Supporting the Indonesian National Police on UNODC ... · International Indonesia and WWF....

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INDONESIANewsletter #14 April 2011

Integrated drug treatment and HIV prevention project to address national needs

Jakarta (Indonesia) 12 April 2011 - At the fi fth

project steering committee meeting of the Swedish

Government-funded project ‘Integrated drug

treatment and HIV prevention, treatment and care

services’, members of the steering committee,

chaired by Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, Secretary to the National AIDS

Commission, accepted the UNODC report on project progress and

training plan.

The committee agreed on the five-day training programme

‘Integrated Drug Dependence Treatment and HIV Prevention

Training’ for staff of Drug Dependence Treatment and HIV

Prevention, Treatment, and Care Services Provider’. This training

will commence from May to July 2011 and will be held in Jakarta,

West Java, East Java, Central Java, and Bali.

Present at this meeting were representatives of the National AIDS

Commission, the National Narcotics Board, Directorate General

of Medical Services, Directorate General of Disease Control

& Environment of the Ministry of Health, Atma Jaya University,

Indonesian national network of people who use drugs, STIGMA

Foundation, WHO and UNODC.

UNODC endorses the national fi ght against corruption

Semarang (Indonesia), 11

to 21 April 2011 - UNODC

is working closely with

the Indonesian Nat ional

Police in conducting six

workshops designed with

the aim of enabling greater

understanding, improved

communication and better cooperation between the various

agencies involved in the national fi ght against corruption.

The initial two workshops of a six-part Integrated Management

of Corruption series were delivered back to back at the Jakarta

Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC). The workshop

was opened by Commissionaire General Police Nanan Soekarna,

Deputy Chief of the Indonesian National Police and Mr. Busyro

Muqoddas, Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission.

The success of the workshops was evident in the level of

cooperation and team spirit displayed within the syndicates.

The signing of a ‘Pact of Integrity’ by the participants of the

workshops and the establishment of a joint commitment to

address the barriers that prevent the successful investigation of

corruption cases were amongst the notable outcomes.

The workshops were delivered as part of the European Union-

funded project, which is being implemented by UNODC,

designed to assist the Indonesian National Police in raising

their capacity and capability in dealing with corruption and

transnational crime.

Supporting the Indonesian National Police on good policing

Jakarta (Indonesia), 28 to 29

April 2011 - A guide book entitled

‘Good Policing: Instruments,

Models and Practices’ was

launched on 28 April 2011. The

book is aimed at improving the

cu l tu re o f good po l ic ing

based on in te rna t iona l , regional and national principles

and practices within the regions of Asia and Europe. Authors,

Prof. Dr. Monica den Boer of the Police Academy of the

Netherlands and Prof. Dr. Changwon Pyo of the Korean National

Police University identify gaps and ethical dilemmas in a number

of areas of policing

The book launch was followed by a discussion entitled “Who will

Guard the Guards Themselves; Human Rights and Accountability

in Policing - Asian and European Experiences”. Key speakers

included Inspector General Police Paulus Purwoko, Director of

the Police Leadership and Command School, H.E. Mr. Julian

Wilson, Head of the European Union Delegation to Indonesia

and Brunei Darussalam, Mr. Haris Azhar, Coordinator for

Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence, Mr.

Rohit Choudhary, Director of the Punjab Police Academy, India

and Atty Guinto, Head of the Human Rights Offi ce of Philippine

National Police. On 29 April 2011, an experts meeting took

place at the University of Police Science in order to incorporate

Indonesian perspective to the upcoming Bahasa translation of

the guidebook.

The series of activities was jointly organised by the Asia-Europe

Foundation and the Hanns Seidel Foundation in collaboration

with the Indonesian National Police, Commission for the

Disappeared and Victims of Violence, UNODC and supported

by the European Union.

The National Narcotics Board to work more closely with UNODC

Jakarta (Indonesia), 29 April

2011 – Addressing the request

of the National Narcotics Board,

UNODC held the first induction

programme for 14 new staff in

the Treatment and Rehabilitation

Division of the Nat ional

Narcot ics Board. Lead by Mr. Gray Sattler, UNODC HIV/ AIDS

Regional Adviser, the UNODC team gave information on the

global and Indonesian HIV epidemic, global drug use, principles

of HIV prevention and of drug dependence, UNODC policies

related to drugs and HIV and international good practice in

responding to drug use.

At the end of the programme, participants identifi ed activities

for UNODC to carry out to support the National Narcotic Boards

work at the national and provincial levels. The second session

within this programme will be held on 31 May 2011 and the third

is to be organised on 3 June 2011.

UNDOC, TIPIKOR Building, Ground Floor, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C 19, Jakarta 12950 For further info: Marsha Suryawinata, Communicati on Consultant email:, phone: (62-21) 52920731, fax: (62-21) 52907427

UNODC to continue cooperation with the Supreme Court

Jakarta (Indonesia) 26 April

2011 - The Judicial Reform

Team lead by The Honourable

Prof. Dr. Paulus Lotulung,

Deputy Chief Justice and

Coordinator of the Judicial

Reform Team del ivered

the evaluation on UNODC

‘Strengthening judiciary

integrity and capacity in Indonesia phase II’ project.

In general, the Supreme Court gave positive responses and

feedback. With the Phase III project coming up, the Supreme

Court planning bureau is keen to actively participate in the

project in order for the project to be sustainable and ensure

ownership. The Supreme Court also requested UNODC

to provide technical assistance particularly on the judicial

integrity training for candidate of judges and access to justice.

The meeting was followed by signing of minutes including

the approval for UNODC to further use the anti-corruption

courthouse as its offi ce.

Training for Forest Police Rapid Reaction Unit and forest rangers to be held in Papua

Jayapura (Indonesia) 24 to

30 April 2011 – A courtesy

call was made by UNODC

to introduce the Norwegian

Government- funded project

‘Countering illegal logging

and the linkage between

forest crime and corruption’ to

the Natural Resources Conservation Center and the Department

of Forestry in the city and district levels of Jayapura. The training

agenda for the Forest Police Rapid Reaction Unit and forest

rangers was also fi nalised during this meeting.

Over all, the government counterparts in Papua fully welcomed

the project, which specifi cally targeted the Cyclops conservation

areas around the provincial capital. During this mission, UNODC

team also appointed seven local NGOs for cooperation and had

coordination meetings with representatives of the Indonesian

National Police, UN Agencies, Centre of Ecology and

Development Study, University of Cenderawasih, Conservation

International Indonesia and WWF.

Indonesian experts gather to discuss asset recovery

Jakarta (Indonesia), 28 April 2011 - UNODC Indonesia held a round table discussion on stolen asset recovery in Jakarta. Th is d iscuss ion was aimed to create a common understanding on stolen asset recovery issues among law enforcement

offi cials in Indonesia. Deliberations also were directed at the readiness of Indonesian legal system to address this issue.

The roundtable discussion came up with alternate approaches

to address the issue of asset recovery in Indonesia and

recommendations were made by participants at the end of the

session. It was noted that the establishment of a task force within

the Indonesian National Police and Attorney General’s Offi ce

(which mainly deal with asset-tracing and asset recovery matters)

is needed. With regard to this, recommendations to improve the

capacity of the current investigator and proposed task force

were made. The group of experts also called to establish an

informal discussion on asset recovery with stakeholders.

New Staff

K. Raghavan, Consultant on anti-corruption, programming and implementation

Seri Maslina, Finance Assistant

Deny Kurniawan, Admin and Logistic Clerk

UNODC Talk Series on “Indonesia’s Fight against Corruption”27 April 2011

This talk was held in Papua Room, UN Indonesia Offi ce, Menara Thamrin, Jakarta.

Speakers : Commissioner General Ito Sumardi, Head of Criminal Investigation Department of the Indonesian National Police

Professor OC Kaligis, senior lawyer

Topic : Asset recovery and problem faced by Indonesia