surge in fuel Prices; How Can You Reduce Your Fueling Costs?

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Are you tired of rising fuel costs limiting your company’s fleet? Try some of these ways of reducing how much fuel your vehicles use so you can keep your cars on the road.

Transcript of surge in fuel Prices; How Can You Reduce Your Fueling Costs?

Where are Fuel Prices Headed and How Can You Reduce Your Fueling Costs?

Fuel Costs are Rising

Fuel prices, including diesel fuel prices, are rising dramatically and showing no signs of stopping.

Though the cost of fuel is rising, there are some ways your company can conserve fuel.

Don’t waste fuel and money recklessly, take the necessary steps to preserve your fuel reserves today.

Drive More Efficiently

Some companies have attempted to drive more efficiently by purchasing hybrid cars for their fleet. Though this may not be practical for all companies.

Another way to drive efficiently and save fuel is to switch to bio-diesel.

Also, driving efficiently may simply mean driving less, or combining errands so that you drive to more places at once instead of running the errands separately.

Keep Up On Vehicle Maintenance

Fleet management includes regularly servicing your vehicles. Vehicles that have regular

oil changes will run more efficiently and will waste less fuel.

A poorly tuned cars can use 25% more fuel than a car that is tuned periodically.

Check Tire Pressure

Tire pressure can also effect how much fuel your fleet vehicles use.

Check tire pressure even more frequently than you change the oil.

You may have to buy new tires that stay inflated better. Old tires lose air more frequently.

Accelerate Gently

Accelerating quickly wastes gas and isn’t necessary. Accelerating

quickly can lower your gas mileage by 33% at highway speeds and by 5% around town.

Reckless driving is also dangerous. Take it easy and apply less pressure to the gas pedal, your engine will thank you.

Drive the Speed Limit

Apart from being the law, following the speed limit can benefit your gas mileage.

Following speed limits will keep you running at an even speed.

This will help you conserve gas because you won’t be speeding up and slowing down. Also, going 70 mph opposed to 50 or 60 mph won’t get you anywhere much faster, but it will waste more gas.

Avoid Hard Breaking

Much like accelerating fast, hard braking can negatively impact your gas mileage.

This is because you will have to accelerate from a dead stop instead of slowing to a gentle roll, which is easier to accelerate from.

Braking gently will also keep your brakes in good condition. Having to change the brakes for an entire fleet of vehicles will be very expensive.

Don’t Warm Up By Idling

Interestingly enough, idling also wastes more gas than you think.

Many people think that idling will help their car warm up faster, but vehicles actually warm up better when they are being driven.

Also, idling for more than 30 seconds creates emissions and also wastes gas. You’re better off stopping the car fully.

Always Pay Attention

Basically, you want to always pay attention to your vehicles.

Pay attention to your speed, your idling periods, and your driving habits.

When you do this, you will find that not only will you become a better driver, but you will waste less fuel and save money. For more information visit us at