SUNDAY OF GREAT AND HOLY PASCHA EUAGGELION … Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ......

Post on 22-Apr-2018

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Transcript of SUNDAY OF GREAT AND HOLY PASCHA EUAGGELION … Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ......

SUNDAY OF GREAT AND HOLY PASCHAThe Resurrection of our Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ


To.n me.n prw/ton lo,gon evpoihsa,mhn peri. pa,ntwn(w= Qeo,file( w-n h;rxato o` VIhsou/j poiei/n te kai.

dida,skein 2 a;cri h`j h`me,raj evnteila,menoj toi/javposto,loij dia. pneu,matoj a`gi,ou ou]j evxele,xato

avnelh,mfqh\3 oi-j kai. pare,sthsen e`auto.n zw/nta paqei/n auvto.n evn polloi/j tekmhri,oij( diV h`merw/ntessera,konta ovptano,menoj auvtoi/j kai. le,gwn ta. peri.

th/j basilei,aj tou/ qeou/\4 kai. sunalizo,menojparh,ggeilen auvtoi/j avpo. ~Ierosolu,mwn mh. cwri,zesqai(

avlla. perime,nein th.n evpaggeli,an tou/ patro.j h]n hvkou,sate, mou( 5 o[tiVIwa,nnhj me.n evba,ptisen u[dati( u`mei/j de. evn pneu,mati baptisqh,sesqe a`gi,w| ouv

meta. polla.j tau,taj h`me,rajÅ 6 Oi` me.n ou=n sunelqo,ntej hvrw,twn auvto.nle,gontej( Ku,rie( eiv evn tw/| cro,nw| tou,tw| avpokaqista,neij th.n basilei,an tw/|

VIsrah,lÈ 7 ei=pen de. pro.j auvtou,j( Ouvc u`mw/n evstin gnw/nai cro,nouj h' kairou.j

ou]j o` path.r e;qeto evn th/| ivdi,a| evxousi,a|( 8 avlla. lh,myesqe du,namin evpelqo,ntojtou/ a`gi,ou pneu,matoj evfV u`ma/j kai. e;sesqe, mou ma,rturej e;n te VIerousalh.m kai.

ÎevnÐ pa,sh| th/| VIoudai,a| kai. Samarei,a| kai. e[wj evsca,tou th/j gh/jÅ

In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began

to do and teach, 2 until the day when he was taken up, after he had

given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom

he had chosen. 3 To them he presented himself alive after his

passion by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days, and

speaking of the kingdom of God. 4 And while staying with them he

charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise

of the Father, which, he said, "you heard from me, 5 for John baptized

with water, but before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy

Spirit." 6 So when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, will

you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7 He said to them, "It is

not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his

own authority. 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has

come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all

Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth."


En avrch/| h=n o` lo,goj( kai. o` lo,goj h=n pro.j to.n qeo,n( kai. qeo.j h=n o` lo,gojÅ

2 ou-toj h=n evn avrch/| pro.j to.n qeo,nÅ 3 pa,nta diV auvtou/ evge,neto( kai.

cwri.j auvtou/ evge,neto ouvde. e[nÅ o] ge,gonen 4 evn auvtw/| zwh. h=n( kai. h` zwh.

h=n to. fw/j tw/n avnqrw,pwn\5 kai. to. fw/j evn th/| skoti,a| fai,nei( kai. h` skoti,a

auvto. ouv kate,labenÅ 6 VEge,neto a;nqrwpoj avpestalme,noj para. qeou/( o;noma

auvtw/| VIwa,nnhj\7 ou-toj h=lqen eivj marturi,an( i[na marturh,sh| peri. tou/ fwto,j(

i[na pa,ntej pisteu,swsin diV auvtou/Å 8 ouvk h=n evkei/noj to. fw/j( avllV i[na

marturh,sh| peri. tou/ fwto,jÅ 9 V/Hn to. fw/j to. avlhqino,n( o] fwti,zei pa,nta

a;nqrwpon( evrco,menon eivj to.n ko,smonÅ 10 evn tw/| ko,smw| h=n( kai. o` ko,smoj diV

auvtou/ evge,neto( kai. o` ko,smoj auvto.n ouvk e;gnwÅ 11 eivj ta. i;dia h=lqen( kai. oi`

i;dioi auvto.n ouv pare,labonÅ 12 o[soi de. e;labon auvto,n( e;dwken auvtoi/j evxousi,an

te,kna qeou/ gene,sqai( toi/j pisteu,ousin eivj to. o;noma auvtou/( 13 oi] ouvk evxai`ma,twn ouvde. evk qelh,matoj sarko.j ouvde. evk qelh,matoj avndro.j avllV evk qeou/

evgennh,qhsanÅ 14 Kai. o` lo,goj sa.rx evge,neto kai. evskh,nwsen evn h`mi/n( kai.evqeasa,meqa th.n do,xan auvtou/( do,xan w`j monogenou/j para. patro,j( plh,rhj

ca,ritoj kai. avlhqei,ajÅ 15 VIwa,nnhj marturei/ peri. auvtou/ kai. ke,kragenle,gwn( Ou-toj h=n o]n ei=pon( ~O ovpi,sw mou evrco,menoj e;mprosqe,n mou ge,gonen(

o[ti prw/to,j mou h=nÅ 16 o[ti evk tou/ plhrw,matoj auvtou/ h`mei/j pa,ntej evla,bomen

kai. ca,rin avnti. ca,ritoj\17 o[ti o` no,moj dia. Mwu?se,wj evdo,qh( h` ca,rij kai. h`

avlh,qeia dia. VIhsou/ Cristou/ evge,netoÅ

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the

Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God; 3 all things

were made through him, and without him was not anything made

that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome

it. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He

came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe

through him. 8 He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the

light. 9 The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the

world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet

the world knew him not. 11 He came to his own home, and his own

people received him not. 12 But to all who received him, who believed

in his name, he gave power to become children of God; 13 who were

born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but

of God. 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of

grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from

the Father. 15 (John bore witness to him, and cried, "This was he of

whom I said, `He who comes after me ranks before me, for he was

before me.'") 16 And from his fulness have we all received, grace upon

grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came

through Jesus Christ.



Ou;shj ou=n ovyi,aj th/| h`me,ra| evkei,nh| th/| mia/| sabba,twn kai. tw/n qurw/nkekleisme,nwn o[pou h=san oi` maqhtai. dia. to.n fo,bon tw/n VIoudai,wn(h=lqen o` VIhsou/j kai. e;sth eivj to. me,son kai. le,gei auvtoi/j( Eivrh,nh

u`mi/nÅ kai. tou/to eivpw.n e;deixen ta.j cei/raj kai. th.n pleura.n auvtoi/jÅevca,rhsan ou=n oi` maqhtai. ivdo,ntej to.n ku,rionÅ

Ei=pen ou=n auvtoi/j Îo` VIhsou/jÐ pa,lin( Eivrh,nh u`mi/n\ kaqw.j avpe,stalke,n me

o` path,r( kavgw. pe,mpw u`ma/jÅ kai. tou/to eivpw.n evnefu,shsen kai. le,gei

auvtoi/j( La,bete pneu/ma a[gion\ a;n tinwn avfh/te ta.j a`marti,aj avfe,wntai

auvtoi/j( a;n tinwn krath/te kekra,thntaiÅ

Qwma/j de. ei-j evk tw/n dw,deka( o` lego,menoj Di,dumoj( ouvk h=n metV auvtw/n o[te

h=lqen VIhsou/jÅ e;legon ou=n auvtw/| oi` a;lloi maqhtai,( ~Ewra,kamen to.nku,rionÅ o` de. ei=pen auvtoi/j( VEa.n mh. i;dw evn tai/j cersi.n auvtou/ to.n tu,pontw/n h[lwn kai. ba,lw to.n da,ktulo,n mou eivj to.n tu,pon tw/n h[lwn kai. ba,lwmou th.n cei/ra eivj th.n pleura.n auvtou/( ouv mh. pisteu,swÅ

(The Gospel is read in three parts in various languages)

On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doorsbeing shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews,Jesus came and stood among them and said to them,

"Peace be with you." When he had said this, he showed them hishands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw theLord.

Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father hassent me, even so I send you." And when he had said this, hebreathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If youforgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins ofany, they are retained."

Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with themwhen Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, "We have seenthe Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see in his hands the printof the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and placemy hand in his side, I will not believe."

The Catechetical Homily of St. John the Chrysostom

Archbishop of Constantinople

“W hosoever is a devout lover of God, let him enjoy this beautiful bright

Festival. And whosoever is a grateful servant, let him joyously enter into the

joy of his Lord. And if any be weary with fasting, let him now receive his

reward. If any has toiled from the first hour, let him receive his just debt. If

any came after the third, let him gratefully celebrate. If any arrived after the

sixth, let him not doubt; for he too shall sustain no loss. If any have delayed

to the ninth, let him come without hesitation. If any arrived only at the

eleventh hour, let him not be afraid by reason of his delay; for the Master is

gracious and receives the last, even as the first. He gives rest to him, who

arrives at the eleventh hour, as well as to him, who has labored from the

first. He is merciful to the one who delays, and nourishes the first. He gives

also to the one and to the other. He is gracious. He accepts the works, as

he greets the endeavor. He honors the deed, and the intent He commends.

Let all of you then enter into the joy of our Lord. The first and second enjoy

your reward. You rich and poor, rejoice together. You temperate and you

heedless, honor the day. You who fasted, and you who did not, rejoice

today. The Table is richly laden. All of you, fare sumptuously on it. The calf

is a fatted one; let no one go away hungry. All of you enjoy the banquet of

faith. All of you enjoy the riches of His goodness. Let no one grieve

poverty; for the universal Kingdom has been revealed.

Let no one grieve over sins; for forgiveness has dawned from the tomb. Let

no one fear death; for the Death of our Saviour has set us free. He has

destroyed it by enduring it. He despoiled Hades, when He descended

thereto. He embittered it, having tasted of His flesh. Isaiah foretold this

when he cried out: “You, O Hades, have been embittered by encountering

Him below.” It was embittered, - for it was abolished. It was embittered, -

for it was mocked. It was embittered, - for it was slain. It was embittered,

- for it was annihilated. It was embittered, - for it is now made captive. It

took a body, and, lo, it discovered God. It took earth, and behold! It

encountered Heaven. It took what it saw, and was overcome by what it

could not see. O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your

victory? Christ is risen, and You are annihilated. Christ is risen, - and the

demons have fallen. Christ has risen, - and the Angels rejoice. Christ is

risen, - and life is liberated. Christ is risen, - and the tomb is emptied of

the dead; for Christ, having risen from the dead, has become the first fruits

of those that who fall asleep. To Him be the glory and the dominion to the

Ages of Ages. Amen.”



Please note that we have changed the procedure of approaching the Holy

Chalice for Holy Communion. W e kindly ask that you follow the instructions

of the members of the Parish Council.


will be broadcast Sunday, April 24, 2011 on the CBS Television Network at

7pm EST. The show will also be broadcast online at

FEAST OF ST. GEORGE: On Bright Monday, April 25th, the Church honors

the great Saint George -The Trophy Bearer. Join our brothers and sisters

at our sister Church of St. George in Downey with Orthros and Divine

Liturgy at 9 AM.

L REMINDER: There will be NO Bible Study or Orthodox Faith class until

the week of May 29th.

SUNDAY SCHOOL will resume on the Sunday of Thomas, May 1st.

BY POPULAR DEMAND, we will again serve the traditional MAYERITSA

(Greek Easter Soup) following the Liturgy of the Pascha, compliments of

Kostas Kapogiannis & Family along with Tony Georgopoulos. W e thank

them and those who will assist them.

PLEASE HELP US promote our upcoming Greek Festival (May 20, 21, 22).

Flyers are available in the Church office and we request your assistance in

distributing them to the various business places in your neighborhoods.

Your continued support in this most important fund raising event of our

parish is gratefully appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE that Memorial Services will resume on May 8th.

The GOYA wishes to thank the following company and individuals

for their generosity, as well as for volunteering their time in order

to make this year’s Palm Sunday Luncheon a success.

G & B Market Angela & Andreas Psaras

Joyce Kokkinides Stella Christoforakis

Dena Mavritsakis Joanne Vestakis

Additionally, a BIG THANK YOU to the advisors of GOYA who

invested countless hours of time not only to make this luncheon

possible, but also helped organize the children as well as taking

care of the logistics for the various activities. Thank you George

Stephens, Alexia Rusinek, Kiki Chryssogelos, and Diana Jung.


The following have submitted their 2011 pledge cards.

We thank them and we invite the others to make their gift to their church.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael AkkermanMrs. Anastasia AlamMrs. Faye AlavizosMr. & Mrs. Themis AlexopoulosMr. & Mrs. Nick P. AnasMrs. Georgia AnasisMr. & Mrs. Christos AngeletakisMr. Pete AngelusMrs. Alice AntoniouMrs. Rania Giannakou-AriqatMrs. Ann ArvanitisMs. Joyce AttardMr. & Mrs. Louie AttardMr. & Mrs. Peter L. AttardMr. & Mrs. Peter AttardMrs. Bertha AugustMr. & Mrs. Gerald BaglinMrs. Kiki BallasMr. & Mrs. Anastasios BarouxisMr. & Mrs. Dino BasdakisMs. Sofia BatshounMr. & Mrs. Nick BegakisMr. & Mrs. Pete BegakisMr.& Mrs. Evangelos BenardisMr. & Mrs. Harry BenetatosMrs. Venetta BirakosMrs. Maria BizakisMr. & Mrs. Paul BogrisMr. & Mrs. Theodore BogrisMr. & Mrs. Chris BonorrisMr. & Mrs. George BorovilosMr. Mihale BrailasMr. & Mrs. Angelo BoussiacosMr. & Mrs. Robert BurnsMr. & Mrs. James CallasMr.Andrew CanellosMr. & Mrs. George CantonisMr. & Mrs. Carl G. CantonisMr. & Mrs. John ChakosMr. & Mrs. Andrew ChapralisMr. & Mrs. Nicolas CharalambousMr. & Mrs. Nicholas ChatzipetrouMr. & Mrs. George ChatzisMrs. Stella Chavos

Mr. & Mrs. Louis ChelekisMrs. Freda ChrestMiss Catherine ChristMr. & Mrs. Nick ChristMrs. Vivian ChristianMr. & Mrs. William ChristianMr. & Mrs. Jim ChristidesMr. & Mrs. Nick ChristoferMr. & Mrs. Andrew ChryssogelosMr. & Mrs. Christopher ColeMr. & Mrs. Dukas ContosMs. Penelope ContosMr. & Mrs. Richard CoteMr. & Mrs. Gary CulpMr. & Mrs. Thomas DalisMr. & Mrs. Tom DallasMr. & Mrs. William DeralasMr. & Mrs. Nick DiamantMr. & Mrs. John DimopoulosMr. & Mrs. Tom DorlisMr. & Mrs. Spiro DoukasMr. & Mrs. Alex DourbetasMrs. Lillian DovalisMr. & Mrs. Angelos DritsopoulosMr. & Mrs. Michael DuvallMr. & Mrs. Melteades EconomyMr. & Mrs. George EleopoulosMr. & Mrs. Xenophon EliopoulosMr. & Mrs. David EllisMr. & Mrs. Fred FascenelliMr. & Mrs. George FelesMr. & Mrs. Scott FieldsMr. & Mrs. Stephen FlynnMr. & Mrs. Athanasios FoskarisMs. Maria FoskarisMr. & Mrs. George FounarisMrs. Mina FourtounisMr. & Mrs. George FrousiakisMr. & Mrs. William FutrisMr. & Mrs. Spiro GabrielMr. & Mrs. Leon GabrielianMr. Harry GallanesMr. Michael GallanesMr. & Mrs. Nicos Ganis

Mr. & Mrs. Jose GarciaMr. & Mrs. George GatsinarisDr. & Mrs. Vasili GatsinarisMs. Patricia GauvainMiss Constance GeorgeMr. & Mrs. Peter GeorgeMr. & Mrs. Peter GeorgitsisMr. Anthony GeorgopoulosMr. & Mrs. Fred GerthMr. & Mrs. Gus GialamasMs. Athena GianakakosMr. & Mrs. Kiriakos GianakakosMs. Giota GlavasDr. & Dr. Constantine GlezakosMs. Grammatia GlinkieMs. Bessie GonosMrs. Mary GoodeDr. & Mrs. Dimitri GrammasMr. & Mrs. John HadjisMr. & Mrs. Larry HalfhillMr. & Mrs. Tom HarbilasMrs. Demetra HarvalosMr. George HassapisMr. & Mrs. Thomas HassapisMr. & Mrs. George HatzidakisMr. & Mrs. Andrew HatzisMr. & Mrs. James HillMr. & Mrs. Joseph HouriganMr. & Mrs. George JanisMrs. Olga JosephMr. & Mrs Tony KallahMr. & Mrs. Savas KallaosDr. & Mrs. Stephen KallaosMr. & Mrs. Hristos KalogeropoulosMr. & Mrs. George KantzavelosMiss Jenny Kantzavelos Mr. & Mrs. John KapogianisMs. Ann KaraginesMr. & Mrs. Peter KaraginesMrs. Thelma KaraginesMr. & Mrs. Ioannis KarambelasMr. & Mrs. Hristos KaranastasisRev. Fr. John and Evie KariotakisMr. Dimitri KarnezisMr. & Mrs. Theodore KarnezisMr. & Mrs. Hektor KarpontinisMiss Cynthia KezosMr. & Mrs. James KezosMrs. Nickey KezosMr. John KiousisMr. Nick KitakisMrs. Voula Kitsigianis

Mr. & Mrs. Gus KlentosMr. & Mrs. Haralambos KlentosJean & Heidi KoclanakisMs. Zoi (Joyce) KokkinidesMr. & Mrs. Nick KokkinosMr. & Mrs. Nicholas KokkinosMrs.Gabriela KoliasMr. & Dr. John KoliasMr. & Mrs. Chris KoukladasMr. & Mrs. George KouloumbisMr. & Mrs. Yanni KouloumbisMrs. Anne KoutzoukisMr. & Mrs. C..KoutzoukisMr. & Mrs. John KoutzoukisMr. & Mrs. Frank KyriakosMs. Janna LacherMrs. Alexandra LambropoulosMr. Basilios LambropoulosMrs. Calliopi LambrosMr. Tom LantzourakisMr. & Mrs. Robert LanyiMr. & Mrs. Trevor LattinMr. & Mrs. Theodore LearakosMrs. Koula LesMr. Pete LesMr. & Mrs. Richard LewisMr. & Mrs. Dennis LibowitzMrs. Katherine LivieratosMr. & Mrs. Mariano LizarrarasMr. Ernie LoveMr. & Mrs. Bjorn MalmlundMr. & Mrs. Frixos ManassakisMr. & Mrs. Konstantinos MandasMr. & Mrs. Paul MandasMr. & Mrs. Harry ManosMr. & Mrs. Rouso ManosMr. & Mrs. Aristos MantasMr. & Mrs. Polyvios MargiasMr. & Mrs. Michael MaridakisMr. & Mrs. Mark MarincovichMr. & Mrs. Dean MarinosMr. & Mrs. John MarisMr. Milton MarisMrs. Maria MassourisMr. & Mrs. Gus MavritsakisMr. & Mrs. Kirk McMullinMr. & Mrs. George MedenasMr. & Mrs. Peter MelanitisMr. & Mrs. Chris MellasMrs. Helen MikirelosMr. & Mrs. Christos MinoudisMrs. Gail Mitchell

Mrs. Mary MitchellMr. & Mrs. Peter MitchellMr. & Mrs. George MousmoulesMrs. Sofia MoysidisMr. & Mrs. Brian MullMrs. Mary NaylonMr. & Mrs. Harry NicholsMr. Pete NicholsMrs. Maria NicolaouMiss Alexandra NikolauMr. & Mrs. Paul NikolauMr. Jason NonisMr. & Mrs. John OhanianMr. & Mrs. Pete PafilisMs. Eugenia PagalidesMs. Belia PalasMs. Maria PanagakisMr. & Mrs. Costa PanagiotouMr. & Mrs. James PapastathisMs. Eleni PappasMs. Esther G. PappasMrs. Georgia PappasMr. & Mrs. Kostas PappasMr. & Mrs. Pano PappasMr. & Mrs. Vasilios PaxosMrs. Connie PerakisMr. & Mrs. Alex PersakisMr. & Mrs. John PetropoulosMr. & Mrs. George PetsasMrs. Cresula PhillipsDr. & Mrs. Denis PieratosDr. & Mrs. Jim PilafasMr. & Mrs. Stavro PilafasMr. & Mrs Konstantinos PoulidisMr. & Mrs. Tim PrestonMr. & Mrs. Vlash PullosMr. & Mrs. Nikolaos RadosMr. & Mrs. Spyridon RadosMr. & Mrs. Cristo RistasMr. & Mrs. Gregory RoumposMr. Peter RoumposMr. & Mrs. Julian RusinekMr. & Mrs. John RussellMr. & Mrs. Theofilos RussosMr. Jess SalsmanMr. Paul SarandosMr. & Mrs. Chris SarantosMr. & Mrs. Peter SargologosMr. & Mrs. Tim SarresMr. & Mrs. James SdralesMr. & Mrs. Michael SelberisMr. & Mrs. Chris Sigas

Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas SiokosMr. & Mrs. Andrew SiourisMs. Karen SirusMr. Alexander SolesMrs. Georgia SolesMr. & Mrs. Petros SouriasMrs. Bess StavrakesMrs. Georgia StavrakesMr. & Mrs. JamesStavropoulosMr. & Mrs. Stephanos StavropoulosMr. & Mrs. George StephensMiss Athena StumpMr. & Mrs. Demetrios SyrengelasMr. & Mrs. Konstantinos SyrengelasMiss Maria TambourisMr. Peter TavoularisMr. & Mrs. Panagiotis TasigeorgosMr. & Mrs. George TavoularisMs. Katerina TavoularisMr. & Mrs. George ThalasDr. & Mrs. Nicholas ThanosMr. & Mrs. William ThomasMr. & Mrs. Tom TragosMiss Kandia TriantosMr. & Mrs. Tony TrikasMr. & Mrs. Michael VamvakitisMr. & Mrs. Brent VandenbergMrs. Foula VanikiotisMr. & Mrs. Antonios VatakisMr. & Mrs. Gus VatakisMiss Lisa Vatakis Mrs. Helen VestMr. & Mrs. Joe VinoMrs. Estella VlachosMrs. Sophia VoulimeneasMr. & Mrs. John VrahnosMr. & Mrs. Gilbert WalkerMr. & Mrs. Randall WemmerMr. & Mrs. James WilsonMr. & Mrs. Arthur WindersMr. & Mrs. Peter XanthosMs. Victoria XikisMr. Tony XilikakisMs. Josephine ZorzyMr. & Mrs. Athanasios Zounatiotis

As of April 15, 2011Total Pledges: 281

Total Pledged: $209,588.00

St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox ChurchOC GREEK FEST

Facebook Shout-Out to All Users

OC GREEK FEST on our own Social Network

Fact: There are now more than 500 Million Active users of Facebook!! That’s MORE active users of Facebook than there are people in Greece, Italy, GreatBritain, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Holland, Norway,and Spain COMBINED!!!!!

Fact: 50 % of Facebook active users log on in any given day

Fact: The Average Facebook user has 130 Friends!!!!

Fact: The fastest growing segment of the population using Facebook is Women 45-54, which ALSO happens to be the number one demographic of attendeesto our Greek Festival each year.

Fact: We can increase attendance this year at our St. John’s Annual OC GREEKFEST by collectively using the power of Facebook to alert friends and familyof all the exciting events on May 20 , 21 , and 22 .th st nd

Fact: We can alert a tremendous amount of people about our OC GREEK FEST andnot spend any money in doing so via Facebook.

You have seen all the facts, figures, and incredible statistics about the power ofFacebook. This year, help make our Parish’s OC GREEK FEST the best attended everby alerting your family and friends through the power of Facebook. If you aren’t alreadya friend of OC GREEK FEST on Facebook, become one. Invite or suggest all yourfriends and relatives become Facebook friends of OC GREEK FEST too!!

Post a link . .post a picture . .post a “fun fact” . .invite them to join you and friends at thisyear’s OC GREEK FEST. Let them know about the Greek Folk Dance appearances . .Let them know about Peter Deneff and his band . . Let them know we have the bestloukoumades this side of the Atlantic Ocean !!!!

Make this year’s event our biggest success ever. Start now by posting and alerting yourfamily and friends of our upcoming OC GREEK FEST. Not just the younger users,GOYAn’s, Dance Groups, and more . . EVERYONE can pitch in and make this anadvertising phenomenon.

Let’s create a tidal wave of excitement and enthusiasm for OC GREEK FEST 2011!!!

Louis Chelekis Mike Gallanes2011 OC GREEK FEST Advertising Strategists

Fr. John Kariotakis,

Fr. Nicholas and Presbytera Toni,

The Members of the Parish Council,

Our Philoptochos Society,

All Other Societies and Organizations,

and The Staff of St. John’s,

Wish You All

A Blessed and Happy Pascha!