SVN notes

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of SVN notes

WHAT’ s the PROB LE MS ?

2 Stories……

S to ry

NO .1


New Feature


S to ry

NO .2


svn repository

The only measure of progress is working code in source control.

If it’s not in source control, it doesn’t exist...

Get up-to-date before working on a file.

Do not commit if code doesn’t pass local testing or won’t even compile.

Immediately commit after completing a piece of functionality.

Every committed revision gives you a rollback position.

The risk of a merge nightmare increases dramatically with time.

It forces you to isolate features into discrete units of work.

One commit for one purpose. One purpose into one commit.

Do not commit any artifacts auto-generated out of the building process(e.g. program binary).

Make sure all commit contain comments.

Here are some anti-patterns of good commit messages:

1. Some shit. 2. It works! 3. fix some fucking errors 4. fix 5. Fixed a little bug... 6. Updated 7. typo 8. Revision 1024!!

Good process:

1. Get up-to-date 2. Build3. Never work on broken build 4. Develop 5. Build 6. Local testing 7. Commit 8. Resolve conflicts immediately9. Get up-to-date