Sunridge Elementary 5th Grade April 13-17th, 2020

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Transcript of Sunridge Elementary 5th Grade April 13-17th, 2020

Sunridge Elementary 5th Grade

April 13-17th, 2020

Student Name __________________

Teacher Name


Reading Week 2

April 13-April 17 Directions/ Instrucciones: Monday/Lunes: -Students need to read each article for 1 minute and record how many words correct/ Estudiantes deben leer cada pasaje por un minuto y anotar cuantas palabras correctas por minuto - Student will read the articles again and do close reading strategies/Estudiantes deben leer los pasajes y hacer las estrategias de Lectura Enfocada

- Box the title/Hacer una caja al título - Number paragraphs/ Enumerar los parrafos - Circle main idea and underline details/ Circular idea

principal y subrayar detalles importantes - Write 1 sentence summary on the margin/ Escribir 1

oración de resumen en el margen de la página Tuesday/Martes: - Student will reread the articles again/ Estudiantes van a leer los pasajes otra vez - Students will answer comprehension questions/ Estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de comprensión

The Earth's Moon

The Earth's Moon This text is adapted from an original work of the Core Knowledge Foundation.

Look up in the sky at night. What do you see? If it is not cloudy, you may be able to see the moon.

When you see the moon at night, it might look white. It might look gray or silver. Sometimes, it seems to shine and glow. But the moon does not give off light the way the sun does. The moon is a ball of rock that gives off no light of its own. It simply reflects light from the sun. That means light from the sun hits the moon and bounces off.

Our moon is easily visible on most clear nights.

You may know that Earth orbits around the sun. But did you know that the moon orbits around Earth? It takes just about one month for the moon to completely circle Earth. If you look up at the night sky each night of the month, you may think that the size and shape of the moon is changing. However, the size and shape are not really changing. The moon is still a round ball. It looks different at different times of the month because of the way the light from the sun is reflected and how much of the moon we can see from Earth.

This chart shows the phases of the moon. It shows what you might see if you looked at the moon each night for a month. You can read the

chart just like you would read a book. Start at the top and go from left to right. When you finish reading the first row, go on to the next

one. You can see how the moon seems to change during the month.

The Moon's Phases

The Moon's Phases The text and images are from NASA Space Place.

Why does the Moon look different throughout the month? The Moon has "phases." That means it looks a little different to us each night during its one-month orbit of our planet. We describe how the Moon looks with terms such as "Full Moon," "First Quarter," and "New Moon" (which we can't really see, because the side that is lit faces away from us).

The Moon has no light of its own. Moonlight is sunlight bouncing off the Moon's surface. As the Moon orbits Earth, the Sun lights up whatever side of the Moon is facing it. To the Sun, it's always a full Moon! If you were looking down upon Earth and its Moon from way out in space over the North Pole, you would see a Moon that looked like one of these:

But we see the Moon from the center of its orbit. So we see different portions of the lit side of the Moon.

The Moon Journal

The Moon Journal by ReadWorks

Photo Credit: NASA JPL

Amir wanted to start a journal. He would draw the moon each night. The next night, Amir did not see the moon. He colored the page in his journal black. The next night, he saw the silver again.

Amir drew the moon every night for three months. He noticed a pattern. Amir noticed that on some nights he could not see the moon. Then, the moon would appear again. It seemed to get bigger for many nights until it became a bright circle. Then it appeared to get smaller again.

The Moon Journal - Comprehension Questions

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

1. What did Amir learn in school?

A. The size and shape of the Earth change all the time.

B. The size and shape of the moon change all the time.

C. The size and shape of the moon do not really change.

2. How long does Amir draw the moon in his journal?

A. for a few days

B. for three months

C. all year long

3. What information from the text shows us that the moon looks like it is changing to people on Earth?

A. Amir noticed the moon seemed to get bigger for many nights until it became a bright circle.

B. Amir had learned about the moon in school.

C. Amir drew the moon each night in his journal.

4. What is "The Moon Journal" mainly about?

A. how to keep a journal

B. how the moon seems to change

C. what Amir does before he goes to bed 5. If you look at the moon and it is a bright circle in the sky, how will the moon look next? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Week activity/Actividad de la semana Draw the pattern of the moon for this week.

Draw your favorite moon day for this week. Write why it was your favorite day to see the moon. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Month activity/Actividad del mes Draw the pattern of the moon for the next month (30 days).

Write which day had your favorite moon and tell me why. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Name: _________________________________ Teacher: ____________________

1. Jin schedules 496 hours for a project. He plans to work 8 hours each day. How many days will it take to complete the project?

2. The floor area of a rectangular room is 162 square feet. The width of the room is 9 feet. What is the length? __________________

3. A clothing store orders 15 boxes of shirts to restock their shelves. There are 125 shirts in each box. How many shirts does the clothing store order? __________________________________

4. Martin places 51 toy cars in 3 equal rows. How many toy cars are in each row?

• Draw to represent the situation.

• How many toy cars are in each row? _________________

5. Ani ordered a sandwich for $7.25 and a drink for $1.95. How much did Ani spend in all? _____________________________

6. Tom transplanted a black locust tree when it was 4.5 feet tall. The arborist who gave Tom the tree told him that he should expect it to grow about 2.75 feet per year. How tall should Tom expect the tree to be 2 years after planting the tree? __________________

7. 0.68 + 0.6 = __________ 8. 5.56 + 4.39 = __________ 9. 6.06 + 9 + 8.85 = __________ 10. 8.87 + 0.07 = __________


11. Write out your 12 x 12 multiplication table. Remember the one we practiced in class.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12













Multiply by Multiples of 10 in Roman Numerals

Ancient Romans did not use notation like IV for 4 and IX for 9, which only came into common use with the printing press. Instead, they used IIII for 4 and VIIII for 9. The table shows characters used for common numbers.

Modern Numeral

1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

Roman Numeral


Write the product of the two numbers as a Roman numeral.

1. XXX and L 6. XXXX and LXX

__________ ___________

2. 5 L and LXXX 7. LXXX and XX

__________ ___________

3. XX and LXX 8. XX and LX

__________ ___________

4. LX and LX 9. XXX and XXXX

__________ ___________

5. XXX and LXXXX 10. LXXX and XXX

__________ ___________



the International Space Station 





Outer Space—A Nice Place to Visit?

Where will you go on your next vacation? Disneyland? Sea World? Outer space?

That’s right; tourists are now paying big bucks to travel into space with astronauts!

The first space tourist was Dennis Tito, an American businessman. In 2001, he paid

about $20 million to ride on a Russian rocket to the International Space Station.

The Space Station circles 220 miles above Earth. Tito stayed on the station for a

week, hanging out with astronauts and eating space food.

Another space tourist was Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian-born woman from the

United States who went to the Space Station in mid-September 2006.

How safe is space travel? Apart from the risk of crashing, space tourists have some

special things to worry about. Earth’s atmosphere protects us from dangerous

radiation from the sun. Space travelers are exposed to more of the sun’s rays. But

for tourists spending only a few days or weeks in space, the radiation probably isn’t


A bigger problem might be space sickness. Without Earth’s gravity to hold them

down, visitors to the Space Station float around inside the craft. It may look like fun

on TV, but it can make first-time space travelers dizzy and sick. Luckily, the

sickness usually wears off quickly. Then space tourists can enjoy their trip—and the

amazing view of Earth.

Copyright 2007 Weekly Reader Corporation. All rights reserved. Used by

permission. Weekly Reader is a registered trademark. Weekly Reader Corporation


1 Read and annotate the article using close reading strategies. Remember to

number your paragraphs.

2 Summarize paragraphs #4 and #5. Remember you can only use 10-15 words for

your summaries.

3. Prompt: Congratulations! You are the first grand prize winner of the Sunridge

Space Program space vacation. All expenses paid! You and your family will spend

two fun-filled weeks on the Sunridge Space Station orbiting the earth. What will you

see? What will you do? What science experiments will you perform? Write a

multi-paragraph narrative story about your space vacation. Remember, you are

writing a fictional story with a beginning, middle and ending. Your story should also

have a problem and an outcome. Be sure to use the checklist to guide your writing.

Bon voyage! (That means have a good trip in French.)

Final Draft

Prompt: Congratulations! You are the first grand prize winner of the Sunridge Space

Program space vacation. All expenses paid! You and your family will spend two

fun-filled weeks on the Sunridge Space Station orbiting the earth. What will you

see? What will you do? What science experiments will you perform? Write a

multi-paragraph narrative story about your space vacation. Remember, you are

writing a fictional story with a beginning, middle and ending. Your story should also

have a problem and an outcome. Be sure to use the checklist to guide your writing.

Bon voyage! (That means have a good trip in French.)







































