Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m. · SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE The service will...

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Transcript of Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m. · SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE The service will...

Volume 67, Issue 7 July 30, 2020 Published by The Hill Baptist Church Mission Statement: “Our mission is to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Christ.”

2019 Week ofr Missionaries


The service will be posted on Sunday. To watch a video of the latest Sunday morning worship service, go to or and click on “Online Service” which is located on the top right of the page.

Truellen will be posting a video that will be viewed for Sunday School and made available online.

Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.

Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.


Online Adult Bible Study– Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 134 589 549 Password: 217317

Online Youth Bible Study– Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 847-3968-0424 Password: 742254

Sunday, August 9

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Dear Church Family,

August tends to bring with it a sense of routine. Vacations are usually behind us. Students and teachers go back to school. New programs start at the church. However, as we

enter August this year there are many unknowns. As I sit and type this letter, schools from the elementary to college level are still working out their plans. Everyone is watching and waiting to see if the number of infections with the coronavirus will increase or decrease in our city.

Some of you have had your lives dramatically restricted since March. You are also waiting to see if the number increases or decreases. As a church, we have restarted our Sunday gatherings but out times together look different than they did back in March. We too are watching and waiting to see if the number increases or decreases.

While we’re all watching the numbers I want to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus. Read this encounter between Jesus and Peter in Matthew 14:28-33. 28 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” 31 Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 33 And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Peter was a man of faith but when he stepped out onto the water his eyes shifted from Jesus to the wind. When he focused on the circumstance rather than the Lord he began to sink. I want to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus whether the numbers go up or down. If we focus too much on our circumstances we will sink into a place where we’re no longer living by faith. If you find yourself sinking then call out to Jesus to help you trust him with your circumstances.

The wind is blowing and there are many waves that are rocking the boat of our lives but we serve the One who has the power over the wind and the waves. Let us remember what well-known hymn says: Turn you eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace In Christ,

Pastor Ron Jones

Join us Wednesday Evenings for our online Bible Study

Deacon Nominating Committee Election Sunday, August 16

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Change is our New Normal? Scripture confirms the title of this Music Ministry article in 2 Corinthians 5:17 and again in Romans 12: 1-2. Life is a true metamorphosis as we strive to become true

disciples of Jesus Christ. These past few months have been puzzling in many ways but I would suggest, this is part of God's plan for helping us become more like him in all we do, especially worship. The special music for our worship services has been the most challenged by the health pandemic we are experiencing. The most at risk persons have been the backbone of our special music/choir. Even with that in mind, several of our faithful choir members continue to do what they can to make sure God is given the best we have musically. We continue to rely on God's providence to provide musicians that share their talents each week to make our worship meaningful and the best offering to our Father God. In the weeks and months ahead we will be blessed to have some new musicians helping our congregation move into more "blended" worship music for our congregational singing and special offerings. Chris Strickland has led music for worship and participated in our worship music. He will be with us as his schedule permits due to his full time occupation as an EMT/Fireman. Bryan Waller comes to us from having been in the past at Crossbridge Baptist. Bryan now is director of intramural sports activities at Augusta University. He and our pastor, Ron Jones, have known each other for many years. We are blessed to have these young men assisting us change some of our worship music to meet the changing environment in which we live and worship. Your prayers, encouragement, and participation will make these changes even more meaningful as we worship and strive to become more like our Lord and Master. Should you know of musicians who are looking for somewhere to utilize their God given talents, communicate that to me or to our pastor. We will be needing another instrumentalist to assist these two young men. Their schedule will not permit them to be here each week and there will be gaps needing to be filled when they are both committed elsewhere. Our "new" normal will be a blend of familiar hymns and more contemporary worship songs. So as we enter this period of refreshing, let us keep in mind God's biblical instructions, especially Psalm 100 and Psalm 146: 1-2. Together God will lead us and prosper us during these times. Thanks be to God! Floyd Montgomery Director of Music Ministry

Mission: Dignity Sunday

Mission: Dignity is a ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention to help retired Southern Baptist ministers, workers, and their widows whose income is insufficient to meet their needs. Financial assistance is provided to buy groceries, pay a utility bill, get prescriptions and medical care, etc. Much of the funding for the ministry comes from the direct gifts of individuals, groups, and churches in our Southern Baptist family. The administration of the execution of the ministry is managed by the SBC Guidestone Financial Resources. Churches and believers across the nation are joining together for the annual one-day special giving event on August 30, 2020, to support the ministry. 100% of gifts will go directly to help these dear servants in their financial need, thanks to an endowment that covers all administrative expenses. To make a contribution to this ministry, please make

you check payable to The Hill Baptist Church and write

“Mission Dignity Offering” in the notation line on the

check or the contribution envelope. Contributions may

also be made online through the church’s web page at Click on the “GIVE”

link & select Mission Dignity Offering from the

drop-down list.

Message from Financial Management

RightNow Media is like the Netflix for video based Bible studies and children's programming. Our church has purchased a subscription which enables all our members and guests to receive free access to thousands of Bible studies and programs. You can get access to this free resource by going to this link:

The Beacon (USPS 579-320) is published monthly by

The Hill Baptist Church, 2165 Kings Way, Augusta GA 30904-4497

Periodicals postage paid at Augusta, GA

POSTMASTER.: Send address changes to

The Hill Baptist Church, 2165 Kings Way, Augusta, GA 30904-4497

The Hill Baptist Church 2165 Kings Way

Augusta, GA 30904

The Staff of The Hill Baptist Church

Pastor: Rev. Ron Jones Director of Music: Floyd Montgomery Administrative Assistant: Jocelyn Owens Pianist: Jan Sutton Associate Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Fred Gunter

Phone: 706/736-8446 E-mail:

On Call

Minister on Call

Rev. Ron Jones 706-945-7619

If you cannot reach the minister on call, please call the deacon of the week.

Deacons on Call

August 2 Ed Stalnaker

August 9 Steve Mullins

August 16 Ken Curry

August 23 Roy Jones

Memorial & Honorarium Gifts

The church appreciates these donations:

Memory Honor

Helen Story Elizabeth Doggette

That have been received since the previous issue of the Beacon. The names of donors have been provided to the family contact for the deceased person or to the honoree.

P r a y e r L i s t

Richard Arnold Carolyn Atkins Edwin Blanchard

Matthew Bruner Eugene Cook Jaydean Cook

Michael Cook Audrey Croft Donald & Sarah Dickert

DJ Chandler Ernestine Gattis Bo Gibson

Nita Gibson Zach Gilmore Ann Gunter

John Harris Ruth Harris Emily Herrin

Pat Henderson Chuck Kee Rachel Kee

Laterra Key Chris Kitchens Ruth Lewis

Carter Loftis Bengovan McNeace Jimmy Mills

Sharon Murphy Albert Pearson Johnny Stanfield

The Terzia Family Ricky Thompson Cynthia Usry

Jennifer Usry Information as of 7/20/2020

In Christian Sympathy

To the family of Elizabeth Doggette

Canceled until further notice.

Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.

Matthew 5:16