“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy,” or so sing Clara and...

Post on 06-Feb-2018

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Transcript of “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy,” or so sing Clara and...

“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy,” or so sing Clara and Bess throughout George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess. Many of us

take those lyrics to heart, choosing to slow (or at least alter) the frenetic pace of the school-year calendar. We take time to go on

vacation or watch some Rangers games or spend a relaxing weekend at the lake.

With people away on vacation or pursuing other plans, summertime hardly seems the right time to be doing new things.

But summertime also affords the opportunity to do some things that we might not otherwise do. One of those things is to have an

old-fashioned hymn sing. We’ll gather in the evening on Sunday, June 25, to celebrate our faith in song. We’ll enjoy some of the

best-loved hymns as well as discover some new ones as we sing from The United Methodist Hymnal, The Faith We Sing, the old

“Cokesbury” hymnal, and Songs of Zion, a hymnal supplement featuring gospels, spirituals, and other songs from the black church

tradition. Afterward we will head downstairs to continue the fellowship over light refreshments.

In July or August, be on the lookout for Vacation Bible School for adults. If you are like me, you loved attending VBS as a

child; it’s where I learned many of the songs and lessons that are still in my head and heart today. Just because we’re older now

doesn’t mean we can’t have fun as we learn, especially if learning involves doing crafts, singing songs, and playing games. I can’t

promise stories on flannel boards or getting to glue dried macaroni on colored construction paper, but I will promise evenings of

engaging worship, interesting lessons, and opportunities for fun along the way.

In August, when the temperatures are about the hottest they’ll get, ice cream sounds like a delicious treat. And there are

few better ways to enjoy that than with friends at an ice cream social. Those who have ice cream churns are invited to bring their

special home-made creations, but everyone is invited to bring their personal favorite flavor. If ice cream isn’t your thing, feel free

to bring another kind of treat to share.

Why do all this? you might ask. What does any of it have to do with the gospel? It’s all part of being the people of God

together, a way of living out the reality that where two or three are gathered in his name, Jesus is there among them (Mt. 18:20).

It’s our version of the early church, of which Luke writes, “as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at

home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people” (Acts 2:46).

Gathering to worship, to sing, to study, and to share fellowship is all part of life together as God’s people. It’s summertime. Let our

living be faithful.

Yours in Christian fellowship,


9027 Midway, Dallas 75209 * 214-352-4889 * www.cochranchapel.org * office@cochranchapel.org * June 2017

JUNE MISSION: Cochran Kitchen

Once again Cochran Kitchen is the Mission of the Month. This time the request is for

money to purchase basic hygiene items. On request, Cochran Kitchen guests are given products

such as toothbrushes and toothpaste as well as deodorant and razors – the most requested

items. During the summer months bug repellent and sunscreen are in demand, while in the

winter lip balm and hand lotion are favorites. Other items frequently requested include small

bars of soap, combs, wash cloths, women’s hygiene products, towelettes – all items we humans

need, yet most of us take for granted.

Please consider making a cash donation, a check written to CCUMC with the notation

“for Cochran Kitchen” on the memo line, or go to www.cochranchapel.org and make your

donation online (click on “Menu” then “Give” under the “Welcome” tab).

Guests of Cochran Kitchen are appreciative of all that is provided. If you are interested in

meeting some of our guests, join us on the last Wednesday of every month. If you have

questions, please contact the church office at 214-352-4889 or office@cochranchapel.org


In April, Cochran Kitchen hosted 62 guests; ten of

whom enjoyed refreshing showers; 153 plates of food

were served, 26 bus passes and 46 Bags of Grace

were distributed as well as more than 100 pieces of

fruit and almost two dozen items of clothing.

CCUMC volunteers were aided by five volunteers

from Sudie Williams Elementary School. One adult

and five students poured water, served meals and

mingled with guests. CCUMC outreach to Sudie

Williams has spurred Sudie Williams’ outreach to

some of the Dallas homeless.

If you have questions, please contact the church

office at 214- 352-4889 or email


Item for June is Canned Tuna!

Cans of tuna can be left under the North

Dallas Shared Ministries’ sign in our atrium.

If you prefer not to shop, cash is always

appreciated, checks can be written to CCUMC

with the notation “for NDSM” on the memo

line or you can go to www.cochranchapel.org

and make your donation online.

All donations make a difference in someone’s

life and are appreciated.

North Dallas




Nursery: 9:00 AM, RM 100 for children 3

years of age and younger.

Children’s Sunday School: 9:00 AM,

meets on 1st floor of Education Building

for children ages 4 years of age and


Open Door: 9:00 AM in RM 201. Led by

Neil Bickley. All adults are welcome.

Seekers: 9:00 AM in RM 203. Led by

Pastor Jeff. June’s topic is Mark’s Gospel,

a continuing study. All adults are



Finance Committee: Meets on the third Tuesday of every

month at 6PM.

Everyone is welcome to observe CCUMC’s committee


Cheryl Clark, treasurer, reported that CCUMC has paid May’s

apportionments. (CCUMC’s monthly apportionment is $2,176).

We still need to build up a financial reserve. Finances were

approved for Kay Mahoney, church organist/pianist to attend

the American Guild of Organists convention in Dallas.

Board of Trustees: Progress is being made in several areas. The

Youth Hut’s roof has been repaired; Mac Smith is evaluating

other issues around the Hut that might need to be addressed.

The necessary repairs to Cochran House have been completed.

An “Urban Camp” sponsored by the Frist UMC of Dallas is,

again this year, to take place on CCUMC’s campus in early

August. Members decided to hold off purchasing signage until

the Holy Conversations Group has completed discussions and

can make recommendations to the Board.


Cochran Kitchen – volunteers needed to

set up, serve guests, intermingle with

guests and clean up. The next dinner is

June 28th. For more information, please

contact the church at 214-352-4889 or




In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week

(May 1 – 5), CCUMC gave each of the 52 teachers

and staff members at Sudie Williams a $5

Starbucks gift card. Thank you teachers and staff

for caring for 300 students during this past school

year. Happy Summer!

On Sunday, May 21st, five Sudie Williams

students were given awards during our worship

service. Pastor Jeff, with the help of Sudie

Williams’ Principal Jackson, gave each student a

certificate of appreciation for their volunteer work

at Cochran Kitchen. Also recognized were

Counselor Perez and Ms. Goff, who have also

volunteered with the students.

Cochran House

Dozens of exquisite stained glass windows adorn

Cochran Chapel’s sanctuary. Twelve of them are traditional

narrative panels that depict major moments in the life of

Jesus. All represent generous gifts by caring Cochran

Chapel members and friends who wanted not only to add

beauty to their sanctuary, but also wanted to honor and

memorialize the pioneer families who donated land,

money, time and vision that would link the past to the

future. Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church exists because of these early families and their “love

and faith, prayer and work,” which continues today.

Almost one hundred years ago, as then-Cochran Chapel members planned their new sanctuary

(where we worship today), descendants and friends of the church’s founders and early members were

asked to donate a narrative stained glass window to honor these special people. So quickly was the

money raised that plain stained glass windows were ordered for the remainder of the Chapel windows

to honor additional families.

Sadly, several decades ago, during a severe hail storm, most of the stained glass windows on the

south side of the Chapel were severely damaged. Some of the name plates on the plain stained glass

windows were shattered to the point they could no longer be read and there was no permanent record

of those who were honored.

Fifty years ago, Rev. Robert E. Young preached a series of sermons on the narrative windows.

Those sermons were capsulized in the booklet, Memories Live on and on by Anna Brown Baker and

Anne A. Cochran. Ms. Baker and Ms. Cochran also included interesting histories of the families


No information remains about the original cost of the windows though it is believed narrative

stained glass windows were mass-produced in the 1920’s and were relatively inexpensive. Today to

replace one window would run in the tens of thousands of dollars. And, unfortunately, no information is

available as to the artisans involved or the name of the company that created the windows.

Over the next several months we plan to include some of Cochran Chapel’s rich history in this

newsletter. We will begin with one of our beautiful narrative stained glass windows, Window #4 on the

south side of our sanctuary, where Jesus is portrayed praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. If you have

a moment, take a good look at this beautiful window with the name plate that simply reads:

Howard Cox

Mary Jane Webb Cox

Birthday Wishes

June 7 – Faith Hall

June 9 – Cheryl Clark

June 10 – Lynn Bickley

June 12 – Pam Graeser

June 24 – Sandra Hanger

June 25 – Isabella Lowry

June 25 – David Ricketts

June 26 – Dr. Russell Egelston


Board of Trustees – meets third Tuesday of the month, 6:45 PM: June 20

Chancel Choir rehearsals – meets Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, Choir Room: June 7, 14, 21, 28

Cochran Kitchen – offered last Wednesday of the month, opens 5:00 PM, Meaders Hall: June 28

Finance Committee – meets third Tuesday of the month; 6:00 PM: June 20

Knitwits – meets Tuesdays, 1:00 to 3:00 PM; Brown Bag lunch 12:00 noon. Fellowship Hall: June 6, 13, 20, 27

Potluck Lunch – offered second Sunday of the month, meets in Fellowship Hall right after Worship Service: June 11

Reading Group – meets fourth Thursday of the month, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Fellowship Hall: June 22

Special June Event – Hymn-sing, CCUMC sanctuary, 6:30 PM, refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall, June 25

Deadline for submissions for The Cochran Chronicle: Our Life Together - If you have information you would like included in

July’s newsletter, please email office@cochranchapel.org with your information or leave a hardcopy of your text in the church

office by June 25


In Our

Name the Newsletter Contest!!

As you can see our newsletter has a new name:

The Cochran Chronicle, Our Life Together

Congratulations to our two winners: Martha Dempsey and Chris Tuveng!

Pastor Jeff is looking forward to taking them for a celebratory luncheon.

Thanks to those who submitted suggestions. All the entries were so

outstanding that the meeting to determine the winner took considerably

longer than planned.

We have two winners, because two suggestions were combined.


Pastor Jeff plans to offer a Bible Study

beginning this fall. He is taking an informal

survey to learn when people are more apt to

attend. Thus far our choices are:

___Sunday afternoon/evening __Tuesday


___Thursday morning/midday

To complete the survey, go to:




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Methodist Church on Facebook,

then “Share” as exciting things


RUMOR . . .