Survival & Ego

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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A poster I did on the role ego plays on our lives as human beings.

Transcript of Survival & Ego


Survival Ego



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As humans we have the need to keep our mind busy. We feel like there is always something left to learn, to explore, to observe and to feel.

Ego makes us believe extrinsic rewards will entertain us. With the passing of time, the help of capitalism, and the ego we are born with; we have been trained to forget the importance, and relevancy of intrinsic rewards.

As humans we have the need to procreate, this way ensuring the continuation of our species. Males look for more partners to ensure the continuation of their genes. Females in turn look for the best provider.

Ego makes males believe that the more partners they have the more they have conquered. Ego makes females not want to let go of their provider once he has already served his purpose.

As humans our bodies need energy to function. Other than sleep our only source of energy is food.

Ego makes us believe we need more/ better food than we actually do. The choices we make in the foods we eat separate us within our own society. Someone who eats caviar feels better than the person who eats rice and beans. In turn the person who eats rice & beans hopes to one day be able to afford caviar.

As humans we find ways to keep ourselves safe. We find caves or we build homes that will keep us warm and away from danger.

When ego comes into play safety is only a part of the equation. Comfort becomes our priority. Making us forget the value of other more important needs.

As humans we need to protect ourselves from other species. We create weapons to ensure our survival.

Ego makes us believe we are/need to be stronger than the people who are not part of our society. We know other people think like us, which makes us afraid, leading us to create bigger more powerful weapons.

As humans we need to connect with one another. Share experiences, depend on each other, and learn from each other.

Ego makes us feel like we are more important than the person next to us. We start creating hierarchies, and giving ourselves roles that make us feel like we put in more value into society than others.

The ego has always been there but thanks to society, and what we learn. Our egos are getting bigger, taking over our survival instinct.