Supporting Information - PNAS a 7.0-mL Dounce homogenizer with pestle B. Cellular debris ... lyzed...

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Transcript of Supporting Information - PNAS a 7.0-mL Dounce homogenizer with pestle B. Cellular debris ... lyzed...

Supporting InformationBhattacharya et al. 10.1073/pnas.1419945112SI Materials and MethodsStructure Determination of the PF74-Bound CA Hexamer.Diffractiondata were collected from several soaked crystals at beamline22-BM at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne NationalLaboratory. Data were indexed, integrated, and scaled withHKL2000. The unbound isomorphous structure (PDB ID: 3H47)was used as a starting model for rigid body refinement. A data setthat provided clear positive difference density that unambiguouslydefined the conformation of the bound ligand was used forsubsequent rounds of iterative model building [performed withCOOT (1)] and refinement [performed with PHENIX, version1.9-1692 (2)]. Data and structure statistics are shown in Table S1.

Structure Determination of the CPSF6-Bound CA Hexamer. Crystalsfrom Molecular Dimensions Morpheus Suite condition #2-31[0.1 M sodium formate, ammonium acetate, tri-sodium citrate,sodium/potassium tartrate, sodium oxamate; 0.1 M sodiumHepes, MOPS (pH 7.5); 30% glycerol, PEG4000] were harvestedand flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen before data collection atbeamline 24-ID-C at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne Na-tional Laboratory. Diffraction data were processed using X-rayDetector Software (available from the Max Planck Institute forMedical Research, Heidelberg, Germany). Phases were generatedusing the isomorphous CA hexamer structure (PDB ID: 3H4E).Coordinates were refined using PHENIX (version 1.9-1692) withtorsion angle simulated annealing (2). Manual model buildingand rebuilding was performed with COOT (1). Noncrystallographicsymmetry restraints were applied throughout the refinement pro-cess. Data collection and refinement statistics are shown in Table S1.

“Fate of the Capsid” Assay. The assay was performed according toref. 3, as first described by Stremlau et al. (4). Stably transducedHeLa (1.5 × 106) cells expressing the indicated proteins wereseeded in 80-cm2 flasks. The following day, cells were incubatedwith 5–10 mL (2.5–5.0 × 105 reverse transcriptase units) of HIV-1-GFP at 4 °C for 30 min to allow viral attachment to the cells.The cells were then shifted to 37 °C until they were harvested12 h after infection. Cells were washed three times using ice-coldPBS and detached by treatment with 1.0 mL of pronase (7.0 mg/mLin DMEM) for 5 min at 25 °C. The cells were then washedthree times with PBS. The cells were resuspended in 2.5 mLhypotonic lysis buffer [10 mM Tris·HCl (pH 8.0), 10 mM KCl,1 mM EDTA, and one complete protease inhibitor tablet] andincubated on ice for 15 min. The cells were lysed using 15 strokesin a 7.0-mL Dounce homogenizer with pestle B. Cellular debriswas cleared by centrifugation for 3 min at 3,000 rpm. To allowassessment of the INPUT for HIV-1 p24, 100 μL of the clearedlysate were collected, made 1× in SDS sample buffer, and ana-lyzed by Western immunoblot analysis. Then 2.0 mL of thecleared lysate were layered onto a 50% sucrose (weight:volume)cushion in 1× PBS and centrifuged at 125,000 × g for 2 h at 4 °Cin a Beckman SW41 rotor. After centrifugation, 100 μL of thetop-most portion of the supernatant were collected and made

1× in SDS sample buffer; this sample is referred to as theSOLUBLE fraction. The PELLET was resuspended in 50 μL 1×SDS sample buffer and is referred to as the particulate. INPUT,SOLUBLE, and PELLET samples were then subjected toSDS/PAGE and Western immunoblot analysis (Fig. 2B). TheHIV-1 p24 proteins were detected using a mouse anti-p24 anti-body (Immuno Diagnostics).

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. Protein samples were first ex-tensively dialyzed against PBS buffer (137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mMKCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, and 2 mM KH2PO4) over 3 d and thendiluted to working concentrations between 300 μM and 1 mM toyield sigmoidal binding curves depending on the observed af-finity range. A stock solution of PF74 (50 mM in DMSO) wasdiluted to 30 μM in the same buffer. DMSO was also added tothe diluted proteins to match the PF74 stock (0.07%) to avoidartifacts from heats of dilution of DMSO, and both the PF74 andprotein solutions were degassed and centrifuged before titration.Protein solutions were injected (22 injections of 1.8 μL at 3-minintervals) into a cell chamber containing 207 μL of PF74 solution(30 μM). Baseline controls were acquired by injecting CA pro-tein solutions into a cell chamber filled with DMSO-matchedbuffer and then subtracted from the respective experimental ti-trations before data fitting. Isotherms were fit to a single-sitemodel with MicroCal’s ORIGIN software, assuming a singlePF74 binding site in each CA monomer. CA protein concen-trations in Figs. S2 and S3 and Table S2 are expressed in termsof monomeric protein equivalents. Titrations were performed intriplicate, and the averaged fitting results are reported in Table S2.

Analytical Ultracentrifugation. Fluorescent CPSF6313–327 (PVLF-PGQPFGQPPLG) and NUP1531407–1429 (TNNSPSGVFTFG-ANSSTPAASAQ) peptides were synthesized with N-terminalFITC β-Ala fluorescent tags at the Tufts University Core Facil-ity. The CPSF6 peptide also contained a C-terminal hydrophilictail (SKGSKS). Experiments were performed in 50 mM Tris (pH8) and 50 mM NaCl. The fluorescence optics system consisted ofa 488-nm laser and a 528-nm detector (Aviv Biomedical). Datawere converted from Beckman format, and the noise-correctedvan Holde–Weischet plots were analyzed using UltrascanIIIsoftware (5, 6). Boundary fractions above and below the 50%bound point (corresponding to ∼4S for CA hexamer) directlyyielded bound fractions, which were then used for curve fitting.Experiments were performed three independent times.

Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy. Increasing concentrationsof CA protein constructs were titrated into 145 nM and 86 nM offluorescent CPSF6 and NUP153 peptides, respectively. Titrationswere performed in 50 mM Tris (pH 8) and 50 mM NaCl. Themeasured polarization was plotted vs. CA protein concentrationand fitted to a single-site model using Gnuplot. Experiments wereperformed three independent times.

1. Emsley P, Cowtan K (2004) Coot: Model-building tools for molecular graphics. ActaCrystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 60(Pt 12 Pt 1):2126–2132.

2. Adams PD, et al. (2010) PHENIX: A comprehensive Python-based system for macro-molecular structure solution. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 66(Pt 2):213–221.

3. Yang Y, Luban J, Diaz-Griffero F (2014) The fate of HIV-1 capsid: A biochemical assayfor HIV-1 uncoating. Methods Mol Biol 1087:29–36.

4. Stremlau M, et al. (2006) Specific recognition and accelerated uncoating of retroviralcapsids by the TRIM5α restriction factor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(14):5514–5519.

5. Brookes E, Demeler B, Rosano C, Rocco M (2010) The implementation of SOMO(SOlution MOdeller) in the UltraScan analytical ultracentrifugation data analysissuite: Enhanced capabilities allow the reliable hydrodynamic modeling of virtuallyany kind of biomacromolecule. Eur Biophys J 39(3):423–435.

6. Demeler B, Brookes E, Wang R, Schirf V, Kim CA (2010) Characterization of reversibleassociations by sedimentation velocity with UltraScan. Macromol Biosci 10(7):775–782.

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Fig. S1. Side by side comparison of the NTD–CTD interface in (A) the current structure bound to PF74, and (B) unbound hexamer.

Fig. S2. Isothermal titration calorimetry analysis of PF74 binding to HIV-1 CA. In all panels: (Upper) Representative titration data; (Lower) integrated bindingisotherms and fits to a single-site model. (A) Isolated NTD. (B) Wild-type CA, which undergoes a monomer-dimer equilibrium in solution. (C) Monomeric CAW184A/M185A. (D) Disulfide-stabilized A14C/E45C/W184A/M185A CA hexamer. (E) Disulfide-stabilized N21C/A22C/W184A/M185A CA pentamer. (F) R173Ahexamer. (G) R173K hexamer. (H) Isolated CTD.

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Fig. S3. Isothermal titration calorimetry analysis of PF74 binding to HIV-1 CA escape mutants. In all panels: (Upper) Representative titration data; (Lower)integrated binding isotherms and fits to a single-site model. (A) T107N NTD. (B) T107N hexamer. (C) 5Mut NTD. (D) 5Mut hexamer.

Fig. S4. CPSF6 and PF74 both bind to the NTD using a key phenyl ring. (A) Superposition of the CPSF6-bound and PF74-bound NTD–CTD interface, with PF74 inwhite and CPSF6 in orange. The R2 moiety of PF74 and CPSF6 Phe321, which are equivalent in the two structures, are encircled. (B) View of the phenyl ringsbound to its NTD pocket. The conserved set of hydrogen bonds to Asn57 is shown as yellow lines.

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Fig. S5. Raw sequence alignment of CTD sequences from the curated sequence databases maintained by the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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Table S1. Crystallographic statistics

Data collectionLigand PF74 CPSF6Beamline APS 22-BM APS 24-ID-CSpace group P6 P212121Cell dimensions a = b = 91.4, c = 56.6 Å a = 134.8, b = 136.0, c = 207.2 Å

α = β = 90°, γ = 120° α = β = γ = 90°Resolution range, Å 50–2.00 (2.07–2.00) 48.47–2.60 (2.74–2.60)Rsym, % 8.7 (58.5) 6.5 (86.3)Mean <I>/σ<I> 43.9 (5.3) 20.2 (2.3)Completeness, % 99.9 (100) 100 (100)Average redundancy 11.1 (11.2) 6.8 (7.1)Average mosaicity, o 1.08Wilson B-factor, Å2 28.0 62.7

RefinementResolution range 26.6–2.0 (2.1–2.0) 48.47–2.60 (2.67–2.60)No. of unique reflections 17,520 (2,875) 117,427 (8,192)Reflections in free set 897 (161) 2,005 (144)Rwork, % 22.0 (20.7) 21.9 (29.5)Rfree, % 27.1 (26.5) 25.9 (35.3)No. of nonhydrogen atoms

Protein 1,662 19,802Solvent 100 —

Ligand 32 1,110Average B-factor, Å2

Protein 33.8 73.0Solvent 37.5 —

Ligand 26.0 91.2Coordinate deviations

Bond lengths, Å 0.011 0.003Bond angles, o 1.135 0.564

Ramachandran plotFavorable 0.99 0.97Allowed 0.01 0.02Disallowed 0 0.01


Values in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell.

Table S2. Summary of isothermal titration calorimetry analysis of PF74 binding to HIV-1 CA

CA construct Mutations tested Oligomeric state Kd (μM)* ΔH (Cal/mol)* ΔS (kCal·mol–1·deg–1)* N*,†

CA None Monomer/dimer 3.70 ± 1.13 −9,467 −6.5 1.14NTD None Monomer 3.58 ± 0.78 −12,983 −18.1 1.13CTD None Monomer/dimer No bindingCA None Monomer 4.26 ± 1.21 −12,200 −15.9 1.01NTD T107N Monomer 3.62 ± 0.08 −13,800 −20.9 1.18NTD 5Mut Monomer 7.67 ± 0.12 −13,966 −23.0 1.03CA None Hexamer 0.26 ± 0.09 −10,003 −3.7 0.99CA T107N Hexamer 0.29 ± 0.03 −10,300 −4.3 1.13CA 5Mut Hexamer 1.15 ± 0.11 −7,557 2.1 1.03CA R173A Hexamer 2.01 ± 0.27 −7,928 −0.25 1.21CA R173K Hexamer 0.51 ± 0.07 −8,014 1.8 1.02CA None Pentamer 0.28 ± 0.01 −12,136 −10.3 0.99

*In all cases three separate ITC runs were averaged.†Stoichiometry of ligand:protein interaction in terms of monomers of CA protein (SI Materials and Methods).

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Table S3. Summary of binding data for fCPSF6 and fNUP153

Peptide CA construct Mutations tested Oligomeric state Kd (μM)* Technique

fCPSF6 NTD None Monomer 1,170 AUCfCPSF6 CA None Monomer/dimer Not determined AUCfCPSF6 CA None Hexamer 99.8 AUCfCPSF6 NTD None Monomer 871.7 FPfCPSF6 CA None Monomer/dimer 436 FPfCPSF6 CA None Hexamer 83.3 FPfCPSF6 CA K182A Hexamer 423.8 FPfCPSF6 CA K182R Hexamer 587.5 FPfNUP153 NTD None Monomer 3,369 FPfNUP153 CA None Hexamer 484 FP

*In all cases three independent measurements were averaged. AUC, analytical ultracentrifugation; FP, fluores-cence polarization.

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