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G E N T R AOnline NewsletterVol 15, November 2017

E- Newsletter Universitas Padjadjaran

U N I V E R S I T Y 1

Rector of Unpad Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad and UNDP Country Director of Indonesia Chritophe Bahuet, after Mou singing ceremony in UNDP Indonesia office in Jakarta, Thursday (19/10)

Universitas Padjadjaran was initiating cooperation with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) related to the

implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. Many policy recommendations would be generated to achieve the SDGs program through this scientific collaboration.

This cooperation was realized by signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Rector of Unpad Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad and UNDP Country Director of Indonesia Chritophe Bahuet, in UNDP Indonesia office in Jakarta, Thursday (19/10).

On the occasion, the Rector said, this cooperation was an important breakthrough in the attempt to develop the 17 programs listed in SDGs. Currently various development problems require more intensive cooperation.

The rector said that it must be realized through an approach with various stakeholders, including government, business, academia, community, and the media. This cooperation pattern is termed by Unpad as “Pentahelix” cooperation.

Rector believes that UNDP has a strategic role as an Indonesian government partner in promoting SDGs. “With UNDP’s capacity, experience and resources, we believe that this collaboration will be beneficial to both parties, for example in the knowledge transfer” said Rector.

Having the same opinion with the Rector, Christophe Bauhet said that the UNDP highly appreciated the cooperation with Unpad. He hoped that UNDP and Unpad would conduct useful research activities for policy development related to SDGs. In addition, both parties are expected to participate actively in providing a broader understanding of SDGs to the community.

The issue of sustainable development has been the focus of the Unpad Tri Darma activity. One of the implementations is the inclusion of SDGs in the learning curriculum. The purpose is that students can find out various issues related to SDGs early on. Students are also actively encouraged to be involved in various implementations SDGs’s chemes conducted by Unpad.

As the commitment in achieving SDGs in Indonesia, Unpad through the feature of SDGs Centre have published a book titled “Commemorating SDGs, the readiness of Indonesian provinces.” This book is discussing about the achievement of SDGs through the comprehensive research approach.

“We believe that this effort need to be conducted with focus and integration, for that we execute it with academic approach with Trans discipline (by involving) many faculties that available in Unpad.” As the rector said.

In short, this book is Unpad’s contribution in its 60th anniversary in achieving many SDGs Programs in Indonesia in 2030. Many recommendations from

civitas academica’s thought result will be expected to be the foundation of policy establishments for the planning and catalyst in achieving the SDGs’ targets.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of SDGS Centre Unpad Prof. Arief Anshori Yusuf Ph.D said that many aspects of the SDGs were very complex. From many baseline researches, SDGs development needs a comprehensive approach. More than that, every involved institutions need to be able to see the program priorities that have to be done first.

The event of the MoU signing is attended by UNDP SDGs Technical Advisor Juliaty Ansye Spacua, representative of SDGs partners, Bappenas, Vice Rector of Research, Public Service, Cooperation and Academic Corporation Dr. Keri Lestari,, Apt., Cooperation Director and Academic Corporation Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, dr, Sp.A(K), M.Kes, Head of Public Communication of Unpad Office Ade Karisman, M.Si, M.T, and Deputy Director of Unpad SDGs Centre Dr. Zuzy Arina, M.Si.

This event also filled by panel discussion themed “Strategic Partnership towards Accelerated SDGs Attainment: The Role of Academia” with keynote speaker Christophe Bahuet, Prof. Arief Anshory Yusuf, Co-chair of Indonesia philanthropy Ir. Erna Witoelar, M.Si, Director of Forestry and Sea Resources Conservation Ir. Wahyuningsih Darajatim M.Sc, and Head of Bappeda in Lampung Province Ir. Taufik Hidayat, MM,. MEP.


U N I V E RS i T yGE N T RAVol 15, November 2017



research which is intended for lecturers. The socialization was held at Bale Sawala Gedung

Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor campus, Friday (10/27).Vice Rector on Academic and Students Affairs Dr.

Arry Bainus, M.A., said, this socialization was held because there were many questions from lecturers about tax mechanisms for research and cooperation grants. However, the regulation about the tax mechanisms is not clear enough.

“This is indeed to be a problem. Clearly we must obey the rules,” said Dr. Arry when opening the event.

Meanwhile, Director of Unpad’s Finance and Logistics, Edi Jaenudin, S.E., Ak., M.Si., said, as PTN Legal Entity, Unpad’s financial management is different with university that status is as Satuan Kerja

(SatKer) and Badan Layanan Umum (BLU). Because it has the authority of management in a plenary but still as a government-owned entity, then the status of Corporate University (PTN Badan Hukum) has its own characteristic.

By regulation, there will be three taxes levied in research activities, they’re value-added tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN)), income tax (Pajak

Penghasilan (PPh)), and stamp duty tax (Pajak Bea Materai). Because the status of Corporate University,

Unpad includes in taxable employers (Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP)). Therefore, PKP entitled to collect PPN.

Based on UU number 42 year 2009, value-added tax charged when a transfer of service/goods happens and gets taxes. In research activity, which is subject to PPN consists of purchase/payment of disposable service/goods, software purchase/manufacture, and tools purchase/payment.

However, there is a payment that is not levied by value-added tax. Edi explained, the activity includes payments under one million rupiah and the payment is not separated, fuel/gas payment, air transport services, submission of taxable goods/services, and land acquisition.

While Income tax (PPh) charged to the income that received by the lecturer. This PPh consists of PPh 21, PPh 22, PPh 23, and PPh 24. Edi explained, the income that received was not only money but also goods,

outside of natura treatment (facility benefits). This facilty reward treatment includes official car facility or the other facilities.

“Except when the official car has an official car maintenance allowance, for example, the benefit includes an income of tax object,” sadi Edi.

The lecturers are also required to withhold income tax if in their research activity they provide income of others, such as inviting interviewees or recruiting research assistant that was given honor.

Director of Unpad’s Finance and Logistics, Edi Jaenudin, S.E., Ak., M.Si., said, as PTN Legal Entity at Bale Sawala Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor campus, Friday (10/27). (Picture: Tedi Yusup)*

The registration of Admission Test Universitas Padjadjaran (SMUP) the second wave in academic year 2017/2018 for Graduate,

Profession, and Specialization programs has been opened since 12 October ago. This registration will be closed on 9 November for Specialization program, 23 November for Graduate program, ad 27 December for Profession program.

The coordinator of SMUP, Prof. Muchtaridi, PhD., Apt., said, specifically for Doctoral program, the registration is open for an entire year. This goes according from Unpad’s policy that the learning for Doctoral program is not based on classes activities but more emphasizing on research activity (doctor by research).

However, although the registration is open for an entire year, the lectures will still follow the Unpad’s academic calendar schedule, which is

February for even semester and September for odd semester. “If they (the candidate) apply in the last of February, it means they will start their research in September,” said Prof. Muchtaridi when being

interviewed by Public Relation of Unpad, Monday (16/10).

Furthermore, Prof. Muchtaridi mentioned, to apply on SMUP, the candidate first needs to access site to get the information regarding the available major to be applied and also the requirements they need to prepare when they apply. Next, the candidate should open to submit the application.

On the registration page, if the candidate has registered there previously, then they only need to input their username and password of their existed account to log in. However, if they haven’t created an account before, they can click on creating account and input some self-information needed for it.

When applying, the candidate is suggested to be careful and complete all

requirements expected. “Only one document is not following the rules, then the application cannot be processed,” he said.

For Advanced Learning Ability Test (TKBA) required and English Proficiency Test (TKBI), they are not

necessary for applicants on Doctoral program. Prof. Muchtaridi explained, TKBA and TKBI documents are only included when promoter candidate advised it.

For Graduate, Specialization, and Profession candidates, TKBA and TKBI certificates are a must to be included. However, those certificates may be obtained from legal institution outside Unpad’s BPIP Psychology and Language Center.

“It is acceptable to be anywhere as long as it is legal institution. And if the candidate is caught on falsifying the certificate, then they will be exiled right away.” Prof. Muchtaridi warned.

Besides that, for Graduate, Specialization, and Profession, the candidates are obliged to have research proposal adjusted with Research Main Plan (RIP) Unpad. Especially for Doctoral program, they have to choose a promoter who has active research. With this, the research plan conducted will be integrated with the promoter candidate’s research project.

In this period, majors in Faculty of Nursery are not open for application.*


U N I V E R S I T y

Based on the assessment from RMOL West Java’s side, Prof. Dr. med. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dr. is considered as the best rector in Indonesia.

Officiated as a rector since 2015, Prof. Tri keeps continuing Unpad’s commitment in supporting development and improvement of welfare in West Java as well as at the national level.

This commitment is realized through several programs that rolled out by Unpad, one of them is Aliansi Strategis Unpad (ASUP) Jawa Barat. This program is the realization of continued affirmation program

“Unpad Nyaah ka Jabar”. With focus on extending regional capacity in West Java through scientific implementation, Unpad later on carry out a series of cooperation with 27 cities/regencies in West Java.

Through this program as well, Unpad encourage the great teachers to be active in doing community service directly. This program which is known by name Profesor Masuk Desa (Professor entered village) , the great teachers is driven to implement various results of their researches to be applied in the community directly.

In national level, since 2016 Unpad has been free of tuition fee for undergraduate medical education and medical specialist freshmen in Faculty of Medicine with condition they are willing to be placed in region after graduated. This program is considered to open wide opportunities for our nation’s sons to get higher education in college.

After receiving this award, Rector stated that this award is not solely personal, but for Unpad fully. He believed, what has given by Unpad to the community is based on support from various parties.

“Hopefully this will be booster and motivation for Unpad to give better to West Java.” Rector explained.

The Kujang Mas 2017 award is initiation from RMOL West Java in giving appreciation to regional heads and public figures that have strong dedication in advancing West Java. There are three award categories given, i.e Golden Personality, Democracy Award, and Lifetime Achievement.

Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad received The Kujang Mas 2017 award from Rakyat Merdeka Online (RMOL) West Java for democracy award category. The award is bestowed upon Prof. Tri’s dedication in improving the quality of higher education in Unpad.


FA c U LT y 3

Indonesia government is always active on contributing to solve various problems in one or between countries. The diplomacy role done by

Indonesia is always to promote negotiable efforts.The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to

Austria and Slovenia Dr. Darmansjah Djumala said, the diplomacy process done by Indonesia always refers to defined ethics. There are three main components that have to be done in diplomacy; those are dialogue, compromise, and non- violence.

“It is often forgotten by a diplomat, if they prefer to argue when expressing their opinions, they will end up fighting,” said Darmansjah while giving a public lecture titled ”Membumikan Diplomasi

Multilateral” at Unpad Rectorate Building Bale Sawala, Jatinangor, Tuesday (17/10)

These three ethics make Indonesia always be welcome by countries that have problems. Reflecting on solving human rights issue of Rohingyas, Myanmar, Indonesia became the only country welcome by Myanmar.

While another country criticized Myanmar’s actions, Indonesia preferred to use humanism approach to solve the conflict.

Darmansjah told, Indonesia’s delegation represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi was the only high-ranking state official accepted officially by Myanmar’s leader, Aung San

Suu Kyi. After this conference, Indonesia was asked to be the only country consulted by Myanmar after the post-treatment of Rohingyas conflict.

This acceptance, continued the lecturer of International Relations Doctoral program of FISIP Unpad, was very contradictory to Myanmar’s behavior toward critic countries, which were Malaysia and Turkey. While those two countries strongly condemned Myanmar’s action said as violence toward religion and human rights, humanism approach of Indonesia was much more effective.

Therefore, Darmansjah dismissed the perception that Indonesia government neglected the violence in Myanmar. “If we don’t care, of course we will not well accepted by Myanmar,” explained him.

In the public lecture, Darmansjah also explained the process of multilateral diplomacy. Many people judge, diplomacy involving many

countries often doesn’t result any significant benefits. This diplomacy just results a declaration paper.

However, Darmansjah once more dismissed that opinion. A multilateral diplomacy can result a direct benefit to society. It is required that the diplomacy has to define a priority program that can be implemented.

One of implementation forms of multilateral diplomacy has been done by Darmansjah as the Chair of the Board of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Governors. In that forum, the multilateral diplomacy successfully conducted a nuclear implementation work program for the interests of society in some countries.

* The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Austria and Slovenia, Darmansjah Djumala while giving the public lecture titlet “Membumikan Diplomasi Multilateral” at Unpad Rectorate Building Bale Sawala, Jatinangor, Tuesday (17/10). The public lecture was held by FISIP Unpad. (Picture: Tedi Yusup)*


The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Austria and Slovenia Dr. Darmansjah Djumala while giving a public lecture titled ”Membumikan Diplomasi Multilateral” at Unpad Rectorate Building Bale Sawala, Jatinangor, Tuesday (17/10). (Photogtaph: Tedi Yusup)*

The Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs of Universitas Padjadjaran Dr. ArryBainus, M.A., inaugurated Bank Mini LEAD that is located at

Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Wednesday (25/10). Mini Bank is one form of Universitas Padjadjaran’s cooperations with Bank Syariah Mandiri to facilitate the students to know more about the banking world, especially sharia banking.

“This is what will bring students closer to the real world. In ways like these, at least, they will be familiar to face the world of work, “said Dr. Arry in his speech.

According to Dr. Arry, students of today’s generation are not enough to only learn from books. They themselves are already information literate by devices. Moreover, students need a direct simulation that is close to the real world they will face later.

Furthermore he said, Bank Mini is also a transformative learning form, where the education process is done by involving various sides. Currently the educational process is no longer exclusively belonging to the college.

“Hopefully with the Mini Bank we will always be a further institution in the future, more visionary,” hoped Dr. Arry.

Meanwhile, The Regional Head-Region IV / Jawa 1 Bank Syariah Mandiri Jeffry Prayana revealed that the Bank Mini was built to improve education

in Universitas Padjadjaran, especially related to sharia banking. He also advised that the students can take advantages of this facility as well as possible.

“Hopefully, this Mini Bank will make all of you especially who are students more ready to welcome economic growth, especially of sharia banking in Indonesia,” hoped Jeffry.

Padjadjaran Islamic Economic Summit

On the same occasion, Islamic Economy Student Association of Unpad FEB in cooperation with Bank Syariah Mandiri held Padjadjaran Islamic Economic Summit (PIES) at Bale Sawala, Universitas Padjadjaran Rectorate building Jatinangor campus. This activity’s theme is “Increasing the Role of Sharia Investment Industry in Indonesia in State Development”.

In the seminar, attended by the speaker of the Head of Group Learning Center of Bank Syariah Mandiri Firman Jatnika, the Director of Dompet Dhuafa (2013-2016) & Co-Founder of 221 Cooperative Dr. Ahmad Juwaini, S.E., MM., the Head of Islamic Capital Development Indonesia Stock Exchange Irwan Abdalloh, S.E., MM., and the Youngest Propertypreneur in Southeast Asia 2015 & Founder of Alzin Group Abdul Majid Alzindani.*


Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs of Universitas Padjadjaran Dr. ArryBainus, M.A., inaugurated Bank Mini LEAD that is located at Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Wednesday (25/10). (Picture: Tedi Yusup)*

GE N T RAVol 15, November 2017FA c U LT y

The Professor from Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Tualar Simarmata, Ir., M.S., develops agriculture technology innovation to increase

integrated rice production by the fertility restoration of paddy fields. The technology is known as Intensifikasi Padi Aerob Berbasis Organik (IPAT- BO)

The process of IPAT-BO technology uses twin seedling. The technique, according to him, will save the seed, save the uses of water, and utilize organic and biological based fertilizers (biomelioran).

Organic based, the innovation uses straw compost as the source of soil microbial nutrition which is able to improve the soil quality in a short time. Of course the quality will be different if it uses inorganic fertilizers. Although it can increase the productivity of rice, in the other side inorganic fertilizers has a negative impact to soil and triggers the acceleration of soil degradation.

“Indonesia’s problem is about how to embody the food security. On the other hand, our soil is already getting ‘tired’, the productivity is decreasing, and the water is decreasing, so we design an organic based water-saving technology to increase the productivity and restore the soil fertility sustainably,”

explained Prof. Tualar who is also an expert in Soil Biotechnology.

The result of IPAT-BO technology is able to reduce the water uses to 35%, reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers to 25%, also save the seed until 50%. IPAT-BO is also able to increase the productivity of land twofold.

“This technology becomes easy and cheap because it utilizes existing potential or local, the rest is from outside. The technology has got a positive response from farmers because it saves cost, and it is proven to be able to increase the product,” said Prof. Tualar.

The technology been developed by Prof. Tualar since 2006 is actively socialized in various regions in Indonesia. The result, this technology gets a good response from Indonesian farmers and also direct support from The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Many media also has reported about IPAT-BO successfully increasing the productivity of yields 2-4 fold in many regions in Indonesia.

Moreover, through the IPAT-BO Technology, this Alumnus of Doctoral Program of Germany Justus Liebig University was chosen as one of 10 Indonesian

Best Innovators in National Innovation Competition held by Tanggerang Selatan Global Innovation Forum (NIC-TGIF) 2016, last September 2016. Other 9 motivators were chosen based on research innovation to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation in Indonesia.

Other achievements are seen in final event of 22nd Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional (Hakteknas) in Makassar, last August. The IPAT-BO technology was exhibited as one of national superior innovations.

“In order to produce superior rice, the technology must be superior as well,” said Prof. Tualar.

Furthermore, Prof. Tualar explained, to achieve superior rice status, all aspects regarding to the process must be superior. At least, beside superior technology, seed’s quality, mentoring, partnership, farmers’ well-being, and the process have to follow the same superior standard.

The mentoring pattern done by Prof. Tualar is to implement cooperation pattern with Pentahelix by Unpad. The cooperation pattern includes all stakeholders, who are academics, government, entrepreneur, community, and media. He appraised, by the Pentahelix cooperation pattern, the emerging problems will be easily solved.

IPAT-BO technology has been widely applied in several regions in Indonesia. In South Sulawesi, the IPAT-BO technology has been applied in 23 districts. The technology is implemented on superior rice seed developed by Kemenristekdikti*

P RO F I L eGE N T RAVol 15, November 2017

4 P R O F I L


ADDRESSCisangkuy 62, Bandung, 40114Phone: (022) 205 235

WORKING HOURS10:00 am to 11:00 pm on Weekdays11:00 am to 11:30 pm on Weekends



The three students from Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology (FTIP) Unpad invented Frozen Peuyeum (Froyeum). They are Faysa

Utba, Vina Fitriani Pratiwi, and Ziske Noflianri. It all started from the desire to boost the potential of Bandung local foods. Thanks to Froyeum, they won the first place on the Food Innovation and Technology Competition held by The Association of Indonesian Food Technology Experts (PATPI) in Universitas Lampung, on Saturday (7/10).

Froyeum is a modified version of peuyeum, a traditional food from Bandung. It’s made by applying the appropriate technology: fermentation and freezing process. Froyeum doesn’t only taste

good, but it’s also nutrients-rich and useful for digesting process which makes it a functional food.

“Froyeum looks like an ice cream. Its main ingredient is cassava which later fermented into peuyeum, and then mixed with yoghurt and honey,” Vina said to us on Tuesday (17/10) at the Public Relation Room of Gedung Rektorat Unpad kampus Jatinangor.

According to Vina and team, despite nutrients-rich, there’s only few foods made of cassava. Peuyeum is still unpopular, especially amongst the youth. Therefore, they hope that Froyeum will be a favorite food and a popular choice for gift amongst tourists in Bandung.

“We transformed peuyeum into Froyeum to make it more appealing, last longer, and more popular,” Fasya explained.

The research was conducted in the course of one month, under the guidance of a lecturer from FTIP Unpad, Dr. Gemilang Lara Utama, M.I.L. “Our product has been tested using hedonic testing. We tested the liking of our product on the trained panelists,” Fasya added.

Futhermore, Faysa told that it takes three days to make Froyeum, starting from fermenting the singkong into peuyeum, and then freezing it to make a Frozen Peuyeum.

Faysa and team hope that their product will soon be sold for public. Froyeum will come in two variant flavors, strawberry and original.

“Hopefully in the future, Froyeum will be known by more people and become a favorite gift from Bandung that sold well,” Vina hoped.*


Three students of FTIP Unpad who invented “Frozen Peuyeum” (Froyeum) won the first place on the Food Innovation and Technology Competition held by The Association of Indonesian Food Technology Experts (PATPI) in Universitas Lampung, on Saturday (7/10). (Photo: Tedi Yusup)*

Universitas Padjadjaran students returned create achievement at the international level. Is Jhoice Noor Syahid (Faculty Economics

and Business) and M. Hanif Arrazi (Faculty Social Sciences and Political Science) succeeded in becoming the best presenter in the Indonesian Student arena Association Scientific Conference (ISACS) 2017 held by the Association of Indonesian Students Osaka-Nara Japan at Ichiko Kaikan Hall, Osaka University, Japan, on Saturday (21/10).

Jhoice and Hanif belong to the Fund Team Village titled “Integrated Financial” paper Accounting and Reporting Platform on the Village Bureucracy Level throughout Indonesia in order to Improve Internal Control, Accountablity, and Corruption Practice Prevention on Grand Funds: Case Study of Dana Desa One Billion Rupiah for Every Village-President Joko Widodo Cabinet Program “. Presentation is done in the sector of Government, Economic and Social Policy.

“We are very proud to present our idea in this international conference, moreover in front of extraordinary scientists, and especially this is deliver for Indonesia certainly, “Hanif said in a release received Public Relations Unpad.

The event was attended by 42 teams from a number universities in Japan, Indonesia, and Australia. Unpad itself sends 6 teams spread over 5 clusters. The six teams is a student of various courses in Unpad. ISACS 2017 event was opened by representatives from The Embassy of Japan and KJRI Osaka, and representatives from Osaka University. The event then continued with an international seminar with speakers, Prof. Akhisa Matsuno from Osaka University. The event is also filled with paper presentations on the presence of academics from a number of famous universities in Japan. *


Two Unpad student delegates Jhoice Noor Syahid and M. Hanif Arrazi succeeded in becoming the best presenter at the Indonesian Student Association event Scientific Conference (ISACS) 2017 held by Association of Indonesian Students Osaka-Nara Japan at Ichiko Kaikan Hall, Osaka University, Japan, on Saturday (21/10) ago. *


M A H AS I SWA GE N T RAVol 15, November 2017




GE N T RAVol 15, November 2017

Universitas Padjadjajaran accepts the application of information system archive static from the National Archives of the

Republic Indonesia. The application submission was officially given by the main secretary of National Archives of the Republic Indonesia Drs.Sumrahyadi, MIMS, to Director of academic resource and library Unpad Dr. Teuku Yan Waliana Muda Iskandarsyah, S.T., M.T.

This event was held in The Rector Meeting Room of Rectorate Building,Unpad in Jatinangor, on Thursday (19/10). During his speech Sumrahyadi said, SIKS is one of ANRI develop in manage archives static based on digital. Eventually, SIKS is used in every ministry/institution, government office, SOE, college, till other institution.

Developing of SIKS is implementation of undang undang nomor 43 tahun 2009 about archives. One of the message from UU states that the performance archives involve whole activities, such as policy, coaching, and archives management which is supported by human resources, infrastructure, and other resources.

Activities inside SIKS involve the acquisition, archive, processing, preservation, until presentation archives to a public. Therefore, besides implement the law archives, SIKS automatically realize the law about public information disclosure.

As a college since 1957, Unpad has a lot of archives static data. This data involves the history of the university, faculties’ establishment, program study establishment, the university figures, until the result of resources data. All this data is worth manage through SIKS.

Said Sumrahyadi, this submission is based on the reason about the effectiveness on managing archives in Unpad. In 2016 Unpad receive archives institution predicate as the best public universities in national level.

Notice the completeness of instrument which exists, Unpad is worth for accepting this system. This was based on after it side doing a survey about the archives condition in Unpad, including supporting facilities like the network connection.

“If the implementation is good, Unpad can be the management target of SIKS in college,” said Sumrahyadi.

Before, Unpad has managed the dynamic archive using System archives information application since 2013. Later, these applications will be connected in National System Information archives.

Dr. Yan appreciates the receipt from SIKS. He hopes, the application could improve the archives system management in Unpad so that

can be optimal.The submission event is have attended by the

head of the archives office Unpad Drs. Sudarma, M.M., Anri representative, and the functional archivist in Unpad.*


Director of academic resource and library Unpad Dr. Teuku Yan Waliana Muda Iskandarsyah, S.T., M.T, The application submission was officially given by the main secretary of National Archives of the Republic Indonesia Drs.Sumrahyadi, MIMS, in The Rector Meeting Room of Rectorate Building,Unpad in Jatinangor, on Thursday (19/10). (Foto: Tedi Yusup)*


SDGs Centre of Universitas Padjadjaran cooperating with Korean Association of International Development and Cooperation

(KAIDEC) have conducted “The 3rd International Symposium on Asian Development Studies” that have been held at Unpad Training Centre, Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda no. 4 , Bandung, on Thursday (26/10) and on Friday (28/10).

The International Syposium promoted a theme about partnership and the involvement on state actor and non-state actor in resolving about development inequality. The symposium has invited world experts to discussing various strategic issue related to development in Asia.

Director of Unpad SDGs Centre Prof. Armida S. Alisjahbana said that the symposium held to discussing issues about challenges and problems related to development in Asia.

There are three main issues that discussed in the symposium which are development challenge in Asia, equality issue, also cooperation and involvement of actor countries and non-actor

countries issue. The symposium expected to produce a comprehensible solution.

Opened formally by Vice Rector of Research, Public Service, Cooperation and Academic Corporation Dr. Keri Lestari,, Apt. Dr. Keri, in her reception, said that Unpad has commitment to supporting of executing the Sustainable Development Goals. Activities involved in Tri Darma and also the academic curriculum developed to attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

“The 17 goals of the SDGs have already implemented in the academic curriculum. The students at least need to know the aspect of Sustainable Development Goals in public activities” said Dr. Keri.

The Keynote speakers of the symposium attended by Prof. Heejin Lee (KAIDEC President), Toru Yanagihara (Japan), Bisnu Dev Panta (Nepal), Denison Jayasooria (Malaysia), Ian Coxhead (USA), Ronina Asis (Philippine), Sato Kan Hiroshi (Japan), Sothy Kieng (Cambodia), Vu Ngoc Binh (Vietnam), Dong Qiang (China), Jiyoung Kim (South Korea),

Stephen Houwes (Australia), Min Joung Park (South Korea), Jiyoun Park (South Korea), Eun Mie Lim (South Korea), Marife Ballestros (Philippine), Sunggyu Jim (South Korea), Bibbhuti Ranjan Jha (Nepal), and Kyungyong Moon (South Korea). Meanwhile from the Unpad itself presented Prof. Armida Alisjahbana, Dr. Keri Lestari, Prof. Arief Anshory Yusuf, PhD, Dr. Zuzy Anna, M.Si, and Ade Kadarisman, M.Sc.

In the event, there are MoU signing between Unpad SDGs Centre and KAIDEC. The signing was conducted by Prof. Armida and Prof. Heejin Lee.

Meanwhile, the President of KAIDEC Prof. Heejin Lee said that in the era of attaining the SDGs, inequality have been developing in Asia regions related to attainment process of economic development. Because of that, this context was chosen as the theme of the symposium.

“The 3rd International Symposium on Asian Development Studies” that have been held at Unpad Training Centre, Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda no. 4 , Bandung, on Thursday (26/10) and on Friday (28/10).(Picture: Sofyan)*

The increasing rate of economic growth in Indonesia holds

various challenges that must be faced. The government should cooperate with various sectors to resolve this challenge. One of the sectors that are being targeted is Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN)/ state-owned enterprises.

Deputy of financial business services, survey services, and consulting services of the ministry of BUMN RI, Gatot Triharjo, stated, there are five challenges faced by Indonesia to making steps forward. Those five challenges are inequality of development, energy and food security, the lack of infrastructures and basic industries, the lack of financial services access and unproductive human resources.

While giving public lecture in “BUMN Goes to Campus” at Bale Sawala, Rectorate Building Unpad Jatinangor, Saturday (28/10), Gatot stated that BUMN keeps supporting government’s programs on developing the country.

Gatot stated, Indonesia became one of three countries with the biggest growth in the world. Two other countries, China and India have another story of their development.

China is progressing with their aggressive growth of BUMN, while India is advancing due to the growth of private investment.

Having increasing activities, BUMN is also actively conduct joint visitation to several countries. But, the cooperation initiated by BUMN is unique, because it’s always guided by four main principles.

Those four main principles are willing to do joint venture, mutual transfer of knowledge and technology, willing to provide funds, also the products that are being sold not only being produced in Indonesia but also outside the country.

Those four principles in the end making Indonesia no longer limited to markets for foreign companies. With number of productive ages growing higher now, Indonesia has a chance to become a marker for several countries.

Carrying the theme of building a fair Indonesia economy, “BUMN Goes to Campus” presenting officials in the ministry of BUMN and the Chief Executive of BUMN to discuss with civitas academica

and experts from universities,This event was officially opened by Unpad

Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad. In his welcoming speech, he stated that Unpad has long been in synergy with BUMN. This is seen from the establishment of “Unpad BUMN Center of Excellence” (Unpad BCE) which aims to integrate the academic side with the conditions in the real world.

Besides Gatot, this event also presenting speaker Unpad’s Professor Faculty of Economy and Business, Prof. Dr. Armida Alisjahbana, M.A., and Chief Executive of PT. Reasuransi Indonesia Utama, Frans Sahusilawane. On the event, Padjadjaran University also being gifted education scholarship worth Rp 500 million.


Unpad’s Professor Faculty of Economy and Business, Prof. Dr. Armida Alisjahbana, M.A., while giving public lecture in “BUMN Goes to Campus” at Bale Sawala, Rectorate Building Unpad Jatinangor, Saturday (28/10) (Photo: Tedi Yusup)*

Words and music become two elements that cannot be separated in IwanAbdulrachman, the song arranger and the nature lover.

In his musicality journey, words are better sung he said. On the contrary, song can also sung with words.

Iwan delivered the statement in his performance between book discussion MentariSang Kelana: CeritadanMaknaLagu-laguIwanAbdulrachman (The Wanderer’s Sun: Story and Meaning of Songs by IwanAbdulrachman) by ArieMalangyudi in GrhaSanusiHardjadinata, UniversitasPadjadjaran, Jalan Dipatiukur No. 35, Bandung, on Friday (20/10).

The discussion was officially opened by Unpad’s Rector Prof. Tri HanggonoAchmad and also former Unpad’s Rector between 2007 and 2015, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia as the book panelist. They both were joined by humanist Dr. Hawe Setiawan from Universitas Pasundan and moderated by Chandra Gautama, a Kompas Gramedia’s content writer.

Iwan’s contemplation of natural occurrences and elements birthed a compilation of works with serious significance. Music was chosen by the man who was born in Sumedang, 3 September 1947 because he thought that the media was fit to be the representation of his contemplation. Other than that, Iwan realized that his words might not be better than man of literature.

“When I made mournful words, people surely won’t get the meaning immediately. But, with music and harmony, people will see how sorrowful my words are,” Iwan said.

Started his first song arrangement at the of 17, the artist that commonly called Abah Iwan has created many songs. Fifity (50) of his lyrics are now

documented on the book Mentari Sang Kelana that was published byGramedia. In the book, the writer revealed the meaning and lyrics of his songs,

And for that, this book did not explain further about Iwan Abdulrachman himself, besides expressing and depicting his thoughts in the lyrics he created. Professor Ganjar said, this interpretation is a right for everyone who are fond of IwanAbdulrachman’s works.

“A true masterpiece has its own strength, let people roam around, depicting words that are contained in a song,” said Prof. Ganjar

Professor Ganjar admitted that lyrics, songs, even the words that IwanAbdulrachman’s delivered has its own magic. This concept came when Professor Ganjar heard IwanAbdulrachman sing live. For those who have never seen him sing live, the words that Iwan has written are expected to have their own views as enrichment from creating lyrics.

“In the course of his entourage, Kang Iwan has always been consistent in loving nature, truth, and

faith, because he believes God is always with him. And this consistency has been seen at the age of 17 years, “said Prof. Ganjar.


Rector of UNPAD for the period of 2007-2015 Prof. Ganjar Kurnia when appointed as the speaker for the discussion of a book called “Mentari Sang Kelana : The Story and Meaning of IwanAbdulrachman;s Songs” by ArieMalangyudo in Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Dipatiukur no. 35, Bandung. Friday (20/10) in the afternoon (Photo: Tedi Yusup)

GE N T RAVol 15, November 2017


Dean of Faculty of Arts, Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa, PhD., (the second from left) when giving souvenir to Qaisra Shahraz, a writer from Great Britain in public lecture held in Japanese Language Study Center (PSBJ) FIB Unpad campus, Jatinangor, Thursday (19/10).

The Director of Human Capital Management Irfan A. Tachrir while being the presenter in IndonesiaNEXT 2017 event at Bale Sawala Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor, Friday (20/10). (Taken by: Safa Annisaa).

Some of Major Outside of Main Campus (PSDKU) Unpad Pangandaran students with the students of Faculty of Marine and Fisheries (FPIK) Unpad Jatinangor campus, Pangandaran Nature Lover Community, few High School students, Genpi Jabar, and general public doing the cultivation of mangrove in Karang Tirta beach, Pangandaran, Sunday (29/10).

Unpad’s Faculty of Marine and Fisheries (FPIK) dean, Dr. Iskandar, M.Si., after MoU signing event with Executive Director MantaWatch Andrew Harvey, M.Sc., at Building II FPIK, Unpad Jatinangor, Wednesday (11/10).

Padjadjaran University received a work visit from Mulawarman University (Unmul), Wednesday (1/11). The delegation was officially accepted by Director of Governance and Public Communications of Unpad, Aulia Iskandarsyah, M.Psi, M.Sc., PhD at Communal Meeting Room, Unpad Rectorate Building, Jatinangor.

Coordinator of legal division and judicial monitoring of ICW, Tama Satrya Langkun (center), when explaining the results of a survey conducted by ICW with Poling Center survey institutions in Anti-Corruption and Anti- Corruption education dialogue, at Mochtar Kusumaatmadja Library Auditorium, Faculty of Law Unpad, Dipati Ukur St. No. 35, Bandung, Monday (15/10) (Taken by : Tedi Yusup)



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