SUPERS Quick Start

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of SUPERS Quick Start

  • Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • Quick Start Rules

    SUPERS!Comic Book Role Playing Game

    Writing BySimon Washbourne

    Writing and Compilation Brad White

    Art and Layout ByWalt Robillard

    SUPERS! Comic Book Role playing Game 2013 by Andrew Collas and Walt Robillard. All rights reserved. SUPERS! Quick Start, Arachne (SUPERS! Edition), Ares (SUPERS! Edition), Grey Guardian, and Solarhawk were created by Brad White and are 2013 Walt Robillard and Andrew Collas. Some

    images provided by Shutterstock and were used under license.

    For more information about SUPERS! Visit

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)


    Whats IT ABOUT?Supers! is a game all about playing costumed heroes the kinds of heroes you see in good old-fashioned comic books. These heroes are larger-than-life; they have high ideals and they know right from wrong. Their world is black-and-white; they are good and the villains are bad. There are no real grey areas. Their cause is justice, liberty and freedom. They seek to protect the weak and defend the common man. Most are loved by all; some are misunderstood and dont get the adoration they feel they deserve. But regardless, they strive to do the right thing and aim to make a difference.

    This quick-start introduction will give you a taste of Supers! Comic Book Role Playing Game. If you enjoy this quick-start, you should check out the full Supers! game, which includes complete rules for character generation, a comprehensive list of powers, more combat options, dozens of pre-generated characters and even more ways to have fun.

    WHAT DO YOU NEED?So you know what the game is all about; now what do you do to play it? Ideally, you need a couple of players and a space to sit and be comfortable without too many distractions. You need at least one copy of this quick-start, dice, a great imagination and a sense of adventure.

    THE DICEIn Supers! dice are used to determine the result of actions taken by the player characters (PCs) and some non-player characters (NPCs). Supers! uses 6-sided dice, generally referred to as D6 or Xd6, where X is the number of dice to be rolled. The numbers on the dice are added together and higher numbers are better.

    SIMPLE RULESThe philosophy behind the design of this game is to keep it simple. The basics of the rules are very straightforward roll a few dice and try to beat a number. As long as you remember that, you cant go too far wrong. Enjoy!

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • SET THE SCENEWhen a combat is about to begin, the Judge should describe the scene so that everyone understands how it appears at the start of the fight. Important details should be mentioned, as well as where the characters are positioned relative to their opponents. Check with the players to make sure that their understanding matches your own. Once the scene has been set, the action can begin!


    WHO GOES FIRST?At the beginning of each combat, determine which character acts first by rolling Reaction. The combatants take their actions in order, from the highest to lowest. Any character that suffered a loss of Reaction during the previous round must reroll Reaction (at the reduced value) for his new position in the order of combat.

    HOW TO RESOLVE ATTACKSChoose a Power to attack with or use an Aptitude (fighting or shooting) if attacking with a mundane weapon.

    Some Powers cannot really be used to attack someone you need to apply common sense. If a player can convincingly describe how a Power can be used to attack, then it should be allowed. For example, a character that flies using a jetpack might use his flight to ram an opponent, or even use the jet blast to try to burn his foe.Defending Villains or PCs get to choose an Aptitude or Power to defend with. They roll the number of dice in the attribute selected. The result is the Target Number the attacker must overcome. Instead of using an Aptitude or Power, a character can use a Resistance to defend against an attack. The Resistance chosen should make sense against the type of attack being made. Just roll the dice that you have in the selected Resistance.

    What constitutes a Power that can be used for defense depends on the attack being made and how the defender sees his defense working. Some defensive Powers are obvious, like Armor. Other defensive Powers are less apparent for example, a character might use Super Strength to punch a car that was thrown at him, or the character could use his Flight to dodge the attack. Most Powers can be used defensively in some way or another. Rather than look for reasons for why they cannot be used defensively, try to find ways in which they can be used.

    WHO WINS?If the attackers roll is greater than the defenders roll, then the attack got through and will harm the target. If the defender wins the roll or the result is a tie, the attack missed or otherwise failed to cause any damage.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • HOW MANY ATTACKS CAN I MAKE?A character can attack only once per round, and can only attack with a Power he hasnt already used that round. So, if the character already defended against an attack using his Flame Powers that round, he could not use Flame Powers to attack when it is his turn to take an action.

    HOW MANY TIMES CAN I DEFEND?Defenders get one (and only one) defense roll against each attack made against them per round. In most cases, Aptitudes, Powers and Resistances can only be used to defend once per round. The only exceptions to this rule are Armor and Mental Shield, which can be used for defense multiple times per round. Each subsequent use of either Armor or Mental Shield in the same round, however, is made at 1D lower than the previous attempt. These powers reset to their full dice at the start of the next round.

    Measure the success levelAn attacks level of success is determined by calculating the success roll as a multiple of the defense roll/Rating:

    Succeed by up to x2 = 1 damageSucceed by up to x3 = 2 damageSucceed by up to x4 = 3 damageSucceed by up to x5 = 4 damageSucceed by up to x6 = 5 damage and so on.

    Here are some example results, assuming that the targets defense roll is 6:A roll of 1-6 is a miss or failure to harm the target7-12 = 1 damage13-18 = 2 damage19-24 = 3 damage25-30 = 4 damage31-36 = 5 damageand so on

    OUCH!Each point of damage caused is subtracted as dice from the targets Resistances. Which Resistance is reduced depends on the nature of the attack and the players description of how that attack affected his character. Damage can be spread out among several Resistances. Ultimately, the Judge decides if the explanation given makes narrative sense. The following are guidelines for what Resistances are usually be reduced as a consequence of the most common types of attack:

    Physical Harm: The defaults are Composure, Fortitude or Reaction. Mental Harm: The defaults are Composure or Will. Social or Emotional Harm: The default is Composure.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)


    If Composure is reduced to 0D or below, you have lost it completely. You cannot talk properly, you cannot face anyone; you might fly into a rage or burst into tears. The actual effect is up to you, depending on the situation and your character. However, you are effectively out of action and cannot do anything worthwhile until Composure is restored to a positive number.

    If Fortitude is reduced to 0D or lower, you are injured, battered and bruised, knocked senseless or unconscious (or even dead). The actual description of your injuries and condition is up to you and the situation, but you are completely out of action and unable to do anything until Fortitude is restored to a positive number.

    If Reaction is reduced to 0D or less, you are paralyzed, winded, exhausted or fighting for breath. Effectively, this puts you out of action until Reaction is restored to a positive number.

    If Will is reduced to 0D or below, you are shocked, afraid, temporarily insane or suffering some sort of mental trauma. The actual effect is up to you and the situation, but this effectively puts you out of action until your Will is restored to a positive number.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)


    This short adventure is designed for a quick combat to showcase the Supers! system. Included in this adventure are three new heroes and a new super-villain. The explanation of the characters powers and abilities are detailed on the character sheets. The complete game rules include many more powers and abilities, allowing you to create your own hero.

    Setting the Scene

    The annual Emporium City Comic Book Convention is in full swing. This once a year event is unique in that costumed heroes can be found alongside cosplay maids and anime characters. These year, the high flying hero Solarhawk will be answering questions and signing autographs. Among the convention attendees is Arachne, a gifted young heroine that has yet to emerge on the heroic scene. Meanwhile, Paul Saunders, aka the Grey Guardian, is at the convention, hoping to sell some of his art to one of the comic book companies.

    The convention hall is a large room set up with a multitude of booths and displays. In one booth, Lex Weston, the writer of the hit TV show, Ares, God of War, is signing copies of his latest book. A large display from Zenith Comics showcases their latest releases.

    As the heroes greet their adoring public, the scene is interrupted by the raising of voices over by where Lex Weston is seated. A very large man is standing over him. In one ham -fisted hand is a large battle axe. First impression is that an axe that large must be a prop. However, when the man shatters the table with one blow, it is obvious that the axe is all too real.

    You are responsible for this this travesty? You have made a mockery of the name of Ares! The imposter you offer as a god is nothing more than a buffoon! I will show you the true might of a god!

    It is time for the heroes to intervene.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • Events and Complications

    Superhero fights rarely go as planned. Any game where the characters have superhuman powers means that the characters will use them in unexpected ways. Consider the scene below as a framework. You do not have to run it exactly as written. Feel free to adapt it to suit your players actions.

    As fun as a straight-up fight might be, sometimes complications are like the spice to a good meal. Listed below are a few events that can be used to make the fight more interesting for the heroes. As the GM, it is up to you to decide which of the following you would like to use.

    The crowd reacts as one would expect of devoted fans. They press in closer, hoping to get a better view of what they assume is a publicity stunt. A Presence Aptitude check beating a Target Number of 10 is enough to cause them to back away to a safer distance.

    During the fight, Solarhawk gets knocked back into the crowd where he crashes into a fan dressed like Solarhawk. Ares might mistake the fan for the hero. It will be up to the heroes to protect the bystander.

    One of the fans is dressed as the hero Mega Man. Although he has no real super powers, he believes that the fight is all part of the show and wants to join in the fun. If he actually joins the fight, he could get seriously hurt.

    Lance Svenson, the actor who plays Ares, God of War on TV makes an appearance in full costume. Ares immediately targets him for his next attack.

    Arachnes younger brother gets too close to the fight in an attempt to protect his sister.

    For the purposes of this fight, assume that most non-player characters (NPCs) and bystanders are normal mortals without any powers or exceptional skills. Assume that any attack directed at normal NPC is enough to injure or knock them unconscious.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • Understanding the Character SheetThe following pages include the character sheets for three super-heroes and one super-villain. These are for your use in this scenario.

    ResistancesEach character has four Resistances. These are rated numerically, with higher numbers being better. Resistances represent a characters ability to withstand, resist, avoid or react to whatever is thrown at her whether that is in the form of physical punishment or danger, mental torment or social embarrassment.

    AptitudesAptitudes are essentially very broad, but mundane, skill packages. Aptitudes represent your characters day job, or what he does when hes not saving the world. A character with 3D in an Aptitude is extremely experienced, gifted or skilled, but not necessarily super.

    When rolling the dice for one of your specialized Aptitudes, you only ever take the result of the three highest dice. This is because there is a limit to the degree of success possible for mundane actions.

    PowersMost super-heroes have Powers. These are abilities that are beyond that of normal men. Unlike Aptitudes, all of the dice are added together when a Power is rolled.

    AdvantagesThese are positive traits, assets or resources available to the character.

    DisadvantagesThese are negative traits, character flaws or things that work against the character.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)


    RESISTANCES Composure 3D Excellent self-control, self-confidence and presenceFortitude 3D Excellent endurance and resistance to physical harmReaction 2D Above average agility and hand eye coordinationWill 2D Above average resolve and spirit

    APTITUDES Technology 2D Solarhawk knows how thing works and how to build and repair things.Academia 2D Solarhawk is well-read and highly educated.Presence 2D Solarhawk has a commanding bearing.All the rest 1D

    POWERS Flight 2D Solarhawk can fly at 100mph.Energy Control 4D Solarhawk is able to produce and

    manipulate heat and light.Armor 3D Solarhawk is very resistant to damage.

    Unlike other defensive options, Solarhawk can use this power more than once each round to defend against multiple physical attacks. Each time he uses this Power in the same round, he rolls 1D less to defend.

    Regeneration 1D Solarhawk is able to restore damage received to his Fortitude and/or Reaction at 1D per 1D of Regeneration per round, even if he is knocked out.Regeneration does not affect Will or Composure.

    ADS Attractive Solarhawk is very attractive and can use

    this to his advantage.Charismatic Solarhawk is highly charismatic and

    whatever he does, the media and the public love him.

    DISADS Public ID Solarhawk is known to the public and the


    ORIGINS & NOTESA physics professor and researcher at a state university, Dr. Stephen Lang was exposed to quantum radiation when an experimental power source overloaded. Now imbued with super powers, Dr. Steven is the high flying Solarhawk.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)


    RESISTANCES Composure 1D Average self-control, self-confidence and presenceFortitude 2D Above Average endurance and resistance to physical harmReaction 4D Superhuman agility and hand eye coordinationWill 2D Above average resolve and spirit

    APTITUDES Athleticism 3D Arachne is a natural athlete.Dodge 4D Arachne specializes in this form of Athleticism.Art and Craft 2D Arachne pursues photography as a hobby.Fighting 2D Arachne has some training in basic hand-to-hand combat.All the rest 1D

    POWERS Webs 3D Arachne can shoot out strong sticky webs that she

    uses to entangle foes, create nets, and pull off other effects. Webs cause damage to either Reaction or Composure. The target cannot allocate the damage to any other Resistances. Armor is generally no use as a defense against Webs.

    Super Leap 1D Arachne can make a 10 vertical leap and a 50 horizontal leap.

    Super Strength 3D Arachne can lift 4 tons.Wall Crawling 2D Arachne can move along walls, ceilings and so on

    as if she were on the ground.Super Senses 2D Direction Sense 2D, Danger Sense 2D

    ADS Dumb Luck Arachne can re-roll any dice roll she just made

    once per session.

    DISADS Youth As a teenager, Arachne is not treated as an adult.Dependent Arachnes younger brother is always tagging along

    and getting into trouble.

    ORIGINS & NOTESSusan has only recently discovered her powers. She does not know why she has powers, but being an avid comic book reader, she believes she might be a mutant. She is a fan of comics and mythology. She is a HUGE fan of the TV action adventure show, Ares, God of War. Taking the name Arachne from Greek mythology, she uses her new-found abilities to seek adventures of her own.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)


    RESISTANCES Composure 2D Above average self-control, self-confidence and presenceFortitude 3D Peak human endurance and resistance to physical harmReaction 3D Peak human agility and hand eye coordinationWill 2D Above average resolve and spirit

    APTITUDES Athleticism 3D The Grey Guardian is a natural athlete.Acrobatics 4D The Grey Guardian is one of the worlds best acrobats.Art and Craft 2D The Grey Guardian has some talent for drawing and illustration.Fighting 3D The Grey Guardian is an expert hand-to-hand combatant.Martial Arts 4D The Grey Guardian is one of the worlds best hand-to-hand fighters.Presence 3D The Grey Guardian has a commanding bearing.All the rest 1D

    POWERS Super Weapon 4D The Grey Guardian uses a shield that

    can be thrown, used in hand to hand combat or used for defense. Like most Powers, the shield can only be used once per round. (Device)

    Armor 3D The Grey Guardians costume is armored. (Device)

    ADS Longevity Since gaining his powers, the Grey

    Guardian has not aged.Tolerance The Grey Guardian has a strong

    tolerance to toxins, alcohol, poisons, drugs and so forth. Basically they dont affect him, unless in extremely large quantities.

    DISADS Enemy Even after all these years, the Grey

    Guardian is still hunted by his enemies from World War II.

    Secret Unbeknownst to most of the world, the Grey Guardian is the same hero that used that name in World War II.

    ORIGINS & NOTESDuring World War II Pete Saunders signed up for the super soldier program. The program was a success and The Grey Guardian became one of the most famous heroes of the war. Since then, there have been five other Grey Guardians. Over the years, Pete discovered that he no longer aged due to the experiment. Now, decades later, he decided to come out of retirement and retake the mantle of the guardian.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)


    RESISTANCES Composure 2D Above average self-control, self-confidence and presenceFortitude 5D Superhuman endurance and resistance to physical harmReaction 2D Above average agility and hand eye coordinationWill 2D Above average resolve and spirit

    APTITUDES Athleticism 3D Ares is a natural athlete and sportsperson.Fighting 3D Ares is a very skilled warrior.Ax 4D Ares specializes in axe combat.Occultism 2D Ares knows about magic and mythology.All the rest 1D

    POWERS Super Strength 4D Ares can lift 8 tons.Super Weapon 5D Ares has an axe that he can use in hand-to-hand combat to parry and

    attack (although not both in the same round). He can also throw his axe at his foes and have it magically return to him.

    Armor 4D Ares is very resistant to damage. Unlike other defensive options, Ares can use this power more than once each round to defend against multiple physical attacks. Each time he uses this Power in the same round, he rolls 1D less to defend.

    ADS Longevity Ares ages more slowly than normal

    people (or doesnt even age at all).Tolerance Ares has a strong tolerance to toxins, alcohol, poisons, drugs and so forth.

    Basically they dont affect him, unless in extremely large quantities.

    DISADS Addiction (fighting) Ares is drawn to combat and his first

    instinct is to start a fight.Disreputable Ares is generally disliked by the public

    and the media alike.Rage Ares is known for becoming angry. He

    suffers double the Composure damage achieved by insult-based Presence attacks. When his Composure is reduced to 0D, Ares goes berserk.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • ORIGINS & NOTESAres claims to be the original god of war from Greek mythology. There is no proof to his claims. Most believe he is either deluded or acting the part, yet no one can deny his strength or his love of war.

    Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)

  • Darcy Dettmann Junior (order #5952768)