Susan Smith Blakely PLI… ·...

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Transcript of Susan Smith Blakely PLI… ·...

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Susan Smith Blakely

PLI Webinar

“Overcoming the Challenges for Women


March 30, 2016

Today I Will Talk About:

S The Grim Retention Statistics for Women in the Law;

S Why women leave and why law firms should care;

S The responsibility of law firm leaders to provide

effective leadership and contribute to the solutions for

women lawyers;

S What constitutes effective leadership for women

lawyers; and

S What women lawyers must do to remain in the

profession and advance to leadership positions.


About Susan Blakely

Practicing lawyer with experience including law firm

partner and Chief of Staff in public service;

Retired from practice in 2006 to found

LegalPerspectives LLC and Best Friends at the Bar;

Married to a private practice commercial litigator and

the mother of two --- a daughter, who is a lawyer in

NYC, and a son, who is a 3L; and

Author of Best Friends at the Bar books, speaker,

blogger, career coach and consultant on issues

related to women lawyers.


The Best Friends at the Bar


S Books AND More --- In the US and Abroad

S Blogs

S Speeches

S Newsletters

S Career Coaching

S Webinars

S Law Firm Women’s Initiatives



Troublesome Statistics

50% of law school grads today are women;

33% of all lawyers are women;

Approximately 40% of women lawyers leave

the profession mid-career --- two to three

times as many as male lawyers;

Fewer than 20% of law firm partners are

women, and women are underrepresented

on law firm management committees;

75% of women law grads leave their first

firms after five to six years.

Recent Studies and The Need

for Change

S National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL) Report on

Retention and Promotion of Women In Law Firms,

November 2015: Rate at which law firms promote women

to equity partnership has not changed in nine years since

NAWL started reporting the annual survey; and

S Austin Manifesto, Women’s Power Summit on Law and

Leadership at University of Texas Law: Data on women in

positions of leadership have been discouraging and show

much less progress than had been anticipated.


Historic Perspective

S Many women lawyers dropped out of law practice during

the 1980’s and the 1990’s as they started families;

S The work-life struggle and the male definition of success in

the law were on collision course;

S The promises of the Women’s Liberation Movement had

failed them;

S Women lawyers continue to drop out at alarming rates; and

S Leaving jobs in a weak economy with escalating costs of

living is risky business.


S Women lawyers represent a large pool of

talent that is expensive to replace;

S Corporate clients are demanding diversity in

their legal representation;

S Law firm succession plans rely on retaining

talent in the middle of the firm; and

S Best Practices in the legal profession depends

on a diverse workforce.


Why Law Firms Should

Care about Retaining Women

Why Women Leave

S Work-life challenges;

S Gender discrimination and unintentional bias

resulting in limited and unequal opportunities;

S Toxic or dysfunctional environments that

offend the values that women bring to the


S Unappealing role models; and

S Failure to find meaning in the work.


The Having It All Myth:

What Does it Mean?


The “Lean In” Myth

“Lean In” may not be realistic for women

lawyers who bill by the hour and have both

family and professional responsibilities; and

Having an upward career trajectory at all times

should not be the exclusive definition of

success. 11

“STAY IN” Is the Answer

STAY IN --- one way or another --- to preserve

future career options and opportunities;

Anticipate your needs and the kind of practice

that fits you and your family best; and



Myth: We Will Return to Pre-

Recession Law Firm Practice

S The changes in the economy since 2008 have

permanently changed law firms;

S Some of the changes present opportunities for women

lawyers; and

S Taking advantage of those opportunities will be key to



A Winning Strategy for Women


S Realistic expectations about careers and what

it means to be “successful”;

S Commitment to careers and plans in place to

deal with the unexpected; and

S Law firm leaders taking the challenges to

women lawyers seriously and participating in

solutions to those challenges. 14

The New Balance for Today’s

Woman Lawyer

The New Balance is Work/SELF/Home and Family;

No REAL balance --- the best you can hope for is that it

evens out in the end;

Balance that works for your circumstances and includes

attention to you and your physical, emotional and

psychological needs; and

REMEMBER: You cannot be good for others if your are

not good for yourself. 15

Finding the NEW Balance

S Identify what you really love to do in the law;

S Be serious about doing it;

S Maintain your personal identity;

S Take care of your personal needs;

S Get the help you need --- at home and at the office; and

S Maintain and nurture your friendships.


Practice Choices for Women



S Full-time and partnership track in law firms;

S Part-time and flex-time (may or may not include

partnership track) in law firms;

S Solo practice, virtual law practice, and law consulting;

S Academia, in-house counsel, public interest, not-for-profit,

public service and others;

S OWN your career path and your career decisions!

Chart Your Own Course

S Start early in your career by developing a preliminary


S Involve the other stakeholders in your Plan;

S Tweak the Plan as your circumstances change; and

S Become the best lawyer you can be to create VALUE to

trade on when you need to change your plan.


Achieving Your Goals

S Remember:

You cannot get further down the road UNLESS you are





Good Leadership Is Essential

to Lasting Solutions

S Progress for women lawyers requires effective


S Effective leadership in a traditional profession

is challenging; and

S Effective leadership depends on

understanding who we are trying to lead and

a recognition and elimination of negative



Effective Leaders MUST

S Communicate clear expectations and encourage open


S Lead by example;

S Identify and re-engage those who have fallen away

from the group;

S Champion, praise, reward and give proper

recognition; and

S Let others take the wheel and resist micro-managing.


Effective Leaders DO NOT

S Talk more than listen and need to “win” every conversation;

S Insist on “adding value” that discourages dialogue;

S Judge others according to personal standards and beliefs;

S Withhold information to protect power;

S Speak when angry and make destructive comments;

S Blame others for their own mistakes;

S Play favorites; or

S Punish the messenger.


Values-Based Leadership is a


S Values-based leadership is important to the retention

and advancement of women lawyers;

S Typical female values are: Sharing and teamwork,

interpersonal relationships, making a contribution,

having effort acknowledged and appreciated;

S Typical male values are: Money, power, ambition and




Key Talking Points for Leading

Women Lawyers

S The leader recognizes the value of women

lawyers and needs them as future leaders and


S Personal Definitions of Success are important

to achieving career goals and should be

supported whenever possible; and

S Achieving balance between personal and

professional lives is critical to success.

The need for many women to overachieve and

the risks in taking that approach;

S Achieving balance between personal and

professional lives; and

S Dealing with gender bias and stereotyping.


Gender Bias MUST Be


S Women lawyers often do not fit the traditional

male stereotypes of success in the profession;

S Negative stereotyping can lead to intentional

and unintentional bias toward women; and

S Gender Bias is wrong, unlawful and must be



Do NOT Listen for


S It is important to be a discriminating listener;

S BUT do not listen for discrimination.

There is a BIG difference. 26

Critical Messages for Women



S Be professional in every way (including dress and


S Pace yourself: A legal career is a marathon and not a


S ASK for help and for work. ASK for professional

development and skills training. Master core


S Find good mentors and sponsors; and

S Remember that leaving practice and trying to reenter

at a later date is very difficult.


Women Helping Women

S Former Secretary of

State, Madeline Albright:

S "There's a place in hell

reserved for women who

don't help other women."

More Critical Messages for

Women Lawyers

S Have courageous conversations and advocate for yourself;

S Chose to be a leader, and do not be marginalized;

S Use your emotional intelligence and your excellent

communication skills to become an effective negotiator for

yourself and for others;

S Network, network, network to develop clients from Day One; and

S Stretch yourself and take risks that will help you grow as a




Don’t be overly emotional in the workplace;

Don’t be too AGGRESSIVE in the workplace;

Don’t let others determine your direction;

Don’t let others take credit for your work;

Don’t always demand perfection of yourself; and

Don’t get carried away with spending that limits your

future opportunities and options.


Effective Women’s Initiatives in

Law Firms

S Much more than “gripe sessions”;

S Include both male and female lawyers;

S Address the imperatives for women to advance in the law

firm setting;

S Be metrics-based and measure improvement and success;


S Address effective leadership for and by women lawyers.


What to Look For in a Law


S Who controls the conversations and are women included?;

S Is there a respectful environment for women?;

S Are women represented at the management level?;

S Is there a Women’s Initiative and does the firm take it


S Are both men and women mentoring women?;

S Do the women of the firm support each other?; and

S Are the women getting quality work?


Getting the Most Out of Your

Law Firm Experience

S Be the BEST LAWYER you can be from Day One;

S Get out of your office and meet and dialogue with as many

people as possible;

S Go to EVERY social event and approach it as an

opportunity to network inside the law firm;

S Take advantage of flexible work models if you need them;


S Embrace constructive criticism and feedback.



Thank You!

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