Sun, Moon, And Earth Powerpoint

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Sun, Moon, And Earth Powerpoint

Sun, Moon, and Earth

Roscommon Elementary School

Your Mission:


Mr. Milne has been abducted by creatures from outer space, and they will only return him if you are able to prove you

know more about our moon, sun, and earth than they do. If you are willing to take on the mission proving that our

earth students are smarter than aliens, please go forward.

PS—if you are not willing to prove you are smarter, the data affirming your lack of intelligence will be recorded on your

report card

Objective :Collect data to obtain knowledge base

greater than an extraterrestrial

• Find and print a copy of the sun, moon, and earth data collection and organization guide, or simply open the guide clicking the link on the Protopage, depending upon your leader’s wishes.

• Put your name, date, and teacher’s name on the top of the sheet.

• When you have completed this task, click on the next page for more instruction.

Principle One:

• The aliens have determined and listed several objects that are found in our night sky. They are they are threatening to pull off Mr. Milne’s toenails unless you are able to list at least four of the common objects found in the night sky.

• To receive additional data, locate the “bookmarks” and click on either “Objects in the sky” or “Our Night Sky”

• Record your findings on your Sun, Moon, and Earth Data collection page.


Principle Two:The aliens are able to compare (same) and contrast

(different) features of the sun, moon, and earth. Use your COMMON SENSE first—How are they

alike and different? Jot your theories on the data collection page. When you have drawn your

conclusions, proceed.

• Check the bookmark “How are the moon and the earth alike”. Record your findings on the Venn Diagram on your data collection page.

• Check the bookmark “How are the moon and the earth different”. Record your findings on the your Venn Diagram on your data collection page.

Drat! Foiled again! So why are the aliens celebrating? They have put together the

toughest challenge yet. Are you up for it?

Principle Three:

The aliens have gotten out their yardsticks and have measured the distance from the earth to

the moon and to the sun. You must record your findings on the data sheet before

something REALLY bad happens!• You’re on your own, kid. Conduct a search

(Google would be my choice) of the distance from the earth to the moon and distance from the earth to the sun. Record your findings.


After all the exhausting research you have conducted, it is time for you to take a sanity


E-mail your Data Collection Page to your Gaggle account and visit the games section of the


You’ve done it, now! The aliens are taking off with Mr. Milne for their home planet! Time to finish and prove you are smarter than an alien

life form!

For the remainder of your mission, you will be escorted by Reevo the friendly Martian. He will be teaching you many of the principles you need to complete your objective, so be sure to READ and INTERACT with the data he

is presenting!

• READ the data collection page to learn the questions you will be responsible for answering.

• Locate the bookmark, “Learning about the sun, earth, and moon”. With data page in hand, navigate through this interactive website. Answer the on the Data Collection page until you reach “How much do you really know". They are all there! Mr. Milne’s fate rests in your hands. Read responsibly.


Click the bookmark “Sun, Moon, and Earth Orbit”. Play the video, then take the quiz. Are you smart enough to defeat the aliens yet???

THE FINAL BATTLE:Locate the QUIZ bookmark. Take the final exam and REPORT

YOUR RESULTS BACK TO YOUR LEADER: You will find the BLOG link on the Protopage next to the quiz. You may use your data collection page; just pray you were accurate in your findings.

Beware:• 100-80%= YOU SAVED MR. MILNE!!!• 79-60%=You should go back and check the answers on your data

collection page!• 59% or less=I’m glad the fate of the world is not in your hands!

Go back and correct your answers before we suffer more losses!


Mr. Milne has been safely returned to Roscommon, and he owes it all to your


After you print a copy of the Data Collection Page for your teacher, reward yourself with a

trip to the game section.