Survey results

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Survey results


For my first question I thought it would be appropriate to ask my target audience on how professional my music video looked, as this would give me and idea if my idea of a music video was successful or not. From the feedback many people gave me 8/10 which I think is reasonably professional. With the improvements that have been suggested to me, this should increase on a scale of 10.

My second question was based around editing. I think that this question was crucial to ask, as my music video is based around the pop genre which is quite fast paced, therefore the clips used should be cut to the beat of the song in order for the music video to flow. I received mixed responses on this question, some say the editing was quite good and others say that it is too fast. I have noticed that many people didn't like the cross dissolve which is used in the dance routines.

I have based this question on a scale of poor to excellent in order to rate the flow of my music video. As you can see in the diagram, most people thought my music video flows really well.

For this question i have mentioned all the aspects that thought would be appropriate for my music video and asked to rate them. In the diagram, you can see that camera shots received the most and locations wasn't as successful.

I decided to ask my target audience what was the most successful element in my music video. Most people again thought that my camera angles and editing was the most successful. A few people thought that the miming was out of sync.

Due to my music video being a narrative, it was appropriate to ask my target audience if they understood the message that I was trying to deliver to them. Most people understood the narrative of my music video and even thought of things that I didn't include but would make sense. For example someone mentioned that the girl was getting over a break up with her boyfriend by going on a night out with her friends. Others misunderstood the question and explained in there own words the definition of a narrative.

As I have included a dance performance in my music video, I asked my audience what they thought of it. Most of my responses where positive and that they liked it as it fitted in well with the genre.

I asked my target audience what they liked the most of my music video and all my responses varied. Some liked the camera shots, editing, song choice, narrative and performance.

I also asked my target audience what improvements they would give me. By asking this question I will be able to make improvements to the video in order to meet the target audiences expectations and have a successful music video

Finally my last question was based on the whole music video and if it was poor or excellent. Most of responses where positive for this question.