SUPPORTED BY ROY AL CANIN YOUR DOG’S WEIGHT · Change your response to begging behaviour. When...

Post on 21-Jul-2020

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Transcript of SUPPORTED BY ROY AL CANIN YOUR DOG’S WEIGHT · Change your response to begging behaviour. When...



A DANGEROUS TRENDWith 77%1 of vets believing pet obesity is on the increase, it’s a dangerously rising trend.

As a nation of pet lovers, we often show this love through treats or rewards. But this love can be ‘blind’ – all these little extras add up, contributing significantly to a dog’s daily calorie intake. By adding human food into the mix, we could be inadvertently providing them with an imbalanced diet, frequently resulting in overweight pets being malnourished3 through blind love.

PET OBESITY – A GROWING ISSUEBeing just one point over the ideal Body Condition Score (BCS) can take its toll on your dog’s physical and emotional wellbeing (for more information visit Overweight dogs are more likely to develop life-limiting conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and certain cancers. The good news is, weight loss can significantly lower the risk of them developing these illnesses.4 It can also give them a new lease of life, making them more playful and less lethargic.

DON’T LET LOVE BLIND YOU TO PET OBESITY The first step in tackling obesity is to identify your dog’s ideal body shape, using Look, Feel, Weigh (for more information visit If their BCS is six out of nine, or higher, now is the time to act.

63%1 of pet owners believe their pet is a healthy weight. But the reality couldn’t be further from the truth, with over 65% of dogs2 considered to be at least overweight in the UK.

TOP TIPSYour pet’s health is our priority, which is why we want to help you tackle pet obesity head on.

On the next page, read our TOP TIPS on how to manage your dog’s weight

TOP TIPS1. Change your mind set.From the outset, think of it as changing your dog’s lifestyle and feeding habits for the better and not as a short-term diet. Seek veterinary advice for a diet that will best suit their age, breed, neuter status and lifestyle.

2. Follow feeding guidance.Feeding guidelines are sometimes confusing as different manufacturers can have different recommendations, so ensure you are feeding the correct diet and daily amount that best suits your dog’s age, breed, neuter status and lifestyle. If it is still a puppy, double check if the puppy diet should be fed for an adult weight – i.e. the estimated weight they will be when fully grown, or for the weight the puppy is now.

If in any doubt always call the manufacturer to clarify the feeding guideline.

3. Weigh out at meal times.Use digital food scales to weigh out meals. Measuring aids such as scoops or cups are highly inaccurate, and you could be feeding your dog 20%5 more each mealtime without realising. That’s like feeding an extra day’s food every five days!

4. Use a puzzle feeder.Dogs get more satisfaction out of mealtimes if they need to work for their food. Puzzle feeders help mimic your dog’s natural behaviours and encourage them to eat more slowly, helping them feel satisfied after meals. Consider using slow-down bowls, kibble-dispensing feeders or even just scattering their food around – all are ways to feed interactively and create greater mental stimulation for your dog.

Suggestion: Weigh out a week’s worth of food at a time and keep it in seven sealable bags or boxes (for freshness), saving you time and effort. Consider splitting your dog’s measured daily allowance into three or four meals (two at a minimum), so they can enjoy lots of small meals throughout the day. Take a look at Tip 4 for more fun ways to feed your dog…

Suggestion: If your dog has never used a puzzle or interactive feeder before, we recommend starting with something simple and then building up the complexity as they grow accustomed to this new interesting method of feeding!

5. Don’t turn a blind eye to treats.Remember to deduct any treats from your dog’s overall daily food allowance and don’t treat with human foods that are rich in calories. Keeping a diary of all the ‘extras’ your dog enjoys everyday can be a useful tool – remember to include everything, even training treats! If your dog is on medication that you normally hide in food, please also take this food into account.

6. Change your response to begging behaviour.When your dog looks at you with those puppy-dog eyes they may just be asking for your attention. Instead of responding with a treat, try meeting their emotional needs by playing a game, taking them for a walk, or using part of their daily kibble allowance in a puzzle feeder that will help you bond without adding additional calories.

7. Keep a feeding rotaIf more than one person in your house is responsible for feeding your dog, then keep a rota. This prevents you from doubling up on treats and mealtimes.

8. Exercise appropriately.Exercise your dog to a level that’s appropriate for its age, breed, health and ability. Consult your vet if you’re unsure of what this should be.

9. Consider your dog’s activity levels.Recommended feeding guidelines are just that – guidelines. You may need to adjust feeding quantities based on how much exercise your dog gets, as well as their age. Your dog’s food manufacturer or vet should be able to provide guidance on this.


Suggestion: Why not use our helpful chart to keep track of your dog’s weight? You could even keep it on the fridge to avoid temptation and increase motivation (download from

12. Don’t just cut back.Just cutting back on your dog’s usual food could be depriving them of essential nutrients, leading them to feel hungry and increasing begging behaviours. Switch to a diet that is specifically formulated for weight loss and is designed to satisfy hungry pets while ensuring they get a balanced diet. Consult your vet for the options available there.

Suggestion: It’s a good idea to make sure your whole family knows that your dog is on a special diet so why not encourage them to accompany you when you next visit the weight clinic at the veterinary practice?

TOP TIPS10. Their shape is in your hands.

Regularly use Look, Feel, Weigh to assess their Body Condition Score and make adjustments to diet and exercise levels accordingly (for more information visit You should be aiming for an ideal score of four to five. Veterinary nurses can typically provide a great support if you need help with this.

11. Love them enough to know their weightWeighing your dog is the most accurate way of keeping tabs on progress and should be done every two weeks when they’re on a weight management programme. All vets and most pet stores will have digital scales you can use. Your vet should be able to provide you with guidance on your dog’s weight loss progress and advise you on the most suitable diet and exercise programme.

13. Separate feeding times.If you’ve got more than one dog it can be a good idea to monitor each one’s intake and remove any leftover food, so no dog can eat another’s food.

14. Remember the end goal.Being strict on your dog’s diet can be challenging, but always keep in mind the end goal. Losing weight reduces the health risks associated with obesity, improves your dog’s quality of life and can potentially increase life expectancy. All the things we want for our best friend!

REFERENCES 1. PMFA Whitepaper (2014) Pet Obesity: 5 years on. 2. German, A.J., et al. (2018) Dangerous trends in pet obesity. Veterinary record. Vol182 Issue 1. 3. PAWwellbeing report 2012: YouGov & PDSA. 4. German, A.J., Holden, S.J. Wiseman-Orr, L., Reid, J., Nolan, A.M., Biourge, V., Morris, P.J., Marlan Scott, E. 2010. “Quality of life is reduced in obese dogs and improves after successful weight loss” The Veterinary Journal, 192 (3) pp. 428-434 / German, A.J. (2006). ‘ The growing problem of obesity on dogs and cats’, Journal of Nutrition, 136, pp. 1940-1946 / German, A.J., Ryan, V.H., German, A.C., Wood, I.S. & Trayhurn, P. (2010). ‘Obesity, its associated disorders and the role of inflammatory adipokines in companion animals’, The Veterinary Journal, 185, pp. 4-9. 5. German et al. (2011) Journey of animal philosophy and animal nutrition measuring cups.

If you’re ever unsure about your dog’s weight, shape, exercise and feeding requirements, we would always recommend consulting your Veterinary Practice for further advice.