Super Bowl XII (1978) - Dallas and Denver in the Superdome in New Orleans

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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An Experience by 4 Mizzou Fraternity Brothers - Dennis O'Neil (Denny), Jim Stewart (Fonzie), Jim Black (Rev) & Brian Zimmerman (Zim) who left Columbia, MO, in the middle of a snowstorm and headed to New Orleans to Super Bowl XII sans tickets or much money but with plenty of swagger. Here is the story...

Transcript of Super Bowl XII (1978) - Dallas and Denver in the Superdome in New Orleans

I personally attest that this pictorial review of my road trip to the Super Bowl in New Orleans thirty five years ago with three college buddies includes absolutely no embellishment. I have told and heard this story told many times. Regardless of whether it’s the Bumper Sticker, Reader’s Digest or the War & Peace version, there has never been any embellishment included in the story. All names are real and all activities occurred as documented herein. It is my belief and understanding that no laws were broken during this trip.

I was inspired to assemble this information for three reasons; first our trip was 35 years ago in the same location as the Super Bowl this year. Next, I watched a You Tube vignette about a couple of Savannah State students who snuck into the game this year. And finally, I thought it would be a good idea to document the kind of once in a lifetime

trip you can take if your willing to invest your entire life savings . . . or ($67).

Super Bowl XII - 1978

Dennis O’NeillMizzou Sophomore 1978

Super Bowl XII - 1978• I’m at Harpo’s Friday night Jan. 13th talking Cowboys vs Broncos with:

• Jim Stewart - Fonzi Senior - Broadcast Journalism

• Jim Black - Rev Junior - Business; Finance

• Brian Zimmerman - Zim Junior - Business; Marketing

• Fonzi had an idea . . . we quickly pack a suit and piled in Zim’s ’68 Impala

• I was able to gather $67 for my Super Bowl roadtrip to New Orleans.

• We were welcomed by our Tulane Brothers just as they would have welcomed General William T Sherman back in 1864.

• Saturday night we invited ourselves to the NFLPA VIP party extravaganza

• . . . and finally, it’s Game Day !

• Tony Dorsett’s spectacular entourage entrance created the perfect diversion for our entry

• Too many VIP’s and celebrities from from Sports, Movies, TV, politics and music to count

• Oysters on the Half-Shell being shucked faster than we could eat Lee Street Juicy Burgers

• Champagne, not Andre’s , flowing glass after glass, after glass . . .

• A very fortuitous chat with Ed Garvey’s (President of NFLPA) niece Melissa.

NFL Players Association VIP Party

Sharing several morning Hurricanes with generous Colorodans darn near turned us into Orange Crush fans . . . I can’t recall one Texan buying us a drink.

Super Sunday Morning

It was a Sunday, so we stopped by St Louis Cathedral for a Pre-Game prayer.

. . . a Hope and a Prayer

The Super Dome did not appear to be the easiest place to enter without a ducat. So we split up in pairs with the thought of increasing our odds of achieving success.

The Formidable Monstrosity

The very first thing Rev and I do is visit the field. A Security Guard followed. My aforementioned chat with Melissa Garvey came in handy as I informed the guard that she was my fiancee and that my friend here just

had to come down and stand on the field. But I just wanted to get back up to the party and stay out of trouble. Since I could not remember where the party was, he escorted us to a VIP Suite and opened the door asking; is this it? In one view, I saw Deacon Jones and

Jack Nicklaus and quickly thanked the guard for taking such good care of us and for helping me find my way back to my Melissa!

Inside . . . not as formidable as we thought

All of the men and some of the women in the Super Dome wanted to, Brent Musberger certainly wanted to but Phyllis George kissed only one guy all day.

Congrats Fonzi !

Fonzi and Zim at Home in the Dome

Phyllis George: Miss America 1971, pioneer sportscaster 1974, friend of Jim Stewart 1978

Exactly thirty fives years prior to stammering and stuttering “WOW” during the 2013 BCS Championship Game . . . Brent was thinking “WOW” in ’78

The finest things in life are timeless . . .

American Express VIP Brunch speaker-turned new friend at Pre-Game Party Rev and I spent an hour visiting with Ricky during brunch. Ricky, who referred to himself as Rookie Ricky, had recently signed the highest

rookie contract in NFL history but more importantly, he was a great guy and fun to be with. Ricky also confirmed for us that it was actually his older brother Archie, of Archie Bell & The Drells, that got all the girls. Archie sung Tighten Up back in 1968.

Deacon Jones was a great speaker . . . Jack Nicklaus was boring and seemed a perfect choice for the sedate AMEX Execs.

Rookie Ricky - Lonely VIP Brunch Speaker

Ricky Bell: USC National Champion ’75 - Heisman Runner-Up ’76 - AFC Rookie of the Year ’77 - Died ’84

Game Time

• Rev and I glide 30 feet out of the AMEX party into some nice seats on the 47 yard line

• We were inconvenienced one time when we were asked to scoot two seats to the left

• Zim and Fonzi find us with three minutes left in the game and gave us the Bumper Sticker version of their incredible exploits and the War & Peace version of the Phyllis-Kissing.

• At the 2:00 Minute Warning we walked on the field and watched the remainder of the game on the Dallas Cowboy sideline. I nearly lost my hand in a High Five with Ed “Too Tall” Jones.

• Proceed to the next slide to see what happened next . . .

6’9” Tall - 106 career sacks

Cowboy Celebration . . . No doubt about it, Rev is looking grand on the field!

Cowboy VictoryDallas 27 Denver 10

On-Field Celebration with Tom Landry For some reason, I don’t have many, make that any, horizontal striped sweaters in my closet anymore . . .

Cowboy Victory

Zim Greeked-Out and looking sharp as he stands On-Deck for interview

Greeked-Out & Ready

Neighbor/Friend Ann Brand runs next door to ask Don “Do you know where Denny is”? Don replies . . . “the game’s over so he’s probably back at the library”

Neigbors see and know EVERYTHING

Now Don revises his reply. . .“It looks like Denny and that fine young man, Jim Stewart, are doing some team study in the locker-library with Tony Dorsett”.

. . . so then Ann says “I Told You So”!

Efren Herrara responded “I don’t need it anymore” so I then owned his jersey.It served us well, my brother Kevin used it as a practice jersey while toiling away for the Kirkwood Cardinals.

The Jersey

Rev visited the despondent Bronco locker room and found Steve Foley’s jersey.Shultz, Rev’s stunning and personable college sweetheart (Mary) assembled the above Super Bowl Shrine after 20 years of marriage.

The Super Bowl Shrine

Back to State U

• We did NOT run off the road as we did in icy conditions on our way down to New Orleans.

• Our waitress somewhere in Arkansas informed us that Fonzi and Rev were in her newspaper. As I recall, we gave her a nice tip and she gave us her newspaper.

• I can’t recall a minute during the drive that we weren’t sharing and comparing stories.

• All of our buddies back at State U saw us on TV; some were happy for us, some were not.

• A group of us went to Bogarts Monday night to celebrate . . .

• we got involved in a Dust-Up with some guys. Maybe we shouldn’t have worn our jerseys

• Fonzi, Zim Rev and I have never had an official Super Bowl Reunion . . . Maybe it’s time!