CONTENTS support from a 'Global Biodiversity Fund, ... market with a WTO regulation which states...

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Transcript of CONTENTS support from a 'Global Biodiversity Fund, ... market with a WTO regulation which states...





Dr M. Akbar


Dr Nobuyoshi Maeno


Dr z. Karim

(Banglades h )

Dr Vichitr Benjasil


Dr J. Kumar

(Fiji)Dr William D. Dar


Dr R.S. Paroda


Executive ecretary


RoSo Paroda

William Do Dar

.R.B. Singh



The changing scenario on agricultural research and developmentnecessitates that NARS should have sound policies with increasednational and international involvements. Considerable concernon the issues related to conservation, safeguarding and use ofagrobiodiversity vis-a-vis national commitments, in developingand implementing national policies, has been raised by NARSwith priority towards sustainable food security. Productivity,stability and equity constitute the key components of food securityand have received focus in the International fora-at CBD, ITC,the World Food Summit (WFS), the Commission on GeneticResources for Food and Agriculture and the InternationalUndertaking on Plant Genetic Resources. Among several issuesinvolved, access and benefit sharing assumes importance. In theConvention, benefit sharing is to be accomplished throughfacilitation of access to genetic resources, access to transfer oftechnology, the exchange of information and the promotionof international technical and scientific cooperation. CBD dealswith access on mutually agreed terms subject to Prior InformedConsent (PIC). Also, the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)needs emphasis in countries wishing to regulate access to theirgenetic resources and ensure equity in benefit sharing.

To APAARI andNARS in the Asia-Pacific region, suchemerging issues have great relevance and developing/implementingmechanisms to resolve these needs priority. Greater linkagesbetween public and private sector and participatory role of thefarming communities in conservation of national bio-resourcesare envisaged. Promoting network activities such as thosebetween APAARI and IPGRI to strengthen regional needs wouldbe desirable. Further, stability and diversity in traditionalagricultural systems are closely linked, and thus research anddevelopment efforts have to be in conformity to the ecosystemsapproach. Also, public awareness at grassroot level and amongpolicy makers would go a long way to promote such efforts.Overall, an equity linked approach would demand accelerateduse of underutilized diversity, value additions and enhancement,and sustainable use of such resource. Methods need to be workedout to develop internationally agreed procedures for recogpizingand rewarding community contributions to genetic resourceconservation. International guidelines need to be developed foraccording support from a 'Global Biodiversity Fund, GEF or thelike. APAARI regional activities are getting tuned to debate/facilitate such strategic issues for the overall benefit of nationalprogrammes, thereby developing stronger NARS.















'l"he agricultural scenario of the Asia- Pacific countries..1 has overemphasized the major thrust of high

productivity towards meeting food security. It is onlyrecently that there has been an increasing awarenesstowards conservation and sustainable use of natural

resources, especially plant genetic resources, in the wakeof the new intellectual property regime. The Asia- Pacificregion is endowed with rich biodiversity. The regionhas mega-diversity regions viz. Hindustani region, Indo-chinese- Indonesian and Chinese- J apanese region, whichcollectively contain numerous crop plants.



Establishing a Global System for the Conservation andUtilization of Plant Genetic Resources (paR) for foodand agriculture was an important step to address PGRissues at global level. The main institutional componentsof the Global System are the Commission on PlantGenetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and theInternational Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources(IUPGR). The Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) came into force in December 1993, providingan international legally binding framework for theconservation and sustainable use of biodiversityworldwide. The system aims at: ( i} conservation of plantgenetic resources, (ii) sustainable u~e of its components,and (iii) fair and equitable sharing of the benefits atisingfrom the utilization of genetic sources.


Under Article 27.3(b) of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) ,it is obligatory for the signatory/member country to"provide for the protection of plant varieties either bypatent ot by an effective sui generis system or by anycombination thereof'. A few countries of the regionhave a system in place while most of them are in theprocess of developing it. Meanwhile, the developedcountries, where a mechanism of patent or PVP is wellestablished, are capitalizing by having an innuendo ofpatents and protections.

The patent given to W R Grace Com~y to usea pesticide extract from the 'neem' tree was challengedin Washington in 1995 by more than 200 organizationsfrom 35 countries. They argue that the Company haswrongfully usurped an age-old biological process usedby millions of farmers in India and other countries forgenerations.

In Brussels, another legal petition was filed in June1995 at the European Patent Office against a patentit had granted to W R Grace for a method that extractsthe neem oil for use in controlling fungi on plants.The three opponents, European Member of ParliamentMagda Alvoet, Vandana Shiva of the RFSTNRP, andIFOAM President Hervela Prairie, argue that the patentwas wrongly given as the claims for the technique lackednovelty, inventiveness and clarity. The petition argues!hat the invention is not new as the patented methodfor extracting neem oil is a standard method used formany decades, whilst the anti-fungal effects of neemoil have been known in India for centuries.

The US Patent Office revoked the turmeric patenton the basis of a challenge filed by the Council ofScientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India. Thepatent had been granted in March 1995 to two non-resident Indians associated with the University ofMississippi Medical Centre, Jackson, USA. As turmerichas been used for thousands of years for healing woundsand rashes, CSIR challenged the patent on the groundthat it lacked novelty. The US Patent Office upheldthe objection and cancelled the patent.

Several other Indian plant genetic resources havebeen patented by other countries in the past. As manyas 22 medicinal plants have already been patented bya number of American and J apanese firms.

A herbal drug "Picroliv" was developed by CentralDnig Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, India fromthe roots of Picrorhiza kuTToa, a perennial herb foundonly in the higher reaches of the north-westernHimalayas. CSIR applied and got a patent in 1993but a US company is already producing and marketingit. Another patent on piperine was taken by a UScompany depriving the country of origin of the benefitof export of the commodity.TRADITIONAL RIGHTS AND NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY


DESIGNATED GERMPLASM HELD IN TRUSTSeveral cases of patents like those pertaining to turmeric,neem etc., tantamount to almost a direct violation ofthe principles of national sovereigntY, traditionalknowledge and rights; several of which constitute the"prior art".

Most of the Consultative Group on International

Agricultural Research ( CGIAR) collections are duplicatesof the National samples of the respective country of

2APAARI Newslettel; June 1998

origin. By an agreement between the CGIAR and theFAG, as signed in October 1994, such germplasm isheld in trust by CG centers on behalf of the FAG.Accordingly this material per se cannot be protected/.patented. However, several patents/attempts ofpatentingof the designated germplasm have occurred. This iswell illustrated by the chickpea case.

Recently, an Australian Company attempted topatent two chickpea lines. These were obtained fromthe designated germplasm supplied by the ICRISAT.One of these was a land race from Kamataka whichis listed as "King Kong" in the ICRISAT inventory.Owing to the active role ofRAFI (Canada), ICRISATand the Indian NARS, the patent could be gotabandoned.

possess a pleasant and exquisite aroma, sweet taste, softtexture, delicate curvature, and extra elongation witha least breadthwise swelling on cooking. From a totalarea of 700,000 hectares under Basmati rice in Indianearly 650,000 tons of milled rice is produced annually.Out of this, India had exported 523,000 tons of Basmatirice to the gulf countries, Europe and us during1996-97 (April-March).

US exporters were dominating the internationalmarket with a WTO regulation which states that thehigher the price of a commodity, the lower the duty.The us followed the strategy to sell rice ar $ 530a ton in the European market primarily to fight theVietnamese who were selling rice at $ 450 in the highestprice market. New Delhi pegged Indian Basmati at$ 780 a ton, which was $ 250 higher than the referringprice in the European Union and as a result of lobbying,Indian exporters managed to wrest a 250 ECU (EuropeanCurrency Unit at that time equivalent to $ 1.32) dutyderogation. Islamabad followed suit and was alloweda ~imilar concession for export up to 10,000 tons and50 ECU. The trouble started when WTO got a complaintfrom the US and later from Canada and Thailand thatthe concession violated the most favoured nationrequirement because similar aromatic rice had not beengiven the same concession. A week later the US changedthe complaint to say that Basmati rice from US wasbeing discriminated against. The Texas based RicetecInc., who was previously selling rice under the brandname Kasmari and Texmari, couldn't compete and haspatented a variety as Basmari in 1997.




Under article 22 of Section 3 of TRIPS, there is aprovision of protection of geographical indicationswhich identify a good as originating in a specific territory,or a region or locality in that territory, where a given

quality, reputation and other characteristic of the goodis essentially attributable to its geographical origin. Theevident examples of geographic appellation areChampagne from Champagne district in France,Colombian coffee, Havana cigars from Cuba and Scotchwhisky exclusively from Scotland. Several of theAsia-Pacific countries including India have not yetenacted the legislation on geographic indication. Asa result, national interest is to be safegua~ded by otherresources like filing suits in several countries for TradeMark etc. as done in the case of goods like 'Basmati'rice of India. The same is applicable to other goodslike 'Darjeeling' tea. This issue has once again beenbrought into focus by the latest case of granting a patentto Ricetec. Inc. to a (Basmati) variety bred at the US.The Ricetec claim may mislead the consumers by

undermining real Basmati of the Indian subcontinent.

The Indian subcontinent, with its diverse eco-

geographic conditions, is the primary center of originof cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) and conserves high

diversi~y of rice germplasm including quality scentedrices, which hold the highest premium in the worldmarket. Basmati is nature's gift exclusive to the Indiansubcontinent where it is being grown since its origin(millions of years). Several aromatic rices are grownand consumed as Basmati rices. Yet .a few like

Basmati-37 (Punjab Basmati, Type3 (DehradunBasmati),Karnal local (Travadi Basmati) and Pakistan Basmatifulfil the quality norms required for export. Characterizedby extra long superfirm slender grains, Basmati rices


The glaring examples cited above represent only afraction of the appropriation of the genetic wealth ofthe Asia-Pacific Region. There is an imperative needto ensure the provisions ofCBD. Regulatory mechanisms,legislations and their implementation are expeditiouslyneeded in most of the countries of the region. Plant

Variety Protection, Biodiversity Legislation, Patent,Geographic Indication and Trade Marks are either tobe enacted upon or to be revamped as per the changing

global needs.

Countries of the Asia-Pacific region have specificneeds to launch a collective forum which may vigorouslysafeguard the interests of the region. Issues like Basmatipatenting have vividly demonstrated this by posing acommon concern across the involved countries. Thereis also a need to harmonize the regulatory mechanismnot only in the respective countries but also betweenthe countries. A common germI?lasm initiative is neededto crystallize our stand before we go to any international


APAAR/ Newslette1; June /998 3

Rights of holders of traditional knowledge andpractitioners thereof including farmers should be ensured.Appropriate compensation should be arranged for theoriginal donors/innovators of the genetic material incases where the patented seeds, utilizing the genes ofthe Asia-Pacific origin as "raw materials", are fetchingprofits for transnational seed corporations. This wouldensure that the limited resources of these countries areutilized for conservation of biodiversity and its effectiveutilization for the benefit of humankind rather thanin legal battles in International Courts.

In case of the designated germplasm, the existingFAO-CGIAR agreement, ending in October 1998,should not be allowed to be rolled over. Instead, arevision thereof should be undertaken through a specialbody having enough representation of resource richAsia- Pacific region. There is also a need to have anew look into the MTAs of the CG Centers. It wouldbe desirable if the respective sovereignty of the respectivecountries is ensured through formal agreements whichmight be a better substitute to the "voluntary moratorium"on patenting of designated germplasm as called for bythe CGIAR Chairman, Dr Ismail Serageldin.

There is a wealth of both coded and uncodedtraditional knowledge which is being patented advertentlyfor purely commercial reasons by the developed countries.


Dr. P.l. Gautam, Director NBPGR, New Delhi, IndiaDr. S.P. nwari, Asstt. Director General (Seeds), ICAR,

New Delhi, India

APAAR/ Newslettel; June /9984




by FAO Director-General, Mr. Jacques Dioufon the occasion of the 24th FAO Regional Conference forAsia and the Pacific, Yangon, Myanmar, 20-24 April 1998


"During the last two decades the Asia and Pacificregion has led the world in economic growth. Mostcountries saw rapid and sustained growth for aconsiderable period. While agriculture GDP char:lgedgradually from 30 percent in the mid-1980s to about20 percent in recent past, the sector remains a drivingeconomic force. More than 65 percent of the region'sinhabitants live in rural areas, and agriculture employsmore than half of the economically active population.

Unfortunately, the "El Nino" phenomenon hasonce again seriously affected a number of countriesand underscored the existence of pockets of vulnerabilityto food insecurity in the region. Floods, and othernatural hazards such as earthquake, landslide, volcaniceruption, and forest fires have also plagued large areas.They have been a major cause of food insecurityamong the vulnerable segment of the population, withlarge and devastating impact in terms of price upswingsand instability of food access, coupled with damaged

production and market infrastructures.

In a similar manner, the contagion of monetaryand financial instability puts in jeopardy the region'sprogress towards sustainable food security and povertyalleviation. This instability poses a number of challengesto agriculture, fisheries and forestry. More than ever,the sector is called upon to absorb displaced labour,produce more export crops for foreign exchange, increasedomestic food supply to mitigate upward pressuresin wages, prices, and inflation rate, and to generatedomestic sources of investment. In this context, theOrganization, in consultation with the World Bank,is preparing programmes to develop peri -urban agriculturein those countries which are most affected by thecurrent crisis as it is felt that these programmes couldgreatly contribute to lessen the problem of unemploymentand urban poverty which hav~ been exacerbated by

the financial situation and adjustment programmes.Under the new economic paradigm, a declining publicsector role together with high costs, will diminishthe influence of domestic procurement vis-a-visinternational stocks in stabilizing domestic food pricesand supply. On top of this, world food prices varywidely. The inherent risks and uncertainties associatedwith trade-oriented supply stabilization are a seriousfood security issue.

Household food insecurity as a result of povertycontinues to be a major challenge in the region wherethe bulk (74 percent) of the poor in the developingworfd is located. Poverty is mainly a rural phenomenon;it accounts for about three-fourths of the total. Asthe large majority of the rural poor depend on agriculturefor employment and income, agricultural growth offersa potentially enormous source of poverty reduction,particularly when the growth is broadly based.

Given rising population, shrinking agricultural land,increasing demands on limited water resources fromthe expanding urban and industrial sectors, intensifiedcropping, and widespread land degradation, sustainableagricultural resource management is crucial for foodsecurity. The challenge is one of how to increaseoutput from the sector while sustaining and enhancingthe productive potential of the available resources."


APAARl Newslette1; June 1998 5



.Research thrust on problem areas to be undertakenby a lead country.

.To strengthen national research capability andtechnology transfer to utilize the results of researchfor development purposes.

.To enhance networking to discover, develop anddisseminate technologies to strengthen thecontribution of potato and sweetpotato to thesocio-economic development of participatingcountries.



The Asian Sweetpotato and Potato R and D Program(ASPRAD), formerly the Southeast Asian Program forPotato Research and Development (SAPPRAD), wasinitiated through the MoA, signed on October 18, 1980inJakarta, Indonesia, by representatives of five countries:Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lankaand Thailand; as well as the Director General of theInternational Potato Center ( CIP). The MoAcommittedthe participants to a collaborative Research &Development on potato, covering research, training andtechnology transfer. Subsequently, CIP developed aproposal for funding, which was accepted by theAustralian government through a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU), signed by representatives of thecoordinating committee (CC) 9f SAPPRAD, CIP, andthe Australian government on March 8, 1982. Theproposal identified the following objectives: 1) ToP!omote the use of potato in member countries ofSoutheast Asia by planning the integrated R&Dprogramfor the crop, building competence in potato R&D inindividual scientists and institutions within the regionand exchanging technology within the region and withother similar regions; and 2) To work toward self-sufficiency in potato R&D, both as a region and withinmember countries.

Since then, SAPPRAD underwent three phases(1982-1986, 1987-1991 and 1992-1996). Sweetpotatowas added as a mandate (1987). Malaysia became thesixth participating country (1988) with Vietnam andChina as the seventh and eighth member respectively.Australia sustained her financial support for the networkeven as responsibility for monitoring shifted from theAustralian International Development Assistance Bureau(AIDAB) to the Australian Centre for InternationalAgricultural Research (ACIAR) in 1992. On the otherhand, CIP stopped financial support for the network,while continuing with technical and administrativesupport. The participating N ational Agricultural ResearchSystems (NARS) were urged to provide modest supportto sustain its networking activities. The committee alsodecided to change the name of SAPPRAD to the AsianSweetpotato and Potato Research and Development(A.SPRAD) network to reflect the new membership~s well. as the crop mandates.

The ASPRAD is governed by a Coordinating Committee(CC) that acts as the policy making body. Thiscommittee consists of one representative each of themember countries, one of CIP and one of ACIAR.The committee's chairmanship is rotated annually, withthe chairman's country hosting the annual meeting.

The CC is assisted by a technical Committeeconsi~ting of the ASPRAD Coordinator ( Chairperson)and one project leader from each member country. Thetwo committees' annual meetings are usually held jointly.The host country also co-sponsors the holding of theannual meetings in terms of logistic support andtechnical backstopping.

CIP serves as the program's implementing agencyand appoints the coordinator in consultation with theCC.

The ASPRAD coordinating office ( CO ) is basedin the Philippines. The Philippine Government throughthe Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry, andNatural Resources Research and Development(PCARRD) serves as host providing logistic supportand office space. The CO is headed by the coordinatingscientist (CS). It consists of2 technical staff, 1 secretary,1 support staff. The CS serves as the principal adviserto the implementation of the ASPRAD program whichis funded by the member countries with additionalfinancial and technical support from ACIAR and CIP.


The regional activities are mainly carried out by theASPRAD member countries through the NationalAgricultural Research Systems (NARS) with technicalassistance from CIP and technical manpower from theimplementing institutions of the network. Among theagencies and organizations that ASPRAD has had


.To promote the development and utilization ofpotato and sweetpotato in the region throughcollaborative R&D.

6 APAAR1 Newslettel; June 1998

collaborative work ar~ the Horticultural Crop Researchand Development Institute (HORDI) in Sri Lanka,AARD-Central Research Institute for Food Crops(AARD-CRIFC) in Bogor, Malaysian AgriculturalResearch and Development Institute (MARDI),Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) inPapua New Guinea, Horticultural Research Instituteof Department of Agriculture (DA) in Bangkok, CIP -

Bogor, Rootcrop Research Center ofVietnam AgriculturalScience Institute (RCRC-VASI), Chinese Academy ofAgricultural Sciences (CAAS) in Beijing, IndianCouncil of Agricultural Research (ICAR), PCARRDand ACIAR.

publications, meetings, workshops and study tours. Inthe case of sweetpotato, the objectives were:1) development of sustainable cropping systems withrice under rainfed conditions; 2) development O;fcropping system with upland crops under rainfedconditions with one of the principal successes as thedevelopment and distribution of new germplasm to the,cooperating countries made available to farmers, and3) development of a strong regional program andinteractive framework. The accomplishments in thisarea were the development of rigorous variety evaluationprocedures, a criticat step in the ultimate goal ofestablishing a sustainable regional sweetpotato varietydevelopment and establishment of an evaluation network.This coordination has now expanded in the form ofa separate regional network on Sweetpotato namedANSWER (Asian 'Network on Sweetpotato Research)based in Indonesia.

Sweetpotato fa1mers-field visit in the Philippines




ASPRAD underwent three phases in 15 years ofimplementation. During Phase I (1982-1986), theprogram was research-oriented and consistedof five initial projects, each representing aproblem area and assigned to a lead country;namely: 1) breeding for lowland potato

(Philippines); 2) tropical agronomy(Indonesia); 3) true potato seed {Sri Lanka);4) storage and utilization (Thailand); and 5 )practical seed produttion (Papua New Guinea)The Philippines through its breeding programprovided the genetic materials for theestablishment of a successful potato breedingand selection program for the lowland tropics,while Thailand generated technologies ofstoring potato using diffused light stores(DLS). On the other hand, Papua NewGuinea and Sri Lanka established the seedscheme for the local farmers and developed/bred hybrid TPS families respectively. Theagronomic methodologies such as modifyingsoil temperature, use of fertilizer andintercropping potato with other crops, weredeveloped by Indonesia.

Phase II (1987-1991), on the other hand, wasfocused more on the transfer of technologies developedby the collaborating countries. The technology transferwas initiated by the CO, hence the research in PhaseII was assigned to the NARS, apart from the breedingprogram in the Philippines. Malaysia which joined theprogram in 1988 was assigned to develop appropriatemachinery for small farm potato production.

Phase III thrusts on potatoes were on 1} low costhigh quality seed; 2) sustainability of tropical highlandpotato production; 3) appropriate production andmarketing systems for the lowlands and mid-elevation;4) variety development and testing; and 5) regionalprojects which involved training in several areas,

In the span of 15 years, the network has shown dynamismand successfully fastened close linkages among R&Dworkers in eight Asian countries and achievedbreakthroughs that substantially contributed to thedevelopment of the potato and sweetpotato cropindustries in the region. T o sustain the networkactivities,the Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural ResearchInstitutions (APAARI) Board approved ASPRAD'sproposal to support ASPRAD activities at a minimallevel while a more permanent network structure underthe APMRI framework is being developed in aconsultation process between the CC of ASPRAD and

APAAR/ Newsletter: June 1998 7

leadership of APAARI and project funds are beingsecured. The transition phase activities are focused oninformation and scientific exchange, continuedcommunication with cooperating workers and national

program leaders, preparation of potato and sweetpotatoabstract-bibliography, proceedings of the ASPRADTransition Phase Coordinating Committee Meeting,and preparation of a Catalogue of Potato germplasm.

In 1997, the ASPRAD transition phase is being

operationalized under the AP AARI framework, whilePCARRD through the office of the Executive Directortogether with CIP -Los Bafios, coordinates with theCC to pursue the interim activities. The NARS, Ofithe other hand, continue the implementation of

breeding activities and some aspects of researchcomponents as part of their national programs.

8 APAAR/ Newslette1; June /998


Dr R.S. Paroda, Director-General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research receivingthe prestigious Padma Bhushan Award from the Hon'ble President of India Shri K.R. Narayanan,

April 12, 1998 in New Delhi

The President of India has recently conferred the and presently is continuing as Vice-Chairman. He isprestigious national award 'Padma Bhushan' on Dr R.S. also serving as a member on the Policy Advisory CouncilParoda, a renowned agricultural scientist and research of the Australian Centre for International Agriculturaladministrator of international repute. Presently Dr R.S. Research (ACIAR) and the Finance Committee of theParoda is serving as Director-General, Indian Council Consultative Group on International Agriculturalof Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Secretary, Research (CGIAR). He is also 9 member of theDepartment of Agricultural Research & Education International Scientific Advisory Committee for the(DARE), Government of India. Dr Paroda is also Eco-regional fund established at ISNAR. Recently, herecipient of ICAR's prestigious Rafi Ahmed Kidwai has been appointed as a member of the CAB InternationalMemorial prize, ICAR team research award, FIecl Governing Body. He also served on the Board ofTrustee;sAward, Om Prakash Bhasin Award, Sir Chotu Ram of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) forNational Award, Asia Pacific Seed Association Special the period 1990-93 and was on the BoardsofManagementAward, World Food Day Award and Raj Krishto Dutt of organizations such as Indian Agricultural ResearchMemorial Award. Institute (IARI), Haryana Agricultural University,

H h d .t d 1 b k d . n thor or Rajasthan Agricultural University, National Seeds

e as e I e e even 00 s an IS a au

co-author of more than 200 research papers, articles Corporation (NSC), State Farms Corporation of Indiaand bulletins. A large number of Indian Scientific (SFCI), etc.

Societies have elected him tQtheirPresidencies. These Currently as Director-General, ICAR & Secretaryare: Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant Genetic DARE, Dr Paroda is paying his utmost attention towardsResources, Oilseed Research, Forage Research, Plant renewal of one of the largest National AgriculturalPhysiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Research Systems (NARS) in the World. PerspectiveMicrobiology, Allelopathy, Desert Technology and Plan formulation for 2000, human resource development,Agricultural Statistics. The prestigious National Academy technology assessment, refinement and transfer,of Agricultural Sciences.,(NAAS) has also elet.ted him decentralisation with effective integration with a wellas its President. Dr Paroda has recently been elected laid out system of freedom, flexibility and accountability,as the Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences modernisation, information management, efficiency,

(TWAS), Italy. monitoring, creation of incentive & reward system are

Dr Paroda is also presently the Executive Secretary his current priorities. Under his leadership, a visionaryof the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) hasInstitutions (APAARI). Dr Paroda was the Chairman been finally negotiated with the World Bank for US$of the Governing Board of the International Crops 240 million, which is the largest such project for researchResearch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) ever funded by the bank for a developing country.

APAARl Newslettel; June 1998 9


APRIL 12-14, 1998 NEW DELHi

rndia-CIMMYT Day was organized by the Indian..1 Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and theInternational Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre( CIMMYT) Mexico. About 250 delegates from India,CIMMYT and other international organizations tookpart in the deliberations. These included Nobel LaureateDr Norman E. Borlaug, Shri C. Subramaniam,Dr R.S. Paroda, Prof T.G. Reeves, DO CIMMYT,Dr M.S. Swaminathan and many other eminent

partnership in wheat and maize research has paid richdividends primarily through the flow of germplasm, newknowledge and approaches. The main thrust areasidentified were: expanding genetic base through useof gene pools of ;lllied species; breeding varieties forrice-wheat cropping system and for new tillage options;optimising the use of inputs, emphasis on durableresistance and breaking yield barriers through hybrictbreeding, new plant type in wheat, and the development

of cultivars suitable for different

agro-climates including singlecrosses; combining high yield withresistance/tolerance to biotic andabiotic srresses; development ofgenepools and vigorous inbred lines;seed production technology; anddiversification of genetic base ofdifferent types in maize. Dr Borlaugexpressed his view that the nextgreen revolution will be in maize.

The application of bio-technology, characterization ofgenetic diversity, interactions withsocio-economists, research priority

setting, improving product targeting,enhancing spillover effects, andhuman resource development werealso identified as key issues forco llaboration.A view of the Plenary Session chaired by Dr S.R. Hashim,

Member Secretary , Planning Commission

scientists. The function was inaugurated by theHonourable Mipister of State for Agriculture, Shri SomPal. Dr S.R. Hashim, member-set:retary, PlanningCommission was the Chief Guest at the ValedictoryFunction.

The Honourable Minister gave the guidelines forfuture research and development activities. Dr. Paroda,Chairman of the Inaugural Session, emphasized the needto break yield barriers through hybrid breeding,restructuring plant type, development of cultivars withspecific adaptation to agro-climatic regions and croppingsystems and application of new technologies, such asbiotechnology, GIS technology, information technology,etc..

Dr Norman Borlaug honoured by Shri Sompal,the honourable Minister of State for Agriculture

A press conference was held on 12th afternoonas a curtain raiser event. At this function, Drs Parodaand Reeves also signed the ICAR-CIMMYT jointworkplan for 1998 to 2000.

In addition to three special lectures, active andintensive deliberations took place in various sessionson reminiscences of Indian-CIMMYT collaboration andseveral technical issues. From these it emerged that

10 APAAR/ Newslettel; June /998

conservation, management and utilization followed bythe second issue on production, postharvest technologiesand marketing aspects. The issue on genetic resourceswill be produced in September and the deadline forcontributions is 14July 1998. UTFANET will producethe country technical reports.

It was felt that an information leaflet on UTFANETwas needed to promote and highlight the philosophyand work of UTFANET. iThis leaflet will be producedsoon.

It was agreed that efforts should be made to organize

two training courses as soon as possible and these

are on (1) field genebank management and (2) post-

harvest technology.

IPGRI can playa role in the development and

publication of Descriptors ofUTFANET priority species.

IPGRI would look into the authentication and joint

publication of draft )ackfruit Descriptors developed

by Bangladesh. IPGRI could help UTFANET with

the collection and dissemination of germplasm and

also dissemination of genetic resources information.

UTFANET and IPGRI can organize joint training


The concept of ICUC, APAARI and IPGRI {andother organizations) as "parents" for UTFANET wasagreed in principle. Each organization wouldcontribute according to its mandate in three broadareas in order to further the goals and activities of

UTFANET, namely genetic resources, production and

post production.

IFAD had signalled its willingness, in principle,to support an UTFANET proposal and the meetingdiscussed and developed a project proposal on "Regionalpartnership research and development of selectedunderutilized tropical fruits in Asia" and this willbe submitted to IFAD with the endorsement ofAPAARI. The proposal includes exchange,characterization, testing, and increased use of elitevarieties, development of new propagation methodsincluding micropropagation, socio-economic and marketstudies, human resource development and capacity


T he Fourth Steering Committee Meeting of the

Network for Underutilized Tropical Fruits of Asia

(UTFANET) was held at the Horticultural ResearchInstitute, Department of Agriculture, Bangkok, Thailandon 23-24 April, 1998. Countries represented were:

Philippines, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Nepal,Thailand, Vietnam and the new member Pakistan.Unfortunately the Bangladesh representative could notattend the meeting. Or Peter de Groot of the

Commonwealth Science Council (CSC), Dr N. Haq,Coordinator and also representative of ICUC andDr Ken Riley from IPGRI were also present. The

meeting was chaired by Dr William Dar, Chairmanof the Committee. The welcome address was given

by the Director of the Institute.

The coordinator in his report thanked CSC,APAARI and ICUC for their support during 1997and highlighted the activities carried out during 1997:

the publication of newsletters, bibliography and the

proceedings of 1st Bangkok meeting; supporting a jointtraining course on conservation, management andutilization of tropical fruit resources and developmentof a project document in consultation with the national

coordinators for submission to IFAD. Dr Riley then

outlined IPGRI's activities on tropical fruits in theregion and summarized past collaboration with ICUCand UTFANET. He felt that partnership between

IPGRI and UTFANET would facilitate the conservationand use of genetic resources of UTFANET's priority

species and will avoid overlaps. IPGRI could collaboratewith UTFANET under the arrangements drawn upin the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) for the

support group.

UTFANET has now 8 signed up members andPakistan will sign the MoA soon. Myanmar and China

had indicated that they might become members ata later stage. Cambodia had been present at the 2nd

UTFANET meeting as an observer. Malaysia has not

signt:d the MoA yet but it has considerable expertiseas well as genetic resources and would be a valuable

member of UTFANET. Efforts should be made through

various channels to encourage Malaysia to join. Itwas felt that 9-10 countries would form a good core

group with which to begin sound projects. Once upand working, other countries would be encouragedto join.

The newsletter will have a specific theme from

now on. The next issue will have genetic resources

(collection, characterization and evaluation),

It was felt that the Secretariat will remain inUK until a suitable location in Asia is found oruntil ICUC HQ moves to Asia.

APAAR/ Newslette1; June /998

NARI is a public funded statutory research organizationdeveloped under the Ministry of Agriculture andLivestock by the Government of Papua New Guineafor:.conducting applied, adaptive and development

oriented research on food crops, livestock, alternativefood and cash crops and resource management issues;and

.providing technical, analytical and diagnostic servicesand information to the entire agriculture sectorin PNG.

NARI was established by an Act of the NationalParliament on the 31st July 1996 and was officiallylaunched on the Sth May 1997. The formation ofNARIwas one of the major development initiatives of thePNG Government to bring about sustainabledevelopment in the agricultural sector and for realizationof the national goals and directive principles.


The main objectives of the Institute generate, adapt and promote the use of appropriate

and improved agricultural technologies;.to provide essential technical and analytical services

for development of the agricultural sector;.to develop and promote ways of improving quality,

post-harvest handling, processing, and marketingof crop and livestock produce;

.to maintain, conserve and utilize the diversity ofgenetic resources for agricultural development;

.to update and maintain national inventory on soilresources and recommend appropriate uses andmanagement of these resources;

.to develop appropriate farming methods and practicesfor improvement of smallholder semi-subsistenceagriculture;

.to provide agricultural information services, extensionservice support and other technical assistance toagricultural sector;

.to draw attention to constraints to the sustainabledevelopment of smallholder agriculture; and

.to formulate national agricultural research policies,define sectoral research priorities and recommendallocation of funds for agricultural research.

THE Focus

The focus of the Institute's research is on the smallholdersemi-subsistence farming sector in the rural areas ofthe country. This arises out of well-perceived and realconcern that:.the need to transform smallholder agriculture

through increased on-farm productivity is importantand that requires a significant, well targeted andeffective agricultural research programme;

.the smallholder semi-subsistence farmers are goingto be the main sourceofagricultural growth, gainfulemployment, foreign exchange, improved incomedistribution, overall rural development and broad-based socio-economic development;

.the integration of subsistence and semi-subsistencesmallholder sub-sector into market cash economyis crucial to ensure fair competition and efficientuse of resources; and

.the need is to help these smallholders to worktowards food security, commercialization, marketintegration, resource management, stability andoverall sustainability.


The mission of NARI is to contribute, throughoperational research and technical programmes, to thedevelopment of the agriculture sector and realizationof the national goals and directive principles by

generating, identifying, adapting and transferringagricultural technologies and information.

As a research institute, the mission statementembraces in particular the following main objectives.

(a) NARI vigorously pursues appropriate inquiry in

agricultural sciences and professional fields anddisciplines. This involves the conduct of appropriateand applied research activities to enhance the

productivity, efficiency, stability and sustainabilityof the smallholder agriculture.

(b) NARI aspires to foster the general improvementof the welfare of Papua New Guineans, especiallyof rural families and communities who depend onagriculture for their livelihood.

In pursuit of its mission, NARI deals specificallywith food crops, livestock, alternative crops and resourcemanagement issues. The work is done by taking afarming systems perspective, so that all aspects of thefarm-household system and its environment areconsidered, including questions of resource productivityand sustainability.

12 APAAR1 Newslette1; June 1998




Based in Lae, NARI has two regional research programmes-highlands and lowlands-which are further categorizedinto five sub-regional research programmes viz., highlands,high-altitude highlands, wet-lowlands mainlands, wet-lowlands islands and dry-lowlands. Various technical,analytical and diagnostic services have been providedfrom laboratories located at Kila Kila in the NationalCapital District.

Research and Development Integration

NARI has the ability and flexibility to establish linkagesand integrate the research programmes with development

by having:.a strong component of information, communication

and research-development integration (ICRDI);.a mechanism of effective on-farm adaptive research,

information and liaison, farmer-extension training;and

.a process of testing production and marketingsystems and of enterprise development.

To facilitate effective development, NARI:.acts as a catalytic agent in the development process

at local, district and agro-ecological area levels;.undertakes pilot extension projects in NARI

generated technologies;.has a mechanism for organizing contractual extension

by private and non-governmental organizations;.provides advisory and consultancy services in its

areas of expertise; and.selectively develops business enterprises by entering

into partnerships with the private sector.


NARI facilitates close linkage and forges partnershipalliances between scientific community and variousdevelopmental agencies such as extension, governmentdepartments, universities.l NaGs, processors, creditinstitutions and marketing organizations.

Institute's programmes are expected to lead towardsself reliance, food security, import replacement, exportorientation, improved income distribution and broad-based domestic economic growth.

Agro-Ecological Approach

Research programmes of NARI are regionally basedin order to consider area specific constraints, needs,resources, opportunities and potentials and to developand adapt appropriate technologies for different agro-ecological regions of the country. There are two mainregions and five sub-regions.A. Highlands programme has two sub-regional

programmes: the main highlands programmecoordinated from Aiyura; and the high-altitudehighlands programme coordinated from T ambul.

B. Lowlands programme has three sub-regionalprogrammes: the wet-lowlands (mainlands)programme coordinated from Erap; the wet-lowlands( islands) programme coordinated from Keravat; andthe dry-lowlands programme coordinated fromLaloki.

Adaptive Research with Systems Perspective

In order to address the complexity and diversity ofsmallholder farming environment, work of the Instituteis carried out from a multidisciplinary systems perspective.Most of the work is applied, adaptive, problem solvingand demand driven.

APAAR/ Newslettel; June /998 13


assumptions benefits to incremental research investmentunder the NATP have been estimated and are asgiven in the Table.

Dast investments in agricultural research have been.r very rewarding, generating higher rates of returnsthan those in other competing investment opportunities.And there is a strong case to raise agricultural researchinvestment to at least 1% of the agricultural grossdomestic product from its current level of 0.42%.Are returns to further investments in agriculturalresearch going to be equally impressive? To addressthis question, the National Centre for AgriculturalEconomics and Policy Research had undertaken anEx-ante economic evaluation of research on hybridrice and rice-wheat system. These two have beenaccorded high priority under the National AgriculturalTechnology Project (NATP). The projections are basedon conservative but informed assumptions aboutpotential yield gains, probability of research success,research costs, adoption lags and obsolescence.

Rice hybrids have demonstrated a yield advantageof about 1 tonne in the northern region and 1.5tonnes or more in the southern regions. It is expectedthat these hybrids would occupy about 5 million hectaresin the irrigated regions in the next decade. Withthese assumptions, it is estimated that further investmentin hybrid rice research would generate an internalrate of 135% return. A large part of these benefitswould be transferred to consumers in the form oflower rice price. Thus, hybrid rice research wouldstrengthen national food security and benefit poorconsumers, besides generating attractive rates of return.

Rice-wheat system is a priority area because ofits contribution to national food security. This isconstrained by new production stresses in the system,the yield potential, tillage and residue management,weed control and management of irrigation waterand nutrients. The on-going research efforts in theseareas are proposed to be augmented by additionalresources under the NATP. This additional researcheffort would increase probability of research successand shorten research lag. With these reasonable

The rates of returns are higher for crop improvementresearch because of the expected higher level of adoptionof new varieties. They are slightly lower in low

productivity regions, comprising eastern Ut tar Pradesh,Bihar and West Bengal; because of relatively higherproject costs and lower adoption ceilings. If technologyadoption is increased in these low productivity regionson areas, by strengthening transfer of technology system,research benefits would be accrued to consumers

through lower prices.

These impressive rates of returns and widedistribution of benefits support case for higherinvestment in agricultural research. While the case

for research on high-value crops could be even stronger,these two examples illustrate that food grains alsooffer highly atrractive income growth opportunities.Besides monetary benefits, other benefits like foodsecurity, improved equity through development of lowproductivity regions, sustainability of productionsystem and several other indirect benefits would be


Dr Suresh Pal, Senior ScientistNational Centre for Agricultural Economics and PolicyResearch (NCAP), Pusa CampusNew Delhi-110 012, India

(ICAR News, January-March, 1998)

14 APAAR1 Newslettel; June 1998


April 30-May 2, 1998, New Delhi

Organized jointly by Research and Information System for theNon-Aligned and Other Developing Countries, India, ActionAid, India

and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, USA

T he agricultural sector, the world over, is on thethreshold of major changes as the multilateral

discipline underlined by the WTO is extended to thissector. Although the broad framework of the policyregime which the WTO seeks to introduce in this sectorhas been set out in the Agreement on Agriculture,some of the critical elements of policy in the WTOregime on agriculture form part of several key agreementsformalised at the conclusion of the Uruguay Roundnegotiations. These issues need <;:lose consideration ascountries carry out the commitments that have enteredinto the problems that they could encounter in meetingthe commitments. This can be regarded as the firststep towards preparing the ground for the review ofthe Agreement on Agriculture, as also the other keyAgreements, that is due in the next couple of yearsand which could have a bearing on the future of thissector in developing countries, in particular.

The inclusion of the agricultural sector in theUruguay Round negotiating mandate, marking a departurefrom the past when this sector was left outside thepurview of the GATT's rule-making authority, was madewith the explicit consideration that the distortions in

policies pertaining to this sector need to be addressed.The conclusion of the Uruguay Round of GATT

negotiations has, however, left many of the issuesunanswered. One of the key issues that emerged inthe late eighties, and which held centre-stage in theUruguay Round negotiations pertaining to agriculture,was the large volumes of subsidies that developedcountries were providing to their farm sector. Thesesubsidies were quite high for several specific productc~tegories. In such a situation it was felt that the UruguayRound agreement would suggest effective mechanismsfor reining in the high subsidies of the developedcountries. But with the US and the EU eventuallyagreeing on a considerably small reduction in the overalllevels of subsidies that they were providing before thecommencement of the Uruguay Round, the subsidydiscipline remains largely unfulfilled. Such high levelsof subsidies would not augur well for developing countrieson two counts. One, the potential exports of countriesthat have emerged as competitive players in the globalmarket would be affected by the subsidised produceof the two of the largest exporters in the market. And,

two, countries which have to comply commitments suchas removal of quantitative restrictions on imports mightface the threat of their domestic production systemsbeing priced-out while trying to compete with cheap


The pressure from the WTO discipline raises theabove mentioned challenges for developing countriesmany of which have been beset with the problems causedby the process of globalization. The impact of globalizationon the agricultural sector in developing countries canbe seen at various levels. In the first instance, developingcountries are being encouraged to produce thosecommercial crops which go as inpJts to the foodprocessing industry. As a consequence, in India, as inmany other developing countries, there has been aperceptible decline in the acreage under staple cropsin recent years. This would fundamentally affect theorientation of some of the large developing countries,including India, which had made realisation of foodsecurity as the prime objective ofpolicy. The consequenceof the above mentioned phenomenon needsconsideration. The move away from production of staplecrops would lead to a greater dependerice on imports,resulting in the equalisation of the domestic andinternational prices of the agricultural commodities.It is being feared that the international prices whichhave remained so volatile would adversely affect thefood security in the developing countries by reducingthe scope of the state to take any manoeuvre forcontrolling the instability of prices. This is likely tobecome more problematic when, under the structuraladjustment programme, states are being advised toreplace the buffer stock policy by the one in whichreliance is put on trade. Moreover, the erratic behaviourof the international commodity market has proved theirproducer to be at a loss in many ways.

The tendencies mentioned above could be reinforcedin some of the more advanced among the developingcountries, such as India, who have supported theiragricul~ural sector with a strong indigenous R&D basebuilt largely around the public sector. With increasingprivatisation ofresearch and the consequent involvementof the large transnational corporations in the seedindustry in these countries, structural changes are afootin this area. This process has been accentuated by the

APAARI Newslettel; June 1998 15

Asia. The studies revealed that several countries werefaced with difficult processes of adjustment in theagricultural sector in the policy regime defined by theWTO. A major outcome of the Workshop was thatconcerns of the countries stemming from the difficultiesthey have been encountering would be taken up ina sustained manner in the process of negotiations inthe WTO that leads up to the review of the agreementsthat impinge on the future of agriculture in developingcountries.

introduction of biotechnology, regarded by many as thetechnology of the future. The implications of the abovementioned process would be worth looking at. Particularlyimportant in this regard would be the examination ofthe two contentio~s issues. One, the technology thatthe corporations bring would intensify the polarisationbetween the large and the small farmers. And two,the regime would strengthen the control of theconglomerates, among others through the proposedregime of intellectual property rights, which could inits turn impede the design and innovation capabilityof the publico ~ctor (in house} R&D units, the primemovers in technology generation in most developingcountries.

The above issues found reflection in the Workshopthrough a number of case studies that were presented.

The countries covered in the case studies includedthose from three continents, Latin America, Africa and

For information please contact:

Dr Biswajit Dhar, FellowResearch and Information System for the Non- Alignedand other Developing Countries, New Delhi, IndiaPhone: RISNODEC@DEL2. VSNL.NET.IN

APAARI Newslettel: June 199816



The workshop deliberations wereconducted in eight sessions held in theworkshop. These were: Inaugural Session,Strengthening the Public-Private MaizeResearch, Hybrid and New BioscienceTechnologies, Breeding for Abiotic Stresses,Maize Agronomy Research, presentation ofCountry and Seed Industry Reports andSpecialty Corn.

The maize programme leaders of therespective centres presented their reports inwhich they highlighted the progress made

Participants attending the lth Asian Regional Maize Workshop and the problems faced. During the course

of deliberations, it was emphasized that thereis hardly any possibility of vertical expansion of thearea under maize, the only possibility therefore left isto increase the per unit productivity to meet the growingdemand of maize, not only for the food but for theindustries, poultry and piggery as well. To overcomethe problem of low productivity almost all speakersemphasized a strong need for sustainable corn production.To meet the ever increasing demand of corn in thisregion, the measures suggested were development ofsingle cross hybrids of required maturity and themanagement of biotic and abiotic stresses which areresponsible for lowering the maize yields appreciablyin the region. The specific stresses were identified anddebated to develop suitable strategies to contain them.In this direction, the CIMMYT has entered into various

collaborative projects of regional importance in whichIndia has to playa major role.

The seventh Asian Regional Maize Workshop washeld in Los Bafios, Philippines during February23-27, 1998. This workshop was jointly sponsoredby the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestryand Natural Resources Research and Development(PCARRD) and CIMMYT Asian Regional MaizeProgramme. The Workshop was attended by morethan 170 participants from as many as 17 countries

including special invitees which included theDirector Generals of International Maize andWheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), PCARRD,International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) andIndian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).The theme of the workshop was "StrengtheningHybrid Maize Technology and Public -PrivatePartnership to Accelerate Maize Production in theAsian Region".

APAAR/ Newslettel; June /99817




Maize in Vietnam is grown almost allover the countryranging from northern/northeastern mountainous tractto Mekong delta in the extreme south. However, theRed River delta, the central plateau and the Mekongdelta offer a great potential both for yield increaseand area expansion, as three crops of maize can veryeasily be grown here. Besides increasing the geneticproductivity of the crop, efforts are directed on

developing proper agronomic practices to enhance totalproduction. With the development of transplantingtechnology for winter maize in wetlands, it has becomenow possible to raise a winter crop of maize in wetlands,after two crops of rice in the Red River delta.




.Large field bands and canal bank surfaces are putto effective use to raise nurseries.

.Ten days time is saved for maize growing in mainfields

.Selection of good seeds and raising of vigorousseedlings ensure a good plant density and betterweed control in transplanted maize.

.Time is saved in land preparation




The size of nursery depends on the quality of seedto be sown. The nursery bed should be flat andfree from weeds. The levelled nursery beds arecovered with banana leaves or polyester sheets andequal amount of mud and well composted farmyard manure is spread uniformly over it, the depthof mud and manure mixture on the bed shouldbe about 7 cm. As soon as the mixture is driedout on the surface, it is cut into square pieces likecake. The size of the cakes may vary from5x7x7 cm to 5x5 x7 cmdependinguponthe durationof time for which seedlings are to be kept.

Each mud cake is planted with one pre-germinatedseed in the centre at the depth of 1 cm and iscovered with pulverised soil. ,

Soon after the harvest of second rice crop, thefield is ploughed, raised flat beds of 1 to 1.2 cmin width, running across eight furrows, are thenprepared using hoes and proper care is given to

provide adequate drainage. Adequate pulverisedmixed fertiliser, comprising well composted farmyar~manure and super phosphate is applied for supplyingproper nutrients to the younger seedlings.

The optimum age of maize seedling for transplantingis 7 days.

The recommended plant to plant spacing is 25 cmand row to row 70 cm, which is enough to raiseabout 55,000 plants per hectare.

For an expected yield of 4 to 5 tonnes/ha, therecommended doses of fertiliser are lOO kg N ,60-80 kg PzOs and 20 kg KzO, plus 5 to 10tonnes of FYM.

Proper weed, disease and pest control methodsshould be followed.



.The average yield of the open pollinated varieties(OPVs) increased from 2.2 tonnes/ha to 3-5 tonnes/ha, while in case of hybrids the average yield rangedfrom 5 to 7 tonnes/ha the area under maize alsoincreased considerably.

.It led to grow one more additional food crop peryear which added 200,000 tonnes of maize grainannually to the national kitty.

.It created more employment for people in the ruralareas.

.The varieties yielded more green fodder for cattleafter winter, and provided 7 -8 tonnes/ha more maizestalks for fuel consumption.

.The by-products such as husk could be used formaking carpets and rugs.


The following steps are critical for success of transplanting:

.Selected varieties should have a high yield potentialand are adaptable to the agro-ecological conditions.The duration of maturity of varieties should besuch that the pollination is completed before theonset of cool temperatures in November.

.Seed should be genetically pure and healthy.

.15-20 kg of seed is required for transplanting of1 ha to maintain a population of 55,000 to 60,000

plants per hectare.

.Seeds are soaked in water for 12 hours, the swollenseeds are then allowed to germinate, which takesabout 36 hours. When the sprouts are 1 cm long,the germinated seeds are gently washed with cleanwater and sown in cake like squared mud patches.

.Planting time is crucial, in northern Vietnam thewinter maize nursery must be established inSeptember and should be transplanted before 10October.

.The seedling nursery should be located near thefield to minimise transportation cost of seedlings.

18 APAARI Newslettel; June 1998

CIMMYT and its research partners help farmers tofeed not only their families but 'also the world. Ourmission is to increase the productivity, profitabilityand sustainability of maize and wheat farming systemsin dev~loping countries, while protecti~g the naturalresources upon which agriculture is based.

The impact of our research partnerships has been

beyond dispute, especially in Asia, where collaborativeresearch made the wheat revolution a reality in farmer's

fields, delivered downy-mildew-resistant maize tocountless farmers, and couI;ltries making maize andwheat more affordable for poor consumers in manycountries. Several new areas of research show promiseto carry on this tradition of collaborative achievementand impact in future. Some of this research may

initially focus on areas outside Asia, but eventuallymany of the technologies and methods described herewill benefit APAARI member countries.

Research on raising wheat yields to new heightsfocuses on building a new plant architecture, unlocking

hybrid vigour, and releasing the potential of geneticr~sources to enhance yields (for example; throughcrosses between wheat and wild relatives). This workis complemented by research on wheat management

technologies for favoured and marginal environments.For example, special raised bed planting systems offer

great potential for irrigated wheat environments suchas north-western Mexico and South Asia, and reducedand zero tillage shows potential in marginal environmentsof Eastern Africa.

Improved tillage practices are also the focus ofnatural resources research in South Asia, under theauspices of the Rice- Wheat Consortium. Researchersare investigating how alternative tillage and crop

establishment practices for wheat grown after ricemay affect soil fertility and crop productivity oVertime. Through participatory experimentation, technical

options are being tailored to farmers' circumstances.The CIS/Crop Modelling team is characterizing therice-'wheat tract and the study sites within it so thatresearch results can be synthesised across sites in the


Following basic research on stress tolerance in

maize, sponsored by UNDP, we are taking results tothe field in Africa. With funding from SDC, researchersin the Southern Africa Development Community will

develop locally adapted maize cultivars that toleratedrought and low nitrogen-two of the most intractableconstraints on maize cultivars in the region. A projectin eastern, western, and central Africa brings CIMMYT

and IITA together to combat insects and the parasiticweed Striga spp. in maize, as well as to enhancedrought and low nitrogen tolerance in maize. Thislatter project is supported by UNDp, IFAD, and SIDA.

Progress in applying molecular markers to transferstress resistance traits to elite maize lines and varietiesis evident. Advances include genome mapping of regions

associated with resistance traits, comparisons betweenmarker-assisted and conventional selection, use of newmethodologies to improve efficiency, and strategiesfor using marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.

A new project funded by the Asian DevelopmentBank will establish a collaborative research and trainingnetwork among national maize and biotechnologyresearch programs in Asia. The network, which brings

together CIMMYT and national research programsin India, Indonesia, China, the Philippines, and

Thailand, will strengthen biotechnology capacity inthe region and use it to improve maize for farmers.

A five-year project funded by DGIS aims to establish

applied agricultural biotechnology programs in Kenyaand Zimbabwe. Eventually, using DNA markers andother biotechnology tools and working closely with

breeders, the project will generate locally adapted,stress resistant maize.

Both our Economics Program and our NationalResources Group have been strengthened, to buildour capabilities ( especially in gender analysis, farmer

participatory research, crop-soil modelling, andgeographic information systems) and also to providea "credible mass" for working with partners whose

comparative advantages lie in these areas of work.

In Mesoamerica, we collaborate with nationalresearch programs, NGOs, and international organisationsto develop productivity-enhancing, resource-conserving

technologies that address problems affecting the naturalresource base, especially land degradation. Currentwork focuses on using conservation tillage ( with cropresidues used as mulch) and green manures in maize-based systems to reduce erosion, enhance moisture

retention, and improve soil fertility.

Innovative approaches are being developed forassessing the economics and impact of in situ andex situ strategies for conserving genetic resources.

Studies are being completed on the impact ofmaize and wheat germplasm in all regions whereCIMMYT works. Some results will be availabile bythe end of 1998.

APAAR/ Newslettel; June /99819