Suresh Susarla - Demystifying Social Media

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Suresh Susarla - Demystifying Social Media

Public Information

Demystifying Social Data

Social Strategy Director

Suresh Susarla


Public Information 2

Our MissionThe mission of the association is to facilitate the financial security of its members, associates, and their families through provision of a full range of highly competitive financial products and services; in so doing, USAA seeks to be the provider of choice for the military community.

Our Core ValuesService Loyalty Honesty Integrity



FinancialStrength & Wisdom

SharedMilitary Values

Our Brand Pillars

GOING ABOVEOur Brand Promise


Who We Are

As of Oct. 2014

Public Information 3

Social is one of the keys to marketing success

Earned• Sharing

Paid• Advertisin


Organic• Web


Social is the Digital Trifecta

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Percent of Adult Social Media Users

71 31 28 23

Source: Pew Research Survey March – April 2015

FacebookPinterest Instagram Twitter

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“Social media spending in the US is expected to reach $27.4 billion by 2020, up from $12.3 billion in 2015, growing at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.4%”

- Forrester, March 2015










Social Media Spend Forecast

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Measuring performance in social channels continues to be the

biggest challenge for enterprises.- Forrester’s Q1 2015 Global Social Relationship Platform Wave

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A dozen network

Used by

Millions of users


Billions of actions

What is Social Data?

Facebook, Twiiter, Pinterest, Instagram, ….

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“Information Overload is not the problem its filter failure”

- Clay Shirky

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State of analytics

• Vendors are mandatory component There is no perfect vendor solution Technologies can facilitate data collection but there is no silver bullet for

actionable-impactful insights

• Mere monitoring does not lead to insights or smarter actions

• Measurement is still the biggest gap

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10 principles of Social Analytics

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1. Most of what you hear in social is noise

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2. Word Clouds are not “just” art work

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3. Negative sentiment is more volatile than positive

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Study* shows that a viewer's emotional response to an ad was a greater influence on their intent to buy than the actual content of the ad — up to three times great Emotion-into-Action™ score

* How emotions influence what we buy. 2013 Psychology today

Emotion itself is important whether the sentiment is positive or negative

4. Emotion than Sentiment

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5. News driven spikes generally have a short life

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6. Context before content


Right Time

Right Place

Right Audienc


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7. Share of voice is misleading

• Doesn’t Change much

• Overweighs on twitter

Brand A

Brand B

Brand C

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8. Majority of social engagement happens on road (mobile)

• Social engagements happen on mobile devices

• Companies continue to grow their investment in mobile marketing

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9. You don’t have access to most of the social conversations

• Social data is locked

• About 80% of social amplification data is not accessible

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10. You can create your own metrics that work for you

Define relative measures

• Relative Engagements – Measure effectiveness of audience

• Relative Impressions – Measure effectiveness of content

Total Engagements-------------------------- Total Reached Users

Total Impressions-------------------------- Total # of Posts

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Start with business goal

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Value is…

The ValueAnalyzing Social



Responsive & ScalableCollect and respond to insight in real-time, globally

Competitive IntelligenceView conversations about competitors’ brand and products

Targeted & ActionableRelate events, activities and campaignsto a specific point in timeUser Generated & UnsolicitedLearn what your customers reallythink and feel

Longitudinal & PredictiveYou can look back and see the future


Public Information