker”, the “Co-Creator”,

the “Performer”, or the “Enabler”. You can read more about the different profiles in the attached

presentation in the end of this summary.

According to Karin and Sara, motivation, cognitive ability, culture, and values are now far more important

than your actual skills, since the skills you are likely to be able to learn, while for example a change of

values are harder to accomplish.

Know your why!

What is most important for you? Which are your values? What would you like to do on a daily basis? To

be able to find your future employer one needs to ask oneself these kinds of questions. By doing so you

will also be able to easier find your dream job, and maybe most importantly, be able form a strategy for

how to catch it.

The traditional way to show who you are is to list your history in a CV, but what you really need to do is

to explain in what way your history can contribute to your wanted new employer‟s future. This is why the

cover letter is so important. It is all about adding value, and this is why you need to rewrite the cover

letter for each position you are applying for.

Good luck with your job search!

Jerry Lindblom, Stockholm Academic Forum

Stockholm 30 May 2016

Appedix 1

Communication, PR and marketing – presentation made by Karin Netzell and Sara Abrahamsson at

Hammer & Hanborg 25 May 2016

Kommunikatören 2016

Tema: Den digitala resan

Hammer & Hanborg

We develop business through people




Stockholm Academic Forum

25 May 2016Karin Netzell - Chief Business Development Officer

Sara Abrahamsson – Candidate Relations Manager

Who is here today? Enter your name!

Hammer & Hanborg

What we are going to talk about

What organisations of tomorrow

Demands in terms of skills and talent

Why this is so rapidly changing

And how to create your next big thing

Changes in organizational structure - changing competence requirements

What is the best way to organise to meet the demands from digitalisation?









What are the biggest challenges in your organisation at the moment due to digitalisation?

1. Our staff do not have the required competence

2. We do not have technical solutions

3. We are organised in the wrong way

4. We have difficulty in getting our staff to accept the need to adapt to this challenge

5. We don’t have the tools for strategy activation

6. Management in my company have not realized that digitalisation affects us

7. We don’t have any challenges

The best approach to succeed






0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Develop current staff

Recruit the skills you lack

Create a digital team from current staff

Engage consultants with digital competence

Recruit a digital team externally

Lacking skills for successful digital transformation

Lack of understanding of the business perspective of digitalisation.

Lack of deep digital knowledge in areas such as e-commerce, digital business, big data etc.

Lack of design skills when it comes to design of services, apps etc.

Lack of the right attitude and mind-set, for example a digital mind-set, courage and an entrepreneurial mind-set.

New competencies

PerformerCo Creator



The Visionary shows curiosity, looks beyond the target and is not limited by existing truths. Works with an innovative approach and thinks strategically in order to develop visions for the future. Demonstrates a courageous approach and self-confidence even when acting outside the comfort zone. Takes risks rather than missing opportunities. Works with testing assumptions and investigates in order to produce solutions. Maintains an optimistic outlook even when facing challenges. The Visionary maintains knowledge of market and competition, identifying new business opportunities.

Change Maker

The Change Maker actively seeks and introduces change with enthusiasm and acts on own initiative. Focuses on improvements that will enhance business performance. Questions existing methods and rules while promoting new ideas and supports the introduction of new methods. Handles ambiguity effectively and will act even if met with resistance. Acts consistently fairly and as a role model for others. The Change Maker is committed, trustworthy and a quick learner.

Co-creatorThe Co-Creator establishes networks effectively across all levels both internally and externally. Negotiates skillfullyby gaining agreement and commitment. Operates across functions and disciplines showing a cross-cultural awareness. Shares information openly and proactively with others and encourages others to do the same. Acts with integrity, keeps promises and maintains confidentiality. Understands and shows interest in other people’s point of view and attitude, wanting to learn from others. The Co-Creator is diplomatic and without prestige.


The Performer takes responsibility for own work and makes things happen while keeping a focus on customer needs. Sets clearly defined objectives and priorities in order to drive projects to results. Copes well with unexpected change and remains focused on work when under pressure. Acts quickly in many work situations. The Performer applies specialist job knowledge and expertise while seeing the opportunities in using new technology.


The Enabler builds teams successfully by motivating and inspiring others in order to make best use of their talent. Clearly explains concepts and opinions, articulating key points of an argument. Identifies the different needs and aspirations of staff. Spends time attracting and retaining talents. Makes relevant decisions and handles difficult and challenging situations objectively. The Enabler encourages teams to contribute to the organization as a whole.

New roles

Data Visualiser

Data Flow Analyst

Human Interaction ExpertRelationship Developer

Loyalty Builder

Network Explorer

Vlog Editor

Content Evangelist

Scenario Builder

Narrative Designer

Recruitment 2.0 by Hammer & Hanborg

What knowledge is in demand?

PerformerCo Creator



Digital leadershipSkills

Digital opportunitets

Know your why!

Know your why!

Situation analysis

• What´s most important to you?

• Your values?

• What would you like to do on a daily basis?

Your dream job?

• What do you have to do to catch it?

Pop it upInterview the person next to you and find three USPs for that person.

Interactive CV

• http://www.rleonardi.com/interactive-resume/

Cover letter

• Content rich – not verbose!

• Rewright each cover letter

• What you can contribute with

• Why you want to work in that postions at

that company

• Pitch yourself

• Picture or no picture?

• Focus forward









Saras keys to find your next big thing

• Make a situation analysis of yourself

• Define your values

• What´s important to you in your life

• What can you contribute with?

• Be a bit picky

• Focus forward

1. New heroes2. It´s all about interaction3. New co-worker4. Relations Flexibility Individuality –keys for new organisations5. New titles6. Be courageous7. Passion Reflections

Thank you!Sara Abrahamsson | +46 8 459 03 54| sara.abrahamsson@hammerhanborg.com |

Karin Netzell | +46 8 459 15 93| karin.netzell@hammerhanborg.com |

hammerhanborg.com @hammerhanborg #hamhan

Links for the exempels

• https://sqore.com/

• https://www.truecaller.com/

• https://www.uptrail.com/en

• https://se.linkedin.com/in/karin-netzell-2530956b

• https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-abrahamsson-6b92214/sv