Sustainable Healthcare is Online, Mobile and above all Social

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Keynote of @DianaVermeij in Pecha Kucha style during The Next Web Conference 2010 (#TNW) describing the huge added value of online, mobile but above all social health services. If we enable ourselves to share the personal health data we collect from our bodies, make it fun to find others online that face the same health challenges and if only we could collaborate to jointly achieve common health goals, the future of healthcare would look a lot different and maybe even a bit better as it can prevent us from getting ill or become more ill than we already are.

Transcript of Sustainable Healthcare is Online, Mobile and above all Social

‘sustainable healthcare is mobile and social’


100 bytes back to the seventies

10 years from now we have 2,500,000 chronically ill


that’s more people than this crowd...

they cannot be CURED

they need a lifetime of CARE

they retire

no time


online social can reform the way we deliver

healthcare to people

how social are we.... really?

one of the biggest challenges of our time is the lack of empathic, social behavior towards others

or.... is the meaning of ‘social’ changing?

@vincente to @tweetspreekuur should I do something about this?

the technology is there..

but mobile monitoring alone does not make you healthier... you have to DO

something with that information too...

but why should we get healthier all on our own?

find others online who struggle with the same

health goals

invite others in your online team to achieve health goals
